Transcript for:
Client Portal Overview for Property Transactions

Hello this video is to do with the client portal on a sell and on a purchase we'll make it nice and easy and I'll take you through the portal and also explain what you should be looking for so this is what a portal looks like the client gets access to this from the very first letter that goes out to them they'll have a sentence which says please log into your portal is your username is your password one of those uh uh passwords or username common which one is the case reference number and the other one is one generated by the system so the very first stage when the cell is opened or purchase open and the first letters go out and the memo comes in that's when the client gets immediate access to this portal so you must get the client used to this portal if the client gets used to this portal they'll leave you alone they'll know exactly what's going on by looking at what goes on on this live portal don't forget it's actually live whatever you work on will be shown on the history screen it'll be shown on the milestones the only stuff that the client doesn't see is GDPR which is to do with that main laundry and so forth that's hidden so the client doesn't have to worry about that but don't forget the estate agent has direct access to this portal in the same way that the client does but they've got those on the agent portal so let's go straight away go straight into the milestones as you can see here there's various milestones there's 13 categories on a purchase and there are 10 categories on a sale and each one of these categories is subdivided so I'm just closing this through so just on the demo so here you go as you can see here let's go for the self process first of all nice and easy so 13 or 10 categories stages so 10 stages and you've got sub stages or steps in between those so number one stage one is getting ready work or preliminary stages so step one is lawyers are instructed that's when that's when the client sends their instruction form in the memo could arrive one to two days later on the same day great if it's on the same day so trying to get your stage and used to sending this to you the same day because sometimes they think you're instructed but you can't work until the moment comes in so don't forget to chase that educate your agent to do that asap please on the same day then you do an id check again the client must do that within 14 days but really you should do on the first day because what we've done we've integrated with a checkboard which means as soon as the file is open that letter is sent out to the client they also get a trigger to see say an SMS to say actually check board will send you a URL or a link which you download on download the app and with the app you can do biometric testing and you'll get that done with a they look at your passport they look at your face you do one of these where your head goes round and round and that's that's then done on ID check very simple so that would take only 10 minutes and then you'll get an ID check on the very first day but it's done come back by day 14 the file is closed as simple as that it's a strict liability okay you don't want to be a risk of having criminal proceedings against you or the client against them so please do not take a chance ensure the client gets back to you within 14 days they should get back to you within one day okay um step four obviously we uh we front load everything so on the cell we download the title the plan and any other documents that come with the office copy We bundle that all together automatically with our robots and artificial intelligence and then we send out straight off to the buyer solicitors which is down the action number two. We also ask for the first redemption figure from the client from so for the client to their lender if they're going to lend them. Now please do not chase the first redemption figure.

Please do not waste your time. You're not an admin person. You're not. qualified or training to be qualified or experienced as a lawyer just to chase redemption figures on a telephone for half an hour that is an admin role okay so that's done automatically by our robots and it also has a field to say when the date was chased and if it's not doesn't come back within seven to fourteen days I can't remember which now it automatically chases overnight when the office is closed after various chases if it doesn't come back it writes the client the seller to say look just let you know we've chased various times it's your lender they're not cooperating they're not sending the first redemption figure without that you can't complete or continue so you know you may want to chase them very urgently to get that back to us So close it up. By the way, green, orange and red.

Green means completed. So this stage here has all been completed. Orange is only one of those stages.

Only one of those steps have been completed. And red means none of the steps within the stage have been completed. Let me show you an example. one I prepared earlier in true Blue Pizza fashion. So here it goes.

Post-completion is an orange. That means out of the steps in that post-completion, only one has been completed. Others haven't, so it's an orange. go step one that's completed these ones are red but because one has been completed it shows as orange this one here post completion on a purchase that means none of the steps within that stage category have been completed there you go they're all um with an x not completed that shows a red but very much a test case all these steps have been completed because in this test case it goes all the way to exchange so contract contracts are drafted automatically so this is automatically dumped step stage one stage two is done automatically and stage three as well because once the office copies are downloaded off the land issue with a special integration with the land issue hub very high-tech very special coding The contract pack is issued to the buyers lawyers. We put down the file plan Title any other conveyance etc.

We send it out to them covering letters and so forth At the same time we send a special report to the client. We up front everything The contract is prepared up front which we've got the office copy so we prepare the contract and the client's name we prepare a draft TL1 okay yes I know that the buyer prepares their own but under protocol we can also prepare ours and there's no harm in sending out to the other side solicitors to show our intent we do a special memo for the client to sign and the other documents for the client to sign appear in the portal. So, contract and tier 1 are wet signed, the memo and the other documents are just submitted and signed online.

Step 7, Step 8 these are property information forms or protocol forms i.e. PIF, Fiches and Lease Sold form if lease sold and that's sent on the portal by e-sign. Let me just show what these look like the portal okay so on the portal here says documents to read and sign click that it says first letters which has only got first letters on here which is this one here you see step stage two so you go here don't forget just show you seven contract TR1 and other documents and then step 8 is proxy information form let me show you what it looks like on the portal clients goes here okay you see here this is on the first letters that I just referred to and you see in four sections okay section A is the print sign in pen and post back this is the TR1 now speaking about and the contract of sale which is one version for the client and one version for the buy solicitors So this is the client sign up front. This avoids any last minute contract signature when the client is out of the country just before exchange, for example.

E-line, sorry, e-sign online portals or portal documents. So this is the ones I referred to about the memo. Instruction and understanding memo. Then there's online questionnaire. These are PHP forms, which means you can actually complete these online with a tick boxes, as you can see here.

Okay, you got the ID check for two clients here. You got proof of your resided address and they can upload this. There's an upload the address, drag those in. And then you've got potential issue declaration. Now this looks for potential issues that the seller has, which we would then send it to the seller depending on to say yes or no, one off memos and have to sign off.

Okay. So for example, it says here, your leads are showing as Shelley. Jane Atkins which is the client here so if it's a yes it says is this correct yes no problem move on if it's no then there's a problem they put down the reason why for example the answer this and then it produces a memo to the clients to for them to explain and sign off is a payment going to a third party well obviously shouldn't do really because if it's joint money or even individual money for a seller it should go to the seller or sellers not third party but if it's a yes it says here who's going to is it company it was was it in is it an individual what's the person's name what's their what's the sum you're going to send them full bank details and so forth it talks about fraud and uh and and to why we ask for that information okay let's pretend that's a no but if it's a yes, a memo goes out to them, a one-off memo. Then there's any potential problems, i.e. court proceedings, disputes, loans, other.

So let's pretend it's a yes. You select, let's pretend it's a court order. okay and they put the reasons why on here and again a memo goes out once they put this information in it sets out what they've written here and then they have to sign off let's pretend it's saying no so that's the third potential issue the fourth potential issue is any matrimonial cavitation now don't forget we don't do matrimonial or cavitation disputes because it is a dispute and unless there's a court order in place but it's got to be an actual court order no point the client's saying oh actually we've agreed that the court's okay with it you've got to see the court's order so if it's a yes let's pretend this matrimonial here then they're going to provide the court order here okay they're going to download that court order here if they don't have it then don't do it let the matrimonial lawyers deal with it or the respective matrimonial lawyers deal with that as conveyance in department it's a lot easier to the conveyance and added on to a matrimonial lawyer than separating those okay let's pretend it's not a macro dispute make it easy do you have a joint bank account in all your names or it should be if it's a joint cell uh the net process should go join you to join back account if it's no then obviously it gets more complicated they have to put down their individual bank names and also upload their bank statements for each one for each party client one client two for example okay let's pretend let's say yes they do have a joint bank account now it then says do you want to distribute these net sell pros unequally there you go so unequally again it rings you know warning warning bells is there undue influence by one party over the other so if there is unequally then we'd have to ask questions do a due diligence and you have to insert you know the percentages okay And then once it goes out, it has a disclaimer and it has the individual saying, I understand this can go into unequal shares in this percentage.

I understand the risks. That's it. Then they sign off at the very end.

They click here to sign. signature comes up here but I won't sign it because I've not completed the ID part which means you can't submit it but that's what would happen. So that's that, let's go back to the milestones.

So we've got to here, the clients have signed off. Oh by the way they also signed the property information form, let's go back here. yeah that's what we've got up to here online practical forms again they're php forms and they are our pif the fixtures form and the least sold if it exists let's open the pif for example this is our own version of the law society version it's different I think we interrogate it better. But I'm not saying the loss IT version is not good. It's actually fantastic.

But I think we interrogate it better. There's loads of different forms around with the BASB form, the property mark form, the conveyancing association form. and so forth there's so many the law side's a standard one but we've we've we've taken ours and we think ours is very comprehensive but not over comprehensive which makes it difficult to complete this is easy to complete it's a yes or no and if it's a yes they go on to the next sub questions so again make it nice and easy so it says having alterations taking place for example if it's a yes it tells you if you've got list alterations made to the property a building works loft etc if it's a yes they add one more information So it's built up really nice and easy. So again, right go to the very end. Once you've answered those questions, you check it to sign and then submit it.

Good. Okay. That's that.

And those are the all the forms in the documents to read and sign, which as I say are from the Marstone. that sent out from eight seven and eight and then here is when they returned in stage three either return the proxy information form line the features form online these forms are automatically sent to the buyer solicitors by automatic coding a lot of intelligent code in the back they'll recognize when the piff it won't send it a fixtures form comes in first or recognize it when the piff comes in and by the way the client can half fill this in or three quarters fill in or 90% fill in that can go back do the rest and it won't be lost which is fantastic and since the last one comes in the protocol forms go up to the by system with a covering letter when the client signs their own form this is their own contract we prepare for the client and their own tr1 when they're wet sign this in advance don't forget we send it to them here in step seven uh when it comes with a wet signature then we log it in with the right incoming mail phrase and it appears on here the date um and then when all these come in all these when all these come in the last step is done here so that's that one there digital inquiries this is inquiries to the seller from the buyer so for example first issue inquiries comes in from the buyer solicitors don't forget we take these send them on so for example if the buy solicitors ask these on the first the third the fifth the tenth and the fifteenth it's five times in here brackets it shows five times it's been raised okay this says the the date of the should go steps 17 should go at 16 actually but it says the date of the latest edition inquiry so example if it's on the 15th it'll show the fifth time it's been raised and it's raised on the 15th of october um if it was on the fifth time on the 15th as an illustration when the last replies come in from the seller and we send to the buyer so this is we have a gut feeling that's that's it basically then we press the button on the main system and the date goes out for example if a 50 thing we think it's the last time that the sellers fully answered these that's the last time the buyers will raise any would take a view take gut gut feeling and put that date on there again you don't have to worry about if it's wrong because the bias this would come back and say actually i've got one more question and to be honest if you don't think they have you should call them and ask them why really and sort it out rather than going loads and loads and loads on emails don't get stuck in loads of emails guys pick up the phone with the orange sheet on week on uh week four by the way Okay, so once the last edition inquiry comes in you think that's the last edition inquiry then you request Date From client for the completion date. So that's done automatically by press a particular button It'll invite the client to speak to the agent and to the buyer and agree a completion date between themselves Okay, we don't get involved press the right button and a letter goes out to say we don't get involved this is down to you is that your your logistics you know when to want removals you know if you can get day off on particular days and so forth and where the family is so do not get involved do not call to completion it please do not be the ping-pong ball in the middle of a table tennis match where you're banging around from side to side let the client buyer and the seller or you know wherever your client is and the other side agree that date by the estate agent then each respective buying sellers let the lawyers know once the lawyers know this then we invite the other side to exchange so I'm gonna miss out number five for now because let's pretend that that we're now ready to exchange okay because the last issue inquiries come in so now we're ready to exchange and here ready to exchange you see that okay so here is the client is asked degree completion date now that is exactly the same date as that one there sorry that's that one there this is where we request and this exactly the same here so i might take one of these off but it's on a different stage was really it's the same date the client is asked to agree completion date with the buyer with the buyer um with about the buying state agent okay this is when the buyer says okay actually so this one your seller client says that you have a spoken to the buyer we both agreed the 15th they come back and you put the 15th in the field on your case management system and now it goes an automatic letter to the client to say actually i'm now going to exchange on the date you've given me which is a sorry complete on the 15th the date you've given me um and don't take multiple releases guys i mean by releases what it means don't keep on going back to your client to say actually i tried to exchange um today i the 10th for the 15th monday today monday is the 10th I tried to exchange but I couldn't get hold of them don't go back to the Tuesday the 11th say actually can I take another authority from you to complete on the 15th or if you can't exchange on Tuesday 11th then go back again on the Wednesday to say actually I couldn't exchange Monday or Tuesday can I take another authority for you to complete on the 15th why Because the 15th is always the 15th. Our letter says, why should you agree the date for the 15th unless you tell me otherwise, I'm going to keep on trying to exchange for the 15th. If your date changes in the meantime, you must let me know immediately, otherwise I'll go for that particular date.

So once the date comes in you log that in and out goes an exchange request of buy solicitor to say we are now ready to exchange We invite you to call us to exchange contracts as simple as that Don't be stuck in a ping-pong ping-pong ride again with the buy solicitor to call and say I'm ready to exchange They're not around they could they don't call you back call them again They're not around they don't call you back you call them again they're not around they call you back you're not around and this goes on and on and on for a day or two days so just send that letter with what that letter does it also writes to the agent and to the client say look we're now ready to exchange because the client's given us this date we're now waiting for the the buy solicitors if you want to chase the buy solicitors yourselves let me know but otherwise until they come back to me you know we've done the right thing we are now ready to exchange okay so you're always ahead of the game on the day of exchange obviously exchange contracts it just gives you a date here i'm gonna put the tenth here okay and post exchange again as soon as you exchange a request goes out to the lender asking for the final redemption figure that's done automatically it we even have robots to go into the individual portals if those redemption figures are available on the portal first and the second or lender exchange also or LMS or by fax or by email. It's all the lenders recognise how they want to be requested. And again, if that doesn't come in within the right timeframe, we'll chase them automatically and we'll chase them more and more depending on how close to the completion date it is, for example, on 15th October in my illustration. The client is also notified to make sure there's any short notice between exchange and completion that the client starts chasing that lender final redemption figure as well.

Please do not get involved in chasing a lender. OK. That is not your fault.

That is not your responsibility. Okay. On day of completion, nice and easy.

Okay. Money comes in. You can release the keys. Again, there's a button on there to release the keys. I mean, you should actually call your client or get someone else to assist or someone to ring up and give the good news in the morning.

Look, you're about to complete. This is going to happen. And the same thing on exchange, guys.

Please ring your client on exchange. It's great news. Happy news.

And that's when you get your really good social proof. Thank you. if so it's not quite right they also tell you so it's not quite right at that point but you should know in advance so that's it that is the milestones on a per on a cell fantastic so let's go straight on and finish this off the milestones on a purchase very very similar so preliminary stages again laws instructed memorandum comes in these are downloaded from land ratio and we do say it very it's very different here we download our own deeds from the land registry that means we can raise additional inquiries we can also have a title plan to actually uh ask for searches so we download all the papers from the land registry on the same day we are instructing the member comes in we'll ask for search to be to be paid as soon as the um searches are paid for we write to the search company to ask for those to be ordered and any other searches which may be relevant we do we'll ask for an id to be completed which is through checkboard again again that should be done on day one it's very easy by metric testing test with the same app they must go now and use the open source banking we won't allow any clients to come with us on the purchase unless they allow open source banking which is actually very very secure it's more secure than paper because paper documents can be easily manipulated and subject to fault within a matter of minutes so that's not what we want for our clients so that's a good selling point for our clients that we won't allow that huge risk for paper documents we will insist for our clients because we have to do what's best for what we feel for our clients. If the client doesn't want to do what we feel is the best, then obviously that's down to their choice, but we don't want to have them at risk.

So clients that come with us need to go to open source banking by checkboard. I say if they want to go with someone with more risk, that's down to them and we can explain to them very easily that's their choice. Okay, then premium report. So what we do because we download all of these reviews.

copies from land registry we can actually review the deeds we can do a first review of the deeds the office copies obviously the the proxy information form searches come on later on but we can make a first review and raise first initial inquiries after initial title checking and that's done automatically by our robots and those questions in there are prepared by Tony and I of our years of experience plus the very experienced task checkers and the other senior Lawyers we have here together have come to this first additional set of inquiries over many many years and over a lot of money being spent via coding and artificial intelligence to ask those. But those are not made up stuff. really sophisticated specific dish inquires raised from keywords in the office copies which a human would look for the robot looks for it because we teach the robot to look for it and in test is shown to be much more if efficient and safe with less risk of missing something than a human eye which is always the case with robots at the same time premium report goes out it's a report to our client buyer with our initial views on title at the same time as say we ask for searches the client pays for searches on this so we ask for searches payment on the first day say this was the 12th say a client pays online on the 13th which they could pay online then those uh those are so those searches are requested immediately when the last of searches comes in when the last comes in which obviously normally the local variety the date goes in there so everyone knows where they are the client knows that that's actually outstanding the last uh searches are outstanding so the contract pack So for a purchase point of view, when the contract pack comes from the seller solicitors, which is potentially two to three weeks after the files opened. So potentially two to three weeks after we raise our first solicitor inquiries, we get their contract pack with a PIF and so forth. And by this time, hopefully the searcher would have come back by here as well.

And we do a contract pack and seller documents are received. And then we review those contract pack documents and searches, for example, if they've come back. come by that point. So once that has been reviewed, the additional inquiries to go out to AE2s go out, which are second set of additional inquiries to the solicitors. Now at the moment, obviously the UK solicitors around the country vary from the time it comes in, from the time it's reviewed, some lawyers are taking even up to four weeks or longer.

At the moment, we're a lot less than that, but it depends on the time of year, depends. you know, what pressures are on any particular point. Don't forget, the Law Society, the CLC, allow lawyers to take what is reasonable time to work on the file.

What is reasonable depends on various different factors which are cited by the Law Society and CLC. depending on the time of year, depending on how busy you are and so forth. But we are fast then and faster than anybody else.

Raise the inquiries. So there you go. We raise the second inquiries after the contract pack comes in and it's reviewed, reviewed rather, we chase and this one is to take a view.

So don't forget, we actually when we look at the office copies, searches and so forth, we raise the inquiries. We don't fish, which means we don't ask loads, loads of questions rather than asking 30 questions. we may ask 10 good questions and that from that 10 good questions 8 may be the ones which client can take a view on or what I mean by take a view on they can sign off potential sign offs PSOs potential sign offs this means we still raise those 10 questions each those could be PSOs we still raise them with these seller solicitors but we actually say because they don't affect CML UK finance ad book because they don't affect those the client can take a view on those on those eight and therefore the client can sign off called SOs so any out of those 10 questions you ask to the seller all of them must be dealt with and by dealt with I mean is if there's eight the client can take a view on the client should say yes I want to take a view on those eight or they say I don't want to take a view on in which case then I'm not sure what the solution is if the client doesn't take a view on then you may need a variation whatever you need but obviously it's going to cost the client more because it's something the client could take a view on if they wanted to the two that the client can't take a view on with the title checkers said are you know needed for CML then those we must have a solution for it with a B, indemnity insurance and so forth okay last edition inquiry in this is when the seller sends the last edition inquiry in to you as soon as that last edition inquiry comes in okay then you're ready to report on title but beforehand before and don't forget you have to pass the UK ID and source of funds which is done on day one hopefully or the very least day 14 if not the file should be closed at day 14 and not worked on Thank you. okay the mortgage offer comes in and again the way the mortgage offers uh I read sometimes they've got, well, they've always got a mortgage offer and a mortgage deed. Sometimes they've got a valuation depending on which lender there is in part twos.

The system automatically recognises that because we've coded it to recognise the particular lenders out of the hundreds there are in part twos, which one has a valuation. So that will also be there if it's a valuation. And again, with all the coding that we've done with artificial intelligence, and very clever manual recording of what questions we would ask, what keywords would look. look for those have all been coded in artificial intelligence and again it's it's safer than than human eye all those are in there or pick up those words and it do a report on the mortgage offer except any which are exceptions which are the difficult ones which the particular keywords which we've put a proviso in if this keyword comes in on a mortgage offer or in a search for example then these must be done manually by the title checker so we you know we do the 80 percent the 20 percent it could be down to the title checker if it's simple title or a simple mortgage offer then 100% will be done by the robots on the search searches and on the mortgage offer good and then once these are done in green reports on title now don't forget all this is driven by the system this is just the master to to explain where they are so step 23 report and title is completed it's sent to the client by sending to the client what I mean here is on the purchase side there's report and title on the portal so report and title completed all the tokens go on the portal here as the client goes here to to look at those in the back screen I won't press that for now at the same time you request a deposit from the buyer and also you send him the contract and pre-exchange papers now pre-exchange papers here are all on the reports report and title portal the contract at the moment and the tier one because need wet signed at the moment until we get qualified signature under new EU regulations which the Latin industry is adopting and has adopted rather but few firms are we're going to be on a pilot scheme we're trying to do qualified signature which means we don't need a wet signature but long story short for now we need a wet signature in the future we're hoping not to have one but this this are on the portal as well these two contract in tier one are on the portal under here they just need to go down there and print those off and then send those out to us once they're logged in with the correct incoming mail phrase they go straight onto our history screen and then they put a date on here prep for exchange okay we have to make sure that the wet sign the mortgage deed comes in okay we have to make sure that the wet sign that contract comes in the deposit comes in the completion date is requested after after it's done and we can request the completion date once the completion date comes in it's the same letter as on a sale don't forget we ask the client to agree their own completion date the buyer with the seller by this date agent they give that date to us the seller gives a date to their lawyer then once those dates come in we'll press the button you guys must press the button and out goes the letter inviting the other side to exchange here goes request sellers conveyance it to exchange again don't get involved in ping-pong to try to call the seller to exchange okay it's gonna be done by letter was that letter that covers everything to do with how many days between exchanging completion so forth don't forget the law such contract provides a 20 working days between exchange and completion for both sell and on a purchase under 15 days we will charge for an expedited fee above 15 days 15 to 20 we don't and then we have an escalating fee which becomes less if we leave between 10 to 15 days and more if we leave between 5 and 10 days and more if we leave under 5 days or a simultaneous more okay so we have a sliding scale depending on what the client wants to do so on exchange okay so this one here request request client to exchange set it so request sellers to exchange is the same as saying to the on this here we are ready to exchange with our sellers to exchange it's just the same button here but under a different section and then the client then the contract exchanges there you go and then we do the post exchange to preparing completion stage let me just close that up Okay, which is prep for exchange, done that prep for exchange. So we do the post exchange, preparing to exchange, a bit in between the 20 working days or 15 working days, five working days.

Don't forget obviously under five working days you've got a risk with the lender not sending their mortgage funds in time with the cut. So step 33, you need to balance from the client as cleared funds in your account. So they can send that in advance.

I wouldn't worry too much. You know, the client shouldn't worry too much about sending it a few days in advance. The interest rates are so low.

They're not going to lose anything or going to lose pennies. And we're not going to make anything on that. So get that money in as soon as possible.

Don't leave it to the last minute on the day of completion for the balance to complete from the client, please. It's not in their best interest. More of your money comes in from the lender.

Obviously, depending on each lender, how fast they are. Don't forget the five working days for most lenders. So that comes in when it comes in.

It's logged in. Then it's completion day. So everybody can see completion. And that's post-completion, obviously. As I say, I'm...

doesn't affect up to that stage but stamp duty obviously goes out AP1 is sent out obviously that's going to change with the land registry the mortgage discharge certificate from the sellers solicitors the DS1 or end and the transfer title when the new deeds come in and that's it those are the milestones which are reflective of what happens on the buttons on the main system so you must press the buttons on the main system so just go ahead here or case history by the way there you go that's what happens is exactly is on the case management system okay so whatever happens live in the case management you'll see it here all the documents you'll see here live as well the agent has access to his screen and the masters but he won't have access to the GDP our documents for example with the main laundry the agent won't see those on their version of this but that's yet the agent will see this or their portal all of these on their portal but for all their cases not just one you can view any of these documents just press view can you view any of those these are HTML means it's an email PDF means it's a PDF there you go I've just looked at this you know that's live you can see that an email sent here to the client What I've done actually, I've just logged off completely by mistake. I've got a Mac I'm using here. It's got slightly different commands.

Lovely machine, but slightly different commands. But there you go. History screen go back here.

So if you wanted to you can see any particular item and the client can see rather any particular item On the case history live. So whatever you do goes in live automatically here. It's very very fast So I've got a there you go something done Good.

So anything else the home screen says the master is always always goes to the milestones That shows here first two steps completes the first two of 32 obviously anything else if you're not up to that stage you're under 100 100 is up to exchange by the way so if it's halfway so 50 it'll show green the bits done it'll show red the bits not done um all these should be matching so really should be progressing roughly at the same stage if the cell's progressing faster doesn't mean you're ready to exchange on a cell because you still want to purchase two if it's a related it will show the average uk time to completion is 12th of February that's five months so they know that whatever you do is actually faster that's been opened at one month ago only it says here on the 12th of September okay so they're well ahead of the game they can see where they are I think that covers all of it so any questions please let me know otherwise thank you very much for listening