Transcript for:
Maximizing Profits with Winning Trades

if you were able to hold your winning trades longer would you be a profitable Trader the answer is probably yes and in the ICT Community what I see is a lot of people talking about you know aiming for 2 r or low risk to reward and high win rate but what you should be doing instead is learning how to hold your winners longer so that the losers don't really matter because when you're learning you're going to lose more right it's just that's just the nature of the game and even when you win you want to make sure you win big I remember whenever I first got funded with a my Forex funds account rip to them um but when I first got funded with them I got this account and I had been trading pretty well before I had spent pretty much all my time just sitting in my office I was always up late always up studying trying to learn new strategies and refine mine I would sit there and just stare at my trade Zella screen just drinking my fifth coffee of the day and um you could literally my girl would always tell me she's hated by mechanical keyboard because you could just hear it slapping all the time I was just I was it whenever it came time to trade in the morning I would be you know sleepy wiping the sleep from my eyes and and I would get on the charts I had a good strategy where I knew what I was doing and I would you know have trades that I would win on but then those trades would go for so long after I took profits and I used to tell myself I'm just being responsible right I kind of felt secure in the fact that you know well a lot of people are are saying to take lower risk reward um this is how you make more money this is you know don't don't be degenerate and don't hold and that is probably the worst advice that I ever took from the trading community and it's the worst advice that many of you guys are taking as well especially if you guys are trading with Futures prop firms or any prop firms because it's hard to to pass a prop firm and and harder to get a payout but after I discovered a mechanical way to hold on to my positions for longer without increasing a ton of risk I was able to get multiple payouts on that account now I would not have been able to get these payouts had I not been able to hold on to my winning trades there's a saying by Tom Dante and what what he said was when you know you have the market by the balls you have to squeeze harder and it's so true because there's not that many times where you have those big opportunities and you need to capitalize when you do so in today's video I'm going to show you a mechanical strategy that I use to catch well over 100 points sometimes 200 to 250 points on NASDAQ I do this every single week and I'm going to teach you how you can do it too so what is the goal of holding our winners longer well the goal is to make sure that we're able to make money when the market provides it and we're able to cap ize on the wins that way the losses don't really matter anymore because in trading you're going to take losses and those losses will not only hurt your account but they will hurt your mentality if you know deep down that your wins aren't going to account for them and this is why a lot of the times traders who are just starting out struggle to win with lowrisk reward strategies because you have to have a high win rate and most of you guys are a leaky bucket what does this mean I want you to visualize a bucket now this bucket has a couple holes in it and you can turn water in the bucket and you know the holes aren't that big and the the bucket will fill up but it drains out as soon as there's not more water coming into it and then the holes may even get bigger and bigger over time draining the water quicker if you had a bucket that had holes in it would you just continuously pour water in it or would you patch the holes or maybe get a new bucket the answer is pretty clear but what you guys do whenever you focus on trying to learn more or trying to perfect your entry or make sure your win rate is the highest and all these other things that most Traders are trying to focus on you are effectively a leaky bucket and instead of trying to focus on what you have and fixing your own strategy and refining your Edge so you make more money trading what you already have you go out into the world and try to find the new shiny object and this is why most Traders are on a Perpetual hamster wheel where they never become profitable because they're not focusing on the right things most of you guys watching this would become extremely profitable if if you could just make one big change to your trading and it's similar to business there's always an 8020 you there's 100 things that you can fix at all times there's 100 tasks you can do and one of the habits of Effective People from the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is first things first so you have to figure out what is the highest priority and for many of you guys it's holding on to the winning trades that you do take for longer because it's not that you just can't catch a winning trade it's not that you never win it's just that when you win it's so small and it's easier to erase those wins when they're small so in this video we're going to make sure that your wins are much much bigger now imagine if your average risk reward was just double what it is right now you would be a hyper profitable Trader and not only that trading would become a lot less stressful and you would be more confident which filters into everything else because now you're not stressed out when you take a loss because you know your wins are going to be much longer so if if you have a huge winning day you just accounted for so many losing days and what happens is this funny phenomena and you have less losing days because as we all know trading is a mental game and if you're going into the market scared because you know that your wins are so small that any loss can damage you then you're more likely to lose because you're operating from fear but when you operate from abundance you know that you're going to have a ton of Trades that win big you don't really care and that's what I like to call the buffer effect so the buffer effect is that these winning days will put a buffer on the entirety of your trading and see you probably didn't think about that being one of the benefits of this but you have to think like that as a successful Trader because there are so many moving parts and pulling the right lever adjusting that one small knob in your trading is going to be Monumental and it will impact you way more than trying to go out and learn you know the next ICT strategy or the next shiny object or the next complicated thing most of the time what is holding you back from winning is right under your nose and that's what I want to help you find today and this holds true whether you're going from Zero to Hero or whether you're going from hero to Legend okay I like to say that there's two Journeys there's two Journeys that every Trader goes on that stays in this in the long game and really achieves their dreams and that is going from Zero to Hero which means that you have went from unprofitable you know you've you've conquered over trading you've conquered all of these basic things that plague most Traders and you've became profit but just because you became profitable doesn't necessarily really mean that you've got to the end point I mean think about it most of you guys didn't start trading just to make $1,000 a month recently I was talking to somebody and they said you know I started trading because I want to make $1,000 a month and I said you're a liar and they looked at me like I was crazy and I said you're lying that's not why you got into trading you got into trading because you want to change your life because you want to make life changing money because you saw someone living a life that you dreamed of that you knew is possible for you if you put in the work so in order to get that life that is going from hero to Legend and to go from hero to Legend takes optimizing everything about your strategy and most of the time the things that are going to do this are not going to be found on YouTube they're going to be found by you refining your data looking at your trades and really taking in what the Market's trying to tell you and if you are consistently watching your trades run you know dozens or hundreds of points without you after taking profit and the market is trying to tell you that the thing that's missing is not a new strategy the thing that is missing is you having to hold on to your winners so I can't stress enough how important this is and this video will be the turning point for many of you watching this if you follow exactly what I say to a te always remember that less is more okay less opportunities that you're able to capitalize on more less trades that you're able to win higher on you th this is how you have to think and this also takes a weight off of your shoulders because you're not stressed out sitting there trying to you know find a dozen trades to make up for your losers or trying to find enough trades to to be a winning Trader you just need to find a couple good opportunities and the truth is these don't come around every single day and a lot of trading is going to be about waiting but whenever you're waiting and you know that you're waiting on a big win it all becomes much easier so you see how this trickles down into every aspect of your trading so I want to look at this example of price we're just going to say that you know you had your key level over here and you had a reason to enter price somewhere in this area this is is the draw on liquidity aka the target if you were in a trade that was aiming for this area and most people will just you know take profits right here and they'll get fully out of the trade so you have a Target but your target should not just be where you take the position in full because what happens when you take the position in full at your target is first off the market is moving in your favor if the market hits your target it it is moving in your favor so why do you want to exit a trade when the market is still moving in your favor well the answer is because you don't want to give back gains to the market and that is responsible but what most people don't understand is that you can maintain your gains and protect your risk without having to sacrifice a big win or the possibility of one so let's just say you entered the trade somewhere down in here most people would just exit at their target they're just out of the trade but this extremely simp simple strategy is going to change the way that you trade forever so on your entry time frame so meaning that if you use this to find your entry and stop loss what you do is on that time frame you wait for the Target to be hit and then one candle prior that is where you Trail your stops to so you'll see that a lot of times and go and back test this you'll see that the price Finds Its way right back close to it and then moves away it's insane how often this happens and this is something that I figured out after watching tens of thousands of candles print over the last 8 years that I've been trading and don't ask me necessarily why it works I just know that it does work and you notice that you don't sacrifice much like let's just say the market comes back and takes you out which is going to happen sometimes you don't sacrifice that much it's not going to kill you and the amount of money that you're going to win from holding longer outweighs that tremendously now every time that the market makes new structure you're going to do the same thing and you're going to Trail up your stops to the candle one candle prior to the one that took out this high so for example here's the structure this candle took out that the one candle before that just one candle left don't overthink it it's extremely simple and you do this every time that new structure is formed now that may not seem that Monumental but I just want to show you something so in this trade right here if you were to enter the trade based off of this inversion fair value Gap or you know whatever you entered on if you're entering this trade you would have got two to one risk reward just taking the full profits at that high but look how much more money you made if you were able to hold using the price waiting strategy and that's what this is called as price waiting w e i g h t i n g brain fart but anyways almost misspelled it but uh I've posted this on social media and I've got a lot of questions about what is price waiting this is what price waiting is because you're determining is the market light is it going to keep moving or is the market heavy if you're selling and is it going to keep selling off and this simple strategy has allowed me to make multiples more money than just taking profits alone and this is something that you've probably never heard of because I came up with it and I came up with this after going through so many trades where I would take profits and the market would run dozens of points against me and for the longest time I told myself I was being responsible and whenever I started to think for myself and not think based on the filter that these gurus put over the market I started to make a lot more money and the same's going to happen for you in this example we were able to make 3.2 R now that may not sound that crazy but I'm going to share with you an example of how crazy that is so let's just say you have 2 R 2 R is your average and you have a 50% win rate okay now notice your win rate isn't going to change with this because no matter what if you're using this strategy you didn't lose right like like for example like let's say if it hits the target even if it stops you out and a trailing stop you still were able to win so your win rate wouldn't really change using this now you would change your risk reward to the higher now it's going to be much higher than the difference I'm about to show you but this is just for the sake of explanation so we use the one in that example so let's just say your average RR just moved to 3.2 and you kept that 50% win rate over 100 trades assuming these statistics let's take a look at the difference strategy a which is what most people try to go for the two r at 50% it would maybe be a little bit different I'm just going to be rounding but this would be around 50 R which means you would have a 50 R return using this strategy now that's really good it's still really good and you would be very profitable with that now this is assuming that you maintain that 2 to one and you have a 50% so there's nothing wrong with this I'm not saying you can't make money using it but let's take a look at the difference of using the 3.2 R over the same amount of Trades with the same exact win rate you would end up with a 100 and 10 R now you guys can go to the math I'm not going to bore you with math class but you can see that you make more than double the amount of money with such a small shift now this is Monumental in the long term and this is Monumental if you're trying to scale an account from a small account size whether you're trying to trade a prop firm whether you're trying to go for big payouts and if you use the risk management strategies that I've taught you here on YouTube in the free course and in the trading plan you're going to make an insane amount of money because remember as you go into profits you're scaling your risk in a calculated and professional manner so this is more powerful than anything I'm teaching you on this YouTube channel I know that you guys love the strategies you love the mechanical strategies and I'm going to continue making those because yes they're important but I can tell you right now that if you just apply what I'm telling you in this video it will make you more money than anything I've ever taught you I don't know if this video is going to be a boring one I don't I don't really care because I'm putting it out there because I know it's going to help the most people who actually apply this so don't take this lightly don't just go to the next video and just throw this under the bus go and back test this and then go use it in the live market now here is another example that I traded live with my group if you want to get access to these live trading streams then go ahead and click the link down in the description to become a funded Trader in 12 weeks and if you do qualify I guarantee your results um it's not for everybody but I'll be trading live with you reviewing all your trades and a bunch of other cool stuff so if that sounds like something that's interesting to you go ahead and click the link in the description but this was traded live with my group and we absolutely killed this day we took this trade somewhere right in here now I just drew this fair value Gap but we took it a little early um because we're live trading is the same entry and instead of taking profit at this M15 liquidity or the 15minute low like most people would have we held the trade so notice what happens this trade right here we'll zoom in so you guys can see it very well I know some of you guys are on mobile so this candle took liquidity so we go one candle prior notice how the market didn't tap into it so we stayed in the trade then what happens we form new structure one candle prior we formed new structure one candle prior to the candle that took structure you see how this is working and you see how this will allow you to hold trades so much longer so here's a candle that took out a low one candle prior candle that took out a low one candle prior and you see how we're holding this for so much longer and this trade ended up being a 250 Point winner which is massive on NASDAQ I don't really see many people catching winners like that and these kind of days put such a big buffer on you and and makes you so much further from unprofitability CU you've won so much the key is here not letting this get you euphoric and understanding you have to do this exactly as I'm telling you don't just hold trades forever for no reason because that's not bad there is a dichotomy to everything there is good and bad to everything if you just try to use this and just hold trades forever and don't follow this it's going to burn you so pay attention and do what I'm telling you to do we took out that low then what right before it one candle before boom then then we come down again we take out a low right here we put the stops right there and we end up getting stopped out now this trade ended up being um I think it was a almost four R winner something like that or almost five R I can't remember and we were able to collect that because we didn't take profits where most people did notice if you would have taken profits right here which is what the ICT 2022 model would tell you to do you would have not even had a logical trade you would have had a one to one risk reward so it doesn't make sense to do that and you can see how this can change your Trading if you apply this simple mechanical strategy to trailing your stop loss and the reason I made this video is because I know so many of you guys are in the same exact position that I was once in so that's why I make all the videos I do I make them with my younger self in mind what could have helped me become successful faster so subscribe to my channel if you want to see more content like this I have a free course I have everything that you need in order to be successful for free here on YouTube but if you want to work with me directly then go ahead and click the link down in the description to become a funded Trader in 12 weeks guaranteed and yes I guarantee you if you qualify not everyone's going to qualify so if you're not serious about this you're not an action taker you're not somebody who's dedicated then please don't click the link because I only work with people who are serious but thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next video