I got to play sparking zero once again this time with an updated build with some new characters at Gamescom 2024 and I have a lot to share with you more than I can show today so make sure to subscribe if you don't want to miss all of this new content and here's how we're going to do things this time around first for every single match I went into the soundtrack and selected a different song Because all the footage so far seems to use the default song so I thought you guys would like to listen to something new second here's the new character select screen unfortunately it's still the same scheme the same style as the previous build but as you can see there are a lot of new characters here first of all new gohans Kid Gohan and Tin Gohan with all of his Transformations ultimate Gohan was also playable for the first time he is still a separate character from adult Gohan maybe when they do Dragon Ball super superhero he'll be a transformation who knows there's also kid Trunks and kid Goten as well as their Fusion Gotenks and we have Vegeta we've also got Fidel who I'm going to be honest I did not see her until I edited this footage blind globu strikes again cell is also here with all of its forms I do want to know that you can go from cell first form to cell perfect form but perfect cell is his own separate character this time around I checked this and double checked it and it does make some sense plot-wise but this is different from what tinai Chi 3 used to be so the community seems kind of split on this one it's definitely an interesting choice we've got super boo here and we've also got Kid Buu along with the entire ginu force which was finally playable for the first time and of course the character everyone is here to see spopovich take it in because this is the last time I'm showing the entire character select screen we're going to go pretty quickly from match to match from this point onward and in future videos too for this first game I had of course to try out Vegito and we're going to go for the match that everyone wants to see Vegito versus Gogeta to determine the strongest Fusion now because I don't trust the CPU to actually transform I'm going to make Gogeta as strong as possible he's going to start in blue and because this isn't my first time playing during the whole session I decided to challenge myself for so for this video as well as future videos I'm not going to go for One V ones or 3 v3s even I'm mostly going to go for one V3 fights here and for today we're going to go against the other fusions in this build go tanks as well as buhan well that's kind of a fusion right damn a dumb looking pose uh later in this video we're also going to have some super boo gameplay so stay tuned for that but for now let's check out the fusions and uh we're starting bad cuz uh Gogeta right now kicking our butt but we got a perfect Dodge and we go to our own combo now I noticed that a lot of uh attacks here in this game oh look at that movement go down go up and uh if you notice like something different here yeah your boy has been practicing your boy has been practicing some uh some Tini and I've actually modified the controls on uh Tangi 1 2 and three uh last month has I've been practicing some chomos uh trying to you know prepare for this gam play demo uh and I've modified the controls to match the standard controls as closely as possible uh because I do think standard controls are going to be the way to go here and so I wanted to get used to that right away big bag Cannon and uh I see Gogeta spamming some key blast so I decided to go for the rush I thought that was guaranteed it wasn't he blocked but now he's exhausted and so we're going to go for uh that ground sweep and I noticed he's exhausting he's panting huh so this this is going to be a guaranteed hit oh that's right with a double kick and he's still tired he's not mashing those buttons recovering the key that is high tension right there we're going to keep charging uh but this Gogeta is probably going to go down you want to get up dude no all right all right uh super perception or like percept the perception button was one I used all the time in this demo I really feel like sparking zero more than combos cuz like a lot of these combos aren't true like you can inter up most of them by doing a thousand different things there are so many defensive abilities in this game it's crazy you're going to spend time uh in the lab labbing all these Combos and going nuts and then someone just going to press the button and interrupt them defensive mechanics are going to be king in sparking zero uh a lot of the Saucy stuff you see out there is is not true doesn't mean I'm I'm not going to go for it Big Bang Attack right here looks like a beam oh not going to lie I was a little disappointed by that cuz Big Bang Attack is just such a cool looking attack but but it's it's a ball it's a ball that you throw and it blows up we're going to definitely block that right now uh we're in sparking mode it's time for Vegeta's ultimate that's right super Vega already took down Gogeta blue and Super Saiyan 3 go tank uh should follow next he close to only one bar of Health there it is now just because combos aren't true doesn't mean we're not going to S it up and uh definitely you can do a lot more Rush combos this time around uh so Rush combos for those that don't know it's just hitting the square button pretty much if you mash it all the way uh your character in sparking zero will go for a couple of Vanishing attacks and that's just automatic that's just mash the button uh we do have to find buo here there it is there's the lock on and here we're going to activate a familiar move called after remage strike as you can see there's no animation for doing it but hey you can't hit me now you cannot hit me now oh oh oh oh oh so in previous Tachi games you could do two full Rush combos like you do the first Rush combo step in do another Rush combo that would be the end of your combo right now uh in sparking zero you can do three of them oh look at vegito's grab done and there it is yeah Big Bang Attack it's a beam that's weird I don't is that just me let me know in the comments just feels weird to me finish sign gives me a bunch of Buffs believe that is uh damage plus key damage and uh a new symbol that I still haven't figured out what that is but the three little squares thing oh so that one Rush combo two second Rush combo interrupted with a full fully charged attack which uh boot attacked immediately and then he used Revenge counter uh to prevent being blown away uh and guess what let's get back in his face and oh okay okay okay you got my back not for long though not for long cuz guess what I just have three bars so let's activate after image strike again yeah try hitting me bro try hitting me bro uh charg key blast is the the split finger shots I thought that was interesting it's still active bro after himage strike is still active and we just finish him with a simple punch boo I don't think that's all that Boo has as we're about to see next for this we're going to play as Majin Buu but once again Super Buu is not just going to go for 1 V one or 3v3 or anything like that we're going to go for another 1 V3 Challenge and I do lose some of these I I do want to let you know that's it's not free especially as I'm trying to like showcase the moves and I'm playing all these characters for the first time uh I'm trying to figure out a lot of combos um a lot of characters you know they share move sets in ten kaii uh but if you hit the attack button let's say you hit two uh the attack button twice and then you press the triangle button some characters will do a ky Cannon some characters will do a heavy finish some characters will do flying kits you know and figuring that stuff out on the Fly uh in order to build some longer combos isn't always free uh it does take a some trial and error but uh you know while you're trying to do that stuff you're getting punched in the face so these challenges do get hard and there are some videos where I am going to fail them uh it's not going to be free every time so yeah super Boo versus Majin Vegeta kind of Rec some of the heroes from the bo Saga here so we're going to go against Majin Vegeta Gotenks is here again and ultimate Gohan and right now this is super boo game look at that combo into such an iconic move I like how I used the assault rain there cuz Vegeta was directly below me and it just feels like the rain is falling right on top of him as soon as I see see this Majin beam I am now obsessed I must turn Majin Vegeta into chocolate it has to happen stop dodging it please get hit I want to see the chocolate animation all right this Vegeta is not going to make it easy oh my God the camera there uh this build felt kind of glitchy and I don't know if it's more glitchy than before or if I'm just more comfortable with the game but glitches are showing up uh some serious ones I ran into a couple serious ones look at this Vice shout that uh immobilizes Gohan and that was my plan all along turn to chocolate ah it just punches the chocolate I tried it off camera to because you have limited time to record these things uh but then you can play it as much as you want in the public Gamescom area just have to go in line over and over uh here's the Majin Boo ultimate uh but I did um I did try killing someone with a chocolate ability boo doesn't eat them he still just kicks them or punches them oh I didn't know this at the time but look at my health that was a self-destruct ability and you know Vegeta is bleeding but I still have Gohan block that thank goodness there is no chip damage he really is trying to kill me here but check out the skill regeneration a bar and a half just like that it costs four bars it's a lot but it's such a fast heal if you have four bars yeah Super Bo is going to be able to heal that fast all right we're going to absorb go tanks there's still a go tanks on the other side on the other team at some point we're going to have to fight go tanks as Bo tanks don't question it mhm lift strike right there and that's going to be enough for Gohan to fall we're letting some long longer combos here combo nerds I hope you're happy this time cuz uh put a lot of work into this all right uh buo so uh bu absorbing Piccolo is often a form that is skipped but this guy actually has special bam Cannon you know it's still not super boo with a cape but it's the next best best thing Galactic Donuts baby I like that his supers are a mix of go tanks as well as Piccolo he fell right in front of me I didn't have to look for him at all every time you take someone down I was like looking for them for a while uh except for this time this time go tanks just landed in front of me so let's go uh sparking mode and this time it's a super Kamehameha which I'm going to guess it's not a self-destruct move I'm going to block that and immediately responds with super Kamehameha that's right you get the hit animation big burst and we still have one more form to check out we have defeated adult Gohan we can now absorb [Music] him yes sir the strongest Majin is born we're not going to go straight into ultimate I could go straight into ultimate but he's on his last health bar I did check that he has Majin beam and I did Majin beam off screen and uh he does a different animation I mean it's the same kind of move but then he kicks him instead of PCH punch him so yeah there there's some difference there even though it's the same move and that's kind of nice I thought I could Dodge this I was wrong and because I played with my food I ended up failing this challenge unfortunately Gotenks is going to be the Victor here but that's going to do it for today's video again I'm going to be posting some more gameplay including kid boo cell ultimate Gohan and a lot of other characters so make sure to subscribe if you don't want to miss those and for more sparking zero you can check out this video right now thank you so much for watching boy