what's going on everybody Frank with lionmaker sports here again coming at you guys it is Monday happy Monday everybody well what I'm gonna do today guys we're gonna go over what is the number one thing that everybody always wants to accomplish they want to be able to quit their nine to five job right they want to retire they want to go they want to do something that they want to do right or make money doing something they want to do well I'm going to try to help you guys out a little bit in this video today I'm going to show you guys the blueprint on how you could quit your nine to five job and become a sports bettor all right that would be taking your level of being just the starting Sports better to a professional level if you're doing it for a living all right so I'm going to lay out the blueprint for you guys I'm gonna go in detail and show you guys how this is really possible all right like always guys if you guys enjoy this make sure you guys go comment we're live right now so if you guys got anything to say throw it in the comment section also make sure you guys like And subscribe as well so before we get to it guys I just want to know what does everybody think you know it takes to reach that level of quitting their nine to five job you know and being able to pursue what it is they want to pursue what do you guys think throw it in the comment section I want to see some people talking down in there as I go through this this is basically going to be like a teaching lesson guys it's going to be a little bit of a class we're going to go through here all right I'm going to give you guys some good information so make sure you guys are listening and kind of letting you know get letting some people get in here right now before I get it going all right because I don't really want people to miss some of the information that I'm going to give out as always if you guys wanna bypass all this stuff obviously you guys can go down in the description click the link you can work with me one-on-one where I could teach you exactly how to do this for a living so make sure you guys if you're interested in that go in the description and book a call all right without further Ado let's go ahead let's get into it on how you can quit your nine to five job and actually pursue a career in in sports betting all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to transition over here a little bit and I'm going to be typing some stuff down to kind of show you guys give you a visual of pretty much what it is I want you to look at all right so the first thing that I want to address first thing is going to be what is the average median income in the US all right because we're going to use that as like kind of our basis does anybody know throw it in the comments if you guys got any idea of what you think the median income in America is all right so your average median income is going to be in the U.S is going to be 61 000 all right a year so 61 000 a year is what you're looking at for a median income all right now how does that break down let's just go through how this breaks down a little bit all right so that's about five thousand dollars a month and also breaks down to about a hundred and sixty six dollars a day all right so when you're looking at that you're thinking you know mostly people that are watching this you guys probably that's probably around what what you make and if you make more than that you know congrats to you you're on the next next level of that as well all right but this is around what the median income is now what is the goal that you're going to set to be able to quit your nine-to-five job so if you're making this amount you know at your job you're making five thousand dollars a month obviously you got to replace that right to be able to quit that job so what is the goal the goal to be you know what units do you want to hit you're gonna have to hit a certain amount of units to be able to achieve five thousand dollars a month or 166 dollars a day all right so the goal let's say for example is going to be 10 units all right we're not going to get crazy with this and say oh I want to hit a thousand units in a month or whatnot all right so your goal is going to be to hit 10 units a month all right we're going to do 10 units a month which is not bad all right it's not bad it's definitely achievable all right when it comes to that now we've got down what the average American makes we have what our goal is going to be for units a month what we want to make and now let's go into what our unit size is going to be what is the unit size that we're going to need to be able to hit five thousand dollars a month all right so you can kind of do the math right here so you got 5 000 obviously is what we want to make per month your goal is to hit 10 units so that correlates into what that correlates into a 500 unit size all right so your unit size is going to be five hundred dollars all right so your unit size is 500 bucks now to get that to get that unit size of 500 bucks we obviously need a bankroll that's going to be able to support that right we can't just go out there with a thousand dollars and start betting 500 a game all right we just we just can't do that there's no way you you're going to be able to uh sustain that you're gonna end up losing all your money or whatnot and then it's going to be completely done so we can't do that all right let's say we're gonna go with I'm gonna give you guys kind of three levels here of the bank rolls that you're gonna need for that to support that unit size all right so your first one's going to be a fifty thousand dollar bankroll that's going to be your your base that's like your base of what you need to be able to sustain this type of unit size all right so 50k that's going to be you know betting at one percent all right so if you're betting at one percent your unit size you're able to achieve that five hundred dollars all right your next level from that is going to be 25k all right so 25k kind of chopping that in half and then you'll be betting two percent of that so it gives you you know a starting point that's halfway if you don't have 50k you know you can get halfway there and you're betting that two percent for that all right now the last level because you're never going to want to bet anything above three percent at one time because that's like that's the best risk all right you're putting high high risk when you're going to above three percent so the last level that really you can do to be able to sustain this type of unit size and to be able to try to reach that goal of what you want is going to be a 16.6 000 bankroll all right it doesn't put you exactly where you're supposed to be but that's around what you're going to be looking at all right of what you need now that's going to be at three percent so you'll be betting three percent of that you're getting like it's like a 498 dollar unit size all right so let's go over this one more time your average median income right now about sixty thousand dollars you know and that's 60 I'd say anywhere you know 60 70s range 5 000 a month 166 dollars a day is what your goal is uh your goal is to hit 10 units a month your unit size is going to start out it's going to be 500 is what you need you have to have 500 unit size because you have to try to get 10 units out of that to get 5 000 a month so you either need the 50k bankroll you need the 25k bankroll or you need a 16.6 000 bankroll all right that's going to be at three percent so that's that's the highest risk side right there all right I'm gonna put that there for you guys just so you know that's going to be the riskiest part all right now let's go ahead and move on from that because that's your first step your first step is you got to know what type of money you're dealing with all right because there's no way you can't just jump into something not knowing you know how much you're going to deal with or anything like that all right so that is your base right there that is like the foundation is your bankroll all right after that now we got to get to what sports books are we gonna you know touch base on here what do we need what do we need to access to be able to make this all right so your sports books what I would suggest here is you're going to need to have at least five sports books all right so let's get at least five sports books here so that way we can spread this bankroll around all right so at least five sports books now when it comes to which sports books to get here's the thing I'm going to advise that you know you what you need is like the American Sports books the legal ones in the legal states like your DraftKings FanDuel bed MGM Caesars stuff like that you're gonna need those type of sports books because you're going to need to access those to be able to kind of manipulate lines and do stuff that you need to do offshore books using the offshore books it's very hard because they give you horrible odds to begin with and then you're kind of fighting them to find certain lines that they might not have so you might miss out on certain beds and stuff like that so it's still possible with the offshore books it's just a little bit more difficult all right and more chance of where they're gonna end up Banning you all right or they're going to limit you so that's another reason I'm talking about these Sports books right here all right because I do want to let everybody know that when you're dealing with you know certain Sports books and you're betting certain amounts like if you're betting a 500 unit size you need to know that you're kind of just flying under that radar there so if you're gonna go above that if your unit size is going any anything above 500 you have to split that amongst those Sports books so that's why I said have at least five of them because you got to take your bankroll split it up and then if you're betting above a 500 unit size if you're betting six or seven hundred dollars you have to split that unit size up between like two or three Sports books all right so what I'm saying is like you you take the same bet but you split that up between three Sports books so you're not betting six or seven hundred dollars at one sports book all right 500 is kind of like the threshold that I've seen to where you fly under the radar and they don't really limit you and they don't cut you off all right so that's just my advice when it comes to the sports books and how you're going to address them because that's like your your hurdle that you got to get over once you start consistently making money and you're like trying to do this for a living you've got to kind of work your way around the sports books because that's your their Lifeline so if they cut you off then you're not going to be able to do it anymore all right so first off when it comes to sports books like I said five sports books have it split up next thing after that you got your sports books funded you got your bankroll you got Foundation you got everything ready to go the next thing you're going to be doing now is how do I find the bets right it's going to be you know I got everything set up but how am I going to find those bets so find the bets here's the thing I'm going to give you guys some idea of how to do this it's not the complete formula obviously because I'd have to spend a long time on there to teach you guys that all right but I'm going to give you guys some pointers here on how you can find the bets and also like I said if you guys are interested in me teaching you this one-on-one rather than just jumping on YouTube just click the description down below book a call trust me all right next thing is going to be finding the bets all right so the first thing we're going to talk about here is uh limiting the amount of plays that you're going to play we don't want to go out and be throwing away like a hundred plays trust me I know on a Saturday college basketball Saturday there is a lot of games does it mean you need to play every single game all right that does not mean that you need to play every single game all right what you have to do is you gotta scan through those all right so we have to limit our plays limit your plays all right I'm kind of gonna get rid of some of this stuff up here right so we can kind of focus in a certain area so stuffing out all over the place all right so you want to limit your plays all right we're gonna how we're going to limit our plays as we're gonna scan through a slate all right limit your plays by scanning through scanning through a slate and then what you're going to do is as you're scanning through the Slate you're gonna look for games that have little to no movement on the odds all right so this is what this means is when you're going through a slate of games let's say uh a game opens up let's just say NHL let's say the Rangers open up at minus uh 150 and now they're currently at minus 152. like there's really no movement there so you're going to go through the ones that have no movement you're going to completely ignore all right you're going to take those off the list all right so limit your plays by scanning through the slate and looking looking for plays with little to no movement and odds all right so that's what you're going to be looking for First Step First Step going through you're going to go through there's no movement at all check those off the list that's gonna that's pretty much Gonna Knock a lot of these plays out all right it's going to knock a lot of plays out because there's some you know a good portion on a day where there's really not too much movement going on because not too many people are touching that game or they're not doing anything with that game so there's no movement to go with that all right what you're looking for you're looking for games that have drastic movements all right so you're looking for your your games that have like you know if a game like using that Rangers example let's say it opened up minus 150 now they're not like minus 170. like you're looking for stuff like that that's the type of games that you're looking for so there's only a certain amount of games on every day that you know even hit that kind of criteria so trust me you're gonna limit your plays down just through that first step all right another thing that I want you guys to understand is this is like something that in the game of sports betting people do not get all right they don't understand that when it comes to the odds everybody's like oh you need a bet minus 110 plays and that that's it it's all you can bet no you got to realize you gotta win all right you've got you gotta win and when it comes down to it you need to win the plays all right doesn't matter if it's minus 110 what it is so you need to realize that the odds don't matter all right odds don't matter all right so to a certain point though all right they don't matter to a certain point so that certain point being around let's say I would say you know minus 200 250 you know you start venturing into minus 300 minus 400 then that stuff's not worth it but uh anything in that type of range going down because when you're manipulating lines which is a very important part of being able to do this at a high level you have to be able to manipulate lines you can't take what the Sportsbook gives you can't because they're designed to take your money so if you just give if you just take what they give you you're gonna lose it's just a matter of fact all right A lot of people don't understand that that's how I tell amateur betters right off the bat is I'll see what lines they end up betting and if they're betting exactly you know betting on key numbers like in the NFL and stuff like that I know right away that you're an amateur better because those are Next Level things is being able to manipulate lines and stuff all right so you got to realize that the odds don't matter all right so here's the thing that I want to you know address with everybody too when you're looking at odds they kind of tell you something they tell you you like the percentage of a chance of a game winning all right so a minus 200 play let's say for example has over a 60 chance of winning chance of winning all right so it has over a 60 chance of winning but that does not mean that you could just blindly bet minus 200 plays and think that you're gonna make money because you're you're hitting over 60 all right that does not mean that so here's like this is going to be a little confusing what I say here but all minus 200 plays have over a 60 chance of winning but not all minus 200 plays are going to give you a 60 chance of winning all right so if you if you want to rewind and listen to what I just said there it's kind of confusing because minus 200 plays they give you over 60 chance of hitting them but other things have to line up all right so the other things that need to line up in order for this to even be considered to give you a shot at a play actually hitting like if that's you know on over 60 chance of winning there's other things that need to line up all right not just it's minus 200 you got a 60 shot over 60 chance of winning that bet all right other things need to line up so the other things that need to line up is like the trends trends that these teams are you know when they go against each other things need to line up all right need to favor what it is that you're looking at all right that's another thing that people kind of just bypass they don't pay too much attention to but history repeats itself all right so when you are paying attention to a certain matchup go back and do further matchups and check stuff out because that information can definitely help you for you know further games and for the game that you're looking at all right so first thing would be the trends that's another thing that you got to pay attention to also you need to know this part too this is important all right you need to know the amount of bets and the money all right you need to know where that's going all right you need to know who how many bets are being placed on a certain game how much money is being placed on it all right you need to know that's very important to know because the reasoning behind that is that if you don't know that stuff then you're at a serious disadvantage for the people that actually do all right and your average Sports better they'll just go through and maybe they'll do the first step here you know maybe they'll go through and limit you you'll you know go to the ones with the biggest differential and then you'll just bet those blind them you know without doing anything else so you need to go and do other steps that are going to help you along with this all right because with the overall goal is the overall goal is to be able to take a play that has a certain percent chance but but has a true percent all right a true percent meaning that it's went through everything you've looked at so it actually has like let's say if a game has 65 chance of winning actually has a true 65 chance of winning all right not just because the odds are minus 200 minus 220 or minus 180 or minus 150 not just because of that but because of other reasons as well all right so it's kind of going through checks and balances to be able to verify for yourself that this is actually going to give me a shot on the best probability of this actually hitting at a certain percentage that's what you really are paying attention to all right you're not paying attention to any really other garbage that is thrown out there all right so another thing that I want to discuss too is going to be people that tell you oh you need to have minus 110 odds all right people that tell you you need you need to have minus 110 odds it's not true you do not need to have minus 110 odds to be able to win at sports betting you just don't all right because here's the thing the sports books love it when you bet -110 odds all right so minus 110 odds I'm going to write this down for you guys Sports books love when you bet those all right you might think that you know it's value okay minus 110 is value but here's the thing um minus 110 play is truly just a coin flip there's not a certain percentage that that play is actually going to hit there is nothing like that all right because even a minus one template which is a total a total number or a spread must be manipulated it must be manipulated all right and when you manipulate those those plays and you manipulate those numbers there's no more minus 110 it starts going minus 130 minus 140 it starts going up because you have to pay a certain price to make the number what you want to make it all right so I want you guys to understand that that it's very important to manipulate the lines so I'm going to write that down too so manipulate the lines very important all right kind of highlight that a little bit for you so when you manipulate the lines and you work it towards what you actually want it to be you give yourself an even greater shot all right so this is why you don't see you know commercials and stuff like that for like DraftKings FanDuel all them you don't see them like promoting that stuff like oh well you can go change the line and be able to make it this or whatnot They Don't Really promote that they have it on there for you to do but not a lot of people even know how to do that all right because I'm going to say about 75 percent of the people that I talk to or come in contact with they don't even know that you can change lines they just think that like you log into the the sports book and that you have to get you have to take that number that they give you that you can't manipulate it at all so it's a serious disadvantage for those especially for people that are brand new to sports betting because when you're brand new to sports betting and you have no idea about any of this type of stuff then you just don't know what you don't know what to do you know you have no idea what to do so they take advantage of that and that's how you end up losing all of your money and stuff all right so that's that's pretty much what it comes down to all right guys and uh I see a lot of people in the comments here I really do want to come over and kind of address a lot of the stuff in the comments that I see but uh there's a lot of questions to go through here all right so let's go through I'm gonna see if I can grab any key ones out that I haven't already answered already all right so let's see here we got uh here we go when can I Paul says when can I scan to pick losers the Paul says I buy and I still lose 20 20 years plus in what else we got here uh I appreciate you you watch me every day I appreciate that thanks guys for tuning for chiming in on that question that I asked about the uh the median income thanks for that you guys seen me on Dr Phil I appreciate that as well um why do you have to split I kind of addressed that one already of because you don't want to get banned you don't want certain things to happen where you end up uh you know getting kicked from the sports book or you get limited you don't really want that to happen all right so uh another thing I started with 200 across four Sports books now I'm at 100 units five thousand across four Sports books it takes time took me two years it does it takes time especially if you guys are not at the level that like I I pretty much said if you guys are not at the level with the bankroll 50k 25k 16k if you're not at that don't think that you can't reach that level you could reach that level okay you could reach it it's 100 possible but it takes time the lower amount of money that you have the longer it's going to take to get to that level all right so just just realize that that the longer you know the smaller the bank roll is that you have then you're gonna have to you know over time you got to stack that up to get to exactly what it is that you want to get to uh Matt you said you heard that you that I teach people how to find games yep exactly guys if you guys want me to teach you how to do this at a professional level how to do this at a high level make sure you guys go and click the description book a call so that way you know we could see if it works somebody says Antoine Jackson says two leg parlays I'm sorry but no no parlays we're not part laying at all all right so these are just straight bets you're doing what I advised here and what I went through is just strictly straight bet stuff all right that's all we're doing we're just doing straight bets we're not doing anything other than that uh two team parlays and stuff like that that's another animal that uh you can't really address and you can't really do if you're trying to do this for a living just can't it's very tough all right um j-rod said should you be mad at a bad beat alright so a bad beat they happen all the time all right here's what happens bad beats happen on both sides but people don't realize it sometimes a bad beat will happen for you and sometimes it'll happen against you so sometimes you'll lose because of a bad beat but then sometimes you'll win because of one so you don't really recognize when you win but you recognize when you lose one so what you have to do is you kind of have to realize that uh you know it works both ways like even though I got a bad beat today and I lost well tomorrow I could actually win by a point or half a point on a last basket or something like that so don't let them affect you that is the biggest bankroll killers are you know bad beats because when a bad beat hits you're like devastated because you're like oh I should have won that play now you feel like tilted and you're like oh let me go spend all my money trying to chase and get stuff back you don't need to do that there's no reason to do that all right so you just have to think that it works both ways if you address if you get a bad beat where you lose guess what one where you win is probably coming up pretty soon alright so that's how I address that um uh yes you said parlays are risky Sergio you said do you use Action Network to read the lines no I don't use the actual Network to read the lines I use various websites to be able to read lines whatever gives you opening lines and gives you kind of current lines as well I use I use that to you know the best of my ability on that uh Mark you said what are the three main things to look at in deciding what games to bet on I'm gonna have to say you're gonna have to go through this video again and kind of go about five to ten minutes ago because I kind of went through most of that all right next thing uh what else we got here what do you do if your model or info doesn't support the money percentage or line movement then you just pass you don't play it all right sometimes there's days where you just don't have plays if you don't have plays guess what just relax if you can't relax on a day where there's no place then you have a gambling problem all right I'm just just I'm just being totally honest with you if you can't relax one day and not bet on a game then you have a gambling problem so sometimes there's days where there's just no games there's no games to be played all right so those games those days you just got to relax sit back relax you know go out and do something to get your mind off of uh any games that are being played because you don't got money on them all right uh Jesse says what Sportsline movement is easiest to read uh money lines money lines would probably be the easiest to read because you know you could just see like it's usually they open at you know let's say minus 150 it goes minus 170. you know those are easiest to read the spreads get a little bit difficult to read but I'd say money lines pretty much uh Richard you said what do you personally think of the Martingale strategy for sports betting my friend uses this strategy G starts with 0.05 percent of his bankroll the problem with the Martingale strategy is uh you need endless money all right it could work to a certain extent because it's uh here's the thing certain Sports books are only going to allow you to bet a certain amount on a certain game so just random games like games like the Super Bowl you they'll take heavy bets they'll take a lot of money on those games you could bet Million Dollar on a million dollars on those games but some you know division two basketball game that you're eyeing they're not going to take a million dollars on that so you you know the Martingale system works to a point Works to a point too is if you know you do go on that pretty bad streak which it happens and everything happens in sports happens in roulette happens in uh baccarat Blackjack all that stuff that if you go on a pretty bad roll then you might not be able to have enough money because you might run out of money or you might not have a sports book that's willing to accept that bet and then next thing you know you're betting a million dollars to win uh a thousand dollars because you're martingaling it up so I never really suggest doing stuff like that the Martingale like I said it only works until it doesn't work anymore because you either ran out of money or you just don't have anywhere for somebody to take your bet all right uh what else we got here Matt you said how much can you make every year with the coaching Pro with my coaching program so what we average is 120 units a year so depending on what your unit size is you multiply that by 120 units like I would say 100 to 120 units in that range so 100 to 120 units multiply multiply that by your unit size that's how much you would make in a year of me teaching you exactly how to do this and you can you know go on how to do this for yourself and not just rely on somebody else all right I see everybody kind of laughing on what I said there when it comes to that but uh all right guys I appreciate everybody for chiming in on the chat and everything hopefully you guys took some good information from this like I said it was a bit of a little teaching session so I could show you guys this is the basics all right what I what I laid out for you or the basics of what it takes to be able to do this at a high level and be able to quit your job to replace the median income all right the median income if you're making a hundred two hundred thousand dollars a year then obviously it's gonna take a lot more to replace that type of income all right and if you're making less then it's easier right so this is just uh this was an example to show you guys exactly what it takes all right and the basics behind everything and how to help you be able to either do this side income wise until you get to the nine to five and then you can you know erase the nine to five ish or completely quit and work just at sports betting because plus me guys it is very fun to do and it's very entertaining all right every single day I love waking up I love doing research I love looking at games I don't watch the games to be honest with you I don't watch the games a lot because like the emotion has been kicked out for me I don't really watch I don't really pay attention to them too much but uh just the love of sports if you love sports then it's a dream job it really is all right so if you guys like I said are interested in that type that type of stuff and you know you want to get to that certain level definitely reach out to me all right reach out to me and I could help you guys get to that certain level all right as always guys I appreciate everybody make sure you guys go smash the like button for this if you did enjoy this live and also make sure you subscribe to the channel as always guys I'm Frank with lionmaker sports I'll see you guys next video till then