hello youtubers welcome to this video I am been cat and this is just me an open source channel right in this video we're gonna be looking at sto with graph on ax installed so in my previous two videos in the first video actually I showed you how to install East your binary and then sto resources in your Cuban notice cluster and in the second video I mean in the previous video I explained how to deploy a sample book in for application which we'll be using throughout this series at least for the next five or six videos and then I'll move on to Cuban artists topics okay so this is to your series is part of Cuban artists and I have planned like six or seven videos so two videos already uploaded and released and this is the third video and in this video let's see how to install this teal with graph owner as an add-on so I'm gonna be following the same steps as I followed in my previous two videos so I'm gonna be going through that very quickly and if you've got any questions or any doubts I would advise you to follow my previous videos because I've explained much in those videos so I'm gonna be running through everything quickly to set up graph owner and the East here along with the sample book in for application okay cool so I've got my clusters over to follow this you need acumen at his cluster and helm installed and metal lb or any type of load balancing solution if you if you're running your cluster on any cloud providers then you don't have to worry about metal lb load balancer if you just specify a load balancer in the cloud in the cloud platform it's gonna set up a load balancer for you so you don't have to worry about metal lb and for those of you who are following cluster or provisioning cluster in bare metal then you have no other option other than to use metal lb although there are other options in my series I've shown metal lb so stick with metal lb or if you've got any work in load balancing solution feel free to use that okay so let me show you my cuban it is class cube CDL version - - short so I'm on version 1.15 dot zero the Kuban it is cluster I provisioned is through kind Cuban artists in darker so everything is running as a docker container or used to use Alexi for Cuban it is provisioning but this one seems to be very quick and responsive and taking up less resources docker appear so those are my three nodes cube CTL get notes so I have three nodes one master and two worker nodes all of them are doctor containers so this is Cuban it is in docker if you want know how this works or how to set this one up I've done a video on that as well please search in my playlist in my channel otherwise I can point you in the right direction and I've got helm installed so helm list and I've also got metal it'll be installed cube CTL get namespace so I have metal it'll be installed in the metal lb system namespace so I've got all the requirements so now I'm going to go ahead and setup East EO in my kubernetes cluster city to play directory CD to STL so this is from my previous two videos I've already downloaded sto and mode is to your binary to use a local bin it's TOC DL version unable I mean is TOC TL - - version no ok don't worry I've got its TOC DL installed is TOC DL - - help so there you go everybody's - your CTL but if you want to know how to install it please follow my previous videos or the command is this one if you want to get started quickly curl - yell and the the URL to grab the script hasta TPS get toward io / get latest STL and then pipe that to your shell script pipe that your shell interpreter and then it will install download and install this year and you have two movies to your binary into your part or you can put it wherever you want a Nene you need to make sure to add that to your environment pot variable okay so we've got easier install so now we need to install sto in our kubernetes cluster okay let me open up another terminal here watch I mean watch cube CTO get parts there are no pots here watch cube CTO - n sto system get pod so this is where all our history resources are going to be deployed let's go in and do that helm install install so I have to be in the East Year folder very up downloaded sto and in there is now kubera netters helm sto in it - - name is to you in it and we are going to do that's in the namespace sto - system ok so there you go so we have three jobs and these are the three parts created so if you're in it it's just a preparation kind of thing it's just a setup it's a pre requirement before installing sto it sets up something and then it creates lots of custom resource definitions it prepares your environment for Sto so let's wait for this to complete and if I to get all you can see there are three jobs that does the actual work of setting up your kubernetes cluster deploying needed resources for running east year so once this is complete we are going to install the actual list here so all these have been covered in my previous two videos ok so let's wait for this to complete yet forwards container is getting created and meanwhile I'm going to type the command for the sto installation which is so this time sto installation command is going to be slightly different than the previous two videos because in the previous two videos we deployed just helm sorry just east here so this time you're going to deploy steel along with graph Anna Griffin our add-on okay so let's go ahead and do that helm install so that one is complete by the way all jobs have been completed helm install install kubernetes ham sto - - name sto namespace again we are going to deploy these resources in the same namespace which is sto system - - said Griffin r dot enabled equals true so this one is very important so if you watched my previous videos the command is exactly the same without the last option here so now we are deploying steel along with the graph wanna add on so graph on R is used so we can monitor the graphs we can monitor the CP utilization network utilization all sorts of metrics not only for the easier components we have the sto confidence like galle citadel pilot mixer proxy on y proxy and so on so griffin are using refer now we can monitor not only the easier resources but also over actual workloads in our case it's gonna be the book info sample application okay so I am installing that one and in the bottom you can see it's deploying all the resources and here you can see graph owner Prometheus comes with hto not a problem so all the metrics are connected to the Prometheus and the mixer component if you remember the first video where I show the architecture of the East here there is the mixer component that collects all the metrics and Prometheus grabs the metrics from the mixer component so we got Prometheus installed by default setup by default as part of sto deployment and we have to enable graph fauna by setting - - set raffinate enabled equals true so there we go we've got graph fauna Citadel galley ingress gateway all the customer source definition jobs pilot policy sidecar telemetry and so on so I'm gonna pause the video here because it's gonna take like couple of minutes for all the pots to be running and then I'll come back when it's ready alright so all the components are yeah everything is up okay I'm also going to deploy the sample book in for application so that I can so the graphs in the graph Anna okay control C watch cube CT I'll get all so this one is for the default namespace so as you remember from my previous videos in order to inject the on Y sidecars into your existing applications you need to names you need to label the namespace where you are going to deploy your application so that sto can inject those site cars right so the command is cube CTL sorry cube CTL label namespace default so we are going to deploy the book in for sample application in the default namespace so I'm labeling the default namespace with eto injection equals enabled sto - injection equals enabled okay so that stun cube city I'll get namespace - - show labels so default namespace has got this label enabled so we are good to go so again within the sto directory that we have denoted I'm going to deploy the sample book in for application so it's gonna be like three commands so the first command is going to deploy the booking for sample and the second command is going to expose we're going to create an ingress gateway so that the application can be accessed from outside the cluster and then the third command is to create the destination rule to route the traffic so bad the traffic goes to which version of the microservices and so on so let's start the first command which is cube CDL create - F samples look info book info networking platform yeah cube CTL create - F samples book info platform cube book info dot mo okay so it has deployed lots of resources and down here you can see the parts getting initialized at the moment so each of these parts if you notice here there are two containers here so one is the unwise sidecar container that the ISTE has injected into it and the other one is the actual container for these applications okay so again it's gonna take a couple of minutes I'm gonna pause the video and come back when it's ready alright cool so all our points are now running so we have deployed a booking for sample application it can be accessed within the cluster but not from outside the cluster so we need to expose the application outside of the cluster so we are going to create a gateway so there is a command here we can use the sample manifest provided by history gives a deal create - F samples looking for networking queue know networking book info gateway Tiamo okay so gateway has been created and finally we have to create the destination rules cube CTL create - F samples booking for networking destination rule all Dom also basically it creates subsets destination so the traffic will be routed to all the three versions of the reviews micro service ok that's done so let's have a look quickly if we can access the application cube CDL - n sto system get service sto ingress gateway so I've used sto ingress gateway abused metal lb as the load balancing solution so my external IP is 170 217 dot 0 dot 200 if you follow these two your documentation and if you don't have a load balancing solution like metal lb you can still go with node port so there is a documentation there's a command that shows you how to run the East your ingress gateway as a node port service so you don't have to worry about not having a load balancing solution in your cluster okay so let's try that 172 1702 hundred / product page go so we have our application running and we can access it from outside the cluster okay cool so that's one thing and now let's go ahead and access the graph on the interesting part cube CDL - n sto system get service graph Anna so as you can see here graph owner is running a Sat cluster IP type service so it can be accessed only within the cluster not from outside the cluster although you can change that to Northport service you can either change the manifest file or you can modify it now cube CTL - en sto system edit service graph owner and you can change it from cluster IP to node 4 so type is cluster I peak and change that to Northport so I'm not going to touch that but if you want you can change that to node port and it's cluster IP and it's running in let's look at the port sorry not that one service again I'm doing the same command cube CTL - n sto system get service graph on ax cube CTL - n sto system get service graph on ok so that's what I wanted port 3000 right so the other way to access the cluster IP service is through port forwarding so let's do the port forwarding now cube CTL - n sto system port forward so the part name so the part is crow fauna and the port is 3000 I'm forwarding that to 3000 in my local host okay so final access my localhost colon 3000 I should be able to access the graph on our dashboard let's take a look local host : 3,000 cool so that's your graph on our dashboard so it it has been installed perfectly and now let's go ahead and look at the dashboards so if you click on home and sto so these are the dashboards that comes with each tier Gally dashboard so that's specific for the galley component of sto mesh there is a mixer component it's a general performance dashboard this dashboard is for pilot service dashboard and then we have the workload dashboard so if you want to look at all your deployed workloads not the history of confidence and this is the dashboard for that ok let's go through them one by one a steel galley dashboard okay so these are nice graphs and you can see here galley version so we are using galley version 1.2.3 so that's the galley container image we are using in our cluster resource usage this is specific to galley component or the galley part how much memory it's using was a CPU disk I don't know what that is go routines okay so run time even trades timer rates and so on ok let's look at other dashboards galley let's look at performance dashboard now Carrie so a memory and data rates CPU and we have East your component versions so galley 1.2.3 mixer pilot so everything is running version 1.2.3 if you ever wanted to update a specific company you can see the graph here which version we are using proxy resources memory CPU disk pilot resource usage mixer resource usage I think these are all combined into a single dashboard ok so what else we can see file a dashboard service dashboard ok zero ops zero ops ok so this one here it's not showing any graph because I think this is tied to the booking for service because you're not accessing the booking for service I think we're not seeing any graph here let's try that before that let's go ahead and look at the workload dashboard so that's the workload dashboard details v1 default ok so whatever it is this graph is also empty because we are not accessing our deployed work load okay so what I'm going to do now is where am I okay so I'm gonna use the curl command to generate some traffic to the product page and then we can see the graph here curl maybe in a watch command watch curl - yes for silent - oh I'm not bothered about the output Dev null and I'm accessing 1/7 270 no 200 my load balance or IP and the product page okay so every second sorry every couple of seconds it's going to request the product page and we should be able to see the graph here in a short while so here it refreshes every ten seconds okay let's wait for it and you should be able to see graphs here okay there you go incoming request volume point three operation per second incoming success rate hundred percent so our product page is working fine so we don't have any problems with the product page so that's why we are seeing hundred percent success rate but if there is any problem we can see the graph here TCP server traffic so this is hot GTP traffic I guess that's why you're not seeing the TCP graph here inbound workload incoming request by source and response code so this is 200 so based on the response codes 200 400 404 503 or whatever it is based on that you will see a graph here incoming success rate so non 500 responses so all responses that are non 500 responses you can see the graph here so it will give you a lot of meaningful insights into your application so outbound service there is nothing going out of the cluster so we are just sending requests into the cluster so that's why you're seeing the inbound workloads not the outbound workloads so our curl command is working fine and it's sending requests every couple of seconds and you see the graph here incoming request duration okay cool okay let's go back and see the service - but if you've got anything I don't know what that means but ok cool so now you've got the service dashboard as well okay cool alright and that's all I wanted to show you in this video this is about adding the graph on ax add onto your HDL to look at insights into your sto deployments or your application the service mesh and everything and in my next video I'm gonna be showing you a very interesting component called key ally which is a web interface you can visualize the traffic you can visualize everything how the traffic is moving inside your cluster and within different micro-services in a graphical form and you can also control the easier components from the web interface so we'll be seeing all that in my next video stay tuned and the component is called key ally web interface so it's again a add on like graph ona the installation component installation part is going to be the very same I'll be adding just another option to include the key ally add-on so that will all be covered in my next video so please stay tuned if you've got any questions or comments please leave me a comment I should be able to get back to you or the earliest I can and if you like this video don't forget to share with your friends they might be wanting it they might be looking for some resources but if you can please share it with your friends and then subscribe to my channel as always you'll get notified of my new videos right thank you so much for your time watching this video I will see you all in my next interesting video about key ally but my