Transcript for:
Lecture on Achievement and Fulfillment

anyone who's able to consistently get a result is not lucky they're just doing something different than you so for example money wealth abundance is there a science to financial abundance when I went to write some of my financial books how did I do it I knew a lot already I'd work with people like Paul tutor Jones for 24 years one of the greatest financial traders in history but I went to 50 of the smartest Financial people on Earth the ray do the Warren buffets all those individuals and found out what did they do differently than everybody else and not only to write a book a number one bestseller New York Times bestseller but I applied it myself and I took my companies from doing 50 to 100 million into the billions by just applying exactly what they did if we talk about health I wrote a book where I interviewed 150 Noel laurates the top individual scientists people doing Rejuvenation therapy stem cells so Health there are certain rules we're all unique biochemically but are there some Universal rules that if you don't live by them you're going to have pain in your body yes or no so it is a science write down success leaves Clues and you heard of Jim Rome who was my original teacher and he used to say success leaves Clues if someone's successful not lucky what are they doing different than you he used to say find out what poor people are reading and don't read it he said I don't just mean poor financially I mean poor emotionally what you Po in your mind is what manifests your life so if you and I want to succeed in achieving something our our best way of doing it is a simple formula and let's try it how many of you in this room have ever achieved something that when you first came up with a dream or goal or desire it seemed totally impossible and yet somehow you made it happen raise your hand if you've done this say I say I so I don't have to teach you the science of achievement what I have to get you to do is identify what did you do when you achieved at the highest level something that seemed impossible so I want you to think about that thing that once was a dream or a goal in your life could have been something as simple as a car or a relationship or a position or a job or your own company or whatever it was what was the first thing you did to take it from dream state where it seemed impossible to start to really make progress how many of you started to obsess about it that is you start to think about it constantly you start to focus on what you want raise your hand to massive focus and energy went into it that's right so write down where focus goes energy flows if you focus on where you want to go you'll make the turn in most cases so that's got to be our first step the power of absolute Clarity write down Clarity equals power the more clear you are exactly what you want the faster and easier it is to achieve and I'll tell you why there's a part of your brain called the r it stands for reticular activating system it's a part of your brain that determines what you notice when you decide something you really want you focus on a consistently your RIS starts to notice anything that can help you achieve it I'll give you an example how many of of you have ever bought a certain car or maybe an outfit and suddenly you see that car or outfit everywhere were those cars and outfits around before yes but you didn't notice them because they weren't important but now that you owned it your R says that's important and you notice them all similarly if you set a goal I want to invest in apartment buildings you don't even know how but you're obsessing about it you can be in a Starbucks there going to be someone four tables over talking about a real estate deal and your brain will hear it because your Rees looks for and seeks out anything it's like a missile today missiles have a Servo mechanism like an r and when you shoot at it if it moves it follows it your Rees is trying to make things happen so you got to be focused on what you want not what you don't want and it's got to be specific so the first step to achieving anything at the most basic level that seemed impossible and you now have it is because you gave it enormous Focus well sometimes Focus alone can do it but if it's a really challenging goal you probably need too more steps if it's difficult it's not enough to just focus you got to take Massive Action and notice I said Massive Action with effective execution because if you just take Massive Action and something isn't working and you keep on doing it it's not going to work you have to change your approach that doesn't work try something else keep changing until you got what you want here I'll give you an example how long would you give your average baby to learn how to walk before you shut him down and went dude you're just not a walker give it up you go what are you crazy my kids's going to keep trying until they walk magic formula no wonder almost every in the world walks so you've got to be able to change your approach until you get what you want that's the secret that's trial and error learning what if you want to achieve things faster if you want to achieve it faster you know exactly what you want so you got Clarity and focus and your RIS is turned on you want to take the right Massive Action how could you accelerate this process model someone who's already achieved what you're after figure out what they did and do what they did now you'll still modify it to you but if you take the same kinds of actions you just sped it up so if you know exactly what you want and you're obsessed on it and you're taking Massive Action ideally modeling what already works then you only need one other step perhaps if it's a big goal and that third step is Grace some people call it luck some people call it God or Grace I look at my own life I go I worked my guts out for 47 years 46 years but I've also had Grace I was born at this time in history where I could get on a plane and go to other parts of the world I could learn from the very best humans on the planet I mean I could go on and on about the grace in my life I'm not here to lecture you spiritually but I'm curious how many of you have ever noticed the more appreciative you are for the things that have been given to you in this life the more grace tends to flow to you I'm curious how many see this to be true say I it's okay to recognize your part we've all worked our asses off but it's also good to notice there's also the parts that's beyond you that's made this possible and when those two three things happen just about anything you've ever dreamed of can happen so that's the essence of it now remember I said there are two key skills to master if you want an extraordinary life life on your terms so one is the science of achievement most of you are already good at this or you wouldn't come here now you might want to get better and I can help you get better cuz I've obsessed for a lifetime on the best strategies and how to speed up getting the result we'll show you many of those but the second skill is more important than the first skill but it is not valued by most people in Western culture and that second skill is the most important one and that is you have to master the art of fulfillment notice I didn't say the science of fulfillment I said the art of fulfillment why cuz what makes you fulfilled will be very different than the person next to you even if they're your lover or best friend because we all are fulfilled differently how many have been around somebody and they're you see they're so excited or turned on by something and you're like huh like doesn't you don't share that enthusiasm who knows what I'm talking about I give you an example you ever gone to like a really expensive art place and you walk in and you look at this piece of art on the wall and you go what how much is that and they go $10 million and you go what the f who's ever had an experience like this you thought this is insane what fulfills one person seems like a joke to somebody else you don't want to try and Achieve what someone else is achieving cuz you might do it and not be fulfilled you got to figure out what fulfills you success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure if we fail what do you do you get up dust yourself off and try again right but if you succeed and you're still not happy you're now what I call technically screwed right we got to make sure that you get fulfillment now most people say help me succeed and I'll be fulfilled it doesn't really work that way you got to know what fulfills you you got to find what fulfills you [Music]