Essential React Interview Preparation Topics

Aug 11, 2024

React Interview Preparation Guide


  • The importance of knowing React concepts for interviews.
  • Key topics and nuances in learning React.

1. Hooks

  • Key Hooks to Know:
    • useState: Most widely used hook.
    • useEffect: Important; understand the dependency array.
      • Dependency array effects:
        • Empty array ([]): Runs once after initial render.
        • No dependency array: Runs after every render.
        • Values inside array: Runs when those values change.
    • Other Important Hooks:
      • useContext
      • useReducer
      • useMemo
      • useCallback
      • useRef
  • Prepare and understand these hooks for interviews and daily coding.

2. Higher Order Components

  • Understand:
    • What they are and why to use them.
    • Prepare to answer when, why, and how to use them, including examples and code.

3. Lifecycle Methods

  • Focus mainly on class components, even if less common in modern React.
  • Phases:
    • Mounting
    • Updating
    • Unmounting
  • Know methods like componentDidMount, componentWillUnmount, etc.

4. State Management

  • Understand state and props, including props drilling.
  • Familiarize with React Context to manage props drilling issues.
  • Libraries to Know:
    • Redux: Key state management library.
    • Zustand: Emerging alternative.
    • Redux Toolkit (RTK): Recommended for modern Redux usage.

5. Custom Hooks

  • Importance of custom hooks in larger applications.
  • Be able to write and explain custom hooks with examples.

6. Advanced Topics

  • Lazy Loading: Important for performance optimization.
  • Virtual DOM: Understanding reconciliation algorithm and React Fiber.

7. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) vs Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

  • Know the definitions, differences, and advantages of each.
  • Impact on SEO and performance.

8. Routing and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

  • Importance of handling routes and protected routes.
  • Use libraries like React Router for managing routes.

9. Testing

  • Importance of writing tests in your applications.
  • Familiarize with React Testing Library.
  • Mentioning testing in interviews can make a strong impression.

10. Async Tasks

  • Understand how to make API calls and handle asynchronous tasks.
  • Know about promises and their usage in JavaScript.

11. Reusability, Modularity, and Testability

  • Key coding practices to highlight during interviews.
  • Importance of writing clean, maintainable code.

12. Performance

  • Major focus for senior developers.
  • Topics include:
    • Asset optimization
    • Lazy loading
    • Bundle optimization
    • Shimmer UI concepts.

13. Styling

  • Understand various styling methods (e.g., Tailwind, Bootstrap, Material UI).
  • Pros and cons of each method; ability to reason choices in interviews.

14. Accessibility

  • Importance in modern web applications.
  • Knowledge of accessibility practices can earn brownie points in interviews.


  • Emphasize the importance of preparing these topics for interviews.
  • Online resources and courses can aid in learning (e.g., Namaste React).
  • Encourage practice and self-study for a thorough understanding.