Business Growth and Productivity

Jul 11, 2024

Business Growth and Productivity Lecture


  • Objective: Tactics to make businesses more money; dispel myths about hard work.
  • Question: Do you believe hard work is necessary to make money? Reality check on this belief.

Definition of Work

  1. Common Misconceptions

    • Work equals force x distance (scientific definition, not useful for knowledge workers)
    • Time on clock (input time)
    • Effort (how hard you try)
  2. Actual Definition

    • Work = Outputs
    • Outputs = Volume x Leverage
    • Focus: More volume or higher leverage

Improving Work Efficiency

  1. Formula

    • Work = Volume x Leverage / Time
    • Maximize output per unit of time.
  2. Volume and Leverage Examples

    • High/Low output situations based on volume and leverage.

Inputs That Grow Your Business

Key points:

  • More customers or higher customer value.
  • Actions to get more customers: more traffic & higher conversion rates.
  • Actions to increase customer value: raise prices, decrease cost of goods, increase frequency of purchase.

Specific Actions

  1. Getting More Traffic

    • Advertise more and better
    • Excellence through repetition
  2. Conversion

    • Practice sales, improve offer
  3. Raising Prices

    • Be confident and rationalize the value
  4. Purchase Frequency

    • Pre-payments, onboarding, appreciation events

Productivity Hacks

  1. Volume Driven Advertising

    • Commit significant time daily (e.g. 4 hours/day) to scripting, analyzing, writing, recording, or reaching out.
  2. Managing Time

    • Focus on maker time versus manager time
    • Maker Time: Uninterrupted blocks (4-6 hrs); low urgency, high importance
    • Manager Time: Short blocks to manage teams and tasks
    • Schedule managing and making time distinctly

Eliminating Distractions

  1. Habits for Effective Maker Time

    • Work in isolated, interruption-free environments
    • Consistent sleep schedule
    • Treat weekends like weekdays for uninterrupted work time
  2. Buying Time Back

    • Encourage outsourcing non-productive tasks (e.g. cleaning, cooking)
    • Highlight cost-effectiveness of outsourcing low-value tasks

Conclusion: Maximizing Output

  • High effectiveness through focused efforts on essential tasks.
  • Invest in yourself and eliminate distractions to gain more productive time.
  • Focus on high leverage activities that grow your business.

Q&A Highlights

  1. Work-Life Balance

    • Treat personal and professional life as one integrated system
    • Agreement with life partners on work-relationship boundaries
  2. Review Business Constraints

    • Constraints typically fall into major categories (more leads, better conversion, etc.)
    • Easier solutions often exist if one takes the time to think.
  3. Fitness Routine

    • Emphasize maintaining fitness after initial conditioning phase
  4. Fun and Leisure

    • Personal time is often intertwined with business but occasional vacations are taken.
  5. Effective Solutions

    • Use hypothetical framing to find more efficient solutions to problems.