I believe I can tell you a little something. We want to talk about this evening the Holy Ghost. I want to take my time and detail it.
So wait a minute, you better follow me. I'm praying to ask God to help you keep up with me. Before you are told to receive it, you need to know who it is.
Are you listening? Look at the word. It's a compound word. Holy Ghost.
Holy Ghost. Describe the characteristics of God. Let us know what kind of spirit is he, what kind of God is he?
Holy, underfouled, clean, flawless, spotless, infallible, perfect. Are you getting what I'm talking? Ghosts, spirit, divine, eternal.
Always was, always have been, no beginning, no ending, without mother, without father, without descent, no beginning of days, no end of life, fulfill everything, move according to his own will. He can be shapeless and formless and come in a form. Did you hear me?
Let me give you a Bible, the 53rd chapter of the book of Isaiah. Isaiah chapter 53. And we'll start reading at the very first verse. Listen.
Who hath believed our report? Who hath believed our report? Who hath believed?
our writings. The writings of the prophets is the testimony of Jesus and the writing of the prophets is the report that they gave us from the Spirit of God. Yes. Who hath believed our report?
Who believe what we wrote? Who believe what we atomized? Who believe our various experiences?
Who believe our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? What? For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant.
He shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of dry ground. He hath no form. What, what, what, what, what, what?
He has no form, no comeliness. He has no form. God can be formless.
God can be shapeless. God can be without fashion, within fashion. Are you listening? God is of no gender like the earth, male or female, but yet he bears the title he.
I'm gonna say how can you say that for him to be he he got to be a male the prophet says god is not a man that's right that he should lie neither is he the son of man that he should repent So he that can be formless and shapeless and yet cover the universe while he exists in form. Did you hear me? He that is shapeless and formless and exists in the universe at the same time exists in eternity at the same time go past eternity and dwell in everlasting. Formless, shapeless and exists in form meaning he exists in man and in woman.
Holy Ghost. Another title of the Holy Ghost is Holy Spirit. Spirit, Ghost, same thing, describes God's nature.
God is a spirit. So then when you ask yourself what kind, he is the Holy Spirit. Are you listening? So God's first nature, spirit divine, in order for him to dwell in man, that divine spirit must come and man. There are many actions, many doings in the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 12 of the Holy Ghost and at verse 6. Get me.
And there are diversities of operation. There our diversities of operations. But it is the same God.
It is the same God. Which worketh all in all. That work all in all.
But the manifestation of the Spirit. The manifestation of God is the Spirit. The Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, is what? Is given to every man. Is given to every man.
To profit with all. To profit by it. You will profit with all.
His spirit moved upon the face of the deep. Who did? God did. He breathed in the man the breath of life.
Man become a living soul. Who did? God did.
The prophets. asks God, let your Holy Ghost, I need to read that quickly, let your Holy Ghost come into me. Here's the prophet pleading with God to reside in me. Second Esther chapter 14 and verse 22. Says what? But if I have found grace before thee.
This is what you need to have in the presence of God. That's right. if I have found grace before thee grace before thee send the Holy Ghost send it into me hallelujah nobody goes to get the Holy Ghost that's right did you hear me that's right Nobody goes to get it. You come to God to receive it. That's right.
It's a gift and the gift must be given to you but God have to count you worthy to obtain it. That's right. Because the truth of the matter is who is worthy?
For God to dwell in you. You that are watching, I'm pretty sure you were taught that God does not dwell in the unclean temple. Well, that's a lie.
God comes in the unclean to clean them. In the book of 1 Kings chapter 8. Let me show you where God dwells. 1st Kings chapter 8 and we're at the 12th verse.
Listen. Then spake Solomon. Then spake brother Solomon. The Lord said. Glory to God.
The Lord said. That he would. dwell he would dwell he would reside he would occupy in thick darkness in thick darkness thick darkness when you are in thick darkness you are in your sins for the greatest of all darkness is the ignorance of God which brings about the ignorance of self that's right imagine God Having mercy and grace on you that he would take time to dwell in your thick darkness.
Thick darkness. Are you listening? Hallelujah. He comes in the thick darkness to remove the darkness gradually that light may take over your temple.
Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Holy God. Do we understand who he is now? But if I have found grace before thee, what is the name of the Holy Ghost? The question is not only what is his name, who sends him? That's right, that's right.
Give me John 14 26 and then give me John 15 26. Say John. Hear me, hear me, hear me good. That's right. Listen.
Say John chapter 14 and verse 26. Yes. But the comforter. Hold it. Here's another.
title for the Holy Ghost the comforter the comforter which is the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost Jesus is talking that's right what whom the Father will send In my name. In my name. He shall teach you all things. He shall teach you everything.
And bring all things to your remembrance. And bring everything to your remembrance. Well, I want you to keep in mind that the Father gone send him.
That's right. Jesus said that the Father gone send him. The Father will send him in my name.
And we all must agree the Father is God. That's right. Is that right, Isaiah?
That's right. All right, John 15, 26. St. John 15 and verse 26. I want to harmonize the Bible here. But when the comforter.
Jesus still talking. That's right. When the comforter.
But when the comforter is come. Is come. Whom I will send unto you. Glory to God, whom I will send unto you.
Jesus said I'm going to send him. I will send unto you. From the Father. From the Father.
Even the Spirit of Truth. What is called the Comforter. Even the Spirit of Truth. It is the spirit of truth which proceeded from the Father, which comes from the Father, he shall testify of me.
He will bear witness of me. That's right. Well first Jesus said, whom the Father will send. And then Jesus said, whom I will send.
How many send to them? One. If Jesus Christ is not the Father, how many sending him? One.
The Father going to send him. Jesus said, I'm going to send him. That's right. You don't have two sending him. That's right.
So it got to be the same one. Same one. The Scriptures, viewers, never classify the Holy Ghost as the third person of the Godhead.
No. Am I right, I say? Yes. Thank God we're going to detail this Holy Ghost business God knows. That's right.
The Scriptures, never, never. Characterize the Holy Ghost as the third supreme person of the Godhead. No, no. Never.
Never. Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, God, Divine. That's right. So the prophet said what?
Back in 2nd Esther chapter 14 and verse 22. Yes. But if I have found grace before thee. You know. Hallelujah.
This is how you seek him. Go ahead man. First it starts off. with being introduced to him. You cannot seek who you don't know.
No more can you wish up what you don't understand. How did God introduce us to him? He said he made manifest his word through preaching.
Make it manifest his words. Through preaching. Make it manifest his thoughts.
Make it manifest his mind. That's right. Through preaching. Through preaching. Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little.
Old Testament, New Testament must be harmonized about the same God. That's right. That's here a little, there a little.
To begin to seek the Lord while you may be found means seek him while you have life. That's right. Because the dead can't find him.
That's right. That's why it says seek your Lord while he may be found. That means while you're living. That's right. Thank God because the day coming you won't be able to find him because the dead know of nothing.
Know of nothing. Before I seek Him. Hallelujah. Thank God I want to hear the Trump of God.
I need to hear the Word of God that my mind, my ears might be quickened. That's right. You know that's the first thing God deal with the quickening of your ear.
That's right. When he quickened your ear It's a, you give attention to the sound of God that don't sound like nothing else. That's right.
While the word of God is preached, you'll hear, hear what the Spirit, what the Holy Ghost, what the Lord, what your Savior says to the church. Says to the church. Thank God that what I hear, travel, glory be to God in my mind and in my heart.
Now when they heard this. What? In Acts chapter 2 and verse 37. What happened? Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart.
Hold it. You know, God deals with the heart. That's right. Your heart must be ready to submit, declaring that you desire the Holy Ghost.
You must be ready, prepared to accept, or should I say welcome, the presence of the Almighty God. Creating me a clean heart. Why would God come where you don't want him?
That's right. Are you listening? Amen.
God don't do forced entry. No. Whosoever will, let him come and drink freely.
God wants you to be willing. Seek him willingly. Wait on him willingly. That's right.
Not by constraint. If ye be willing. The Bible said if you be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land.
And the good of the land is the good of God's Word. That's right. So now I'm in the phase of hearing the Word of God. Now the word is starting to deal with my mind that I may think on the things of God and then with my heart that I may be affectionate towards the things of God. That's right.
My mind, think about it. My heart, I got feelings about it. Because when God deal with your heart, and you make business with God, your heart become drawn to him that's right hallelujah thank you god god almighty said get a hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled shall be filled Hallelujah.
Glory to God. Hungry. Hungry.
Thirsty. Thirsty. And the Holy Ghost is described in both categories. That's right.
Food is something solid. Thirsty. Liquid.
Are you getting what I'm telling you? God's word, meat for the belly. Bread from heaven. God's word, living water. Milk.
That's right. That's right. God wants you to be hungry.
Blessed are they that do hunger. Do you hear it? Matthew chapter 5 and verse 6. Matthew chapter 5 and 6. Blessed are they.
What kind of people are they? Blessed are they. Blessed are they.
Hallelujah. Which do hunger. Which do hunger. And thirst. And thirst.
After righteousness. After what's right. For they.
They. Shall be filled. Shall be. Fill.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hunger.
Hallelujah. Thank you. Glory to God. Hunger. Hunger and thirst.
I can quote, seek the Lord, seek the Lord, wait, dare it. but if you don't know how to seek him that's right if you don't know how to wait if you don't know how to tarry which is what wait mean and if you don't know what should you be doing while you're waiting your wedding is in vain that's right go ahead if i'm hungry hungry I'm looking for something to eat. That's right.
Glory to God. If I'm thirsty, That's right. I'm looking for something to drink. Go ahead. Go ahead.
Go ahead, brother. Go ahead. So I'm searching... For the food and the drink that only heaven has. That's right.
Seek the Lord. Seek the Lord. While he may be found, call upon him while he is near.
Nobody can seek God and not wait on him. That's right. If I seek the Lord...
I have an expectation of him. That's right. To receive what I'm seeking him for. That's right.
But I got to wait until he found mercy. That's right. Hallelujah. It is my hunger and my thirst that keep me there. Hallelujah.
My hunger keep me going after him. My thirst keep me going after him. My want keep me going after him.
Lord, I'm thirsty. Lord, I'm hungry. Go ahead now.
Hallelujah! Blast that band! Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. How thirsty! Go ahead. Are you? Go ahead.
Blast, Advin! Hallelujah! Blast, Advin!
Are you... Go ahead! Go ahead, brother!
Are you... Go ahead! You can't go before God like you so full.
Preach it. A hungry man and a hungry woman do not come to the tables with manners. That's right.
They don't try to eat proper. That's right. They don't care how they look. Go ahead. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. Yes sir. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. They don't care what you think of them! Hallelujah. Go ahead.
You show me a hungry man and a hungry woman. You put a plate of food in front of them. That's right. They ain't got no table manners.
That's right. They don't care what you think of them. Go ahead. They don't care how they look to you. Go ahead, Pastor.
That's the way you got to be. That's right. In pursuing God. Stop worrying about how folks think about you. Go ahead.
Lord. I'm hungry. Hungry.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Yes sir.
Hallelujah. Lord. Go ahead. I'm thirsty.
Preach it brother. Hallelujah. Blessed are they.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Blessed are they when your hunger and your thirst, when your hunger and thirst get right, you will seek them right.
That's right. That's right. seeking God don't mean you just do nothing no and say you waiting on him no no that's not waiting for the Holy Ghost no no did you hear what I said When you properly seek and wait for the Holy Ghost, you don't sit back and do nothing.
Oh no. You say, all I got to do is wait. Oh no.
You got it wrong. That's right. That's right. Waiting, tarrying, is there some work involved? Some work.
In the midst of you seeking him. That's right. On the day of Pentecost, these all continue.
in prayer and supplication. That's right. They continue in prayer and supplication.
That's right. They continue in prayer and supplication. Go ahead.
Hallelujah, hallelujah. When you're hungry, Hallelujah! You're praised! Go ahead!
When you're hungry, go ahead! You'll have supplication! That's right!
That's right! What is supplication? Supplication! Supplication! Go ahead!
Is when you beg God! Go ahead! A hungry man and a hungry woman beg for food.
They're begging. When you really want the Holy Ghost, you'll beg for it. Hallelujah. Go ahead brother. You're bad fuck!
Go ahead. Go ahead. This is how you seek him! Hallelujah. Many of you are too casual.
Yeah. No! No hungry man is casual.
Hell no. A hungry man. Go ahead. And a hungry woman.
They're looking walking up and down the street. Yeah. In trash cans.
Searching. That's right. You got to seek the Lord.
Go ahead. Go ahead. Well. Well. Wherever you go, don't let your appetite die down for fighting the Holy Ghost.
Get years out your mind. months out of mind, get weeks out of mind, and get days out of mind, and be hungry right now. That's right. Right now.
Hallelujah. Right now, God! Go ahead!
Go ahead! You let God know! Preach it! You're hungry?
Now! Now! I wanna eat!
Now! Go ahead! I wanna drink!
Now! I'm hungry! Yeah!
I'm hungry I say. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
I'm hungry I say. Hallelujah. Go ahead man. You stop taking God.
Go ahead. And put him so far. Don't you ever take the Lord and look at tarrying as a layback and you do nothing and expect for God to do something. It don't work like that. You want God to work?
You got to work. Faith without works is dead. Hallelujah!
Faith without works is dead! Dead! Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. You may say, I believe God for the Holy Ghost. Good!
But are you working? That's right. Even so, faith! See the works of them on the day of Pentecost. Was not just obeying.
Go to Jerusalem. No no. But the work was. Prayer. Prayer.
And supplication. Supplication. That's the work.
That's right. To coincide. With the. Obedience. That's right.
Faith. Without works. Without works.
Is dead. It don't mean nothing. Being alone. Being by itself.
That's right. So how are you seeking God? Hallelujah.
Are you really hungry? Are you really thirsty? Really hungry or thirsty.
Or are you just saying, church, pray for me. Yeah. That I may receive the Holy Ghost. Oh, yeah.
Yes. What are you doing? That's right. That's right.
The Holy Ghost, it can fall while you preach that the word is preaching. That's right. It can fall on you in a praise service.
It can fall on you while somebody testifies. It'll fall on you while somebody's playing the instrument. It can fall on you while somebody's playing the instrument. before you are baptized it can follow you after you're baptized I'm hungry hungry Lord I'm thirsty examine your hunger brother go ahead Blessed are they which do hunger.
The word says blessed are they which do hunger. What did it say? St. Matthew chapter 5 and verse 6. Matthew chapter 5 and verse 6. Everybody alright? Hallelujah. Matthew chapter 5 and verse 6. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst.
Are you blessed tonight? Yes. Blessed. You are blessed? Blessed.
If you're hungry? and thirst. And thirst.
So now you better ask yourself, are you really blessed? That's right. It did not say you're blessed if you're being taught about hunger and thirst. No. If you hear about hunger and thirst, blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.
You know, the woman and man that's hungry, when they finally eat, their hunger pains cease. Oh, yes. When they thirsty, they dry mouth, go with the God, and they dry throat, Cease. Yes. When you're hungry and thirsty enough that satisfies God.
That's right. That's right. He will give you the Holy Ghost and you will feel it in your belly.
That's right. As rivers of living water, you will fill it in your mouth because God will take over your tongue. And your appetite for Him will be filled. Hallelujah. Hungry are you?
That's it. That's it. How hungry are you? Hungry. Hallelujah.
If there was no hunger in them on the day of Pentecost, they would have never been filled with the Holy Ghost. Oh no. Jesus said the promise is unto you. Unto you.
There's the promise. That's right. Right there. Right there.
Stop looking at it so far. That's right. It's right there.
For the promise is unto you. God says nigh thee. That's right. But what saith it? What saith it?
The word is... 10th chapter verse. Romans chapter 10 and that verse 8. Proverbs.
But what saith it? What you say? The word is nigh thee.
thee. Neither. Even in thy mouth. And in thy heart. You see that?
That's right. It gets to your mouth. Mouth.
Then it gets to your heart. And in thy heart. And the words of faith. Which we preach.
Which we're talking about. That's right. So the Holy Ghost is the divine nature, characteristics, function of the Most High God that dwells in man that seeks Him. That's right. Seeking the Lord for the Holy Ghost and being obedient as I travel towards Him.
That's right. In the midst of you seeking the Lord, there will be failures. Yes. And accomplishments. Yes.
Failures come to try your patience. That's right. See where you give up. That's right.
God ain't gonna lay no bed of roses for nobody that seeks him. Y'all know. That's not the way God do it. That's right.
That's right. Why you seeking him? failures and accomplishments.
Now know it's my down setting. That isn't your down setting. Captain verse.
Psalms 139 and we're at verse 2. You know my down setting. And my uprising. And you know my uprising.
And my accomplishments. Now understand it's my thought of far off. You understand my thoughts of far off.
You know how sometimes I get distracted. That's right. What?
Now compasses my path. You compass where I journey. And my lying down.
And my lying down. And on acquainted. You are acquainted. With all. my ways you know my ways please you sometime and don't please you so there was not a word in my tongue you know there are things I say that I should not say but Lord thou knowest all together you know them all together God is not asking you to be perfect to receive the Holy Ghost wonderful teaching wonderful teaching Hallelujah.
You're putting the cart before the horse. Yeah. God is not asking nobody That's true.
to be perfect. That's right. To receive the Holy Ghost. That's right.
He's telling you to humble yourself. Yes. Believe in him. Seek him. Wait on him.
Obey him. That you may receive the Holy Ghost and it give you perfection. That's right. Hallelujah.
How do you seek the Lord? The mistake that many of us make, some of you get relaxed and you say, if I don't receive them this year, I'm awake the next year. Right.
And this year not gone. Yeah. You setting yourself up to be lazy.
That's right. Did you hear me? That's right.
Why push God so far off if he declared he's 90? A person that needs to eat ain't waiting the next year if food's right in front of them. That's right. This is why the Lord challenges the spiritual appetite of every man and every woman.
That's right. Are you listening? Amen.
So if I seek the Lord, young brothers and sisters, I don't want you to think that your leader, your brother, don't understand your distractions. Oh yes. I can't give you the Holy Ghost.
No. It doesn't matter how hard the Lord make me preach it, you can't go get it. That's right. But you can be taught how to pursue it.
How to pursue it. All right, let's But if I have found grace before thee. You want God to find grace before thee.
Before him. 2nd Esther 14 and verse 22. Go to God looking for his mercy. That's right. Go to God wanting His grace, His compassion.
A hungry person can be a very aggressive eater. I hope you can get this. One of you brothers, give me another bottle, please, Mark, real quick. A hungry person is a very aggressive eater.
Yeah. I mean, their plate, their face is down in the plate, eating like a dog. Oh, yes.
There was a man in the Old Testament by the name of Gideon, and he had to separate various men and then observe those men how they eat or rather how they lap water. Lap water. and how they watch. The ones that lapped water and was looking, put them aside. The ones that lapped water and just was not looking, you put them aside.
See the ones that left water and was looking they were made good soldiers. Yes. Because they're not just looking to quench their thirst, they're watching their surroundings. That's right. God wants you to look to him and also observe self.
That's right. And when you observe self, you will know, ask yourself, are you really doing all what you can do to receive the Holy Ghost? Amen.
And whenever you can find yourself able to do better than what you're doing, put it into action. That's right. You know, our conventions, seminars that you have are good. During the International Convocation in Charlotte, We want everybody.
There will be thousands there. Yes. Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
We're going to cut down on a lot of seminars. Right. I'm going to meet with all the brothers and the women, the women at about two, and all the brothers at about three.
But the majority of that conference, you're going to give yourself over to prayer. Not going around the city, not going for psychs in, not going on no buggy rides, not going on some horseback, not shopping at some mall. My job is to prepare you for the coming of Christ.
Jesus said, Verily, Verily, I say unto you, Except a man is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. You that are not yet baptized. Hallelujah. Don't wait till you're baptized to seek the Holy Ghost.
That's right. That's right. The Holy Ghost come in him or her that believe and seek and fulfills God's word. That's right. The time that many of us, see when I was coming up.
We as children, we would go to the church through the week when there is no service and cry out to God in prayer and supplication. Bible says be instant in prayer. That's not written for nothing. You must create in yourself a prayerful atmosphere and you want to have a prayerful temple. The less prayerful you are the more colonel you become.
That's right. The less prayerful you are, the more weak you become. That's right. The less prayerful you are, the more vulnerable your mind and heart is towards the... thoughts and the actions of Satan.
And he spake a parable unto them. Listen. In St. Luke chapter 18 and verse 1. He spake a parable unto them. And he spake a parable unto them to this end. Give chapter and verse again.
St. Luke. Everybody all right? What is it?
St. Luke chapter 18 and we're at verse 1. And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray and not to faint. Amen. Amen. Jesus taught his apostles well.
That's right. So when he told them to tarry in Jerusalem. Yes.
Jesus taught all the way up till it was time for death. That's right. So it wasn't just go to Jerusalem and tarry.
No. But for they was told that, they was told to be instant in prayer. This is why it was so easy for everybody to continue in prayer. In prayer. And supplication.
That's right. Because they know in order for them to get what they want for God, they have to ring up heaven. That's right. They themselves had to be active. That's right.
That's right. That's right. Are you listening? Amen. Like when prayer is going on here.
Ain't nobody should be sitting down talking, sitting down reading. No sound testing should be going on. That's right.
No choir rehearsal. Do you not know prayer is sacred communication between you and God? That's right. That's right. It's sacred.
You don't go before God like you so cute. No. A hungry person ain't worried about they looks. No, no. Ain't worried about they clothes.
Yes. Somebody tell you, oh, you ain't got to cry loud. God can hear you. The word say cry loud. Cry loud.
If you want something from God and see I know from experience. I sought the Lord like it was my last. I cried with my whole heart. Do you hear this?
Psalms 119 and verse 145. Do you see all the Bible? Amen. I cried with my whole heart. That's the way some of us do not seek God.
That's right. Somebody said well pastor Jennings I'm seeking them from my heart. Yes, but how much of your heart are you seeking them with?
That's right, you get me that's right I cried I cried with my whole heart With my whole heart Hear me, O Lord! Hear me! Hear me, O Lord! I will keep thy statutes.
I cried unto thee. I cried unto thee. Save me! What?
Save me! Hallelujah! Hallelujah. What is that? I cried unto thee, save me.
Save me. And I shall keep thy testimonies. Hallelujah.
Do you not hear the prophets? Hallelujah. I cried unto thee. I cry out unto thee. Save me.
Save me. Rescue me. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Glory to God. Glory to God. Hear my voice.
Hear. My voice according to thy loving kindness. According to your loving kindness.
Oh Lord, quicken me. Oh Lord, hallelujah. Oh Lord, quicken me.
That's what you want? Oh Lord quicken me. You that are seeking what the Holy Ghost from God the prophet says cry and ask God quicken me. The Holy Ghost come in here and he quicken you. That's right.
In fact, it'll quicken you before he get in there. That's right. He'll come upon you and quicken you.
That's right. Do you hear what the prophet says? Psalms 119 and verse 149. Psalms 119, 149. Hear my voice. Hear my voice. According unto thy lovingkind.
According to your lovingkindness. O Lord. O Lord.
Quicken me. Quicken me. According to thy judgment. According to your judgment. Thou art near, O Lord.
Wait a minute. a minute. I told you he's not far. Thou art near, O Lord.
Thou art near, O Lord. And all thy commandments are truth. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
God is here. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
God is here! Oh yes! Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
He said He's near! Thou art near, O Lord! If God said he is near, why are you so far? That's right.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. The Holy Ghost is the power of God, presence of God, the unction of the Holy One.
That's right. That comes upon man and woman and when the Holy Ghost come in you speaking in tongue it puts you in the church it puts you in the body of Christ then you become a lively stone. That's it.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I want to be a lifeless stone. I don't want to be no dead stone.
No way. So I'm gonna beg God give me life. That's it. For me to be a lifeless stone give me life. That's it.
Hallelujah. Cry to the Lord. That's it. Cry out to him.
With my whole heart. Let your whole being. Hear me oh Lord.
Cry out to God. That's it. Hallelujah.
He hear you. That's it. Don't let the devil tell you he don't hear you.
God hear you. That's it. Hallelujah.
Don't let the devil. Cause you to doubt him? God ain't! I cried with my whole heart.
The devil is a liar! Go ahead. God ain't!
Go ahead, brother. Hallelujah. While you seek the Lord, the devil is trying to convince you God don't hear you.
That's right. God in all of us. That's right. Tell God you need him now.
That's right. You want him now. That's right.
You desire him now. Go ahead brother. Hallelujah. Yeah! Right now!
Go ahead man! Go ahead! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Yes sir!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Go take off!
I cried with my whole heart. Doubt, not believe in God. Doubt has no place in God's church.
That's right. God don't want none of his people to doubt him. That's right. You mean to tell me the devil can convince you that God don't hear you? Don't hear you.
He made the heavens. Go ahead. And he can't hear you? Go ahead. He made the earth.
And he can't hear you? Go ahead. He made the world. Go ahead.
And he can't hear you! Preach it, brother. Go ahead. Go ahead, man. I cried!
With my whole heart! Yay! I cried with my whole heart! I cried! Hallelujah!
I cried under him. Hallelujah! Hallelujah. Call to him. With my whole heart.
Believe the God of Abraham. Go ahead man, go ahead. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Always remember. Go ahead man, go ahead. The devil is a liar.
The liar. Hallelujah. Do you hear me church? Go ahead man. The devil is what?
Liar. The devil is what? Liar. The devil is what?
Liar. Believe it. Hallelujah.
The devil is a liar. Go ahead. Go ahead.
Say the promise is unto you and to your children. And to all that are far off, even as many, as the Lord our God shall call, hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. Go ahead, brother. Go ahead, man. Preach it, brother.
Go ahead. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. You cannot be the church of the Lord Jesus Christ without the Holy Ghost.
You can't be the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Without the Holy Ghost.
For by one spirit. The Holy Ghost makes the church. That's right.
The Holy Ghost established the church. Go ahead. The Holy Ghost runs the church.
Reach it brother. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. Psalms 143 and verse 1. You that are watching. Hallelujah.
That hear the word of God. Where ever you at in the world, the Holy Ghost can come where you at. Whether you're in Australia, the Holy Ghost is there. South America. Holy Ghost is there.
That's right. Jamaica. Holy Ghost is there.
That's right. Germany. Holy Ghost is there. South Pacific.
Holy Ghost is there. That's right. Across the Atlantic. Holy Ghost is there. America.
Holy Ghost is here. Go ahead. Holy. Go ahead.
It is time for everybody to seek the Lord while he may be found, called upon him while he is near. Why he's near. He's near.
Hallelujah. Why you have life. Hallelujah. Take advantage of it.
Oh, yes. Seek the Lord. Seek the Lord.
You know. Many times after service is over, many hundreds of young people have what is called praise night. Stop all that singing.
Buckle down and pray. Hallelujah! Shake heaven up!
That's it! That's it! That's it!
Hallelujah! There's a famine within many of you and it takes the spirit of God to satisfy that famine. That's right.
The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God, power of God. Hallelujah. The divine nature of Christ. Yes. That reside in man to change man's nature, character, attitude, and earth.
performance. That's right. It's the characteristics of man or rather God that stand up in man to transform him into a new creature. That's right. The Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, God, God, the divine nature of God that comes in us, that's how he builds his church.
Builds his church. That's right. Building, or rather stone by stone. Stone by stone.
Whenever someone receives the Holy Ghost, I don't care where they're at in the earth, that's another stone. Another stone. Added to the building. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Except the Lord build the house. They labor in vain. That build it.
That build it. That's right. When I hear about souls receive the Holy Ghost anywhere in the world, it's another stone added to the building. Be encouraged, brothers and sisters. Hallelujah.
Be hungry. Hallelujah. Be thirsty.
Acts 2.38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent. Be godly sorrow. That's it.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Seek the Lord from the depths of your heart, your whole heart. Hallelujah. Whole heart.
Hallelujah. Seek Him. With the expectation to live up to his promise.
That's right. Wait on him, don't mean to sit back and do nothing. No, no.
Wait on him simply means to seek the Lord and wait for him to fulfill his promise while you are active. Right. Seeking him in prayer. That's right.
And supplication. And supplication. Like they did on the day of Pentecost. That's right. Hallelujah.
Day that wait upon the Lord. Yes. Here renew your strength. Renew your strength. The reason why our strength needs to be renewed, it doesn't matter what we're waiting for because we get weak in discourage.
That's right. Even the youth shall faint. Listen.
In the book of Isaiah chapter 40 and verse 30. The Bible is talking. Even the youth shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall. But they that wait.
Glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Notice he addressed your condition first.
That's right. Even the youth shall faint. He sees that you're young and he knows you're going to faint. That's right.
And be weary. You're going to get weary. And the young men shall utterly fall. And you're going to fall. But they that wait.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. They that wait.
Upon the Lord. On the Lord. shall renew their strength.
Hallelujah. You will bounce back. That's right. That's right.
You will bounce back. Shall renew their strength. Hallelujah.
You get weak. Go ahead, man. You're fake.
Go ahead. But if you wait on the God of heaven while you seek him, you will bounce back. Shall renew their strength.
Your strength. Hallelujah. I need renewed strength if I'm going to seek the Lord.
I need renewed strength. That's right. God, man, all this stuff I'm up against, I need God to renew my strength over, over, over, over, over, over. That's right. Read that again.
Even the youth shall faint. Listen young people. Go ahead man, go ahead. The word of God is talking to you. Isaiah chapter 40 and verse 30. Isaiah chapter 40 and the 30th verse.
Even the youth shall faint. Even the young folk shall faint. The youth.
Youth. Hallelujah. You know the Holy Ghost know what they give you.
Hallelujah. The youth shall faint. Have you young people felt like you were fainting sometimes?
You felt like giving up? Go ahead, man. You felt like God didn't hear you?
Go ahead. You felt like you wasn't making no progress? Go ahead.
You felt as though you were defeated? Go ahead, brother. Hallelujah. God is talking to you.
Even the youth shall faint. Even the youth. Shall faint. Shall faint. And be weary.
And you will be weary. And the young men shall utterly fall. Oh.
Hallelujah. You're going to fall. You're going to fall.
But, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. What's going to happen? They shall mount up with wings as eagles. Here come the spirits.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah! Mount up with wings as eagles.
That's the elevation of the Spirit of God that brings us from a dead level to a high level. They shall run, run and not be weary. Hallelujah!
Notice, I want you to pay attention. Two actions, two actions that the Lord said you're going to do. That's right. They shall what?
They shall what? They shall mount up with wings as eagles, and they shall run, run, and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Hold it.
Hallelujah. Run and walk. That's right. Run and walk.
And walk. There's a time to run. That's right. There's a time to walk. That's right.
Two different acts. Amen. Trying to reach the same goal. That's it.
Run. Wonderful. To him. Hallelujah. Walk after you come to him.
That's it. Hurry up and go after God. That's it.
Take your time. Go ahead, man. While you're pursuing him.
Go ahead, brother. There's a time to run. Go ahead, man. And there's a time to walk. Wonderful, wonderful.
Hallelujah. You mount up on wings of an eagle. Yes. That's when the power...
the Holy Ghost because you're waiting on him. Oh yes. Well get a hold of you.
Oh yes. Like the eagle glide upon the... you ever see the eagle? Sometimes he don't flap his wings.
That's right. He just glide. That's right. On the air.
That's right. Glide on it. Hallelujah. Let God take you over.
Like the wind of an eagle. Of an eagle. And when God take you over, you will be filled with the Holy Ghost.
Oh, yes. Speaking another tongue. Hallelujah. As the Spirit of God give utterance. Hallelujah.
Anybody want to be baptized tonight? In the name of Jesus Christ. Christ, stand on your feet.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Who gave me the correct time, brothers?
I done had a long day. I've been here all day. All day. Session after session after session.
Hallelujah. Thank God after this session I'm getting out of here. Yeah. Amen. So don't stop me.
That's right. Amen. Don't stop me. I have a chance.
I have a chance. I have a chance to be saved. Yes, I am Yes, I have a chance Yes, I have a chance Yes, yes Hang on Yes, I have a chance Everybody stay standing. Now unto him that is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before his presence with exceeding joy, to the only wise God and Savior, be glory, majesty, dominion, and power, both now and forever. In the name of the Lord Jesus, let the church say, Amen.