and I've entitled this me message watch so you can pray the the prayer watches of the day if you didn't know there are prayer watches if you're new to the faith if you're a baby Christian you have to know that there are times and seasons and every time of the day the Lord is doing something different and every time of the day the enemy is also doing something different for those of you who don't know the sun the Sun s n we assume that the sun gives us vitamin D have we all heard of this but do you know that different times of the day the sun gives you different types of vitamins this is God and so if you are in need of vitamin D if you notice any of you who have been told that you are in need of vitamin D the sun has to be at I believe 30 UV rays or something like that that happens from the hours of about 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. most of us are where at work because sometimes you look at yourself and you're like I've been outside but you've been outside in the morning and probably during the evening but the times that the sun gives out vitamin D you're inside this is why a lot of people people are vitamin D deficient doctor am I am I saying the truth thank you and so you have to understand that the enemy has knowledge and he knows that different times of the day require different things and so this is how the enemy works so us as children of God it is in our right to make sure we have an understanding that 6: a.m. can mean something in the Realms of the spirit 6: p.m. means something different you cannot sit around unconcerned this is the this is the issue with the church in America they are very unconcerned everything is a motivational teaching for them we're tired of motivational preaching we need the the unfiltered word of God we need to know what the scriptures are saying that will save our life if motivation could have kept us half of us would not be in church and so it is required that you you discern and you you thirst for the word of God Amen want us to turn to 1st Chronicles 12:32 1st Chronicles 12:32 it says of the sons of issachar who had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do their chiefs were 200 and their brethren were at their command the sons of issachar had an understanding that there that the Lord operates on times and Seasons the Lord is not just there he's a principled god this is something I want you to make sure it's in your spirit at all times and so some of us will yield results and some of us will sit there unconcerned and we become jealous of one another when someone has unlock the mystery of times and Seasons so me and you can be the same age but we're not the same Grace mates age mates but not Grace mates so if you envy me you envy me for no reason because I have sat there and realized that this life is a life that has to be unlocked everything is hidden Jesus Christ spoke in Parables for a reason because the caral mind cannot comprehend things and so if you are a child of God one of your responsibilities is to know times and Seasons you got to know when to speak when not to speak when to get up when not to get up when to go into Warfare when to go into Praises you must know these things otherwise the enemy will have his way with you and so God operates according to times and Seasons today I want to give you the different times what to pray for what Angel is released at that time this will help you the next 21 days I declare this will be the most successful fasting of your life you will not be interrupted or intercepted by the enemy because you have advanced knowledge on how to war this fasting I declare you will yield the most results spiritually and physically you will testify that you have entered another dimension and another realm in the spirit I pray that the Lord opens your mind to receive and so this teaching is very straightforward have your notebooks have your pens whatever it is so God operates according to times and Seasons the operation of God on the earth realm is governed by times and Seasons you must have that understanding that nothing just happens me standing here today the reason why I took long to come downstairs I wanted to wear a pink dress but the dress was too big and Esther fixed it and it didn't work out well not realizing or even knowing that my husband had a black outfit and we all know that we match all the time and so it did not just happen that the outfit didn't work out God is like y'all need a new picture for October so let me figure this out so he figured it out for us it seems funny it seems frivolous but God is so strategic and he is so meticulous about his people and so I'm telling you this Spirit of unconcerned I don't know why that word is on my tongue but I believe that is what most of you are operating under the spirit of it is what it is it is not what it is the enemy is pursuing your life and making a mockery of you and you are sitting there in the name of it is well it is well is a whole different Revelation I remember one day one of my cousins she's a few years older than me the Lord spoke to me that when I was praying about her and the Lord said that the enemy has literally put a knife through her marriage that she will not get married hers is not it will happen and she'll divorce hers was you just don't get married when I decided to speak to her before I even said what the Lord had said and I asked her I was like is there anybody there because I want us to start praying together the spirit of religion the spirit of unconcerned opened its mouth through her and said in God's time and I told her that In God's Time Is Now God's time is now when the Lord has people start asking you when is the baby coming that means the enemy has seen that the time is now so let me let all eyes when people start asking about your marriage it's time when people start asking you about graduation they know it's time times and Seasons so I don't understand why people get offended when people ask them after marriage when are you having the baby you're supposed to now I don't need you all up in somebody's ovaries CU you don't know what somebody is going through but let's not be a people that is so easily offended that no one can even ask you a question if I lay with my husband the law and the right of God says that I should procreate so it is not a misnomer for someone to ask me in fact it's supposed to propel me to get serious in prayer when when I see that someone is asking me the same question a few times or different people are coming around one of you sent me a message first lady all of a sudden the men are in my DMs I said take watch that means the real one is near times and Seasons there are things God will do in the morning and there are things that he will do at night you have to have an understanding if you have no understanding of that the enemy will sift you so there was a tribe of people called the isachar they had understanding of what to do and what not to do if you will dine with Kings you must know when to speak and when not to speak if you will move with Executives you must know how to eat and when not to eat some of you will go to a restaurant with two and you start eating but when you learn these things you know you wait for everyone to get their utensil even if you hungry so you better grab a bite before you get to the restaurant amen and so God operates on these times and he makes sure that we have understanding so for you 300 p.m. is just 300 p.m. but in heaven 3 p.m. means something and once you get that Revelation you begin to move you begin to trace the Bible and you notice that even midnight comes up a lot and so it's not by chance that Apostle just preached on midnight because one of the keys for this fasting is the Midnight Hour and may the Lord Grace you for that there is something spiritual and God wants to do things quickly and speedily and because he is a god of his word the Bible says that his word is exalted above himself if he said it in the Bible this is the time that this Angel comes that means he cannot do anything else other than that unless L he shows up as the god that does whatever he wants but you must understand to Bear quick results you have to have an understanding of times Isaiah 626 it says I have set Watchmen over your walls oh Jerusalem they shall never hold their peace day or night you who make mention of the Lord do not keep silent what a powerful scripture every Christian is ordained as a Watchman or a watch woman over a territory or purpose for God and so if you're sitting here Chances Are God has made you a Watchman you realize you are the one that even if you are not the most spiritual person out of your family you are and so God has given you jurisdiction already and if you sit there in the name of I'm unconcerned and this is the generational things that happen in my family the enemy will sift you there are certain prayer points that must only be prayed at midnight for efficiency even if you pray them in the afternoon the angel that is commissioned over them that specific assignment will not come until then Luke 187 and shall God not avenge his own elect who cry out when to him though he Bears long with them so day and night there are certain cries that will cause heaven to extend its arm towards you before I give you the watches I'm trying to drill the foundation so you understand that I can't be sitting around unconcerned the Heavenly ordained Agency for the answer of prayers is the Angelic Ministry and so every time Heaven wants to answer your prayer it is through angels and I'm drilling this in your head and I want you to understand we do not pray to Angels We engage Angels the Lord deploys Angels this is important for me to tell you because some of you will end up praying to an angel this is witchcraft we are not called to pray to Angels We Are are called to pray to God the Angels listen to God they are messengers do not pray to Angels so when you hear messages on Angels you do not pray and so I want to begin like Apostle explained to us that the night in the in the Realms of the spirit the night comes before what because things are conceived at night and then it happens in the day in the Realms of the spirit it's not the day and then the night everything happens around 6:00 p.m. there are things being constructed against you and so the next day that is when the missiles begin to Launch and so if you didn't know there are eight prayer watches and these watches are literally around the whole day and as a child of God you must create a table where you know every watch and what it requires and the least of you should be praying at least 30 minutes a watch a watch lasts for several hours but the laziest person in this house or listening to me should be praying at least 30 minutes a watch so the first watch happens in the nighttime and this watch starts from 6:00 p.m. to 9900 p.m. this is the watch of intercession this is the time that if you want to effectively pray for your family this is the watch that you pray from 6:00 p.m. to 900 p.m. instead of watching TV take an hour out take 30 minutes out if you want and the prayer topic is extremely important for you you desire for your your husband to be next to you at church you want your children to be saved you begin to pray this watch 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. it's the watch of intercession the best time to pray for your children and your family the best time to intered for any case in your family so there are people fighting in your family this is the watch your children you see that they sibling rivalry this is the watch you see that your mother and father husband and wife There's issues this is the watch from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. you take an hour you take the whole watch you take 30 minutes and you begin to pray because the angels that watch over this watch are the angels that respond to intercession the angels that respond to intercession and so you realize that once you come from work if you know you carry this ministry of intercession even in your socks and your trousers you are blowing in tongues this is the watch of intercession in this watch as well is the watch of restoration that is why the prophet says cry out at this watch Luke 4:40 when the sun was setting all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to him when the sun was setting what time is that 6:00 p.m. and so any time you saw Jesus he taught in the morning but he healed at night so those of you who are Desiring healing in your body those of you who want restoration for your family 6:00 p.m. that's why um fire night you Cann for to miss it cuz that is the watch that is the watch we are in Jesus always had Crusades in this watch the best time for a pastor to pray for your healing or for their church members is 6: to 9:00 p.m. this is when the angels of restoration come so if you have anything in this hour do it quick says the Bible this is the hour where quick healing happens quick restoration happens when you have this understanding your spirit is now alerted at that watch to begin to pray I pray that you carry the grace to be able to keep watch for every single [Music] watch this is the hour I want us to go to ma Matthew 14:15 Matthew 14:15 when it was evening his disciples came to him saying this is a deserted place and the hour is already late send the multitudes away that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food continue but Jesus said to them they do not need to go away you you give them something to eat and so this is the watch where provision is made when you are in need of provision this is when Jesus gave them food when you are in a situation where you need Jehovah Gyra to show up this is the watch you pray this is the watch you begin to ask God lord provide for my family and I because the angels are suspended ready for dispatch for restoration so if you pray at any other hour we learned about midnight and I'll get to that you cannot pray for provision at midnight the angel is not allowed it's a law they are not allowed to come until it's their turn I'll get into this but remember when the angel went to Jacob and he began to run and Jacob held him he said the day is about to break I got to go so that stands to reason that the Angels they are obedient to times and so if you don't know what Angel is supposed to come you'll miss it you got to know these things as a child of God this should be a preaching that you can preach to everyone around you this is the hour of restoration healing and provision if you are in need of those things you ask the Lord in these times the Bible says pray without season so you can pray at any time about anything but for to have Speedy speedily prayers to have efficient prayers you must know when and what to do the enemy knows when to strike the enemy operates off of times and season from October to December Bloodshed everywhere car accidents everywhere this is the time of the enemy this is the time of the enemy that if you are an open vessel the enemy will begin to make you go crazy and so some of your family members if you notice this is the time that they're going crazy but this is the time we pray for restoration healing and provision may the Lord Empower you to watch this hour may the Lord give you an internal alarm clock that will allow you to remember at least let me keep watch 30 minutes of this day let me be able to open my mouth and pray even if you're tired on your way from work these hours take a few minutes and begin to pray Lord provide for my family I'm not meant to be a pop on my life provide for us give me provision Lord begin to heal this one and that one Lord begin to restore my family this is the watch then we have 9900 p.m. to 12: p.m. so what was the first watch now we have 9 p.m. to 12: p.m. this is the hour I want us to go to Luke 12 37-38 blessed are those servants whom the master when he comes he will find them watching assuredly I say to you that he will G gir himself and have them sit down to eat well and he will come and serve them prophetically do you know what this means this is the the watch of Revelation and spiritual knowledge he said sit in this Third Watch and find a and I will come and I will serve them I want us to go back to the 37 blessed are the servants whom the master when he comes he will find them watching assuredly I say to you that he will guard him himself have them sit down to eat and will come and what this is the hour of spiritual knowledge you want to be a guru in the Bible this is the hour you pray this is the hour you keep watch when it comes the master if you asleep between these times if you end up sleeping from 900 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. because you got to get get up for Midnight Oil if you sleep you will catch powerful Revelations see sleep when it's done in Revelation it is good cuz this is when the the Lord begins to uncover things but when you sleep just asleep and your spirit is sleeping and you are being fed all around that's when you're in trouble but if you sleep and you sleep with Revelation like Lord is only 10 minutes I need to see something quick show me this is the authority that we carry that we don't use you can force yourself to take a nap for 10 minutes for God to unveil things to you some of you God unveils it but you still do not have an understanding of it job 3314 to18 I told you this is very straightforward for God may speak in one way or the other yet man does not perceive it so God wants to give us Mysteries uncovered he wants to speak to you he wants to show you the arrows that are about to fly but yet you are too carnal to perceive it may the Lord give you Insight this watch is a watch of Revelation visions of the night supplication for Spiritual knowledge this is the watch where you pray and God shows you what is happening in your life so you're saying that this this this foot issue this knee issue is bothering me you've went to the doctor and they said that they don't understand what is happening when you go to sleep after praying for this watch the Lord will show you that some enemy is sending arrows to your leg and at midnight is where you fire them this is the watch where God shows you these things he unveils things to you this is the watch where you sit and you concern yourself with the things of God this is the watch where you open your scriptures and what you read is not what you are seeing because the Lord begins to dissect the word and now you find yourself prophetically reading the word of God and uncovering Mysteries and anyone who is a revealer of mysteries is someone God will use so if you want God to use you this watch this is the watch the next watch 12 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. and we learned about this from Apostle this weekend I urge you to go back and listen actually what he was just preaching here I want everyone to go back and get it in your spirit because the enemy will have his way with your mind when you begin to pray warfare prayers the enemy will send a religious spirit your way to try to tell you that what you are doing is against the will of God but if you have spiritual knowledge you'll be able to stand some of you because you are hitting the enemy badly with these prayers he will send one of his agents to come and deter you and if you don't know the word you'll fall some of you at at the edge of your breakthrough is when you get offended when God is finally releasing the prayers that is when you get offended and you begin to say things like why am I killing somebody you're not killing anyone this is spiritual warfare so this watch is 12 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. these are the night watches remember that this is the most important watch of the night judges 163 and Samson lay low till midnight till when midnight then he arose at when then he arose at when took hold of the doors of the gates of the city and the two gate posts pulled them down pulled them up bar and all put them on his shoulders and carried them to the top of the hill that faces Hebron this is the time that um Samson knew that he can defeat his enemies this is the time where you know there are spiritual witchcraft agendas concerning your life some of you you your breath stinks but it's not a normal Dental issue it's a demonic agenda against you to make sure no one comes around you for you to be scared to go around people this is the watch that you deal with those things every arrow being thrown at me every witchcraft manipulation every interference from the enemy we bought little robots for my children and they all have a remote and we realize that the remotes get twisted when another robot comes and the Lord spoke to me and said this is what interference looks like you are using your robot called prayer all of a sudden the enemy throws a sickness throws tiredness throws lazy throws offense and intercepts what God is trying to do if God cannot move until we pray the enemy's agenda is to keep you shut if he can keep you shut in a fense if he can keep you shut in laziness if he can keep you shut in the name of I have a child to take care of if he can keep you shut in the name of I have a job then he's working correctly [Music] this is the hour that most of you sleep the most but you should be sleeping the least those miscarriages back to back to back to back the other day I was reading a lady had 20 miscarriages and you're still sleeping and you think it's okay to be sleeping especially at this watch this is the watch where you take the gates you possess the gates and you you you demolish the gates that the enemy has brought up concerning your life the Bible says that we should possess the gates of our enemies watch and engage spiritual forces at this time this is the watch where the highest evil is done this is the watch watch where the enemy knows that even if she was sleeping at around 6: to 9: that she might not be in a deep sleep but this watch right here she's in the deepest he's in the deepest let me feed him or her and let me tell you something when you have a dream and you're fed if you are fed water that is a good thing do not be ignorant to bind and loose everything this is why you must know the word of God water is good water is a good thing I'm not encouraging that you pray that you are fed but in the event that God comes to visit you and you wake up and you have to discern whether or not it was a good thing bread water and fruits these are three things in the Bible Adam was called to to eat fruits and vegetables so if you're being fed that this is this is like Mana from Heaven not everything is bind and loose some of you go into fastings that I be sitting there confused you must understand times and Seasons that is why this fasting there is a Grace that is released you see how excited everyone gets around this time that is called the grace who gets excited to fast and pray who gets excited not to be able to go and do whatever they want but the fact that people are excited means there is a Grace released so do not sit there and miss this fasting and when we are done and people are testifying you are now saying that oh I got the book let me do it the Grace is Gone it is lifted people do that all the time don't miss it it keep telling yourself from now until October 3rd be intentional I'm fasting body I put you under subjection you keep telling yourself you keep declaring it that this fast I'm not messing about I don't care what dream happens I don't care who comes my way I don't care who wants to get me upset I'm not I don't care who invites me to dinner and you begin to block everyone that wants to invite you to dinner I bind you stay because when I'm not fasting you never called me and some of some of your jobs they are literally some of your jobs they have the contract from the enemy never want to feed you any other time but the month of October the month where witchcraft that's the month that you shouldn't even be eating out outside like that that's the month you shouldn't even open up your spirit to be eating haphazardly may the Lord give you strength and Revelation may the Lord cause you to know when to eat and when not to eat October to December is dangerous I'm telling you every time you enter your car you better pray if you've never prayed any other months October to December Lord I cover myself I cover this car with the blood of Jesus make every crooked path straight this is the month where the enemy on the satanic calendar from October to December is deadly acts 16:25 but at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the prisoners were listening to them when you want to pray for deliverance this is the time anytime you need Deliverance you see that there are some evil things happening to you you realize that you are being violated in your sleep you realize that people are touching you in your sleep you realize that you are being tormented your child is being tormented in their sleep this is the time you realize that there's an agenda from the enemy concerning your marriage this is the time some of you are laying on your beds and you've allowed a witch to sleep in between this is the time where you set your bed on fire whatever contention is happening in this house right now I set this bed on fire in the Realms of the spirit whatever Witch is laying on my bed that causes me and my husband not to commune together not to be one we set you on fire in the name of Jesus this is the watch this is the watch where you pray that Satan should not attack you witchcraft manifests in the daytime but it's planned at what night and so you watch for war fair this is the season where spiritual attacks happen the most but we cancel that in this house we will not be casualties we cover ourselves with the blood of Jesus the easiest time for the enemy to tap into your appetite is during this watch in the natural they say that we go into REM RM sleep around this time that is when you go into the deepest level of sleep and so the enemy will come and feed you and you wake up with fibroid um cyst you wake up with miscarriages you wake up with your your your private parts hurting you and you are like how did this happen you've been fed you've been violated and you had no knowledge because your spirit was sleeping remember when God tried to feed Peter even though it was God he said no because his Spirit was awake and so every single time you are fed in the Realms of the spirit your spirit should be awake to know nope this is not from God get away from me when you begin to have dreams of of people feeding you sexing you touching up on you that means you're sleeping in the Realms of the spirit and so some of you come I need Deliverance I need Deliverance I need Deliverance your spirit is asleep this is the time this is the hour where the enemy will tap into your appetite and I'm telling you now when you are fed in a dream like that and it's demonic food where you yourself can wake up and discern that something was wrong do not eat fast because what the enemy will do is if he fed you chicken in the dream he will give you an appetite for chicken and what we do in the physical is a representation of what has been done and so when you eat that means you are establishing that thing so what you do is you purge yourself through fasting you don't eat not everything is an attack that should take you out of God's will for two months before you come back to church you feed me and I realize that my spirit is sleeping it's war time I wake up and now I know what to do I'm not eating I'm fasting I'm purging this thing out I'm awaking my spirit I dare you to come back to me again this is the hour this is the watch some of you are always violated in your sleep I don't know about you but you you should not be able to even touch me I was bought at a price through Jesus Christ but I was also dowy he had to pay and so you demon how do you come you have not paid for anything you have not done customary rights you have not gone to my family members and you come and violate me then I won't sleep I'm going to pray and fire you some of you men you are being violated in the Realms of the spirit the enemy is wasting your sperm and then you lay with your wife and we look at the wife as Barren but it it's you you've allowed the enemy to tap into you some of you men you are becoming weak physically because you are being violated raped every night night and you are embarrassed and pompous to say it but this is the hour where you you stand up and say wife come here the enemy is trying to take our kids away the enemy is trying to weaken me stand with me and let us pray I don't like being violated so I get very angry when I was coming from Kenya I was sharing with my husband that a lady came and sat next to me for some reason my spirit discerned that something was not okay but I couldn't put my finger on it because I understand spiritual law and I was in the heavens on the plane at that time I said you know what I'm going to sleep I need to know who this person is next to me I went to S and I'm not just talking to make you think I went to sleep I woke up and the dream that I had in the sleep was a woman trying to come and touch me and when and they used the face of a YouTuber that I watch her hair and I looked at her in the dream and I said get away from me right now I send fire to you right now and she burned when I woke up I still could not see the lady because we all have to have masks on when the plane finally landed for 14 hours later the lady stood up and she was a dyke she was a lesbian and she was like a man with breast so in the Realms of the spirit she was trying to project but she did not know who she was projecting to coming to tap and drain the anointing that I went to Kenya with trying to finish me off the devil is is a liar there are some people the enemy should mess with and there are some people he should know better in the dream I began to I literally tore her to Pieces ripped her face when she stood up to take her bags out when I woke up and the plane landed big old man with breast and she looking at me and I said you better not even try you got to understand this these things don't let the enemy come and take you out imagine if I've just said I finished preaching for a whole week and so my guards are down I would have came back and the enemy would have took every anointing I had God forbid First Kings 3:20 and she arose at midnight and took my son from beside me and while thine hand Maiden slept and laid it on her bosom it in her bosom and laid her dead child in my bosom you see those who sleep at midnight you help the enemy to facilitate the destruction of your destiny you actually are opening the door and saying hey devil come and mess with me so it's not that we want a whole bunch of people on Instagram and whatever praying cuz whether you pray or not my husband and I will pray it's because we are we are ordained and commissioned to tell this generation the truth so the enemy will not rape you in the spirit some of you the enemy has exchanged your children I was watching and I put it up the lady whose son destroyed her whole house this was a demonic exchange you did not you did not pray and God did not give you a child to come and break a toilet how do you break a toilet a ceramic toilet how do you break it that can only be a manifestation of a demon and so me I'm telling you all the pregnant people in this house what I've done for the past seven years of my pregnant life is if nothing at all while I am taking a shower I have to pray for my kids I have to the one particularly in my belly I take the shower thing I said Lord this is the blood of Jesus perfect everything that concerns my child any exchange anything in my stomach that will cause them to be fought any blood exchange deal with it I need 10 fingers and 10 toes look at that so you cannot sit there and allow the enemy to do this every night before my kids sleep religiously so long as they are home and we are there they have to pray now my daughter she prays and she said I deploy the angels to come and stand next to me she said I don't want a bad Nightmare and when they wake up we ask each of them and if we have have six of them to ask you and your one or two you can ask you ask the child what did you dream of what did you see in the dream they are not too young to tell you because this is how the enemy begins to plant and so we have family time every morning what did you dream of tell me what's going on what are the thoughts in your head and when we ask them to pray I know what is happening my daughter said I I deployed the angels to come and stand right here next to the bed the other day my son said I think I saw Jesus imagine your child telling you that that is encouragement this hour we should not be sitting around praying every Christian every Christian has a responsibility to make sure that they are praying at witchcraft um witchcraft hour hours which is these this is the watch The Devil won't come at 900 p.m. he knows that midnight is a new day and so he comes to attack The Terror at night this is the time you pray for judgment concerning your enemies and the daytime is not where you pray for judgment anyone who is speaking against me this is the night time this is when you deal with those people those people who have been pursuing you messing with you all this time this is the time you deal with them while men slept while men slept the enemy sld tears Exodus 11:4 then Moses said thus saith the Lord about what time about what time I will go out into the the midst of Egypt and all the firstborns in the land of Egypt shall die from the firstborn of pharaoh who sits on this throne even to the firstborn of the female servant who is behind the hand Mill and all the firstborn of animals so if you are firstborn this is your watch some of you have been raised to firstborn because your siblings um sold their Birthright for stew and so God has made you in the Realms of the spirit the firstborn this is the time you pray that Every curse against the firstborn every door that is closed for the firstborn I deal with it some of you this is the time you need to start praying for your firstborn sibling that Lord let me not go ahead of my sibling I too want to be proud spirit spiritually of my older sister of my older brother Lord arrest them right now every spirit that is causing delay that is resisting them this is the time you deal with it this is the time you deal with it Exodus 12:29 and it came to pass at what that the Lord struck all the firstborns in the land of Egypt from the firstborn of pharaoh who sat on his throne to the first born of the captive who was in the dungeon and all the firstborn of livestock the enemy is a copycat he saw that God did it he said let me try it on these people this is the time you pray if you have an older sibling who is in Ministry this is the time that you can help you pray you say that Lord anything that is fighting my sister my brother this is the time you deal with it the highest time to pray for judgment is this hour you ask that Lord anyone who seeks my downfall let the Judgment of God come upon them this is when you pray those type of prayers and you see when you pray those type of prayers sometimes it's not you sending it to a specific person for you you are just throwing the arrows whoever it hits it hits it's none of my business so if somebody has been fighting your marriage and you begin to throw these arrows and all of a sudden you hear that they are in a divorce do not feel bad all you did was throw the arrows and arrows knows their targets and so when when you see that a sickness has been overturned and all of of a sudden someone around you is is having that sickness you Shine Your Eye In Heaven There are Gates and Angels leave at specific times John 5:4 for an angel went down at a certain time at a what certain time into the pool and stirred up the water then whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was made well of whatever disease he had the angels have particular times they are not like us we are disobedient it takes time for us to be obedient the angels have particular times that they are sent to come and stir Waters that is why even when we are like come and so into the message and we say quickly it's not because we want your money it's because the angel that is attached to the message is here quickly don't wait till 3 days from now when your heart is like okay I think she made sense they don't want my money so let me sew you've missed the angel you know when preachers say turn to your neighbor and say whatever don't take those things lightly don't take it lightly because the Lord uses man to bless and sometimes we ourselves don't even know why we are saying what we are saying but it's by direction of the holy spirit that someone has to release that word to you that's why you make sure you don't sit next to a witch don't sit next to a witch at church the angel who came to stir the water came at a particular time you cannot have permanent victory in spiritual warfare if you don't engage evil forces at midnight to 300 a.m. this is crucial timing I'm drilling this in because this is one of the keys to your success in this walk to possess the gates you must make sure that you are not a person who sleeps too set 10 alarm clocks tell 15 people to call you and wake you up say something got to give I come against sleep paralysis I must be awake at these hours I must be able to speak into the heavens concerning these hours I must be able to throw some missiles dismantle some car accidents mess up some cancer reports I must be able to do those things and this watch is also the watch this is the highest time to break marital [Applause] delay and so a lot of you that have been La this is why sometimes it's hard to speak to some of you it's hard to speak to some of you because the only answer my husband and I can give you is to pray but when we tell you this you think that we don't care the Grace has not been released for me to say anything else but to pray because how can I be praying for your marriage but you are sleeping during the time Ruth 38 now it happened that at what I want us to read together now it happened at that the man was what and he did what and [Applause] what [Applause] this is the time you battle the forces that are turning your fiance's heart away from [Applause] you this is the time where you pray against any demons that are manipulating your marriage and so it's not in your best interest to be sleeping I'm tell telling you it makes no sense and this Friday you know sometimes if we don't understand people and things it is easy to get irritated the whole time you guys were praying in the beginning I was not watching cuz I Was preparing for Ark of women then the Lord told me to pray concerning some things then I tuned in when I tuned in Apostle said something he said I really want to to push this so we can pray into the midnight as I was praying before I watched it the Lord said that the church today right now they need to pray into midnight I didn't text Apostle because I knew he had to go to North Carolina and I'm like I don't want him to overexert himself but the grace really is sufficient and the spirit of God is one because the minute I turned on to YouTube that is when he said those exact words and I began to pray and I said Lord if my husband and I spirit is truly one let him do it I don't want to text him but let him still do it because sometimes we think about you guys oh it's late you got to drive back but the Lord is trying to deal with some delays in your life he's trying to deal with some things it would be so carnal of us to come give you a motivational speech and keep it moving when there are things in your life that are resisting you in this ministry we teach you and we build Army we build Army you cannot be in this ministry and be spiritually weak one way or the other the Lord will arrest you in your own home and you'll begin to pray and bind and [Applause] loose this is the time to pray that any demon that has been manipulating my spouse in Anger they must be arrested you address marital delay you don't complain some of you you must understand some things especially in marriage if there's an issue it's not now that oh he don't ever listen to me it's a communication issue and no it's a demonic issue because you can be manipulated to still speak if you don't know remember Satan spoke and Jesus saw that Satan was behind Peter and he said what I rebuke you Satan get away from him and so you saying that my spouse doesn't know how to communicate that's just your carnal mind you've been communicating since thy kingdom come and nothing has changed in your marriage you arise up in prayer say Lord deal with that bad attitude of my wife deal with that nasty attitude of my husband deal with this Pride issue deal with this anger issue deal with this issue for me and then after prayer the Lord will release you and then your communication will sound like sweet incense to their ears but some of you because you are already being manipulated by anger and bitterness that is when you want to go and sound like a clanging symbol when all you got to do is pray this watch learn how to contend in the spirit some of you are always having issues with your parents because you want to y y y y all day long it has not worked your other siblings tried to speak the enemy has put a a a device on your parents ear that makes them think that you are disrespectful every time you speak it's not the time to shout and disturb you look for somewhere and you go and you Kaba and Cabo and some of you carry the spirit of religion so now that I'm telling you to pray that's when you will go disturb the husband or the wife that already does not want to see the prayer no you take a room you go to the side and you begin to deal with stuff you deal with stuff I bind and I loose this spirit that is dealing with my husband that causes us not to be okay every two days we must get into an argument every six days some some type of fight must happen this you go in your prayer closet it's not the time when your husband who's already mad with you you now of course he's going to be upset you deal with things go use wisdom move to the side caral people talk a lot before you talk you must make sure you pray before you even try to talk one hour pray three before you try to go and say let's communicate and talk about our issues pray three hours if you can't pray three hours you don't need to talk to anybody because some of you are manipulated already with a spirit of anger and bitterness and so the way you will even say the thing even if it's a good point you're making because the enemy has manipulated you already is the attitude you're coming with will make your whatever just null and void someone say pray this is the the hour that you pray this is the hour where you engage also in praises the Bible says that Paul and Silas at the Midnight Hour they praised Psalm 119:62 at midnight I will do what no no no no when I'm preaching Apostle and I are different in that style I want you to read with me because I know the power of vision Apostle is a teacher so he can break it down to you and it'll stick in your spirit me I want you to preach with me let us read at midnight I will rise to give thanks to you because of your righteous judgments this is the time where you strategically praise in Warfare see there's praising to thank God and then there's praising to say that Lord I Thank you and I praise you that every enemy that has risen up against me has been been scattered I thank you Jesus that when the enemy sought to sift me like wheat you prayed for me I thank you Jesus that every hand stretched against me and my child in my womb that you have cut off I thank you Jesus that everything manipulating my marriage I thank you that it has burned to ashes in the name of Jesus Lord I Thank you I praise you and you begin to praise God you see when you think people in advance for what they did not do they feel guilty to do it if you come and you vow and you say that first lady I'm going to take you out and I come on the Altar and I say we thank God for Sister Mary she says she's going to take me out praise the Lord may the Lord bless you now you are obligated you have to take me out this is this is the same principle God wants this because it provokes him to make sure that you hold on to his word and his word is exalted above him he cannot lie and so when you praise Him strategically then he has no choice but to do it engage in Praises at this time you are engaging angels to fight when you praise this is the an this is the hour that Angels respond to praise and prayer they don't respond to crying there are other hours where you can cry and so Fridays that's not the time you come with your tears you come with your Weaponry on Fridays fire nights the Lord designed it for you to dismantle some things especially when you see we're entering into the Midnight Hour that's the time where you stand up some some some prayers you lay down and you are crying out for Mercy you see we speak to God but we command demons we speak to God but we command demons Jesus thanked the Lord but when it came to Lazarus he shouted Lazarus come out because every demon of death that had held him every Spirit of death had to bow to the lordship of Jesus Christ this is the hour where you praise and you pray it's not the hour of tears and your tears you don't even have Revelation behind your tears anyone threatening your marriage your business your ministry this is the time you deal with him any Jezebel any honger that comes to step and and come in between your marital bed and try to defile it this is when you deal with them and these strong men that wants to come and take your wife away this is when you deal with them then the next watch 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. to 6: a.m. this is still the night Watchers 3:00 a.m. to 6: a.m. Lamentations 3:22 to 23 though the Lord's Mercies through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed because his compassions fail not they are what they are what every and great is his what this is the hour or the watch where you secure the mercy of God Amen the angel of Mercy comes from 3:00 a.m. to 6: a.m. those who wake up at 7 and 8 you've missed the clock for Mercy you should be able to wake up at least 10 to 15 minutes father God I secure Mercy for me and my household today Father God I ask for Mercy for me today Mercy prevents bad things from happening to you his mercies stop us from being consumed and so anything that will try to cons consume you when you pray you have now given God permission to enter step in and stop you from being consumed am the Angels go back at 6: a.m. and so if you wake up at even 6:30 you've missed it how do I know this the physical representation of God's Mercy is manif Exodus 16-21 Exodus 16:21 so they gathered it every morning every man according to his need and when the sun came hot it melted Mana is Mercy when the sun comes up at seven when you are waking up and half of the world is already up it says it melted it goes away it's time to pray for something else and so you wake up and bad things are happening to you and you feel like you're being consumed you sleep too much one of the assignments tonight take a clock get an alarm 30 minutes for each watch this is what you're going to do for the rest of your life this is what you're going to do and as soon as the Mana came the mercy came as soon as the sun came the Mana melted so when you wake up at 8 a.m. you have missed Mercy for the day even if you wake up to pray at least 15 to 30 minutes it is better to do that and go back to sleep secure mercy and then number two at this watch you secure blessings for the day the Bible says that we shall be blessed in our going out and if you know people go people especially in like Africa people go out at 6:00 a.m. to start selling the day starts at 6:00 a.m. and so when you are praying Lord give me Mercy Mercy stops bad things from happening some of you you've had mercy but blessing you don't have because you didn't ask for it and so the whole day you can genuinely say nothing bad happened to to me I thank God but you can't tell me that you had a blessing for the day this is the time where you secure mercy and blessings you say that Lord Give Me Your Mercy and show your blessings Let It Rain upon me and my family me and my husband me and my children me and my business me and my marriage this is the time the blessings of the day Genesis 32 26-29 he said let me go for the day what the day breaks at 6:00 a.m. but he said I will not let you go until you bless me so he said to him what is your name he said Jacob and he said your name shall no longer be called Jacob but Israel for you have struggled with God and with men men and have prevailed then Jacob asked saying tell me your name I pray and he said why is it that you ask me my name and he blessed him what and he blessed him what there this is the time you contend for your blessings this is the time when you're looking for a Visa this is the time that if there's any job resistance anything that you need this is the time you begin Lord bless me with a job bless me and bless me indeed enlarge my territory you're looking for a house this is the time you pray you want the the underwriters to begin to check you off and say that you are approved this is the time you pray and the Bible says that he changed his name to Jacob this is the time you pray for promotion this is the time you pray for promotion when you are at work and you feel like you are being overlooked this is the time you pray Lord I desire a promotion bless me with a promotion push me to another level graduate my life move me into the Israel anointing someone say strategy strategy someone say strategy strategy so the first watch is intercession and the angel of restoration comes correct and then the second watch of the night is revelation and the angel of what Revelation comes the Third Watch is the watch of warfare and the angel of warfare and deliverance is when you pray for judgment you don't pray Show Me Your Glory oh God you pray warfare prayers at midnight now we enter and then the fourth watch from 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. you pray for mercy blessings you pray that the mercy would be a shield that preserves you from evil favor and then we enter into the day watches and I'll quickly do this from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. this is the watch where you pray for Spiritual empowerment and spiritual gifts 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. this is the gifts of the Spirit if you desire to prophesy heal the sick this is the angel that distributes gifts at this time and so those of you who are in Ministry you are Desiring that God would use you in a special way you want to be a Healer you want God to use you in that Arena this is the time you pray Acts chapter 2 verse two it says that the Holy Ghost came but when you go to Acts chapter 2:15 for these are not drunk men as you suppose since it it is only the third hour of the what day and so that stands to reason if the day technically starts at 6: a.m. the third day the third um hour of the day is between this time in the Realms of the spirit we start the day at 6:00 a.m. at 12: and when when you continue on for this watch you start it you start it at 6:00 a.m. and the third hour is when the Holy Ghost made them drunk this is the time where you ask for gifts this is the time where you say that God I desire the spirit of Revelation I can't read the Bible like a normal person anymore God give my tongue interpretation I'm a I'm a worshiper I need my songs to heal I'm a praiser I need my songs to deliver this is the time you pray Lord I'm an evangelist give me the tongue of an orator that I may draw people into your kingdom Lord I desire to really begin to speak to people at my workplace concerning Jesus this is the time you pray this is the hour of the day the highest time to see visions of Heaven are between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. think about it after when we fast after the 5:00 a.m. when you go back to sleep that is when most testimonies come that this is what I've seen Heaven comes and tells you what is happening at these times impartation happens also at this time Psalm 2: 7-9 we won't read it but write it down impartation happens around this time Psalm 2 verse 7-9 the day begins at 12:00 a.m. so the third hour is from 6 to what I hope you understand this is the time you pray for impartation the best time to pray for your own personal healing is at this time this is the time that there's a spiritual law and hopefully we can do that one day that if you need healing and you walk under the sun while you pray you'll get healing wait a minute Malachi 4:2 but to you who fear my name the son of righteousness shall rise with what see the teacher got it the son of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings and you shall go out and grow fat like a stall fed Cal I'm not teaching you witchcraft I'm teaching you Bible see the enemy knows these things and so they do crazy things but we are afraid to do it and so the church in America is dying and so anytime a carinal man comes across a church like this they have so many questions but everything I give you is scripture every single thing that's why we try our best everything we say a scripture to back it the son of righteousness shall arise with healing in its wings this is the hour you pray for your healing anything that has been resisting my body from serving God he said let my people go so I may so that they may serve me let my people go so that they may serve me and so you begin to pray that Lord as you release me from this physical Thorn I'm going to serve you all the days of my life we learned in Bible studies the DMV and the North Carolina that we we are saved to serve the reason why God took you out of the pit is to serve him the reason why God gave you the good job is to serve him the reason why God gave you the good marriage is to serve him and so when you begin to use these things against God you are designing yourself to enter back into the pit you are only saved just so you can serve you're not serving because we need help you're not serving because anything you are serving because you were saved it's your appreciation to God so let us change this mindset you were saved you were taken out of the pit the cancer left your body your your heart began to work the kidneys worked because he needed you to serve him and so when you're serving do away with that mindset that they need help I'm the only one that can do it the devil is a liar the devil is a liar Esau sold his Birthright and Jacob was right there to get it if you don't do it God will cause another man to do it I was telling the people of Ark of women yesterday that Katherine keman the late great Katherine kman she had a quote and she said that God's First Choice to preach the gospel was a man his second choice was a man but when he realized that the men were not doing what they had to do he called upon a woman if you don't do it God will call somebody else to do it and most of the time it'll be somebody so close to you and you'll get jealous God delivered me so I can serve he took me out of six pregnancies without dying just so I can serve him and so when I'm serving him I'm not serving him or I won't say I won't do it because I'm offended by what you did what you did has nothing to do with me you fight against me you fight against God I am commissioned to serve and that's what I'm going to do offense cannot take me away from serving God when you understand this Revelation you will never ever ever stop serving God and as a result you will never be in the pit every time the enemy is trying to push you in there God's hand will come and leave you a a and leave you out of there take you out of there so don't think you're doing it for anyone 9:00 a.m. to 12: p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Exodus 12:35 to 36 now the children of Israel had done had done according to the word of Moses and they asked from the Egyptian articles of silver articles of gold and article and clo clothing and the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians so they granted them what they requested thus they plundered the Egyptians when they did this asking it was in this watch from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. if you are trying to speak to your helpers this is the time you call them that's good you pray and you say that Lord open their hearts to connect entrust a blessing for me through them this is the time where you go and in the Realms of the spirit you begin to demand that heaven should come down and visit your destiny helper to help you this is the time you call your destiny helper during this time and you begin to engage the Ang angels of favor on your behalf you ask God lord deploy the Angels right now so that favor could be my portion those of you who have interviews during this time anytime they tell you oh I'll do an interview at 600 p.m. be like nope from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. I'm giving you the times I don't want a 300 p.m. interview I need an interview between these times so whatever day you got this is the time I want see when you understand these things you can can command and God will allow men to comply you engage angels of favor We Don't Pray Again to Angels but we engage them through praying to God this is the watch where Jesus was also condemned to die he was crucified at 12 but he was judged at this time and so this is the time where you pray concerning the things of your flesh the bad attitudes this is the time this is the time where you begin to say that Lord deal with everything the pride the anger the bitterness this is the time where you're sitting at your desk and you begin to pray Lord I have a bad attitude Lord people say I don't know how to speak Lord give me Grace to speak Lord I carry a jealous Spirit you die to the flesh you ask God to deliver you out of these things at this time the Judgment of the Flesh and you can write down Psalm 376 and you can write down Mark 1525 Psalm 376 Mark 1525 this is when anytime you have been overcome by sin those of you who like to curse people out and you feel bad this is the time to pray pray and ask God to deliver you when you realize you got anger issues this is the time you begin to pray Lord deal with this flesh of mine those of you who you stick your nose up at people you you turn your nose down and you think that you have arrived in life this is the time you pray those of you who have issues with depression and anxiety this is the time you pray those of you who got low self-esteem issues this is the time you pray this is the time you deal with the flesh you engage with the power of the cross the blood of Jesus say that Lord inject your blood in me cause a turnaround in my life cause me to walk in humility some of you you don't understand that you are wearing the Garment of Pride literally when we walk into the room we can sense Pride not the presence of God the presence of God comes in and you don't have to announce yourself people can know what this is a distinguished young lady this is a distinguished gentleman and some of you walk in and a garment of pride a garment of anger a garment of contention so you yourself sometimes don't realize it but it's like every day when you walk up to somebody they got their hands up because it's is a garment that has covered you this is the time you deal with it you talk to God you ask this any demon that will manifest through these emotions of yours this is the time you deal with it that jealous Spirit of yours that literally on the low you cannot be happy for anybody this is the time you deal with it those of you who get mad and you play it on like you are celebrating people but when you go home the thoughts in your head are telling you that it should have been you to get married it should have been you buying the $5 million it should have been you getting the promotion you should be the one um having this testimony this is when you deal with it 12 to 3 this is another high spiritual hour Matthew 27:45 now from the sixth hour until the 9th hour there was Darkness all over the land this is this watch from 12: to 3: that's why we have midday prayers because at this time is when another Realm of Darkness sweeps and so most car accidents happened between 12:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. and 12 and 3: today let me tell you I began praying for preservation for a particular church member because I knew the time to engage and Apostle I don't know if you've seen the text message the person literally messaged us and said first lady I just got into a car accident and the car I guess is messed up but she is fine the enemy knows how to engage things H engage the angel of preservation around this time a lot of evil that seeks to find expression in the day happens at this time noon day and so we say that the noon day arrows the arrows that fly at noon day the frustrations that happen the car issues that happen they be happening around this time or they happen at the 12:00 a.m. to 3 a.m. hour cuz that's when the enemy strikes the most anything you couldn't catch at night you catch at this time you pray for preservation you engage and deploy the angels of preservation say that Lord preserve my family and the Lord will prompt you now that you know these watches the Lord will prompt you to look at the time when you look at the time you can discern what the Lord wants you to pray for amen thank acts 109 acts chap 10:9 the next day as they went on their journey and Drew near the city Peter went up to the Housetop to pray about the sixth hour this is the hour this is the time where you engage in spiritual visitation this is the time where Peter saw a trance when you go to the next verse this is the time then he became very hungry and wanted to eat by but while they made ready he fell into a what this is the time where you will get the most chances this is when God is trying to show you some things quickly this is the time where you can't necessarily fall asleep because you got stuff going on but the Lord is like I want you to I want to show you the argument that is coming your way so you can buy find it right now I want you to I want to show you the employee that is about to come and tell a lie on you so you can stop it in the Realms of the spirit this is the time you engage this is the angel of visitation happens any dream that you dream between these hours of 12 and 3 take it seriously if you see yourself falling asleep between these hours and you have a dream take it seriously this is the time where you take it extremely serious because that means God wants to intercept very quickly and cause a turnaround and so sometimes he'll make you sleepy for about 5 to 10 minutes just to make sure you can see or he'll quiet your spirit and you'll enter into a trance and he'll show you some things and if you're carel you'll say oh I just saw like my daughter it's like she kind of like fell on the floor or something I don't know but no the Lord is trying to show you that the enemy is trying to put your daughter down this is when you begin to pray the angels of visitation not intervention this is when the Lord will come and show you he will cause the angels to come and deliver the message of what is happening not necessarily to intervene but what is happening if you want to know why the job hasn't called you back this is the time you engage you engage in prayer and you fall into a trance and then we have 300 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. this is when you dedicate yourself to the service of God this is the watch 300 p.m. to 6: p.m. this is the watch of sacrifice anything that is resisting your walk with God this is what you pray for and you say any relationship that is causing me not to come to church any relationship that is causing me not to read my word any hindrance any food that I've been consuming this is the time you deal with it anything that is causing you not to concern yourself with the things of God any spirit that is causing your husband usband to say that they don't want to come to church but they rather stay home and watch the Super Bowl this is when you deal with it this is the watch of sacrifice when you commit yourself to the Lord acts 3:1 and acts 16 13-14 acts 31 acts 1613 to14 in the Jewish tradition this is the time they actually pray acts 16:13 to14 now Peter and and the and on the Sabbath day we went out to the city to the Riverside where the prayer was customarily made and we sat down and spoke to the women who met there now a certain woman named Lydia heard of us she was a seller of purple from the city of Ty P who worshiped God the Lord opened her heart to take heed the things spoken by Paul you see this is the time where God will literally send your destiny helpers this is the watch where you begin to pray for Destiny helpers before you ask God for people to fav you now this is the watch where you say that Lord I don't have any I don't even have anyone to gaze my eye on release them to me release them I have no hope anywhere besides in you I need to see physical manifestation of what you are trying to bless me with cause people some way somehow this is the watch you pray many pastors this is the time they should begin to pray that the Lord increases the service of their Church this is the time this is the time of the burden of the church this is the time when you desire to see all these seats filled when you desire to be a mouthpiece for God this is the time you pray this is the time you pray Daniel 9:21 yes while I was speaking in prayer the man Gabriel do we who do we know who Gabriel is he's a what Angel an angel so that stands to reason that angels in the Bible never had feathers all the time some of them came as men and so the Lord can release a man into your life a woman into your life that will serve as an angel of blessing to you the the man Gabriel whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly reached me at the time of the evening offering if you don't understand angels are very obedient and when you pray in persistency the Angels move swiftly every time you pray at the Ang Angelic hour of that prayer of that hour of of that desired prayer point the angel has no choice but to move what swiftly to move what swiftly the swiftness of an Angel is a result of your consistency in prayer so some of us we we don't have an understanding of time and so our prayer life seems like it's not yielding results if you read about Elijah when he called down fire it was an amazing thing that he did but if you have understanding of what he did him and the false prophets all came together in the altar they did what they had to do he had understanding of the time he knew that at this hour when I pray the angels have to move swiftly this particular hour when you watch whatever you pray for they have to move swiftly and so Elijah understood this concept and so the Bible says that he did not move he did not do anything he watched them pray and do whatever they had to do and then the Bible said he came and sacrificed and at this hour at this particular hour is when the fire of God came down he understood that if I can sacrifice myself if if I can sacrifice anything between these hours the angel has to move swiftly and so Elijah had an understanding of times he had an understanding of the watches today we're about to enter into a fast in about two weeks the Lord wants you not to be carnally minded this may not be the preaching that will have you on your feet stomping and shouting but it is a preaching that will save your life it will cause you to yield results there are laws of prayer and watches times and seasons are part of it when you understand the mystery of watches you'll see that your prayer life is effective today my assignment was simple it is to encourage you to take watch be it 15 minutes of every watch and sometimes the Lord will direct you on how to pray and you yourself if you know you have a need now you make it your point that this watch I must stay up to pray I want to implore you to make a table create a table Apostle and I have a book coming out by the grace of God concerning the watches and it goes into into extreme detail but I want you to create your own table based on this message have it by your bedside and anytime you wake up anytime your spirit have it on your phone as well anytime the Lord alerts you to watch what your time is you begin to pray the watch pray in all Dimensions pray all types of prayers pray with understanding and the Lord will bless you amen may you please be on your feet