Transcript for:
Female Path Series: Sexuality and Spirituality for Men and Women

hi guys its Claire Nakti. Today I'm back with another video for the female path series. I'm gonna be talking about what direction men need to move towards as far as their sexuality and spirituality and what direction women need to move towards and what can happen when one of you or the other of the people isn't like not pulling their weight and how it can imbalance both of them so this is about kind of especially our culture which is extremely sexualized where a huge percentage of people are watching porn especially men and some women too and if you personally as a woman are in a situation where you feel like you're really upset by porn or you're upset by your partner watching porn I wanted to talk about kind of what how you can approach it I know this is a huge issue for so many women so many women that I know and then I've met and I know there's other situations and I'll even talk about it you know there's some women who don't care or some women who enjoy it or whatever but this is just kind of especially in the situation advice for you if you're a woman who feels really kind of horrified by it stressed about it you know whether your boyfriend or husband is watching porn or following people on Instagram you don't want him to follow things like that I've heard about it before I've been DMing about it before emailed about it before so I really want to address it as far as the female path what you can do in this situation and I decided to make this video in light of a movie that I saw recently called donjon it's about a man who has addicted to porn and he kind of like destroys his relationship over it and then later in the movie he's kind of shown by an older Mars dominant woman how to have enjoyable sex that is not just one-sided with a real woman so you don't have to see the movie but I recommend watching it after seeing the video if you'd like kind of a look into this modern message regarding the way that men and women can deal with this extremely sexualized culture that we have and how it's kind of causing a deeper divide between the genders than there ever was before and I'll talk in detail about how I interpret this movie in regards to the female pad at the end of this video so a woman do to her spiritual biology she's naturally dwelling in the heart center as her subtle body is constantly pulling yang energy inward and upward into her heart so that is a woman polarized in the Ida Nadi which is always always pulling inward and upward and that's one of the reasons why so many women are so naturally devotional and devoted to Yang figures such as spiritual teachers because women are like serpents they love to bask in the solar ray rays that yang people give off and they do this in order to become a spiritually nourished so women naturally embody the traits of serpents which is why ash lash and neck stretch I can really give women a boost if they pray in it sends its very sympathetic to their nature and it reinforces and heals female energy men however they are the exact opposite of women in regards to their spiritual biology into their energy system men are constantly throwing out energy they embody the pingala nadi traits which are about radiating and energy downward and outward so it moves in the exact opposite way so men are constantly struggling sexually when learning how to avoid having all of their vitality be siphoned away by elementals or women who naturally attempt to absorb any vitality that he can cultivate so he has the opposite problem than a woman in that just as her energy moves inward and upward his own is moving outward and downward and that creates a lot of misunderstandings between men and women and sexual sense because women will feel threatened by the animalistic physical nature of a man's desires and men often feel confused at how a woman can view sexual things so emotionally being kind of based more in the heart center so a woman often subconsciously desires to kind of actually even put out the man's sexual fire she kind of desires to tame him in order that his sexuality will become more like hers and a lot of the time a woman will create even an illusion in her mind that his sexuality is more tamed that causes a lot of repression for the man and also for the woman that she is repressing her sexual partner in this way from her own fear doing this in a certain way is a rejection of his being as a man and a rebellion against his virility so this tends to happen over and over especially with younger women before the age of 25 or so because sex to younger women is often very passionless it's based in ego and manipulation they they kind of use sex more so as a currency or something interesting for their ego to get to experience someone wanting them and enjoying them but from their side of it and their personal internal state about sex they're not really passionate about it they're not really truly enjoying it even if they kind of pretend to themselves that they're enjoying it or they pretend to their partner that they're enjoying it it tends to be really ego based and kind of cold meanwhile men tend to tune themselves to their carnal and sexual nature much much earlier in life it's kind of just thrust upon them and so he as a man is a lot more passionate and a lot more explosive with his sexuality while she's cold and restricted with hers and that can leave the man feeling unconsciously unsatisfied and unsatiated but men and women despite how different they are they're perfectly complementary and the correct sexual union between men and women facilitates the activation of the Shoshone annatee so that's the other element which has the 5th element of the pancha tattwas sexual ritual and activating this leads to liberating them both but unfortunately due to the misunderstandings about men and women's sexual nature many relationships which could have been salvaged could have worked and could have led to spiritual bliss end up being broken apart and you know it's shown over and over that it's women who are way more frequently divorcing way more frequently breaking up with their partners and a lot of this can have to do with a woman's fears or a woman's discussed regarding her man's desires or his inability to control himself which is of course a problem we'll talk about that but what needs to be remembered and I'll discuss it now is that a man and a woman are a team and when you choose two views with someone you decide to make this sexual intimate connection with them you become a team and one person kind of represses something or does something an unbalanced way or denies something that is true and that is there then it starts to unbalance the other person but I'll talk about that more in a minute but a woman can actually make it much easier for a man to control himself for a man to avoid porn or for a man to develop desires for another woman and don't get upset because I'm not saying it's the woman's fault or the woman's responsibility but I am saying that a lot of the time women don't see the relationship as a team because of their nature were just so constantly kind of try to trade up and just decide to give up this guy find one who's better and what people don't realize is how much work it takes to cultivate a spiritual relationship you can't just expect to kind of get in one and the guy is perfect and all of a sudden you're in a spiritual relationship it takes work in balancing and although a man's kind of debauched behavior of things like that is more visible and more external and more clear women are denying and ignoring their behavior which is actually also unbalanced and wrong in how restrictive they are being and how fearful and closed they're being so I'll try to explain that more now that a woman can help her man to become more spiritual and that is simply by stirring her own desires and opening up her ability to contain the man's energy fully so I know it can be kind of tempting to leave a man if you feel like he's looking at other women watching porn doing something like that and a lot of men will just find this absolutely crazy and say every man watches porn and things like that and remember that we live in a world where the vast majority of men consume porn just as a vast majority of women are overly restricted and restrictive sexually and so we both have roles to play in order to balance this modern sexual chaos so I'm not saying that porn is OK it's something the man needs to move away from but it's something that you need to understand is a balance in our society and even in your relationship with your man that you can help him to move away from as you move away from your kind of very cold closed-off sexual nature that women fall into so in doing the practice that I describe now it should be within a few months or even a few weeks that the man should be able to totally contain himself from desire to engage in sex or sexual entertainment outside of the relationship because his desire to do this if you truly love him you need to understand it comes from a place of sexual blockages of imbalanced energy of Astral kind of invasion and all of that can be fixed through true working through things spiritually so after doing the practice that I described he should be able to stop watching porn if he's genuine and he wants to do this along with you and go on this spiritual path with you but he'll still be virile and masculine and in fact way more so and then the woman will feel more free after this pact that's more liberated and unrestricted with her sexuality and will feel incredibly empowered by it so for a woman her entire path revolves around the muladhara Center and this is why a completely initiated female in tantric sexual practices is called a by Ravi who's the goddess of the muladhara Center and who we related to Mars dominant women as the strong body emphases and abundant a twos make them conduits for this energy naturally and we can see this in the rules that Mar so men and women tend to play in movies this movie Don John is so moving because it shows the role that Curtis in played in ancient societies who were quite distinct from prostitutes who presided over teaching men when the man entered that sexual age in what's masturbation would normally begin the woman would teach them in the correct expression of sexual energies which has a strange heating and warming effect on the man subtle anatomy that frees him from the addictions of things like porn and masturbation also as we said older women are often much more in touch with their sexuality something they really develop over time so it was also intuitively fitting that in the movie the woman is an older Mars dominant woman who kind of bridges him into sexual practices but in our society sense sacred prostitution is really impractical and unnecessary for our modern time all women are called to be sexual priestesses in their own home so the Curtis ins or sacred prostitutes were said to be possessed by by Ravi at all times and there was a corresponding practice for females and which their hymen was broken on a metal Shiva Lingam in the temple so that her first husband was always Shiva thus implanting in her subconscious to seek a man who would perform spiritual practices and be in control of his senses as Lord Shiva is okay so now I'm gonna finally talk about this exercise that we really recommend for all sincere couples and that is to write out and speak to each other of every single sexual fantasy that you have and don't judge each other or hold anything back and accept everything that comes forth but understand that there's no need to indulge in everything or even anything that said and a very strange phenomenon occurs through this very magical act so the unconscious restrictions and blockages in the psychic sexual energy are slowly removed in both partners and many of the more extreme or bizarre fantasies disappear as a stream of sexual energy starts to flow faster and clearer from allowing all of your inhibitions down in front of your partner and this act is like allowing your partner to psychically see you naked watch although many individuals have sex for years they never fully open up to each other and there's a very wrong way so doing this exercise creates a much stronger bond and because the stream of sexual energy will now flow much clearer and stronger the magnetic exchanges between the couple will become more and more intense and so less and less extreme sexual acts are required to create a very passionate experience and as a woman you don't have to fear your man's most carnal and physical desires this is the number-one issue here but you have to understand that you're capable of fulfilling any of them and that there's no need to feel fear or feel inadequate about yourself and men also need to realize that just as a woman can expand psychically to accommodate his level of energetic output so - does he have to continuously cultivate yang energy to satisfy and fulfill the rate that she expands in response to him psychically and astrally so he has to know that his energy requires a sexuality of a woman which is the Ida Nadi in nature and which allows for the balancing of his own Pingala nature and which generates the shock onna the Star of David the holy hexagram when that Lingam and yoni come together now what a woman needs to do is work on inspiring and herself hunger and generate appetite for sex and for the man's energy otherwise she doesn't open up enough to receive and contain his constant energetic force outwards and then his energy starts to overflow outside of her and fall into other things because a man's energy and I'm not talking about orgasm or anything with that I'm talking about his actual energetic system is always flowing outward she doesn't want his energy it's naturally going to spill out into the things that were talking about that start to happen he's going to be drawn towards porn or and it will feel like an uncontrollable desire just to satiate himself his carnal passions his sexuality more to find something to put that will hold his energy is what men are always looking for so as a woman you can just open up and do your kind of role sexually as a woman which is to internally expand and create much more space in order to take in and use that energy and then what you do with that energy is it creates something beautiful and is birthed through things with your partner and creative pursuits and spiritual attainments and things like that so it's a really important mechanism to happen for a man he has to learn to control his mind so that he doesn't shoot his energy outwards uncontrollably since a man is naturally always responding to the dictates of his body whereas a woman is naturally not due to conditioning she's not responding to the interests of her lower center in a sexual sense and she needs to do the opposite of a man spiritually which is letting loose and releasing control so when a couple writes out their sexual fantasies together what happens is that the woman will tend to feel much more fear and restriction over what the man says while the man will pretty much only feel kind of like instant sexual excitement from hearing the desires of the woman for the most part other than something that greatly upsets his ego which he'll also fear feel fear towards but this kind of just excitement that you will generate in him is due to the non restrictive nature of male sexuality which is always like I said seeking an outlet so what both genders in the relationship should remember especially when they feel any fear towards one another's desires is that sexuality is what they say frequently in our modern day its sexuality is fluid so your sexual desires especially those that fall into perversion or out of the norm or out of line with your own wishes or morals intellectually they show any blockages or imbalances that are in your sexual center and they're not a label for you and they're not a label to be assigned to you permanently you can't judge your partner because what he or she says is a product of some kind of energetic state that the two of you are kind of in and that you're playing or also just a product of the current state that the bought the person's bodily energetic system is in you have to remember that your sexual energy your Kundalini it is yours but the influences on it they're foreign to you so you don't label anyone as permanently anything as far as what they desire sexually so you can't if your partner opens up to you and he's really really blatantly honest with you and you can't end the conversation by saying I don't want to be with you you are someone who wants a threesome I don't want to be with you you are someone who wants just something that disgusts you if you know you love that person you decided to be in relationship with them you opened up to them you had sexual intimacy with them then you have to work through it whatever it is that comes up that's what it takes to build a spiritual relationship you can't expect to just find someone who has a pristine energy that has no blockages in it because that's what you through together through tantric practice that's what you need to start to work through so never blame your partner for his desires or for her desires but rather work through them with that person just as you're going to work through your own desires that no matter how much you to die to yourself you have desires that maybe feel uncomfortable to you but that doesn't mean that you have to do the desires remember that you can uphold your morals in regards to sexuality but don't let your morals make you lie to yourself about about the desires you're feeling don't let your morals make you reject his feelings or his desires intellectually or to talk about them or work through them otherwise the blockages will never ever be cleared and it's not always going to be that the first time you write out your desires they're going to be there because a lot of what a woman especially has to do first is turn her sexual appetite like I talked about and try to open it and try to spend some time fantasizing or thinking about what she would like because that's how a woman begins to churn her sexual energy and that's when sort of more crazy things are going to happen in his sexual energetic system as he feels you expanding and in your sexual energetic system and that's when there's things that you're going to have to address immediately when they start to arise in your mind to exciting use actually in his mind exciting him sexually and never will you be able to get kind of balanced into the central naughty if you don't work through these things and if you let yourself get caught up on them upset by them disgusted by them anything like that you just need to face I mean just have to work through them and oftentimes you'll be surprised but just writing then desire down and shedding light onto it and discussing it releases enough tension and energy to where it's somehow fulfilled and eliminated and then it leaves the person who had that desire feeling lighter and more free and balanced just by letting it out and telling their partner it just seems to start to dissipate not always right away maybe after a few days a lot of the time just it just instantly starts to dissipate and it stops having any control on you because you've already cleared it out just by being open about it and not repressing it a woman has to be fearless in the the desires of the man that she truly loves and she has to know that many of his desires like I said are a result of her behavior as well so a lot of the imbalances in him come from imbalances with her and vice versa for example what we notice the partners of Chitra women having the desire for anal sex or to arise in their mind even if this goes against what they believe in or they don't like it and that's likely a result of him unconsciously sensing Chitra's tendency to hold the energy in the anus due to it being connected to the mooladhara and so when he develops the desire if it could feel foreign to him and he feels a little bit confused but excited about it and then when she finds about out about it she feels horrified because she isn't aware of herself holding her energy in that Center and then creating this kind of astral pressure on him to relieve the energy in that Center on her so weird things like that happen - that's why you have to face everything you so the practice of both partners opening up really can wreak havoc on a woman's ego especially but this is because women try to cultivate an illusion to themselves and watch their partner like I said has incredibly mild and controlled sexual desires when he really doesn't and this is a lot to do with women feeling all the power in the sexual realm since women are the one who holds the key as to who show accept and who she won't she often subconsciously feels that just allowing her man to have sex with her she's really doing him enough and she's doing him a great service and she's insulted really if he asks her anything more than that then just to let him have sex with her she kind of gets very offended that she would have to do anything more and this can be on an unconscious level but think about if you do this because there's a good chance that you do it to a greater extent than you think that you do it so this practice is gonna hurt her ego a lot and finding out that there's so much there under the surface and there's so much more to sexuality than that but it really needs to be done and she has to try her absolute hardest to create a safe place for him to share his feelings and trust her openness to hearing him and I'm talking about this especially and it sounds a little like it all the responsibilities on the woman but remember that these are female path videos and so many thousands of texts write about what men need to sexually and spiritually which is control tons and tons of control and consciousness and awareness so that's already been discussed the male responsibility in this realm is highly written about highly known this is why I wanted to talk about the female responsibility in this realm which is all about opening up and being unrestrictive oh yeah the woman will think that just allowing her man to have sex with her is enough but for Tantra and for a real spiritual unity that's that's not enough that's not even a drop in the bucket of what needs to be done in regards to sexual practice and remember if you're fearful that living in truth is always superior to living in this illusion that we as women often try to cultivate about men and that in understanding your partner and adjusting your own ego for the tantric practices the only way that you can break down the barriers that you have placed on both your and his growth and if one fails then both of you fail and so the woman can't restrict and the woman must not restrict and alternatively the man must restrict and the man needs to restrict so any moment when the polarity flips and returns to that imbalanced version that we find in masses of people who haven't practiced spirituality in the way that things kind of occur naturally without any work within yourself and spiritual work then the energy is immediately earth doubt and Kundalini awakening becomes impossible so when a couple gets together and begins exchanging energy unspoken changes take place in their energetic systems sometimes in a good sense and sometimes resulting in imbalances sometimes partners develop a foreign desire at the same time and are too afraid to address it but each sexual act can be assigned to a certain type of energy to a deity to a next chakra to a demon depending on the act so what will happen to you when you'll begin noting and recording sexual desires that enter your mind is that you'll realize how foreign they really are to your actual innate being and how your sacral energy is just responding to many many impressions that are being placed on it through different things you're doing the spiritual practices you're doing and you'll realize that they are winds and energies that move through your body in specific patterns and so you always need to just face it viewing it in an objective way as a foreign influence and then overcome it to achieve balance so you'll even begin to realize certain sexual ideas sexual dreams sexual fantasies will enter your mind corresponding to the energies of whatever classification system you use it could be corresponding to the energies of the Sarah or Tara core tarot cards or zodiac signs or neck shot chose whatever you use you will start to relate them to the corresponding system that you use and start to understand that just like our daily lives are kind of us reacting to impressions placed on us that's how our sexual energy is - and then you use it as a way to understand is influencing you rather than thinking that your sexual desires or feelings are some strange dark scary part of yourself that you don't want to address so each chakra on the body and spiritual ordeal actually has a correlating sexual fantasy and that's why they should never be ignored but always be addressed and then you will learn this correspondence of the sexual fantasies with the stages on the spiritual path if you really practice it genuinely and like I said earlier about Mars dominant women tending to be more loose with their sexual expression and more forgiving and understanding towards male sexuality they act more carnal in nature in a way that male sexuality really desires so one of the best matches to recite for any woman who struggles particularly with the things that I talk about in this video of being overly fearful and overly restrictive on herself and her partner were finding also that her libido can't keep up with the male libido she wants to learn to churn her her libido and become more sexually excited the best manager to do is to recite that by Ravi mantra so although in the female path chorus that we're setting up which you can check out in the link below or I'll talk about I'll describe it in the description bar I'm not sure we are going to recommend mantras based on you as a woman in your positioning but definitely a lot of women struggle with this restrictive fearful aspect and the by Ravi manager really melts those away insanely quickly so women need to work with Mars a lot in the muladhara Center to be a Scarlet woman in a by Ravi and they really have to stir up their own fantasies and exploring them with their partner that's why writing out the sexual fantasies almost kind of has like two purposes depending on what's going on one is to kind of exercise out those on imbalances the other one is it can actually help a woman to get to know and stir her sexuality meanwhile while women need to really work with Mars men need to work with Venus because they need to learn to channel their energy away from their physical desires what they're always naturally trying to fulfill and they have to learn to cultivate heart energy and higher emotions now that they have a woman and so they need to do this and through the woman allowing him to rise his energy he becomes much more refined and intelligent due to the upward moving energy beginning to reverse his naturally downward flowing energy he'll notice in the movie that I'm gonna talk about that it's a very Marshall woman like I said who starts freeing John from his enslavement to his physical bodily desires and pornography and begins to awaken his heart an emotional Center which was always there but was dormant due to his incredibly fast flowing energy and a downward manner so while all the goddess types can be important for women especially at different stages in their lives or when they're trying to achieve different goals the by Ravi mantra is the most important for women to do when they're exploring sexuality with their partner and this is why a female tantric adept is called by Ravi and that her entire path works in the mooladhara Center okay so this is the point in the video where if you're not interested in the movie Don John if you haven't seen it and you want to watch it before you hear about my interpretation you can click off but I'm just going to talk about the movie Don John and how the relates to the female path so much so the director writer and star of the film was Joseph gordon-levitt who has a session moon and we have noticed through our research and clients with this moon that men with this moon often struggle with masturbation and pornography addiction so we know that possibly he access this knowledge through his own experience and the reason for ashley moon having trouble with this is because of the difference between male sexuality and female sexuality so women with si sir moon do not usually struggle with this issue due to them not possessing yang energy in the sexual center Ashley as we have said is incredibly helpful for female energies and naturally supports them and we notice many movies related to Ashley Asia such as Fifty Shades of Grey being written by anastasia woman being rich in symbolism for the female path but we'll discuss even that movie in another time in the future however when a man has his moon placed here it gives him in abundant Jing or o jizz but also correspondingly a more difficult time sustaining his yang energy from being taken from him through desires incited from women so Ashley ascendant or moon men can become extremely victimized from women who simply begin taking energy from them and giving nothing back walking all over them because it's related to serpents and water it causes men to have a very difficult time passing about the swadisthana chakra which is why this Center was signified by a snake skull in tantric ritual the best remedy for these men is to focus on the fire element and praying when the moon is in gesture and especially you cha cha de as these energies are naturally leaning towards benefiting men just as Alisha leans towards benefiting women and it's common fresh social men to be involved with horrible emotionally and financially draining scandals with their wise or ex-wives or whatever so pretty much what happens in the movie Don John is he is addicted to porn and then he meets the kind of like girl of his dreams who's played by Scarlett Johansson and then even once he gets to have sex with this girl of his dreams he finds that he still didn't enjoy it as much as because he doesn't get to do all the crazy carnal physical things that he really desires and she doesn't want to do them and it kind of relates her experiences to watching romance movies that she almost uses romance movies like he uses porn and she uses kind of her ideals that she gets from romance movies to how I would put it is just start to restrict him and his desires in the way that he functions and I think this is a great metaphor how we talked about women really being in the heart center and women using that as a reason to be more and more upset about the lustful aspect of a relationship and want that to kind of dissipate and become just totally emotionally based and then men feeling the opposite where they wanted to be alone a lot more physically passionate than it often is so then what happens is she finds him watching porn and then she breaks up with him and leave cinnamon all along there was this older woman in his college class she's in our Mars dominant video I'll put her name here because I forget what it is but I know that she's very Mars dominant so it's very interesting that she was in this movie and then she's that older woman the Mars dominant woman she's the one that teaches him how to engage sexually and start to move his energy toward the heart center connect with someone in the way that she finally shows him how to do this is actually by being unrestrictive and being more forgiving towards his nature understanding of his nature open towards his nature what just instantly starts to release and unravel the tension and pain that men hold in their sexual centers from not feeling fulfilled and not feeling recognized for their passion and for what they desire but always feeling kind of restricted by women about it and trying to suppress themselves and hide themselves and their nature in this way I so definitely check out that movie and if you have seen the movie comment below or if you go ahead and now and watch it and then come back and write to me what you thought and again please check out in the description box some info on a new six month course that we're doing that guides a woman through coaching and through booklets and instructional material for six months through really starting to get on the female path as far as getting in touch with her astral body her physical body her diamond the lunar cycle her menstrual cycle weaves all those things together the whole lunar nature of the female path that's really a lot more secretive a lot more mysterious but very important in our modern time for women to get in touch with if she wants to really start to spiritually grow so thank you so much for watching this very long video I hope that you enjoyed it and again please leave your comments below please leave a like and I will see you next time