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Transitioning to Microservices: Key Insights

When you're moving from a monolith running  on physical hardware towards a Cloud-based   Microservices Architecture, there are several  challenges. In a monolith, all the functionalities   you need to run your application are on the same  server. So in an e-commerce site application for   example, updating the Inventory after an Order  has been made is just a local call inside the same   host in the same language; but when you are moving  to a more dynamic environment with Microservices,   where servers can be moved from hosts dynamically,  scale up or down in a number of instances,   and new services are added dynamically, then  you start requiring a way to register and   route traffic to the right services. How can  we address this? that's the topic for today.   I'm Christian, you're watching A Dev' Story and  today we're going to talk about Service Discovery.   Server Discovery is the process of  locating resources on a network.   In our case, it would be applications or services.   All forms of server discovery requires some  type of Service Registry. A Service Registry   is basically a database where you store the  services and their associated locations.   Let's look at one of the oldest examples that  would be DNS or Domain Name Service. A DNS will   keep a list of the IP addresses of a service and  associate it with an alias that would be its name.   When you go to an URL you can resolve that to  an IP address where the service is located.   The Service Registry is very important  and it needs to be kept up to date.   So when a service that is registered shuts  down, it needs to be removed from the registry;   if a new service starts up then it needs to be  added to the registry; and if a service is having   some issues like it's unhealthy then it also  needs to be removed from the Service Registry. There are different ways to  categorize Service Discovery:   one is about WHERE is the Server  Discovery happening and the other   one is about HOW you update the Service  Registry let's take a look at those. There are two places where Server Discovery can  happen: one is on the Client Side and the other   one is on the Server Side. Let's talk first  about Client Side. Before we dive in I wanted   to talk about an example: when you want to go  to a specific site on the internet and you put   your URL on the browser, your computer doesn't  necessarily know where this website is located   so it will ask a DNS service for the registry. In  the DNS there will be a query where it will ask:   "for this domain, what are the IP addresses where  this service is located?". Then the IP addresses   are returned, your computer decides one of these  IP addresses and it will hit the service on that   IP address. Then, when retrieving the information,  the website will be rendered on your computer.   This is basically Client-Side Service  Discovery. In a more generic way,   when a service A wants to talk to a service B, it  needs to ask the Service Registry where is service   B located, and when it gets the information  it will call service B directly by itself.   On the other hand, we have Server Side Service  Discovery. In Server Side Service Discovery,   when a service A wants to talk to a service B  it will instead do so by going through a Proxy.   This Proxy will ask the Service Registry  where service B is located and then redirect   the request to service B, so there's no direct  communication between service A and service B There are different pros and cons of each of these  approaches. On the Client-Side Service Discovery,   the main benefit is that it's simpler to  implement. You don't need to set up a proxy or any   type of infrastructure in order to make it work.  You just need a registry and your service asking   that registry in order to get the address where B  is located. On the con side it requires a specific   implementation for each of the languages that you  have your services running on. So, for example,   if you have a service running in Java, another  one in Node, and another one in Python, each of   them will require an implementation of Client-Side  Service Discovery in order to communicate between   each other. Another drawback that the Client-Side  Service Discovery has, is that there is more   coupling between the services and the Service  Registry, so any change on the Service Registry   could affect the implementation in all of the  services. On Server Side Service Discovery then   the pros and cons are inverted. The main benefits  of Server Side Service Discovery is that it is   language agnostic: you don't need a specific  implementation of Service Discovery on any of   your services directly; and also you don't need  to have a coupling between the services and the   Service Registry. But the main drawback is that  you need to set up an infrastructure to do this. Another way to categorize Service Discovery is  by HOW is the Service Registry maintained. There   are two ways. One is Self Registration.  In Self Registration, every service is   responsible for updating the Service Registry.  So, for example, if a service is starting up,   it will notify the Service Registry to be added;  and if a service is shutting down, then it will   notify also the Service Registry in order to be  removed. It also happens if the service has any   problems. On the other hand we have Third-party  Registration. In Third-party Registration   there is an external application,  also called the Registrar,   which is observing the status of the services  and updating the Service Registry automatically.   This application is typically one of these two:  one is a Sidecar (which would be a process running   parallel to your service that makes sure to  communicate with the Service Registry and   update it accordingly) or it could also be a  Service Orchestration Engine like Kubernetes.   When you are running your Microservices in a  Container Orchestration Engine like Kubernetes,   the infrastructure automatically provides a  Virtual IP address and a DNS name for your   application; it will automatically  update the Service Registry for you   whenever a service goes up or down or is having  issues. You can also do Server Side Service   Discovery and use the infrastructure  to properly direct the calls for you. Each of these approaches have their own  pros and cons. For Self Registration,   the main benefit is that the service itself  knows very fine-grained details about what   is its current status, so it can notify the  Service Registry at the best time possible.   On the other hand, some of the  drawbacks of Self-Registration   are that, for example, if you have a service  that is hanging or is not responding, it will   not be able to update the Service Registry.  So the Service Registry will be out of date.   And similar to Client Side Service Discovery  there is coupling with the Service Registry   and you need to have an implementation for every  language that you have Microservices written on.   For Third-party Registration, the main benefit  is that it is language agnostic: you don't need   a specific implementation for every type of  Microservices that you have. And also, since   it's an external application checking on your  service, even if your service is hanging or is   not responding, this third party application can  check the status and update the Service Registry   for you. On the con side, it depends on a specific  Third-party Registration system that you use.   For example, using a sidecar the main con is that  you need another layer of infrastructure to be set   up. So every service that you run will have this  additional process that will be running with it.   And for the Infrastructure-driven Third-party  Registration the main con is that it can only   register the services that this infrastructure  deploys so any service that is deployed outside   of your orchestration engine won't be added  to the service registry automatically. As we just saw there are different ways of doing  Service Discovery and each of them have their own   benefits and drawbacks. And we didn't even  touch many deeper topics like performance.   There are many open questions still like,  for example: What happens if you deploy a   service outside of your infrastructure, let's say  a different cloud provider, and you want to route   traffic between them? Or a specific instance of a  service is having downgraded performance but other   instances of the service are working fine: How to  redirect traffic to that one? Or can we do a smart   traffic routing to go to the closest instance  of the service that you want to contact? Many of   these problems can be solved with another layer  of infrastructure often used in Microservices   Architecture called a Service Mesh. But that's  a topic for another video. Thanks for watching!