[Music] Hello friends so today in this video we will do detailed question answers of chapter one place of Amin investigate and construct history so let's start so first question describe the types of sources based on Origin ability of the material and proximity of the source of origion answer the types of sources based on originality of the material and the proximity of the source or region are primary sources primary sources are original materials created or produced during the time being studied they offer firsthand accounts or direct evidence of the evil or people under consideration second secondary sources secondary sources are interpretations or analysis of primary resources they are created after the events have occurred and provide a perspective or evolution of the primary materials third Terri sources terest sources compile and summarize information from Brandy and secondary sources they are usually created to provide an overview or background information on a particular topic so next question describe how inscription and monuments serve as source of History answer inscription inscription are writings on hard surface such as Stone and metal most of these inscription are carved on Stone pillars iron silver bronze gold or copper plates con these sculptures and Falls of toes or temples in the past Kings had their orders in script so that people could see read and Obey them there are other kinds of inscriptions as well where man and woman including Kings and thingss recorded what they did monuments temples moscu places forts tombs and stupas are also referred to as monuments they tell us about the religious culture and social life of the people living in those times supas and monasteries viharas decept the religious devotion of people and Princess alike so that's it for the video we will do detail in part three in the next video thank you