some of these ideas and showing the parallels all right go um let's go and at any point I want you also to jump in on any slide of your choice and you know share any IND uh um additional information that that need necessary for you to point out no doubt all right so so here we are uh family um today's live stream is entitled Abraham the Sumerians anunaki and the ancient New Year's festivals in this dialogue we showed a Clear Connection this conversation we showed a clear connection between Abraham coming up out of the region of of Suma as well as pointing out historically that the region of Suma is known historically to have been inhabited by Semitic speaking people even to the extent that we can say the Proto Sumerians are a Semitic stock of people they're also known as the Proto um euphan people the Proto euphan people are a Semitic people the Proto Southern Mesopotamian peoples are a Semitic speaking people and there's enough historical data that not simply suggest it but proves it this means then the cultural ideologies and ideas of spirituality that are coming in Acadian literature Sumerian literature later on in history Assyrian Lit Literature later on in history Babylonian literature all have their foundation in either Sumerian ideas apart from the Semitic people of Sumer as well as the Semitic people in Sumer so it's a Haj podge of indigenous Sumerian tribes that are not of Semitic stock as as well as Semitic speaking people living in Sumer who are classified as being part of the Sumerian right no different than us all living here in America and there being so many ethnicities but we are all classified as Americans if you're born here but all of us are aware of the cultural and ethnic diversity to understand that there are so many different tribes of people here we're not all of American origin but we're all classified as American so I say in this everyone I really want everybody to understand this the term Su and Sumerian when it refers to people is not a monolithic term it doesn't describe just one ethnicity of people there were many ethnic PE peoples living in the region of Suma and the semites were the dominant ethnicity in the region so of course the stories that are told in the Babylonian epics share a commonality with the stories of reading the Torah because it is told predom dominantly by Semitic speaking tribes descendants and and ancestors of Father Abraham so now let's move the Babylonian New Year ritual known as akitu is observed in both nisanu which is an Acadian term and tashu my goodness so the current Hebrew calendar that we follow calls the month of which is a Hebrew name to describe that the first month of the calendar it it's called in the the modern Hebrew calendar Nissan but we know from the Bible it's called abiv that term Nissan is borrowed from a much earlier Semitic term coming out of the region of Sumer which is nissu and the term for the current seventh month in the Hebrew calendar which people say came out of Babylon but what a lot of people must know is the Babylonians are a newer group in the world the older group in that region is known as the Sumerians and before Babylonians are talking about tishri Sumerians are talking about tashu the term tashu literally means beginning my goodness the Aramaic term tishri means not just beginning but as well as atone and there's a cultural conversation for why that is but I don't have enough time to go there so the term nanu and tashu are cognant with the terms Nissan and tishri and they're celebrated in both spring and fall and they contain the following elements combat Victory creation Divine enthronement and judgment yeah and the source for that is the Cults of Uruk and Babylon the temple ritual text as evidence for helenistic cult practice Pages 219 through 220 as well as page 220 we really doing this Moray we don't we don't play with citation of information we don't been through so many debates that we know if you don't cite the information people gonna be watching talking about oh they made that up yeah yeah right right so I'mma keep pushing um before I keep pushing I want to just point out something that might not be so obvious notice that it's noted in this book that the months of nisanu and tishri are both spring and Fall New Year ceremonies why is that remarkably significant when I tell the masses of Israelites that we had more than one New Year that we followed even in this country there's more than one New Year there's a new year for when a president comes to office that's January 20th there's the actual New Year January 1st there's the fiscal governmental year y right we already know that there are several New Years in this country yep so it shouldn't be far-fetched to understand when I say our oral tradition tells us that we had four New Years there's a new year in Nissan or abiv because the Creator reset the calendar now he made that up Exodus 12 And1 says this month shall be to you the beginning of months he didn't say listen Israel you you you you lost a lot of knowledge through your Egyptian captivity so what you probably didn't know is that this is the first month in the calendar I didn't read him saying that what I read is the creator dictating through the hand of Moses that we should understand that from this day forward this month shall be the beginning of months to you which begs the question if this is now the beginning of months to commemorate The Exodus events that's a powerful thing but what was the original ordering of the calendar if because of the Exodus you're now changing the order Israelites don't think about those questions but Scholars have to yes sir right we have to so we already know that there's already implication in Exodus 12 And1 that there's an older calendar that orders differently history the history of the region of Mesopotamia and even the lant teaches us what the original ordering is as well as the Torah but I want to really hone in on this before I go back to the PowerPoint when we tell the masses of Israelites that Rosas Shana the seventh month is also a new year no you made that up that's Jewish in fact the Jewish people got it from the Babylonians which is where it really came from I say really yeah the Babylonians celebrated a New Year's Festival in the seventh month around what you calling rosashana that's crazy so I say really so what about the month of Nissan naiv because we clearly seeing on the screen right now that nissu is also a Babylonian New Year so if you're gonna tell me that rosashana is originally a Babylonian New Year whoopdee woo I'mma take you through history and show you that the Babylonians also celebrated the first of Biv as a new year so now what you're gonna say wow what you're going to need is an intelligent argument what you might need to do is is join learn Torah Hebrew Academy or or Reach Out directly to mik Corban Yahoo so you can get some real knowledge because news flash yeah news flash the Babylonians celebrated two New Year ceremony one in the month of Nissan and the other in the month of tishri just as we do so it's lazy scholarship to say oh it's the Babylonians it's the Babylonians the time for lazy scholarship is up Moray and people that have energy like us that don't mind doing the work are showing every day why we need to stop being lazy in this community that's power so let's keep it pushing push it depending on the time and place the Mesopotamian New Year began either in the beginning of autumn on the first day of the seventh month called Tash which is the origin of the Hebrew month name tishri not yet found in the Bible literally meaning beginning that's what tishri means and in the beginning of Spring which is the second New Year Festival celebrated by early Mesopotamians on the first day of the month called nissu Hebrew Nissan found in the late biblical text of Esther 3 and 7 so once again Hebrews you got to step your scholarship upan sh is not a Babylonian New Year because the Babylonians celebrated it yeah we aware the Babylonians at this time the time we're in right now observe the new year but the greater question that a real scholar asks is why that's it right there from once did the Babylonians inherit this culture because Babylonians are not the oldest people group in this region the Sumerians are and we know that the dominant ethnicity and ancient Sumer were submitted people so of course they celebrated a New Year's around this time because those are our earliest ancestors right right and again if I can just again frame this around the agricultural element as well we have to always look at the Practical elements of this right because this was things that took place that celebrated the har and I cannot overemphasize this point because this is how our ancestors connected with deity This Is How They connected with with the spiritual elements and recognizing the holistic aspect of life so when they're having these festivals yes they're entirely connecting it to the most high but it was also something that was about this Harvest that they were bringing in which has a whole spiritual Dynamic to it so these are things that that human beings experience the world over right so these are lines that we can use to bring people in and to understand this is the meaning of this so when Shaul is in the AA pagas and he's encountering all these people worshiping these Gods he had to have a point of reference to connect with the people come on these are points of references to connect with the people to show them the true meaning and just to show people that it's not just Abraham that was living there sometimes when when we're re we're reimagining the biblical narrative and his stories as Israelites some people think it was just Abraham that lived in Suma like Abraham and his family always lived in the land of Canan but like how people move today Abraham moved to Miami and lived there for a while and then he came back to New York or Israel no Abraham and his lineage have been living in that region for many many years yeah the proof in the pudding that it's not just Father Abraham that was there the Bible tells us in the Book of Joshua chapter 24 your father's served other gods on the other side of the river Euphrates oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah what yeah but think about it ER this this is last point on in the era of Joshua right this is before the Torah is even given to the people in terms of its narrative the Torah as a legal document is there but The Narrative of the Torah the stories that surrounded ain't even there yet and Joshua tells the people through the Creator was a prophet your fathers served other gods on the other side of the river Euphrates which means two things our ancestors lived on the other side of the river Euphrates the region that we're calling Sumer oh yeah the region we're calling akad the region we're calling Mesopotamia the land between the two rivers right right and the second thing is we were deeply immersed in the culture of that region even to the extent that we followed the idolatrous culture in that region we serve other gods there jump in my apologies I mean just think about where where Noah ended up after the Del y like he was he was further east you know what I mean so where do the people go they spread out from there and so we have to really understand that whole dynamic like if we're just so isolated on the Levant and don't see that our presence and the knowledge and the consciousness of yah was far east as well then were really like just this this deluding ourselves and not understanding how yah has always used people the world over in different areas to bring his culture to the people fact and this is what's taking place this is exactly what took place in Suma as well that's exactly what took place so I'll take it back from the top depending on the time and place the Mesopotamia New Year began either in the beginning of autumn which is fall on the first day of the seventh month called tashu the origin of the Hebrew name Tish not yet found the Bible literally meaning beginning and in the beginning of Spring on the first day of the first month called nanu Hebrew Nissan found in the late biblical text Esther 3 and7 Nehemiah 2 And1 originally Nissan is a Sumerian word meaning first fruit offering what are we bringing on the tomorrow after the Shabbat of the uh Feast of unleavened bread come on y'all yes sir on come on thus even the names of both months exhibit their calendrical roles as Beginnings so let's be clear what we're learning so far semites living in the region of southern Mesopotamia celebrated for thousands of years two at least two New Years the first new year they celebrated was during the what we call now the seventh month which is the month of tishri it's called in the Hebrew Bible etanim the other new year that they followed was in the month of Nissan which is called in the Bible abiv that's rich why does rosashana have three names meaning the first day of the seventh month is known by three names historically let's see why that is in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 40 And1 it reads in the 25th year of our EX in our Exile Ro hasana which translates as in the head or in the beginning of the year in the 10th day of the month that was Yom kapor in the 14th year after the city was struck down on that very day the hand of the Lord was on me and he brought me there to the temple what is Ezekiel talking about Ezekiel has a vision of the presence of the Creator manifesting itself before for him during the season and time of Yom kipor which was actually during what's called a yel or Jubilee year it was a jubilee year that year you guys will see that in a couple of moments and and I'm I'm hoping that all of us as Bible readers know that all jubilees are proclaimed during the seventh month particularly around the in gathering Feast which is sukot all right so this was a jubilee year and look at how Ezekiel describes this season has I'm G show that to you guys in the Hebrew in a couple of moments according to rabinal tradition there are in fact four New Years each serving a unique purpose just like our ancestors in the southern Mesopotamia the first of tishri is a new year two bat is a new year for which is the 15th of the month of shabat our e ecclesiastical New Year a new year for Redemption a new year for when kings come to throne is on the first of Nissan or in the first of the Hebrew month of abiv then there's a new year for temple tithing Temple tithing all tithes that are brought to the temple fisal year the way that that is annexed and collected doesn't happen at the same time of new year as the other New Years in the Bible it has its own New Year so the new year for the tithing of cattle begins in the first of elu so what we know historically and through our tradition that we always as a people group the Israelites had four new years that's profound now let's get more heavy this is our Hebrew calendar right our modern current calendar we see the month of Nissan which is here the first month in Nissan we have the Passover the Feast of unleavened bread again first fruits the same first fruits that was even celebrated in Babylon so what Israelites goingon to say now we just read that the Babylonians had a first fruit C uh ceremony during the month of Nissan what y'all gonna say now that's that's Babylonian origin too you better know that it was the culture of your ancestors and your ancestors were in Babylon hello yes Tish is is regarded as the seventh month right but let's think about something we just spoke about earlier that the Creator says in Exodus 12 And1 that the month of our shall be the beginning of months to us which is the month of Nissan so if from that time onward Nissan or abiv would be the beginning of months that begs a question Moray what was the original ordering of the Hebrew calendar if the Creator clearly changed it during The Exodus let's take a look at that now the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt this month shall be the beginning of months for you it is to be the first month of the year and I always pay attention to words he says to you to you that's like me telling my kids you can't have this and you can't have this this is forbidden to you you see that bottle of King David Wine imported from Israel you you and you can't have that right I never said I can't right so think about it the Creator emphasizes in the biblical text that I is the first month to us it's a designation think about that if he says it's the first month to us he's also saying something it can't just be the first month period right he says it shall be the first month to you right my question is what is it to him what is y's first month what is it in relation to creation and the original calendar there go remember he changes it because of the Exodus event let's not marginalize it this was a beautiful and powerful thing but there's still an implication here that there was an older calendar mhm where else in the Bible do we see that there was an older calendar let's move in the story of Noah Genesis chapter 71 it says in the 600 year of Noah's life in the second month on the 17th day of the month on that day all The Fountains of the great deep burst forth and the windows of the heavens were open according to Genesis 711 Noah's flood began in the second month on the 17th day let me tell you something Moray my birthday is the 17th of kesan kesan as a word denotes the biblical flood kesan is the current eth month on the Hebrew calendar okay and if anybody was to look it up right now you'd see for yourself just like we fact checked information earlier I need everybody to look at this WOW Noah's flood occurred on the 17th of Kes van pronounced in Hebrew KES Juan but you're gonna need to type it with a v kesan on the 17th day of keshan which is my Hebrew birthday that's the day that Noah's flood started my goodness what's interesting about that let's go back to the power we see looking at the calendar that the flood of Noah took place in KES van but Moray on our current calendar kesan is the eighth month it's the eth month right but in the Book of Genesis it calls it the second month goodness so that what we now call the eighth month was originally the second month I have a question Mor what's the first the original first month have been two three there you go yes sir that makes sense I heard somewhere study and show yourself approved my goodness the Creator clearly said that he changed and reset the calendar this shall be the beginning of months to you we know Noah's flood happened in the month of kesan that's powerful but the problem is kesan is the eighth month but time out kesan is only the eighth month because of the calendar reset in Exodus 12 And1 which means tishri was originally the first and if tishri was originally the first that's why we also call it Ro and even the name tells you it's the first because as you saw earlier tishri literally means beginning come on that's rich we not done moay that's rich there's more Let me let me pause for a moment and make sure the community is is understanding what's happening here they off quiet right now when you see the chat this quiet that's CA you got people doing this hey that's rich that's rich yeah man it's it's always a beautiful moment when you can say something that yields a thought-provoking moment where you literally are leaving people speechless because the proof is always in the pudding and I'm G say it right now and it's bold to say you can't disprove what I just showed no you can't the floor is yours but I know you can't disprove what I just showed right history Bears witness to what I just said the Torah Bears witness to what I just said let's go right back to that beautiful Bean footage because there's more to unpack and explore we are in teaching mode here we go let's take it a step further now because I I believe in in exhausting information like for instance I hate to say this that that dler trial that's about to happen where a hundred girls are coming out today and 400 tomorrow and this new case there's a there's something in in legal leads called a preponderance of evidence they GNA throw so much stuff on his case to where it's almost impossible for him to deny the truth of their claim so I'm gonna tell y'all I went to a law school John J college and The Way We Were trained to look at evidence and compile evidence is in the frame of legal leades a preponderance of evidence so that wasn't a oneandone for a lot of people what I just showed is sufficient to end the conversation but coming from a legal background it doesn't stop there we GNA get deeper there more there's more here we go Mar kesan the word Mar means bitter in Hebrew comes from the Acadian Word War Samu literally eighth month sometimes shortened or abbreviated to kesun so even our ancestors are referring to this as the eth month right the standard Tiberian pronunciation keshwan is the second month of the Civil year which starts on the first of tishri what did they just say keson right as a civil year for the early Mesopotamians was considered the second month on their calendar my goodness even they knew it was the second month just like clearly Noah knew and Moses knew it was originally the second month let's move and the eighth month on the ecclesiastical calendar which starts on Nissan let's move now I wanted to examine in context that Ezekiel mentioned in e E chter 40 And1 it says in the 5 and 20th year of our e of our galut which is the Hebrew word for Exile in Ros Asana which is the yoel of the Jubilee anybody curious about what translation I'm going by this is the Orthodox Jewish Bible translation ojb like it this is a this is a strict literal Hebrew translation so Ezekiel refers to this period as rosashana they add in the brackets because of the time period in the history that this was during a Hebrew Jubilee so we should definitely know because Israelites argue me they say all right I do see in the Hebrew AR that Ezekiel calls this rosashana which means beginning of the year but how we know that he ain't talking about abiv because that's the new year so as far as I'm concerned rosashana is abiv and he was talking about abiv no he wasn't because this was during a jubilee year and the Jubilee is not proclaimed during abiv is proclaimed during the seventh month yeah yeah this is yam all day and as we say in learn Torah Hebrew Academy Moray the work is easy when you're well studied yes sir in the 10th day of the month in the 14th year Ezekiel provides us Moray with so much information we know the year yeah it was 573 BCE my goodness I'm going get a little deeper in the year in a couple of Moments by the way I came with some work today let's go in the 14th year which was 573 bcee after the fall in the self-same day the hand of the Lord was upon me and brought me there in the night vision let's move on now this is my commentary and my handwriting now let me shift gears and put on my historian hat Ezekiel provides us with three points of reference to verify whether or not the new year he's talking about is either in tishri or Aviv for he provides the time period the post exilic year he says it was the 25th year of our Exile well we know when the Exile started he then provides the day of the month he said it was the 10th day he finally provides the Advent or beginning of of the Exile he said it was the 14th year after the city was conquered now that we have those historical dates which Ezekiel provided in this passage we can now verify it with the ancient calendar to see if the vision he was talking about took place as rosashana in tishri or Aviv it comes out that the calendar date based on the accurate historical information Ezekiel pointed out for us verifies that this did indeed take place during the month of tishri September on the 10th day of tishri which was the 12th of September that year in the Hebrew calendar year 3189 and in the Gregorian calendar year 573 BCE wow wow that's that's we came with work today that's work that's work we gonna get that work come on as as as as East Gate says in the chat high level of instruction yeah come on y'all this is critical this is critical orientation is everything and we have to reorient ourselves correctly as relates to time so this is so essential lot if we're not on yah's time we ain't and we on Gregory's time we out you know what I'm saying we gotta get this back we out but um usually I don't do this but but go ahead this some more more this is Rich and this what I like to call the icing on the cake in the book of Exodus chapter 3422 22 it says you shall observe the Feast of Weeks of the first fruits of the wheat Harvest and the Feast of in gathering at the Year's End um Israelites I'm not sure if you know this but the Feast of in gathering is sukot right and look look at what it calls sukot it says in the English translation that the Feast of in gathering is at the year's end but Moray we read Hebrew right I see hasana that's year right but teat don't mean uh years end teat means turning or Circle this literally says at the turn of the Year December 31st into January 1 marks the Turning or change from the old to the new year was that Moses just literally telling us that the seventh month marks with the seasons the Turning of the New Year from the old to the new nah Zion you reaching you reaching all right tfat does also mean to turn that's a fact Zion and shaa means year so this does say at the year's turning but how do we know that the feast and Gathering is suko I I still think this is AB wow Israelites always want a dead idea to live so let me prove through the Torah that the Feast of in gathering which the Torah tells us marks the turn of the year is in sukko Easy work Mor look easy word that's easy right there in Leviticus 23 it says verse 39 also in the 15th day of the seventh month when you have gathered in the fruit of the land in gather when is the in gathering when you have gathered in the fruit of the land yeah when is the in gathering Feast it's that seventh month you shall keep a feast to the Lord on the first day shall be a Sabbath on the Eighth Day shall be a sabath and you shall take on the first day the bows of goodly trees sounding like suot to anybody branches of palm trees trees and the bows of thick trees and Willows of the brook and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days does it sound like suco to anybody fast forward to verse 42 and you shall dwell in booths we know we talking about suko clear clear Ezekiel excuse me Moses just called the season of the seventh month that marks suot he says it's the turn of the year I don't know what else y'all need to hear to understand that this is a new year I brought some I brought some more stuff strapped the word for for in the beginning the first word of the Bible is beet right our ancestors teach that the first month on the Hebrew calendar is tishri because tishri was the date in which the world was created the beginning of it all yeah well Mor if you rearrange the letters in the word bar sheet it literally spells Al B Tish the first of Tish same six letters bit Alf Shin yod Tav Alf bit Tav Shin R yod that's the that note encoded I got else to say bro it's encoded and and