we have to start now that we understand the way in which we run the numbers a bit and how we position trade we have to start going and looking at when do we take those positions right so we're gonna erase all this text on the screen well maybe we'll leave this one on here and and again you you have to just start defining the bigger technicals and and having reaction points off these larger events because it's these larger events that we have to trade if we get so here's something that i see happen people love the idea of day trading every single day so they get stuck in this rut of wanting to be the grinder all the time and the being the grinder is fun and and it's it's exhilarating it's kind of very alluring right you you get a rush off of it you trade and you make forty percent and you not train another trade you make eighty 80 and you're up 100 and you show your friends and you're excited and i've seen it time after time i've seen it in discord i've seen it in private messages mentees non-mental like i've seen it everywhere people just get euphoric when it comes to making a couple really good trades in a row so they get that euphoria and they allow it to kind of consume them and then they start doing that all the time so then then they decide that oh this is what i'm supposed to be doing is just being this crazy grinder you know slinging in and out like a crazy man kind of thing right but which is fine but you need to have the position traits too because they're very easy and methodical to plan they're very easy to take you have kind of these larger levels right like here here's a good example what happened when you hit this whole level back here right what happened when you hit this whole level back here right this was a methodical trade it's up 46 percent that this is simply just a hold level and all we had to do was wait for it to get hit and there's a couple other trades off of it too look there's one right here so you could have probably made your first 15 or 20 percent here let's take the magnet tool off for this part of it you could have made your first 20 here and then you could have made another 20 there from here to there you could have made another let's just call them both 15 so you could have made 30 percent or let's say we didn't even exit there let's just say we made 15 on the first and 40 on the second right let's just say we sold this year right that's 55 percent on leverage that's five five thousand five hundred percent if you were in for a hundred and fifty dollars that's like there's something ridiculous that you made off of a hundred and fifty dollars so this is the kind of thing that can double and triple your account overnight and it costs you almost nothing right so they're very methodical they're again i keep using that word but i can't stress it enough it's like draw the strongest levels on your chart be prepared for when it happens and and when it happens take your trade appropriately and let's draw out another scenario here that we're talking about trading you're taking your trade appropriately okay so we're not going to short this level this is not like this is more of a grinder level or or maybe a position level um sorry not a position maybe a swing level this one here same thing i would i would feel very comfortable maybe taking this as a short right here so saying i want to short this level here okay so i want to short this level here so fine you come up to this level you short you're short gets you liquidated and you're like oh man i lost another i lost 150 bucks no big deal it's such a small amount of money so then you can just reshort this level and you're like oh yeah that's great i lost 150 bucks let's just reshort this level but hey guess what this gets you liquidated too and it takes a big run up to here right makes a new trend and so you have your next position right i'm gonna say it's right here this inverse level and then you take your third short and this one works out and and you're not gonna fail two all the time and you pull right back to trend and how much did you make off this trade because it was methodical doesn't mean you can't continue grinding your every single day positions it doesn't mean you can't go and trade like a crazy man and go and be in 20 and 30 trades a day to have your daily income but this will make you like five to ten grand off a hundred dollars like or 150 or 200 or whatever right so fine you lost 150 twice and in that process you made 30 like who cares right so so you have to kind of it's a it's kind of this this tone right like there's this methodical nature to it again i keep saying that word but it's true it's like you mark the strongest levels and you be prepared to react to them as long as your technicals are accurate and it's not hard right like you guys see it right here here's one here's another you mark out your important levels and you go and you and and there could even be stuff back in here like you know you could be even in in the next range of this move on bitcoin which is you know somewhere up in here you could even be in this next range up here who knows i don't know what bitcoin is going to do i haven't really been analyzing it as of much lately and i have to see how it reacts just like you guys we all have to see how it reacts before we make those decisions but who cares right like it it doesn't matter yeah you you can you can lose a few of these position trades and the one or two that work out these won't disallow you from trading every single day so so there's got to be a clear separation there between methodical trades and everyday grinding and scalping right so let's look at a few more technicals here before we move on so we're going to delete these i mean there's not much more to look at i guess we can draw the scenario on something else maybe we'll go to ripple people seem to love ripple yeah you know what we'll go to ripple and you can leverage trade ripple so there would be nothing wrong with taking a look at this and taking some trades here right there would be nothing wrong with it that here adapt it to here right like this um let's do this properly let's walk through this properly actually you'd be here yep that's actually the correct level you'd be right there and you'd be looking here as your first break so actually this broke perfectly probably to the hour this is the way the stuff always works kind of breaks right to the hour right so like you break this and you move up quite nicely so this this was like perfect trade that's fine this looks good let's start looking at the next set of technicals that would break which will be this which i'm not convinced is anything i think you're just going to have to go into an accumulation period so you probably inversed off of this right like this is probably the level you inversed off of or or this right here it would be this right here be the valley right here come on magnet tool let's look for the more important level let's not settle for that so that would be this right here which it pulled back off of then so you're looking for the whole level in there this is simply just creating a cycle against that so so this kind of becomes the perfect area to short so you short that level fine you would have shorted this and and you want to see you know what it's been respected here there's a nice another nice long here this is just going through an accumulation cycle so that there's no big moment to be had here right you would have been here like this this make sure we do this from the weekly pin this up properly and not just kind of guess on time frames it would have been there and you lose trend there which is fine and now you're here right so this is what you're looking at right now you're looking at and and you can even just pull this out just to see where the trend is but this trend isn't going to give you a big amount of fuel to move this thing up well instead what you're going to do is probably break this trend and pull back to your the base of your range to see if you can break this a little later in the future or you know even even as a minimum right here so this is not really anything to be writing home about the ripple doesn't look overly great here the move already kind of happened i think more more of the actions on bitcoin but if you wanted to take a position trade as a secondary coin i would chart ripple like this and i would say there's nothing really great more so you want to kind of let this mature out for another month or two so maybe let's look at a different coin what about ethereum i guess i just have to go eath right let's check ethereum ethereum looks like it needs to mature as well all right there so ethereum looks like it might be trying to set up a move right actually no it's also not trying to set up a move it is a little too far away so so i think a lot of these all coins are going to be just like this uh perfectly set to have kind of a a break in the near future right like this is gonna be right here where you break trend to trend and and you start to move up and you've hit your value and you're gonna pull back there's no bigger set of technicals to break here maybe from here to there and from here to here possibly there's no bigger set of tactical so so what's something else um let's try monero why not we're just going to go through a few this is what i'd be doing and i wouldn't even be looking to take any of these positions until it actually made sense monero already had its break not going to touch that what would be another we could look at ada we're not going to bother with ada either i think that's had its uh move up as well good ones to look at ah let's look at metal yeah metal needs time this is not something that i would be looking at too keenly this again needs time you you're going to have a bigger move out of here the boats knee chain again another coin that just doesn't really have a break in the move it already had its move right here sets up there breaks here b chain is getting kind of close but then it's going to have resistance against this trend i don't really love this i don't think it's overly great i think it's okay it's not bad i think this is better than all the rest that we've seen so far so so to date i think this is kind of the trade that i would be looking at maybe v chain it's been laddering quite nicely this would be a nice position trade to take with some leverage as long as this ladder continues as long as bitcoin doesn't do anything anything crazy obviously if bitcoin dumps these kind of pairings are going to dump but this would be another one where you could take maybe 150 and along a bitcoin position take 150 along this position it would be relatively safe so this would this would be a scenario where you could take two coins maybe and look at okay how do we take more than one position trade right so you could kind of double dip here be careful it's it's a lot of management and we've done very limited ta right we've done very limited amount of ta here let's let's actually go and see what the rest of this looks like so you actually just broke trend on this you could be setting up a move down as well so you you've got to be really careful here because you might have a pull back down so maybe you'd be looking to relong somewhere above this as long as this leg doesn't get hit so maybe somewhere in that region you'd be looking too long so let's see if there's kind of anything here or you've already tested that you're coming here yeah i would say maybe even be super greedy on this and look to maybe long this again what what it looks like is going to happen is it's going to kind of come down to here and maybe hold something like this and then have its move up right it might be under that same timeline that the other coins are under under the same kind of the rest that ripple and all these things are setting up for this kind of march push-up right like this is kind of what it looks like so i wouldn't i wouldn't be overly excited to get into this either i think it looks better than the rest if it continues to hold through trend right like you want to be drawing your ladder here and you want to be going to your charts and uh you know you've got your clear level here if it can hold this out into a week from now if you start getting into this range in four or five days it might be something that would be worth looking at and then taking and setting a pretty tight stop or waiting for it to push down to uh to this level and then and then taking it out here closer to the 11th or or the 12th so remember your timing remember timing is key timing is going to tell you everything you need to know about these trades it's going to tell you when to get in when to get out but this is a great breakdown of how to look at position trades it's it's a it's a great way to build your account it's different than grinding every day our grinding account should be larger than our position trading account just because position trades you don't want a lot in a position trade account because position trades can go south very quick right they can you can you can make 30 but you can also leave something overnight and wake up and you get liquid like it happens frequently right so you want to avoid that as much as possible so you want to just really be methodical in your choices and we're going to go back to btc and just look at a few levels here be methodical in your choices right take the smart trades where they exist these are very simple hey let it touch here this doesn't affect your ability to be day trading you're still day trading your active account every single move up every single move down the only difference is you have an open position that's going to allow you to make 40 percent of your entire account at times right so this is a great way to treat position trades there are other way to treat position trades but when you're building an account this is the way i recommend doing it this is the way that i've done it for years this is how i've built my accounts you can increase leverage on position trades and you can make these home run swings but it's not going to be conducive to building an account because it only takes one or two mistakes to lose a lot of money right so this is great for building an account and and that's why people are here is to build an account and to continuously have positions where you're making lots of money and there's very little risk high reward super low risk right but i think this is good for position trades i don't think we need to go much over it more this is understanding that there's a methodical nature to this again with that word methodical there's a very methodical nature to this there's a very well thought out process and and there's a ton of reward for risk and you have to have patience and you have to leave these positions open and i think that's part of where people make a mistake i think part of where people make a mistake is they don't leave their positions open long enough they over risk and under deliver right they they put too much risk in it which makes them nervous they put too much money in any one specific trade that naturally will make them nervous and then from that point they're so anxious to get out of a trade they never let it materialize like it should be okay to have some money in some trades like your your account should be when you're trading leveraging contracts you should be split into different things and and not diversified to be diversified but action diversified it's a different type of diversification it's not diversifying because you want to have 10 different coins that's the wrong type of diversification the right type of diversification is action diversification or diversification categorizing or type right the type of diversification is the important part here not not that we have 10 coins because we have a diversified portfolio that's completely wrong having a diversified portfolio is silly rather you should have diversified position types to allow you to mult multiply your gains and reduce your your risk you shouldn't be 100 x of your account in one trade with with a five percent stop loss and lose five percent of your account that doesn't make sense it's too tight it's too limiting this is something i tell people to do as beginners because i don't want them like as as we are beginners in trading as a beginner in trading you want to reduce the amount of confusion so as a beginner trader it's okay to risk more leverage so you can watch and kind of hand tailor your your craft in your position you can watch it like a hawk and you have one position to watch and you know if you flinch you can get out and make 10 percent and you make 10 your account that's great that's different that's very different because that that is you know all hands on deck you have nothing else to watch there is no risk of losing uh you know absorbent amounts of money unless you walk away just crossing your fingers hoping for the best if if that's what you're doing you deserve to lose money but as a beginner trader it's okay to over leverage because it's less hassle less stress there's more risk involved in it of course but you reduce the risk by being able to watch it more as we get better at trading we need to have a multitude of positions that we manage because we are creating a everyday routine where we are trading actively we have position trades we have different types of diversification in the way we trade and not diversification and oh i have 12 different stocks some of them must go up of course maybe half of them will go up maybe half of them i don't know but if you have 12 different stocks i'm sure you're going to make money on a few of them at least but that doesn't make it smart to trade like that right so this type of again this type of diversification is very advanced it's very conducive to reducing risk and increasing your rewards very largely while almost almost having no negative impact so it allows you to like i said going over this last time it allows you to continuously day trade every single day still be a grinder still have your daily salary but then have your other positions that you manage as well right okay everyone see you on the next one