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Propaganda's Impact on Modern Warfare

[Music] [Music] hi everyone Judge Andrew Napolitano here for judging Freedom today is Tuesday August 27th 2024 Colonel Karen katkowski joins us now Colonel katkowski a pleasure thank you very much for your help a lot to talk to you about big picture propaganda is propaganda itself an element to be achieved in Modern Warfare it is a part it is a part of of warfare and I don't think just modern um you know influencing uh what people believe uh both the other Army that you're against or uh your people back home the enemy population I think propaganda is a key part of uh uh you know battle and conflict and uh trying to enforce your will on a party that doesn't want that will enforced so it it is part of it yeah I mean there's it's it's a very human thing to do uh our friend and colleague Alistair crook argues that he agrees with you uh and in the case of Israel we we will get to ksk and the involvement of us intelligence community in a wonderful interview you recently gave uh with Sputnik in a moment but Alistair argues that an essential part of the Netanyahu government's propaganda is aimed at the Israeli public as well as the rest The World Isn't it pretty clear that he has lost the propaganda world the propaganda War around the world he's only got the United States with him yeah it's obvious it's obvious that he's lost it and he knows this they I think uh uh a lot of people in Israel people and politicians there are very very concerned because you know you you need friends uh when you're a little country that's doing nasty things you need friends and the more friends the better the more supporters the better and Israel's down to one and that one is the United States which also has uh uh grown enemies uh you know we haven't created friends in the past 20 years we've created enemies so um we're not popular either neither is our money so yeah Israel should be very concerned and I think they are I I don't know what the solution is going to be but they're very concerned um Karen yesterday uh the United States sent its 500th flight of arms to is Israel 500 flights in 9 months uh of the war you can see how vital USA is to this uh Israeli Onslaught so Sunday morning in the we hours of the morning before the sun uh came up which is an important part of uh what we're now about to discuss the um heesa fired rockets and um and drones at Israel and Israel fired back it only went on for 20 minutes and then it stopped here's what prime minister said prime minister Netanyahu said a few hours later in the morning on Sunday morning August 25th cut number 12 what happened today is not the end of the verse Hezbollah tried to attack the state of Israel with rockets and drones early in the morning we instructed the IDF to carry out a powerful preemptive strike to remove the threat the IDF destroyed thousands of short-range rockets and they were all intended to harm our citizens and our forces in the Galilee in addition the IDF intercepted all the uavs that Hezbollah launched for a strategic purpose in the center of the country we are hitting Hezbollah with surprising thrusts three weeks ago we eliminated his chief of staff and today we foiled his attack plan nzala in Beirut and K in tan should know that this is another step on the way to change the situation on the North and return our residents safely to their homes and I repeat this is not the end of the story now that was the only source of information that the Israeli public had emanating from Israel because shortly after whatever happened in this 20 minute period happened and before he made that statement prime minister Netanyahu and his government put total censorship I don't know how they can do this in the modern era but they did it total censorship on uh reporting what happened in the uh conflagration between the two here is our colleague and friend Alistair crook yesterday on this show explaining what happened cut number 13 one of the reasons we can't give more detail of this is immediately at 5:00 in the morning um the Israeli government issued an absolute ban on any reporting of any damage or any attacks a complete sensor was imposed on what happened in Tel Aviv what happened at the airbase which they also attacked which is where the drones flew from absolute ban no reporting no photographs no visuals uh and so they put a complete blackout on any news of any damage to any infrastructure any defense sites or to the intelligence um basis in Tel AV do a sophisticated Society like Israel tolerate a total ban on ban on news presumably not good news if it were good for the Israelis the the government wouldn't put a ban on it yeah that's that's true clearly uh you know whenever there's information bans or attempts by governments to shape information it means that they're afraid of what's out there they're afraid of the possibility of uh counter narratives or just facts truthful evidence they don't like it uh so uh you know we know governments are kind of like criminal uh elements really they're criminal gangs and and criminal gangs they they they fear exposure okay they fear evidence that shows they did something wrong or they're guilty so uh these governments are criminal gangs and clearly he's got it under control in in Israel but I think many Israelis u i mean they're sophisticated people they are well uh read and you know they're internationalist in many ways uh including the Israelis that live abroad from Israel and uh so they're paying attention to information this idea that he's going to be able to freeze uh access to information for very long uh for everyone it's it's really a short-term thing even for the best uh the best controllers you know like Netanyahu must imagine himself to be ah but he has friends in the media because I'm going to put this in front of my face this is the front page of yesterday's Wall Street Journal which reports to show uh an Israeli Iron Dome rocket destroying uh a Hezbollah missile and the same photograph a smaller version of it was on the front page of the New York Times that photograph Alistair crook is a year old that photograph was taken in the daytime and this 20 minute configration between Hezbollah and the IDF occurred in the pitch dark of night so who does Netanyahu and the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times think they're kidding it is it's crazy I mean they are they are they are one and the same apparently they they get their information from the same sources they March to the same drummer but um I don't think they're very aware that the rest of the world um is very exposed to many bits of information and many alternative narratives you know uh it it really makes them look more foolish than anything else and and certainly the American Media clearly uh is not doing its job uh unless their job is to do as Netanyahu advises them to do um if that's the case they are doing their job but um I don't think many Americans feel that that's what our Ma you know our major newspapers should be doing um it's a joke on them really I mean it's a it's a sad State of Affairs and and again they this is why the newspapers are so concerned um and the governments that rely on those newspapers to shape their own government narrative they're so concerned about things like like telegram like uh Elon Musk buying uh Twitter you know they they cannot tolerate uh you know people actually doing what people do the Israeli government is not the only government that this did this the US did this during the invasions of Iraq and and Afghanistan the US still hides still hides what we knew about Pearl Harbor still hides what we knew about 911 still hides what we knew about and know about the JFK and RFK assassinations there's no limit to what these governments whether they're criminal gangs or that purport to be uh democratically elected lowercase D or not they still continue to hide the truth but I couldn't resist this one uh because we caught them red-handed with an old H photo taken in the daytime and Alistair uh crook uh put his finger right on it in your uh interview uh with Sputnik you were asked if the United States helped to plan the invasion of Russia did it well I believe that we had for knowledge um and certainly we know that our equipment um and and our Communications and our intelligence our surveillance data is all made available uh as requested you know if it's subregional or or targeted data that information is made available by our government to the Ukrainian Army and the Ukrainian politicians if they ask for it so we are involved in Ukraine um basically like the pig is involved in breakfast we are in it are we are part of it so um yeah I'd be very very surprised if we had no forn knowledge and I think that it it was something that they cleared with military military leaders and and strategists uh even in the Pentagon who the Pentagon says oh no we were surprised we didn't know anything we're waiting to see what happens yeah I bet they are but you know yes clearly we're involved in it um we one go ahead we're also involved in it with Americans I mean we have American mercenaries and American volunteers and other NATO military on the ground participating in this kers Invasion that happened I guess a few weeks ago um yeah so there's no way we we are not a part of this and this game that we're playing that oh it's all Ukrainian we give them all these weapons and we tell them oh don't do this don't do that but it's really the final decision belongs to uh zalinski uh that's our policy because you know we we respect zalinski give me a break um no we we will if if you don't mind make a mini uh cut of your phrase like the pig is involved in breakfast if you know mind it we'll post that on uh videos which sometimes sometimes do go viral and we mentioned uh telegram uh you can't uh Overlook the fact that the president chair and principal owner of telegram was just arrested uh in Paris because the French and the American can't stand uh what is articulated freely on Telegram and Chris reminds me that in a recent interview with my friend and former Fox colleague Tucker Carlson the telegram founder said that the US government has been spying on him for years and even recently attempted to hire away his chief engineer uh who refused to leave this gets back to what you were saying earlier governments hate and fear the truth and they don't want people talking about the truth that's right Dmitri simes Scott Ritter pavl name escaping me forgive me the found of yeah correct correct does any of this surprise you lieutenant colonel katowski well the uh desperation of these governments does surprise me a little bit because generally they like to go slow and Silent if they can uh in inhibiting uh Free Speech inhibiting uh Communications that they don't like um you know for years the NSA spied on Americans but they but people didn't know that people didn't think about it so it wasn't an issue and then Snowden relayed to everybody that oh yeah yeah that's happening not only is it happening it's a major Target of NSA Mission and they have many customers in the government that want that information so then we say oh well the government does that they they spy so we've kind of accepted it but like it better if we don't talk about it and when they arrest uh guys like pav durv who uh they have there's a billion almost a billion users of telegram around the world and um they use it for a lot of different things sharing information business all kinds of things but those billions of people they're Mak that isn't a that's a desperate move that is a uh an unfortunate thing that they've done because backing away from that cannot there is no good outcome here for the government that arrested for for either the French for mcon or for the Americans who were behind it and there's no doubt the Americans and the Israelis are driving this because there's two things you can get on telegram wonderfully and really in an uninhibited direct honest way and that is video of what's happening in Ukraine and video of what's happening in Gaza these are things you get on a daily basis if you want to see them they're out there and it's common comment it on so it's self- checked by others if people if someone you know it has that uh uh self-correcting mechanism that decentralized systems have uh anyway n doesn't like it Biden doesn't like it Harris doesn't like it macron doesn't like it but once they've taken for six days or five days I don't know how long they're going to keep uh pavl in P you know detained without charges or maybe they'll charge him and throw him in jail but once they do that getting out of it this A lose lose situation for the governments because they are either evil Free Speech hating uh unfair organizations which we know them to be or they made a terrible mistake because they are listening to bad people and and by that I mean Netanyahu uh zalinski you name it there's plenty of bad government people that that really really really want telegram down they want it they want it finished um but there's no good win out of this so that's why I think it stin and reeks of desperation on the government's part um you know when you when you go do something you need to have not only a plan B but you need to have an exit strategy that works for your interests and they the government doesn't have that when they arrest people like like this and they and you know we saw this we saw this to some extent with um with Julian Assange very very difficult for the governments once they had committed and made their point that they can't tolerate WikiLeaks they can't tolerate journalism and they went after this guy how long did he have to stay how long was he in prisoned between the Ecuadorian Embassy and belmarsh 15 years almost so they had but that wasn't necessary but they had no exit strategy they had no political exit strategy that would save government face and they don't have one with PA durv either and this is a sign of government desperation do you and your um uh intelligence uh community veteran colleagues uh openly acknowledge and do any of your colleagues still in the intelligence Community acknowledge that this incursion into Russia absolutely positively could not have happened without the knowledge consent approval and and preparation provided by MI6 and CIA I think the the assessment is that it could not have happened without without American and of course British um help at the very minimum intelligence but also we the Americans the dod the people working with Ukraine we're watching them almost as closely as the Russians are okay so this this idea that oh the Russians weren't prepared for this but but they could have been because troop movements were happening who was looking at those troop movements the Americans were looking at the troop NATO was looking at the troop movements the UK was looking at the troop movements so we certainly were aware of it secondly zilinski is a person who I think actually does worry some Western leaders um he is also exceptionally desperate uh the the FRA the time frame the length of time for his political survival that window is closing he knows it everybody else knows it so that drives desperation that means that we are even more worried about zelinsky's uh leadership and things that he might do uh as this window closes and part of it is the US election but also part of it is Germany isn't going to give him any more Aid you know NATO's broke so yeah we definitely had a role to play here and also this whole War don't forget you know we know you know but Americans need to understand this entire activity in Ukraine against Russia was driven by the United States particularly the United States state department under let's name him Obama so you know this is this is uh this is an American agenda item do you think we're not watching we're not participating take a look at this um headline from a piece by Politico Ukraine uses ksk success to press Biden on lifting weapons of restrictions Ukraine's invasion of Russia has flipped the gloomy narrative on the war and keev is using its Battlefield success I'm reading this literally to launch a new pressure campaign on the US to lift the last restrictions on the use of long range weapons inside Russia our friend and colleague Matt ho takes this one step further and believes that uh zalinski and Company now think that kamla Harris will defeat Donald Trump and all they have to do is stay alive until after uh election day uh because no Trump is going to come in to pull the plug she's going to come in and give them as much or more than Biden has been uh giving them and all of this was behind The ksk Invasion what do you say yeah I mean it I clearly The ksk Invasion that was done to shift a dynamic because that Dynamic is not good for Ukraine and the coming Dynamic is not good for Ukraine America is losing it just NATO can't afford it um so so how do you shift that Dynamic well a very desperate invasion a very unimportant part of well I shouldn't say unimportant because there's a nuclear uh Power Station there but a but a small little piece of Russia they invaded um very rapidly um people say ingeniously perhaps but they can't hold the property they already haven't they've already been pushed back it also didn't have the U the tactical response that they expected which was that it would take the pressure off other parts of the front as Russia you know surged forces in to fight them off in ksk so that didn't work but the political thing keeping Ukraine alive as an agenda item just until November 5th you know so so so if they can they can rest easy if KLA is elected uh and and then it'll be over if Trump's elected that kind of thing uh it's possible but it's also incredibly stupid and and what is at risk here well we we already kind of know even if we didn't predict this we can see what's happening what's happening is Russia is not interested anymore in negotiating Russia has the military upper hand Russia is proceeding to the West they are continuing the slow slog Westward and they are taking property that very likely they won't give back so as they do that what what do we have in Poland well Poland's getting fed up with Ukrainian refugees Poland's getting fed up with the having to share NATO investment and US investment with Ukraine who who is it's a black hole nobody wants to invest in Ukraine think that Putin will attack American Weaponry being stored uh and maintained and and prepped for battle in Poland um he will if he has to I think he's I think the Russians seem to be uh holding off from doing that you know keeping this thing is extremely controlled and constrained you know they they don't want to make it more than it needs to be it seems like um but yeah I mean if there's longrange weapons they have they have to defend their country and you know it's funny because countries have a right to self-defense and we say oh Ukraine has a right to self-defense and we say oh Israel Israel has a definite right to self-defense they can do whatever they need to do and of course Israel sets the example right they they'll fire missiles you know a thousand miles away in defense in the name of Defense so uh yeah Russia will uh have plenty of world support if if it comes to that um but it seems like they're trying to hold hold off here here's the here's the adult in the room Uh Russian you know I'm going going to Russian uh foreign minister Sergey lavro earlier today Karen in a clip that we call the West is looking for trouble cut number 14 the West does not want to avoid escalation the West how we say in Russia is looking for trouble it is very important to understand that we have our own Doctrine including Doctrine on the use of nuclear weapon which by the way has been adjusted now and American representatives are well aware about it should that be chilling the Russians have adjusted their standard operating procedure for the use of nuclear weapons yeah but we we caused that I mean haven't I didn't didn't Biden just in March do a secret you know uh uh Readjustment of right according to Matt this Readjustment allows for three nuclear confrontations at once one with Russia this is incredible one with China and one with North Korea yeah I don't know if this was leaked because they somehow think it's going to help vice president Harris against former president Trump or if this is really their their credential thinking uh cira April of this year but it was just leaked uh right around the time of the Democratic National Convention yeah it could be maybe it was leaked by somebody who's really concerned that we're going to destroy the world for political reasons that are really something that should be entirely limited to Washington DC instead Washington DC is interested in destroying the planet in order to retain Democratic party power that's that's possible but um yeah the Russians have adapted as well they should and really these strategies have been shifting because you know the United States uh has been pulling away for years from any limitations uh in and and the limitations and the talks that lead to limitations in all kinds of nuclear uh Weaponry so because we're not talking to anyone we're not communicating we're forging our own path ahead that necessarily drives anybody else with nuclear weapons to um pay close attention and to adapt accordingly and to expect that everything else in the world stays the same while one country uh the most important country the United States of America makes a decision and proceed somewhere that everything else stays the same that is that is the most sophomoric uh strategic error which is very typical very very typical of how Washington uh tries to solve problems both domestically and internationally they they feel like uh well we'll just we control everything so we'll just do this and that'll happen and they have no idea how the world works and how people work um is Israel is Israel losing the propaganda War internationally oh yeah no doubt about that they've been that's that's been happening now for for a long time they really I think maybe they truly thought that the Gaza operation would not last as long as it has that they could um quickly uh Massacre exterminate move uh Palestinians off of Gaza and that it would be over with very quickly because if you think back to December and January you know there there was uh you know we're so close to a ceasefire we're almost done we're almost done well they weren't almost done they're not almost done now it's not working out as they planned and as the time goes on the lack of control of the Optics uh is just exploded they have no control over the Optics um Now in America they do but we're their only Ally so right you know the people around the world see this and um you know people aren't this in fact the best thing that they ever did for the uh the BDS movement which is to avoid economically supporting Israel by not not buying Israeli made products uh best thing they ever did for that was invade Gaza because that's exploded it that is a permanent fixture now globally nobody wants Israeli stuff nobody Karen quasy a pleasure my dear friend thank you for your time and for your analysis we hope you'll come back again next week okay sure enough thank you judge of course all the best to you and coming up at four o'clock this afternoon Eastern professor John mimer judge Nalan for judging freedom [Music] [Music]