Strategies for Solving the Knapsack Problem

Sep 13, 2024

Notes on Knapsack Problem Method


  • Today's video focuses on the knapsack problem and strategies for solving it using Python.
  • Introduction to a systematic strategy that can be applied to problem-solving.

Six Strategies for Solving Problems

  1. State the Problem Clearly

    • Clearly articulate the problem you are facing.
    • Example: Knapsack problem is presented clearly.
  2. Identify Input and Output

    • Specify what the inputs and outputs of the problem are.
    • Important to ensure clarity of what you're solving for.
  3. Come Up with Example Inputs

    • Generate relevant example inputs and outputs to understand the problem better.
    • Ensure to cover all edge cases in your examples.
  4. Implement a Solution

    • Write out the solution based on your understanding of the problem.
    • Test the solution using the example inputs.
    • Debug any issues that arise during testing.
  5. Analyze Algorithm Complexity

    • Evaluate the efficiency of your solution in terms of time and space complexity.
    • Determine if the solution is optimal or if it requires improvements.
  6. Apply the Right Technique to Overcome Efficiency Issues

    • If issues are found in step 5, revisit steps 3 to 6 to improve the solution.


  • The six strategies provide a structured approach to problem-solving in programming, specifically for the knapsack problem.
  • Encouragement to apply these strategies for easier problem-solving in the future.

Call to Action

  • If you enjoyed the video, like, share with friends, and subscribe to the channel.
  • Reminder to check out previous content for more insights.
  • Next class will focus on the solutions to the knapsack problem.