so good morning again uh we will discuss uh carlion for this uh for this session so this theory is carl jung he is one of the most misunderstood or see maybe people just doesn't want to are not interested in what young has to say but uh for me i think only a few of us really uh like you know there are some who understood jung but they do not really like his uh theory uh mainly because maybe it's because it's weird and uh and stuff i think tungs one of the most misunderstood i was disappointed because even before i took up uh bs ecology uh i already have an idea about you because i mentioned but i was not uh in psychology originally i'd take up architecture and then uh it didn't work out but yeah and then i stopped for uh one semester then simply i want to discover myself mbti so mbta and dpi and tj and whatnot i took up that test and lumobus is intj means and i was became curious with the test and i i looked it up and then eventually i discovered leontes was based on carl jung's theory then i read carl jung in bungalow wikipedia related pages and then eventually i realized oh psychology is interesting psychology so if not for you i think i will not be here talking about you or talking about psychology in general so i have uh caroline to thank for that okay so that's my personal uh experience with the discovering carl jung's theory okay his family is both really religious and most of them are doctors uh opposing forces opposing sides of the same coin and then lived only as an only child for nine years before his sister was born since and then his father according to him is an idealist with strong doubts of his fate and his mother has two side the idealistic side and the mystical side so mystical side basically not the rational side of mother you know realistic in terms of practicality in terms of caring caring for the children uh yeah i think you can relate with this mothers are like that they have two sides they have the they have the very good in good in managing the house side in the side so that's that's how young saw his mother she has two sides and then he himself said that he has two sides he has two first personalities the personality one and personality two so as a personality ones have been extroverted with the external objective personality one is a external and objective world and this this may be one of the reasons why he he has an unstable relationship with his wife it's a good personality love new wife yeah but the personality too is somehow not tame you know personality or something like that uh he was best friend with freud before no although your best friend i think it's it's an understatement uh they when before they met they are corresponding through letters a way of communication with people that are not within your vicinity so they talked for 13 hours straight when they first met personally best friends but i think it's more of an intellectual kind of relationship uh google relationship relates more but but more like intellectual couples but still couple he confessed that it was somehow a religious crush or something so i really just crushed it on he may once have worshipped freud and his theories but eventually they broke up uh actually freud believed that jung will become his successor since if you will see you will become my crown prince no crown prince and psychoanalysis and too much expectations of course can lead to a major disappointment and that's exactly what happened with their relationship they broke up and some biographers think that jung's previous experience of sexual assault by a man he wants worship may have contribution to this breakup experience with freud it is inevitable it will happen so i'm weird and then he has his mother complex two sides of seeing his mother they have affected his relationship with his wife emma emma young which which is uh which uh is also uh analytical psychologist during that time uh started an external martial affair with tony wolf so not only tony wolf actually affair now uh if you have watched a dangerous method it's a film about freud and young no their relationship and their theories and how they broke up so yeah the dangerous method it's good because it's not it's not pg-13 okay so that's uh that's the basic of cardio uh we haven't touched childhood young childhood young weird experiences in childhood like having a totem uh or and i i'm not sure if he had that totem or he sculpted that totem and then eventually nutmendation had discovered that that totem was somehow similar to the totem that is being worshipped by other tribes and that led him to it led him to have a theory it led him to have an idea that maybe people have common unconscious or common experiences that is uh that is present in their unconscious that may have contributed to that to that to that experience it's uh too deep nah i thought after earlier just more on the basics of carl i think if gaga and now corporating if you can if you will notice uh the theme of duality is present in his life and therefore that theme of duality was also carried over theory which he called analytical psychology so the basic of basic premise or basic uh uh basic basic explanation or basic uh line of theoretical analytical psychologies like this now you believe that each of us is motivated not only by repressed experiences but also by certain emotionally toned experiences inherited from our ancestors so it's not only our personal repressed unconscious or personal repressive experiences but also experiences inherited from our ancestors so these inherited images make up what jung called the collective unconscious the collective unconscious includes those elements that we have never experienced individually but which have come down to us from our ancestors so basically buried deep within us it is there and some people or most people i know are are weirded out in this in this theory of you it but i didn't find it weird why because other animals have that kind of experience no for example turtles uh the moment turtles are born or hatched because they have eggs bala the moment they were they are hatched they know what will they what what they will do they will follow the moonlight and then go to the ocean why do they know that someone did someone taught them to do that near it's inherited it's an inherited experience inherited experience once they saw the moon or the moonlight they will go there they will go to the ocean they will follow that line so uh it's not far-fetched it's it's not really weird visual evolutionarily speaking we have those kinds of what we what usually what people usually call instincts and that instinct is something that is not taught to us it's not something that we experienced before it's just there you know so collective unconscious is a collection of those instincts uh but with in our case it's not necessarily instinct because instinct is just you want to do that you're compelled to do that a collective unconscious on the other hand they are experiences blueprints of experiences on how we will do this and that uh it's not really far-fetched that we can inherit certain experiences from our ancestors la luna if that experiences if those kinds of experiences are really highly impactful in our life not only impactful but also help us survive during those times so it's not that perfect but that's that's how it is so human experiences me and it really influences us okay so that's the core of uh analytical psychology but before we go to the core of course we must go to the moon at the surface level another thing is a good nagging issue with the teaching about when when teaching about jung is that some uh experiences but that was a conscious whether in our case i we will we will do it step by step we will go to from the conscious papuntasa core which is the collective unconscious so yeah so we have levels of psycheden with the carlium same with the freud men unconscious and unconscious but unlikely freud made on personal unconscious and collective unconscious almost the same lung especially the conscious and personal unconscious are collective and conscious so conscious or the conscious part of our personality according to jung is the conscious images are those that are sensed by the ego whereas unconscious elements have no relationship with the ego another another contrast freud if you remember an egudao is partly as unconscious with the with you no ego is not conscious it's not in the unconscious it's the center of consciousness but according ego is not the center or it's not the core of personality unlike a freud emphasizing that the ego the ego is the main driver of the personality it's more it's not the core of the personality because the ego is not whole personality but must be completed by more comprehensive self the center of personality that is largely unconscious so according to personality or personality is not necessarily uh and completely personal individuals are in contact with their conscious world but they also allow themselves to experience their unconscious self thus to achieve individuation a concept we will discuss next week by the way this uh this uh we will talk about carl jung in three meetings first meeting and this meeting will be conscious the next meeting will be personal unconscious and the third meeting will be the collective unconscious okay so attitudes uh before we talk about that so in conscious it's the it's the path uh or it's the waypoint from the external world internal world so therefore conscious uh the our consciousness or our egomas must have some kubagamas have some communication must have some connection with the external world and usually the external world is full of information and that information must go through the conscious part so process information information is so this is the this is the this attitudes and functions make mix of the personality types of thinking nila and way of behaving actually more on way of thinking langtos behavior is something that is not uh emphasized in uh in this uh in this regard so attitudes uh the consciousness has attitudes and function uh as a means of communicating with the external world so first is attitudes so the attitude is a predisposition to act or react in a characteristic direction in particular the psychic energy nothing at all no psychic energy also known as libido but it's different with the limit of freud uh libyan afraid is more of a sexual energy and libido young so there are two kinds of attitudes we have we have two ways of uh two ways two ways of directing our consciousness uh first is introversion the turning inward of psychic energy with an orientation toward this objective so introverts are tuned in their inner world with all its biases fantasies dreams and individualized perception and then there is the extraversion or the attitude distinguished by the turning outward of psychic energy so that a person is oriented toward the objective and away from the subjective so young way in using our psychic energy it's either papunta or papuantosa so on introversion or introverts usually anxiety they see the information and then once they see the information they take it in and then you're taking in it in is more of a subjective caller information the way they approach it it's more on the subjective manner they do not really care if how the how is it how does the information looks outside they only care uh how they interpret that information in their own world meanwhile extroverts demand they they tend to see or they tend to to see the they tend to see the outside world so it's outward outward energy okay so if you can see this is uh this definition is very different with how we use introversion and extroversion nowadays because uh introversion extroversion in our daily conversation means how we how we usually respond to other people so introverted people tend to avoid many people or many humans around they tend to be alone meanwhile extroverts are very people oriented uh introvert introverted people since they they use their psychic energy inward they tend to absorb everything and then interpret it so the hell they tend to observe everything they need to choose what to absorb so many limitations so they tend to choose people that they need they tend people more uh more carefully than extroverts since they do not want to waste energy extroversion on the other hand they gain energy by by being with people because being with people they can complicate the they can uh the listening energy attitudes more on how we how we orient ourselves with the external world you know so yeah that's uh those are attitudes uh do you have any questions or clarifications regarding attitude okay so next so aptitudes uh actually it's not really exclusive no because it's being introverted side of extroversion according to you people are neither introverted or extroverted complete introvert will uncomplete extrovert we have those kinds of ad we have those two attitudes at some points we tend to go one direction or the other uh he has this theory that uh as we grow old we become more introverted we're more externally motivated or extraverted tile but as we grow old nagging introverted dial maybe because it's a bad guy but anyway uh we have uh at some points in our lives we tend to become introvert and extroverted and there are some there are some parts of our lives but we may be introverted but sometimes introverted sometimes introverted extroverted uh we have those uh those uh those parts of our lives in this example youtube video i'm i'm more of an introvert uh personally but as you can see in public speaking i'm quite talkative you know and i can sense people uh although nowadays since it's online i cannot see people i cannot see your reaction and actually this joke was recycled in the class a while ago i i cannot feel it but at least when i'm speaking in public i'm very extroverted to the point that some people mistake me as an as an ex as an extrovert actually your personal personality types attitudes and functions as uh as a way to integrate theory of freud and adler but eventually hindi and again and yeah uh so freud in interpreting as he is focused on his own subjective life hispanic fantasies and all but his theory seems to be uh extroverted same with the adlers the adler very extroverted dimension personally but their theory is quite opposite of their personal personality or your personal orientation because freud theory is all about external world know how we release our sex integration in the external world but with adler despite his extroverted attitude [Music] we have some parts in ourselves that are extroverted and introverted is it introverted or extroverted so be ready with that okay next so huma attitudes network they they modify the functions no so if attitude is the orientation or the direction of how we per uh how we deal with information the next asmr function is how we see and how we judge the information so functions of the psyche is an apparatus for adaptation and orientation and consists of number of different psychic functions both introversion exploration can combine with one or more of functions forming eight possible orientations or types so basically functions is how we perceive information how we see information information's external world and judging or and of course function also uh uses that information to judge whether that information is good for us or bad for us first uh the first part is the perception or the non-rational functions and then the second two would be judging and rational functions so it's a judging and as a perceiving it's how we perceive how we see how we hear and then judging the man is how we uh how we evaluate if if that information is good or bad right so nothing is a perception in terms of uh in terms of dealing with the external world we have to see first the information so it's a perception there are two ways or two functions first is sensing and intuiting uh by the way these functions are present within us so it should be because of being taiyo me sensing me intuiting me thinking and my feelings perceptions so first on the perception function would be sensing so sensing the function that receives uh physical stimuli and transmit them to perceptual consciousness uh perfect perception perception by means of five senses so uh sensing is how we see the world using our five senses for example there's an apple in front of you so you see that apple you see by your eyes if you tasted it you tasted it by your tongue uh if you if you touched it so if you see an apple that's an app that's an apple it's color its color is red it is crispy uh it's sweet so that's sensing okay so there are two kinds of there are two modes of sensing it's dependent it can be an extroverted sensing people perceive external stimuli objectively in much the same way that this stimuli exists in reality so as i've mentioned if you see an apple you say that's the apple is red the apple is uh the apple is a taste and the apple is red the apple is sweet the apple is big the apple is round so that's extroverted sensing now introverted sensing demand people are largely influenced by their subjective sensations of sight sound taste touch smell and so forth so they are guided by their interpretation of sense stimuli rather than the stimuli themselves so you introverts them and they have they all introverted sensing they have an interpretation with what they see for example uh let's go back to the apple uh an introverted sensing person will say uh this apple tastes okay so it is not really the stimuli themselves but his or her own subjective interpretation of that side of that smell of that taste sensing introverted sense they do not really they are not more on extroverted sensing or introverted sensing extroverted sensing people would be proofreader because they can see and they most objective in seeing things no house painter wine tester tester taster or any other job demanding sensory discrimination congruent with those of most people so people they always tend to interpret the thing around them for example portrait artist especially among uh personalized no for example pablo picasso in cubism the way he paints it it's more on cube form that's his uh internal interpretation of this thing that he or she is seeing that is introverted sensing okay so clear background sensing okay so but unclear next would be intuiting or intuition so intuiting involves perception beyond the workings of consciousness so intuiting differs from sensing in that it is more creative often adding or subtracting elements from conscious sensation so therefore it's more unconscious so if sensing is seeing the information through the senses uh intuition the man is uh perceiving the information through your unconscious bucket another example would be how how clinicians uh how clinicians diagnose other clinicians especially my experienced clinician we will just look at the look at the patient look at the client and they will instantly know anion possible diagnosis without even without even checking every nooks and crannies of the symptom that's intuition another another example of intuition would be the one that is used by the females like mothers and girlfriends they know if there's something wrong without even knowing everything around it allah with girlfriends or wives no they know there's some things wrong no something that is essential is more than needs the eye or something like that so that's intuition you didn't necessarily depend on what your senses give you you are also depending on your what your unconscious is telling you that's intuition because uh intuition is something that is uh crystallized information or crystallized experience then the hindu explain and then you just know okay so clear bhagawan [Laughter] is invisible to the eye so in that in that in that line that's that's intuition because invisibility they are invisible to the senses and usually that's true what is essential is not seen but felt uh you just know it inexplicable okay so usually females again have these kinds of they have this affini they have an affinity to intuition males on the other hand no we're more of a sensing sensing people uh what i'm saying is in yeah people or nails tend to be sensing and females tend to be intuitive that's not to say in a moment that uh either or is good or bad no it's bad to become sense folders but to become intuition dark side yeah because if you're too much uh intuitive what's in front of you if no one sensing a so it's better to have uh to have to master those two i myself is not i'm to follow but people who see things through their eyes long like me i tend to get lost but my gps so yeah uh there again it can be modified by extraversion or introversion extroverted intuitive these people are oriented towards facts in the external world like inventors so i'm not inventors usually in the catholic eureka moment also doesn't make sense but sometimes at one point of their study they will just you take a moment garlic's unconsciousness it can go in more and then they will just do it and then they will discover something so that's intuition extroverted intuition you're using the external world to have an intuition about it introverted intuition on the other hand are uh more on subjective silly like mystics prophets no ah sure realistic artist you know let me master realistic artists paintings so those are surrealistic uh paintings music videos are often people peculiar they have this intuition that they know that they are right but the it's not oriented toward the external world they just know they have they have the conviction that everything they do or say is something that is true or something that is right okay so inter introverted intuition so gets ba are there any questions about this next uh next would be papantanatari [Music] so judging if the perceiving is how we see or how we enter how we interact with the information uh judging them rational national functions is how we process the information information then useless information processing information so in processing information we have two functions there the first function would be thinking so thinking or people who are in tune with with their function thinking function they judge they judge something they judge the information by a logical process judging it's deciding if that information is good or bad for you or for other people so thinking it's uh thinking logically if the information is good or bad for you so going back to example you saw the apple it's red bright red you tasted the apple it's sweet and then you smell the apple it smells good and then yeah so therefore this apple is very tasty this apple is very good this table is ripe based on the chain of ideas change uh logical logical flow of idea now this apple is good so that's how thinking uh thinking function works for example you you saw something uh you saw a person a male courting you thinking people who are more attuned to their thinking function will see or will judge that we'll judge if a person is good or bad for them practical methods potential for income or something like that so that is thinking okay so there are two kinds of thinking uh extroverted thinking introverted thinking so extroverted thinking people rely heavily on concrete thoughts but they may also use absolute ideas if these ideas have been transmitted to them from without uh for example parents or teachers so extroverted thinking they they heavily think about anything in the outside world so for example all the mathematicians can be also can also be introverted thinkers say la la name pure mathematics but but usually mathematicians and accountants and engineers they're they're very concerned they're very they're thinking outside you know for example engineers they think about the structural integrity of something in the external world no the structural integrity of a building the structural integrity of a bridge of uh of software you must of your engineers and accountants of course they can they the external thing meanwhile introverted thinking the man they are more uh on the introverted side uh subjective sides like for example engineers no so introverted thinking shy it's not about the external world but about the internal world of a person inventors are also introverted thinkers at some points uh and to some extent psychologists then they are introverted thinking no because if our topic is basically subjective perceptions of people subjective uh behaviors all that depends on clinicians more on more introverted thinking but organizational they are more than the extroverted thinking so means we sometimes row on two rivers at the same time okay so extraverted thinking or introverted thinking okay so next would be feeling so if thinking has a logical step-by-step process feeling do does not have that it's more fluid than thinking uh feeling is the evaluation of every conscious activity even those value doesn't indifferent so this is not an emotion but may involve some you know for example we have process a way of processing more in that in that regard is that you just know or you just feel are you feeling intuition uh feeling is more like this guy is right for me because i i know but i'm feeling feeling decision it's hard to explain because i'm a person who is not that i'm not the feeling person i'm a thinking person so i i'm having a hard time explaining how feeling works in judging or i said basically i do not believe in feeling in judging judging the information i have to do it step by step logically but but if you do not do logical thinking or logical step-by-step procedure in this in deciding if an information is good or bad then you are intuned on your feeling so there are kubaga you you just know how to do stuff without even considering the logical logical steps okay so for example extraverted feeling people this these people use objective data to make evaluations like business people or politicians so politicians they know they know what to do even though it's not logical for example business people they they know uh they know if a person can be trustworthy or not and then politicians they know when to say things how to say things and where to say things so that they can gain the votes of other people it's not necessarily logical and they will act according to it so that's that's how extroverted feeling works and now with the introverted feeling the man people base their value judgment primarily on subjective perception rather than objective facts like critics of various art firms make such introverted feeling making value judgment on the basis of the objective individualized data [Music] i am fond of people who are reviewing films reviewing uh reviewing uh animes no um actually before i before i watch a film or before i watch an anime i will first look for there now i say christmas uh i usually look for reviews moon because i don't want to waste my time if the if the film is not good so i will look for her look for a review so uh those people who do such reviews have introverted feeling in saying if if that is good or bad no uh for example there are some people that uh they have the introverted they just know that this film is good because they have the subjective idea of how a film should look like or how a film should be made or how a story should be structured uh there's no such thing as a standard for that but they have their own interpretations you know so they use introverted feeling there and interpretation aladdin's okay so extroverted feeling on the other hand you're you're more in tune with external people external world priority my external world so introverted this is my opinion this is how i interpret this film and this is good yeah so they ignore traditional opinions and beliefs and they're nearly complete in difference to objective world often causes persons around them to feel uncomfortable and cool their attitude towards them so again a new introverted feeling so introverted more unsubjective perception in processing or subjective uh subjective biases in processing the information of the outside world okay so yeah uh same with introversion extroversion uh we have those functions we we then we have the tendency to think we have the tendency to feel we have the tendency to sense we have the tendency to intuit it to into an into into it to use intuition so yeah but uh out of four functions these four functions that we have as again i invention we all have that four functions it usually appears in a hierarchy with one occupying a superior position another a secondary position another two inferior positions so we usually have uh four functions so we usually use our dominant function superior [Music] i usually depend on what i see what i hear you know and i'm thinking so think things like car but out of those two sensing and thinking i think must introverted thinking of introverted thinker so i think this is my dominant function but at the same time as i've mentioned there is also a part of me that is extroverted in sensing i mean i like editing i like being i like i like correcting stuff so i i have extraverted sensing and also in uh uh magdaleno was a clerical work element clerical work so my extroverted sense so i think that is my another superior or secondary position and then the other two integer positions so but we have a dominant function i think in my case my dominant function is thinking introverted thinking so but some developed two some develop three dominant functions but the most ideal uh the most ideal thing to develop is you develop all of them you develop four functions all right so that's very hard no why do we have to develop those all of forums again but yeah basically what's uh what uh what your classmate said is true we have we have to develop those four functions because the of a guy in context is important because strengths and weaknesses functions in the end so for example in my case my dominant function is introverted thinking introverted thinking is very very good in abstract ideas no especially in forming logical arguments i'm getting my best done but i'm quite good at it so it has advantages union advantages i'm good in logical arguments i'm also being good in planning since in i use abstract i can i can visualize no uh what i will do but it has some limitations particularly in relationships because introverted thinking does not work in relationships because relationships are not logical uh it's uh it's more of a feeling you need to be in touch with your feeling feeling function in order for you to have a smooth relationship because if if we will think about it in a logical perspective we will not get along with other people because we are different with other people my way of doing things is very different from the way if other people are doing in their thing so if i'm too dependent on my dominant function the tendency would be unhealthy personality but if i somehow managed to develop at least another dominant function and then or ideally all of them i must not giving well around rounded person i can adjust my personality depending on the situation depending on where i am depending on who i'm talking with so must not giving healthy personality psychologically healthy during that time but again it's very hard to do this no it's hard thinking and feeling at the same time and determine thinking more and feeling more same with feeling uh feeling oriented people feeling oriented people along with an advantage you know with visa relationships they're very good in relationships not only that they can be more in tune with their emotions in your limitation among thinking people uh we i we didn't we do not really we are not in tune with our emotions so therefore we cannot label our emotions when we cannot label our emotions we cannot feel them extensively but on the other hand feeling people yamanas are feeling people they are they tend to feel their emotions on a higher level they can instantly they can instantly label what they are feeling say i'm feeling sad in that particular day but i myself i do not feel sad but i'm sad because i i have this tendency to think about my emotions never know we're not thinking about emotions do i feel sad why do i feel sad is there something to be sad about if i do not find the reason to be sad to be sad that's thinking but it's not healthy to do that no tell me to do that because emotions demands to be felt pain demands to be felt it's something that is a sort of limitation feeling people on the other hand they do not have that limitation as i sometimes uh end those people but there's a one disadvantage somehow feeling inside they can be more they can be impulsive in their decision making and like thinking people they can be scheduled people they will push through the plan they will do it but feeling people they have the tendency to be uh procrastinating procrastinators since they they they decide and they're based on their evaluations based on not on the logical level but on their uh own subjective feelings about the thing so maybe a disadvantage yes so the point is function so that you know psychologically healthy personality according to which is uh congruent with how uh with how analytical psychology works because i've been analytical psychology you have to merge all of your pers all of your things in personality collective unconscious unconscious complexes archetypes and of course functions and attitudes you have to merge them all no but it is hard as mentioned by young it's uh it takes a lifetime to do that the individuation but it's still consistent if you you will you will think about it no so that's how uh that's how personality is so personality types uh is the conscious part of our personality but this uh this this uh personality types are still influenced by the unconscious side the personal unconscious and the and most uh important is their collective unconscious so it depends on a gigging relationship don't so that's why it's important also to look at the conscious and unconscious parts of our personality okay which we will talk about next meeting so next meeting we will talk about the personal uh person uh personal unconscious and the next uh meetings uh just uh monday next week would be the per the collective unconscious okay so these are the types of uh union type salman and union types so introverted thinking about so i'm a theoretical scientist now i double a bit in philosophy so i think it's good [Music] can we really rely on that test spot to say that the person uh in terms of uh valid antenatal validity and reliability no test research suggests that mbti do not have a high real-life psychometric properties in short hindi sabina researchers but it's uh its appeal is still there uh so i don't know but in my opinion i think the fact or the fact that there's something that test is explaining is a testament or is a sign that that nah that test is still useful no although it might not be reliable and its validity is questionable but it's still useful so i think there's still value there but again in a scientific perspective that that test is not that good but we will talk about that more when you will reach psychological assessment psychological assessment and again my extensive discussion coming about mbti but that's that's a good question nonetheless okay so yeah you're welcome hong okay so with that uh if you have any questions just email me