Ultimate React Native Course Notes

Jul 2, 2024

Ultimate React Native Course Notes

Introduction to Course

  • Instructor: Amash
  • Goal: Build fast, beautiful mobile apps using React Native from scratch
  • App: Full-fledged marketplace app called 'Done With It'
  • Requirements: Basic JavaScript knowledge

App Features Overview

  • Login/Register Screen: Users can log in or sign up
  • Item Listings: Items displayed with details, location on the map, messaging the seller
  • Pull to Refresh: Like many mainstream apps
  • Filter/List Items: Based on categories e.g., cameras
  • Add Listings: Image upload, details input, category selection
  • My Account Page: User listings and messages
  • Delete Listings: Swipe to delete functionality

React Native Basics

  • Framework: Build native iOS/Android apps using JavaScript
  • Components: JSX, Props, State, Components
  • Tools: Expo and React Native CLI

Expo vs React Native CLI

  • Expo: Easier to start, hides complexity, no direct native API access
  • React Native CLI: More control, includes native iOS/Android sub-projects, suitable for those with prior experience

Setting up Development Environment

  • Node.js: Ensure version 12 or higher
  • Expo CLI: Install globally via npm
  • Expo Client: Install on physical device
  • Code Editor: Use VS Code, extensions like React Native Tools, Prettier

Creating a Project with Expo

  • Command: expo init donewithit
  • Workflow Options: Managed or Bare; we use Managed
  • Run App: npm start, run on emulator or physical device


  • Console Logs: Basic, can slow down production apps
  • Chrome Debugging: Enable remote debugging, Chrome DevTools, source maps
  • VS Code Debugging: React Native Tools extension, attach to packager

Publishing and Managing App

  • Expo Publish: Create a permanent URL for your app
  • Refresh and Logs: Metro Bundler, terminal logs

Core Components & APIs in React Native

  • View: Basic layout component (similar to div)
  • Text: Display text, props like numberOfLines, onPress
  • Image: Display images, source can be local or network; props like resizeMode
  • Touchable Components: TouchableOpacity, TouchableHighlight, TouchableWithoutFeedback, platform-specific
  • Button: Simple cross-platform button, customizable
  • Alert: Display alerts, customizable

Styles and Layout

  • Styling: CSS-like, use StyleSheet.create, validated props
  • Dimensions: Use density-independent pixels, platform dimensions
  • Flexbox: Layout components using flex, flexDirection, justifyContent, alignItems
  • Positioning: Relative vs Absolute positioning
  • Safe Area View: For iOS notch

Device Orientation and Layouts

  • Orientation Detection: useDimensions and useDeviceOrientation hooks from React Native community
  • Responsive Design: Adjust layout based on screen orientation and dimensions


  • Welcome Screen: Implement with image background, logo, and basic buttons
  • View Image Screen: Implement with image and icon placeholders