we can get the Commandments [Music] no no [Music] we're now flying the bread in the belly of the Beast labeled as a [ __ ] but the blood of a king cursed in the city so we March in the streets Red Line Jim Crow blood in the streets Eyes Full of Tears cause my brothers came brief on the reservation sale block 13. push your many stress cause my neighborhood me make the mother slaves trade no therapy someone understand what the eyes can't see that's what that image so relaxed self-esteem that's what other prince e fought over King Christ was a black man facts guaranteed Christ it's time let's go game from the bottom now it's time for the um come on [Music] down while I study the precepts ain't no government because this ain't this ain't not doing pandemic we are ignorant to the hell we living in these times [Music] we can win if you try to do his Commandments your axes are measure with [Music] your coming go be realistic killing about your body going nowhere this is time for the come on hey game from the bottom now it's time for the hey [Music] wait [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can you tell you've been running from the truth [Music] is [Music] the [ __ ] you know they busting the shots don't bring around me [Music] runs away [Music] she angry don't bring around me [Music] should have fixed your problem foreign [Music] [Music] told you that I know what you're going through don't hate me when you see me when you see me I ain't worried about that that's love I know what you're going through foreign stand up face Jerusalem men of Israel blue trumpets foreign trumpets down this is the book of sirach chapter 36 verse boy have mercy upon us O Lord God of all and behold us and send thy fear upon all the nations that seek not after thee lift up thy hand against the strange Nations and let them see thy power as thou was Sanctified in us before them so be thou magnified among them before us and let them know thee as we have known thee that there is no God but only thou o God so new signs that make other strange wonders glorify thy hand and thy right arm that they may set forth thy wondrous Works raise up indignation and pour out wrath take away the adversary and destroy the enemy make the time short remember the Covenant and let them declare thy wonderful works let him that escaper be consumed by The Rage of the fire and let them perish that oppress the people Smite and Sun are the heads of the rulers of the Heathen that say there is none other but we gather all the tribes of Jacob together and inherit thou them as from the beginning oh Lord have mercy upon the people that is called by thy name and upon Israel whom now has named thy first born oh be merciful unto Jerusalem thy holy city the place of thy rest fill Zion With Thine unspeakable oracles and thy people with thy Glory give testimony unto those that thou has possessed from the beginning and raise up prophets that have been in thy name reward them thy wait for thee and let thy prophets be found faithful O Lord hear the prayer of thy servants according to the blessing of Aaron over thy people that all they was dwell upon the Earth may know that thou art the Lord the Eternal God Heavenly Father creator of the universe Lord we thank you for this holy convocation father we thank you for this holy Sabbath that you've given to your people as a sign for us to understand that you are our God and we are your chosen people father father we pray for those who are traveling for the battle this weekend father that they will make it to their destination safely and that the word will go forth strong father we pray for our leadership our Bishops our deacons captains officers soldiers men women and children father and those women that are with child father we pray that you make the time short and destroy our enemies father quickly and speedily father Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as it is on Earth let it be as it is in heaven let it be on earth give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from all evil father in the name of your son Jesus the Christ let the congregation say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in the name of your son Jesus the Christ we say Amen men of Israel Sons oh God patience sons of God and salute to The Honorable Daughters of Sarah we say shalom both of Christ blessed all right Shalom Israel most sign Christ blessed turn this microphone up is that possible all right thank you thank you thank you thank you Shalom is saying Christ bless um hey I'm captain johannathan all right I pray everybody is is uh safe and in the spirit in uh New Orleans in New Orleans all right I prayed it I pray that uh it's about to be a mighty a mighty battle down there all right so for the souls of our people all right um today we gonna be going over a brief history in who this man uh who these uh Jewish people are all right they come from a man named amalek of the seed of Esau of the seed of Esau all right although they've lied and lied and lied and said that they are the chosen people we're going to let the Bible speak we're going to let the Bible speak we're going to go with the word of God and no one's opinion all right so with that um let's start let's start with uh hopefully we're gonna tie it together from the Inception of this man uh through to today all right um let's start with let's start with Genesis let's start with Genesis chapter uh we're gonna start with Genesis chapter 3. the Book of Genesis chapter 3 verse 1. now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the tree of the garden all right so from the beginning of time there was a man right named Satan how do we name it name the serpent right and he was Satan he is Satan right how do we know it's a man how do we know it's a man jump down to verse uh uh jump down the verse 12 of no I'm sorry jump down the verse 14 of chapter 3. verse 14. and the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou has done this Thou Art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shall thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life and read on and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed right so there is not a man who has an eternal enmity or Eternal uh uh battle between snakes and his race these are men and the seeds of men that the Lord is describing and teaching us about all right so there will be an eternal enmity between the woman's seed right and the seed of the devil is what this is going into all right go back to where we was we're gonna read down a little bit more and then we're gonna get Revelation chapter 12 verse 9. then we're going to get into the bloodline verse 2. and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the Trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God had said ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it lest he die and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die for God doth know that in the day he eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as Gods knowing Good and Evil all right so let's get let's get Revelations chapter 12. let's get Revelations chapter 12. let's establish that this serpent is the devil this serpent is the devil it's a lot of opinions going on right now who's right who's wrong who do we listen to do we not uh listen to but one thing is for sure and one thing is very very clear especially now more so than ever um who's lying who's lying all right um you know there's a there's people the seed of the devil uh is constantly playing the victim about everything but somehow has power and control over the narrative all right we're going to get into that too uh the brother Yi or yay he posted a video I think it was a it was an Instagram the the interview he did it was Instagram right he posted a a video and he showed a graphic it was a graph of uh media controlled by Jewish zionists right that's those so-called uh Jews of today he posted he posted a uh he posted a graphic of it do we got that graphic you okay so he posted a graphic we're gonna get that next but we want to get the hold on hold on we want to get um Revelations first but he posted a graphic that shows that media is controlled by the Jewish the Jewish uh uh uh population right and the importance of that or significance of that is because he's being painted in a certain light the brother is being paid in a certain light our people are being painted in a certain light and what is truth is being told by these same people right so these are the people that's in control of what's said the narrative and what the world sees right let's read that real fast The Book of Revelation chapter 12 verse 9. and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent so the Bible says that Dragon right was cast out that old serpent that old serpent so the Lord tells us about this serpent he calls it oh why because we haven't seen it we haven't seen the devil as a serpent since the Book of Genesis we haven't seen him as a snake since the Book of Genesis so today a lot of things are are ambiguous a lot of things are hidden uh uh for the prophets to unfold for the people in these last days all right so that old serpent we're gonna hopefully get into his family line his bloodline his lineage and you're going to see plainly who this old serpent who is the devil actually is all right okay I read that again and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world was cast out into the Earth and his angels were cast out with him so it says this old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world this is what brother yay was trying to show us this is what brother yay was trying to show to people this is what he was trying to show us most of our people most most everybody only understand what TV tells you and if TV is controlled by one that lies who's telling the truth if all you hear is lies all you got to pick from is lies or another lie that's all you have to choose from all right so this is what yay was trying to show us let's show that graphic real fast just so that we got some image for how this man this serpent was able to deceive the entire world let's show this so it says who controls your mind wow okay I never read that that heading up there it says who controls your mind can we blow that up I want to make it clear for the people I want to make it clear for the people to see online all right so you look at this graphic all let's see CEO Jim Giana uh however you say it William fi these are the people and the red if I'm not mistaken the red are all the Jewish people that controls uh these mainstream media Outlets turn my mic up they say my mic is low online turn my mic up all right is that better is that better let me know is that is that what are they saying is it better all right so all these all these networks and these are made let's see Century Fox owns Fox News 20th 20th Century Fox National Geo damn National Geographic wow they lying on the animals goodness gracious ABC entertainment ABC News ABC Family Associated Press Cartoon Network Cartoon Network you got to be kidding me Walt Disney Company tuner broadcasting Sony Pictures uh uh the list goes on Facebook listen these people own everything as far as where we get informed from where we get our information from right who tells the story who depicts The Narrative who directs the narrative it's all controlled by one group of people one group of people and if if if if that's not controversial enough you know [ __ ] how honest can any Monopoly be how honest can any Monopoly be right but let's go back let's uh you can drop that all right so let's go back and let's get into this uh this history right of this man who he is all right let's jump down to let's go to Genesis chapter uh let me see let me get Genesis chapter chapter four we're gonna try to walk through it now let's go back to Genesis chapter three got to establish it I'm trying I want to skip through it because it's a lot here but I want to kind of jump through it let's go back to Genesis chapter three Genesis chapter 3 verse five nope go jump down to 13 for me verse 13. and the Lord God said unto the woman what is this that thou Hast done and the woman said the serpent beguiled me and I did eat and the Lord God said unto the serpent now remember now remember that serpent is the devil that served even even today right we read in the Book of Revelations in the newest of New Testament right we read in the Book of Revelations that the serpent is the devil and Satan right and this same serpent that we read about in the beginning in the garden is that serpent still using the same tactic still exhibiting the same spiritual attributes of lying of lies of deceiving of being cunning right yeah redoing and the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou has done this Thou Art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field so this is the most high God responding to this evil to this deception to this liar right matter of fact we will wait for it remind me to get uh was it uh Psalms 58 soon as he come out remind me to get that so yeah is that it 58 yeah yeah remind me to remind me to come back to that all right uh but go ahead redoing and above every beast of the field uh-huh upon thy belly shall thou go now remember this is a man this is not a snake God created every creature and he created everything uh everything correctly man took it upon themselves to go evil to do evil to manipulate to lie to deceive right go ahead read on and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life meaning meaning what this man the seed of this man was always meant to be on the bottom was always meant to be on the the the the to be nothing always this is always the way it's been and this was before I had an opinion or you had an opinion it just is what it is right go ahead and I will put enmity between thee and the woman huh and between thysses the Lord will put hatred between the devil and this man's seed go ahead and between thy seed and her seat and her seed the seed of the chosen the seed of the line of Adam go ahead it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel so it says it shall bruise thy head and he shall bruise thy Hill right what is that talking about let's get that real fast um I want second Ezra's though I don't I don't want to let's see a second as with six it's like six and eight six and nine yeah go ahead the book of second Ezra chapter 6 and verse 8. and he said unto me from Abraham unto Isaac when Jacob and Esau were born of him when who when Jacob and Esau were born of Hell Jacob's hand held first the hill of Esau so what we're seeing here because this where we read about the garden this is what's called the anti-diluvian time period right meaning it there was a flood and you would think seemingly everybody except everybody except Noah Shem ham and japheth were killed in the flood so where are these Bloodlines today where are these people today where are these spirits today right so when we read here in second estrus chapter six After the flood post the flood we're seeing that the same the same uh uh uh uh signs the same uh uh uh what do you call same verbiage is being used to describe a certain people a certain man and a certain dynamic between two Bloodlines right read it again and he sent it to me from Abraham unto Isaac when Jacob and Esau were born of him Jacob's hand held first the heel of Esau right for Esau it's the end of the world for Esau is what it's the end of the world and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth right so what we're seeing in the Earth today and why this man controls the narrative and uh seeks to lie and deceive the world is because he understands this he understands that you so-called blacks you so-called Hispanics you so-called Native Americans are to inherit the Earth as it was created for you from the beginning he understands that he knows his history they read all right and they have never went into slavery and been killed for speaking their language and reading their records and acknowledging themselves as their bloodline that's never happened to them they've never been in slavery it has never happened right the children take in and sold to another people and given to a different Heritage and culture that has never happened to uh the so-called Jewish Community right uh read on for Esau it's the end of the world and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth so it says Esau is the end of the world and Jacob where are we at hold on and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth this is what they understand so to keep hold of the the their Kingdom right to keep hold of it they must lie they must exhibit the same uh uh attributes that got them the world to begin with trying to deceive you blacks Hispanics and Native Americans from understanding Who You Are from understanding what your purpose is and and who's who and what's what so he employs the same tactics that he always has to lie and deceive and he's done this from the beginning from the beginning that is the enmity between us and those people right lies deceit we don't harm anybody but what they say we do harm people the Bible says Thou shalt not kill in fact that is the Judgment that this man has yet to pay for all the blood the murder the robbing the stealing all that he when has he ever paid for this when is he ever let's get matter of fact Revelations you know what I want Revelations 13. and 10. Revelations 13 and 10. these are the laws of God there's nothing we can do to change that there's nothing we can your opinions don't change your feelings don't change it God established laws he established righteousness anybody to go against it will die go ahead Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 10. go ahead he that leadth into captivity so go into captivity and what you'll understand what you'll come to find right is that the Jewish hand would create played a great part in the slavery of the blacks Hispanics and Native Americans who are the true Jews that's been proven that's we can prove it on and on and on and on and on but unless you know the facts unless you know the history you won't you'll be confused right read it again hear you that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he's that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword the Bible says he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword what is he talking about what is the Lord talking about this is Jesus of Christ uh uh speaking here so he says he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword these are the judgments of God this is not just two angry people having a conversation these are the same judgments that if we kill with the sword so shall we be killed with the sword these are the judgments of God but for some reason when it comes to a certain people namely those who control the narrative those who have been deceivers and Liars from the beginning of their time from the beginning of time period right they they for some reason they escape the judgments of God everybody else pays except them everybody else pays except for them everybody is doing such great evils to them and they are doing no evil to anybody else they talk they call it a Palestinians terrorists y'all seen I saw an article I saw an article uh where they blamed the rise of terrorism of the Palestinians in Jerusalem on yay and the bhi the Black Hebrew Israelite can we can you Google that uh article see if you can Google that article real fast I was reading that last last night I said this is getting uh this is getting real reminiscent this is get the double and he's showing his hand he's showing himself he's showing himself see if you can find that real fast but they they blame the rise of and they call it terrorism not retaliation not defense not even though the Palestinians ain't supposed to be in that land neither right um or they don't have rights to the land they are supposed to be there because uh we need to come back to keeping the laws of God uh and take before he Christ gives us our rightful land but neither of them have right to the land any more right to the land than the other all right so find that why are you looking for that did you find it let me see what you got let me see what you got okay watch yeah I don't remember seeing this picture says what we're watching who's to blame for Kanye uh no no no no no it's it's no it's It's You Gotta Type in uh you got to search uh terrorism Palestinian terrorism in Jerusalem you gotta you gotta look at that or uh Google that it was in my timeline I should have saved it I wasn't thinking about it for class today but um yeah you gotta look at and yeah they're blind this this one black guy who came here in slavery just like all these other black people for some reason has the power to manipulate an entire people who also hates him into terrorizing another entire nation who also hates him it makes no sense at all this is it's getting ridiculous it's getting ridiculous but the Lord said that he would deceive the whole world so you know he's showing you exactly what the Lord said give me that he will make the Lord will make their tongue to fall on them so now the whole world is now able to see the spirit of Satan on one nation of people yes sir The Book of Psalms chapter 64 verse 8. so they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves right so we know all their lies and all their attempts to destroy and to smear and to uh slander everybody who stands against or or has the inclination that no they're lying no this man is lying no this man is bloody no this man is the terrorist no this man is the thief no this man is the liar then they start a a smear campaign and now it's getting really ridiculous it's getting really really really ridiculous they have the power to take billions from a man in less than a week for not breaking any laws but this man has the power to send one nation against another Nation to terrorize one or the other it makes no sense at all stupid as hell right um where we at was that it on that yes sir all right um go back to Revelations read that again let me know when you find it oh go ahead go ahead put it on I want where they St the one where they talking about yay and the rise of bhi is the reason man I should have saved that thing I was trying to study okay all right that's what you want to look for though those that verbiage they they blaming they're blaming the the terrorism that's happening to supposedly happening to them on BHS right anyway re-revelations again Revelation chapter 13 verse 10 he that leadeth into captivity so go into captivity this is what Christ says this is the king the Lord Lord of lords he says he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity what is that called that's not called evil that's called Justice that's called righteousness that's called judgment that's what that's called Everybody Must face it Everybody Must face it hold that actually get Revelations 21 I mean 22 and and 12. 22 every man gonna face judgment everybody everybody but for some reason when it comes to that white man so-called for some reason for some reason he don't face judgment neither does he have to go ahead Revelation chapter 22 verse 12 and behold I come quickly and my reward is with me thank you to give every man according as his work shall be that's good I'll read it real fast thank you read that again I'm sorry verse 12 and behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be right so the Lord Our Savior he's coming back and he's going to reward and repay every single man according to what they've done in this earth this is Bible this ain't me this ain't you this is Bible there's nothing either of us can do to change any of it this is Bible when Christ come if you have been found the the thief of man you will become the servant you will become the slave of men that's the Judgment that's the recompense of God to such sins to such evils if you've been a murderer Christ is going to murder you he's going to kill you he's going to judge you and the judgment will be death it's not murder murder is evil he's going to judge you and he's going to judge you according to your Works which was murder which was killing which was death all right um all right go back read Revelations 12 one more time so we don't forget the thought Revelation chapter 13 verse 10 yeah he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he let killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword the Bible says he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword these are the judgments of God was that it here is the patient and the faith of the Saints this and this is with every believer on Christ every servant of the Lord real servant of the Lord this is what their faith is no man will escape judgment including the Jewish uh so-called Jewish Community they will not they would not Escape judgment neither will their children Escape judgment all right go back to where we was it was a Genesis yeah go back to Genesis the Book of Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15. uh-huh and I will put enmity between thee and the woman so we read about this enmity right or the works or fruits of this enmity um in Revelations just now we read about some of it or the Judgment of some of it who led our people into captivity who came and colonized calling themselves conquistadors or conquerors right Jesuits um Christian priests Puritans who destroyed and colonized uh millions millions of how many millions was it in the islands Millions upon me definitely more than six million definitely more than six million of the Native Americans here in the in this country and through the islands of Hispaniola uh in the 1400s who killed them who conquered and colonized them who did that so that man must pay this this is the enmity between this man seed and the seed of Adam and the seed of of of of the chosen that will be forever go ahead and between thy seed and her seed it so bruised thy head and thou shall bruise his heel right s meaning meaning after his rule the law if the Lord will re-establish the true uh rulers of this Earth which is the chosen line which is the line of Adam all right um jump that uh let me see jump down to no let's drop that okay now let's go to let's go to oh you found it okay go ahead play the video real quick so the article I'm sorry right so check this out so it says how anti-semitic rhetoric rhetoric is impacting Jewish communities how anti-submit Semitic rhetoric is impacting Jewish communities and this little trigger words in here like this to to uh confuse and deceive the masses they know it's nothing you can do even Christ go to um Matthews 24. Christ said listen if it were all possible this would deceive even the very elect right so those who are not studying those who are not uh uh praying those who are not applying the laws of God some will be deceived most will be most will be deceived this is the same tactic this is the same spirit that has always been on this man from the beginning of creation to lie so he says how anti-Semitic rhetoric is impacting Jewish communities and what to do about it all right go ahead I don't think this is it but go ahead it says the rapper okay so it says go ahead can you see it yes sir okay go ahead the rapper yay formerly known as Kanye West cast a bright Spotlight on the h o problem of anti-Semitism in recent weeks with this offensive remarks implying other excuse me inspiring other demonstrations of hate and stoking fears among the Jewish Community yay's promotion of anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracy theories dead conspiracy theories that's funny hey hold that real fast let me connect because I don't I don't I keep hearing these certain words right and everybody says the same thing like they're all the same mouth right let me see let's can we um Define tropes I want to Define tropes and I want to Define um rhetoric too I know what rhetoric mean but in case somebody else don't but tropes I want to I want to really Define that I know it's going into the same thing uh or you know slander but uh yeah look let me let's look that up tropes everybody's saying the exact same words it's crazy so it says hey go ahead read that blow it up for me a little bit Trope a word or expression used in a figurative sense figure of speech okay so that okay read the b b a common or overused theme or device right so what okay so what I'm getting here is they're calling it figurative let's say we go with definition a so the things that are being said we we're the Jews we can't be anti-semitic we're the shimites where does sure sure as many uh uh shemetic people that's true we're one of them how can we be anti ourselves it makes no s it makes no sense that is not a Trope that we are the real Jews we are the real Jews right we're not anti-semitic that is a trope that is a trope especially in its truest sense in the by its own definition that is a Trope for you you saying that is rhetoric uh that when yay said um we are the blood of Christ when ye said we are the the uh the the real Jews those are not tropes that's facts by Blood not Spirit by Blood go ahead uh uh all right go back to the article so that's Trope okay so they're trying to say that it's it's a it's a word expression use in a figurative in a figure go back real fast I'm sorry real fast so a word or expression used in a figurative sense as though it's like his opinion this is just an opinion of yay or this is just an opinion uh of of a a new trend in the earth to to smear the okay so I get where they're coming from with that and they they slimy man they slimy and then they tell everybody all their all their media all the media they control use the exact same words the exact same words the exact same words ain't that called witchcraft yeah no I haven't I haven't but it that yeah but it didn't B says definition B says a common or overused theme or device as though this is something that's being said divisively to the end that everybody starts to terrorize these poor Jews who has the means to fight for themselves who has the means to raise up an army for themselves a a army to physically cause harm which they have done in which they they do all the same Weaponry that that the United States has so do they have the same weaponry the exact same weapon there you have was that 35 uh billion what is it 35 million or 35 billion dollar F-35 it's a billion dollar jet yeah they got all of those nobody has those just them in America and maybe I think a couple other allies or whatever but for some reason they're the victim what what Army what what means to protect them physically protect ourselves do our people have the blacks Hispanics and Native Americans none we have no means we have no might in our hands to protect or defend ourselves none none but the victim is somehow the strong one of the strongest Nations on Earth wow can't make this up um where else are we at bro you wanted Matthew 24 sir yeah let's get Matthews 24. y'all need to understand the lies that's going to come from and they ain't he just getting started he is just getting started this is going to get worse and worse and worse his lives are going to get worse and worse and worse his attempts are going to get worse and worse and worse go ahead Matthew chapter 24 verse 24 for there shall arise false Christ and false prophets and so so great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they so deceived the very elect right so the false Christ and the false prophets are those who would have the means and power to control a narrative beyond what you've beyond what you can plainly see in the scriptures uh uh these false price false prophets false Christ uh uh would be able to tell you what the Bible is saying is not what it's saying God is not who he is um uh uh a person that's terrorizing the world that's terrorizing you is it he this man would be able to tell you you're the terrorist you're the terrorist this brother yay right I if we talking about if we're talking about in modern in modern day if we're talking about a a multi uh try not to use big words if we're talking about a multi-dynamic uh attack this brother yay has been through far more than he can ever put them through he's been through far more by their hands than he can ever than he has the power to ever put them through who's lost two over over two billion dollars in less than a week and have done nothing have not done any broken any laws committed any crimes who who who has that happened to I get gambling and people make Bad Business decisions things like that but no this man was punished this way and somehow he's the terrorist and you have people scratching their head like okay is he is he right is he wrong whoa what's keeping him if he has all this power from doing the same thing that to them that he's doing to that they're doing to him it makes no sense however if you are not studying if you're not praying if you're not applying the laws of God you'll be deceived you'll be deceived Common Sense won't be common all right um of course we read that again verse 24 for their shall arise false Christ and false prophets and shall sow great signs and wonders and so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect right these are talking about the lies right um okay go back Genesis chapter 3 and verse 16. and then after that we're going we're going to get into his uh get into that bloodline all right go ahead unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception and sorrow thou shall bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband all right that's good right there all right so now jump to Genesis chapter four Genesis chapter 4 verse one Genesis chapter 4 verse one and Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived so now we're going to get into that seed that the Lord talked about where there will be enmity between us or the seed of the righteous the seed of the woman and the Wicked the seed of the serpent the devil Satan all right go ahead and bear Kay and said I've gotten a man from the Lord and she again bear his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of sheep but Cain was a tiller of the ground and in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought up the fruit of the ground and offering unto the Lord and Abel so what is what is what does that mean what does that mean that there was a law there was a law where do they get this from they got this from their father and their mother the same people who you get understanding of how what to do what not to do all right your heritage all right I just want to put that there because um for some reason this is very deep and and thick crust of a a stupid story of just people running around naked and they just kind of just beating their chest and you know behaving like chimpanzees and not really understanding how to live what Society is you know wisdom have got nothing so the Cain and Abel were taught by their parents the laws of God that's why they that's how it is that they understood how to do what's called sacrifice to the Lord all right go ahead read on and in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought us the fruit of the ground and offering unto the Lord and Abel he also brought up the firstlings of his flock and of the fact thereof uh and so it says and of the fact thereof meaning what the best the best thereof so if you if we're reading the contract yes some sacrifices were of of uh uh the herb of the ground but the Lord made a distinction there in their sacrifices and their offerings and he named Abel's offering the fat of his off the fat of his cattle the fat of his kind right meaning the best the best of it okay read on and the Lord had respect unto Abel and so it says for this the Lord had respect unto Abel respect unto Abel let's get wisdom of Solomon no I'm sorry so rock give me some rock uh uh 46. and 14. so rock 46 and 14. the book of sirach chapter 46 verse 14. by the law of the Lord right he judged the congregation and the Lord had respect unto Jacob right so it says by the law by the law read it again by the law of the Lord he judged the congregation and the Lord had respect unto Jacob so by the law of the Lord he judged the congregation meaning he teached the congregation who of Jacob that's why he that's why it is that he has respect unto Jacob we behave as we were taught to behave the the the seed of Jacob were given the law statues and Commandments of God therefore the Lord has respect unto Jacob unto Israel so when we read and go back to Genesis chapter 4 Genesis chapter 4 verse 3. excuse me verse 4. and Abel he also brought up the first Links of his flock and of the fat thereof and of the fat thereof so we're not just reading uh about people who just uh that roaming around like apes just stumbling through the way and some for some reason the Lord said you know what I like the way he acts better let me let me flip a coin and whoever you know Kane got heads and and Abel got Tails no there were laws established the wisdom of God was established from the beginning of time I know Christianity has taught us to be very stupid and not study uh uh however the wisdom of God was from the beginning it was from the beginning we were not running around naked with a straw skirts on right dangling it out and all that wasn't we wasn't doing that we had the wisdom of God we were the first and original establishment of society all right um read on and the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering but I'd say Cain and to his offering he had not respect so what is the Bible telling you that Cain was not keeping the law Cain was not keeping the law so I'm so he was not one was doing what his father told him to do one was not they were both taught the same thing by the same man and woman okay these are the children of Adam and Eve they were taught the same laws that the lord gave them from the beginning all right read on what verse was that verse five okay good but that's okay and to his offering he had not respect he didn't respect it why because he wasn't keeping the law his offering was not the law his offering was was uh clearly the worst of everything that he had the worst of his uh uh uh uh crops the worst of everything go ahead and Cain was very rough and his countenance failed so he was he done evil and he mad because the Lord the Lord called him on his evil what did it mean the Lord didn't have respect on on uh on on uh on Cain what happens if what happens if we don't keep the laws of God what are we going to do give me that um the rain there should be no rain Zechariah give me that in Zechariah what does it mean that that that uh what was Kane mad about why was he so angry was it just the Lord came down it's like you know what I like you and and Cain had to sit on the outside where they joke and drink tea and no no Kane he wasn't blessed he wasn't blessed whereas in Abel was a was abundant you find it yes sir hey get read it the book of Zechariah Chapter 14 verse 17. read and it shall be that whoso will not come up of all the families of the Earth come on unto Jerusalem to worship the king the Lord of hosts even upon them shall be no Ray so Cain was rough because he was not blessed why because he was evil he was doing evil he did not resp he did not uh uh obey the laws of God so he was not blessed and now he met he done evil and he's mad for it he's mad because just but watch what the Lord tell him watch this go ahead read on uh verse 18. no no I'm sorry back in Genesis yes sir Genesis chapter 4 and verse six yeah and the Lord said unto Cain uh-huh why art thou wrong he said why are you why are you mad what you he said he said why are you mad you know plainly you understand plainly uh what the law says you understand plainly you understand plainly you understand plainly uh uh uh what you're commanded to do what you're told to do right go ahead and Kane was very wrong and it's counting as Phil and the Lord sent it to Cain who are the white or thou Roth and why is that counting it's falling why are you looking mad go ahead if thou doest well shall them not be accepted it says if you do well will you not be accepted meaning what the Lord will bless you the Lord will give you rain he will increase your crops he will increase your your abundance your Prosperity he'll he will he will do that that's you being accepted or respected of the lord it's that simple read-on and if thou doest not well if you don't do well if you sin go ahead sin layeth at the door sin lies at your door and what comes with sin the judgments of it we just read the Judgment of of of uh of sin not worshiping the father meaning keeping his Commandments doing what he said do as he said do it that so so the the the the nature of this man it doesn't matter he'd do evil he do if he do evil if he do uh murder if he do uh thievery if he do rape if he do robbery no matter what he does if he's punished of the Lord for it he's mad as though he did some right as though he did some some good some righteousness anything that the Lord said for him to do go ahead and not to thee shall be his desire it says and unto thee shall be his desire read it read it from the top if thou doest well shall thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door it says in sin lieth at the door sin lieth at the door sin lieth at the door earlier we read that this serpent is the old serpent from the from the from the garden and we read that there will be enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the devil now we read and read it again if thou do as well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door now it says sin lieth at your door okay and not to thee shall be his desire he says and unto thee shall be his desire and unto thee where do we read that before go back to Genesis 3 and 16. is that it with the woman uh yeah 316. 14. it's one of those I think it's 16. Genesis chapter 3 verse 16. unto the woman he said right I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception in sorrow thou shall bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee so it whoever you would whoever you follow is whose spirit that you have that's the husband just another another word for husband is Just Master like we are the the the the the the bride of Christ that is our master that is our Lord read it again in verse uh in uh chapter four and then you know what give me um John 8 because Christ says something very very uh exponential about that he said something real profound about that um about that that point there right whoever you follow that's that's your desire Point Blank period if your desires to live your desires to murder if your desire is to slander if all these things are your desire how is it that the you the people of God you're not the people of God you're the people of the devil that's who you are right go ahead Genesis chapter 4 verse seven and thou do as well so thou not be accepted accepted of the Lord if you do well meaning keep the Commandments of God will God not accept you good and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door uh-huh and I said thee shall be his desire watch this go to John 8 and 34. go to John 8 and 34. this is the Book of John chapter 8 and verse 34. Jesus answered them verily verily I say unto you whosoever commit of sin is the servant of sin right so Christ is saying the same thing to the Pharisees right now whosoever committed sin is the servant to that sin unto thee shall be his desire the nature and the things of of the devil if you want to serve the devil that's who's that's who your lord is if you want to do if you just if you if you want to sin then all your desires to the Lord I mean it's to the devil if righteousness the Commandments the laws of God is which is the is the apple of your eye is your Delight is your pleasure it's what you do then the Lord is your uh the Lord is your good God your master your lord go ahead go back no read that again read that again and I think it's a little bit more let me get there with you you sir Jesus answered them verily verily I say unto you whosoever commit of sin is the servant of sin right so whoever committeth sin is the servant of sin that your your master is the devil if you are a liar your master is the devil now let's get Psalms 58 and 4. Sir is it three three read that The Book of Psalms chapter 58 and verse 3. the wicked are estranged from the womb they go as straight as soon as they be born speaking lies speaking what speaking loss speaking lies now the entire world is able to see they could they say we murder people they say we where's the other where's the proof let me forget give me the article put that article up there that off to Coyote sent you just now no no no no no it's yeah not an article I'm sorry it's a telegram yeah put that video put that video up there I mean that um keeps saying it dang put that post up there um second to last video thank you talk about tropes these are tropes extremely dangerous to our democracy it's not a video oh yeah yeah but yeah I want you got to read the um I want it was red though but no we gotta show we gotta show that too a little bit you know what I mean we should have started off with some of that footage man I know it again man we gonna keep playing it too we're gonna keep playing it we're going to keep playing it because because guess what our people need something to Aspire to our people never seen nothing like this from us from from there by us I mean their own people all we know all we know how to do is get together in wickedness in sin uh all right um are you able to play it while uh while we read it because I think you'll have to scroll up so look at this the mighty Captain shim God's Army right here now what's the violence where's the violence where's the violence what's the what's the what's the the violent nature in some of us used to be in the club not no more why because what's going on in the clubs whoremongering adultery right lion murder these are the things that's going on in in in the club debauchery that's a good word for what goes on in the club some of us used to be in the club not no more not no more we take care of our wives and our children too what's wrong what's the evil about that what is the evil about that unless it is that you have the desire that we always stay on the bottom that we always hate all women hate our children hate ourselves hate the thought of us ever being something greater or better than a Slave something you you hate the thought that we're better than uh uh gang members murderers thieves and impoverished people with no hope all right okay all right all right so okay okay all praise all right all right so let's read it you got sent it to him then can we can we do it like that just send it to me you can't pull the telegram all right all right you gotta download the video and then play it so you don't have the telegram account up okay yeah so play the we can play it's fine if we play the video but you just don't have to read it from your phone just read the text while that's playing from your phone and I want some I want y'all to consider really think about it where's the evil and we didn't make that post we didn't make that they made that post media the media the mainstream Media made that post all right and the narrative or the tropes that they use against us are of violence are of we're we're violent we're a hate group we are um uh uh anti-Semitic all lies are we can we do it am I asking for too much all right I just want to play the video and you read it all right he's not ready all right read the read the um because I don't want to repeat it read that one read that garbage one time list the allegations against this is the not allegations these are the tropes these are the tropes against us the lies the divisive lies against us right the opinions against us and mind you this is their example of us being violent this is the narrative or this is what they want to have you believe it's us being violent are we go ahead play it some of us used to be in the club so it says something the the the what we chant all right if some of us used to be in the club not no more why because we've repented we've changed our lives according to the Bible thou shall not kill we don't kill thou shall not steal we don't steal thou should not commit adultery we do not commit adultery all the laws of God are what we exhibit and what we uh uh chant what we practice what we study all the laws of God is what we're about that's why on video all you can post are videos of us uh protesting evil with the word of God that's all you can post how is that anti-semitic except those who are calling themselves the only shimites are actually doing evil uh go ahead read the read the the um the the what they post it with this uh with this video it says the anti-semitic group bhi it says the anti-semitic group bhi Black Hebrew Israelites right and listen I gotta say I know it's been said a lot but apparently it still needs to be said there is no Black Hebrew Israelites we are the Israelites we are the Israelites not black we not the black ones we not the we are the Israelites we're not Israeli we are the Israelites that's what we are that's who we are and some of us are not black some of us are not dark-skinned some of us are not so what is the what is the because the reason why I say that is because when they say bhi they include you um you his you you you Hispanic brothers and sisters also and some of you are very light I'm lighter than my brothers some of them some of my brothers are lighter than me we're all different shades so when they say bhi that's a trope that is a Trope can we put Trope definition back up again I like that that's anti-Semitic that's anti-Semitic that is very un um Torah like then the scripture say thou shall not let me get that no lion stop lying um uh Exodus 20 and levitic and then get Leviticus 19. and so it says Trope a word or expression used in a figurative sense in a figurative sense that that's a trope you definitely ain't accurate calling us bhi you definitely not accurate calling us anti-submittee that's a Trope a common or overused theme or device that's a thing that's a device you you use to slander us to put all the masses against one group of people who have done no evil who have done no evil and to continue to continue to confuse another people that's a trope bhi is a Trope you the Jewish Community calling uh the the real Israelites Black Hebrew Israelites is a trope go ahead yo the Lord said he would make your own tongue to fall on you okay the book of Exodus chapter 20 and verse 16. thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor the Bible say thou shall not bear false witness thou shall not bear false witness was that it on that yes sir go not get Leviticus The Book of Leviticus chapter 19 verse 11. ye shall not steal neither deal falsely neither lie one to another which this man is guilty of all three this man is guilty of all three and the problem the problem is the problem is uh uh his pride had him to expect that we would never read that we would never wake up that our people the real Israelites the blacks Hispanics and Native Americans would never read this Bible for themselves would never be able to find themselves in this Bible as the Israelites that's Pride that is that's that's that's that's Pride whether or not we are the Israelites you are in fact the liar you are in fact a thief you are in fact the deceiver from the beginning that's who you are that's who you be like the Bishops say right um where are we at let's go back to the Bible I'm gonna finish reading that uh that Slanders from the article oh yeah yeah finish the article yeah I'm sorry yes sir so it says the anti-semitic group bhi is gaining momentum in the United States it's gaining momentum you know what that mean they're watching they're watching and and and why so intently because it's one thing to to it's one thing to watch and it's another thing or it's one thing to see and it's another thing to watch it's one thing to see and it's another thing to observe and the reason why they're resorting to lies and deception uh to the masses right because we just read out of the words of Christ out of the mouth of Christ that the elect will not be deceived so why is it important so important to lie to the masses so that those who have not woken up will continue to to die our people that have not waken up to who they are the real Israelites the the Jews they'll say of the Lord will continue to die as Negroes Hispanics Indians it's called damage control because he understands that his days are numbered his time his kingdom the days of his kingdom is numbered the days of his lies and deception is numbered not at the prophets of God are back on the earth and teaching the people thus say of the Lord thus say of the Lord not opinions not theology not um uh rhetoric but thus say of the Lord all right where we at their ranks include radical haters of Jews so it says their ranks meaning their members include radical hey look up radical for me sir radical haters of Jews that they're not they're not Jews they're not Jews why you look that up hold on oh yep so all right so radical one of relating to or proceeding from a root what are we reading from right up I don't see Merriam-Webster Marion Webster Merriam Webster dictionary radical one of relating to or proceeding from a root such as a of growing from the root of a plant that's not what they mean but go ahead two growing from the base of a stem from a root like stem or from a stem that does not rise above the ground B of relating to or constituting yes we don't want none of that just scroll down scroll down scroll down scroll down lord of Mercy all right yeah three three and we want we want all for those right here all right three very different from the usual or traditional extreme it says very different from the usual or traditional and this is considered extreme extreme uh jump down the verse I mean jump down to D just so that we understand why they're calling these things extreme and then we can see through all these um big words right very different from usual or traditional right jump down to d d advocating Extreme Measures to retain or restore a political State of Affairs right so what this is all going into is politics politics these are the thing the tropes that's used against anybody that um fights against the majority or the traditional rulers and this this world is the world of the Wicked This kingdom is the kingdom of the wicked so anything going against it with righteousness is the enemy of this Kingdom give me that in job 9 24. The Book of Job chapter 9 verse 24. go ahead the Earth is given into the hand of the wicked he covereth the faces of the judges thereof so that's what we see in here that's why these men who who are teaching on the streets teaching the people pull your pants up sisters cover yourselves stop being whoremongers stop behaving do not commit adultery stop killing each other raise your children right marry these women marry the woman that you lay down with marry her women close your legs until you are married these men are considered radical wow why because the established uh rule is the wicked and they always want you on the bottom they always want you killing each other they always want you lying to each other deceiving each other robbing each other that's what they always want that's why the brother put the picture back up the little video back up if y'all got another one put that up too but the video that's why that's why something as as bless something as positive as brothers uh showing a a an example to the community to our community to the people who are supposedly the the the gangsters the the evil the criminals the thugs the showing them put all that down put the guns down get yourselves in order according to God stop robbing each other stop hating yourself stop hating each other this is considered extreme and radical why because you always supposed to be individuals hating yourselves and hating each other you were never supposed to unify like this you were never to rise up as one nation never that's why this is radical to the wicked that's why you are the example of the righteous on Earth from the beginning and what they see is the Awakening of what was said all the way back in Genesis chapter 3. um where we at it says their ranks include radical haters of Jews radical haters we the Jews what give hold that get um go Wikipedia the term Jew the term Jew or Jew the yeah Jewish Jew term or something like that just Wicked Wikipedia Jew all right let me see let me see so it says uh uh I just want the points a lot of stupid stuff in here I just want the point um all right now I want where it said where it gives you okay just just go out Google back out of this let me see what it says no in the search no I want that too that's that's because the people need the people need to see what y'all gonna find out right the people need to see that that term Jew you you you you are Jewish you need to see what it means our people we we destroy for a lack of knowledge so most of our people don't have an opinion but the one that somebody give them because they don't have any understanding for themselves so that term Jew it has a meaning it's not just something that some some people somewhere are caught no it has a meaning and the reason why it's important to understand it is because that that meaning it is attributed to a bloodline not somebody's opinion not just a term or a catchphrase or something that a per that a people was coined by no it's that's a people that's a race of people all right and that race of people are our people that's not rhetoric that's not my opinion that's the Bible but um let's get it real fast not I didn't say Jewish I said Jew the term Jew wow yeah they working boy uh go go back go go out of this let me see support here uh what was that uh what was that term that they used to describe us they said that we are uh the definition was extreme what was that what was that word radical radical all right so remember the scriptures say the things that were written before time were written for our learning it's not the first time that the people that have us in slavery call us radical it's not the first time at all let's get a scripture real quick go to Esther go to the rest of Esther chapter 13. if you don't have enough if you don't have an Apocrypha make sure that you get one of these because it's going to show you that the things that's happening to us today here in America there are new things they aren't new things the same way the so-called white man will dig up evil and go back to ancient Egypt and bring the oblique back here they're going to do the same thing with some of the wicked habits that some of these other rulers have had so uh go to Esther chapter 13 read verse 4. and we're going to read about Bhai we're going to read about black identity extremists but it was just called something different in ancient times verse 4. the Book of Esther chapter 13 verse 4. declared unto us that in all nations throughout the world there will scatter a certain malicious people they call us a malicious people a malicious people is a dangerous people who are we dangerous to keeping God's Commandments the Bible says Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not commit adultery so how can we be malicious right that had laws contrary to All Nations and that's the issue that they have with us that we have laws contrary to their loss their laws say it's okay for a man to run up in another man's behind our laws say the opposite so they call us radical because the standard that's been created in this Society is evil so whenever the standard is evil we're automatically going to be called radical we don't and continually despise the Commandments of Kings so as the uniting of our kingdoms honorably intended by us cannot go forward they know that their Kingdom can't go forward as long as we're teaching righteousness because their standard is evil seeing then we understand that this people alone is continually in opposition we're in continual opposition to evil right unto all men differing in the strange manner of their laws that's it right there they say that our laws are strange because our laws teach righteousness and their laws follow their God which is Satan teaches evil finish that up and evil effect to our state working all the Mischief they can that our kingdom may not be firmly established so even back then they called us radical black identity extremists this is nothing new that's absolutely right this is that that old serpent this is no new uh narrative this is no new narrative uh the Lord said they will be sworn enemies of the righteous sworn enemies all right um what was we at oh pull that up real fast the image it's too much here it's only 30 minutes it's only it's way too much here all right go ahead so it says I'll read it it says uh the term Jew is what I searched it it's what I searched on Google it says the English term Jew originates in the Biblical Hebrew word yahudi meaning from the kingdom of Judah from the kingdom of Judah all right so it says the word Jew comes from the kingdom of Judah so Jew will be a term of a people of the kingdom of Judah that's where the term comes from it's not a a catch phrase or or a coin phrase this is a race of people this is an ethnicity of people and they are not that ethnicity the Jewish Community is not that ethnicity all right um let's get back into it let's get into the ethnicity as fast as possible um all right let's go ahead where's we at Genesis um with Genesis chapter and verse I want to go to 17 now because I want to kind of um go through the Covenant go through the covenants we're just going to skip through a little bit I want to go from Abraham to all the way to Jacob you want Genesis 17. yeah Genesis 17 started for the Book of Genesis chapter 17 and verse 4. as for me behold my Covenant is with thee and thou shalt be a father of many nations neither shall thy name anymore be called Abram but thy name shall be Abraham so just as um Abraham's name was changed um so was Jacob's name changed to Israel right but go ahead it's a side note for a father of many nations have I made thee and I will make thee exceeding fruitful and I will make nations of thee and Kings shall come out of Thee and I will establish my Covenant between me and thee and thy seat after thee in their generation so it says the Lord will establish the Covenant uh his Covenant with Abraham and his seed after him in their Generations right in their Generations now watch this um because he says something he said in their Generations in verse 9 right in their Generations jump down to verse um uh 15. verse 15. uh no yeah yeah 15. and God said unto Abraham as for Sarai thy wife thou shall not call her name Sarai but Sarah shall her name be and I will bless her and give thee a son also of her yay so because Abraham had many sons right so he's saying he's going to bless the son that he has with Sarah whose name was Sarai that's the that's who he will re-establish his Covenant with that's where the that's who he will bless right read on yay I will bless her and she shall be a mother of Nations Kings of people shall be of her then Abraham fell upon his face and laughed and said in his heart shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old right why because Sarah couldn't have children and that so long in fact that they had both of them had grown in age they're old they're old men and women now at this point right and on top of that Ishmael had already been born by the bond made of of Sarah by Sarah's Bombay Hagar so Ishmael was the son of Abraham right go ahead as you saw Sarah that is 90 years old bear and Abraham said unto God all that Ishmael might live before thee he said oh the Ishmael might live before thee right that's my son that's what he said that's my son Lord watch this and God said Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed he said Sarah he repeated itself he said Sarah is going to Bear you a wife indeed it's going to happen Sarah go ahead and thou shall call his name Isaac and I will establish my Covenant with him so now he said that he will establish his Covenant that he originally gave to him with his son Isaac Isaac no he's not the firstborn however he's the firstborn of Sarah it's important those small details are important so nobody can confuse you especially the wicked especially that liar that uh devil that Satan who deceiveth the whole world right read on establish my Covenant with him for an Everlasting Covenant and with his seed after him and it says and with his seed after him and with his seat after him read on and as for Ishmael I've heard thee behold I've blessed him and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly he said he gonna bless him he gonna make him fruitful just like the the the the Ishmael is the Arabs of today right that meant he's very fruitful very fruitful he has his kingdoms he has his militaries he has many many many sons go ahead 12 princes shall he beget the 12th the Arab princess yup go ahead and I will make him a great nation but my Covenant he said but but yet and see I'm gonna bless him he will be blessed as many nations is blessed Many Many Nations is blessed however the Lord says however go ahead but my Covenant well I establish with Isaac but the Covenant of God is still with Isaac is still with Isaac is that it on that with Sarah sober and to be at this set time and the next year right that's what it means that he's going to bless his see I mean um uh establish his Covenant with his seed in their Generations because it wasn't just every son the Covenant was a wasn't established with just every son that Abraham had it was established with Abraham then to Isaac then to Jacob we're going to get it um let's jump down we're gonna jump down again um Isaac uh let's see get let's get um 21. real fat we're gonna have to read kind of fast yes sir Genesis chapter 21 verse 1 and the Lord visited Sarah as he had said and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken when did he speak it we just read it in in uh Genesis chapter 17. we just read it the Lord did what he said he was going to do he didn't change his but because you got to say that nowadays because there's a popular narrative that says that the Lord made some mistake and he's going to undo everything that he originally said as though he did the wrong not man so he has to change but man can stay the same and he just has to accept it that's a popular narrative that's a popular uh uh uh Theory nowadays and it's stupid and it's unbiblical right so you have to say just as the Lord said he would just as he said he will remember the scripture say he is not a man that he should repent what he said he would do is what he did wasn't subject to even Abraham's feelings and emotions at the time which stated that uh he would that uh Ishmael the Covenant is established with his son Ishmael before Isaac was born no God did what he said he was going to do go ahead for Sarah conceived and bear Abraham a son in his old age just like the Lord said she would the uh she the Lord did what man would call impossible to make to to make sure his word is established his Covenant is established as he said it would go ahead at the set time of which God had spoken to him uh-huh and they just like he said he would he did jump down to jump because we we got to read through all the ages and stuff but jump down to um jump down to verse 10. yep jump down to verse 10. verse 10 word four she said unto Abraham cast out this Bond woman and her son for the son of this burned woman shall not be ill with my son even with Isaac now this is this is Sarah talking to her husband Abraham right why where did where is she getting this information from because the Lord told her this is what would be we didn't read that do we we didn't read let's go back and read it let's just prove it real fast uh uh it's in it's in uh it's in 17 too yeah let me see since 17 and no no we want where God spoke to Sarah he said eighteen eight nine and ten eighteen nine and ten come on Sir let's get it thank you Genesis chapter 18 verse 9 and they said unto him where is Sarah thy wife and he said behold in the tent and he said I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life and lo Sarah thy wife shall have a son and Sarah heard it in the tent which was behind him now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age and it ceased to be with Sarah after the man of women meaning it ceased to be with Sarah after men or women meaning her want she she couldn't bear children the the the the use or the the the uh what do you call it the uh the manner of women being a woman being able to procreate and carry C give birth right that had not happened yet with Sarah and she had been in her age we have terms nowadays called menopause right meaning yeah your womb is no longer functional in that way but it's all up to the lord it's what he says all right but go ahead therefore Sarah laughed within herself saying after I am waxed old shall I have pleasure my Lord being old also and the Lord said unto Abraham wherefore did Sarah laugh saying so I of a son he said why she laugh she think that's funny watch this go ahead wherefore did Sarah laugh saying shall I of a sturdy bear a child which you sure I'm gonna have a child go ahead which am old is anything too hard for the Lord and she said wow yeah he definitely gonna have to do a miracle with me are you sure the Lord gonna give me a child I'm old I'm you know I'm out for lack of better words dry it up you feel lack of better words uh uh uh go ahead read on at the time appointed I will return unto thee uh he said at the time appointed just when I said I would we we gonna jump back to 21. go ahead according to the time of life and Sarah shall have a son then Sarah denied saying I laughed not for she was afraid and he said oh shoot he's serious yo he meant that thing ah go ahead nay but thou did his laugh yeah you laughed go ahead and the Lord listen listen when you read through these scriptures you just the lord loves it he loves it he want he want us to believe but he loves to stand up to he loves to do miracles the Lord is about showing his power in a way that no man can the Lord is about that that's just a side note go ahead I'd be reading our history man just you know go ahead read on them but thou did his laugh and the men wrote yeah you laughed you did it I heard you good and the men rose up from dense and looked towards Sodom and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way all right no no we can jump back to uh 21 now yes sir I'm sorry Genesis chapter 3 reading the scriptures and you get into it you know good Genesis chapter 21 verse 2 for Sarah conceived and bear Abraham's Abraham a son in his old age at the set time of which God had spoken to him and Abraham called the name of his son that was born into him whom Sarah bear to him Isaac and Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old as God had commanded him uh-huh as God has commanded him in the when he taught him how to keep the the Covenant earlier on in um in chapter 17. go ahead excuse me and Abraham was at 100 years old when his son Isaac was born into him okay jump now we're gonna jump to um 15 22 and 15. Genesis chapter 22 verse 15. yeah and the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham Out of Heaven the second time and said by myself have I sworn saved the Lord for because thou has done this thing as not withheld thy son thine only son that in blessing I Will Bless thee and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven that's right and as the sand which is upon the Seesaw and thy seed shall possess the Gate of his enemies now we're reading we're reading here the same thing that was told to Abraham the promise that you're gonna you're gonna make him a father of many nations innumerable seeds innumerable people going to come from Abraham the same thing he gave to Isaac so in this if we don't study one might be confused as to who this is talking about who who's the uh heir to ape to the promise of Abraham who's the heir right and then after Isaac cools the air because Isaac had more than one son also uh read on and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou Hast obeyed my voice so Abraham returned to his young men and they rose up and went together to Beersheba and Abraham dropped that's it and I jumped down to jump down to uh 20 um let's just jump to 25 25 and 21. the Book of Genesis chapter 25 verse 21. and Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife because she was buried and the Lord wasn't treated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived and the children struggled together within her and she said if it be so why am I thus as she went to inquire of the Lord and the Lord said unto her two nations are in thy womb in two manner of people shall be separated from thy bow now we get into the children of Isaac and when the the the the wife of Isaac was to give uh what had gotten pregnant she was having birthing pain she was having labor pains and she she asked the Lord if this is if this thing is of you what's happening to me right read that again and the Lord said unto her two nations are in thy womb and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowel so it says two Nations two nations are within thy womb and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowel so yes Isaac had two sons but they were two manner of people where do we see this from where is this uh reminiscent of Cain and Abel Cain and Abel the spirit of the devil and the spirit of the righteous back again in the Earth read on and the one people shall be stronger than the other people the one people shall be stronger than the other people go ahead and the Elder Shall Serve the younger now just as Ishmael was to be a servant and he is and was a servant to uh uh Isaac so shall Esau be to Jacob because those were the two sons that came from Rebecca the two sons that were Isaac's two sons but the Lord told you the two Nations two separate Nations two manner of people they're completely different they are completely different fast forward to today and they've taught us how to do all their evils just like when when we were in the garden or when Adam and Eve were in the garden and the serpent beguiled Eve and taught her to do what she did taught her idolatry taught her the uh uh um uh to partake of the tree of Good and Evil meaning all the righteousness that she was taught the devil taught her exactly how to go against it all right um and that started with idolatry it started with idolatry and that's what they've taught us today that's why our people are more Covetous than any I don't know nobody more Covetous than our people we we we we don't we're the poorest people right and we all all we want to buy is is uh I think yeah he did he said something about that too right that's good that brother is waking up because yeah it's good that brother waking up but all our people are poor our people Rob each other just to buy things that we can't afford why because we see other nations with things that are that are uh um uh of value right of monetary value and that's what we want right go ahead read on read on I can't I can't we gotta speed up a little bit and when they're days to be delivered we're fulfilled behold there were twins in our womb and the first came out red all over like in Harry Garvin just like so back then it was no um uh ultrasound right there was no ultrasound or somebody to tell you yo it's too it's you got triplets so you got uh Twins or you got whatever so when she was having those pains and she asked the Lord he told her he says two nations in your womb it's two different people in your womb he told her you got 20 you having twins and sure enough when her days to deliver were fulfilled there were twins in our womb go ahead and the first came out red all over like in Harry Garvin and it called his name Esau so why would the Lord just describe this one little detail here it's so that we can all make a contrast so it says the first came out red all over and like a hairy garment right me like the so-called white man this is the Inception of the white man before this there were no what so-called white people there were no red man everybody had pigmentation everybody were black people right this is the birth of white people as a side note but go ahead and after that came his brother out and his head took hold on Esau's heel and his name was called Jacob so remember we read in his head and his hand took hold of Esau's Hill where did we read that earlier second Ezra's chapter six verse 9 read it again go back yeah yeah six and nine the book of second address chapter 6 verse 9. verse 8 and he said unto me from Abraham unto Isaac when Jacob and Esau were born of him Jacob's hand held first the hill of Esau what does it mean read for Esau is the end of the world Esau is the end of the world we are in the last days we are in the last days that's why that's that's how we know that's more evidence that's more proof of who this met this Jewish man is he is Esau his Esau read on when hopefully get into deep princess Lynch hurry up go ahead and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth huh the hand of man is between the hill and the head other question Ezra's asked thou not all right go back Genesis chapter 25 verse 25 and the first came out red all over like in Harry garment and they called his name Esau and after that came his brother out and his head took all on Esau's Hill and his name was called Jacob so let me show you this prophesied because it's not random a lot of people think random things are happening a lot of people think random things go back to go back to Genesis 3 and 14. the Book of Genesis chapter 3 verse 14. I believe that's it where the Lord dealing with the devil right yes sir go ahead and the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou has done this Thou Art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shall thou go and thus shall thou eat all the days of thy life read and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed so it says enmity War hatred between her seed and thy seed between her seed and thy sea and be because of wickedness but go ahead it shall bruised thy head it shall bruise thy head meaning the seed of the righteous shall bruise thy uh uh uh read it again it shall bruised thy head it shall bruise the head of the wicked go ahead and thou shall bruise his heel and thou shalt bruise his heel verse 16 unto the woman he says it now go back to where we was just talking about the same thing this was prophesied this was prophesied of the the the Incarnation of the devil back into the Earth again after the flood go ahead Genesis chapter 25 verse 26 and after that came his brother out and his head to hold on Esau's Hill and his name was called Jacob and Isaac was three score years old when she Bears him and the boys grew and Esau was a cunning Hunter a man of the field and Jacob was a plain man dwelling intense we're just gonna jump down to verse 20 I mean read down to verse 29 just for the sake of you know identify I didn't plan to but let's let's do it I think it's important verse 29 and Jacob sought pottage and Esau came from the field and he was faint and Esau said to Jacob feed me I pray thee with that same red pottage for I am thanked therefore was his name called Edom and Jacob therefore was his name called Edom why because Edom is let's get Genesis 36. let's get Genesis 36 and help the people out with that part right that same red pot did y'all know how Esau like they meet and they food rare low blood in it very undercooked right go ahead read that Genesis chapter 36 verse 1. now these other generations of Esau who is Edom who is who who is Edom Esau is Edom right watch this good I mean jump down we're gonna jump down to verse nine verse 9 let me get there with you good and these are the generations of Esau the father of the [ __ ] in Mount Sierra the father of who of the [ __ ] in Mount Sierra so Edom or the people of Edom are called [ __ ] who are the children of Esau the seed the bloodline of Esau that's their father right go ahead these are the names of Esau's Sons eliphaz the son of a duck the wife of Esau rayuel the son of bashimath the wife of Esau and the sons of eliphaz were demon Omar zepho and ghetto and Kines and timna was concubine to elefaz Esau's son and she beared to eliphas amalek and she bear to she bear who and she Bared to elephants amalek amalek amalek remember that name remember that remember that son amalek right who is of what bloodline Esau he's the bloodline of Edom right go ahead these were the sons of ADA Esau's wife uh-huh so now let's jump to verse 42 verse 42 Duke kinase Duke demon Duke me I don't know what I said jump there I got that rope down here I don't know why I don't know why I don't know why anyway let's jump Numbers Chapter 14. Numbers Chapter 14. nope we got to go back to the history I'm sorry Genesis 25. Genesis 25 and um continue where you were Genesis chapter 25 verse 29 and Jacob sought pottage and Esau came from the field and he was faked and Esau said to Jacob feed me I pray thee with that same red pottage for I am faint therefore was his name called Edom and Jacob said sell me this day thy Birthright and Esau said behold I am at the point to die and what prophet shall this Birthright do to me and Jacob said swear to me this day and he swear unto him and he sowed his Birthright unto Jacob right so uh this I'm gonna try to speed it up but this uh is typically perceived as um Jacob having stole a Birthright um whereas in the prophecy that we read about it establishes that the Lord already said who would be who what would be what the Lord already established that let's read it in verse let's go to Romans Romans um was that 9 and 13 right read that Romans chapter 9 verse 13. huh as it is written as it is written okay Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated the more what shall we say then is there unrighteousness with God God forbid for he said to Moses I will have mercy on whom I will have verse 11. I think it's verse 11. verse 11 for the children being not yet born right for the children what for the children being not yet born for the children were not even born yet who are we talking about Jacob and Esau Jacob and Esau the children the sons of Isaac the sons of the sons of Isaac that's who we're talking about right for the children not being born go ahead neither having done any good or evil neither having done any sin or righteousness go ahead that the purpose of God according to election according to what according to election so God's purpose before these children were born into the Earth he his his purpose was that uh Jacob is the election of God Esau is will be hated of God that was the election before they were born go ahead might stand huh not of works not of works good but of him that caller but of him that calleth meaning is not of the promised or the the the what they call it the the uh the trick that um uh Rebecca uh had them to do that it had nothing to do with that before they were uh born this was what the Lord had established no man can promise anything except the Lord agrees except the Lord confirms it right all right uh go back to where we was well I didn't even get into Esther yet go back to where we was um yeah yeah go go to go to Numbers Chapter 14. yeah go to just jump to Numbers Chapter 14. so remember AMOLED amalek is up the seat of Esau uh Esau is Jacob's brother the Lord he was the he's the devil that would have hatred for his brother from the time of gen from the creation all right that's the seed of the that's the seed of the serpent the seed of the devil the seed of Satan go ahead this verse numbers to 14 and verse 42 I'm sorry Numbers Chapter 14 verse 42 go not up for the Lord is not among you that ye be not smitten before your enemies for the amalekites and the Canaanites are there before you and ye shall fall by the sword because ye are turned away from the Lord therefore the Lord will not be with you so the the amalekites have begun to um to hunt us to kill us right to war against us who are of the same seed or the same let me say the same father of us right go ahead read on trying to go fast man but they presumed to go up unto the hilltop nevertheless they're up to the Covenant of the Lord You're Gonna read down to verse um let me see you're gonna read down to verse 45. yes sir but they presume to go up unto the hilltop nevertheless the art of the Covenant of the Lord and Moses departed not out of the camp then the amalekites came down and the Canaanites which dwelt in that hill and smoked them and discomforted them even unto her hormone so Esau amalek smote us uh um uh or killed our the feeble of us I'll say it like that the feeble lovers we're gonna we're gonna read about that in uh Deuteronomy it tells you that it was the feeble that they killed the men the women the children the old the sick the amalekites pursued us uh and killed the the hinder most Parts as we're gonna read jump there uh Deuteronomy 25 real fast yeah Deuteronomy chapter 25 yeah 18. and verse 18. how he met thee by the way and smoked behind most of thee now this scripture is given more detail of what is of what Esau or amalek the son of Esau did to us in the Book of Numbers Chapter 14 that we just read good even all that were feeble Behind These it says even meaning what he's what he's explaining is all that were feeble behind thee so what did he do he attacked Israel from behind and killed who would be lacking who would be lagging behind those who are slow why are you slower perhaps children perhaps women perhaps elderly and and sickly right or weak right go ahead that were feeble behind thee when thou was faint and weary and he feared not God and he feared not God he feared not God just like when he sold his Birthright he feared not God just like when he beguiled Eve in the garden he feared not God uh go ahead uh jump down the verse just jump to First Samuel 15. real fast so the amalekites we're just we're just gonna read it we're gonna read it I don't want to hold up time this version one started sir 15 verse 2. the book of First Samuel chapter 15 verse 2 that saith the Lord of hosts I remember that which amalek did to Israel how he laid wait for him in the way when he came up from Egypt now go and smite amalek and utterly distort all that they have this is the Commandment of God to um to King Saul in the in in the first Kingdom right of Israel which was under Saul right go ahead and spare them not but slay both men and women infant and suckling ox and sheep camel and ass and Saul gathered the people together and numbered them until I am where you at verse four jump to verse uh seven verse 7 and Saul smoked the amalekites from havilah unto thou cometh to sure that is over against Egypt and he took agat the king of the amalekites alive remember that term remember that word agag he took agag the king alive he left him alive he kept him then he did not kill him as the Lord said to right watch this and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword but so and the people spared egg and the best of this head of the oxen and of the fatlings and of the Lambs you see that so why did the Lord why did uh why did Saul disobey the Lord for covetousness for Envy of the devil just like from the beginning in Genesis when Eve envied the devil and his idolatry right that's what they teach our people to be Covetous if you notice they're not walking around you you look at Esau typically they they you can't tell by what you see on them or what you see them where how much money they have or how much money they make you can't tell but for some reason we gotta have it we can't afford it but we gotta have it right but that's another story go ahead what verse you at verse nine yeah you're gonna read to verse 11. yes sir but Saul and the people's Spirit a gag and the best of the sheep and of The Oxen and of the fatlings and of the Lambs and all that was good and would not utterly destroy them that's covetousness God said destroy it it doesn't even belong to us destroy it go ahead but everything that was vile and refused that they destroyed utterly then came the word of the Lord unto Samuel saying it repents of me that I have set up soul to be king for he's turned back from following me I have not performed my Commandments and it Grieves Samuel and he cried unto the Lord all night verse just so verse 28 and Samuel said unto him the Lord hath written the Kingdom of Israel from thee this day and have given it to a neighbor of thine that is better than thou and also the strength of Israel will not lie nor repent for he is not a man that he should repent you're going to read to verse 33. yes sir then he said I have said yet honor me now I pray thee he said he said damn I sin honor me now Samuel you tell the Lord to look out for me just wink at it right watch this I pray thee before the Elders of my people and before Israel and turn again with me that I may Worship the Lord thy God so Samuel turned again after Saul and Saul worshiped the Lord then said Samuel then after he after he worshiped the Lord right watch this go ahead then said Samuel bring ye hither to me again the king of the amalekites and agat came unto him delicately and a guy came unto him delicately hey our forefather Samuel he didn't play he did not play he can't this man read on read on read on we ain't got a lot of time and agac said surely the bitterness of death is passed and Samuel said as thy so it had made women tell this so shall thy mother be tell us among men so what is he talking about he's talking about the history that we just read about in The Book of Numbers in the book of Deuteronomy proving he has no that's the man go to um Deuteronomy 28. about a man of fierce countenance Deuteronomy 28 yes we read about the enemy of God throughout the Bible and we just don't know how to play some Lords what we do I know I'm rushing going kind of fast yeah yeah good Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 50. a nation of fierce countenance which shall not regard the person of the old nor so favored to the young and he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle and the fruit of thy land and so thou be destroyed right he's going to steal your land steal your resources steal your oxen still belongs to you and he's not going to spare you he will kill your children he will kill your your women he will kill you that's this nation and we read about the same man and the attributes of the same man throughout the scriptures named Esau called Esau all right go back to where we was in um Samuel yeah first Samuel first Samuel chapter don't read down to 33 yes sir first Samuel chapter 15 verse 33 and Samuel said as thy sword hath made women childless so shall thy mother be tell us among women and Samuel hewed a gag in pieces before the Lord in gilgal all right so that was I gotta wrap it up um Lois Wilkin uh or somebody will touch back on this and and help pick finish this off right we got to understand the lineage of this people and what he is what he was created for what he will always be until Christ come and destroy him utterly all right um I pray that y'all got something out of that at least able to connect some dots as to who he is and who he was uh who he always was all right um and uh and with that we're gonna say shalom