Transcript for:
Generating Trello Cards from JotForm Submissions

you won't believe how easy it is to generate a Traer card using a job form submission all with a click of a button in this case I'm going to show you how to add a button on job form table so let's get started with this integration right now welcome to job form my name is George and I'm going to show you how to add a button on job form tables to send out data to create a trailer card this is going to be super easy so don't stress out so let's get started this is my job form dashboard and we're going to get started with a new job form so this way we can know how to do this from scratch so we're going to use a template for this and we're going to select this one for testing purposes now it's advisable that you add the elements that you need for your TR card for example this is my TR workspace and if I need to add a card there's different type of things that I can edit for example there's the title description labels members Etc so it's advisable that we have these elements in the form or if we add that row on our job form tables which I'll show you in a bit so this is the form that we're going to use and in this case let me go ahead and fill this out with demo data for testing purposes so let going to fill that out really quickly I'm going to submit it there we go we got our first table row here and we're going to go ahead and go into tables let's go to JW for tables and this is going to be where we're going to have a list of all the submissions that we have for this particular form now the beauty about this is that we have the option to add a button right here to to send this out to create a charer card so you don't have to create a Char card for each single submission in this case we can do it manually depending if we need to or we don't need to so you have that option so let's go ahead and click on the add column right here and we're going to go ahead and click on buttons we're going to send data to other apps so go ahead and select this let's go to next we're going to name this so we're going to say send data go next and we're going to select the app where we want to send this information to and this case Trello we want to create a card let's authentification with Trello now since I'm already logged into Trello it's not going to ask me to log in but if you're not it will ask you first to log in okay once you read the terms and what you have going to give a permission go ahead and allow it and in allow we're going to go ahead and create a card we're going to select the board in this case I'm going to use my job form test board the list in this case where do I want to add this card so it can be in any of these columns right here but in this case I want to add it in in the Penning one it could be to-do or wherever you want to add this in this case I'm going to add it to Penning now we're going to match our elements with our TR card for example name is going to be matched to name and I can do so with the other fields now be aware like I mentioned before there's other fields for example description the due date members Etc that we can tie these with the elements in this case I'm going to use name and description and for the description I am going to use the address okay so I'm going to keep it simple but if you have the D dedicated element in your form go ahead and match that element with the trell card okay so let's go ahead and complete integration let's create the column and here we go we have a new button right here now right now you're going to be able to view on my panding board right here column there's not a card named in this case the name that's going to be used on the trer card is this room right here I'm going to go ahead and replace it for now just for testing purposes there we go okay and I'm going to click the button and it should create the card right here okay so let's go and click send data there we go let's go back over here and here we go we have the card just as easy as that so here we have the name for that card and in the description in this case I selected the address for the description but you can go ahead and add whatever you want in the description based on the elements or if you create a new column right here so it's super easy to do this right now now each single submission that's going to be added right here is going to add the button in the send data column now I can go ahead and resend the data in case there's an update on this particular submission now I'm going to add a new submission so we run the test again so let's go back into our form for this one let's go and view the form let me go ahead and fill this out really quickly all right so I just filled this form out really quickly I'm going to go ahead and submit it there we go let's go into our tables for job form here we go here it is you can see this the one that I added right now John do with the street name and just everything is for demo data and we have the button available right here so let's go ahead and send this out and going to create our card right here in the pending section so let's go ahead and send it out and here it is John do with the hypothetical um address that I've added there so it's super easy to do this now that is for creating a card we can also update a card if we like to so in this case let me go ahead and use a new table for this here we go we have a new table right here and in this case we are going to update a card not create one all right so again we're going to add a new button go to buttons send data to other apps next and we're going to say in this case tro update here we go we're going to select Trello we're going to on to the vade again if you're not logged in go ahead and log in first and let's go ahead and allow this and in this case we are going to update a card okay here we go let's select the board that we're going to to use chop form test in this list we're going to use the pending one and I'm going to choose the card that I want to update in this case it's going to be this one right here let's go ahead and specify the name full name and for the description let's select uh phone number just for testing purposes okay let's complete the integration so create the column and here we go TR card update send data all right so the one we're going to update is this one all right so let's go ahead and send this data here we go let's check it out and now it's not my name George agular it remove the name and the phone number now it's the phone number from my demo test data that I ran for this particular form see here full name and the phone number so it replaced it with that data so you have two options with Trello you can create a card or update a card depending on your needs now that is for the trailer card Creation with off from tables buttons I hope you like the this video please let us know here in the comments what you would like to see in the future for these Integrations and if you like this video go ahead and like it subscribe and hit that little bell notification to get notified when new videos come out and that's a wrap