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Modeling Splashing and Sloshing with SPH in LS-DYNA
Jul 18, 2024
Modeling Splashing and Sloshing with SPH in LS-DYNA
Erik Fanny, Dynamo Nordic
Modeling splashing and sloshing using the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) module in LS-DYNA
Demonstrate SPH capabilities
Overview of the Webinar
Introduction and motivation
SPH theory essentials
Keywords and simulation setup
Theory of SPH
When is SPH Useful?
Large material distortion
Material decomposes into small fragments/droplets
Fluid problems with moving boundaries and free surfaces
Characteristics of SPH
Particle-based method
Solved with explicit time integration
Local mesh refinement issues
Some boundary conditions can be difficult
Historical Context
Development in the late 1970s
Theoretical improvements in the 1980s
Applied in various fields: forging, extrusion, metal cutting, impact problems, fluid-structure interactions
Basic Principles
Continuum approximated by distributed particles
No convective term (independent material coordinates)
Approximation involves kernel function W
Particle approximation similar to quadrature formula
Sparse scheme and gradient expression derived
Neighbor search via bucket sort
Conservation equations: mass, momentum, and energy
Important Keywords for SPH Simulations
Control Keywords
Control MPP decomposition distributed SPH elements
: Evenly distributes SPH elements to processors
Control MPP i/o nodump
: Suppresses dump files output
SPH Settings Keywords
Control SPH
: Number of time steps between particle sorting (default: 1)
Box ID
: Deactivate particles leaving the box
: Space dimension (default: 3D, also for plane strain or axisymmetric problems)
: Particle approximation theory (15/16 recommended for fluids)
: Deactivate particles with velocity greater than max V
: Contact thickness (0 for zero thickness, 1 computed from volume)
Section SPH
: Default settings usually suffice, constants for smoothing lengths
Element SPH
: Mass settings (positive for element mass, negative value for volume of particle)
Material Properties
: Defines fluid material properties
: Mass density
: Pressure cutoff (negative in tension)
: Dynamic viscosity
: Relative volume for erosion
Equation of State
: Pressure-density relations (e.g., US Murnaghan for incompressible flow)
Parameters for US Murnaghan: Gamma (often 7), KC0 (based on max fluid velocity), V0 (initial relative volume)
Option to reduce particle stiffness
Alternative: US (e.g., Green-Isochronous)
Contact Settings
Contact automatic nodes to surface
: SPH particles as slave parts
SPH Element Generation
Using LS-PrePost
Generate SPH parts (e.g., box, sphere)
Shell volume method: Requires watertight surface mesh
Set density to -1 for volume computation
Distance between particles setting
Example 1: Wheel Rolling Through Water
Scenario: Wheel through 10mm water at 70 km/h
Model: Explicit finite element, rigid components, 2.4M SPH particles
Results: Splashing visualization
Example 2: Car Driving Through Water
Scenario: Toyota Auris through 20mm water at 56 km/h
Model: Explicit finite element, 1.5M elements
Results: Water distribution and load analysis
Simulation Time: ~16 hours on 32 cores
Example 3: Gearbox with Oil
Scenario: Two gears partially filled with oil
Model: Rigid gears, 300,000 SPH particles, prescribed motion
Results: Oil distribution and splashing
Example 4: Fluid-Structure Interaction
Scenario: Water wave impacting rigid column
Model: Developed by LS-DYNA Technical Support Center
Comparison: Simulation vs. experimental data
SPH effectively models splashing and sloshing
Easily coupled with finite element models
Further learning: SPH course by Dynamo in Germany
Contact: Erik Fanny (
Closing Remarks
Thank you for attending
Q&A and further contact details
Full transcript