unless you've been living under a rock then you've seen all my videos talking about how I'm on a mission to destroy all the gurus on the Internet by giving everything away for free and then we went ahead and gave away my seven figure agency course that shows you how to go from zero all the way to the million dooll run rate and that's when I came up with the genius idea of taking everything that's working right now not last week not last month not last year but right now and combining it into a 10 to 15h hour course and over the next 10 to 15 hours you're going to learn how to build an agency that combines the best of all three worlds AI SAS and smma so with that in mind sit back take out a massive piece of paper to take out a lot of notes probably get two pens relax and let's dive in let's get started so this entire Workshop is going to be 3 days long but we do have some surprises for you that we will share and if you stay through this whole entire live session today tomorrow and also day three um we you will get a lot of different things out of this I promise you um one let me first do a quick introduction to Joel capap who he is um I think in 2019 Joel I reached out to Joel because in in in that time of period which sounds crazy almost four years ago in my in my thought process he was if not the best or one of the the best uh marketers and coaches and agency players in the space that was like to me one of the top you know Legends of cold marketing when it comes to mass communication um he was it and I was personally part of a lot of his programs as well along with my business partner Lewis um and I can tell you uh there's no fluff uh he's one of those guys that'll tell you how it is and uh it's like Unapologetic but the truth and I'm excited for it um really as a overarching outcome for this Workshop once you're done with this Workshop you should have a game plan for the entire 2024 year for you to get to a positive Revenue now from a claim standpoint Revenue claims all that stuff it's up to you to make what you want to make out of it we've got plenty of case studies that are proven that has results and there's also people that fail from the same content as well so you have to do the work that's behind it some of Joel's team members will also be joining um along during this Workshop as well so there's a ton happening Joel let's take it away man I'm I'm done with my first round of soapbox here uh excited to have you as a friend as well as a colleague um give us give us a rundown of your story real quick for a few minutes and we'll get started with day one absolutely yeah I think uh it's been four years man since we did that 10day Workshop which is wild um I actually can't see in the comments if but if you guys want to comment on the Facebook live who here was on our or who here has gone through our 10day Workshop that Paulson and I did back in 2019 that was the first ever like educational content for high level right that was that was the first ever Workshop ever built and mainly because we looked at the accounts and realized a ton of people were struggling in sales and marketing yeah and I feel like now there's so much value there's so much content around high level and you guys have really just taken the World by storm so I'm just grateful that you asked me to come back and my challenge to myself this time around was to destroy that 10day Workshop I want to make that 10day Workshop which we literally taught you guys everything I want to make it so bad where you guys are like this new three-day Workshop is the greatest Workshop in history of high level in the agency space ever so my hope for this week really guys is to overd deliver for you guys at as much value as humanly possible and ultimately give you everything that you'll need to build an agency from zero all the way to a million dollarss like Paulson said is it going to be really [ __ ] hard of course will everyone make it of course not if everyone could make it everyone here would be a millionaire it's really really hard but I will give you guys all the tools to increase your potential to make that happen so again I'm really honored to be back Paulson I feel like uh I'm having Deja Vu you know and I'm like we've been here before but it's not Deja Vu because it's actually happened and it's going to be insane guys I think the the biggest difference between last time we did this it was a lot of like talking about how to do cold email talking about how to do paid ads talking about how to do sales whereas this time around I literally am going to be building out everything with you guys so we're going to show you cold email we're going to show you how to do in Instagram DMS we're going to show you how to do the service delivery so on and so forth so with that in mind I do have slides to kick us off and then I'll be transitioning off of the slides so go ahead and share my screen yeah real quick by the way just real quick those of you that might be watching and you're in the waiting room our Zoom room is already booked out there's over a thousand people in there and uh and that means you're not going to be able to watch it inside the zoom room you are more than welcome to join our live streaming which is happening inside the Facebook group for highle if you don't have a highl account and you're trying to watch it live um you should be ashamed of your yourself I'm just kidding I'm just kidding into a quick account and you'll be able to get access to the Facebook group for at least day two and three um there will be replays in the YouTube channel afterwards give us a couple of days to post each one of those and just right out of the gate for those of you that are just joining us this is a work shop that is going to go long and there's so much content usually we do these workshops for like an hour and we do 30 minutes of Q&A and I'm I was thinking okay with Joel it's going to be at least two hours but he he gave me a root Awakening that he wants to teach for like five hours so I told him let's try to keep it below three hours so get your books ready if you don't have your lunch with you go grab your lunch heat it up have it ready we are no bathroom breaks yeah we we have a lot of content to go through uh in setting up your success for 2024 so just a fair warning these sessions are going to be long um stay with it I promise you it's it's going to be very valuable for you go ahead Joe well I'm excited guys we're going to break down how to scale your agency to $100,000 a month in 2024 leveraging the new SAS model that combines paper show with AI and high level so what I'm really excited about is that this model leverages the best of all three worlds agency or smma Ai and SAS and it brings all of them together to really stand out even in saturated markets and uh with that in mind let's dive in so here's what we're gonna go over so day one is going to be us going over the model that's going to be today and Service delivery so we're going to start off by breaking down the model step by step and how to get your clients insane results it's going to be day one uh oh why is it not letting me okay cool uh day two we're gonna go over why did they do that one second so so click on um yeah go back to sharing where you were yeah you're good go under go back to your slides yeah under uh the zoom options where you click view options at the very top where you're sharing click on that yeah I think other people are drawing right right I'm I'm showing you how to turn that off so go click on okay cck on more what's going on guys stop drawing on the screen you guys are ridiculous all right do I where do I twak that when you share it'll give you a bar for annotation okay so click on annotation click on more and in there you can allow PE you can just basically remove the ability for people to um not annotate little technical difficulties here where this is after I share after you share yeah so click on share okay why is it kicking you out from sharing Okay cool so goody so at the very top you see where your I see an yeah yeah so then guys you're being ridiculous yeah it's just and then what and then go to let's see let me just clear clear this all up okay so at the very there's there's a button for there's a button for I clicked on annotate yeah there's a drop down button that says click on more options and uh I don't have that drop down so stop Shar sharing and I'll share okay you guys are ridiculous by the way I got to give you props for your Ridiculousness so what you do is disable annotate for others so it's basically now now if you share um we should be good yeah I think so yeah what you want to do is click on more after you share and um I have that option maybe because you're not a co-host let me add you as a co-host real quick um sorry guys technical difficulties because you guys are acting like second graders okay so you just give us like two minutes we'll start over yeah I have so much value for you guys and you're drawing on the freaking whiteboard it's usually some spammers that just want some attention so now when you Click Share at the bottom after you share click on more and it'll it'll basically give you the option to disable annotation for others unless I already did it automatically yeah click on more wait no I don't have I don't have that option you should um when you sh it's basically your settings uh let's see disable annotation got it yeah now you can clear all of that well yeah don't don't stop sh see aha we got it got you guys all right we're going to start over again because uh yeah we're gonna start over again so we're GNA go over how to scale your agency to $100,000 a month in 2024 leveraging the new SAS model that combines the best of all three worlds smma Ai and SAS with high level so here's what's going to go down on day one we're going to go over the model and we're going to break down Service delivery AKA we're going to teach you guys how to get your clients insane results with this model on day two we're going to go over acquisition part one so we're going to talk about how to max out your calendar with ready to buy qualified prospects on day three we're going to go over acquisition part two so we're going to talk about how to get prospects to say yes and ink big deals now this is the first surprise that we got for you guys I'm going to drop surprise number one for all of you guys that're taking time out of your day to be here and to share your time with us which I believe is your greatest asset so for that we are going to overd deliver and throw in day number four so we already are overd delivering for you guys we're going to have a fourth day uh it's not going to be a three-day Workshop it's going to be a four-day Workshop where we're going to break break down how to leverage AI within high level and we're going to go over Q&A on day four and we're going to talk about next steps so essentially we're going to talk about everything that you guys need to do to win in 2024 and how to leverage AI to destroy your competition plus there's going to be some top secret guests throughout so if you guys go back to 2019 when I did the workshop with Paulson it was just us to and I think we had omir as well but yeah this time around I wanted to elevate others around me you know a lot of the things that I know today aren't just me it's because of everyone that I've surrounded myself with you know like I don't personally I use high level for everything but I don't personally go into high level we have a team we have someone completely dedicated to high level that helps us out so we're going to be elevating all of my connections all of my team members throughout this Workshop one of my biggest core values is that a rising tide raises All Ships if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together so I'll be bringing a few surprise guest speakers each day to help make all of this happened Plus for all of you guys that attend and stay until the end on the last day I'm going to be giving away 10 of my best courses I'm going to give be giving away all of my 100K month master classes where we interview students who I've helped scale to 100K a month we're going to be giving you guys a free course on how to send 10,000 emails per day we're going to give you guys a free course breaking down how to increase your profits in your agency over a five-day challenge we're going to be giving you guys a free course on how to do agency fulfillment a toz we're going to give you an entire free course on how to run YouTube ads or how to build a YouTube ads Agency for B2B we're going to give you an entire course on how to build a YouTube ads Agency for betc for local businesses we're going to give you my advanced paper show agency course that breaks all of this down in even more detail we're going to give you guys a sales Mastery course a Tik Tok Ad Agency course and all of my top master classes of all time if you guys stay until the end all 100% for fre on top of all that I'm also going to be giving away all of our snapshots from the next three or 4 days so all the snapshots that we showcase all the funnels within high level all the assets that we go over that exists within high level we're going to be giving away to you guys for free at the end Plus on top of that I'm going to be raffling a one one iPhone to a lucky winner now I'm paying for the iPhone I did not ask high level to pay for this so you guys better stay until the end and uh pay attention I'm going to be giving away one iPhone to one lucky winner I have no idea how we're going to do that Paulson so just bear with me we'll figure it out but one of you guys is going to be walking away with an iPhone and then once you get the iPhone I'm G to make you post a picture of yourself with the iPhone in the high LEL group so that you guys can see that it actually happened on top of that we're going to be raffling a one-on-one with me so one lucky winner will get to meet with me oneon-one and I'll coach you on your agency there's going to be no pitch today or tomorrow or the next four days we're not going to ask you for a single dollar to enter to win all you have to do is stay till the end so all we ask is that you hang out with us for the next few days and uh tune in through the live if you didn't make the uh the zoom room and and real quick Joel before you get started with the rest of the stuff let me also share my screen for one second if you don't mind um because I know worries I know there's a ton of you and everything Joel just said is really to the you know folks that already are on High level um if you're watching this and you don't have a highlevel account you essentially won't be able to access any of those goodies unless you sign up for either a new account or trial or some kind so if you don't have a high level account um I promise you you you'll need you'll need to get all the snapshot to get the free courses you don't need a high LEL account but most of the free courses show you how to leverage high level to grow your agency so right you will need a high LEL account to get access to the snapshots yeah at least and and we're GNA have a snapshot for this Workshop as well as an additional bonus which you would also need a highle account for it so Jordan if you don't mind grabbing this link and posting it in the comments I definitely appreciate it go ahead do you can go ahead and share uh your screen and get started I'll grab by the way I see there's a thousand of you guys in the zoom so thank you for being here it means a lot I'm GNA make sure to uh overd deliver for you guys so my only selfish ask for this entire Workshop take a minute to follow me on Instagram and subscribe on my YouTube if you haven't already um so my Instagram is official Joel Kaplan my YouTube just go to Joel Kaplan smma just literally search for that you'll find my channel that's my only ask for this entire 4 day workshop and yes this is going to be recorded and uploaded to both my channel and the high level channel so you do not have to worry about that I'm going to say it one more time because people will ask yes it will be recorded and uploaded to both my channel and the highle channel so you guys will be good if you joined us live you get to enter to win the ra uh the one-on-one with me the iPhone all that good stuff but everyone will be able to access this later on and most importantly don't just consume all this info over the next four days the easy part is consuming the hard part that will actually get you the results is taking Massive Action so before we begin I've got some warnings for you warning number one this model is really effing hard you know Paulson said that I tell the truth even if it's not what you guys want to hear I my goal is to tell you what you need to hear because I believe that if I tell you what you need to hear you're going to be much more prepared to go out into battle in business and win so again this is not easy this model is really effing hard the performance model is one of the hardest models in the agency space it puts most of the pressure on you to perform and deliver with the rise of guarantees crazy offers and unmet Promises this is actually an amazing thing and I'll explain why it puts the pressure on the product and if it really is an amazing product sales will come now the best products in the world share the risk between the client and the service provider in this model places that risk right in the middle and by risk I mean of the risk of whether or not it will work so let's say that a client pays you for advertising the risk of what if it doesn't work the best products share that risk where the client has to step up put some skin in the game make sure they're doing what they need to do and you have pressure to perform you have skin in the game you need to make sure that you do what you need to do in order to succeed so what I love about this model is that the client has to invest into ads but you only make money when you perform that being said if you crack the code on this model you will walk away with an amazing product and most importantly you'll be able to get unlimited clients because you will hold the keys to acquisition for your clients if you can get your clients's clients you'll have no problem getting yourself clients just think about that if you can figure out how to get your clients clients people will pay you money so this model forces you to figure that out um like most things guys in life if it's hard and only a few people can figure it out it's probably worth doing or attempting to do it so that's warning number one warning number two some of this info is not new and I might have already given it away so I did want to give that warning because some of you guys might be like oh Joel like those are similar ads to what you've shared before or like oh Joel like you already showed us how to do cold email you know as you guys know I've been on a mission to destroy all the gurus on the Internet by giving everything away for free including myself and uh uh oh hold on I don't know why annotation turned on okay and uh which means that some of what we cover I've already given away so so don't be like this is all supposed to be new this model is 80% the same as it was when I started in 2017 probably the only big change since 2017 is high level funny enough like it's still the same it's still very very very similar it's just building an agency it's just marketing for businesses and it's going to be the same 80% the same in 2017 in 2027 in 20137 and some things will change like the offers the pricing structures and leveraging AI but at the end of the day this is not rocket science you're not building Tesla we're not sending people to Mars we're not building robots we're just doing marketing for local businesses and leveraging an amazing tool called the high level to make it all easier so a lot of the info I share might be the same and uh that being said if you followed my stuff in the past this will be a great revisit and there will be a lot of new material as well warning number three we will not be covering how to pick a niche or what is an agency we're going to be diving right into some advanced concepts so if you're like Joel what's an agency or what is high level or what are we doing here today that's totally okay um that's not a problem if that's where you're at that's totally okay I hear you I'm there for you that being said my recommendation for you is to go check out our 10-day course with high level either on my Channel or on their channel for an overview so if you literally look up Joel kapin high level 10day course on YouTube you'll be able to see a full step-by-step 10day course that introduces you to the model and introduces you to every nitty-gritty concept how to pick a niche how does how does this work how do you get paid all that good stuff all those foundational questions will be answered in that 10-day course and that will'll bring you up to speed on uh the foundations of everything and by the way if you're just starting out at zero I still recommend that you watch this and Jump Right In All I'm saying is that if you have some more beginner questions you can also go back and watch that warning number four we're going to be here for a while for the next four days so I want to literally teach you guys how to build a million dollar business in four days that's my challenge which means that it's very hard to do in like an hour you know I told Paulson I'm like Paulson I'm trying to teach these guys an entire business model how to get clients how to do sales how to get clients crazy results all that in four days which means that I'm going to need you guys dialed in for the next four days and it will be overwhelming I'm I'm warning you right now it's going to be overwhelming you guys are going to be jumping right into the deep end and I like to think about the gym analogy when going through this at the gym we have to break our muscles down in order to get stronger you're literally causing A disruption to your body and breaking your F your muscle fibers down so that they heal and come back stronger and with business we have to break our minds down to get stronger so if you're mentally a little overwhelmed it's not a bad thing it means that you had a great business workout and now you're going to come back stronger so there will be a lot of information over the next few days my recommendation to you guys is commit and lean in to it and most importantly take notes throughout and be focused that helps big time with knowledge retention if you guys are actually focused not doing other stuff and you're taking notes you're going to be able to connect with the information on a deeper level yeah and most importantly my last warning this is not a magic pill guys like Elon Musk says business is like waking up and choosing to eat glass like just think about the visual of you eating glass like and you're bleeding you're just like consciously choosing to eat glass with a smile on your face that's what business is like it's supposed to be hard if it was easy everyone would be a millionaire it demands everything from me it will take longer than you expected to you will want to give up many many times and you must keep going and most importantly you must go all in for a long long long time and all the information that I share with you today is not going to get rid of this business reality even if I give you guys the scripts the templates the walkthrough videos the service Delivery Systems everything it's not going to magically make business easy yeah all we're doing just like high level is giving you guys tools giving you guys tools yeah well quick add a few notes to that Joel so I I know a ton of you that are in here I'm seeing a couple of familiar names and faces um you might have gone through our five-day challenge which basically is a new initiative maybe two three months old now basically helps you get to your first paying customer so if you're a brand new beginner and Entrepreneurship go through the five-day challenge okay if you are a little bit more advanced and you're like you know what also I've got an agency I've got to figure out a way to add SAS to the mix or one of the other whatever do our SAS pure course which is the SAS pure Local Hero both are free by the way we have our masterminds we obviously have our big conference you will forever get amazing content from high level one it's a one it's a mission for me to make sure the industry gets the right relevant information and we have these workshops that we do once a month sometimes twice ath twice every month and some months even weekly but regardless pay attention to all of these um things that you learn here might contradict and conflict with another Workshop or another podcast session everybody has their own reasoning of why they feel like there's some strength to what they're doing but but doesn't mean somebody is wrong it just means they have a different perspective right so take a break from all the content for a second consider this to be like a university class almost like an academic experience get off the browser stop trying to watch emails and all these different things while you're learning and listening I promise you you're going to get a lot of things out of this as we kind of go right into the content okay go ahead I like that I I I think about a lot of business and the analogy of sports I know you like basketball it's like you can have two players that play the game very differently like a center will not play like a point guard I mean maybe now and in 2023 you've got some crazy centers but there's many ways to succeed right there's many different paths it will look like it will look different for everyone um The Challenge the the important thing though is to know what you're signing up for know that you're signing up for this to be really hard I think a lot of people get let down when they're like oh I got high level why am I not making millions of dollars it's like well it's going to be hard the tool the this the tool of Education the tool of software are just tools to support you it's like you have the best basketball shoe in the world it doesn't make basketball easy you still have to work out you still have to train you still have to practice you still have to show up and get better each and every day so let me share my screen and we'll keep going all right so now that we got out of the got that out of the way for those of you guys that don't know who I am you're probably one wondering who is this guy who is Joel Kaplan if you don't know who I am I'm going to share a quick little story so this was me back in 2017 literally six years ago and I had just gone live on Facebook to announce that I quit my job to become an entrepreneur and start a marketing agency and I thought we were about to take over the world and generate Millions we literally worked out of that kitchen my first office this was six years ago guys almost seven now almost seven and we worked out of our living room and we would do sales calls out of my room like where I slept okay guys I literally would take sales calls in my room and I would go to the bnii group every single Thursday for those of you guys that have been in the agency game for a while you know what BNI is it's a local networking group with business owners this was me getting sworn into the BNI group and this was me every single day as you guys know entrepreneurship is really hard one moment you're excited then you're like this is really hard then it's working then you're like I messed this up then you're like I'm going to give up good for great then I'm like I think I'm going bankrupt this was me I was in this entrepreneurial roller coaster just like all of you guys and we did everything wrong I'll tell you guys a quick story for a whole week I spent a whole week paon designing this sticker thinking that if I put it on my computer on my laptop and I go to copy shops I would get people to come to me and ask me about marketing I spent a whole week guys designing a stupid sticker how many clients do you think this got me Paulson zero zero yeah I wasted a lot of time on things that didn't matter I picked seven niches at the same time as you guys can see here hotels Cairo wedding venue surgeon dentist real estate raw climbing gyms I uh I made ads in the middle of nowhere I literally thought if I go out in the mountains maybe that'll be a pattern interrupt I I probably read something about pattern interrupt so I was like I'm going to go in the middle of the mountains it'll have a crazy background how many clients do you think this uh this this ad got me probably none zero and uh even though you know with that in mind slowly but surely things started to click so we we got up to 12 clients as you can see here I had all of our clients and uh we ended up going from zero to 13k a month and eight months took us eight months to get to 13k a month and the reason I show you guys this um this is a part of a Facebook group I was in a while back and I show you guys this to show you that I was in your shoes you know like I it literally says here that uh this week I decided to put a spin on it on this master class and they brought me and my business partner to do a workshop on how he went from Z to 13k a month in eight months a lot of you guys on this call are already passed that and this was just six years ago um so with that in mind I also almost quit multiple times like you can see here this was an application that I submitted in January 2018 January of 2018 and I got rejected look it literally says Dear Joel thank you for applying for the director of leadership and learning position with moonshot adved Ventures we received an overwhelming number of applications and have chosen to move forward with other candidates at this time so I was applying to jobs I felt like giving up multiple times even when things were actually clicking even when we had some clients even even when we were at 13k a month it felt really hard because again let's be honest this journey of Entrepreneurship is really [ __ ] hard and with that in mind we didn't give up we started focusing on the right actions I actually shared this back in 2019 when we did our 10-day Workshop we put up a whiteboard in our kitchen that asked where where we would be reminded to ask ourselves is this getting us closer to a sale if yes continue if not stop and ask yourself what will because we didn't know how to get clients so we're like let's at least focus on getting clients and allocate energy towards that and eventually we got up to $20,000 per month um then I started surrounding myself with other entrepreneurs in the community and we end up scaling our agency to 70,000 a month now the reason I share this with you guys is because I get a lot of screenshots all the time from entrepreneurs like you that are like hey Joel look I just hit 10K a month I just hit 50k a month I just hit 70k a month I just hit 100K month and I was also in that exact position not that many years ago where I was like holy crap I just hit this Revenue Mark so exciting I sent this to one of my mentors at the time Paulson you probably know him Nick Robbins incredible individual I have nothing but the highest love and respect for that guy he was kind of the OG he built an eight fig agency and uh he's he's exited now he focuses on real estate um and then after that we ended up scaling our own agency to $250,000 per month within six months and over time people kept asking for help on scaling their agency so we ended up throwing our first event and agency lab was born and we started helping other agency owners scale to $100,000 per month like I did this was the first round of agency owners that we helped scale to $100,000 per month and then more and then more and then more and then more this was just at a recent event like a month ago uh in Miami where we had our last round of 100K a month uh agency owners so the reason I took you guys way back in time is to show you what is possible now it won't be easy by any means it's really hard but it is absolutely possible remember this was just six years ago which is wild and now we have scaled our own agency to seven figures we've scaled agency lap to a figures and we've helped 109 agency owners hit $100,000 a month now let's fast forward to this moment right now my goal the next 4 days is to overd deliver unlike ever before and give everything that I've learned over the course of the last seven years away I want to break down an entire business model that you can take and scale all the way to $1 million in literally just four days not three days it's supposed to say four and I want to give you a model that is untapped and is already winning in 2023 and is set up to dominate in 2024 and it's going to combine the best of all three worlds High LEL SAS smma and AI I'll be giving away the ads the snapshots the templates the scripts literally everything so that you can one day reach $100,000 per month with your agency and we're actually going to take you behind the scenes and show you everything live inside of the ads manager inside of high level everything we're actually going to show you one of my biggest regrets from 2019 is that we just talked about it on slides and we didn't actually log into the ads manager and show you the ads show you the snapshots show you everything and also that's gonna be the biggest difference yeah also just for the folks that are watching and maybe they don't know you they don't know me maybe they're brand new to high level um I'm I'm happy to essentially confirm the story that Joel's talking about because I met Joel a little after 2018 a little after omir and Marcos and those guys started scaling and they were right under about 100K and I started seeing their names everywhere and I had my own agency and I I remember reaching out to Joel We were on a phone call and I was like Joel I've got this software opportunity and I've got this opportunity to scale my agency and he had no idea I was talking about high level in any way shape or form this is like 2018 and he's like what's wrong with you man go all in on agency so it's really cool to now make a full circle back on that conversation and now we're going all on wait paon you gota clarify I said I said I said no matter what you pick either one just go all in that is what you said that is what you said and I did listen to it after like a year and a half of maintaining my agency while doing high level stuff and then we let the agency go all the way through but all to tell you I've seen the struggle Joel went through to get to the point where he's at now and the 109 people that he's talking about I'm I'm very confident to tell you I probably know 80 of those guys personally because I was part of these inner circles I was part of these coaching programs even some of those guys have their own programs and and all to tell you it takes a lot of hard work this is not easy um but it is possible and obviously there's margins and things like that that you want to play into when we claim these numbers or say these things um so don't take it all just you know take it with a grain of salt is what I will tell you so what are we looking at here it won't be just strategy you're going to show us everything Joel exactly yeah so back in 2019 it felt like a lot of strategy like hey here's how you come up with an offer as opposed to being like here's the exact offer or here's how you kind of think about cold email as opposed to being like here's the exact cold email setup step by step so we're going to show you guys everything and uh again if you're ready to go all I ask is that you take out a pen and paper take notes throughout tag me on Instagram at official Joel Kaplan as we go through this I will repost you if you tag me in Paulson I will repost you actually tag and high level high LEL pawson Joel you don't want it you don't want the clout that's fine yeah no tag tag highle and tag official Joel Kaplan do a video that you're watching a massive Workshop to level up your clients and you'll probably get some Buzz around your own self with that yeah um but yeah definitely definitely tag go high level on Instagram and Facebook and um Joel so let's get going to y yeah so today for day one we're going to go over how to get your clients and same results in 2024 but before we do that we need to better understand the paper show AI agency model so let's Jump Right In guys here's how the model works you do the lead gen with ads we're going to show you how to do that but you're going to have to generate leads with ads you're going to do the lead nurture with high level so we're going to show you how to do that and we're going to show you how to add AI now you can call their leads you can also partner with a white label Isa or have your clients call the leads and then they pay for the ad spend and then you charge a show fee and for us when we were running this model a show qualifies as a phone call or is a prepay so essentially connecting the prospect with the client live or getting them to prepay for an appointment either of the either of those two qualified as a show and it doesn't necessarily have to be in person a lot of people think like paper show is like paper someone that walks in the door but like for us it just meant are you talk did you show up to the consultation over the phone or if we're doing the consultations are we getting a payment for the appointment in advance which pretty much guarantees that they're going to show up it's essentially a connect with the Prospect and the client is going to buy a certain amount of shows upfront now that's how you get paid so for we'll talk about the pricing all that stuff in just a little bit now why I love this model and by the way one quick warning I'm going to go very fast if you guys are like Joel uh what the hell did you just say go back and watch it afterwards yeah because we're gonna do a QA we're gonna do a Q&A as well um and post your questions in the comments of the Facebook streaming and I'll go through those questions this FYI Okay cool so yeah um if you're like Joel what did he just say go back and watch um now why I love this model for beginners it's very easy to get in the door since people aren't paying a retainer for nothing right or for the risk of nothing they're not paying the retainer up front for the risk of nothing now if you're Advanced I also love this model because you can partner with your clients and scale with them the best agencies generate tens of thousands of dollars a month a month even for their clients and only get paid 1,00 a month for example there was a client who I generated $40,000 for in the very first 30 days and I she paid me $1,500 which is and she paid $500 for the ad Spen so it was a 20xr y so it's essentially she gave me $1 I give her back 20 if we were more of a partner model imagine if we split some of those results it would have allowed me to grow with the client and be their growth partner again I talked about this earlier it allows you to share the risk you have to be dialed in on fulfillment they're putting up the advertising cost and worst case for you you don't get paid worst case for your client they advertise they get exposure without the best results but they're not just like paying you at a risk the only risk really is that they're paying Facebook um here's another thing to note you can always transition to a retainer if you start with paper show once you get your clients amazing results now you have the Leverage to lock in a 6 to 12 month retainer contract CU if you're telling someone who just made four you made them $40,000 they give you $10,000 of that you're like look if we lock in a 12month contract I'm willing to do a $2,500 a month retainer and this is going to be more affordable than your clients paying you on performance so now you hold the power so what I love about this model is that it gives you the leverage to decide the pricing to decide what this relationship looks like long term again if you can get your clients clients you'll always be able to get yourself clients and dictate how much you want to get paid and how you want to get paid so once you have a big brand with a ton of clients and now you know how to get great results you can also switch right to retainer if you're like Joel I did paper show I got a lot of clients I got my feet wet I got experience I learned how to get my clients clients but retainer is easier cool you can always switch back to retainer but now you have a big brand with a ton of clients so you can easily convince a prospect to just give you money and take on that risk because now you've reduced the risk by being someone worthy of being paid at the $2,500 upfront even if it might not work Jo just for clarity do you recommend this for the brand new person that's starting out without a lot of fulfillment experience yes I recommend it I recommend it for for everyone so I think that if you're amazing like there's this guy named Conrad great friend and he has a seven fig Roofing agency and he gets his clients insane results like he makes them hundreds of not tens of thousands of dollars hundreds of thousands of dollars I'm like Conrad why don't you partner with like five clients and be their growth partner and share in the growth so instead of ramping up massive book of business you're just going all in on the best result best clients that you really like yeah and you can have in a perfect world you have a mix of retainer and performance performance with your top clients retainer with everyone else now if you're a beginner though I love this model because it's a very easy way to get in the door without having to do free trials and if you're Advanced it's a really good way to get paid for what you're worth because again you could be making a roof for $500,000 a month and then now you're still making 2500 that's ridiculous where if you just pulled the plug on your marketing they go back down to 100,000 so you're adding $400,000 a month or value for 2500 that is not fair um so here's my last piece of why I love this model it forces you to start with Service delivery and puts pressure on product and fulfillment this puts you in charge of everything right before the client's close which you don't have control over like if the client can close or not you can't control but it forces you to make the product as good as humanly possible now let's let's go over to the offer here's the offer if I'm talking to a client I'm like here's what you're going to get no hidden setup fee you never pay a retainer unless you want to you cover the ad spend only pay when you get results we partner with you and are both incentivized to help you grow now really important note the result doesn't have to be a show you guys have the flexibility here to change the result it could be paper appointment paper live transfer it does not have to be a show for us again was a show was a prepaid patient over the phone now let's go over the pricing and again I'm going fast you guys can always rewind option one keep going fast Joel because we have we have hours of content to go through we'll deal with Q&A even if it's not live um okay the pricing option one this is what I would tell client 0 setup fee $125 per prepaid patient or showed appointment min minimum 20 patient credit so it's $2500 to get started Plus ad spend so essentially I'm getting a credit of the 20 shows this gives me some cash flow to play with so that I don't have as much risk and if I don't get the show I would have to refund it so if I don't get those I refund that they're covering the ad spend so you're essentially getting them to buy a credit of shows so how option two is different than like buying leads for example just to they're buying a better result really I think if you say paper lead they're going to tell you to f off they're gonna be like well anyone I could generate most people could generate leads you know th this is why high level comes into play with AI it's like no I'm going to generate you a a showed appointment where I'm going to get someone to literally call you or or connect with you on the phone or we're going to call them and get them to prepay that makes sense option two is 1997 a month unlimited patience for $ Z so you don't have to pay me per additional result that I bring you and it's $1 19997 to get started plus out spend so I give them both options right you can either do performance or you can do retainer but again now you have the leverage now you have the leverage and you're actually likely to get more retainers this way like when we did when when we did paper show back when high level had dialogue flow and it wasn't AI um what we would do is we would pitch paper show and people would still be like n I'll do the retainer but you know I give I give people both options I think when you an offer like this there's a sense of confidence that they feel they're like well this guy is willing to go essentially on performance because he's so confident in what he can deliver I think that's correct I think that's a story they pick up quickly now a really important note they're always going to buy credit of x amount of results this helps with cash flow I would do this if I were you um I would not do just blank zero dollars up front um you can also be lenient on the Downs of the retainer we did like I said we did that often if someone wanted to retainer I'm like sure like I just I want to make it and I talked about this back in 2019 I want to make it easy for people to do business with me not hard I don't want to cause so much friction I want to make it easy if someone's like I'd rather do the retainer no problem let's do the retainer I just want to start a business relationship with as many people as possible and deliver good results now here's the most important piece of this whole model the biggest lever is AD spend so the more that they advertise again now you can grow with your clients so you've got three options and I tell them got three options for ad spend good better and best good would be about $50 a day better would be about $100 a day best would be about $150 a day now most clients go with a better option and if you really are trying to scale fast and be aggressive in your growth our top clients some of our best best clients end up going with the best option now what ends up happening is most people pick the middle you still want to have the the bottom option because it anchors uh middle and best but you're also saying hey the best clients you're kind of striking their ego the best clients also spend the most so the people that are aggressive are going to be like no screw let's go with the highest amount of B spend and this does two things it gives you more budget to play with to get them great results and the more results you get them the more you get paid so it's like you w to have as much budget as humanly possible the big lever to move here is how much they're spending on ads and one of the biggest hacks to getting your clients better results is is that like I had an email from a guy no no joke Paulson I had an email from a guy the other day and he was like hey I got this client and he has about $150 a month in in budget for advertising like a month it's going to be near impossible to get results off of 150 a month like that's not even that's like $5 dollar a day like it it's just not going to happen like it so so imagine if he said I have a $55,000 a month budget now you can experiment test things out you have a lot more room to play with to actually get them results um so one of the biggest hacks to actually getting clients better results is not being such a slave to small budgets and also I don't know why there's like a standard in local business like spend 500 to, 1500 a month why not spend 5,000 a month in ads like why can't you spend more if you're a roofing company making you know 10 million a year why not spend 5,000 a month it just it's just a marketing budget that makes sense given where they're at um all right let's keep going so real quick real quick before you go fast the so option one can you can you review option one one more time go back one slide if you don't yeah go back uh you're saying yeah so option one zero setup fee 125 to 150 Prepaid customer about 2500 to get started option two is the standard retainer that we all do flat retainer fee with an ad spend based on the market based on the offers that they're doing for unlimited and option three is basically saying Hey give us no no there's there's only two options as far as how you're getting paid okay and there's three options for how much they want to spend on ads great question there's three options for how much they want to spend on ads so option one it's like good $50 a day better $100 a day best $150 a day and you could bump these up and down um most clients go with better option uh but if you're really looking to scale fast and grow aggressively like you said you did Dr John you know you said you wanted to blow up your practice and double in 2024 so so so I suggest maybe going with a let me ask you this so that's about $4,500 to 5K usually on average for a local business business what happens if they tell you well Paulson I've got about $2,000 or 3,000 on ads can we still still do this model or do I have to do the retainer no I mean I think I think that this is going to get into a much larger conversation my preference is working with local businesses that have money that's my preference I think like if you want to work with smaller local business I highly recommend that SAS model so maybe go check out the the SAS course that you guys developed yeah the low ticket where it's more affordable but if I'm working with a doctor they've got the money they just don't want to give it to you if you're working with a lawyer they're spending 40,000 a month on a freaking billboard that gets them nothing if you're working with a dentist they're making 500k a year in profit like they have money so so um Fair that's fair and they're already by the they're already hiring other agen by the way so so a bigger philosophy here is I mean we can kind of pause and talk about this my favorite niches have two things they're proven to work so I see other people succeeding in that Niche and number two they've got money I in a perfect world I don't ever have to deal with the objection of I can't afford this those are my favorite niches now I'm not saying it won't happen and there's some niches that have a bit of both like for example solar you've got some solar companies that are making more money than they even know what to do with and you've got some solar companies that are brand new starting out don't have any money youve got roofing companies agback companies that are massive hundred million doll companies and you've got onean roofing companies onean hbac companies where it's them in their truck and they go to fix the HVAC and do the sales and do everything themselves so I like nisses where I can find very wealthy people I don't like niches where I'm limited to be able to do my job very well I think I think that's one of your Styles as well like you like going after saturated markets being the one cooking the kitchen and just going after the top gems in that industry that's one thing I've always noticed about you yeah exactly and I think that again we talked about this there's many different ways to succeed there's different strategies approaches I'm just giving you what I would do in 2024 you can be like no screw you Joel I actually recommend for you guys to ask yourselves all the time how can I beat Joel and for me for you to beat Joel you have to think different than me or be better than me those are your only two options there's no other way to beat me if I wanted to literally build a I'm not going to but if I wanted to build a bigger software company than high level I would have to either be different from you guys or be better than you guys that's the what are the other options here so I give all I actually encourage all of you guys to if if you find a more unique way or better way or a different way to think about this or do this absolutely go for it um but I'm just sharing what I would do um cool so you want to get as much ad spend as possible now here's how we're going to get people to um hold on a second can't find my mouse all right uh here's how we're gonna get uh people results so number one lead generation we're going to run ads to get new leads we're going to show you guys how to do that number two lead nurture we're going to warm up the leads up to show up with high level and then last but not least lead reactivation we're going to show you guys how to reactivate an entire database of leads to get a ton of shows right out of the gate so even if they don't have a lot of ads spent that's another thing that you can do if they don't have as much budget if they have a lot of leads in their database um we're going to show you guys today how to reactivate them now for the rest of the 3-day work shop or a 4-day workshop now that you guys understand the foundation of the model I'm going to show you guys everything live and for today we're going to start with one special guest that's going to show you the ads the highle snapshots and even us calling the leads and booking them with the scripts that we use to get shows for both Cairo and ruping so we're going to show you guys two niches for today with a very special guest and then I'm going to pass it on to another special guest is going to show you how to run a reactivation campaign live we're going to build out and I'm going to give you guys the scripts for that so with that in mind let's officially dive in we're going to have to call the special guest this guy the reason I wanted to bring him on not only is he crushing it for clients but he's leveraging the paper show model right now I wanted to bring someone on that is using this right now not last week well I mean he was doing it last week not last year two years ago right now so uh I think he's on his name's Faso mongal I don't know if you can uh call him up he's a great guy incredible individual and I'm happy to have him he's going to share the ads high level snapshots everything so his name is fasel f a i s a l yo what is going on Joel yo yo F can can you share your your camera or no I don't think I'm able I'm not not allowed to share my camera for some reason paon doesn't want yeah he doesn't he does doesn't want me to see my face so oh man is he I think PA is oning a call he's PA are you there oh no now you're co-host cool sh yeah you should be able to now it's because believe it or not just like the house annotation thing yo Paulson were you on a call no no no no no no no I wasn't I was talking you're on call Joel I don't have to do sales calls anymore those days are past me um I turned the video off in ition Al because we've had some crazy things happen on these zooms just like that annotation thing you dealt with earlier fasil I know about you from Joel and Sergio and some of the other guys good to meet you let's see what you want to share welcome in man so F why don't we why don't we talk about like how you know you've been running the paper show model um and uh like right now right you're running it right now as we speak yeah so paper show model I've been running it for actually quite some time now let's say about three to four months already but I actually spoke with Joel let's say about two weeks ago and he just kind of uh he he just he just kind of put a spin on it for me so I actually thought I had the secret code because he was like oh dude just do this do this do this right and I'm like dude he just shared it all today I'm like what what is this so yeah you know f one of the one of the big things that you'll learn in dis you know you've already done it like the more you give the more you get like now everyone here is going to be your friend you know virtually and like your network just grew by thousands of people um and that's worth way more than some Competitive Edge right that pretty that probably already exists so yeah know 100% And also I feel like um if if you're just not going to share something that means like you're not willing to get better um I can share all this info and if tomorrow Kyo stops working I can easily think of something else because I just know I can do that so um you just have toate let's do it man let's do it should we just get right into it should we just let's get right into it yeah let's let's Dive Right In show show the ads show high level show the call show everything all right let's do it we're gonna start off with the ads and we're just gonna start off with Cairo first that's my just like Joel whenever you share click on the more button and turn off annotation um it just by the way more is all the way to the right on that bar it's the last thing yeah so it says uh start Focus mode I don't know if that's that's what it says for me oh no no you should be able to share your screen right okay yeah so I see my I can share my screen yeah let's see once you share it'll give you the more option okay okay that makes sense yeah Al righty let's see yeah that's it cool cool and then can you do you see the more option uh no I don't see actually oh yeah it's right here um then disable annotation disable annotation there we go all right cool all right we got them quick well before before you go further clear The annotation that one person got in already it's so silly right I thought we're grown-ups guys no it's the internet Bon I know and where there's got to be like one one% of people there still like 10 you know 10 people today so all right all right so and how do I clear that okay so just stop sharing stop sharing no no no you you you can continue sharing don't stop sharing continue sharing yeah there we go you just click that little Trash button okay cool perfect perfect cool cool so now we're good officially good yeah all right perfect let's do it so first of all something first thing I want to share is um kind of like how you start off with the ad so let's say you sign a client right you have them and you're about to start running his ads real quick this is for the client fulfillment or client acquisition yeah we're we're starting with fulfillment first we I want to teach people how to get great results first got it I think that uh yeah that's what we're starting with thank you sorry yeah no totally so here's here's how I do my campaigns right uh should we just d i I just get right into it so uh this is how I always do my campaigns uh I remember when I Jo Joel and I first started something that we used to do something that I used to do was I just did income right so I was like okay cool I want to get the highest quality lead I want to get everything and I'm just going to do that but I kind of changed up my strategy a little bit more so now I do three adsets and this works for every single Niche just so you guys know so three assets broad interest and income and you're break down each one right yep I'm gonna break down each one so let's say for broad uh but but before I do that you're gonna have three ads in each one right so three different ads three different videos and that's how you're going to have it so for the adet and just so you guys know I'm doing CBO so campaign budget optimization so the campaign decides everything so yeah can you scroll up a little bit on campaign just so people could see the settings I don't think there's anything else even to tweak that's it so yeah you guys see all that cool super simple super simple it's actually a live yeah literally it's it's it's working it's working right now um and in fact this is going to be the broad so you're going to do this how do it I always do instant forms for Kyros especially for any local business unless it's something like Roofing where you're going to get a lot more Bots and stuff you just want to do instant forms nothing crazy and it works so for budget there's no budget in outset because we already did it in the campaign yeah and this is how I do my targeting spec this is just for this client but I kind of tell you guys so this is zip code targeting is that affluent zip codes or anything so this is for affluent only and you kind kind see how like it's all blue right here right so what I did and I just made it super simple I was like all right cool where does this person live and I'll just grab one of his zip codes so I went into Justice map and I've already shared this before so if you guys um this is what I would recommend if you guys want to Target higher income people I just went in here and I just saw there was blue right here and I was there was red right here I was like all right cool let's just copy it and you can see it's it's very similar to the way I have it it's not hard it's not like rocket science I was like let's just do it so it makes sense um I know Joel and I I'm pretty sure we Shar this already we were like just keep it simple don't over complicate it don't do all these weird targeting just yeah part of why I wanted to dive in and not talk I wanted to give you guys the basic overview of paper show offer the pricing but then I just want to jump right in because it's really this simple you know it's not easy I'm G say that again but it is simple so all of this will come down to the strength of the offer if you're targeting is this open this wide of course you have affluent versus non-affluent so you basically avoid like the poor areas of a city um but but how do we create the result we to have yeah we we we'll get let's get into that phas once we get to the ads I think yeah yeah so so this this is basically the targeting and everything that you do and you can just copy paste this for literally every single client minimum age 2 copy paste it based on Justice map so that you're tting yeah literally based on Justice map right here Justice map.org yep y there's plenty of sites like that that tells you income levels of a city just FYI yeah and this is this does it for all of the us so you can just easily copy it you do minimum age 24 yep minimum age 24 for kyos it just makes sense I mean is an 18-year-old gonna get into a clinic probably not right so um I do that and then I also do Advantage audience like you guys see I don't I don't do any crazy stuff yeah everything's turned on placements Advantage placements I don't do stories nothing everything's on right times have changed you know back when Joel and I were starting out you had to be really good at the targeting because the Facebook system was not that effective of course I had all the data but you had to have some serious skills as an Advertiser to pinpoint the magazines they read the podcast that they listen to and where they shop and all these different things by very very clean I mean very very specific targeting in today's age you can turn on Advantage audience you can turn on CBO you can just drop a few bucks and literally the system the algorithm of these platforms will function and work optimized for you you just got to be patient enough to leave it alone and to give it enough time exactly exactly and what you always want to do when it comes to ads you always want to give it 48 Hours initially when you start just to test it out to see if it starts working working and start to see if you if you are getting results so um you always want to give it some time so yeah that's that that's definitely true but let's just let's uh should we should we go into the other assets as well or yeah we should show all the assets so this is brought right everything's open Advantage audience placement everything all of it is open What's the difference between income and Broad so income it only targets people who are uh top 5% top 10% top 25% so this just like lowers the audience size even more than what it what it would be just so it can because sometimes what I've noticed is income works better than broad maybe broad works better than income interest sometimes works so I just have all three really and you have the 150 or whatever running on each specific tree or is it for the entire campaign or entire ad account uh so it's all for the whole campaign so it's CBO campaign yeah yeah yeah so it decides everything so the campaign is deciding where it's going to go yep okay and then then can you show the uh so the income you click on that advanced income targeting for broad you keep it open and then what interest are you picking for interest targeting so for interest these are it's very simple like I never I didn't over complicate it I just searched up health and these are the things that popped up and I just chose these so it's nothing crazy right um You don't have to be super particular with it whatever just kind of kind of matches the N so for example if it's Roofing I would put Home Improvement right or stuff like that so um I didn't over complicate it now do any of these audiences like overlap or cross pollinate or contaminate uh no I mean I guess I guess it would but let me just double let me let me share my screen one more time because I want to show you guys a quick drawing or something so let's see am I able to share my screen again you're sharing now yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna reshare my whole desk you stop yeah you can you can if you stop and I'm pretty sure you guys can see my whole screen now right yeah well we see you moving into Okay cool so this is this is how I have the setup right so with income let's say like this this is like this whole thing is the audience with income you only have these people with interest it could be just this so if you just do interest and income it's only just targeting this but with broad it's really just targ the whole P yeah I was gonna say is that a pie graph okay yeah yeah yeah it's a nice to so you really you want you just want to show it to everyone that's that's kind of like the whole goal with this um but you also want it would be interesting to test out separate campaigns for each category but again we're doing local advertising I don't like to over complicate it as a rule of thumb if we're doing National campaigns with like $110,000 a day budget okay over complicate the crap out of it but when we're doing $50 a day just like keep it simple yeah exactly exactly got it let's move forward we got about another hour left so let's rapid fire the full well wait we I thought we had to all right we'll see let's keep going we started at 11 we're bu our in our in we're halfway basically we'll keep going yeah yeah keep going let's go so with Cairo I always use videos so these are the videos that I literally have a team now who edits these videos for me but um yeah it's it's very simple right um and I'm pretty sure Joel and I we talked about it already do you want me to kind of share the video as well and maybe you can touch on it all right cool cool so for this client it is a Shockwave therapy treatment right so this is what the video looks like Southern Charlotte area do you have knee pain back pain neck pain or just have a really bothersome injury you should come and try out our sh therapy treatment this technology has helped thousands of men and women recover faster and reduce that neing pain this is Dr Price he's a chiropractic practitioner and has helped thousands of people in the southern Charlotte Area get out of pain using natural and nonsurgical procedures here's where one of his patients have today Dr Z has so I don't know if you guys noticed but um maybe Joel you can touch on this a little bit as well you see how I said like in the beginning hey this technology has helped thousands of people right the doctor has helped thousands of people so it's just kind of showing proof right um that's main that's really the main reason why this video works and then I also did a testimonial see what one of his patients have to say and she's just talking talking talking right hey see go see Dr Zach he's amazing and at the end I just did the the offer I just told them hey and right now we're giving away new patient vouches for our shock therapy treatment for only $49 so if you're ready to finally get out of pain and feel like you're 17 Again tap below and we'll give you a call to get you schedule super simple video sweet can you show the other creatives fast fast fast yeah this one is just a testimonial so this part is just like literally this is just so this is just the testimonial of the okay so you just did testimonial with call to action or no call to action yeah call to action at the end too yeah so you can see only for $49 yeah same with that and and then short you just did a 60-sec version I assume yeah so this one is like without test yep that's I got it yeah so so you essentially did one video with the practice the clips the full offer introducing the doctor so it's essentially introducing the doctor the offer the practice testimonial call to action add two is testimonial call to action at three is introducing the doctor the practice the offer call to action no testimony yep that's it yeah okay now I W to break this down really really quickly the big reason why this works you know I tell people all the time offer is King and so that's number one the 8020 is having a really good offer and then number two you have right now in today's world with advertising you have to have a really good creatives like if you actually go into the ads library right now and look up chiropractor like I don't know if you could do that phas real quick um I want to actually prove this point uh as library though yeah hopefully yeah and by the way those of you that are watching you're going to see a lot of all ads you're gonna see a lot of look up chiropractor chyros because that's one of the space chiropractor [Music] agency have Roofing Roofing examples too just like now like there's a lot more yeah those are good if you click on like that picture here go down a little bit no no wait go down a little bit you see that picture like that is not going to compete the Victor C and there are definitely some better videos now um keep going yeah for example like this like you can't you can't have stuff like this like gota you got to have the doctor but most of these are videos let me see yeah I mean these are all one company though yeah adjustment power so this is where I guess like for example like this just a yeah exactly that's what I was trying to show like that which is going to get more attention phasal video or this random picture like that doesn't really make sense and then also who is someone going to trust more someone that you're seeing actually actively doing the treatment showing the office showing actual videos of the patients of the of their clients and then listening to a client or are they gonna just click on a random picture that says love Dothan doesn't really make sense so it's like right now in today's world you can you can go back to the ad manager if you want um in today's world the creative is extremely important and then the offer is key now my belief is that a lot of you guys know what offers work really well it's just that your clients are persuading you to get away from it so like you can't negotiate with your client especially with a performance model it's your offer or this won't work so if you know that a $21 adjustment for example or a $2,000 off of Invisalign treatment whatever the offer is if you know that that is what works you cannot um deviate otherwise your clients are going to end up getting bad results and then therefore you don't get paid so um yeah but the 8020 I would say is the creative like or sorry the offer and then the creative so like the creative is extremely important so that's it that's literally it yep very simple and now I'll also just get into Roofing as well I do the same thing like it's it's not it's not hard this is for roofing right interest um super super Broad and then I had like interior design renovation nothing crazy right this this is for roofing do you do videos for roofing because it's a little different or just images yeah so for roofing I do I do more like images but I just combined both really so for example for this client I did a picture and for him it works really really well so they were getting leads and for some clients I'll just go into here and I'll show you and I have some examples I can share maybe for example this is a client for roofing and this was their video says homeowners your roof been damaged by Hill storms you should try to get it inspected and your insurance can help you replace it for free Yes you heard that right it will be of no cost to you so same concept that I did for Cairo I do the same thing for roofing right has replaced thousands of roofs and we can help you submit your claim and fix your roof once and for all click below to learn more we hope to see you soon that's the video nice you could even you could even combine the way that I would make that even better is you could even combine some of the uh Concepts from the Ciro ad where we where you show the roofer their family some of their clients like some actual b-roll of them as opposed to just random Boll like stock b-roll that could be like the next iteration of making it better yeah yeah definitely definitely let's go into the yeah and also example like this you know Dr Harrison right um so this is an ad that I like for example this is Christmas and it works really really well do you have you deserve so you can also make it seasonal right people would say like oh well ads are not going to work in Christmas and it's downtime no you can also just be different and you can apply the same thing for your ads too so if you're want I I would say like get b-roll from your clients ideally get some testimonials take the time to edit it and then you'll stand out yeah okay let's keep going so let's go over the interest sorry I'm pushing us to go faster I just want to make sure we get through everything yeah know um so this is oh we got to go over the instant forms too that's the last piece for both Kyo and Roofing but let's do that last okay cool cool so this is the interest this what it looks like very simple I didn't over complicate it I just saw what would made sense and I just kept those and top income same thing right 10% 25 50 and then broad literally the same thing I I didn't really change anything besides the minimum age I just put it 25 this one and and fasil do you run two different sets for female and uh male or desktop and mobile or just or is that even not needed uh no I just it's it's both so minimum age male female all these just combined male and female cool um yeah yeah I never ran like separate one unless you're for example doing something like metpa right it just kind of makes sense to do it but for roofing or and all this stuff I don't think it makes sense I just you just keep it both got it so Joel this this fulfillment seems a lot more simpler than I thought yeah I mean we've been saying it's it's simple just well I mean like hard it's the hard part here I'll tell you where the hard part is the hard part is getting the creatives from the clients the hard part is convincing the clients to do really good offers that's the the setup is simple like it's just like you know like creating a workflow in high level is not rocket science it's more what is the copy right that's the hard part what what are you going to say in those workflows to get the desired response like that's the hard part so it's like um yeah wait F do you want to show the other the other adsets uh yeah so interest right um very simple I already showed the interest top income same thing as the last one right and Broad same same for this one this is just totally broad right very simple um I try not to over complicate it but I also think Facebook is kind of like 8020 80% is just scheduling part and then the 20% is Facebook because like you can easily generate leads no matter what um I don't think it's very hard unless you have your offer down so if your offer is good you can easily generate leads but yeah that's that um can you can you show the copy and then the forms yeah so let's go over Roofing first for their copy so so what I did here is um it's kind of what Sergio did right Roofing program and um mentioned what the offer was what our start rating is yeah it's very simple okay you want to show Kyro and actually show the lead form first for roofing yeah you gonna have to duplicate it oh yeah maybe right there yeah so for lead form for roofing it's very simple um I always just do like a survey right I'm pretty sure with this it's more like a smart one so if they press no it just quits them out of it um but yeah so I always ask them like hey uh are you a homeowner how many square feet and what's the scope of this project very three simple questions and then yeah it's just their name number and email the reason you want to ask question can you explain why it's important to ask questions yeah so if you don't ask these questions right um you're actually going to get lower quality Le beats and sometimes you're also going to get bots as well or people on the phone they're going to say oh well I don't remember signing up for this ad right because they were just not as engaged as if someone was actually like typing things right they were moving things but that's just kind of the main reason yeah like if someone put I'm a homeowner I got 15500 to $2500 2500 square feet and I'm looking for a complete uh roof and then they say I forgot I didn't sign up for this they're lying you know yeah so so like they're lying you just gota yeah anyways um okay let's show the uh copy for Cairo and then let's show the uh uh lead form and then I want to actually talk about how you come up with your offers and so for cyos uh I actually like did what Joel said one time right this is the kind of the copy he mentioned where I was like hey get rid of pain for this much it's possible so I kind of follow the same framework and I did it with him and you can follow the same in Roofing by the way want a new roof for 0 covered by insurance it's possible you could literally take the same structure want a new uh kitchen for you know x amount like it's possible want you know a new want invisaline for $99 a month it's possible Right like you can just put in offer it's possible that introduce the uh uh the owner of the business uh then explain the benefits of it and then go over the offer it's pretty simple yep yep exactly so yeah that's the copy anything else you want me to mention about the copy or oh yeah lead form yeah lead form I do for Kyo it's a little bit different um for this one because like these are really just my clients right I Want I Want To Praise them as much as possible uh I always ask them like hey what's a good phone number to contact you so they physically have to type what their phone number is sometimes with Kyros or with really any Niche right so you can do the same thing for roofing um you would ask them hey what's a good phone number to contact you because sometimes the phone number like they that automatically goes on Facebook is completely different than the phone number they type or maybe they mistyped it right um Lots can go wrong so I just ask them for the right phone number because this is how you ultimately reach them anyways right so you guys should you guys should add that you guys should do a double optin it's actually a good idea to do a double op in in on every form and what I would actually do is take the take some question like yes or no questions first like are you looking to try Shockwave therapy yes no um what kind of pain do you have back pain whatever and then they could click one and then what's a good phone number to contact you and then you go to the next form that's how I would do it yep yep yeah lot of platforms oh sorry A lot of these platforms allow autofill ore prefill of forms Tik Tok Instagram Facebook Google all these platforms allow prefill because they just want you to be able to just any kind of leads they don't care about the quality in a sense so what you want to do as an Advertiser is create the right amount of resistance so you have the right quality of people that you're essentially getting allowing through the doors to the business go ahead fasel yeah yeah 100% I mean you're totally right because that's I mean that's kind of like your whole job leads are very easy to generate but but which leads are going to be able like which what are the leads that are actually going to go forward right so um yeah but the next thing I ask right so after the lead form I tell them hey wait right update we only have four more spots open for our shock with therapy treatment so if you are serious about coming in and want to experience relief like most of our patients click the link below to schedule an appointment and then uh there's like a link they click should I go into the link or yeah why not I forgot what how to do that let me see maybe I can like duplicate actually might have to create yeah you have to create you might have to duplicate form uh let's see message for the leads and then yeah it's this one so for each client for roofing and this is kind of like a secret not really but get like buy it one domain right that you can use for all of your clients just one domain I call it Chiropractic off.net and just use it for all of your clients so slash client number one client number two client number three and you can just duplicate it for all of your clients and this is what this kind of looks like I took in inspiration from Gil and um yeah cuz this this how he does it also but yeah I just tell them hey you need Security appointment you can either just schedule here or you can just give us a call and um we'll schedule your your appointment and it has your logo and also in the snapshot all of this is in here so you guys can just copy paste all you need to do really is just remove the logo remove the number remove this and yeah change this that be it you have all of it by the way are you talking about Gil Valerio yep yeah okay that is Joel's like one of his top students now I remember when Gil first jumped into Joel's program he's doing like half a million a month so things that we're teaching he he went from like 3K a month when he joined to 500,000 a month yeah and this year in kro you did like a spotlight session or some kind of podcast or something with him didn't you yeah okay it wasn't recorded this is recorded well too bad I watch it then um wait fasel so you've got uh this similar for roofing as well yeah so same thing for roofing right um it's it's literally the same opt out page like they just they just go in here and you can secure a spot but yeah for every client what I would recommend or not for every client just for all of your clients just buy like a domain and call it um Roofing jobs offers.com and then you could also look who knows if this is real or not I for the local I still have no idea but you could potentially uh install a pixel as well and collect data and do something with it again for a local I don't think it makes that freaking difference I'm gonna just be honest because it's just not enough data but anyways maybe if you're doing like massive uh lead reselling eventually to like a huge Cairo lead buyer like I know for law for example if you're generating thousands of leads a day it does make a difference but anyways I don't think it will for individual clients one last thing though so something I do on this page is I asked them for their credit card so they prepay before their appointment I've had like probably like 10% of the people that come in they just put their c number yeah and they just pay so we never have to call them anyways and they just they just go into the office because we have the location and everything in here so they can just see it um so they literally do that just go to the office and you get the showed appointment fee yep yeah exactly so I've had that that's awesome so out of a hundred leads that you get let's say 100 leads in a month 10 of them will literally just prepay so you guys have that in the snapshot as well by the way all being built into a snapshot so if you do jump into a high level account you get this for free just because Joel is being nice and you're part of the workshop live just FYI so teams have built a lot of cool things for you so take advantage of it this is not going to be available outside of this yep absolutely what else what else to cover on the Fulfillment Joel let's W let's keep going Tempo is too slow right how much time do we have so we started at 11: it's 12:38 um how much longer do we need for clim fulfillment a little bit more yeah I mean let's keep we can uh all right you know what we'll do we'll eliminate the Q&A and let's just get to the oh yeah no Q&A today yeah I think Q&A on the last day on day four okay cool okay let's so so so we've got we went over Roofing we went over Kyo we went over the ads we went over the targeting we went over the lead forms we went over the post schuer in high level we went over uh the copy we went over the income targeting to get higher quality leads now phas of how do you come up with the offers so for offers for like all of my clients yeah and I can tell you what I would do but I'm curious to hear let's let's answer that question and let's get into high level so so the way I I just make it very simple so I would go into ads library and I would see what everyone else is doing right okay that's what I was literally gonna say and I was gonna say try to figure out how you can be better than them yep exactly so for example this picture like he has a picture of him I mean it's pretty cool right but you can also like for example I just did a video right um but yeah that's literally it so whatever Joel was gonna say he already knows I was just gonna say guys most of the offers are already on the internet you just have to find them and then ask yourself what would be a better offer than this so for example if someone is doing a $21 adjustment what if you convince what if you can convince your chiropractor to be the first chiropractor to do a $19 adjustment you just beat everyone with a simple minor price adjustment literally $2 or what else can you add to the offer by to beat everyone if everyone is doing adjustments maybe we offer Shockwave therapy now we're the first practice in the whole city to offer shock wve so it's a new offer so so you can literally just find what's already out there and ask yourself how can I uh make it better and then also guys I know we're rushing through this this is like I'm not trying to shamelessly plug myself here Paulson I'm just actually trying to add more uh context next if you guys have more specifics around how to do this I have a ton of videos on my channel that break down client fulfillment offers all that nitty-gritty this should give you a high level of how to set up the ads what should go into high level and then obviously you can explore it more uh deeply so what were you gonna say on this fasel on the roofing yeah I was gonna say as Library I just searched up roof just to search it up just like see what everyone else is doing this person wrote like that one's pretty good yeah that one is pretty good let's see like him so if you can if you you guys can convince like for example your client to do something like this just take a picture of him maybe like a testimonial hey I got a new roof these will kill it I've actually tried it for some so like get a new roof for for just 2497 you could even be like get a new roof for a thousand if your client could do it right if the insurance is set up for that like or you could just make it 1997 and you just beat him right I have a question have a better offer I have a question for you do you see that clients are more willing to work with you when you the paper show model and the risk is kind of shared versus like the retainer where they're like hey run my offer once once you once you have a big brand hundreds of clients hundreds of case studies I don't think they care at the beginning they definitely would prefer on a performance model where the risk is shared where they don't have to just give you the 1997 a month or the whatever retainer and saying I hope it works right at least they're saying hey I'm going to give you the credit but I'm owed the results and if I don't get those results I get my money back got it and from a billing you have to kind of have some kind of a accepted currency right appointments or shows yes you guys have to go over that I I'm curious to hear how you do it fasel like I right now me and Sean Clark are working on uh a system where once a shown appointment happens it automatically gets build so I'm actually literally working on that with your with a high level team right now to make that process as easy as possible turn it into a feature F I'm not sure how yeah so the way yeah so for example if someone shows up to the clinic because I do paper show like proper show um now I'm actually doing paper like prepay right but paper show if someone shows up to the clinic like at the end of the day the client gets a message on their phone right and it tells them hey did the per this person show up type yes type no if they don't type anything like the next day we call the person right if they type yes they automatically get build that's how I do it it's automatic who who calls the person you or the client yeah my my team my team so you will call the Potential Prospect for the client so you're telling me you're handling some of the sales component of it as well uh so not not really the yeah I guess yeah or the scheduling yeah the scheduling okay okay well you're starting the sales cycle basically yep yep and I'll basically just go over like we just we just finished the ad anything else by the ad your chair I mean we could spend four hours on it but let's just let's keep going all right cool cool so now let's just let's go into the go high level and the way I have it set up right so this is a patient that I just kind of picked out because he didn't give us credit card info so which is good um for him right the first message I always send is I just tell him hey is this Aaron and this is what Joel shared one time and I just kind of took it and ran with it um and yeah he replied as as soon as he replied there's an automatic message that goes to him they just tell him okay cool thank you this is the doctor obviously it's not just an automatic message and then it just tells him can you tell me a little bit more about where you're feeling he said oh this is really important guys you wanna you wanna qualify them a little bit and connect with them emotionally and get them to remember why they even signed up in the first place because if they are emotionally bought in they're going to be much more likely to follow through to a call hey you and show up if they're just showing up for the offer and there's no emotional connection it's just an offer they'll forget about it it's kind of like you Black Friday there were a lot of really cool discounts but maybe you wanted to buy something at the mall or whatever but if you're like if you forgot about it now that's it whereas if you're like I really need this I'm emotionally connected to buying a new iPhone because it'll change my life in some way shape or form you're much more likely to follow through so I think like like I mean I teach this as part of the process don't just go right for the throat like you're you want to build a relationship with people this is a huge part of the process build relationship when doing appointment setting this is the 8020 Fel will show you the call and improve the point but all right keep going yeah so we asked them a little like a few questions this is just more of like a human thing just so they can kind of like see okay cool I'm human I'm not like a random person or or a robot I know like you guys are be doing Ai and stuff so I'm guessing like also this texting part can also be automated I'm not sure if you guys are doing that with see yeah we're going cover that yeah it got even better see like now you guys can just innovate on this because I do it like automatically I have a team who does it automatically so I tell them okay cool that's very interesting youan you do it manually but automated with a team yeah yeah so I have a team right yeah it's not automated but yeah I have a team who does it for me yeah so I texted him but uh my team literally just called him up straight up and as soon as he texted back because I mean he's already here like he's he's in the chat he's looking at it so why not just give him a call right so we called them it was a 17 minute call should I go over the call this is really important it's 17 minutes guys it's not like a quick hey buy yeah you're gonna take them through an entire sales process this is what gets people to show up when they feel like you connected yeah with them uh I don't think we have time for the call so what we'll do fasil is this I will at if at the end of the 4-day workshop let's drop a few of the live recordings phel let's actually drop a few of the live recordings of clients you went through the process and closed on the prepay and then let's just go through the script today okay cool cool but we will give you guys the recordings to these calls yeah can I mention something here Joel so um um if you are in the medical space if you're in the insurance space Financial space there are regulations that you need to think about so like if you're in the medical space get into our Hippa compliant account like get a you know a lawyer involved in how you do transfers and things like that just to be safe everything that we're showing you here is not legal advice or financial advice you do what you do when it comes to the way you handle your fulfillment but these are things that you want to pay attention to there's a2p and all these different things so just just FYI I see a few comments of people asking what about Hippa and all these things those are all actually opportunities for you because high level makes it easy where you can just simply upgrade to a compliant account to attack any of those highly regulated Industries where you I I would work with a lawyer and I would work with high level inside of their hip account you know accounts I I would say though with compliance this is me being real with you guys every lawyer gives you a slightly different answer like it's it's it's it's very uh it's very tricky right um but I would just consult with a lawyer we're not lawyers this is not legal advice so you know proceed with whatever you feel if you go to our Marketplace you could upgrade your account to be a compliant account so gdpr Hippa uh financial industry legal industry all those are covered if you just jump into our compliant account so from a place of housing all the data and you can get a compliant highle account just FYI but anyways let's keep going over the script I think that was the next thing that we were going to talk about Joel yep yeah yeah all right but just one last thing though so something that I did for him right is uh we actually send them reminders this one didn't send I'm not sure why but we just tell them like this is an automated text but we just tell them hey this is Dr torus just wanted the personally messaged you to say I'm excited to see you today and a lot of people if it did send obviously it would tell like be oh I'm excited to see you too right it just gets them excited so that's something else that we do as well that I have on the script or I have on the snapshot so it just kind of like makes it more what do you say before that before that I mean um on the script you said on the script no no no on the text on the text here's confirmation yeah so I tell them okay cool right um I make we make them pay first before their appointment so we tell them hey right for for me to like lock in your appointment and confirm it um we have to take the stripe so we sell them the stripe account or we send them the stripe link they pay and um as soon as they pay they have to type yes stick in Fr their appointment right and then I text them okay cool here's the confirmation T yes and um yeah which is very important that's I didn't want to skip over that you're getting additional Buy in yeah yeah you see how many touch points they've had before the appointment this is what increases the show up rate so where is a where's the phone call in relation to this oh it happened above this this actually this actually happens in the phone call itself phone yeah we tell them hey we send you a text reply yes to it so on the call they have to type yes oh seriously that's great and now and now the way I have it so you guys have my updated snapshot with this one I didn't have like a automated text so as soon as they type yes they get an automated text saying thank you for doing this so it sounds more legit it looks more legit and they're like okay cool these guys are not scammers like they're actually real people they have a system some in place yeah hopefully that made sense I don't know if that yeah yeah keep going keep going cool but yeah that's that right send reminders and yeah here's the script that we have for the call I always tell my callers um I give them this advice every single time just so you guys know before you even get into them and if you guys have a calling team this is what I would do type FTS F that means like the script right that's what I tell my calling Team all the time all the time reason being because like they're going to say it word for word and it's gonna sound super robotic over the phone right that's what I've as a leader right humans want to connect with humans yep exactly so I always told my team don't use the script just follow like a framework so for my team I have this I don't have like that script specifically I show them I show them the script I tell them hey this is what it looks like but I make them follow this I tell them hey have a strong opening build rapport schedule take deposit super simple so that's the framework strong opening build rapport scheduling and take security deposit yeah and I tell them hey faces yeah be a curious baby right just make them feel as they were your friend laugh with them joke with them make them trust you that's what I tell my team instead of just formul this is really important a lot of people skip this and spal said something really important earlier that was overlooked he said the 80% of this process is in the scheduling only 20% % is in the ads yeah so so the everything in high level that we're showing you is 80% of making this work the remember Paulson also asked me why don't you just do paper lead and I said anyone could generate leads that's the 20% like anyone could just throw up an ad generate leads even with crappy offers even with crappy creatives right yeah so can you show framework that you were showing just one more time if you don't mind um so can you go over there real quick the strong opening so that talks about who we are building report is a humanized connection and scheduling right so how do you do the scheduling is that inside high level do you force all your clients a high level or okay got it and then the to deposit as well yep so deposit is also through high level right in high level we actually build this so whenever like now it's more updated so you guys have this in the snapshot I'm giving you like my updated things just so you guys know so you can either tell the person on the phone I we we either tell them like hey we can make it quick and easy I just take your card number and I'll just type it but I know a lot of people who we get on the phone with they're not comfortable with this option I know you wouldn't be either so what we can also do is I can send you a payment link to your phone it's very secure just like PayPal right called stripe and we'll send it to your phone and you can just take care of yourself which one sounds like a better option to you most of the time they're going to say the link so we just send them this link but it's it's not like stripe so here I had like a stripe link this was before and not a lot of people were depositing they would look at it they' be like oh this is probably a scam but with this you have a logo you have a payment it looks more legit so yeah that's and when you do send over that snapshot uh Fel can you go ahead and shoot us a loom video that explains everything that's in the snapshot because there's a ton of people that's going to watch this on replay there's going to be people watching this over the next couple of months so yeah like if you can just shoot me a quick loom video that explains different aspects of the workflow and snapshot that definitely be appreciated yeah definitely definitely awesome so what else do we need to know about the Fulfillment side of paper show Joel your camera went out I don't know if you stepped out for a quick second but uh what else is there we need to think about fasil I'd say number one thing right this is probably like the last thing I'll say is report building over the phone like Joel said right 20% is like making like doing the Facebook ads 80% is calling leads right to schedule them but in order for you to take a prepay over the phone it's so like it can be easy for you to do it if you know how to talk to people and you're good at sales but for you for you to teach your team properly it's very hard right that's what I've noticed after having a team member myself so you want to make sure you have like you're actually role playing with your team you're doing all this stuff so you can you're you're more likely to build Report with people and you have a few options you can also put this on your client the way that we did it with my agency is we put this responsibility onor our clients and train them that being and we actually told them if you want to do performance you have to be willing to get trained you have to be willing to show up to their calls you have to be willing to follow the process and if you don't we're going to put you back in retainer so if you want to be a growth partner with us you got to do what we tell you because again we're sharing the risk here you do your job we do our job if we both do our job well we both grow yeah and if not we just bump you right back to retainer so that that's another way to do it and again have leverage yeah you're leading the relationship yeah with my dental agency that's what made me stand out more than anybody else is I would fly into the location regardless where the dental practice is anywhere in the US and I would ask them block off the calendar for two days and I would literally spend two days teaching sales to every person inside the dental practice not just the front desk like everybody in there so literally over the next like two three months everybody's doing sales like the the the appointments that they have in the back they're upselling the front desk is getting transferred to new stuff but anyways go back to what you're sharing get off my soap bucks here yeah no but but that's actually true because like if you look at the biggest sales organizations right they always like they do two two calls a day with two sales trainings a day two like for like five days right so 10 hours of sales training if they're doing that and you're not doing that with your own team and with yourself like that's just you're you're not really like you don't have an agency right you're not you're not like that's that's leadership that's property serious about it or don't know how to okay yeah what else do we need to know about the Fulfillment of the paper show model I think that's it well let's well can did you go over the phone script yeah so the phone script oh no yeah I interrupted you sorry go over the phone script so the phone scpt yeah let's go over it yeah so this is rush through it yeah so we always tell them hey this is me right this where we are and always tell them like hey this is where we're actually located because sometimes you'll get leads for like 50 hours away and you go through the whole thing and then they tell you oh yeah I'm like in like I'm in I'm in war so so um it just it just makes no sense so we always do this and we all because like we we chat with them through the phone so we tell them okay cool I know we were texting back and forth a little bit um and you said to give me give you a call this time and be asking a question so I know you mentioned all the text you currently have back pain right yeah I have that oh so how long have you had it for oh wait you also mentioned you it started about two years ago is that right okay cool cool so let me quickly get you scheduled right so we do the report building we do all this it's obviously a lot more questions and go and and and and by the way go you want to dig deep like prob be like tell me more about that how is that affecting is that affecting things in your life out you know at work or outside of work with family okay and you know why why do you want to get that taken care of now like dig deep but again I think make it a conversation don't be a scripted robot let AI get them on the phone with you once they're on the phone with you you got to be a human well the prospects also don't know whether you're the office or an agency they're expecting to be talking to the actual office so you have to present yourself as if you were presenting that very good light and you I'm G tell I'll say a secret real quick uh so something that I do for my clients I always tell them hey tell us how like describe us your location as if like everyone in the area would knew so that's that and I tell my V to do this same thing so I tell them hey whenever you describe the location tell them as if you actually live there yourself so I uh we're actually located near this Costco off of this street and this highway do you know where that is most people would be like yeah yeah I know where that is so it sounds like they're actually in the office that makes sense we're by the Costco you know where that is yeah makesense the Walmart y keep keep going yeah so so then you get them scheduled right we get them scheduled right and um right we tell them hey just type yes once you see it the text we send them the text all right wonderful just one last thing we do have a very busy office and I tell my team to say this word for word this part we do have a very busy office so no shows really disturb our schedule for me to avoid any for us to avoid any no shows and for me to like lock in your appointment in our calendar we take all deposits over the phone so you can either just tell me your card number and I'll just take care of it for you but if you don't feel comfortable which I totally get um I'll just send a link to your phone and you can do yourself which one sounds like a better option for you most of the time they're going to say link so interesting you they then you send the link over high level yep over high level and then you saw that and then they pay for it yep they pay for and then we get a slack notification and you guys have that on the U what you call on the snapshot as well so you can just plug in play but it sends us a notification so my team sees it and it just says them allart right awesome thank you the payment went through and I just updated the calendar as as well thank you so much for scheduling we'll see you then and after the call is ended we send them a personal message so something like with an emoji as well we tell them hey it was nice talking to you David have a great rest of your night or have a great rest of your day right afternoon yeah yep two two questions for you anything else two questions two questions so the $125 Target that we're shooting for per show does that always happen is it variable is it like 80 sometimes is it 150 sometimes are you just trying to get the average you know how you said there's $125 per appointment that year basically for anytime anytime that we get again you have to determine what qualifies as a show when we did it with our agency it was hey when we get you connected to a pro patient on the phone they showed up to a phone conversation build them um fasel I think you're doing prepaid so it's like anytime that you get a payment like this guy now you Bild the client or they paid you already for the credits right so you would just remove one of the owed shows got it I I guess my question is how did you determine that 125 because it does the cost of acquisition is that below the 125 or you're not even thinking about that uh I just I just want to we kind of calculated like if I get them 20 patients you know I want to I want to make any anywhere between 1,500 to 2 200 a month off of them so I was kind of working backwards from that again what would a retainer be and then with my best clients like one one of the things I told fasel was like take your best clients like we even talked about this yesterday uh he just partnered with a million dooll Cairo I was like why don't you just he's like oh you know they start at like $60 a day adspin I'm like screw that let's get them on $500 a Day ad spin like really scale with him because now he can make more from that one client than all his other clients up until a point where there's Market saturation right but at that point you know you focus on other ones so I I want to say something real quick this is going to definitely be a curveball this this is this model Works in various niches so I know we're showing you KIRO and Roofing because we quite literally are trying to show you an entire business model how to get clients results how to get clients how to leverage AI over four days so we can't show you every single Niche on the planet but it does work in other niches um I want I want to make that uh super clear so you don't have to do one of the two niches that we showed you we're just picking one or two because that's how we're going to teach you guys yeah okay um is that was that it on the script fasal yep that's that's it and so what happens after that and after that um I mean the person just shows up to the clinic right um that's that's really it now how are you so you're how how are you currently tracking that so the way I do it is right now I'm charging them per show so not like per prepaid deposit per show so as soon as they show up to the clinic at the end of the day they like the client will get an automated message on their phone tell them hey press this link if it if the person showed up press this link if they didn't if they didn't the patient will get an automatic message right um hey you didn't show up to your appointment blah BL blah what happened and then we'll call them the next day so my calling team we'll call them um and if they did pay they just press on the link and we just build them automatically that's how I do it and then I want to State something you guys after we finish this Workshop over the next four days you're going to get access to all of the resources the scripts the ads we can even throw in some creatives along with the snapshots I'll create another folder called resources where we put everything in there for you guys and uh fasel will upload a few of his actual live calls you can listen to it live already what what's next on fulfillment yeah I think we're we've covered a lot so to recap we've covered how to do the ads we've covered how to do the followup in high level the texting all that good stuff we've covered um how to actually get them on the phone and what to say to get them to show up we've covered all that um is there anything missing on your part the last guest is there a chance fasil that we can take like two three minutes and go over the workflow in the snapshot or whatever like the high level component like I like to just kind of see the automations just like basic level of course everybody that jumps into an account you're going to get it if you stay through the end of this entire Workshop um on Wednesday or Thursday you'll get all assets essentially if you already have a high level account but can you log in high level and just kind of show the um automation behind the Fulfillment just at a glance you don't have to you know spend 15 minutes going over everything um by the way high level will be a little slower when you're sharing on zoom on a live just in general based on browser issues but uh wait for it to load yeah we're just gonna have to wait for it to load thank thank you for doing this by the way fasil we appreciate it no of course of course I mean I just saw like I just saw Joel sharing everything um one day I shared you know what's funny though because I actually shared just a creative it was like a what do you call it was a Friday event and in his coaching program and I just shared one of his creatives and ever since then he's just been begging me to do all this so Joel's a famous Friday yeah I feel like um to be honest man like I see your potential the fact that you're willing to give just makes me want to help you out so you get you literally get one-on-one coaching with me now for free cuz I just want to help you you know I I yesterday we talked and I was like like hey I'm going to make sure that I overd deliver for you after this training because you're just here giving so I think that's a great lesson for all of you you guys in and of itself like the more you give the more you get and giving doesn't mean just giving away free courses like I know that's like a thing now but it's like giving us also just having a desire in your heart to help your prospects to help your clients to help your team members so on and so forth and it just comes back to you so all right let's go this so what are we looking at here what part of high level is this I mean I know what it is but for those that are like there's a lot of people in this call phasal that doesn't know anything about high level that's why I'm asking that right right so once you have your client right you're going to create a sub account just like this and you can see all of your clients here well I have a lot but you're going to see a lot of this right um so you're gonna have your client and this is going to be the dashboard this is where you're going to conversate with people for example I mean I'm sending myself reply back messages but for example like people like this right we reach out to them we can just text them from here this is the conversations this is um because Paul I know you mentioned this where do we do all the calendar stuff right this is where we do all the calendar stuff right here um you can schedule people in here very simple and um yeah that's the calendar this is the opportunities this is where you have everything organized right you're going to have all this in here the pipeline yep the pipeline places like your Trello pipe prbe that type of Lally literally so we have that and then this the automations this is all the automations I have so also for some people who don't prepay just so you guys know I have like a six hours after sending the prepaid they get a message hey prepa prepay prepay until they actually do prepay because sometimes we call them they're like hey I don't have my credit card number so um it's hard to keep track of it that way but yeah that's that and uh should I just go over the new lead or yeah just go over the new lead real quick like two minutes if you don't mind um and go over the next item all right cool so first thing right um whenever you're making your automations you add them into an opportunity just kind of like Trello right you want to keep everything organized so that's what I do um I add a tag to them so for me to follow up with people I follow up through tags not through like the um opportunities so I have a day one followup one I add that tag to them I take them into a spreadsheet just so I can keep track of it for my client kpis because those are important um as soon as you like right after when you get to like 10K and stuff um so we have reminders so I send as soon as we get we get we send a I send a slack reminder I send an email reminder to my VA I send an app reminder to my VA and we send them an SMS text so this is the SMS text we send them we wait 10 minutes for their reply for the person to reply to the first text right and if they don't reply we'll send them another text so we'll tell them hey this is the doctor I just saw you replied blah blah blah can you tell me a little bit what you're feeling if they do reply who's covering the text cost when you're doing performance model uh so with text cost I mean I cover it myself right right now um but I mean you can also just have your client because I know you can put your client's credit card info in here and they can just cover all of it cool yep and so if someone replied I had a tag to them replied we sent a slack notification hey this person replied text them go ahead call them all that client slack slack uh no it's our slack so my like my Vaas and they they always looking at it oh so it's in inform your internal team Okay jump on that call so you don't miss that on the prospect yep yep got it okay that's that that's how you do it okay so yeah I mean that's that's kind of the workflow it's nothing nothing too complicated I think the the 8020 guys is getting them on the phone and having a human to human conversation where you get to know them you make it very personal personable you connect with them not sounding like a robot that is the 8020 of all of this generating the leads we literally gave you the the targeting the ads the cre we literally showed you how to come up with offers it's all there it's not going to change much again like I said 80% of agency has been the same for a long long time the real difference makers I'm going to just be very honest Basil's just better at calling the leads and connecting with them that's that's the that's the 8020 of why he's winning so um anyways anything else that we didn't go over I think uh it's pretty clear so far um fasil anything you need to share um and maybe you can talk about like how you're setting up paper show like how you price it right now yeah so the way I price paper show and I'll just go into my demo presentation just so you guys see how it looks like um just so you guys know I don't really I don't really Follow My Demo presentation like crazy or anything like that I just kind of show them the pricing part um you do your demos over Zo Zoom or phone calls so it's always over we go over we'll go over sales we'll have a whole day on sales but um and I'll give you guys demo uh which is it most updated one oh it's this one okay cool so I have a three-step system I know Christian okay don't tease now can you show the slides yeah you can't you can't don't tease you know right so I should just I just go into the pricing part where is the pricing it's right here so this how I do it tell them hey we have a $60 a Day Option um we have a $80 a day and we have a $100 a day most of the clients that we work with most of the doctors they they most of them most of them just choose $80 a day but for the lower end they always go with 60 it's aund this is this is supposed to be$ 125 it's $125 per patient and I have $1,000 that goes to towards the credit fee obviously I'm not really the best at sales so I just asked them for a thousand but I mean you don't really have to be if you can just explain the process very easily you should be able to get yeah and those of you that are today's focus is client fulfillment we are going to talk about sales and marketing over the next several days just FYI that is kind of the Joel kapin secret weapon in my opinion he's very good at marketing and sales um but I get I don't get you know it's funny because everyone sees me as like Joel just cares about sting closing appointments but you know when I ran my agency and had over 50 clients that I personally managed the ads for and had every single relationship I had a 100% retention rate over some months so with 50 clients by myself so it's like the the fundamental problem with all this is like you absolutely need an amazing product but if you have no one to deliver that product too it does not matter it becomes it get it actually goes to zero it becomes irrelevant and where most people get stuck is that they never have anyone to work with to deliver even potentially good results so that's why I focus I when I coach by the way side note like I'm always coaching the entrepreneur not the business and I know the entrepreneur is stuck focusing on things that don't matter so I agressively pushed them towards setting and closing appointments and I think over time people have thought well that means that client results don't matter but like one of the reasons why I actually wanted to start today with client results was to prove like that is the foundation the only reason that fasel is able to run this system is because he has he has everything dialed in like you can tell it's dialed in so that's the only reason it works if if any of these pieces weren't dialed in it wouldn't work and now what's really powerful is you have the power to decide you know what I want to do a retainer like and you have the confidence now that you know how to literally get people to show up at a local business you have the keys to their acquisition to their growth which means you have the power to determine how you want to build a business relationship with your client whether you want to do paper show whether you want to do retainer whether you want to literally be like hey I only want to partner with five people I want 50% of the business yeah now you have the power yeah I would be putting my MBA haton and trying to acquire the business over the next three years and being like hey let's just go 20% on the revenue I'll handle all the marketing and sales that's I mean everybody has their own way of you know creating that recipe yeah so that's that's that's honestly why we started with fulfillment it's because if if without it what I like about this model is it forces you to have everything dialed in and then if you're like you know what I don't want to do paper show but I I literally know how to get people to show up which is what businesses want now you have the key to decide how you want to work with people again if you know how to get your clients clients you'll never have to worry about clients um is there anything else that we didn't go over on your end if not we'll turn it over to last speaker for today we have to one or we have 45 more minutes before I'm more concerned about the recordings and the streaming more than anything else because as soon as like two and a half hour mark happens it just starts crapping out that's the only reason but there's plenty of comments in the streaming that's like let the man speak for another two hours so we hey I want I texted PA for the record I texted paon this morning I said can I get eight hours said no I love you oh man okay guys honestly I want to give can I just actually give you a quick shout out Paulson took all the risk back in 2019 he said guys we need to start these educational Series in high level and this is back when high level was really at a uh it wasn't as big as it is today so there was a lot of like moving pieces yeah we had less than a thousand customers today we're at over 70,000 agencies so this is by the way I was one of the first I was one of the first 100 yeah during that time it was like hon something's not working what's what's wrong with this thing what's wrong with that thing it was like chaotic because we're trying to build for the agencies now the high level that you walk into is not what it was back then I'm telling you you guys have a gem in your hands compared to what it used to be a couple years ago just FYI I'm and and I'll tell you paon I'll tell you what like I would not be here if it wasn't for you because that and part of why I wanted to bring guest speakers is because that Workshop really put me on the map it really did like you put your trust in me to overd deliver for everyone and obviously we created an amazing 10-day workshop and it put me on the map so you know I have nothing but the highest level of respect for you and a lot of love as well and I think that course my hope with also bring guess is to pass it Forward right yeah Elevate other people because now every single person knows fasal right and and it will continue to be Ripple we're having a bro moment we're having a bro moment let's let's good I like good we gota be we can't we can't talk about being human and then like be all robotic all right thanks for jumping we're good right yeah thanks for jumping in fasil I appreciate it uh we be posted if you can shoot me a loom video so that way the followup for our entire team is a lot easier in delivering these things definitely appreciate it man stay in the community if you're not already part of it please um Joel let's go with the next person that you have in mind absolutely um f one last thing any anything else that you want to share um anything else I want to share I mean let's just give it all away for free I mean what else what else is there to share love it man so I think you went over the ads high level for the ads for two niches we went over the calling script we're g give away the live the live calls as well at the end there's nothing else really right one one last thing I knew that there was one last thing that's why I I am running this thing so I'm I'm running the same exact offer that Joel is presenting to you guys and I'm gonna take my Cairo agency so because I have a white label and a Cairo I'm going to take the Cairo agency to 100K a month with this offer alone and Joel and I were going to do a podcast together on it let's go you hit you hit 100K a month I'll fly you out I'll pay for everything we'll have it we'll uh we'll get to hang out and I'll uh we'll do a podcast maybe high level we'll bring you back you know I love it well thanks for jumping in fasil I appreciate it uh let's all right guys move forward so to to kind of do a 30 second recap at this point we've talked about the model from a high level we've talked about uh specifics of how to get client results through ads through lead generation and through a little bit of lead nurture the last way that you guys can get results for clients with this model is lead reactivation so what we just went over over the last like hour is how to generate new business how to drum up new business for a client they didn't have these leads now they do but a lot of businesses have worked with a lot of people over the years for example a k practor or a gym right they have thousands of leads from people that they've already worked with in the past one of the easiest ways to grab the lwh hanging fruit and to get clients also quick wins like one of the ways that you guys can just get a lot of shows quickly is by taking all of their leads that already exist and reactivating and we're going to show I'm going to give you guys right now one of my campaigns that has proven to work over and over and over again for any Niche and we're going to show you how to do a full reactivation campaign again the two parts of s go ahead Joel go ahead the two parts of ser of client fulfillment is again lead generation with lead nurture which we just showed you and then the last piece is going to be lead reactivation and I'm going to be bringing a very special guest he's someone that actually manages all of our high level accounts for all of my companies and he is our Goto two Tech person for anything not only that he's been a highlevel Ambassador since the start and uh probably knows more about high level than anyone else I know like he knows a lot and uh he also has his own Tech agency so he helps people with tech he helps people with high level I want to make sure that he's on right now yeah he is okay cool so I don't know if you can uh bring him on but uh his name is Aaron delzinski of you guys might know him Aaron's I don't know if Aaron you should be able to you have to make him co-host yeah I did I did I did first of all before we get started can everybody type in Aaron on the streaming just to get the engagement going like I'm seeing some of the comments appreciate it um Aaron and I met several times in person I feel like in different events and things like that um what's up man Joe Joel yeah yeah we've been a couple at the that's some of the high events absolutely Jo's we met yeah yep aon's a genius I'm telling you there's a few people that I call Geniuses in the high level World he's one of them by the way side note about Aaron this guy used to uh operate submarines like actual submarines and I was like yo what's the craziest thing that that's happening or I don't know if it if it actually happened or what but you're were telling me about what to do if there's a fire underwater in a submarine so so like if he can solve that he can help with high level you know it's crazy all right Aon I don't know if you want to take it away Jump Right In yeah whenever you screen or whatever just make sure you turn The annotation off I don't know how to do it preset I need to figure that up but Aon go ahead all right I will jump right into it so let's get this sharing going and turn off turn off click on and then turn on off remote annotation oh no we go a lot of lot of creative artists in this building today but it's the same people should I don't know to stop sharing reshare no don't stop sharing keep sharing what you're sharing oh there go no clear I got it um this view Aaron can you actually maximize it so for our production team otherwise they will probably like snipe me because it'll create a lot of work for them can you maximize this browser uh yeah we see your desktop we see your full desktop oh okay so you mean right I will yeah click on it and you're using a Mac right so click on that green button at the top left corner after whenever you're sharing the browser oh you just okay so just expand it you're saying yeah I'm sorry yeah expand it there we go perfect Aaron do you want me to give a little context on this uh yeah go ahead so guys this is a reactivation campaign that I wrote now here's a really cool part it's a Black Friday campaign but it could be used for anything all you have to do is change the special occasion so right now it's going to be the holidays so you could be like hey first name I'm testing something brand new for the holidays for Christmas for New Year's for the summer start for Springtime for Halloween for oh there's there's like other stuff to um Valentine's Day you could just you could literally be like four March you could even just put the the for 2024 so you can just lip this with any occasion given where you're at you don't have to wait till next year to do this to keep it exclusive we're going to be rolling this out to the next 10 patients that reply it back the next 10 homeowners that reply back you're going to just change it based on your niece right this is something you're sending out on behalf of your prospects now by the way you can also use this for yourself highly recommend you can also use this exact campaign as an agency to get to reactivate your own leads Golden Nugget right there we use this every single year in Black Friday for our companies and it crushes like you get insane results so again uh Aaron like you could modify it for 2024 for New Year's like you could literally just change Black Friday with New Year's and then now it's now you guys can run it right now right so you want to send the first one ASAP then you're going to send the next date two hours before the next the 24-hour period lapses you're going to say there's only two hours left and again you're also you're going to do this all through high level aon's going to show you how on Mon the following Monday or you know a few days later um all you have to do because there's no Cyber Monday say amazing news we decided to extend our new program that we're testing for a few more days for three more days so you're just doing an extension of the promo for one more week it does not really matter you could literally say we're we're decided to extend our new program we're testing for one more week as I mentioned above to keep exclusive we're only going to be rolling ins out to the next 10 patients homeowners whatever that reply back we're closing it down for good though after Sunday so you don't have to put Cyber Monday I want to make that clear um and that's it then then literally the at the end of the day you just send that and you're done and and just so everybody has context to what reactivation means what what that means is you you are bringing back old customers or old interested leads back into the business right so one of the first people in the in the high level family I want to give credit words do is Rob Bailey that coined the term re database reactivations so you know we all have the same exact type of method you know Jay Abraham Frank karna Dan Kennedy all these guys ultimately teach the idea of bringing back customers regardless of what the naming conventions are but this is something you add as part of the Fulfillment regardless whether you're doing paper show model or not this is a scenario that applies to all models as an agency just in general go ahead yeah yeah Joel I also have I also have your other database reactivation down here if you want to go over that let's just focus on the Black Friday one for right now to keep it simple yeah sweet um I think I'll pass it off to you now all right so next we'll go into so now we'll go into actually how you build it out and how You' use it in your high LEL count um how much I guess Joel and Paul how much time do we have do we want to much time do you need we we're about three hours into the call now so well I guess the reason I'm asking is I can do I can actually go through and build and build it out so they can see how it works or I can just pull this up here and walk through each step so they know how it works how much time would it take for you to build it up I mean I can move pretty quick I'm like give me go I like that give me a number uh i' probably I could probably get it built out like 20 minutes or less maximize your screen let's go all right okay so let's freaking go pawson let's go all right so first maximize the screen on the top left sorry eron uh yeah expand I wantan to I want to have the oh man I feel bad for our video production guys they're gonna have to go through this and cut it all up it's going to be a while before you get replaced y'all just FYI go ahead Erin sorry I didn't mean to stop you you're good you're good all right so first off I'm gonna just hop into this database reactivation workflow here and this is just the basic so if you want to start just get it up super quick go basic you can you can do this way so what you would do is um so I'll walk over building the the ad one out um this one just real basic I'm going to show you first thing it just sends out an an SMS so it sends out the text which will be right here the Black Friday one and then you're going to wait a day so you're going to put a wait step in you're going to wait a day then you're going to send out the second text way a day send out one if you want to do it on Monday wait a day then send out the fourth one so that's real simple you can send them out that way uh the key to this what you want to do is you want to go into the settings and you want to turn on stop on response so that when somebody does reply to this workflow then they're not getting the automated messages and because you're going and actually responding to them but in the advanced one we're going to keep that off because we're going to automate some of the responses coming back so we're going to go build that one out cool and where are you at the screen that you just pulled up just be mindful Aon there's a lot of people watching that don't even have a high level account so some of the basic you may just have to highlight a little bit okay yeah got that um so this is the workflow this is my favorite part of high level this is all the automations how you automate your entire business essentially uh the view that you saw was slightly different it was uh beta feature it's in labs this is actually coming out the end of January so I just wanted to show that one compared to what you saw um previously yeah what what is labs for somebody who doesn't know what labs is Labs is uh any beta features that high level is coming out with and so they want to that's the thing I love about high level is they're always listening to their users and then they're testing things and they're giving us a chance to go in and turn these features on and test about ourselves and then provide feedback to the team uh and then they're going to make it even better that's that's thing I love about high level is they're they're constantly listening to to us and making the software better not coming out once a year with a 2.0 version or updates no they're constantly throwing updates that's why I think interet cool thank you thank you thank you I'm gonna ask a bunch of Elementary questions assuming somebody's watching that doesn't know anything about high level keep going go for it okay all right so now we're GNA actually hop into the automation here we're going to build out this workflow so I'm going to up here click the create workflow now there's a bunch of different recipes in here these are pre-built workflows that that you can use uh the high level is already built out but what we're going to do here is we're going to start from scratch so I'm going start from scratch and it's now going to come to the blank canvas that you have here now starting with workflows there are two main parts to a workflow you have the trigger which is the action that adds them the contact into the workflow and then the next next part you have is the actions the things that happen when a contact is in this workflow all right so there's two main parts triggers and then your actions you can add multiple triggers so you can add in different ways to get a contact in here or you can actually add no trigger and in this case for database reactivation we're not going to add a trigger it's not going to be necessary for this so we're going to start by sending by doing the first action and the first action following our script here is we're going to send out an SMS so you can search for here or if you scroll down to the communication section there's send SMS and then then from here I always like to name my actions so then I as I'm going through my workflow I can quickly see what they what each action is so instead of just saying SMS I'm going to name it to day one and what we're going to do is we're going to come over to the script here copy this script and I want to paste that in here so this is the message that will be sent out however we don't want to modify and can you modify it for New Year's too yes I'll do that okay so first off I don't want to just to send hey first name we actually wanted to say the contact first name uh so this also going to depend on does your client their list of P of customers that they're giving you do they have a first name in the list or not if they do then what Hyo has is called custom values custom Fields where you can come up up and you can choose the first name and so for each text that goes out it'll put in that person's first name also called merge Fields uh but in high Lev term they're called custom fields and then down here we're going to change out this from Black Friday to would you say New Year's correct exactly just say like patience yeah we're going to go with patience we're going to keep the chiro theme and so now this is the message that that's going to go out to them save that now next thing I like to do is I always like to uh tag my contacts so when you tag a contacts it's a great way to see where they are in their customer journey and what's going on with the contact so in this one I'm going to add a tag that's called dbr sent again I name it so then now that is they're going to get the message then they're going to to get a tag added to them why is the tagging important Aon tagging is important for many different reasons there's tagging you can you can tag contacts to uh to basically so you can see in the system where they are in their customer Journey uh or based on different actions that they've taken interacting with your business the other thing about contacts is you can use contacts for automations in your in your workflows maybe they'll only go past a certain if they have a contact or or if they have a tag or don't pass through the step if they don't have a have a certain tag or maybe only add to a workflow if they have a tag if the tag get added or removed there's a number of different ways you can use tags yeah it's basically for audience segmentation based on the customer Journey exactly yeah better better way put audience segmentation all right so next next after that so after the SMS is sent add a tag now we're going to wait for them to reply because here we're basically saying um if you want the info just let me know in the next 24 hours so what we're going to do here is we're going to add in a weight step now the cool thing about weight steps in here is you can just have a typical weight a certain amount of time or there's all these other actions in here based on or different types of of waiting so if you're saying an appointment reminders so someone books on a calendar you can have a weight step that is before their appointment say 24 hours before hour before you can wait for certain conditions to be applied so for example going back to tags you can have to wait here until a tag gets added or removed from that contact before they move on to the next step in this case we're going to go down contact reply so now they're going to get to this step and they're going to wait they're going to be in the step waiting for the contact to reply to that this SMS that we selected so I'm going to name it wait for reply or I'm going to say 22 hours because on go ahead uh because in here Joel said two hours before the 24-hour period that would be 22 hours but we're going to put a timeout in here because what a timeout is a timeout is going to be for this case 22 hours so what this is saying is when they're on the weight step if they don't reply within the 22 hours then the timeout will move them on to the next step if you don't turn the Timeout on here then the contacts will stay at the step forever if they never reply so usually I almost always turn a out it's it's a delayed push essentially correct so SMS gets sent they get tagged and then they're going to be on this wait step if they reply say they reply two hours later they'll go on to the next step if they don't and 22 hours hits then they will go on the next step got it I'm with you so far got it cool not ACH but I'm feeling this I'm feeling this so far guys I don't know also like can I just say there also incredible people that are more Tech oriented like Aaron that are in the high level community that can help you like I'll be very honest I do not I'm gonna just expose myself I don't know how to do this stuff I just call a and I say hey help me so you have a lot of people also in the high level community that are so good at the tech side and don't want to do the sales and Vis you know they just want to focus they love the tech so like you can also find these people don't feel like just because you don't know how to do this that you can't do this right um You also can learn it I also know that any single person that commits to learning this can learn it like we're not talking about like physics here it's it high level makes it very simple again it's not easy but it makes it simple like so yeah wanted to throw that out there just big shout out to some of the Departments internally we just launched a certification program if you don't know like a month ago where you can get certified as a highle and you can also get businesses from that program that are looking for certified high levelers so it benefits whether you're certified or if you're get trying to get business off of it uh but either way jump into our certifications program you just people just take it just to even learn high level as well all we just launched it literally like a month ago but anyways Aaron let's get back to workflows and actually Paulson I got my my live Proctor exam coming up in a week and a half so oh man you better pass that after being on a workshop I'm I'm G get pass it three years ago I know I'm just aside I yeah probably write the exam for us yeah anyways yeah waiting for the 22-hour reply it's a delayed push what's happening as the next step okay but what I'm going to do I'm going to make a quick modification I'm going to go back to the initial text up here and what I'm going to do because to make this a little bit more automated so you can have H your hands off and more focusing on the sales so here I'm going to put in if you want info just reply yes to let me know next 24 hours so I'm going save that in the message there because down here after the wait so we're waiting for them to reply to that message we're going to add in now now when they reply there's different different ways that they can reply they can reply yes they can reply negatively like no or they just don't reply at all so what we're going to add in now is called an IFL statement so it's different branches to go down based on their action I always name my steps so I'm going to name this one replied question mark first branch is going to be the yes yes or positive what we're going to do here is the condition to go down this Branch we're going to choose this one contact reply and we're going to say replied message we're going to say is we're going to say yes because yes was in told him to reply yes that message now I'm going to add another condition because somebody I'm going to change it to an or because somebody might just reply back sure so we say contact reply reped message is sure and doesn't matter if like lowercase or capitals or like no this not not case sensitive okay yeah so you don't have to do that um yeah you can put cap capital or not U but so now this is I chose is so this is the exact message meaning their message only have to say sure uh you can do contains but you know you can do contains or does not contains in this case we're doing what about like y or Y with the H so yeah yeah what I'm getting at here is I want to put a couple different ones in here and so I'm just going to do one more but then you can go and add more more in that you want so in this case we're going to say yeah now the other cool thing that high level has in here is we go to contact reply there's intent type so I always I add this in as well and we're going to say is positive so this uses actually I'm not sure if it still uses Google's um or switched to open AI or something but it's a Google's dialogue flow and so it looks to see is the message is it a positive or is a negative intent so that would cover yeah yep sure yeah yes anything like that but a lot of times I like to put these other ones in here just kind of as a fallback because this may not always be perfect on the intent type got it and so that's going to cover our yes branch and then when I click save now you have the two branches here however I'm going to add in a third branch so I'm going to come back into back in here click add Branch this one I'm going to call other than yes and you'll see here why in a second so this one's going to be contact reply intent type is not or is not positive I'm going to save that so now we have our three branches we have have if they replied yes anything that's positive if they don't reply in the 22 hours then they'll come down this nun Branch because these two branchs are for replying but if they reply something that's not positive and it's like maybe they're asking a question I'm going to send them down the other than yes branch and this one the only thing I'm going to add in is I'm going to notify the client that there's been some other message that came in so the way we do this is we come down to communication again and we're going to go to send internal notification here I'm going to send an SMS let's select the type it's going to be an SMS notification now who you want to send it to you can probably do assigned user you can choose a particular user um most likely you choose your clients's your client's user uh for Simplicity here we're going to say all users and then here what I'm going to I'm going to say is I already have make this go quicker I already have a message here so contact name so whatever contact is replied with the following message and then it'll have what their actual message was in here so the client will get it and they'll see oh Bob Smith replied with well how much is the offer and then they'll be able to see so we got that notification there and by the way Aon real quick on Thursday we're also going to be talking about how to Leverage AI to help all of this process and we're also going to be talking about how to leverage AI to leverage everything that basil taught earlier today um so just wanted to throw that in there okay so then the next one going down if they reply yes some that's positive what we're going to do is I like to create an opportunity so I'm going to go down to create an up opportunity this is for your CRM for the pipeline to manage all your all your leads so in this case I'm going to to do it create opportunity I created a very simple pipeline called dbr and then I going to put it in the you have to create the pipeline before you can come choose it yes yes you have to do that um we go to so in the opportunity section here you have the um like different crms but you have your different stages and you'll have an opportunity card in here so for each contact that replied positively and opportunity will be created here and you can move them down the different stages along the customer Journey so then you can manage your your your leads in the best possible way do you mind quickly like 10 seconds to showing how to create a pipeline yes if you go into pipelines here this is the settings for the pipeline you can create as many pipelines as you want and you create as many stages as you want so in this one if you just said uh or let's do leads then say this first stage name say you're running ads maybe you want to do new lead you can add another stage and then say replied yeah and you can add several stages say booked call yeah these are things you want to actually talk to your customer and your clients and figure out what is there different stages in their sales Pipeline and sales sales flow so when you come back into high level you build it synchronized to their normal practice of sales exactly so the way I like to to talk to people about the pipeline and say even when I'm building out high level accounts for people is you usually start at the pipeline so I asked them hey what is your what's the customer Journey for your business when a customer first interacts with say your ad or first interacts with you all the way down to them becoming a customer what are all the major steps that have to happen in your sales process and that is once I get the pipeline down the major steps then it's a lot easier to go through and build out a snapshot build out a sub account all the automations build everything out because you know the client's the client's customers journey and then you can map that out and have a great streamlined flow for their customer Journey got it cool thank you you're welcome and then we'll click save and so then you'll have that second pipeline created all right so now back in the workflow so this is going to the create the opportunity and the positive reply Now by default it typically does put their first their full name in for the name of the opportunity but you can name this whatever you want I always like to have the C the custom field here of full name so in the opportunity card will say the patient's full name in The Source you can see you can put a source in where they came from so maybe just put dbr and everything else here you can just leave default the way it is and so we'll save action and now it's going to create an opportunity when they get to the step next thing I like to do is like to add a tag again I always like to add tags on all the major steps so you can see where your customers are and segment them appropriately in this one I'm going to say dbr claimed because they came down the yes branch and we'll save action and next is we actually want to since they sent this since we sent this message out and they replied now we actually want to follow up with them and give them a u a confirmation back that we received their message so I don't want to send a message back immediately because I don't want it to always look like a bot so if I do I'm going to do a weight step and I like to do say 1.5 minutes because then it's less automated looking when they get the message it's not instant reply back you know what's funny also eron if you have like a bunch of like misspelled like random jargon in there they usually perform better because it kind of imitates a human texting versus very appropriate English true and yeah as much as I love I love technology and automation and all this and the AI I still what I like to do is basically what Tom Paulson was saying was I like to put in different weight steps so for example like on appointment reminders I usually send out a 47 minute before and I say your appointment is coming up in about 45 minutes that way it looks more like human like someone sent it out as opposed to automated so I always try to get those little things in there to be less robotic uh so then here we'll we can just we can say do here all right so we can put a basic message say reply back awesome I sa a spot for you around what time do you think you might want to come by and we'll name this confirmation we'll say it okay so we have that now and then next we we could go put in another uh wait for reply and then more branches down but before I get to that I'm going to come back to the followup which is the next couple of days okay so we're going to say we sent out the message waited 22 hours they did not reply so now they're going to go down this Branch so what we're going to do is we are going to send them another message and so we're going to send an SMS and we're come back here and we're going to grab this the day two grab this one we're going to put it in change out this to the actual custom field probably could have changed in the in Google doc beforehand yo Aaron can I can I chime in real quick something super fast so guys also right now Aon been showing you how to build an entire reactivation campaign step by step to awaken old leads in your client's database right now what's interesting is we're talking about how to leverages for paper show right so any people that anyone that replies yes you could also just call them directly and get them scheduled or have your clients call them directly and get them scheduled again you don't have to be the one calling but um the idea is you don't even have to make it super complex you can also just as soon as they reply yes you can just go right into the same process process that fasel taught you earlier of like awesome uh can you tell me a little bit about what's going on and why you want this offer and just go right into the same process so the same calling process that we taught earlier is the exact same calling process that you can use here and you can either call them as soon as they say yes or text them a little bit qualify them with some questions just like we taught earlier and then call them then also you could use this outside of paper show like one of the big things that we used to do in our agency is we would always kick off the first 30 days with this campaign this ex this exact campaign because what would happen is you would get your clients a lot of quick wins now I promise you guys this campaign is proven a world I've I've ran it in different niches I've ran it for agencies I've ran it for coaching programs I've ran it for local businesses so if you're like Joel I have no idea how to get clients results you can literally just steal this campaign word for word use it with clients that do have a database they do need to have it leaps right to to reawaken and you guys will be able to instantly get your clients great results now the only warning is the clients do need to have a database and if they don't then it's like cool let's do ads which we talked about earlier um but this will give you a very quick win and then also I'll say one last thing and I'll pass it back um we're going to be also giving you giving away our Google review version of this so right now this one is based on reactivating leads to generate appointments again and generate business for the business we also have a version of this campaign where the only goal of it is to generate more Google reviews so you guys can also use exactly what Aaron is teaching you to Plug and Play either of both campaigns to get your clients great results with a proven uh campaign with a proven method that we've we've used in multiple niches multiple Industries so on and so forth all right back to you sorry I want I don't know why my brain was like I gotta make that point no I think it's Point well taken because like it's my ADHD people don't realize there's millions of dollars worth behind what we're teaching right now and it just we're just casually going through it like it's just you know just random but there are hundreds and thousands of agencies that has proven what we're teaching right here on this reactivation I promise you that um and most highlevel agencies differentiated themselves in the early days by launching these while they were getting approved on Facebook ads and Google ads and everything because it used to take like four days to get approved and it takes three days to build it out so then all of a sudden you have seven days of window after your client has paid and onboarded just waiting for you to launch so these are things that you should pre-build uh just to have as like ramp up quick win experience for your customers um back into the workflow Aaron all right cool so now again what I'm going to do is we sent out the day two SMS and now again we want to wait we want to wait some time wait for reply now I I built all this out already right I could go do it again that'll take up time but what H has in here which is really cool and convenient I'm going to come up to actually we're going to start with the weight step I'm going click on Three Dots here I'm going to say copy all actions from here and I'm going to put it down here now that takes that entire branch and puts it down here and now I just make the modifications so that's how we're gonna build this out even quicker is that new so in here uh no it's been there for there for I'm telling you I'm not a Joel I just you can copy a single action and move it or copy all actions from and there below you can also move so if I want to move this whole Branch or move a certain action to a certain spot you can do that that just helps building your workflows that much quicker very cool and I know you can transfer traffic from one workflow to another workflow by assigning traffic that way too right uh yes if we one of the actions in here is actually called add to workflow so you can take get to this step add them into another workflow or when they get to this step maybe remove them from another workflow so the reason we want to do that the remove from workflow this would be say they out the ad with your your form name email phone now you're sending them nurture sequence over several days and say they book a call during that time well now you don't want them getting automated messages of saying your Call's coming up but then the nurture sequence saying make sure you book a call make sure you book a call so once they book a call in the workflow you'll have a step that removes them from the nurture sequence very cool all right so we're going to come down here and then I believe in this one was just yeah so then two now we're going to wait till Monday so what we can do here like you could do like three days later well I got another another way to do that um oh yeah so we got to select this and then we're going to do timeout of say in this case yeah three days later and that's the window right so if they do respond during that time it'll just trigger off versus keeping them there for 3 days no matter what happens correct it's the wait step and it's waiting for the contact reply and that's why you choose that SMS from before so they reply to that one so when they reply they'll go on the next step which is the fs if three days pass and they don't reply then they come here and then again it's going to be based on the condition which if they don't meet either of these two which is a positive repl reply or a negative reply then they'll go down the non bran but now here's another cool thing that high level has in in workflows here because if I did this now we get down here and let's make this day three say you wanted to keep going over several days and if I were to take this and I copy all this and move down here as you see the workflow is going to start to get pretty big and crazy but there's a little issue that's going to come in is whenever they're this is all about getting them to reply yes or somehow reply for this offer so what if you wanted to change up your confirmation message later on you have to come in here and change this one out you'd have to come down and change this one out but let's avoid all that so quick recap if they don't reply they're going to come down they're going to get day two message and then say they do reply yes well what's going to happen it's going to be the same thing on this Branch so I'm going to delete this whole Branch here delete all actions from here and what we're going to do is going to use this handy dandy convenient action step which is called go to save action and I'm going to choose where I want them to go here oh okay so then you're double okay yeah so they they get the day two text because they didn't reply the first one fin they reply yes you're going to get here and it's going to take them up to the top here create the opportunity add tag wait minute send a confirmation because the same actions are happening no matter what day they reply and so I'm do the same thing down here I'm going to delete this all of these I'm going to add in a go to click save and then you're going to choose which step up here first one yeah so it BAS One messaging for all that says yes right because now say I want to change this up I just got to change one spot I'm have to go to all these other spots and change it and maybe miss one all right and so then you keep going and keep going and you can make this almost as big as you want so give me give me a one in the chat in the Facebook streaming if this has been helpful just going over the workflows even just in general like I I just want to make sure yall appreciate what we're doing this is a lot of time and effort just sharing some of these things and built on a lot of Ip behind several agencies just FYI I think um also um a lot of people are asking about the snapshots on the end of day four we're going to give you guys everything for free again no pitch no asks at the end we're going to give you guys all the snapshots we're going to give you guys my 10 best courses for free at the end so just cu because it's going to be a lot to do it as we go through this so we're going to have all the snapshots all the we're even going to have a resources folder with everything else that we covered y as long as you have a high level account yeah you will need yes you will need high level to import all these resources it won't work for it let's keep going let's go yeah let's keep going Paul Paul is Santa Claus no no no when you give away the iPhone you will become the Santa Claus Myro all right fair enough I got you but anyways Aon okay all right so this pretty much set up um now you can add in more actions say if they reply something other than yes you can maybe maybe uh create an opportunity uh move them to like maybe there's an another stage that's replied um so you you can do that a number of different things this is more of just kind of the basic to get it set up uh and then so I'm not going to go through and edit all of these now for the day four or anything that you can come in and do that and we we'll have this all a available for you but I just want to show the main structure of it and give you some tips on how to use workflows because workflows in my opinion are the most powerful feature level it's the engine yeah exactly uh so a couple things in here I'm going to go over into the settings in this case there's stop on response you want to make sure this in this case you need to have it off if you turn this on it's not going to work the reason why this what the Stop and response does is if they reply to any of the messages in this workflow so if they reply to here or if they reply to this one any of these they will get removed from the workflow so this is the time you want to have stop and response on is for use case of say you did the basic Black Friday one where or the basic uh database reactivation where you're not waiting for any replies you're just sending it out on a standard waight period and then you want to have a stop and response on but if you're ever have a a workflow that has a wait for reply well you can't have stop on response it's not going to work they'll get removed and they won't go through that next step the allow re-entry this is going to be if they've already gone the workflow do you want them to be able to go through again so this is going to be up to you uh for example if say an ad's running they fill it out they go through the workflow say they go to see the ad again they fill it out again do you want them to go through it again yes or no that's up to you uh and that's pretty the other thing I'll turn on is Mark conversations is red this is for the automated messages that go out in the conversation section they not going to be marked as unread just just so it cleans up your um your conversation section A little bit more now that's so that's that's the Bas that's the main thing for this workflow uh one thing that I I'll give a little advice on workflows May especially if you're new here going to look can be kind of confusing and how do I build all this out what I've done will get as a snapshot so then you don't but there's gonna be other workflows that you want to build out for you you know what I'm saying so what I'm getting at is just a real quick thing it may sound very boring and I understand that if not for you your Tey but if you just come into workflows and you click on the trigger here the reason I know pretty much everything about workflows is because I've come in here and I've done this and also I teach it to to people especially in Joel's group but if you were just come here spend maybe 15 minutes click on the trigger go through and look and see what are all your options in here even click into them and say um contact tag okay there's filters here what does that mean click on the filters see what what you can set up I I'm telling you if you just come through and look at all the triggers this will get your brain think uh firing off on oh what can I do oh when an order is submitted okay I can automate my business that way when they start a lesson in a membership okay I can do some automations that way then the next upep I would go to the app ACS and do the same thing just go through and click each one kind of familiarize yourself with what is possible with workflows and then that way when you're going through your your day-to-day actions and you're realizing oh I'm doing this all the time repetitively well I remember there was that oh I can automatically add a note okay let me go build a workflow out for it automate my business and when you do that then you can focus on what you do best which is serving your clients that's why live automation similat so you can have the day-to-day task taken off your off your plate and let the the system do it for you so that's a little tip that I have go through the triggers go through the actions see what's possible and that'll get your brain spinning and to just a real quick to add so whenever you guys are in the Facebook group especially those of you that are part of the 70,000 agencies already in the high level family when you see sea coming at you live Monday through F Monday on a new video the some of those features are going right here and he's providing context really to new things that are coming and right now we're at like I don't know four or 500 features our goal in 2024 is to get to like 2,000 features and really move from like being like a CRM company to really being an operating system that gives you the freedom to build whatever you want you just got Legos of different types of pieces and you can be very creative in creating the you know whatever you want to do um so the our teams will continuously build things out as long as it's relevant you can't just build that a bunch of stuff for yourself and it doesn't matter to any other agency so go to the ideas. gooh high.com board put in your ideas of things that you would like to see built out and really we will take a look at it whether you're small big it doesn't matter we'll check the relevance of it and actually build it out um um PA I know it's very tempting to get confused with tech stuff always go back to First principles right like this is very simp like again is it technically complex yes but the overall strategy is simple we're taking all of our clients leads we're uploading them to high level and we're doing a blast to get people to respond to a new offer based on the text message that we've sent out that's what's happening here um and once they respond we call them get them scheduled charge per show appointment because I know it could be really easy to get stuck in like the the weeds so yeah go ahead Joel or you can just call Aaron call yeah drop your phone number in the chat a kidding maybe uh okay then I'm going to show just uh three more minutes how you actually add people to to the workflow here so first off when you're done you'll want to turn it on so publish and save and now we're going to go I'm back out of workflows I'm going to go to my contacts now there's several different ways you can add them but I'm just going to show this way so in here now this is all mock data that I've added in here so don't worry this is not real stuff but so these are mock contacts in here what you would do is you would get the the contact list from your your client and you would come into the contacts here you click import and then you would upload a file it's going to have to be a CSV file and when you do that you're going to map all the fields get all the contacts imported once they're imported what you're going to do is you're going to select all the contacts so in this case there just I think 10 in this account um I won't get into it but there's smart list so you can come in you can filter out and pick specific people that you want to send uh in this case we're just going to select everyone here and all you have to do is click on add to campaign or workflow click proceed choose that workflow and then now it's going to be depend on how big the list is you probably don't want to send them all at once if they have 20,000 people yeah probably high for local business but so in that case You' want to do in drip mode you have to name it and then this is where you would choose when you wanted to start how big is the batch quantity maybe 100 at a time maybe wait 2 hours and then you'll click add to campaign add to workflow and then they'll start going through that workflow getting messages sent out yeah quite often you want to match the hours of the business as well if they're open from 11:00 a.m. to 3: then it doesn't make sense to run those while nobody's attending the phone calls like there's nuances that you'll find in certain industries as well yeah and he's talking about right here say they're open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 and you choose what days so then say it gets to 3:30 on Wednesday and there's still more people it will wait until Thursday at 9:00 am and send the next batch out that's what Paulson is getting yep um all right Joel is there anything else you wanted me to go over that's I think that's pretty much everything I had I think uh no so like just to recap guys today we covered how to generate leads with ads for both Cairo and um Roofing by the way on the last day I'm going to be giving out a free course on YouTube ads and Tik Tok ads so that'll show you how you can take the exact same ads we showed you today for Facebook and run them on YouTube and on Tik Tok we talked about leg gen we talked about the model overall how it works how the pricing is set up all that good stuff why it's valuable why we why we recommend this model and then also Aaron showed you guys how to reactivate leads um if you're clients already have a database of leads to reactivate and this is again just a way to just grab lwh hanging fruit instead of going out and paying for New Leads you're essentially taking leads you already have in your pipeline and Reawakening them so that's it for today um day two guys we're going to go over just to give you guys a quick little teaser we're going to talk about how to get clients for this offer through Instagram DMS how to get clients for this offer through cold email and how to get clients for this offer through um paid ads so we're literally going to show you two free prospecting CH uh two free prospecting strategies that you guys can Implement immediately to start getting clients and one paid prospecting strategy that you can Implement if you're ready to invest in your agency and move a little faster we're going to break down everything I'm going to show you guys how to send the DMS we're going to break down conversations in Instagram we're going to show you how to set up the cold email how to send out the messages the scripts we're even going to show you the ads for paper show the the funnel on High level everything that you guys need is going to be given to you tomorrow to start getting clients so that'll be day two Paulson thank you so much for having me guys sign up for high level okay stop messing around stop I I can't say it I I don't want to drop the b word I I like the passion I appreciate the passion I know I'm I'm pretty intense got it's like we're giving you guys all these things um you do need the software to make all this possible and uh like we're being honest about it like yeah we obviously want you to sign up like I'm an ambassador for high level I believe in high level they've supported me and had my back since they launched really like they were working with my agency as one of the first few agencies ever when it was literally just two-way text and email and like a basic CRM we're like oh you can drag stuff it that was it so um yeah I'm I'm excited that's good so you know uh Ain first of all thank you man I appreciate you uh fasil as well if you're watching if you're still in the call um these guys have plenty of things to do um and they're busy people so I appreciate you jum jumping into the call um and if there's anything uh people may ask I'm sure you're active in the community as well so feel free to reach out to them for whatever you need um and they might be able to help you as well so just one more time if you are watching this and don't have a highle account this will be limited to this Workshop in order for you to get all the courses and all the snapshots which is really the main thing is the snapshots um you need to have a high LEL account so go sign up but anyways we'll see tomorrow and wish me best of luck when I stop this call so the recordings will start rendering properly uh anyways if it was helpful for you give us a one as a thank you for day one in the Facebook yeah drop a one in the chat yeah or uh this takes a lot of effort with our teams behind us Jordan Matias he sat for like entire time Fielding he is crushing it he's like guys we I said to people we're giving away all the courses all the Snapchats all the resources on Thursday you guys keep asking in the comments when are we getting the courses and he's so nice he keeps answering Thursday I know's like super professional in you know so I appreciate you Jordan um Ethan as well I'm sure Ethan will be uh in one of the calls as well but anyways we'll see you tomorrow same link I'm really excited to bring Isaac Rubble to uh the uh to the zoom welcome in a legend he's a legend when it comes to advertising and on top of that uh he gives everything he's just like me he gives literally everything away for free so today we're g to try to show you guys how to do advertising for your own agency in an hour it's it's hard you guys are essentially like that that could be an entire course but if you guys want more Isaac also gives everything away for free on his YouTube you guys can always go check that out so Isaac before before you get before you get started uh sorry I didn't mean to cut you off Joel but before you get started just so everybody understands we're going to go over multiple cold strategies today so ads Instagram and mul we're gonna do ads is not necessarily cold I would say it's kind of like right right lukewarm right and then we're going to go over uh next will be cold email and last will be Instagram DM so there's three big things that we're going to cover in how to create a world of inbound leads okay so stay tuned this call is going to take a few hours go get your lunch sit back turn off all your browsers don't get distracted because these tradings are worth millions of dollars um I I've known Isaac for many years actually and uh Isaac was like one of my guys that I would reach out to when something drastically goes wrong in our ad account like we're spending couple of $100,000 and all of a sudden ad account goes down Isaac is like the person I would reach out to in the middle of the night and he would like literally reach back out and help out never ask for any money never asked for anything in exchange and I also consider Isaac as a good friend uh in the online space um Joel thanks for bringing him on and he's part of your coaching programs and he scaled hundreds and hundreds of agencies and he's kind of the machine behind a lot of the ads for um Joel as well as a lot of his other programs all the all the I would say 90 well I don't know the exact stats so I don't want to say something that's not the case but a lot of the agency ads that you guys see on your feed are either written from Isaac yeah taken from Isaac or being run by Isaac right Joel said Joel said license when we were talking about YouTube license is a nice way of saying a lot of them get taken but yeah a lot of ads originate from uh from stuff I've written but um pleasure to see you again Paulson it's been a while since we talked nice to see yeah yeah welcome welcome in what's your story just so you know folks that don't know you have a little bit of a background give us a 30 second rundown of how you got maybe 30 seconds because we got a lot to cover yeah yeah I'll be quick I'll be quick uh so brief rundown of me um basically all I've done since 2014 is run ads that's basically it um I've worked out a little bit uh I've gone outside a couple times Joe actually keeps like a lock on my door I'm not like allowed to leave but like all I've done since 2014 is r ads a lot of those years were spent running ads specifically for agency owners um so not only do I run a lot of ads but I run a lot of ads specifically for agencies and also I've coached God knows how many agencies within agency lab on how to run ads that was so yeah I'm like the closest thing you can get to an AI That's trained on B2B agency ads um over the over the years I I pretty much I have ve most of my clients that I have taken on and actually ran their ads for them almost all of them hit 100K months within their first 30 to 60 days and there's a reason for that um and I'm going to teach you guys exactly how I'm doing that in these ad accounts paid ads are an expensive way to get clients they're more expensive than some of the other methods that are probably going to be taught on this call it is pay to playay but the benefit of it is if you are ready for that type of traffic if you're ready for that sort of volume you can scale very very quickly especially using some of the the you know templates overall guidelines I'm going to give you so um with the right methods you can scale very very quickly with paid ads um so if you have a sales team ready to go you have a solid offer ready to go you have proven systems you're ready to on board a bunch of clients paid ads are really the only way to do it also you might want to get one of these that's that's a uh steam sauna the reason for that is like if you get an ad account banned you hop in that that's like the emergency like it it just relaxes you and then you go back you can talk to the Facebook rep for like an hour and actually like get it handled is that the is that the $200 one from Amazon that everybody keeps talking about yeah yeah oh my God I have so many people telling me about that the new ones like cover your head I'm like I don't my want my head in the steam it's weird but um running ads is stressful so I totally get it yeah but here wait let me pull up some stuff for screen share okay okay so right before we jump in Isaac there's like you could be talking about this for you could create an entire course on this and people are actually going to be getting your Tik Tok Ad Agency course that's one of the courses we're giving away and your YouTube at agency course so you guys are going to get two courses from Isaac and if you again if you want more even more nitty-gritty on this because we're trying to give you as much as possible Isaac gives it all way for free so and by the way if you don't have a highlevel account you won't be able to get any of that but yeah so right before we jump in the key thing with paid ads is you can't have any element of your ads that's extremely lacking I get students on calls all the time where like their ads will look good like oh it's like a really cool video but their offer sucks so or or like the vice versa like great offer but the ad is just like you know it was made on like Microsoft Paint like from like five years ago so like you have to have these these key pillars to group really get ads to work but once those are in place you can absolutely take over markets the case study I'm about to show you guys and the full breakdown I'm about to show you is from the most saturated agency Niche on the planet chiropractors chiropractors and we went into this Niche we got we were gained $30 meetings for the first few months we're getting like 6070 meetings now these are long form survey submits they schedule on the calendar um he scales agency pass 100K in the first 30 days he actually got to like 120k in the first 30 days and he's well past that now um so already had an agency just to give you guys some context he just was stuck and then he scaled very fast but it's not like he it wasn't from zero he already had an agency yeah he had the systems in place he was getting good results for his clients he was doing I believe he was doing email Outreach was his main uh acquisition he had a little pay Adge running um but yeah he was ready for ready to go for the traffic so um I'm going to break it down for you guys we're just going to go step by step I'm going to show sh my screen for okay so the first thing you need to know about paid ads is how to Target this is gonna vary from Niche to Niche and I I'll give you guys a brief rant about uh what to do in every single Niche but first I'll show you exactly what to do in Cairo and then we'll extrapolate that out into every other Niche um because every Niche has its own unique targeting that works years ago you could just upload a custom list and be like good to go upload my list of emails and phone numbers it's going to crush I can scale it to 1K a day and just really run it up can't do that anymore that only works in a couple niches now it's actually the minority of niches that works in so let's jump into this adset first you do c CBO uh [ __ ] yeah let me break down SS first I was going to do interes in SS but let's just go through settings as we go so Isaac before you go further into the nitty-gritty details um can you give us like a range of cost of acquisition for an agency like what is a cost of acquisition that you should actually shoot for from a goal standpoint and then let's get into the details of how to get there it's going to vary from Niche to Niche um on the cheaper end I've seen Acquisitions as cheap as like 100 to 150 that would be like car detailing um other niches it's going to be more like in Cairo usually it's going to be a few hundred like three four 500 uh to to acquire a client that that's for retainers between like, 1500 and 2 200 monthly retainers your retainer price will obviously affect you know that being said like when I when I was running ads I was willing to break even on month one so if I was getting paid 1,500 from a client I was willing to spend $1,500 to get one client and actually make zero money but not lose money either I was willing to just break even on monthly one but now I've earned the client I have them yeah and as long as I can deliver results I can keep scaling that so I think like also Isaac maybe we could touch on this like for paid ad like the reason we're also teaching you cold email and cold DMS is because if things go wrong it's not like you lost money whereas with paid ads you do have to be dialed in like it does require you to have your sales dialed in it does require you to be ready to take on a lot of volume a lot of agencies collapse when they don't when they get a lot of appointments and they're not used to that they're like I don't know how to call the leads what should I say so it's like it is pay to playay it is more advanced but it's also what's allowed us to help 109 agencies scale to 100K a month I'd say 90% of them were through paid ads so um again my goal with this three-day Workshop was to teach you guys everything and then you guys have the power to decide I'm going to start with cold email I'll start with cold DM or I'll start with paid ads yeah and in terms of the cost for acquisition breaking even Joel is exactly right um at lower budgets you guys using these methods you're probably going to be well below Break Even you're probably GNA be very profitable even on the front end of acquiring these um but as you scale up there was times in my agency personally that I would push massive scale on ads and you know it would cost more to acquire we'd be breaking even but we'd acquire a ton of clients in a month and that's all profit month two assuming your retention is even somewhat dialed in if you're breaking even on the front end guess what month two month three month four month five that is it's all profit from there so um I don't think you guys will have to break even you know these methods are you know very few people have things is dialed in about to show you but you shouldn't be afraid to break even especially at scale um it's actually a hack to scale your agency really quickly also Isaac can you explain I want you to just rattle out some niches that you've done this for AKA all of them oh yeah I mean literally you can think of roofing Dental Cairo HVAC um Plumbing works too you insurance if I could remember yeah wait which insurance like life insurance or one of those yeah life insurance you can acquire those guys really cheap um mortgage I've done real estate real estate uh uh investing as a separate Niche um agency lawyers lawyers I've done a ton of lawyers but I've done immigration lawyers uh uh personal injury lawyers um so it works it works in it works it works in pretty much every Niche that could be advertised to if there's like 10 people in your Niche don't run ads if you're like I only work with Fortune 500 companies in the healthcare space and there's like 20 of them don't run ads you know yeah that's link stuff if you're yeah if you're doing uh any local business Niche you can pretty much for the most part literally we've we've literally ran ads for funeral homes uh agencies to get them appointments mattress story agencies to get them appointments so anyways yeah let's let's break down an entire campaign Isaac yeah so uh let's go through the settings then we'll go into um interest I like [ __ ] [ __ ] means ad set budget optimization um CBO is where you set the budget at the campaign level so you're setting it here and it distributes the budget across all your adsets for that has some use cases B2B is not one of them [ __ ] where you set the budget here is always going to outperform um cbbo uh for B2B another important setting is um this for B2B I have a very strong preference for running Dynamic creative and I'll show you exactly what that means here at the ad level but um with Dynamic creative the ads will outperform just making a bunch of individual ads uh underneath the ad set so pretty much always have Dynamic creative turned on that automatically rotates through creatives that you feed Facebook and finds winners for you it's cost-wise it'll often be similar to other types of methods but the good thing about Dynamic is it's very stable like once you find Winners with dynamic they tend to last a lot longer than um putting multiple ads under underneath an ad set so you have you'll get a lot more long it out of it which means less testing which means less budget needed um so so it reduces ad fatigue essentially by having multiple layers of creatives so it'll run on its own essentially yeah exactly and for whatever reason the way it rotates creatives is better than having multiple creatives underneath an adset I think it when it has multiple creatives underneath an adet it it like resets itself sometimes and it's not beneficial like it'll just like crash randomly whereas with dynamic it just goes like it just goes like the only thing that kills a dynamic ad is like true ad fatigue like if the Market's seen your ad too many times and it's time for new creatives then um you know Dynamics will fatigue um daily budget so you want your daily budget for every single ad set to get you at least one meeting per day um that's really The Sweet Spot so let's say you're what's up or what a meeting cost range in what would you say is like an estimate generally most people are going to pay between 40 and like 110 120 per meeting harder niches are going to be on the upper end of that easier niches like if if you're doing real estate let's say you're doing real estate and you're at lower scale like you're at like 500 300 500 per day you can get $30 meetings in that Niche but if you're in Cairo or if you're in dental dental especially you know you're going to probably pay 80 plus per meeting um so you have to you have to judge it off your Niche but you you don't what you don't want is your budget to be lower than your cost per meeting um that's pretty it never works as well and um it actually will raise your cost per meeting this this weird thing that Facebook does budget cheaper than Co budget spending less than cost for meeting they raise your cost per meeting so you get punished for having too low of a budget so budget has to be at least onx your cost you can't find a person for that budget what's up because if you have if the cost per meeting is 60 bucks and you only have 40 then it can't even find a person that day yeah it'll it'll find a person every other day and then Facebook's like you suck bro you can't even find a person every day like turn that turn Those ads off um so yeah you have to have adequate budget um schedule I don't do any start or end dates just run it ongoing scheduling stuff with stting end dates generally is not good um run ads all the time never put a schedule on it that'll always mess you up um oh this is important people often uh leave out Canada on ads um there's no reason to do this if you're niched in Canada as well think about how many agency owners forget to Target Canada like a lot of them um what about Australia and like UK and stuff the first you can do those as well I've had Cairo agencies that uh hit the UK and us and they you know you can get cheaper meetings if you're able to hit those countries you have to work around time zones obviously but um if you can hit them absolutely because the competition in these countries is like it's like nothing there's no competition basically compared to the US where there's a lot of agencies just to add a few note here the ads that we went through yesterday is for your client fulfillment the ads that we're going through right now is for yourself as an agency for client acquisition okay another thing to pay attention to these numbers that we're talking about $1 120 $150 meetings that is not the same thing as the way you would calculate client acquisition cost because client acquisition costs need to be you know considered with the cost of appointment setter amount of hour spend cost of show multiple other variables that we're not talking about we're simply just talking about essentially a lead cost that is accurate not instead of just anything and every everything and and I did warn you guys yesterday like the if you guys are starting out brand new you can always go and check out our 10day course that we did with high level that's more foundational it's on YouTube either my Channel or high level's Channel just literally look up Joel Kaplan High level 10day course for now we wanted to Dive Right In and literally get into advanced topics where we show you guys the nitty-gritty which is what I feel is missing in 99% of courses anyways it's like okay show me step by step so all right keep going yeah so yeah all these stats and all these methods are very different from local like if you're running ads for your clients like B to C um these methods won't work and Al these costs are going to be much higher so you can't it exactly what PA said like you don't want to reference them against each other um Canada US other countries if you can age 25 plus I mean it just depends you can go a little bit lower with age but Facebook's really just gonna probably especially for some like chiropractor it's going to optimize for the higher age ranges anyway so it doesn't really matter what you do there um most inies I just put 25 plus um 65 plus uh if it's like a non um if it's a non like contractor Niche like for example there's probably not too many 70y old roofers but there's some like 65y old chiropractors like people do some of these businesses into their older years so like you can do 65 Plus for uh some medical niches especially okay so here is the targeting um I'm going to do two things here first I'm going to break down what I'm doing for chiropractors so for this specific client then I'm going to break down I'm going to do a quick rant about like what works and what niches so I'll try to hit most of the big niches for you guys there's a lot of niches out there but I'll go off my knowledge base and try to give you guys exactly what targeting uh you should use okay so this ad set as you can see is titled narrow interest narrow interest includes things like job titles fields of study and schools attended um it will also include interest that don't have a ton of reach you'll notice my estimated audience size is below a million here um the other AD said the broad one will be bigger because I include a lot of broad reaching interest What fields of study are schools attended in job titles these are actually what they list on their Facebook profile so somebody says like I studied in chiropractic school on their Facebook profile they will fall under this targetable category um same thing with job titles same thing with schools attended the problem is if you just do those hyper narrow ones the audience size is often too small it'll be like 30k 40K that'll work for some very low budgets but Facebook the way the algorithm works now and this is subject to change but it's been like this for a while they like bigger audiences they actually want you to Target people who are not chiropractors why don't know but it works better that way the way it optimizes is it'll look at your ads it'll look at who watches the ads it'll look at who you're calling out in the ads and it'll find chiropractors within this larger segment um some people will be like I don't believe you I'm going to go test the 30k audience with just fields of study job titles schools attended it's you you'll you'll see fairly quickly what your meeting cost comes out to be it's not going to be good um so uh let's go through these fields of study you can see all these first ones are fields of study here's a school attended the way you know it's a school attended is if it's actually under the school category sometimes you'll see a college but it's not under the school category that's actually an interest targeting um yeah it's actually an interest so there's two types of schools um but this is a school attended school attended school attended work I will include work um now you'll notice this is an employer category why do I include this employer doctor of Chiropractic doesn't mean doesn't that mean like an employee doesn't that mean like someone who's working underneath the doctor of Chiropractic you would think but the reality is people build their Facebook profiles really fast when you start a Facebook profile you just click on [ __ ] kind of um most people are like yeah chiropractor click click click they will often list themselves as employees of chiropractors even though they are a chiropractor so it's important to include these employer categories here um Isaac can you speak to the different types of targeting so like I know there's different costs associated with like interest versus behaviors versus demographic versus Financial actions like can you speak a little bit to that on like what's the cheapest versus the most expensive yeah so a lot of those don't really apply to B2B too much like the different Financial stuff the different demographics um the only real categories for B2B are the following fields of study schools attended job titles schools as interest and then plain broad interest um the cost the cost don't really matter because you want to combine them all like I'm I would never tell someone just to build an adset of job titles and fields of study um it's too narrow narrow too narrow yeah it's too narrow for most niches you kind of have to combine them into like what you're seeing in front of you right now like this conglomerate narrower interest adset where I'm doing all the job tiles all the field of study all the schools and then I'm throwing in a few more broad interests but still not too broad because like our our audience size is still sub one million um you want to combine them and I'll go on a rant after uh this breakdown on like what to do for each Niche um like for example like real estate I don't do job titles at all I there there no like schools attended fields of estate for real estate real estate is all interest targeting um and for example some niches uh if you're going into a niche that no one's heard about and if you if you're lucky enough to have found one of those that's viable you can actually use the custom list the the uploading the emails uploading the phone numbers that works really well when the niche has never been hit by before by ads um do enough you all have to do enough research in your industries the things that we're teaching are principles and pillars that you want to take like back when I had my dental agency I paid like an email data broker to find the data of current residents in dental schools so then two years later those guys became doctors and practice practitioners so then I would I would literally like if we're in 2023 I would find the data of folks that were residents in 2019 because in three years they tired of the first job they got and they're thinking about starting a new clinic so then we would just blast them and kind of bring people in so you have to be creative kind of do your own research and find the pillars that make sense for you out of the things that we're teaching go ahead Isaac I don't mean to interrupt you just get you're good and that's the same logic I use behind why I Target schools attended because a lot of people that fall under that category aren't chiropractors yet like they're in these schools um but like they see your ads they graduate they see your ads again okay well I you know I need patience for you know this this new Clinic I've either started or I'm working in so like similar logic there as well um so everything I've shown you guys so far is is very narrow job titles now as we get to the end of these interests we're actually going to start getting broad so if you look at if you wait how where's the reach supposed to sh my there we go if if you look at me hover over these look at the size 6,000 8,000 very small it's because it's a job title as we go into interest look at the reach oh oh I see a lot of you guys asking like life insurance Soul like real estate this is where you guys need to think and be Entre rurs and be like okay what interest can I search for relevant to my Niche right like we're giving you guys the Frameworks again this is me sharing what you guys need to hear what you want to hear out of love to help you guys succeed but if if if we're if we went n by n we would be here for weeks yeah you know another another one I would Target is like licenses like if you're targeting nurses they have to pass the end clex if you are tar targeting lawyers they have to pass the bar like there are even more targeting that you can get created with just FYI yeah and that uh interesting note on that chat gbt is actually pretty good at finding um unique angles to Target from an interest side of things so one one case study for that um there was the auto auto repair uh Niche um I actually targeted a lot of the brands of the cleaning products that auto repair shops use and they were you could find them within the interest TG on Facebook surprisingly um and I mean I got meetings in that Niche like for like $9 like it's like $9 me crazy um but so when I'm hovering over these dat is glitching right now but these are actually very broad um these are like a few hundred thousand uh reach if I were to remove these it would cut this reach down by a lot um so your narrow adset this is a adet I like to use in a lot of niches is narrow interest this includes the job to SK study schools attended um employers and then throw in a couple broad interest directly related to your Niche you'll notice these interest are directly related to Cairo if you look up these colleges these are Chiropractic dominant universities um within your narrow interest adset you don't want to go broad so that'll be the next adset we go into is going to be the broad one where it's like okay now we're targeting like these very big segments of of people um but for your narrow you want to keep it narrow generally um let's scroll down uh manual plac okay so this this is very important um if you're running videos versus images you want to have two different placement profiles here so once you reach the section if you're just doing images do do Facebook feed and Instagram feed that's really it you can test some of the other Square image placements here but I've r a lot of ads almost all of the results come from these two um you can test these other ones in the future but starting off if you want to spend your money with the highest chance of success Facebook feed Instagram feed now um if you're running videos and if you're running videos quick note it should be vertical uh none of you should be running horizontal videos in 2020 we're going to 2024 all of your video ads for uh all your video ads should basically resemble Tik toks and I'll show you an example video ad here in one second um there's almost no reason to run horizontal ads B2B on Facebook anymore um the stories in the reals are too good of placements to just run a horizontal video you want that vertical format um you can also turn on this you can also turn on this I've recently had a lot of success with this it didn't used to work as well but randomly it kind of works so that if you're running videos you can also turn on uh this placement yeah um another thing I want to add here Isaac is going back to that placement if you don't mind so you you all need to step back for a quick second and look at the the macro environment of social media so when Tik Tok came out guess what they're destroying destroying ctrs of all the other platforms they're getting engagement like crazy so like all of a sudden Facebook is going to figure out how do we compete with Tik Tok YouTube is going to try to figure out how to compete with Tik Tok so you'll see platforms launching new things like YouTube recently launched shorts um Facebook re recently launched video oriented real so like pay attention to the grand scheme of things of how platforms are competing with each other and that'll also give you testing ground so like I remember when canvas pcture ads came out I remember when story ads first came out those are time those are areas that you want to test out especially if a new feature comes out on a platform because they're more than likely going to push it because they want to compete and figure it out and that's if you have extra money just FYI don't go wasting money on new stuff that's if you have extra few dollars here and there you want to test it out look at the new thinks a platform is actually launching and drop dollars there it probably will give you a lot of reach yeah guys any anything new that gets released I I try to stay on top of running it um I'm literally waiting for Hulu ads to release landing pages as a feature because they can't they don't allow landing pages right now um but like as soon as new stuff is released you have like almost to be quite honest it's almost an entire year um where you're like the only one doing it um we to my knowledge which is insane we filmed like me I I filmed and Joel uh gave me gave me the idea we worked on it together to film the first local ads program for Tik Tok and we were getting like $150 implant lead cost like for for dentist like it was crazy it was absolutely crazy and it lasted for like a year and I mean it was even even after like a year it was still much cheaper than other platforms um so if you can be early take the knowledge you learn from you know this type of knowledge where you build the foundation and if you can be early to anything um yeah do it because it's always really cheap um okay by the way I want to say one more thing um I don't want to shamelessly plug Isaac but Isaac does have an entire Adge breakdown for other niches as well I know you guys are asking about other niches part of me wants to tell you you guys hey also take what you're teaching and really think how can I make this work for myself because there's going to be a moment in time that Isaac can't help you but Isaac also does have a lot of other niches on the internet already covered so yeah if you go to my YouTube channel there's some very unhinged videos talking about exactly what to do in like at least like six niches now so um yeah you can go over there and check it out I break down like full B2B and B Toc uh for those Industries and offers as well uh so um okay so we just targeted we just covered the narrow interest adset now I'm going to cover broad interest by the way Isaac we should probably go a little faster okay heads up okay broad interest is an exact duplicate of your narrow interest so narrow interest hit duplicate that's your broad what you're going to do though is on top of your narrow interest is add a bunch of really broad interest as well so here I'll find some for you guys that I've put on here okay health and wellness medical education medicine uh so the million dollar I mean million dollar the the the subm million audiences those you consider as narrow exactly yeah okay so then above a 100 million or Plus or maybe 50 million is what you're considering to be broad what I'll do what I'll do is every Niche has interest has interest of different sizes for example in real estate almost all the interests are pretty big yeah what I'll do is I'll look at all the available interest and I'll mark an arbitrary center point I'll be like 50% of Interest fall Above This reach 50% of Interest fall below this reach let's say it's 500,000 my uh broad adset will include all of it like it'll include all the more narrow sub 500,000 and all the above 500,000 and my narrow only include the sub 500,000 um so it it is arbitrary but what you're doing is you're giving diversity to Facebook to find winning segments in different types of audiences um like these both both uh were performers like 128 meetings 91 meetings over their lifetime like they both like you can see even the broad like a lot of people in their intuition they' be like oh you know broad is probably more expensive yeah yeah but like yeah it's cheaper so giv the algorithm Breathing Room exactly and what you want to do when you're trying to because like you guys are have to brainstorm like what interest match your Niche here's how I look at it you have interests that are exactly matching your Niche right so like some of those schools from the narrow interest um if there's an interest called like there used to be interests that were actually like Chiropractic they removed all those but there actually used to be like narrow interest that were exactly the niche those go in narrow um but then when you when you're thinking about what to do for your broad one you can kind of go a little bit outside of your Niche so I like to think here's Cairo what Niche is Li immediately outside of Cairo so like the general medical world alternative medicine pain management those are things that they may not be Cairo but they're close enough and they're close enough that when you build good ads and you let the Facebook algorithm do what it needs to do it'll find chiropractors within those segments um so yeah uh okay and those of you that just joined in we're talking about client acquisition for your agency through paid ads right now keep going Isaac let's move fast yeah okay so next I'm GNA give a brief rundown of what to do in most niches so in terms of targeting real estate is all interest if you're anything in real estate it's all interest targeting um even lookalikes don't perform that well in real estate it's it's all interest targeting if you're going to be Runing outs mortgage is a combination of interest and lookalikes Dental is all narrow targeting it's all narrow targeting lead forms only and you have to turn off the reach expander the reach expander you'll find here it's only on lead formats that's the only way to not get any B Toc traffic through Dental funnels right now it's weird um what other niches uh Roofing uh all interest to start then you can expand into lookalikes if you're in any Niche that is brand new like if you're in something weird if if you're in like tripod sales for a local business you you know tripod sales whatever Uh custom list you you'll find work very well but only in untapped niches most custom list means that you scrape and guys again I know this advanced stuff if you're like what is going on we're trying to teach you guys an entire seven figure business in three days that's what's going on if you guys want more context go back and watch 10day course but a custom list means that you scrape so you grab a database of emails and phone numbers of tripod sales businesses all all across the United States and you can upload that and run ads to that data as a custom audience as opposed to targeting interests and only do that in untap niches if if you're in don't do that in Dental yeah if you're a niche Cairo Dental real estate mortgage uh interest targeting is good enough yeah interest targeting is where you're going to find almost all of your results come from the vast majority of my my campaigns are carefully selected interest targeting like I've shown you here um you want a narrow and you want a broad that's a good start once you get some data you can expand into open targeting meaning no targeting um once your pixel learns you can expand into just open that often Works uh you can also expand into lookalikes but lookalikes don't lookalikes are Hit or Miss um that's why I recommend for most niches you're going to want to start with just interest targeting no lookalikes no custom list just interest once you get it working once your offer is proven then expand into lookalikes then expand into open but start with the interest for most of you the vast majority of you okay let's go through the rest fast okay here's the you want have can you explain what can you explain the campaign objective by the way yeah so um for for this Niche it's conversion uh because we're running to a funnel um the actual conversion event so in this case schedule takes place on the thank you page a lot of people always ask me like do I make the conversion count after they become a lead after they schedule when do I make it count you want it to count on the thank you page you don't want to fire the conversion event on leads you can try it I've seen people do it it sometimes works it's much more reliable to have it fire on the very final step of the funnel um beyond that yeah it's a conversion campaign never traffic some you can do lead forms as well just be aware there's a quality issue sometimes with lead forms also with lead forms uh make sure you set it to English only lead forms will preferentially preferentially Target people who speak other languages who fill out a lot of lead forms why that is don't know but make sure you select English only if you're doing lead forms it's very important um now if you're you're testing for the first time ever do you recommend starting with lead forms before pushing into conversion or a funnel or landing page or something or do you not care I would start with lead forms um here here's what I'll say if you're copying someone who's proven like if you go into a niche and you look at Roofing and you're on like an ad spy tool and you're looking at like the top guy and they're all running survey ads right like you look at all the top people in the ads library and they're all running a survey Lander run a survey Lander you can do it like just logically if everybody's doing it and they're all currently spending on it that's thepe it's going to work it's going to work like you don't really have to question if that's going to work just mimic what they're doing closely obviously change the copy make it look different but like mimic the structure um if you're unsure or you're very unexperienced with setting up landing pages uh then use lead forms right like if there's not a if there's not a um I'm trying the term I want to use is meta like in video games where there's like the top characters that people pick but like if there's um if there's not a thing that everybody's doing uh then use lead forms but if there's a very reliable like hey everybody in this Niche is using survey Landers just use survey Landers you can it's reliable enough just to look at what other people are doing okay you have one you want to have one ad set for uh you want to have one ad set for the um narrow and one for broad essentially exactly yeah one for your narrow interest one outside for your broad once you start scaling you can then test open and look likes yeah and don't don't forget Behind These ads there are obviously automations and typically built on High level and systems like that and then there's also tracking so you're tracking attributing a certain source so whether you do Google ads Tik Tok Facebook it doesn't matter you still need to figure out and understand how to track the traffic that is incoming into your business um Isaac can you before you go to the next item can you you speak a little bit to the monthly budget that someone should kind of have in their pocket before they can go straight to paid ads for their agency or is it more yeah I would look to spend if it's a cheaper Niche if if it's a like a very cheap Niche like if it's like real estate or if it's a niche that you know for a fact you can get like 30 to $50 meetings I'd probably budget out $100 per day um for paid ads that that'll give you some wiggle room they'll give you some testing room yeah um yeah just to be safe $100 per day um if it's more expensive like if you're going into Cairo if you're going into Dental um probably $150 $200 daily is what I budget out and you will you'll spend more budget up front testing in the first like 48 to 72 hours so be prepared to do that and then you can dial it down into a coasting Pace where um you can just let things run for a little while Without Really changing too much and and Joel a question for you on this note at what phase should the agency be at should they already have an appointment setter by then should they have their own closer can they handle all this by themselves like where should they be in the growth stage it just depends like if you want to get a lot of at bats and get a lot of reps in then I think you can and if you have the budget to play with then you're essentially investing to accelerate you figuring everything out um as a rule of thumb I recommend beginners to start with cold email and uh C DM uh that being said once you are consistently getting clients through cold email and cold DM I highly push everyone to transition to paid ads this is way more scalable yeah um okay so these are the ads these are the ads for this specific campaign I want to break down a couple key components of this um by the way this is this campaign is for Pay Per show so everything we've been talking about yesterday again if you didn't watch day one you're you're going to be confused this is going to be for the you don't pay us a single dollar to get started no retainer only pay after you get paid through the prepaid patient model so everything we showed you guys how to do yesterday for clients this is where this aligns yep exactly and yeah different niches have different offer requirements like chiropractors you have to have you need a advanced offer when you're going into chyros you can't you can't go into kyos and be like 10 leads guaranteed not like you're gonna pay like 500 per meeting um but if you go into a new Niche if it's like something very unusual you can actually get away with that I I tell people like started the offer that's most appropriate for where the niche is at saturation wise so like if it's very saturated you got to start with something you got to do something like this if it's uh very unsaturated you could start with something more basic um it just depends so couple key components of this ad um copywriting is kind of fake for B2B like you don't have to be some like extremely Advanced copywriter for B2B um people just want to know what do you mean by fake what okay like you don't need to be you don't need to be like a crazy just like State the offer yeah like you you don't need to get on here and use some 20 paragraph storytelling Bridge after bridge style like uh copywriting technique you'll actually get worse results with that because business owners are busy like they they're not gonna read 10 paragraphs about the story of of Bob the caropractor who scaled his Clinic from you know a penny a day to $20 a day whatever like those type of copyright that stuff works really good for info products if you're doing info products hell yeah like do that type of stuff um but for for B2B you want to be clear with your offer you want to State it early and you wanna you wna be very concise with your ad business owners are busy and they're like what am I gonna get is this something that I'm interested yes or no yeah no fluff like your copyrighting should be clean and to the point th that's what I prioritize over everything else like when you see this like when you if if you just read this it instantly like you just know what it's about like you know what it's about no it's not about leades and appointments you get this in stad like it's very like within two seconds of looking at it it conveys to you what the offer is and what they're getting um also the the beginning of these I write them like hooks um I I have one in Dental right now that says something like all the years you spent in Dental School were complete waste and you wasted your money something like that like that's the first line it's like what like if you're a dentist and CC like what the hell what did you say to me so like you want to use the beginning part as like a hook and then bring them into the offer quickly so first part hook um next part like State the offer and this is like very clear it's like in the next 30 days me and my team will fill your practice with Prepaid financially qualified Chiropractic patients and that's not even the crazy part so like what's the crazy part like that sounds pretty crazy already and then we're g we're going to do this for free like in the first two lines we already told them we're going to fill their practice for free so um you want your copy to be concise hard-hitting very clear to the point Direct that's what works in B2B um the rest of this uh there's nothing fancy going on a check mark section listing benefits sometimes I'll have a list of x's that throw stones like no more Tire kickers don't turn your you know front desk into telemarketers um don't be afraid to uh be a little bit like um what's the word disruptive yeah disruptive like like don't be afraid to say some things that are a bit crazy because the thing is everybody else is so vanilla who's seen my ad with Obama on it like like I don't know like you really there there's an ad of Isaac saying like I mean he said f Obama but he wasn't talking about the politics he was talking about some after school lunch program that took away his favorite snack so it it was not a political thing but it still got everyone like what is he talking about he was like f Obama he took away my after school Pro uh snacks program where they gave away like free Reese's PCS or something Joel Joel you did the same thing to me on this Workshop the ads that you recorded you were like AI is dead uh sass is dead marketing is dead the amount crazy hooks I literally said I literally said in the ad AI is dead SAS is dead marketing is dead and I was like now we're gonna give birth to a new model where it combines all three and then people were like this guy said AI is dead but I'm like did you even listen to the rest of the ad yeah I mean I had internal team members reaching out to me can you tell Joel to not say SAS is dead cuz it's not dead I'm like yes yes that is just disruptive marke we I I really I'll give a shout out one of the guys that I I I look up to um you know a lot of people ask me like who do you study I actually really like sabri's ads re and then the Harmon Brothers like those two companies like produce really interesting ads like there's an ad where Sab subi is in a church and he's praying and there's like Mark Zuckerberg you know on the you know at the top of the church you know on Altar and there's Elon Musk and there's Chef Bezos yeah I think I think the point that everybody should really get from this conversation that we just briefly had is pick a tone pick an angle pick a pick a perspective even if it's disruptive some people do motivational inspirational lifestyle stuff some people do oh I'm the good guy everybody else is bad like there's like you know certain angles so you you should develop a voice even within your ad so then people are looking forward to your you have to be creative I think what Isaac is trying to say is you can't stand out in today's world without being creative in some way shape or form like you got you gotta be like Isaac had me take it's simple stuff too it doesn't have to be crazy or expensive like Isaac had me go to Dunkin Donuts and buy jelly filled donuts and squeeze them every time I would say something on the ad so I'd be like but you know how that goes leads that never pick up your front desk gets turned into telemarketers the patients who do come in are all Tire kickers and broke and every time I'm saying that line I'm squeezing a donut right so it's just getting creative with it yeah yeah well um like here's the thing like if you guys go right now and you just rip this like if you just ripped this and you RI the video out I'm about to show you it's not going to work for you because it's not new anymore like yeah this isn't new to k kyos anymore you have to you have to come up with new stuff and it doesn't have to be advanced stuff like just just do a brainstorm session like once or twice a week brainstorm some interesting ideas go on Tik Tok look at some interesting hooks like some organic creators are using um like uh if you take the the jelly donut thing that Georgia said where we're squishing jelly donuts is the hook um and you use that in Cairo that's gonna Crush like it's gonna Crush um especially if you do it like at a doctor at a chiropractic office right yeah imagine if you were at a dental office sitting on a Dental chair even eating a donut in between each sentence that's going to stand out immediately yeah cuz they never seen somebody squished jelly donuts on camera before like no chiropractor has ever seen that like what the hell is this so like um by that you will stand out from everybody else um yeah like I I have one I'm gonna like use this soon like you eating like glass bottles is the hook like you know there's like edible glass bottles like in the Grinch movie um where just take a bite of them like that's one so like just come up with new stuff basically is the idea um what's uh oh headline one last quick note on this headlines your headline should State your offer you wouldn't believe the amount of time somebody doesn't have their offer stated on their headlines and also their offer isn't stated on their imagery and like bro you have a really strong offer put it on everything so like when you have a strong offer like get chiro patient with Z up front pay for patient for chiropractors only pay us after patients pay you like just take your offer reward it four times those are your headlines also I like using emojis in headlines that's a secret um most people don't know you can actually use emojis in uh Facebook ad headlines but you can um but yeah headlines that state the offer very clearly direct to the point that this is the ads like nothing fancy um okay let's jump into let me here let me play this for two seconds let me know if you guys can hear my audio or the actual computer audio Yeah it's very subtle but we can let me turn it [Music] up me turn up my so you said you like your video similar to Tik Tok formats why is that exactly so there's this weird phenomenon going on right now Facebook ads that look like organic Tik toks Crush Tik toks Tik Tok ads that look like Tik toks don't actually work as good anymore you want your Tik toks like if you're running Tik Tok ads you want them looking more like ads and you want your Facebook ads to look more like organic Tik Tok and that's a trend you're seeing yes yeah because I I break down quickly why um if you make a video that looks like a Tik Tok and you try running on Tik Tok it's not as entertaining as the other Tik toks on there anymore Tik Tok has become so entertaining then when people see your video unless if it's really good they're like this is just a crappy Tik Tok and they'll just skip right past it too saturated for their engagement yeah so for Tik Tok you actually kind of want to convey that it's an ad like hit him very early with the off for very hard-hitting stuff um they should kind of know it's an ad with Facebook on the other hand uh stuff that feels I mean you can even get more organic feeling than this like this still is kind of an app um you can even make it feel really organic a lot of people have been starting off Facebook ads with Organic clips from Tik toks like they'll just rip organic clips from Tik toks for the first five seconds and then they'll go on a like a rant about what they saw in that and that's an ad on Facebook so like your Facebook should look more like organic Tik Tok as much as possible for your videos at least um it's very interesting yeah let's play it let's see what this looks like okay I I I'll play for two more seconds let me know if it's good is that good enough yeah there's no audio um so if you whenever you reshare um also just play without audio we can we can see all the text yeah yeah true you said if I reshare it'll share audio yeah when you reshare yeah there's a share sound option it's a checkbox at the very bottom of the share button once you see the pop of window stereo okay I believe in myself we can do this okay let's try now stop adjusting your patience there we go all right we'll start over and watch the whole thing all the way through chiropractors stop adjusting seriously stop adjusting your patience and start adjusting your Marketing in the next 90 days me and my team are going to come into your practice and generate you highly qualified KNE compression knee pain and neuropathy based patients for free here's how it works our team will come in handle all the leads generate all the ads and then run all of them through our patient care coordinator team and call center and only place the most financially qualified patients on your calendar plus we handle all of the follow-up so you don't have to worry about no shows now here's the crazy part we do all of this for free you only pay us when the patient shows up has their consultation and actually commits to a care plan there is zero upfront retainer for a bunch of leads that all these other agencies will give you you know we're the best and we want to prove it to you click the learn more button okay so there's a few uh important elements on this first of all you'll notice it's basically this like the script for the video is basically this with some joining phrases to make it make sense if you know reading it out loud your video script and your body copy script can almost be identical um so I just saved you guys some writing um you'll also notice this is divided into two sections I'll play it without audio here's the first section the hook and then we're going to go into the body the off yeah yeah so like the rest of this ad is the body of the ad the beginning 5 Seconds were the hook you actually don't need to build a ton of body ads I've had some niches that are on the same body of the ad they started on six months ago the body doesn't really saturate too much it's the hooks that saturate and it's also the hooks that you have the most leverage to get cheaper cost so like write a good body for your ad film it once get it edited but film multiple hooks um you know that client I talked about who you been been using the same body for his ad for six months he's probably like 30 40 hooks deep So like um the the way you keep ads fresh is by filming new Hooks and filming more and more interesting hooks as well um the crazier the better and also your hooks don't exactly have to make sense like the hook where I'm talking about like hey Obama ruined my school lunches I can no longer buy pop out of the pop machine that that was for like basically a software that was an ad for a software no real connection between the hook and the the video um but the hook was just so entertaining that it works so most of your leverage comes from scripting and filming new and interesting hooks um as far as the editing style you can get editors on upwork that'll edit I mean this is like roughly like hormos style like his old style of editing um you can get editors off of upwork that are very good at this style of editing there's a video 25 to 50 bucks a video yeah yeah um there's a there's a video on my channel it's called like it has the word $3 in the title it's with it's within the first three to four recent YouTube videos I've made um it goes over my exact hiring process of how to get editors off of upwork for videos like this so you guys can go check that out as well and is your process very similar um for other platforms outside of Facebook I know we talked a lot about Facebook today but is this the same principles you apply for YouTube Tik Tok Gulu Netflix Bing Vista like LinkedIn whatever yeah exactly I mean for B Tob there's not a lot of platforms that can really support heavy B2B campaigns Facebook and Tik Tok are really the only ones you guys are going to be interested in using YouTube has some use for B2B but it's very Niche dependent you can really only do it in real estate solar and Roofing kind of mortgage um but uh your your guys's main platforms are going to be Tik Tok and Facebook and yes that the same rules apply to all of them yeah like L LinkedIn is really good with white collar professions like accountants CPAs lawyers um but anything outside of that is probably useless yeah LinkedIn has some very specific use cases that you can um use it for you have to be careful with LinkedIn because sometimes like your Niche will be on there but only if you want to spend $20 a day like if you want to scale beyond that there's just not enough of the niche but like you said there are some niches where there is a heavy presence on there that you can build some real campaigns in some people scale some very big LinkedIn campaigns but um yeah LinkedIn especially like if you take just wild creatives like this like when's the last time you saw an ad like this on LinkedIn it's like never so like you bring creatives of this caliber over to LinkedIn you're going to crush um assuming your Niche is on there yeah and they're trying to compete with platforms like Tik Tok Facebook and YouTube where video is like a big thing everywhere else but LinkedIn so if you do video might work better because they need to figure out a way to compete so exactly keep going yeah cool so we covered targeting we covered the structure of the campaigns we covered the ad copy we covered the video added self what's left is the Lander um so this is going to be in the snapshot you guys receive and now you're inside high level by the way for those of you on high yeah what what what is this beautiful software have you seen I think it's high level is it go high level or high level I'm tired of that that's the big I didn't know this until like two weeks ago by the way and I saw it somewhere they're like it's not go high level I'm like [ __ ] I've been saying it wrong for like two years no one corrected me yeah can you do a quick over can you do a Sean paon you Sean Robin you guys are so like genuine like you're not gonna be like Joel you're wrong yeah call us whatever you want our focus is to get your Revenue that's it period what's what's on the LLC name we need to look it up it is Incorporated in the US uh we have multiple incorporations in almost every country now but either way what are we looking at on the funnel Builder here Isaac can you kind of break down the format the structure yeah so um this is the landing page these the rest of these I just left in there for you guys because everybody needs a privacy policy so feel free to repurpose those I just left those in there as a bonus um this is the landing page I'm GNA open this up and edit it real quick by the way high level is slow when you're on on Zoom streaming just FYI it's actually pretty fast in regular use yeah you guys will probably see it much slower today for me than than usual which usually really fast um okay so my My Philosophy with Landers for B2B is keep it it's the same thing as my ad copy keep it really basic keep it to the point and let them know exactly what they're getting and make it easy for them to schedule if you tell if you make a Lander and you tell them exactly what they're getting and you make it easy for them to schedule it's going to work um now let me break this down this is my most popular way I structure Landers for B2B headline stating the offer only pay us after patients pay you sub headline detailing the offer we send you prepaid financially qualified chiro patients you pay us after they buy care plans if they're not interested after reading that headline and sub headline they're probably not a good fit for what we're selling that there's like or they like can't read or something like there's no ambiguity here as to what is being sold uh you wouldn't believe the amount of landing pages that when I open them I I I just I don't immediately know what it's about I'm like what are they saying like what are you saying bro like you know what's crazy I always notice this with agencies I think agencies are the worse in complicating themselves cuz they'll have a different message in the copy of the ads then a different m message on the thank you page of that initial Lander and then they have a different message in the postprocessing it's like like there's like three different songs being sang at the same time while it should all just be the same exact song yeah and like they'll get too philosophical with it they'll have like a headline that's like what if you could get more chiro patient I'm like well just just tell them you're gonna give them patience after they pay like don't make them wander like they don't need to be wandering about anything um be very direct it it very direct very clear very simple and keep your messaging like Paulson said in alignment like from your ads to your video to your Lander um it should all be one core offer that you're hitting um across all three um okay then I this is basic question how how ug does it matter if it's ugly make it as ugly as possible the uglier the uglier the better no I mean like um what I tell people yeah yeah like what I what I tell people like I'm going to build you something ugly if you want to get a actual good funnel designer to like make it pretty in the future you can do it but sad to say guys it doesn't really affect conversion rate that much like my ugly funnels funny story real quick I'll go on a 10-c tangent I had a client he spends 17K per day on ads um he he runs a lot of uh internet programs across the east coast of the United States and um I built him the ugliest survey Lander you could think of um absolutely ugly it's uglier than this even um and he PA he had ran it for like two years and he paid a c to come in and he paid them like 10K uh to come in and build him and a Lander that outperform and not a s they used all these different platforms they used um unbalance uh they used all these different things they were testing and um not a single Lander high level though no and my to my my Lander my survey Lander yeah let's go I I don't know if yall know this high level you hear that that I know I I I assumed that was gonna happen but Hal has if not they also to make right Isaac they try to make it pretty yeah what's up did they also try to make it pretty oh they made it so pretty they made it so pretty so the idea of funnel hacking you guys like while it's a good concept when it comes to practicality the only thing that that really matters is the strength that they offer and the speed of how you push traffic so like if you don't know nobody else will tell you this but high level has the fastest landing pages on the planet we have it with data Google backing us up Amazon backing us up I can show you stats on it we can test whatever you want to test and I can prove you that we have the fastest Landers uh and sites you just have to make sure you construct it a certain way the the point the drop off comes from when you push traffic from one step to another and obviously you don't want anything slow so like you know if you throw a video in there it's going to be slow there's no need for a video um but go ahead they just want to know that they just want to know that the it's the same thing what you want is messaging congruency you want it to be very similar to what send in the ad it's like okay yeah this is what I want make it easy for people to sign up yeah yeah I mean high level the way the Landers work they align with my personal philosophy of making things really fast and easy for the person like page load this was years ago in agency lab we used to have the booking page we had like 30 videos testimonials embedded beneath the calendar on on the uh booking page this was on H click phones actually and we we saw this huge fallof on the booking page we're like I want I just had an idea one day I was like what if we just delete all the testimonials beneath the calendar on this page and see what does and it literally basically doubled our booking rate on that page just making it load faster so like people didn't care about all those videos they just wanted to schedule and the calendar wasn't loading fast enough for them so like if your messaging is clear if everything loads fast if they know exactly what they're getting and you make it easy for them to go through the funnel like if you could send my grandma to this page she'll schedule an appointment sh like you can't mess this up like if you're interested in this you have to pass the grand my test yeah Grandma test throw a little shadow in there and that's all you need move on yeah but look if you guys if you guys want to take a basic structure and make it prettier like the font there's plenty of people in the high LEL community that can redesign this for you oh yeah I would not over complicated though I wouldn't not add more elements I would take the elements that exist and make them prettier that's the difference yeah exactly do not do not complicate the funnel the Lander take it and then get a high level designer to make it more beautiful yeah the color the font Etc yeah I got I've realized it guys the temptation to add like a bunch of testimonials to like a landing page um my preference right now and it has been for the past year I I load the testimonials on the back end like I I want them to see testimonials on the thank you page that's where I think I'm going to get them to watch them where it's not going to hurt my conversion rate um and also I'm going to send it out in text sequences text and emails like that's where I prefer to put if I have anything extra I want them to view I don't want it hurting my conversion rate too much so I'm going to push it on the back end after they've scheduled their appointment I want to get that schedule while their intent is high and then uh teach them more um okay uh this next section is basically like an FAQ wait can I answer something Isaac yeah real quick someone asked um how how do you know what is the pce that was working was it the offer the design the copy my 8020 for all of this is and let me know what you think Isaac the offer is King which we went over yesterday we're literally giving you guys the offer offer is 80 the 8020 you need to have a good offer like do you have something that people want if you said hey pay me a million dollars and I'll get you one patient to people not they're not going to want that they're going to be like okay screw off you're not going to you could have the most beautiful Lander the best copy in the world still not going to work so offer then creative can you stand out in the ad that's like the actual video can you stand out that's number two can you stand out to get people's attention to get them to take in your offer that's number two and then number three is everything after that the copy the Lander all that good stuff but like the 8020 really is offer and the creative do you have something people want and then are you grabbing people's attention to get them to consume that thing and be aware of that thing that you're offering exactly yep offering creative is 80 to2 the rest you just have to not mess it up like the way have VI funnels and you guys have probably seen this trend like go look go look in like a spy tool look at any of the top funnels uh that people are running right now the trend over the years has been to Short and simpler funnels the more steps you can remove the simpler you can make it the better it's going to work and I mean who knows the exact reasons why why that's the case but it doesn't matter that's the trend that's what works so like get your creative in place get your offer in place and then the rest just copy proven stuff like just copy The Proven structures like there's no reason to like over complicate the rest um it can be very simple um this section highlight main main big bullet point FAQs uh if there's any like major like uh Kickback like you get on sales calls that like you think should be addressed on the front end you could do it in one of these columns but I basically just this is just a highlight real of other benefits of the service like cyos hate way sorry to sorry to cut you off we got like 10 minutes that's that's a good all that's left is the thank you page so um uh okay is this helpful y'all give me a one in the streaming if this is helpful like I mean nobody's going to sit and show you the back end of how they build massive businesses like we're doing this all for free just and and I said yesterday I warned you guys it will feel overwhelming so if you're like whoa that was a lot of info very very fast I warned you guys you're asking us to show you the back end of a million dollar business three days and we're making it happen and it will also be overwhelming and that's okay that means that you guys are growing so if you guys are loving the value as PA said drop a one in the chat show some love and if you're overwhelmed good that means that you're growing that means that your your brain is getting expanded and you guys can always go back and and and rewatch this so yeah um last thing button at the bottom that brings them back to the the top here because has to pass a grand all test if they get to the bottom they don't know where they are click the button bring them back up to the top um okay last thing on this page if you want cheap cheap cheap appointments put a calendar here just just embed the calendar on the landing page if you want to qualify them a little bit more put a survey and then the survey redirects to the calendar um yeah that's it it just depends on what you're looking for uh some NES it matters some NES it doesn't now real quick your agency don't need a fancy website but you do need an offer page that makes sense so you can run ads like your offer has to make sense but you know with high level you also have a lot of website templates a lot of people are like do I need a website I mean you could also just build one in an hour really just have like a yeah on High level it should not take you that long yeah you can go to Marketplace not spend more than a day you can go to Marketplace and just download a free website or funnel template slap your agency logo and just put some generic information and move forward like you shouldn't spend more than an hour building a website for your agency yep yep and yeah all the templates actually look good they don't look like stuff that I built so you can actually get something Fredy for the main website um okay uh one second I gotta move the zoom navigation so beyond this um after the landing page if you if you embedded the calendar on the landing page like I said they'll just go straight to the thank you page um if uh you you use a survey you will need a calendar page like this the only thing that I do on the calendar page is um uh restate the offer and then embed the calendar like this is for one of his different offers I actually chose one of his prettier booking pages to give you guys but it's the exact same as the one that we're running just different different offer um reate offer calendar like that's it that's where they if you use the survey on the Lander just re redirect them to this page then this page post calendar redirects them to the thank you page pull that up and can you briefly like 30 seconds just run over what a pixel is so I know you have those things installed and can you just share the benefits of that yeah exactly so what the Facebook pixel is is it it's basically it feeds data back into Facebook so like if you want Facebook to find more people that hit your thank you page the way you tell Facebook that is by pixeling this page so what you'll do is you'll put the pixel on the thank you page you put you can find on my channel there's tutorial on Pixel installation um but then you put the conversion on the thank you page the pixel is how Facebook interacts with your funnel um so if you want Facebook to F which you do if you're running conversion ads you do uh if you want Facebook to find more people that convert through your funnel you want to pixel uh the thank you page with a conversion event so it feeds that data back through so that it finds more people uh like the ones that converted and get you cheaper meeting cost open this up okay the thank you page is um where you want to teach your audience more about you again people try to do this too much called pre we also call it the pre-call page yes this is where we overload them with essentially testimonials frequently here's my big three that I like to cover a mini video going over everything that they need to know before the call so that first video so like a five minute video going over hey here's everything you need to know before the call then testimonials and number three frequently asked questions that like that's the 8020 of it yeah this is where you can make it really long and add social proof and add like you know we even have we even on some of our thank you Pages we even link out to our YouTube channels like this is where you can add as much as you want to like warm up the lead yeah and just just so everybody knows like your onboarding process you're still in sales like you're still having to sell tell them of who you are what you bring to the table even on an onboarding call just cuz you got the revenue or the transaction completed does not mean they're stabilized in your business just yet so continuously sell with the right amount of content and context that you're providing for the experience yeah this is where you educate the prospect people try to do it too much on the front end they're like some people like some there's exceptions but like if I see somebody saying their company name too much in an ad I'm like oh God they're doing they're doing too much on the front end you want to save most of the education for the back end the thank you page because the front end is to get them in to get get them to click get that very valuable attention that's so hard to get these days um with strong offers strong ads you know short funnel the back end this is where you have your opportunity to educate so all those resources Joel just mentioned um all those are very good put them on here this is what you want them to see for your meeting in order to warm them up to make them easier to close um beyond that that this is it like that that's this is a B2B funnel um this is a B2B funnel this is why I've used to scale multiple agencies to over 100K per month uh within 30-day time frames uh you know assuming they have the systems for it um this is what if you if you want to scale quick and you have the budget for it this is the fastest way to do it in my experience if you guys want to see other AD examples or sorry other Niche examples again Isaac uh not only has it on his YouTube channel but if you guys stay told the end of day four we're also going to give away three of Isaac's courses for Tik Tok and YouTube uh breaking this down but if you guys want to see like uh um examples for like real estate examples for like solar mortgage he has them on his channel as well that's it that's pit ads can we drop a one of the chat for Isaac show him a lot of love and by the way stay on the call we're about to go into the next pillar we're not done with the call we got another if you need a little break you know yeah Isaac if you can you don't have to learn the cold email stuff but but everyone else you have to stay on we're about to teach you guys cold email next and cold DMS Isaac that was absolutely amazing 10 out of 10 he literally showed you guys how to build a campaign how to do the targeting how to do targeting different niches how to do the creatives the videos how to write the copy he showed you guys how to set up the Lander on High level he showed you guys all the different steps in the funnel inside of high level and again these aren't some theoretical ideas this is a campaign he's running right now that is crushing in one of the most competitive niches on the planet so it is literally working right now and we just gave it away for free so Isaac you're the best thank you so much guys if you haven't go go subscribe to his YouTube Channel show him some love what's what's your YouTube channel handle uh Isaac what's a yeah let me grab it for you guys and yeah thanks guys for uh I would just look up Isaac Rubble honestly that's probably the easiest there there's only me and then there's like a wrestler named Isaac rubble and he's actually gaining like way too much traction I actually like need to have a talk with him because I don't know how he shows up instead of me he's like bro chill there's actually a paon Thomas in India who's like a break dancer like he's he's same thing Danning a lot of TR I don't know maybe that's you maybe that's your your backup account stop it guys stop it okay let's move to the next item Isaac good seeing you brother I appreciate you nice seeing you guys I'll let Christian take over on the cail stuff I'll see you guys later all right cool all right give us a one in the chat give us a one in the comments in the streaming if that was helpful you learned a lot out of it just I just want to get some good feedback of of post in the Facebook streaming please not in the zoom but Joel what we got next we got more to cover we're not even halfway we we we we got we're gonna move fast I'm gonna see if we can do 45 minutes for each one of these next two okay we gotta go go paon you and I have to work on just letting them rip and and keeping them on track let's make that our job me too we need to shut up let them talk we need to we we do and we need to just keep them on track so um for this next guest speaker guys this is the guy who actually figured out how to go from 500 emails a day all the way to 10,000 emails per day so he was in my program in my uh in agency lab and uh he was crushing it and I I hop on I hopped on a call with him and he was showing me his systems for scaling cold email and I was blown away I had never never seen anything like it it was unbelievable and as time went on we actually became strategic Partners where we collaborate so he is one of the coaches inside of our program he also has his own Agency for agencies for cold for uh cold Outreach so for things like cold email and he literally does this as a service and he's going to be giving it all the way so this goes to show you the level of character that this guy has he's literally giving his business away and he's going to teach you guys right now how to scale to thousands of cold emails per day he's going to be giving away the scripts he's literally going to be giving away everything let's give a very warm welcome to Christian auu I don't ever know how to pronounce your last name by the way but you're the only one who gets it right bro it's French right no it's like it's but like you got it right bro French no I speak French but it's not a French name by default okay okay that's where it threw me off I'm like didn't don't you speak fluent French yeah I do I do so I'll do this whole presentation in French no I'm just kidding uh guys I'm gonna go super fast I'm L gonna go super fast D I know we I want you I want you to break our minds break our minds okay Chad GPT level they call me Chad GPT uh Lally some people call me that because I fast all right let's do it guys I got a couple slides ready very similar to draw slid from the other day so again I'm going to speak very fast and what I'm going to be focusing on today is the 8020 of cail to be more specific can you actually I'm sorry Christian can you go ahead and full screen that so it drop down on slideshow and yeah than so much thank you so much one quick second there you go right I'm going to show you guys how to send 20 and you can send more like Joel said I was once sending 10,000 actually 15,000 a day which was pretty crazy I'll show you guys how to set up the system to send out the cold emails which we currently set up for ourselves and our clients it's working today how to scrape a list because you need an email list to send out emails to I'll give you guys the paper show Cod email script that we are using right now to get our clients from as little as 20 me a month to as high as 90 I believe it was 92 meetings a month with the same system for agencies just like you and then the stats you need to measure so what are the kpis I need to hit to actually know that I'm getting good results so let's start talking about how to set up the system I'll show you guys how to buy and set up domains and I'll explain what that means in a second for those who don't know anything about called email how to set up email accounts and how to warm up the accounts and then a couple of bonuses that are like good to have but not neat you don't necessarily need them but they're useful now let me quickly explain for those who don't know anything about codo like in two slides slides how does it work so the way cold Emil works there's a lot of ways to do it but how it's currently being done by us is you first buy domains like bdb.com h.com high.com but you never use your main domain and I want to start by that saying that guys if you're going to do cold Emil don't use your main domain I would not use bdb SC iio for COD email that would be dangerous because I'll talk about why later but you want to buy separate ones just for COD email then create you then create email accounts using those domains christian.com jo.com paon high.com you then warm up those email accounts using a cold email tool which I will show you guys in a second to make sure that they don't get disabled and then once they're warmed up you can start sending out cold emails from those accounts so I'll show you guys all those steps and before we start I do want you all to know how much the investment is to forer cold email because you're going to buy some domains you're going to buy the accounts it's very very very very cheap compared to PID ads which we just talked about but it is a couple hundred bucks a month depending on how many you want to send so we use Google for accounts it's $720 per month per account and the domains are $12 per year a lot of you guys know you know what a domain is how to buy them and a lot of you guys are already sending up email accounts with Google so that's pretty straightforward all right let's start talking about buying and setting up domains guys so first I I don't know when Paul and Joel when they're going to get these slides but I gave you guys a sheet which I'll show you here in a second a sheet like this that we use internally I will they'll get it at the end of day four we're going to be giving away every single resource perfect so I'll give you guys the sheet which my team uses to set up the systems so it's exactly what we use and it just makes it way easier to track everything uh so that's in here but with that in mind we're going to be setting up the system guys using GoDaddy domains and Google workspace so let me quickly explain what I mean I said that you first buy domains like bd.com high.com Etc and then you set up email accounts from those domains like chistian bbc.com GoDaddy is where we're going to buy the domains and Google workspace is where we're going to set them up there are cheaper because you some of you guys might be thinking like can I use name CH can I use Outlook can I use this there are cheaper places to get domains and there are cheaper domains that you can buy like instead of Doc you can get XYZ but these can lead to lower deliverability and whenever you guys hear me say deliverability when it comes to cold email I mean that when I send out an email a cold email if it gets delivered it means that it landed in the prospect's Inbox and there seeing it if it doesn't get delivered it might go to spam it might bounce I might go to Promotions so that's what I mean so we want to make sure that our deliverability is high so that people actually see the Cod EMS that you send out which is why we use GoDaddy and Google workspace they're very trustworthy when we buy domains from GoDaddy we're going to buy do domains like I was saying you can buy for $1 a year. live.xyz shop. online but they are not as trusted and they can cause again lower deliverability not only that but they can lead to your accounts getting blocked I've had that happen when I tested it out myself so always.com which again is $12 a year these are trusted as well I just don't personally use them myself but I've heard that they can be used as well so just stick to.com just in case and once we buy all the domains we're going to add them and I'm going to show this to you guys like Joel said I'm going to literally show you guys every step today you're going to know exactly what to do you're then going to add them to the Google workspace admin console so I'll show you guys what that is in the second we're then going to go to through these steps activate Gmail set up what we call SPF set up what we call DK dkim which is also called dkim and set up what we call DeMark these are you know a bit technical but pretty easy Once you know how to do them we set them up to again increase deliverability if they are not set up your emails are more likely to go to spam it's not going to go as well for you we also want to set them up in this exact order SPF first then dkim then DeMark I'll show you guys how to do that and we want we want to always use a tool called MX toolbox to make sure that they're set up properly so with that in mind let me actually show you guys how to set these up so I've got them ready here I've got these three domains that we've already bought beforehand and I know they're about XYZ and I set to buy.com they're just test domains so I can show you guys how to do it but again stick to.com so what you do first right is you go to a website like GoDaddy that's pretty straightforward I'm sure a lot of you guys know how to buy domains you buy domain so whatever domain you want to buy you buy it what I like to do because you're going to need to buy a couple of domains for this like you can't just buy one or else you can't send a lot of volume which I'll talk about later but if my domain is bdb scale.com like I said earlier I don't want to use my main domain so what am I going to do I'm going to use a variations A variation like the btb skill.com pro bb.com your bb skill.com the- bd.com Pro Das like basically small variations like that that are very similar but but obviously not the same once you've bought them you're then going to add them to a Google admin console so how do you create a Google admin console a lot of you guys know this it's pretty straightforward search for Google workspace on Google open the first link and get started just create a Google workspace account a lot of you guys know this it's where you create your email accounts typically for your business get started and when it starts loading what it's going to do is it's going to ask you for your business information business name employees region you basically go through this whole thing and I will let you guys know sometimes what happens with us is at the end it will ask you hey can you give us like if they don't trust you for whatever reason especially when you set up a lot of accounts they might ask you for your credit card information like a picture of your credit card and a passport or a um government ID to verify that it's you when that happens just heads up just put it in give them the 24 to 48 hours and then they'll accept it and you get access to the workspace once you're in it looks like this so again guys first thing I do is I buy domains I won't do it but I I bought them already that's pretty straightforward and then I add them to the admin console my team's already added some so we're ready here oh let me just log in so you guys can see this and once we add the domains there are a couple steps that we're going to go through here to make sure that we can actually use them for called email there you go so again I clicked on domains guys they asked me to log in again I'm going to go to manage the domains and this is where I'll see all of them so here they are I've got two of them that are already added I'm going to show you guys first how to add a domain so you add it here and you enter the domain name so mine is I've got one as an example this one we'll just add it there you go you add it as a secondary domain add the domain and start verification if the domain is connected to GoDaddy which is what we do obviously it's it's super easy to set up you just literally click on this sign in to verify it will lead you to go daddy connected and then it leads me you said you said God daddy is better right yes it's not the only one yeah but like you can use god daddy I believe Squarespace or Google domains is also good I try to avoid n because that's where people just so people can understand the mindset behind it people typically go to like scammers and spammers and people that are not necessarily using C Emil for the good of the of society they buy domains from nature because it's cheaper so because that there is a reputation to it GoDaddy is very well trusted and also com domains are very well trusted so I know I'm using Daddy just XYZ is just for the example exactly so don't do that XYZ guys or your domains are it's not going to work as well so do Go Daddy just keep it simple guys exactly so once I add it I got to verify the domain and that's what was happening right now typically you got to wait for like five minutes uh I'm not going to do that here it is it's still verifying I've already had my team add some other domains so it's verifying right now once it's verified this is another domain and this is what it will look like it'll say verified but you got to activate Gmail so I'm going to do that next set up MX record next and there you go with GoDaddy it's super easy as you can see it immediately does it so now it's activating Gmail and again I'm going through this fast guys but some context this one is the one I just verified you got to wait for a couple minutes then for Gmail I gotta wait for a couple minutes and you got to do this for every single domain and later I'll tell you you guys how many domains you need to actually like send out a lot of emails and then once this is verified it's in progress it looks like this cool so it's verified and Gmail is activated so let's go back to the slides first thing I did is I added the domain I activated Gmail and now I'm going to add SPF dkim and dmar in that order I'm not going to go over technical terms but basically those are things that again improve your deliverability just to keep it pretty simple obviously there's some more technical stuff to it but we'll keep it simple so SPF guys is the first one and this is typically already added automatically when you add your domain and you activate Gmail and how do I know that's a fact go to a tool like I said like MX toolbox and go to their SPF record check and you can find this pretty easily by searching MX toolbox SPF check and it's the first L that comes up so I already have it open what I'm going to do is I'm going to put the domain in here to make sure that it's set up properly and you always want to do this for every single domain guys so make sure you didn't make a mistake so copy the domain SPF domain name and look it up and there you go when everything is green here it means it's set up properly so that is the first thing and again it's typically set up by itself when you add the domains to Google uh workspace so next I'm then going to go and set up dkm make sure first dkim right make sure the SPF is working it is okay let's go set up dkm how you do that is you go to the admin console search for uh let's search for deim in the search bar and it's the first one that comes out I'm going to go there and again I use the sheet uh to set this all up like I was saying so it's going to help us with keeping track of everything so this is the one I was setting up add it to Google I've set up SPF now I'm at deim the Domain is growth dbb doxyz so let's open that up here I'm going to select the domain I believe this supposed to one here yep so this is what it looks like when you haven't set it up and the way you do it guys is you generate a new record first thing keep this the same generate and let's refresh the page there you go so this is what it then comes up with I'm then going to go to GoDaddy this is a bit technical but very simple guys so I'm going to go to GoDaddy sorry there's the there you go I find my domain here it is I go to DNS and you can again if you do choose to use another domain provider like uh Google it's not Google domains anymore but anything else they also have a DNS management section for each domain where you can add and if you use high level to connect the domain to high level typically you have to do this as well so a lot of you guys might be familiar with it let's go back I'm going to add this um record to the domain so I'm going to go here add a record this is for dkim again the second one we need to set up uh the record is txt so it's a txt text record T no it's not text txt go here copy this and copy this and there you go I can keep this the same save and then what you got to do guys is you got to give it some time um what there's a button here that says start authentication if I try clicking on it it's going to say it's not g it's not going to work not verified you got to wait a little bit I don't know the exact time typically a couple minutes to sometimes a couple hours once you click on this and it actually works it will say it will turn to stop authentication and once the authentication starts which is not going to work for now your DM is verified but again I would then go and double check using MX toolbox so let's take the domain here this was the SPF check I do DM as well and again it's not going to work now because I just uh nrow occurred so it's not going to work right now let's try it again oh sorry that's why I do want to say when you look for deim put the domain name and also selector it asks for a selector you want to put Google if you're doing it the way I'm doing it if you're using Google right apparently it's working so we got it done um but despite that always make sure that it says start the authentication here starts or else don't use it yet like don't don't just skip to the next part I gotta wait till this says start authentic till this works when I click on it and it does give me an error even if deim is set up here because you see everything is green deim record found the record is valid ke is present cool so let's pretend guys because we were low on time that this did work I'm then going to set up D Mar so how do I set up DeMark here DK yo Christian by the way people are saying that you were in the DNS for the wrong domain oh was that that's what some people said they're right but it's fine it's not a big deal as long as you guys understand like how to do it the next step is De Mark so to set up Demar it's the same I got to ask a I got to add a txt record again I'm going to do it with the wrong tring by the way Christian you're doing an amazing job just huge shout out like you are you are so freaking smart bro it's insane and you're fast all Heist me up all the time but guys watch I would I would absolutely recommend you guys go back and watch this yeah on like 5X speed. five not 5x after the recording is Live on YouTube I I'm a little slower I25 not a techie keep going keep going Christian we're not stopping you Let's do let's do it all right so Demar again guys recap I set up SPF it's working I set up dkim in the right domain it's working I I don't just look here I got to make sure again that and this is not going to work because I did the wrong domain but start authentication should work once this works I then set up dmark in that same domain so for dmar I go back txt I have added a um the Google the official Google um um article on how to set it up right here so you guys can access that in the slides so here's what I need to do copy this right here all right that's the name here the the name of the record now for the second one the record value I'm going to copy this but you'll notice here there's an email I'm going to need to change that and I'll tell you guys why what Demar does guys is it sends reports pretty much I believe every day I might be wrong but it sends reports to this email saying hey things are going well things are going well I personally ignore them um and I don't think most of you like probably all of you shouldn't actually pay attention to that just make sure that this email is one of your emails so you don't send out reports to random people is what I'm saying so if I had to do it for me let's just put one of our business emails here and please don't email me let get a good Christian quick question you don't use something like Cloud flare for DNS management I personally not okay yeah I'm just not familiar with it that's why oh okay okay got it guys you know where we told you guys with Isaac take what we taught you and innovate on it for the cold email for the setup for this part just copy and paste it yeah don't inate on this this is this is more of the tech stuff like it requires just clear copying and pasting we'll talk about when we get to the scripts that's where you can innovate yeah 100% so I've now set added Demar guys again I would put it here check for Demar this is obviously the wrong domain let's just do this one real quick you got to I'll show you guys what it looks like when it's set up properly in here let's see if it works this is what it looks like so it's green I know some of these are yellow but I'm not going to go into too many details here DeMark you can set it up a lot of different ways if this is what it says for you guys it's good there's two yellow ones here and three green ones you're good so again let's go back to the sheet SPF D dmark I've set them up I've added the domain to Google we are now good to go for domains and I always check with MX toolbx free tool to make sure they're set up properly so that was the first step you guys are not ready for the other ones let's keep going so now we're going to set up the email accounts if you're bra and overwhelmed if you're watching this and brain Fred and like totally overwhelmed don't worry about it just stick with it just learn the principles all these replays will be in the YouTube and you'll be able to break it down slowly just FYI and and and if you want to be an entrepreneur who has the power to send 2500 emails a day all the way up to 10,000 emails a day as you scale this you got to learn this [ __ ] you know there's you can't have it all right it's like it's like uh this is what your competition is doing so you got to be I will say this I will say this too because me paon are playing good cop bad cop but I will say this like you guys can also and I'm not talking about us you can pay people to set this up for you on like upwork um because obviously like some people will do cold Emil for other people for agencies it's a full service but if you just want someone to set it up just so you know and I don't have a specific like person to refer you guys to there are people that this is all they do I don't know them personally like we do more than that as like for ourselves so just you can search that up just giving you guys a heads up there's always people willing to uh do this work for money or you can hire V and have them watch this and do it just make sure they're doing it right we've Now set up the domains properly we're now going to start setting up the emailing accounts this one's pretty simple I will say this though guys sometimes when you try logging into them it will ask you for a phone code not a number it's like you got to put in a number and and then you it's got to send a code and it's you got to put it in right don't use your number for that because you're going to set up a lot of accounts if you want to send volume which like Joel said earlier uh I don't I'm gonna I'm paraphrasing here but like you're not going to get crazy results saying sending 50 emails a day I was sending literally over 10,000 I don't know if I should have sent that many but I was sending a lot uh that generated like between 20 30 grand a month for my agency in Cairo back then but you don't like you got to send at least a th a day minimum if you want to see in my opinion it's significant um results so that's why you're going to need a lot of phone numbers and what we do internally is we use this tool called SMS activate to basically get I've got it open actually to get temporary phone numbers specifically made for codes like to get a code uh just to heads up always use first world country numbers so because I've had a bad experience using like you know very because the the third world country numbers are cheaper but that can be dangerous so I actually asked my team before this what numbers do you guys use currently and he told me Netherlands so let's let's use Netherlands I'll just refresh the page here hey quick question do we not do the the the chips anymore like is that old stuff like where you go buy the SIM cards are you can do that you can do that oh okay yeah we used to do that as well I had my VA go to the fish market and buy a you know hundreds of SIM cards out in Philippines and he activating it and we would get like 500 email domain set up you could do that for sure this is easier though but like I used to do that as well Okay cool so this is even easier so let's just do that if that's easier yeah because you can literally just add some money I know this is sketchy guys it's like this is Russian rubles um but you literally just search for Gmail add money search for the country again we'll do Netherlands and this is like probably it's less than a dollar like it's very cheap to get a number just adds up Buy and then it will pop up somewhere oh all right I haven't used it myself in a while my team does it uh apparently it's not oh there is there is okay there's the number I would copy this number put it in if the account ask for a number guys I would put it in and then it will send a code here let's delete that just so you guys know because you're going to have that issue for some of you but let me show you first how to create email accounts like once that now that we've added the domain right so the domains are added we've done SPF dkm D mark made sure they're good with MX toolbox I'm going to go to users and how do I create a user so I'm going to add a new user here give it whatever name you want so let's give it my name select the domain because you can select multiple ones uh whatever primary email works typically just your first name your first name last name and what you can also do is you can add a profile picture here which I will recommend you guys do I'm not going to do it for now but like this is where you would add a profile picture there are other ways but it just adds up I will then add the user and it is now created I would copy the password typically and the username uh put it in the sheet so I can keep track of it and at the end guys you will have like a lot here right so that's why you want to keep track of it somewhere so I'm not going to try to log into this one because I'm already logged into another one here which we created before for the sake of speed what I'm going to do now let's go back here again I I created account I try logging in right and sometimes it asks for a phone code I use SMS activate for that and buy first world country numbers always use one phone number per account I've made the mistake of not doing that I would buy one number for the sake of like saving costs and use it for like two accounts and what tends to happen when I did that the accounts wouldn't let us log in due to suspicious activity and when that happens just heads up delete the account and create a new one but only use one number per account and again they're super cheap do the conversion on Google it's like couple cents 102 20 and you can set these accounts up on an cogn window or really any window for those wondering once we've logged in and I have one open right now we're going to set up these three things turn on IMAP which we're going to need to connect the account to the C email to lator add a profile picture which I've already talked about and add a birthday and I'll say why so let's go let's go to the account so how do I turn on IMAP which is the most important I go to the settings here see all settings forwarding and pop and I enable it and right here enable IMAP and save profile picture I already showed you guys how to add that so that's pretty straightforward if I go to the account here go to manage your Google account I can add a birthday and I'll tell you guys why we do it it's because I've heard a long time ago that if you don't have a birthday it can affect the liability I will not I'm not going to lie I didn't like split test it but it doesn't hurt it takes like two seconds so I think it's worth it not to risk it so I'm as well right so the account is now ready that is it literally you create the account you can do more things keep in mind guys you can do this is like really the essentials but now I can use this account to send out cold emails there are a couple things you got to do first but that's L you recommend picture yes 100% 100% yeah really you're initating a real signup yes and we're just doing it like in mass volume because I only did one but I'll talk about it literally if you want to send 2500 qu emails a day you guys need 28 domains and you need 84 accounts on those domains so you got to do this like how much time does that take you to set up a day not like my team will take like about a day for each system 80 so it'll take about a day to get to a day of hard work non-stop to set up the system set up just set everything up okay so let's say let's just say let's just say to keep it simple two to three days for every 2 200 emails of of uninterrupted work so a weekend of uninterrupted work if you want to have 10,000 you'll need four weekends of uninterrupted work or about a whole week plus you got like three Red Bulls and like two monsters but like yeah it does get it get tiring just so you guys know right like it's it's definely repetitive so or you can also hire a like a virtual assistant on like up work or remote Latinos or like all these other places that have uh virtual assistance to go through the process and you just make sure they do it right one time with them maybe even two or three times and then they could just keep doing it for you and if they're charging you $5 an hour and it takes two days and they work let's say just keep it let's just say they they work 10 hours each day so you're paying 100 bucks plus obviously the C cost of the domain but 100 bucks to have someone do this for you Christian can go over the can you go over the numbers one more time those that might have missed it how many domains do we need to be able to send out 2500 I think 2500 is a good range to start per day yep there is That's The Next Step so we set up let me do a and I argue paulon they don't need to start at 2500 but I think it's like ideal not not ideal but it's you're gonna see like really significant results there thousand is like the minimum I would say if you're gonna do this you could do 500 a day but it's like yeah it's gonna take a while so okay let me go over the slides you guys will understand how to set up for every domain that I buy I set up three emailing accounts so for example if I have bw.com I have Christian b.com Christian isue b.com and christian. or just Christian e bd.com some people will say you can set up up to five email accounts per domain we just don't do that we've done this and it's worked well for us now I'm going to skip some slides here to go back to what cson was saying but basically guys you'll see this later I don't have my calculator but every account can send 30 cold emails per day once it's fully ramped up every like one of these at least that's what I recommend and I would recommend you guys do what I recommend so if I just do some quick math 30 how do if I want to send a th I need about 33 accounts right and I have three emailing accounts per domain so I need 11 domains that's to send a th000 so 11 domains $12 a year uh 33 accounts 7 Bucks and 20 cents a month if you're using Google workspace which I recommend if I want to send 2500 Cod emails uh per day again each each account since 30 cold emails per day I need 84 emailing accounts it's just about that it's like 2520 84 emailing accounts again three accounts per domain you just divide that by three that means I have 28 domains and why is 30 the range that you don't cross like 30 emails per day so a general rule that is said in COD email not just by me but just people in general is you don't want to send more than 50 emails per day per emailing account especially new ones if you want to do more volume you just get more accounts because the more emails I sent per account the more it's at risk of like getting restricted getting emails got marked to spam so we are sending 30 at least the way I set it up which obviously works for us send 30 cold emails per day and we sent 20 what I we call warm-up emails per day I'll talk about that in a second here so if you add those both of those together we're at 50 and that is why we choose 30 some people will say I want to do 25 cold emails 25 warm-up we do 30 cold emails 20 warm-ups because it has work for us so and all that in mind all with that all um do that with keeping in mind that you don't want to go over 50 total emails per day including cold emails WM up emails and anything else and and side note you can typically only have up to 50 emailing accounts per Google workspace so like you know this whole thing that I said oh sorry this whole thing that I I'm setting up here I can only typically have 50 depending on the plan you're on from one of my team told me because they're the ones that set this up like Joel was saying guys we on board last month we onboarded 15 new clients I'm not sending the sub myself for 50 new clients like that would be crazy we have like full-time team memb is doing this right so I would recommend like like Joel said upw workk get a VA like it's it's very you can get somebody for three bucks an hour four bucks an hour to do this for you like in the Philippines it's it's pretty uh not complicated um quick tip too don't set up these accounts in your main Google workspace so I did that mistake honestly but it hasn't hurt me yet looking back I wouldn't have done it where you have your main account so if you have your own company you have your email address you have your team members email addresses don't set up your email accounts for qu email on that Google workspace go create another one because and this is like rare I'll talk about how to avoid this later but like potentially in the same way that Facebook guys can just shut down your business manager just like that Google could shut down your Google workspace if they wanted to so I want to make sure to separate the cold email ones which are more more risky than uh from the regular ones because technically and I haven't mentioned this Google doesn't want you to do cold email not just them but like most email providers Outlook Google Zoho it is legal though like in the US as long as you're in the US you're it's allowed but that's why we got to do all these things and I'll talk to you guys about in a second like the warmup we just got to go around Google's uh algorithm pretty much and also make sure we've made that mistake guys so please learn from it make sure that all your accounts are in the $720 $720 month per month plan because when you create the workspace sometimes what Google does is they'll give you a plan they'll say hey go on the $21 a month plan and then you go and you forget about it and you set up all these accounts and then couple like a couple weeks later you see you're' been charged like $21 per account it Stacks up right especially when you have 80 plus accounts so do the $7 and 20 cents per month plan uh you can quickly double check actually I'm not going to show you guys just double check I'm we just to make sure I go through this fast this is pretty big or else you might lose uh quite a lot of money that you don't need to lose so once we've set up the accounts we're going to send cold emails using a tool called instantly. a a lot of you know it lot of you don't know it as well and there are other compe that work smart lead is one of them I personally use instantly this is what it looks like when you're in it so you want to get the $97 a month plan is the uh least expensive one that gets you what you need send our cold emails oops guys there you go I got too many tabs open give me one quick second there you go we're then going to add the email accounts to instantly once we set them up the way that I showed you guys and before before we do that there's just one thing that I have to do which is to set up what we call O off in your Google workspace o authentication because if you want to connect an email account to instantly which again is the tool that sends out the cold emails like because you can't there are cold emails tools specifically made for cold email instantly is one of them so let me show you guys how to add an account what's you're in instantly right I go to add new Gmail G that's what we use right they ask you to enable IMAP remember guys we already did it that's why I told you guys to do it and then we're going to select all authentication this is the easier like I said easier to set up more stable available for G accounts I'm then going to log in I'm going to need to log into the account but before I do that we got to set up all authentication and I mentioned this in the um slides here you only need to set up authentication once per Google workspace account so if all my accounts are in here I set up let's say 50 I don't need to do it for each account this takes way less time so let's go do that real quick it's pretty easy again you only do this once literally per uh per per uh workspace so I search for API here I am I then go to manage third party access I'm G to add an app perfect it's not even done I'm gonna do it right now add an app and select oo app name this is for instantly guys specifically right it's not like for any qu email tool if you're using instantly which I recommend this is how you set it up so I'm going to go to instantly copy the client ID here that they give you search for it here it is Select select this is good trusted and finish and this is what it looks like now I can connect all the accounts that are in this workspace to instantly so let's go do that uh the one that I just set up I believe was this one uh there you go you want to allow and it is now in instantly so we've now successfully created the account added the domains set up the domains created the accounts set up the accounts and added them to instantly so let's search for that account real quick here it is so I'm going to show you guys how to set it up inly in a second but first let's go back here okay once we've connected all the Google workspace accounts to instantly we're going to launch what we call the warm-up so quick very quick explanation of what the warmup is when you send out cold email guys uh cold emails are actually like I was saying not you're not supposed to do it they don't get open a lot they get marked a Spam from some people some people uh don't reply to them and when those things three things happen and more it decreases the reputation of your accounts and if it keeps happening your accounts get restricted so C emails are like bad emails that are taking down your reputation warmup emails do the opposite so you always want to make sure that you're doing both at the same time that's why I was telling Paulson earlier we send 20 warmup emails per day and 30 cold emails and you never turn on warmup guys you always keep it on while you're doing cold email not only that but you don't want to send out cold emails before warming up your accounts for at least 14 days not business days but just 14 days so the warm-up settings I'm actually going to show them to you guys here I've got it uh I've got got them here are these ones I'm just going to show them to you guys I think it'll be easier than reading through this so I've got it again in the sheet let's go to the uh I know it keep referring to the sheet but it's because we actually use it so we added the birthday we did IMAP we connected to instantly and the settings here are the ones that we want to set up so let me show you guys what they are sorry all right so the account is here right I'm going to click on it and go to the set first things first 30 daily emails Max so like I said earlier we don't want to send more than 30 qu emails per day so I'm going to set up the limit here to 30 that's one done then for the warm that's not actually warm up but I do it while I'm here right the warmup is here warmup settings basic so what I'm going to do here this is how we do it we increase the warmup by two per day so in other words on the first day it's going to send two warmup emails on the second day it's going to do four then on the third it's going to do six then eight then 10 then 12 and keep increasing until it hits 20 the daily warm-up limit and we're going to keep that at 20 so once it hits 20 it's not going to go over that the reply rate is 80% meaning 80% of my warm-up emails get replied to because again just some context on what warm-up is instantly has all these users right and what the warm-up does is it sends emails between the instantly users and it purposely opens them replies to them takes them out of spam and marks them as important even to make to increase your reputation that's how it does it back in the day advance settings back back in the day when Joel like started off this whole thing like I want to say like I don't know 2016 maybe what we would do is subscribe to like retailers so we would like subscribe to like Macy's all the restaurants in the local area and let it run for like a month and kind of impersonate and I don't think that's that as I don't think that's even relevant today in 2024 so I'm glad you mentioned uh the whole instantly tool I've never even heard of it yeah I know that was yeah the newsletter thing you'd sign up for like 10 newsletters leave it there for like two weeks yeah I remember that this still so good for just skipping that yeah so quick question on the relationship with high level on something like this where does high level even come in if you I mean do you not recommend it I usually don't recommend people to use high level for cold email at Mass scales like this I I rather recommend people using high level for postprocessing after WS exactly so I'm going to talk about it uh we don't use high level to send out cold emails but I use high level to build out the landing page that we sent to the leads and then what we do reminders right when we get a lead we use high level for that and also we reactivate leads to high level so I won't talk about this today because we're out of time here and I don't have any the slides but when you get a cold email you guys you don't just email them once and that's it what you're doing is you're building a pipeline right of people that are interested in your services and over time we use high level to send them more emails send them more emails if they opted into text send them text hey are you interested exactly like nurturing over time reminder the landing page the calendar that's all high level so instantly sends out the emails once you had the leads high level is what you used to get them to book and to follow up and reminders and all that makes sense very cool I mean the principles haven't changed much of back when I had my agency because like we would do like SIM cards and we would dial in and all these crazy things back in the day with our V overseas um what else do we need to know about cold email at scale like this what else do we need to know um I'll show you guys the warm settings and the other thing to know I mean this is pretty much it you just got to do this like over and over again and for a lot of accounts there's a couple things to be careful about with the scripts that I'll talk about in a second but I'll just finish this warmup uh just let me know Paul and control if this is good I got I have to go through this a bit F I mean it looks like a lot of sides but they're pretty quick so I'll go even faster all right buckle up y'all buckle up give us give us I totally get it if you're feeling overwhelmed and it's like Paul said I got people messaging me paulon this is so much info we're literally trying to tell you everything we've learned over the last like five six years of building seven figure agencies and how we complete I mean how we compete in today's market this is what you're going out there competing against hundreds and thousands of agencies that do systems like this so this is not you know this is not new this is all stuff that's very standard in the world of being an agency owner and now you're adding SAS to the mix with better offers now you're adding AI to the mix which which with more efficiency it's going to get really interesting in 2024 all right Christian I guess go faster my guy um and just contact guys I know it looks like a lot but I'm not going to even talk about our paid clients I'm like Joel said I'm a coach in this program I had people in his program come to me and say hey man I made so much money with your system because I teach this thing in there as well so there's money here to be made guys just I know it's a lot of first but let's go back to the warm-up so again I set the limit to 30 I don't want to send more than 30 cold emails per day warmup increased by two limit to 20 reply rate is 80% uh here I turn on these two I don't turn on the weekdays one so you can R through them it just helps with the warmup open rate I'm just going to go and check the stats because again they are in the sheet just to make it easier for you guys so we did the two increase per day in the 2 War limit I did the 80% reply rate read emulation I turned on it's the the one here this middle one warm custom tracking domain I turned on it's the other one that I turned on right below it then I'm going to turn on a warmup open rates so let's go here at 80% and 50% warmup Mark as important rate so what does that mean it means that 80% of my warm-up emails get opened and Mark important it means 50% I'm going to put it 50 50% of my warm-up emails get marked as important spam protection I keep at 100 so how many of your warmup emails to save from spam so if my warm emails go to spam Isley will aut automatically take them out of spam again to S signal to the to the email providers that like Hey we're good we're doing good things right we're not we're not sending out cold emails in any way shape or form and C emils are good things as well but they don't think that so uh we'll we'll continue so I've done this this and this the rest that I have to the right is not um it's not really required here I'll just go continue through these slides so again now oh sorry there is one life step that's pretty important uh you got to turn on the warmup so let's go back save the settings warm up and enable and you know it's enabled instantly when this is green so so the the warms enabled and again uh it didn't save just make sure sometimes I know this is a bug I think sometimes you got to refresh the page and go back to the settings make sure the settings are correct okay once you've launched the warmup like I was saying guys you then got to wait 14 days do not send cold emails before that or else you're very much at risk that includes weekends as well and that includes today so today is when it's going to start sending two warm-up emails per day then four then six then eight and on the 15th day we can start sending out hold emails after all this setup so how do we send out Cod emails we have I have two sending schedules that I'm going to give you guys because you don't immediately start sending 30 per day you got to ramp it up so even after 14 days so on day 15 I will start sending 10 Cod emails per day per account this is what we do for our clients so it's it's pretty safe you do that for seven days of sending emails and for context I don't send emails on Sundays but I do it uh Monday through Saturday if you want to do Monday through Friday that's fine as well so seven days of sending emails at 10 emails per account then 20 code emails per account for another seven days and after these two sday periods right I go to 30 sorry go over that real quick is this within the first 14 days or after the 14 days after so the first 14 days I don't touch it okay I don't I leave the warmup on using the settings that I turned I showed everybody I don't do anything else then after 14 days of warmup no sending cold emails I start sending colde emails this way this this is like super safe method guys so seven days of 10 per day per account another seven days of 20 cils per day per account and then uh 30 and then again you stay at 30 Cod emails and 20 warm-ups and if you want to scale you get more accounts I'll give you guys the rescue method if you guys want to you know take a risk and we do this for ourselves it does work but it is more risky just so you know after the 14 days of warm-up on day 15 right because I I warmed it up for 14 days I send five per day per account then the next day 10 then 15 then 20 then 25 then I stay at 30 so that's way faster and it works for us as well but the faster you rent this up guys the more risk there is like if I warmed up for a month I can I'm very sure sure that like my accounts will not get restricted there's no way this is what I was talking about earlier you don't want to send more than 50 emails per day per account and by the way this is the system guys just so you know like now you've done this the warmup you set up everything I told you you're sending old emails you don't want to send more than 50 emails per day per account including warmups and cold this is why I was telling Paulson we're sending 20 warm emails per day and 30 cold emails per day which is 50 total I'm not going to go over that if you want to send more volume get more accounts don't go over 50 per day per account um I'm going to quickly go through these guys because I want to talk about the script and everything else so and how to get a list so couple of things something you can do I I'll uh again you don't need this but you guys can Google how to do this you can do what we call domain forwarding so what that is is I just bought a domain let's say I bought B2B scaler.com and I set it up for cold email I can make it so that when someone Googles this this domain to check USS out it it redirects them to anywhere I want to our landing page let's say it's very easy to set up and go Daddy and I have a tutorial on how to do it like you guys will have these slides like we said at the end of the workshop so you guys can do that I'm not going to show you because I want to make sure to have time to go over everything else something else some of you guys might know CA and you're like Christian can I can I track open rate um well you're probably not asking that but I will tell you though to your surprise I do not recommend that you track your open rates because instantly unless you do that the problem with the I'm not I'll just show you guys real quick if I go to a campaign instantly which I'm not going to show you guys how to set these up because it's fairly simple uh you guys can Google that I'm trying to go over the stuff that is harder to find I can uh disable open tracking here in the campaign settings the campaigns is what we set up to send out C emails I actually recommend that you do not um set up open rates because what happens is when you set up open rates deliverability goes down side note you don't ideally want links you don't want uh attachments you don't want images videos in your first email that you sent out to people because that also reduces deliverability and the thing with open rate is it's a u it adds a pixel an attachment to your emails so that's how it's able to track open rate but by because it does that deliverability goes down yeah and also so even like subject lines you want to use like lower lowercase subject lines you don't want to add emojis and you there's like this whole email thing is like its own industry in the world of digital marketing that there are massive companies that are just specialized in something like this so as much as we're covering there's there's going to be more depth to this that you may want to do your own research but even like I recently learned that like lowercase subject lines is a lot more safer versus like capitalized uh letters in each one of the words like every single email subject line if you go through it you probably capitalize one of those letters in in one of those words um but keep going keep going Christian I'm I'm not the expert yeah you you don't Paulson's right especially like you don't want all caps like you definitely don't want that and you'll see I'll give you guys the scripts we use later for the same offer paper show you'll notice what Paulson just said I apply as well no no capital letters um and the subject line if you do choose to track open RS guys you got to set up what we call a custom tracking domain I'm not going to go into too many details as to how to do that inly has a lot of tutorials and this leads you to a tutorial on how to do it and I would honestly recommend that you only track open rates for like a couple of days and most so like two four days just to get you know the data and understand it don't leave it turn off forever because again it does reduce deliverability and when you do set up uh a custom tracking domain let's go back here to uh one whatever one of the accounts here it is it's right here so they literally give you the option to turn it on ADD a add a you got to add a c name Rec here they'll show you how to do that if you go to the article that I connected in the slides so now you have set up also real quick Christian I'm sorry to interrupt you um why not buy why not buy like a warmed up domain or warmed up cold email system like you know like do you have you tried that or do you feel do you feel more trust that you built it yourself so a great question I haven't tried that I would say the main only thing that like might be bad with that is that the domain might not be branded to your company or it might be completely random now I don't know if that affects results a lot it probably does a little bit but like if someone has a pil system and it's branded to their company with their domains and then I buy it I'd have their domains yeah there are compan it's yeah there are companies that'll for the purposes of selling domains for cold emailers and stuff like that you can you can buy stuff like get appointments.com and like crazy like generic emails but then like you said it doesn't brand to your business you don't know what they did with it a lot of folks will sell the same thing to like five different people and they reuse it so there's it's it's kind of a shady space in a sense if you are not careful you will you will get in trouble um and you know fr your IPS and stuff like that anyways let's keep going don't mean to Sidetrack you how to scrape a list for 120 that's pretty cheap these days wow it is dude it is and I will say this I've done some of the things Paulson says like buying accounts it does work but like you said it is a bit Shady they'll resell your accounts I will go through this like super quick guys there's so scraping list is an industry in of its own like there are people who build businesses off of that I'll just keep it simple for an agency all right I give you one tool use it it'll work D7 Leaf finder very overused people think the list does not work we use it for our clients it works for them I promise so what you do is you get the D7 lead finder let let me get out of these slides professional plan right so let's go to the website real quick it's um key on all those key on all those is get the highest plan yes yes because what it does in D7 is it lets you scrape uh 100 cities a day so you want to scrape fast like if you want to get a if you're scraping one city a day it's going to take you a while to build a pretty big list so the plans are here I can go to bulk search in D7 and put a keyword like let's say you guys are targeting chiropractors which we've seen like 27 times today and I believe in they one as well because Joel had a Cara and I could go on but I'm GNA put the keyword I have a list here guys of the top thousand US cities I just found on the internet it's not hard to find I will put those cities here make sure to put them in the format that they want you do 100 at a time right because this plan lets you scrape 100 cities you choose a country of the US if that's what you're doing but again if you're equal emailing in other countries guys careful the laws are different I'm going to give you you know everything I give you is for the US and then I would fetch the leads and it's going to give me a list of 100 the cow practice from 100 cities and that's it next I want to clean that list so whenever you scrap and guys if you buy a cold Emil list doesn't matter what you do you want to clean it always because what happens is verify is a great tool for that we use right now if I get a list of 80,000 emails for all I know 10,000 of them they don't even exist anymore and the problem is when you email emails that don't exist what what happens is uh we call it a bounce so the emails bounce meaning it goes to them and then it bounces back to you and it says hey this email doesn't exist and if you get too many of those your accounts are very much at risk like your reputation they can get disabled uh deliverability goes down so you want to avoid that so we'll use a tool like million verifier which is L cheap as well depending on the size of no even doesn't matter what size of your list is it's very cheap there you go let me close some of these tabs guys give me one sec what was that getting a bit slow I'm closing some of the tabs I have because I no it's for Life design I got there you go let's see cool there are several tools like this right there's like hunter.io there's like a bunch of this is the best one I've seen okay it terms of like speed and cost cuz some are like super expensive relatively speaking this one if you guys want to clean a list of let's say 20,000 emails are 30,000 which is significant it it cost up to 50 bucks and it's actually less because they only charge you credits when uh for the Bad Emails I believe so it's not actually this much but about like 3750 bucks and it cleans it in like 30 minutes an hour oh that's not bad yeah and a lot of them will charge you expensive and doesn't mean they're good they they just position it as if it's like they're the best yeah they just they just play the pricing game but a lot of them are not that great just FYI and this is a bonus guys uh for D7 specifically because it is a good tool it is competitive like it's been around for a while but if you have an offer like the one that we're talking about in these U you know this Workshop it's going to crush I know because we're doing it right now for people with a similar offer it's crushing in a D7 list and some it's not the best list provider but if you do it right it will be it's still a really good list I want to once I scraped that list and I clean it I have my team go in that list and they give you the categories of the email so if I get an email address in that list one of the categories might be Chopra my team will remove the categories that are not relevant because the truth is I get a list of like 50,000 chiropractors from D7 out of that maybe 10,000 are like physical th similar Industries physical therapists dentists acupunct IST massage therapist so like Industries are close so we always have I have my team going there not one by one because you can remove categories which is much faster with Google Sheets and just clean up the list from a standpoint of like making sure that it's accurate got it all right so now I have a list I have the system um again depending on how much you want to spend uh you can you know buy more accounts less accounts like I said earlier I recommend at least 1,000 emails a day which would be uh1 11 domains 33 email accounts and it would cost you about uh not much but let me pull on my calculator here and tell you guys real quick so the domains would be 130 bucks per year you're good I think we get the point it's it's there's going to be a minimal operating cost on all these but it's it's nothing yeah it's nowhere near so if you're starting out start with cold email and before you go into paid ads because once you go into pay by the time you get to paid ads your offers need to be kind of ironed out and cold email allows you to kind of iron out your offers in a new market or an existing Market get to a competitive State because if you don't have a offer your cold your ads won't work because if it stinks it'll stink more just because you ran some paid ads as far as your offer strength okay keep going keep going paper show cold email script let's FasTrack I'm about to give it away and by the way that was very well said real quick I use I think cold email is a great way to test your offer make sure it works and also make sure your sales process works and once you know your sales process works and your offer works you start running paid ads unless you have a lot of money in the bank that you can just spend on ass to go faster I think that's a really good strategy yeah if you had a lot of Mone just go buy the business instead of building a new one that is well that as well y um let's keep this simple guys I'm just going to give you two templates that work for paper show and I'm gonna add a scrip pinx so back to what paulon was saying patience for you so what do let's say this is for chiropractors you can changes for any Niche what do they want patience hi there just curious would you be interested in a paper show partnership we'll send you 20 new patients per month and you only pay us when a patient shows up no monthly retainers no setup fee no B and switch reply yes if you might be interested and I'll get back to ASAP on how this can help company name sorry thanks first name you got to put your company name here and you got to put your company address legally you can put a PO Box by the way and you got to have this opt out you can reply with stop to opt out it can be also a link I I just think this is better I'll say why later now this is going to look crazy what about to show you guys so just bear with me here you want to add spin tax to these scripts I'll talk about I'll talk about what this is in a second but basically what this does and tools like instantly let you do this is it will make each script different so if I look at these brackets let's look at this first paragraph here in the brackets there's this first sentence just curious would you be interested in a paper partnership then a vertical bar here and then just wondering would a paper show partnership interest you so it says the same thing but in different words and what will happen is when I put the script in instantly it will pick one of these randomly so in other words every script that I sent out is going to have is going to be different and that's important for deliverability and to make sure your accounts don't get restricted yeah time out for one second let me explain this let me explain this I'm not a tech I'm gonna I'm gonna break this down someone who's like me who's like man I'm I'm overwhelmed with the tech so what you're doing is using something called custom fields or merge Fields or values that a system like instantly allows you where you can create basically messaging that you can use anywhere and that messaging could be email funnels uh websites wherever you put these brackets in it will basically shoot out whatever your stored message is so in this scenario of cold emailing you want to have probably 10 20 different variations of messages and styles and angles because what that allows the system to do is pick a round robin method of creating Variety in your messaging which basically pretend basically creates the experience for the sending to be very you know very diverse because if you send the same messages over and over it throws off an alarm that you're just literally spamming where these custom Fields allows you to have variability yep exactly well said and I'll add to that too so there's two types here there's like this why I call the spin tax which is these ones where it's just taking the sentences that you're already putting in couple notes guys you can literally take this copy it put it instantly subject plan here send it out and you're going to get results I literally like this is the script like it it works today um but if you wanted to create your own script again there's like the spin TX which is like just variations of the same sentence and you want to make sure that it says the same thing but with different words don't change the meaning of it because then you're testing like five different offers at the same time and you don't know what's working and then there's custom values see this right here reply with yes and I'll get back to you on how this can help company name so this is like pretty common in cold email when I script a list from like D7 or some other tool I have the company name as well and when I upload that to instantly what it will do is for every single lead that it sends out an email to it will automatically put their company name here based on the Excel sheet that I put in instantly this is also super important for deliverability because now every single email you send is different because every company has a different company name for the most part a second one if you guys want to use it I there we're looking for one caor in City who can handle again custom value who can handle so Chicago New York who can handle 20 new patients in the next 30 days if you can take these on we'll send them your way and you only pay us when they show up at your office reply yes if you might be interested very simple straight to the point look at the subject line quick question I'm not pitching in the subject line right I'm just getting their interest I'm getting their curiosity patience for you and some of you might be thinking because question Qui question has been used for a long time it is very like it's very used in cold email but I promise it still works because we're using it today and Joel talked about this the ones who innovate win I'll talk about it later so if you want to like innovate on this go ahead but I can tell you this will work as well and I've got the script with spin tax yeah again always change the company name and address for sure yeah and by the way if you're if you're inside high level and you're brand new and don't have any scripts at all we have our 5-day challenge program that we run basically once a week and I've taken like eight to 12 scripts of my own agency and planned it around the SAS offers that we recommend which is the Trojan Horse method that we teach and you get all of that for free so if you need call email scripts just like literally sign up for the five day challenge and you'll get all those assets for free along with paid ads all free just because you're a part of high level and you have a high LEL account by the way so keep going keep going I guys high level is actually amazing and I'm not saying this because I'm speaking we use it ourselves I'll show you guys how we use it specifically for C email but I would also highly recommend you guys get it if you're running an agency and not just that obviously local businesses can benefit from it but it's a it's a really great tool so like I was saying you always want to have spin tax in your cold email scripts like what I just showed you and you also want to always make sure to have at least one custom value in the script if you go back every one of my scripts has one that I just showed you company name first name City whatever if you don't do this less emails will get delivered like what Paulson was saying earlier because every email is the same and if every email you send out is the same and you're sending 2500 a day good luck right Google is going to quickly catch on to that so you got to have these things in um because if not your accounts could be at a higher risk of getting restricted in the US if you're emailing there there are a couple laws you got to follow um I'm no lawyer but I'll tell you guys what I found and what we do for ourselves based on my research company name has to be in there company address and again it can be a PO Box uh I might wrong on that you know I'm not a lawyer again but as long as it's like related to your company and then an opt out this is huge guys U there can be fines with called email the only reason I can think of that you would get a fine and I've never seen anybody get it but the only reason is if someone tells you to unsubscribe and you don't unsubscribe them and you keep emailing them so that if you go back to my scripts you can also reply with stop to opt out always have something like this you can also put a link but again like I said earlier I said links reduce deliverability so what I tell them is to reply stop because again the more people reply to my email the better for my reputation the reputation of my accounts and then you unsubscribe them it instantly has tutorials on how to do that they have something called the block list which allows you to unsubscribe when you get a positive reply they'll reply with yes right because let's go back to the script are you interested reply with yes and I'll get back you ASAP sometimes they reply saying I'm interested sometimes they ask a question what's the price never revealed the price guys by the way just give a range if they ask what's your service never reveal the service give them like we can do this this this and that it really depends on the client book call right always go back to the call just to heads up but this is like a template you can use uh literally we use this with our clients hey first good to see you're possibly interested in our paper show offer if you're not against it I'd rather we talk over a call than via email it'll be easier to go over the basics that way here's a cter link to save you some time I have an example booking page and then you follow up like crazy guys call them email them again uh text them uh legally of course do every like go reach out to them you can reach out of them on social media for us we only do email and it works but we've also added like other things you can just follow up with them by call which is huge and the booking page built on none other than high level looks something like this and you guys just heads up Isaac showed you guys a Lander earlier that he uses for paid ads you can use the same ler for for COD email it works as well by the way is that what he said applies is that so is it okay for us to use our actual agency domains for the booking pages and stuff like that or should we get like a okay cool this was my C agency um it's the actual domain so that is fine yeah you can use it everything Isaac said for the landing page there applies here and by the way we've tested like a landing page on High versus just sending cly this how performs just so you guys know so use this well not this but use the landing page logo call out your audience attention XYZ who want to massively grow their whatever practice business this headline actually is not deal for cold email right now because I was using this for paid ads if your email says I'll send you 20 new patients a month and you only payer show this should probably say and we do this book A Time below to learn more about our new payer show offer the sub headline would say we're just elaborate something like this we're offering to run your ads schedule your leads for you and to only charge per qualified patient that shows up and then you could have another thing that says like no monthly retainers no setup fees no bance switch all that stuff and then a call to action pick a time for your whatever you do 15minute phone call below to claim one of our 10 spots for the month and then how we do it is they can book and we have all these qualifying questions um you can also I would not put this copy here but you can have testimonials as well uh and then I just do it again something like this almost done guys couple of final things I know everybody's brain is fried with everything you've seen today couple stats to measure so I'll tell you guys the stat that I look out for uh to know is this working or not and this will vary from person to person marketing agcy space pretty competitive we look for these stats minimum 1% reply rate meaning at least 1% of the people I email reply so out of 100 emails I get at least one reply 0 2% positive reply rate so max again if I send 500 emails I get one positive reply and I will say that this varies a same as Isaac said earlier for paid outs like some niches you get $30 cost per calls some you get 120 hold email same thing some Industries you get like a positive reply for every hundred emails you send some for every thousand like Dental D those competitive guys so that's an example right but I am for 500 in general like one for every 500 emails I sent I get one positive reply and uh every positive for every five positive replies that I get I get one booked call 20% booking rate that's what I mean it could be higher but again it could be lower if you have a lot of qualifications so that's why it's like not black and white it's like really a Continuum right it's like this is just like General uh guidelines and at the end of the day I believe paulon you talked about this earlier the only stat that truly matters is CAC cost of acquisition like even if you don't hit these stats guys if your cost to acquire a client is good don't worry about it just scale like send more emails if you're not necessarily hitting these stats as long as your cost back position is good you shouldn't like don't worry just go send more emails uh final quick notes sometimes your me email accounts guys will get temporarily restricted even if you do everything perfectly it's normal it's like driving a car even if the car you drive it perfectly it still gets scratched it's still there's some bumps in a road there's like things that happen and when that happens just so you know you can typically go into Google workspace and reinstate them sometimes you can't and in that case you just create a new account to replace the old one if you do not follow the tips I gave today I gave today concerning spin tax right having at least one custom value in your script and the way that I warmed up the accounts and everything the exact set of meth method I gave you and I'm not trying to scare you you guys but your entire Google workpace account can get banned and your email accounts can get banned as well and your domains can get what we call blacklisted which means like the domain doesn't work anymore for sending emails so a couple things so make sure to follow everything you can innovate on the script but the setup like Joel said earlier do it exactly as I do it also have the expectation guys that Cod email changes every couple months and years like eight like six months ago okay a year ago everybody used Zoho Mail to send out Cod email six months ago they stopped they Lally send no more C email this method I showed you guys today people have been using it for years like Google workspace so it's been working for a very long time but just have this expectation expectations are everything and also like Joel said I believe earlier the script I gave you will probably stop working eventually because everyone here will start using it so it's working now so but you have to innovate and this is the next thing the last thing the ones who innovate win you can copy paste you're G to get you're going to get copy paste results which are not bad but if you want like great results you got to do something a bit different don't have to reinvent the wheel but like yeah yeah this sare is a great example of that yeah there's a by the way Christian that was fantastic you got through so much content like almost 200 slides in like I don't know less than an hour I'm I'm pretty impressed uh just in general um so there's two schools of thoughts uh that you all should think about and I talk about this in our challenge in our masterminds by the way if you're not coming to our February Mastermind you're going to miss out come to Dallas ASAP tickets are about to be sold out um and Joel also will say this as well there are two types of agency owners there are the sales guys that are just really good at closing deals all day long and then you have the tech folks that are good at Building Systems if I were to pick a business partner I know I'm better at sales I will always find a business partner that's better at the tech eventually you're going to have to choose the lane that matters best for you as an entrepreneur as an agency owner because things like this I would pay someone to just set it all up for me and get out of the way because I even if I did it I just don't trust myself in not skipping a step or making a screw-up or whatever so those of you that are watching if you're overwhelmed it's totally normal think about who you're going to be in your business are you going to be the salesperson or the you know the tech person and choose accordingly um Joel what what are your thoughts on on next steps well Christian you absolutely crushed it man that was insane honestly you taught people how to do cold email in like an hour and a half which is absolutely nuts you give away the scripts setups the scaling the scraping everything so guys we are literally overd delivering for you guys like none other like I told Paul my my hope is to do the craziest three-day Workshop in the history of high level so um one thing though so Paulson our last guest speaker can't go tomorrow so we're gonna Ram it 30 minutes okay how do y all feel so far we went through three like two massive business strategies and not just talked about it from a concept standpoint we practically showed you exactly how to get it done give me a one in the chat if you have the brain power to just keep going for maybe 30 more minutes and what we want to teach if possible is Instagram DMs at scale um post I want to see the ones in the Facebook streaming uh I don't see enough ones let me see here how many of you all are wanting us to keep going and we'll take another 30 minutes so we are we've been about three hour so far so that's less than what we spent yesterday so I feel good about keeping going okay um all right cool there's a ton of ones that just came in um Joel let's just get both let's just get rolling awesome for the last guest I got a very very special incredible person amazing entrepreneur he is one of the uh coaches in agency lab he's also our community uh manager so he like manages all of our community Hypes everyone up he also has his own agency doing over $40,000 a month and this guy is incredible aend generating appointments through Instagram DMS so he has an agency specifically on helping other businesses generate appointments through literally just messaging people on Instagram very simple but very powerful and today he's going to break it all down hopefully we can do it fast we'll see how uh how it goes so uh with that in mind again incredible individual amazing entrepreneur and uh he's also just getting started so I know that for a fact he's going to be hitting 100k mon very very soon uh without further Ado uh let's pass the ball off to Marcus pizaro what's up marus marus welcome in man good to hang can you can you give people a context on how many appointments you've set through DMs about 10,000 um just a little bit about me I've used my so I ran a gym a years and I solely use igdm to get my agency to 15 20K and uh now you know actually I give credit to Joel last year he gave me the idea of helping you guys out uh get more appointments for your agencies in different niches from Cairo solar gyms Etc uh through IG right so I'm here to share with you everything that I've been doing in 2023 so you guys can take in 2024 and leverage it with paper show go high level and just simply scale your agency out so I'm excited to share it with you guys don't worry you know I'm only going to take 20 minutes um as much as I love you know Christian IU it's not going to be as complicated as cold email uh just a little bit of things to make sure you don't ban yourself off you know IG and by the way when I'm going to talk about IG I'm also paralleled to LinkedIn to Facebook right it's a same thing it's DM so I'll be diving into that right now um so yeah anything else you guys want me to do before uh we dive in no I like what you said earlier it's like hang in there guys it's worth it's worth the pain hang in there three hours in we're it's better than an eight hour session Jo all wanted just FYI there's so much to cover absolutely the funny thing is is like you know these owners they're not checking their DMS every day they're tired too like you guys are tired right now and one of the things I'll go over in the DMS is you got to be in and out really quick I call it no man's land you know because they're not living there and I'm going to show you what has helped me get their attention really fast right just like fishing right get a fish hooked on your bait and obviously reel them in as fast as you can so obviously you can sell them on your great service so without further Ado I'm going to go ahead and share my screen show you everything so thank thank you Marcus just welcome him with a one in the comments one in the streaming as a thank you or as a welcome to Marcus apprciate guys y all right so really quick step by step I'm going to first teach you the principles of DM Outreach overall Outreach in general when it comes to paid ads um and stuff that will be applicable specifically with dming okay the second thing is how to set up igms right it's not complicated but you obviously want to do it right so you get the most out of it so it's effective the third thing is setting up your script and prospecting and I'll be I'm so pumped to show you what I'm doing in fact after this I will actually give you my course fun fun story this is obviously go high level so I'm going to give you it you guys are obviously going to have it for free don't worry um little story I'm going to call out Joel but I meant to give this to Joel in agency lab but I just kept giving it to people in the coaching in agency lab and I was like wait I might as well bring it to you guys right now so I'm gonna give it to you guys Merry Christmas let go you guys will have it on top of that I'll give you um because part of scaling is leveraging virtual assistant and training them very well I'm also going to give you my certification course that I give them so that they are prospecting um respecting and book uh appointment sets for you so obviously you don't have to be in the trenches all day you can literally pass this off yeah you can really pass this off really fast little Pro tip in fact a lot of people ask that's awesome by the way wait that that's that's huge guys so can we just take a moment to appreciate that because Marcus that honestly is insane thank you man of course of course yeah guys I want to make sure you guys you know do this well and um you know part of I'm not going to kind of you know dump like I'm not going to go down a rabbit hole right here but I'm Filipino I want to give as many jobs as I can uh back to my country so these guys are hardworking help them help you so I'm going to give you as much as uh I can possibly give so you guys have team members working hard for your agency and scaling all right so with that let's go ahead and dive into it so here are the Frameworks really quick number one let's kind of like um you mentioned um H is you know think of the Native the origin uh the origin origin of Facebook of LinkedIn of Instagram right just like you said about Tik Tok and how it's disrupted how we watch videos now these places are not to talk shop maybe LinkedIn and indeed but Instagram and Facebook you're here to connect with people that are like-minded who are awesome that you like right so the number one thing is to remind yourself to be conversational right you know I'm going to dive into scripts that's worked for me but being direct hasn't been usually the best case and there's ways to obviously uh start a conversation and actually help them be more friendly to you after a cold Outreach the second thing like we've always been saying do more and do better right volume is King at the end of the day you can have the best script the best offer Etc but if you're not doing enough it don't matter I can score more points than Steph Curry if I have a 100 shots up and he only shoots one time trust me I'm not that bad at basketball number one as we always say is innovate right and by the way if you guys are curious why the hell am I doing number one number one I stole it from give Valeria who got it from Tim Grover his book called winning I don't want you guys thinking that the first thing is the most important thing all of these are important right whatever you need to focus on is the number one thing that you need to do right so where I left off is number one be Innovative right when I I swear to God there's like 600 people in here almost 700 people in here you guys will see the script I need you guys to zag and not Zig guys everyone's going to use this script and it's going to make us look crazy okay so really innovate on top of this but steal the Frameworks uh the fourth thing again offer is 80% of your Outreach game if you have a bad offer they ain't going to click they ain't going to book a meeting with you okay so make sure you have a great offer uh the fifth thing be concise and upbeat again this is imagine a bar setting this is a bar setting right and I love sharing this on my coaching calls that Instagram Facebook you know most deals are done over a bar right rather than you know a meeting room actually approach them very upbeat and concise right be concise with your language they're not going to read 5 essay paragraph right not even you know an email link so be concise and I'll show you exactly what my script looks like um second to last thing is again DMS is a No Man's Land if you start asking them questions to try to qualify them which you'll see how concise my script is they're going to have to ask you questions back or you're inviting them to ask questions like what's the price how much does this cost what do you do right so instead of that just get them on a simple call right you guys will see my script how I book them in if they aren't available for a call and lastly speed to lead is key again they're not living in the DMS just like they're not living in um you know emails call these guys right away when they show positive reply right so those are the Frameworks to begin with right the mindset behind this so now I want to share with you how to set up igam it's pretty simple and pretty quick to get this set up literally you guys can do this today and start doing dming it's that fast so number one is you want to get three to four age accounts if you guys are curious how many DMS you can send possibly per account it's 50 DMS per day per account to new prospects uh but I like emails you have to ramp it up so start by doing only 15 then every three or four days ramp It Up by five so do 20 then 25 then 30 Etc all the way up to 50 right so where I go currently to get aged accounts is I go to book accounts bu these guys are aged and verified right just get the Aged Instagram accounts from 2011 or 2012 to 2016 and and some of them actually have a th000 followers already now if you want to get more because maybe you have 500 followers no worries I go to buzzoid.com that's where I buy likes and followers now if you guys are curious what is your uh prospecting page looking like right number one you don't want to make them you know uh agency. you don't want to make them PK media out on my company right now unless you're go high level where everyone knows you and they trust you that's awesome but we don't have that kind of authority to throw around in the beginning right of our agency so what we do is we make team member accounts right so what we do is we make team member accounts they can be named Ashley Andrew David and there's two reasons why one is and I'm totally going to just say the truth I use female accounts like Ashley Rebecca Angelie right they get a 3X they get a 3X reply then my name Joel's It's it's messed up man the females have a competitive advantage on this in this domain exactly uh you know that yeah it's crazy 3x reply rate you should see the roofers um I'm joking but anyways so we use team member accounts for not only the reply rate but also because when they show a positive reply we're able to say hey that's awesome I can actually connect you with our CEO Joe Caplan for a quick 105 minute chat to give you more info would you like me to connect you with them and it's kind of reverse Gatey it's actually giving you Authority uh as a step up because your team member is guarding your time right it would be weird if Joel kin literally reached out to you as an agency owner right so if he was someone was inviting you to actually sit down and talk to Joel that would be pretty legit and cool right so that's how you set it up really fast again start with 15 to 20 you know prospects per account that should get you roughly 80 to 100 uh at the very start and then you ramp it up just realize that's a copy and paste all right so I want to just share with you the kpis really fast again minimum over time while you warm up things do 100 messages a day minimum minimum I'll tell you I'm literally doing 500 to 800 DMS right now a day that's total not per account right yes that's correct total not per account again 50 new messages per day per account when it's warmed up correctly um now typically out of 100 just for the sake of math and conversions here you typically want to see 8 to 15 replies kind of like what Christian IU said you know 10 minutes ago it really will depend on your Niche the timing of things like right now I'll be honest Dentistry is harder to get in front of with a dentist versus a gym owner who probably handles their own you know page right but Ty I would say there are definitely easier and harder niches for Instagram DMs like you have to ask yourself where does my Niche hang out like Realtors are on Instagram all all day long a dentist is busy with his patients he's not like checking his Instagram nonstop whereas a med spa right who's doing more like visual stuff might be posting more right and engaging more on Instagram so it just depends yeah we call it the aesthetic aesthetic niches that are very sensitive to aesthetic branding yeah Fitness is one of those yeah like if they use Instagram a lot they're going to be on Instagram more so keep going now let me go ahead and backtrack and actually show you how to get in front of these uh prospects in your industry so for example one of my favorite ways is using hashtags the reason why is because one these people are showing that they are invested in making social media work and getting them leads for the garage for their clinic for their gym right so I love using hashtags you can try and search up different hashtags in your industry that might work for example card detailing maybe car detailing owner for me in Jim PT Studio got me in front of so many qualified gyms that had personal trainers under them because they are a studio right that's why I searched it up the other way is like Christian NAU said which is through a list right you can go ahead and scrape a list like D7 lead finder and I'll actually give you their Instagram right off the bat so you definitely can get you know a list for your paid ads like CH uh like Isaac Rubble said Christian IU for cold email and of course like I'm sharing with you dming and also Facebook and Linkedin too that's how powerful D7 is um the third and this really is dependent on your Niche it are famous pages that people follow right so for example with gyms and what worked for me we're were meme Pages a lot of gym owners and personal trainers would slack off watching memes off their favorite meme pages and I would actually just engage with them and say hey that was funny wasn't it right and again that's the framework being conversational right just conect connecting about something that they absolutely love and that helped me a lot when um with on top of hashtags lists and then also finding them on pages there's multiple ways like Google Maps right you can definitely do that too now the moment you guys all been waiting for Patiently let me show you the script this has literally been the script I've been using for gosh I would say a year now but it has evolved over five years right so I'm sharing with you what has been probably like script 5.0 so there's three phases into this one is starting the conversation getting your foot through the door and stting a conversation again it's what's funny is I love using dating analogies when it comes to literally sliding into people's DMS that's why I call it that way um number one is having a conversation starter right getting them to reply back to the Practical thing about this is that with Facebook and Instagram you actually are landing in their message request you're actually not Ling in their primary or even General's channel right you're actually lending the uh in their request so what you got to do is engage with them and get them to reply back once they reply back it's fair game you can hit them up as many times as you want so the second thing is transitioning to your offer again be concise get in get out once they're hooked then you book them in or give them a call right away if you have time so let me go ah and show you an example of how to engage with people right sure we know we need to like their posts or give them a comment but many people I swear to God I see this all the time they're just saying hey sent you a DM right hey check your DMs right people who are editors graphic designers not just agency owners are saying that and they don't have time to check 10 DMS a day right so what I do and what I've trained my vat to do is be more personal right the most powerful thing if I can share with you guys is being more personal with your messaging and doing it at scale when you can compare quality and quantity it is a powerful Outreach system those doesn't even just have to be DMS it could be email too now I what I do and you guys can take the script too is I say I love this video or I love this real I also like the one you posted about if I was in gyms I would say you know the five bicep exercise uh to add an inch before summer I'm definitely going to do number five by the way and then we just go ahead and use this same line by the way I sent you a message would love to connect the it might have landed in your request right we're just politely saying hey I tried to reach out to you I don't know if you got it right and after being friendly a lot of people would take the effort to you know see your message right because sometimes they might think that you're a customer they might think that you're really interested in maybe becoming a plan of theirs or you know a a job if you're a roofer then that's where if they haven't replied back you can go in there in another post and say hey awesome content as usual you know did you get my last message it might be stuck there forever right and here's the thing depending on your Niche you need to Vibe with them so maybe this might not Vibe you know with a lawyer right this right there's certain follow-ups that would work like I'll go as far as to say I used to try this one where uh when I was talking to gym owners being super casual I would say this person was ghosting me like literally ghosting me I was like wow this is how it feels when my ex left me and that guy cracked up like he literally sent me a voice memo said hey bro you're funny that's amazing yeah and he was like hey I'll hop on a call with you to honestly talk about your love life and also how you can help me like I was H like that was so funny um but would that work with lawyers maybe I mean it's human psychology right just being different but it definitely was allow allowed me to be different right I would even I would even make it even more conversational like this is this messaging is very formal I would make it seem like you're texting a friend exactly this is very formal I would just be like yo John even or like it's going to throw them off it's going to be like okay this is just someone trying to connect with me like um yeah something like that yeah test it out couple of questions Marcus do you ever use reactions features to get in the inbox like let's say you have a stranger and you watch their story because they have a public profile and you like Drop Like a fire reaction because if if they like respond to that that automatically puts you into the regular inbox right yeah yeah that definitely works and especially the one of the re uh things I want to warn people this is a new policy that Instagram has had made is when you start copy and pasting your comments this is why we do personaliz in the first place you know it'll flag it as a Spam or it it'll protect the community from you know you not following its guidelines right another way to also you know have that uh you know change in how you engage with people is replying to people's stories and going into their stories and replying back because here's the thing what most people do is they'll go into the notifications see who's engaging with people and kind of a Sidetrack here but the reason why I love hashtags is because it shows recent posts and obviously people love seeing how their post is doing right that same day and if you go in their post on their uh on their recent post they're going to see all the people engaging and when they see your comment they're going to click on your profile right and they'll be you know checking you out for one to three you know seconds right to make sure you look legit and then they'll see the DMS right so yes just give you that short answer they can see who's uh replying or engaging with their stories got it thank you man let's get back to DMS the DM itself yeah so now yeah of course now we get into the DMS right and there's multiple multiple ways we can go about this but the ultimate thing is you want to have a conversational opener right the only way you can screw this up is by making it super confusing super long or you don't come off as authentic and you're using something that's you know been overused abused right I mean the funny one was when I was working with Tony Lee in car detailing was the hey is this the best place to ask a question right and literally everyone after that YouTube video went out literally tried to use that and everyone like who every car detail was like no thanks and they didn't even know what the offer was right it's like imagine going up to a girl and using the same pickup line they're going to get tired of it they're going to get tired of you so you got to differentiate yourself so that's where you can come in and ask a different question or again be more personal with it and say hey s just saw your page like what you're doing especially that bicep workout you showed keep it up right just really compliment them it only takes 10 seconds for you or your virtual assistant to do right and then once they reply back right like hey yeah you know we've owned our business for five years oh yeah we're taking on more jobs we're taking on more uh ceramic codings right and you here's a cool thing you can use multiple different ways there's multiple different ways to personalize your message like say hey I'm just curious are you booked out this entire holiday season or do you have openings right um are you guys booked out already in January I can imagine the fitness being Fitness business being super busy and they're like hey no I have more uh spots available are you looking to come in they might think you're customer but at the same time they're raising your hand saying hey I need more clients right that's where you can transition to your offer and sound super conversational we just lowkey say awesome we're actually looking to partner with you know in this case one home renovation company in Dallas again keep it personalized we'll bring you and then this is where your offer comes in we'll actually bring you seven to eight jobs right within 14 days and you only pay us when they show or when they have a sit down with you and that's where the you know the paper show offer is so compelling because they actually see that you're really to show the proof and concept in this and then simply just asking them like hey you know would you be interested in me showing you how this actually works for other home renovation companies right if you have C uh clients already if you don't you can just simply say hey would you be interested in seeing how this works or do you know another uh renovation company in Dallas uh that would need this and most times they're not going to pass up an opportunity like that they're going to raise their hand and say hey heck yeah and that's where you can go ahead and call them right there right or you can go ahead and book them in right and actually have them meet with the CEO right my strategy with the whole team member account here are just some other follow-up paths that you could take right just again keep the conversational to say hey what's up you know doing good hey name you can drop a funny gift right I showed one to gym owners where it was like I miss my workout partner and they would get the joke right right this is what it feels to be ghost ghosted right right did you get my last message I guess you know life got the best out of you shoot me a text right these different lines you can test out see what works in your industry um another thing that actually I want to share and give a shout out to Joel he actually has it in his clickfun course 7fa you can actually do a whole follow-up sequence with testimonials just hammering it's like hey I don't know by the way that was made that was made before high level existed so really yeah yeah so that's why that's why I was on that platform but that's paon said every time we say that those two words we get punished so no I didn't I'm just kidding just kidding just yeah this is from like this is from many many years ago but Marcus what kind of follow-ups do you set up and like what what is too much like I mean do we do like 10 to 12 touch points like other you know channels or is it like leave them alone if they don't reply yeah you know that's a great question follow-up is key you know followup is key before if they're not in your ecosystem yet meaning they're not in go high level keep following up with these guys right these guys believe me they get hit up you know depending on your Niche five times a day or five times a week whatever they forgot about you right just keep hitting them up right hey what's up doing good hey I hope everything's all right hey I know it's the holiday season did I catch you at a bad time right you just be polite about it you just be friendly right you don't try to be salesy right um and what I would do practically is follow up with them if you can one time a day or once every day so if I start if I hit you up pson on Monday I would follow up with you until say Friday and then I would maybe come back Monday and show you different testimonials I'm like hey I know um it's a busy time you know for you and focusing on your clinic I just wanted to show you what Dr Kim did uh to get more appointments going into 2024 right and you just literally Hammer them and Hammer them with so many testimonials they'll actually watch it and they'll be like okay you're legit show me what's up right one of the one of the sorry I didn't mean to cut you up one of the trends that are happening with a lot of agencies now is we built a a prospecting tool inside of high level that allows you to identify uh in a local area which companies don't have a web chat or a website or Yelp or gmbb or Instagram or any of these channels because what you can do in a DM is like hey I know we don't really know each other but I ran a test with my Pro you know with my systems Checker and I just want to send you a report and you can literally do it instantly where it just shows the traffic they have how they don't have a web chat how their in you know Instagram is not collected in one place and that's that's like literally inside high level that you can just shoot out a report um just FYI that's like all pretty new like a month in that's fire that is fire I mean if someone what if one of you guys came up to to me you do SEO and you're like Marcus you're on the fifth page of Google what are you doing man um I'm definitely going to you know check out give you at least five to 10 minutes so I can see what I can do better right so that's fire I appreciate you sharing that yeah it's not even just SEO Checker it's literally like web chat gmbb bunch of different things like if they even if they don't have their Facebook account integrated into like a system it'll tell them hey you don't have a Unified Inbox and and it's like a full report that shoots out like a fancy PDF that you could email or just send as a dock that's fire that's absolutely fire man yeah brand new stuff inside High LEL anyways um once the prospect is interested what do you do if you can give them a call right away if not go ahead and use this strategy where you connect them with yourself the founder or have the V for you right I personally honestly I don't even know why this is here I don't like to drop my link the reason why and when I've tested over over thousands of thousands of different messages is when you leave people to their own devices they will put it on the back of their agenda they'll go back to work they'll forget about it you're now you're going to have to play catchup and now you you have to do extra followup right what I like to do and just keep it casual just drop down your best availabilities here's a quick example you know can we schedule the call for tomorrow at 8 am. PST right whatever their time zone is just make time zone math actually makes the difference just give it to them in their time zone right if they say hey that works sounds good really quick what's your best email and phone number to book us in and by the way right if you're using go high level just simply give them your number the the reciprocity bias is huge here just so that they can trust you it's like hey by the way just so you know when I call you it's two6 and then you're wrestling the number so they can trust you if you don't know who they're going to speak with because sometimes you got you guys might get in front of the gatekeeper or the manager just go ahead and ask them really fast like hey what's the name of the person I'll be speaking with to really share uh how we can help you guys get more patients in your clinic oh it's Dr Kim okay cool right and then just let them know politely that you booked them in right and one of the greatest things outside of this is send them a pre-call page right that's where you can kind of help them understand a little bit more about you like hey just so you know who the heck we are because I know I reached out to you and I saw that you in Dallas here's a case studies page so that you know you guys have a better understanding about what we do who we helped Etc right and that obviously increases show up rate and the nurturing so at the bottom of here right there's different ways to handle um objections or people saying no right I don't want to I don't want to dive into it too much but the ultimate thing is when they ask you guys price hold the custom frame or better yet just call them right away that shows that believe me that actually shows that they're interested right that actually shows that they're interested um but yeah those are the top things like if they say no you can definitely just say hey okay no worries do you know another you know chiropractor in Dallas that would love 20 to 50,000 in their bottom line revenue they're going to be like oh I didn't know that's what you meant okay right so you can get them back on track to being interested um another thing I used to do back in the day when I had time and guys I I actually want to share if you guys have zero clients the number one thing that you guys can Leverage is your own time please personalize your lines make a personal video literally say hey what's up juel my name is Marcus I'm owner of PK media I actually saw that you're a chiropractor and I'm looking to partner with someone in Dallas I wanted to make this personal video so you know I'm not using a virtual like Leverage that that will help you stand out when you can stand out that allows them to trust you a lot more and be like wow you actually took time to make this video I'll definitely give you five minutes of my time to see how you can help so that is a script right there again is not that complicated it's three things a again I'm going to use the dating analogy I'm really good with dating analogies this what uh approach the girl have a different hook get them interested with something that they want that they like and then book them in ask them out and other words get their phone number right it's it's that's why we call it sliding into your DM all right so that is the script right there really quick I want to show you examples of this actually in play so I you know Joel asked me like hey can you show some examples of this working right so here's an example here's a dog training agency right here is US literally using the is this the best place to ask a question right again it hasn't been used so much in dog training they say hi how can I help we actually go into the script literally and use the exact same thing but for his the agency owners um offer right asking them if they're interested right and literally look she's saying hey how about a call tomorrow she's the one asking if we can get on the call right she's the one giving the number right it's really that easy I hate to say it that way but people people need your help you just got to be friendly you just got to be different right you know let me show you let me show you let's see here can you uh before you go further into details real quick Marcus can you can you help us understand the structure of what happens so like are these messages getting pounded into your slack Channel how how are the virtual assistants aling those dunks to you like what is that structure look like that's perfect that's actually perfect uh point right right here so so whenever they book a meeting right the number one thing is to make sure it's reflected on the owner's calendar obviously the last thing you want to do is no show someone that you didn't know um so this is what I have my appointment setter say right the date and time that they're meeting the account that we use right if it was a girl account I would say kin Parker so I can go on that intro call and say hey I saw that uh you spoke to my team member klin over Instagram she might have approached you about how we can help your dog training company get more clients that ring a bell yeah okay awesome and then continue with your script right the information if you want to do your diligence right especially if you're doing SEO or website you definitely want to ask for the website uh and see how they rank on you know Google their websites so you can go in there and already do an audit um and of course dropping the screenshots of the conversation so you have context of you know maybe they asked two times like what's the price what's the cost what do you do might be prepared uh they might bring it up right so that allows you and of course showing that that actually booked on none other than go high level so and then of course have them drop your eods because at the end of the day you need to track your own numbers whether it's paid ads uh C email right with instantly for me right I just keep track of new messages sent how many followups were also sent pause replies and then intros boook right so you can see Angela Angelica here uh and Ace and those are your actual virtual assistance so from a ratio standpoint about 150 or maybe above a 100 m messages at least to get to maybe five total positive DMS on an average right so that means at scale you need to be sending out for your sales team if you want 20 appointments a day because you're excited on want to get an appointment center their calendars need to be full otherwise you're going to lose appointment sitters you're going to lose closers because there's no activities happening around your offer so know those numbers so you understand how to ramp up so if you want to get you know a 100 appointments uh uh week which is kind of average in a standard very growing agency um Instagram just becomes maybe 20 30% of the total traffic flow where another 40% is you know cold ads another or warm ads and then another 30 40% is cold demil you need to have omnipresent approach as an agency to grow in 2024 it's not one thing or another it's checking off that box with multiple things so you're not just battling in one one front of the battle um Markus anything else that you I do I do I I do advise everyone though Paulson always this this is My Philosophy start with one master one before you add a new channel correct so pick out of all we get I wanted to give you guys three different strategies full breakdown step by step how to implement three different complete strategies for getting appointments and acquiring clients going into 2024 by the way the reason I got got a little quieter towards the second half is because I wanted to make sure everyone got through so like let me just let them go and and not chime in as much um but uh tomorrow we have two more days left together so don't worry you'll get plenty of uh we'll have plenty of time to hang out that being said My Philosophy is start with one prospecting Channel Master it then ask yourself two questions how can I do more and do it better until you feel like you've maxed that out you're like Joel I'm sending out cold emails to everyone in my niece once a week and it's really dialed in it's very very good okay once that's done add Instagram DMS the only reason to maybe experiment with multiple at once is if you're not sure which one you want to go all in on just yet so if you're like hey I'm going to do a small test for all three or two of them just to see what I like a little bit more that's totally fine but once you pick one you need to go all in and and really commit to it and figure out how to do more and better before adding new more and better before adding new once you've maxed out doing more and doing it better then add new um Marcus that was insane thank you so much guys you man so quick recap yesterday we covered the entire paper show model step by step then we show covered how to actually get results for clients for two niches Cairo and Roofing then today we went over three different strategies end to end giving you guys absolutely everything step by by step that you need to acquire clients hold the email Instagram DMS and paid ads Isaac Rubble absolutely overd delivered give you guys everything Christian hu absolutely overd delivered and gave you guys everything and Marcus pizaro absolutely overd delivered and just give you guys everything that you need literally he's also giving you an entire additional course breaking it down in more detail although he just did an amazing job breaking it down from a high level and he's making or and he's you guys access to a course that you can share with your team members to get them certified in this process so that they could just do it on your behalf now tomorrow now that you guys know how to get clients results now that you guys know how to get appointments as part of the acquisition tomorrow is going to be all sales so I'm going to be bringing on my business partner Sergio tarez eight fig entrepreneur he's closed millions and millions and millions of dollars in sales he had his own agency that he scaled over 300,000 a month and now he runs agency lab with me and he's going to be breaking down everything that you need to know for sales from the intro call all the way to the demo presentation we're going to give everything away as always so make sure to tune in tomorrow 1200 PM eastern time let's make this the greatest Workshop of high level history ever so I think you know what's crazy to me is like when we planned this out the guys were like really we really want to run like a six-h hour session and I'm like well let's just see what happens uh with the crowd and it's crazy to still know we've got well over thousand plus people watching between the zoom as well as the streaming so I think people are loving it if you totally have appreciated everything we've shared give us a one in the Facebook group streaming comments because I want to make sure Joel feels in love last night he was texting me he's like hey do they do they love everything I'm sharing I feel like I'm giving away the farm but at the same time I'm not really sure and I'm like Joel I'm telling you they they're just trying to figure out what to do just want the love he needs to build the love yo like he's gonna give away more stuff and we can convince him to maybe even give away a a massive agency somehow we'll see you guys tomorrow 12 o00 EST as usual we still got two more days to go we're only halfway and imagine the amount of things sales is going to be unbelievable I personally know Sergio he's a great friend someone that I respect in the sales space and it's like when sales guys know sales guys there's like a different job and Sergio and I are one of those where we we love each other's angles and content um so Ser is going to be awesome so tune in tomorrow I'm going to go ahead and end the call and wish me good luck that Zoom recordings don't crash give us few days to get those replays up once again this this is your last chance to jump into this offer so you can get all the snapshots all the courses I feel like there's like 10 courses now between all the experts that we brought on no there's more there's more than 10 so by the way Joel sells these things for like thousands of dollars on an annual I get I I I I just just to be clear I actually I about a a year and a half to actually after the 10day workshop I started giving everything away for free it's just that it's become it's become it's become impossible to literally give away all the courses BEC on YouTube because that would be like endless amounts of videos on YouTube that are kind of unorganized so what I did for you guys is I organized all of the best content in one place where you just click and create One login and boom you have access to everything so yeah um it's it's interesting my business model shifted from uh you know charging for the information to now saying hey I'm going to give everything away for free if you want to work with me you can either hire me for consulting or I'll run your agency ad so we also do have an agency for agencies but every all the information is free however you guys get it all in one place easy to access um thank you guys make sure make sure you comment one in the streaming so Joel and his entire team feels of Love they're spending four or five hours these days um Monday wed Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday to really deliver to you and you know honestly they're busy people they've got plenty of things to do make sure you uh put a one in the chat and make sure he FS of Love Again to jump into that offer it's 50% off for the first three months on any plan which is the same thing as our holiday offer that's happening right now but if you do it under the workshop link you get all the courses and snapshots and all those things that Joel's giving you completely for free along with the experts that he brought on from his team and strategic Partnerships that also overd deliver so anyways without any further Ado we're going to go ahead and close the call we'll see you tomorrow see you guys quick uh housekeeping items number one yes this is all going to be recorded uploaded to YouTube this is also going to all be recorded and uploaded to my channel and high levels channel so both channels on top of that you guys are going to get access to all the resources at the end of the day four tomorrow everything that we've gone over we're going to have for you guys on top of that you're going to get access to all the snapshots you must have high level you will need those to access the snapshots the landing pages the text sequences the reactivation campaign everything that we went over you will need high level there's no other way for me to give it to you um how do you access day two and day one you have two options if this is day three and you're like yo Joel yo Paulson how do I get access to day one and day two it's very simple you can either go to the Facebook group and the high Lev Facebook group and look for the replays because we did stream live to the Facebook group the other option is that you can wait until we launch them on both YouTube channels so if you want it like right now you're like Joel I need day one day two go and find the live replay inside of the Facebook group and if you're okay with waiting it's all going to be in sequence in chronological order on YouTube when we upload it in a few weeks that will take a little bit so in the meantime and I believe we're streaming on YouTube right now right yes okay awesome yeah it says now streaming on YouTube Sweet okay guys so day one this is going to be a bit of a uh mind Bender uh day one the live was streamed on Facebook so you guys can go back and find it in the high level Facebook group day two was streamed on Facebook you go back and find a Facebook group day three you're only going to be able to see it on YouTube until we go back and reupload everything so uh with that in mind defitely uh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you Jordan can you do me a big favor can you check on YouTube and double check if that is a private or public streaming because it looks like it's privately streaming to subscribers where it's uh no it's it's uh should be good now I think we're all set really okay how do I how do I see that I'm not a techie you know that there's there's the link here and people can just click on it and they're they're good to go oh cool there's like nine people watching all right so if you're watching on I would also say Jordan can you post in the Facebook group a few times y I'm doing that right now just like make a few posts being like we're streaming on YouTube what a curveball took us 20 minutes to just we got it we we're we're on it oh man hey this is not bad for day three first curveball you guys have you guys have crushed it you know and it's really not that bad it's still it feels like a day three Vibe it's more chill I'm more relaxed maybe it's because I don't have coffee yet you know that Uber driver is gonna show up right at the height and clima oh no it's no it's he he he's about to deliver it and uh yeah all right cool so let's get started Joel I do have to run to the airport in about four hours so I do have like a no today's going to be so a warning guys today will be shorter today's going to be because the reason we divided into day into four days day one and day two are going to be the most jamed impact how to get your clients amazing results with paper show leveraging high level Ai and the agency model all together we went over the ads we went over the highle sequences we went over how to call your clients leads to get them scheduled we went over the scripts we even went over how to take payment in advance to get to really increase their show up rates we went over all that for both Cairo and Roofing on and we also went over how to do reactivation campaigns how to actually reactivate all their leads day two we went over all things acquisition how to get appointments on your calendar with prospects that want to work with you we literally broke down the entire system that you can use to scale the 10,000 cold emails a day we broke down how to do Instagram DMS if you want to get started with a free method where there's literally zero cost and we went over paid ads and we showed you guys literally everything everything the ads the Lander the high level snapshot everything and we literally we even showed you guys how to set up the email accounts how to warm up the email accounts how to uh scrape a database everything that you guys would need to know to start setting appointments and we gave you three different strategies not one not two but three today we're going to talk about how to actually close the deals once you get the appointment so how do you actually close the deals once you get the appointment now there's two phases I guess let's just dive in so there's two phases of the sales process in the agency space there's an intro call and this is where you get to know the prospect over the phone you get to really get to know them understand them all that good stuff and then we do a second call where we actually show them we show them high level we show them our ads we show them what we're going to do for them now some people might say Joe isn't it better to just do a one call close that might be true but the only reason I prefer a two close in the agency space is because number one it helps set expectations you're getting them to buy not just one time you're getting them to buy buy for a long period of time so what I noticed in the past is when people do a one call close they're not really sure what they're getting exactly and then as soon as they find out oh wait these are the ads this is how you know this is how the high level AI works then they start having questions maybe some doubt Creeps in and you don't want that I wanna I want to make sure that they know exactly what they're signing up for and they're excited they feel really good about it so personally I prefer a two call close where you're going to first take them on a discovery where you're going to get to know them you're going to find out all their pain points all their desires all the things that they want out of this Marketing System and then you're going to be like cool sounds like we might be a good fit here let me show you everything just to make sure this is exactly what you're looking for and if it is we can move forward the reason why that is important is because it sets you up for long-term success quick little funny story one time we closed a client way back when on a one call close and then when the guy hopped on the onboarding call I had built out all his ads high level everything I had everything built out and we hopped on the the launch call to say oh let's get started and go live and he was like where's my website so he thought it was I don't know what happened there but one time we CL a client sorry that was me yeah go ahead okay I was checking the YouTube streaming and it was replaying what you were saying okay I'm like are we in Inception right now the spiritual day spiritual day that would have been thrown everybody and then uh the guy hops on he's like Joel where's my website and I remember being like okay this is not going to work like people this is a this is definitely more of a uh I mean it's like for example the big software companies like high level there's a it's a product it's Tech you it's it's it's not like an emotional sale it's not like you're selling someone on working with you for losing weight for example and you're just a personal trainer like what is there really to show for example let's he a personal trainer and you're trying to get someone to sign up for a 12we package I mean you can walk around the gym and show them the gym but like there's not much to show it's just it's pretty self-explanatory so it's 100% an emotional sale not a product sale with high level with marketing agencies it's both it's emotion and product it's cool I really need this this is exactly what I'm looking for this ties into ex my goals this ties into everything that I want to avoid with Mark marting it's perfect and I need to know what I'm getting it needs to also be a product L sale so I like a two call clo that's my favorite can you do a one call clo shirt I will say there's one exception if people are like if you have a huge brand everyone knows exactly what you do you have a agency where people are like I already know what you guys do I've all my friends work with you guys I'm ready to sign up you can do a one call close but the other reason I like a two call close is because when you're working with people that don't necessarily know like and trust you that much or you just met them it's very hard to meet someone and be like hey can I get your credit card it's a lot easier if you spend more time with them and it removes some of that friction and tension and and urgency it makes makes it more of an authentic and genuine sale so that's my Spiel it's two call close I'm going to give you guys a few more warnings number one you guys need to be practicing every sing well actually before we go on if that made sense drop a one in the chat drop a one in the chat I can see the messages today so drop a one in the chat if that made sense two call close that's the sales process from a high level so Joel um that link in the zoom uh the Youtube link uh if you click on that it'll take us to our YouTube streaming and inside the stream okay right did you disable the uh did you disable the uh okay I see because people were chatting and I was like yeah were chatting until I was able to start the streaming so I was like okay cool we can move the chat into the chat if you look at the streaming on YouTube on the right side there's a chat open it's almost like okay I see it it's like the old AOL like chat room room it's so vintage but either way um there's a lot of ones there um so you can see the comments and responses um also to those of you that are watching and you sat through day one and two you're you're probably brain fried of the amount of things that you have to essentially do to compete in the world of building a business today I I want to just like encourage you and inspire you and warn you at the same time toward Ward end of this call and maybe even tomorrow we'll go through and give you a chronological master plan that is going to be in order in what steps you should take for 2024 so as much as you're learning everything Joel will be the first one to tell you just focus on one pillar that you're focus on building so maybe it's cold email and that's all you focus on maybe it's Instagram G you know IG that's all you know DMS that's all you focus on so as much as information we're providing it's important that you don't get the squirrel brain of like let me attack everything and do everything you're not going to be able to do everything matter of fact if you try you probably will fail so just focus on one pillar that matters and probably end of tomorrow or maybe even uh later today if we have time we'll put together a chronological 2024 master plan calendar based on the things that we're teaching throughout the entire Workshop so that way going into 2024 you have a game plan for January there's nothing else you need to do but just that pillar maybe it's cold email for you maybe it's you know creating content whatever it is like just focus on one thing is what I'm going to reiterate because the amount of content that we're essentially putting out and I'm only saying this because we had feedback yesterday well people are brain fried people are overwhelmed and I'm like yes yes yes yes but we're building a massive business I look I look I'm going to be honest with you guys you're go you're going to be overwhelmed if you guys are like Joel how do I make a million dollars and it's easy and I don't have to stress and I don't have to learn and I don't have to grow like you're lying to yourself that doesn't exist trust me if it did I would be a billionaire if I could just press a button and get you guys a million dollars each it's I I don't Paul said I'm definitely down to do the uh the the map I'm absolutely down to do that and help people and and it's also really important for people to keep in mind if things are overwhelming that is a good thing that means that you are pushing your mind that means that you're expanding your mental capacity it's supposed to be if if you're learning how to build a million dooll business it's going to be stressful for example I'll be honest today I woke up I had like five fires to deal with literally first thing I look at my phone I have like five five fires to deal with it it it's not supposed to be sexy you know everyone looks at like the the Lambos the lifestyle the the traveling the world private jets it's 99% not like that so so I'm G to double down bwon we absolutely will do a map to make it simple for people I'm absolutely down and that will not get rid of the overwhelm it's still going to be overwhelming I promise you guys and that's okay I think one of the the the realities is that if you know what you're signing up for it's a lot easier if you have the right expectation it's a lot easier so for example if you're like if I said to you today hey this is going to be kind of crazy paon let's go on a run after this okay what are you probably expecting one mile two M three miles yeah nothing crazy two or three I think I can right maybe extra mile for me you probably can because I had knee surgery like six months ago um so uh imagine if we're on the out there and I'm like hey you're actually gonna have to run a whole Marathon yeah it's going to feel extremely overwhelming you're going to feel underprepared you're G to feel thrown off you're going to feel conflicted you're going to feel like I don't want to do this you're going to feel like no I'm out whereas if I said to you hey on this date we're going to run a marathon you know let's January 15th is it going to be hard is Marathon going to be hard absolutely but now you have the mental preparation to be like I know what I'm signing up for and I can prepare and I can lean in with more confidence so I I I do want to state that and that's not a bad thing guys it's good if if you guys are getting overwhelmed and your competition is not that means that you guys are growing and they aren't so lean in lean in it's it's it's it's it's supposed to be hard that that makes it worth it so by the way got my coffee so with that in mind you showed up yeah uh let's uh let's uh dive in so actually a few more warnings sales all of you guys are try you know that famous Allan Iverson quote was like we talking about practice you know that that quote franch man yeah in in in sales you actually have to practice okay there's no like magical person that's like so good at sales they don't need to practice my company eight figure company practices every single day no excuses three days a week are all about practicing the art of sales so like we do role plays we do call reviews and we learn new things on the other two days we actually we actually do product knowledge so we make the sales team better at understanding what they're selling if my team who's doing eight figures is still practicing every day and you're not that is not okay even if you're just starting starting out you absolutely need to commit to and actually even more so you need to commit to practicing one hour a day and here's the things that you should do as a beginner number one role play role play if you don't have a someone to practice with find a group of people in this community in your network even other agency owners you don't even have to be in the same team find a a sales training group to be a part of and it doesn't have to be a paid one I'm saying like find four other people in the high level group that you resonate with or you talk to in the past and say hey let's all practice every day and hold ourselves accountable this is going to do a few things for you it's going to make you feel like you're supported you're going to get way more feedback very very quickly and it's actually going to give you a space practice because now you show up and you do role play every single day with other people you're going to level up much faster once you have calls to review like once you've taken some sales calls then you want to actually start listening to your calls both the good ones and the bad ones because this is going to wire your brain to be like H this one worked that's interesting I should do more of that or this didn't work this felt off let's not say that again and then the last thing you want to do is so roleplay call review and the last thing is just learning like you guys could also just take the hour to watch this training about sales or watch any other training about sales it's it's it's just taking time to learn and master the art of sales I will say this if I had to pick one skill to grow a business in the OR sorry to grow my agency to start with I would say sales everything else if I have the ability to generate cash I can hire really smart people so for me and and one one of my core philosophies by the way is you need product and sales you need to have amazing client results and you also need to be able to get clients in the first place but most people tend to focus so much on client results client results client results and they ignore sales why is that it's because sales is intimidating it forces you to face all of your fears it forces you to have have to lean in and get rejected it's very overwhelming you know and it's like it's like you're consciously running into a wall every day yeah you keep hitting your head so so it's really hard but if you can Master it you'll never have to worry about money again right it's the it's that's the the beautiful side about it so you guys need to commit to practicing every single day that's warning uh number one warning number two you guys absolutely need to have conviction in what you are doing like the 8020 of all this you I would throw away all the scripts throw away all the presentations if you guys don't believe that you are helping someone you're you're not going to close I would much rather take someone that sucks at the sales framework sucks at the script presentation really believes really from the bottom of of their heart that they have something valuable to provide I'd rather take them than someone that is tactically really good at sales but doesn't believe in the product so you have to ask yourself how do you get conviction well there's two types two types of conviction number one there's conviction in yourself and number two there's conviction in the product and you need to increase both how do you increase conviction in yourself you have to be the type of person that says they're going to do something and does it consistently are there going to be times where you say you're going to do something and you don't absolutely but you need to start becoming the person that you can consistently rely on so your belief in yourself goes up that is my and there's way more things that you guys can do to increase your belief in yourself but if I had to pick one thing to give you guys is if you say you're going to practice every single day and you're going to say I'm going to commit to this Monday through Friday one hour a day and then you don't then you're going to lose belief in yourself it's not about I'll give you guys a gym analogy it's not about and let's say we're trying to get strong right it's not about saying I'm G to bench 315 pounds it's about saying I'm going to show up every single day and improve prove myself and try to get better and I'm going to go to the gym and you know get better at lifting every single day I'm going to follow my nutrition and be the type of person that says they're going to do it and follows through and over time what's going to happen is I will become someone who can bench 315 right or who can bench whatever you guys want to bench that's a lot of weight some people genetically might not be able to so maybe that's a bad wait but let's say like let's just pick 185 just something that most people could lift if they really committed to that comes from saying you're going to do something and doing it consistently over a long period of time and then you have the belief in yourself that it's possible it's not by just looking in the mirror and being like I'm GNA bench 185 it's about you trusting yourself so if I had to pick one thing I would say it's that it's saying okay I'm the type of person that says they do hard things let's do hard things I'm the type of person that says hey I'm going to face my fear today okay well pick up the phone and call your prospects it's about being the type of person that you want to be and following through on a consistent basis every day that's how I believe you ultimately build conviction in yourself if I had to boil it down to one thing now how do you build conviction in the product this one is a little trickier I believe everyone should start off by either running a performance model which is what we talked about so that you can learn and get reps in by doing free trials so that you can again learn get better consistently see yourself getting your client's results or partner with someone that already knows how to get the client's really good results those are probably my favorite threes where you do performance deals where it's low risk to the client and it allows you to get that experience number two it's to run free trials where you're going to get experience over time even though you're not getting paid so that you can build that conviction and you're like okay this is a lot simpler than I thought it was going to be and number three is to find someone and essentially acquire that confidence through someone else and obviously that's probably the the hardest one is to find the the the right person but um that will allow you to believe in what you're selling and I believe that the question shouldn't be how do I sell without social proof without experience the the real question is like how do you get as much experience as fast as possible you guys need to be asking yourself like how do I get conviction a better question should be like how do I get as much experience to have conviction as fast as possible so you guys should be figuring out okay how do I get experience very very fast so for example when I started my agency and this is the last point I'll make then we'll dive in when when I started my agency I uh I went to BNI I went to this local networking group Paulson did did you ever go to that I did uh it was like the one where you had to come in and provide a referral everybody talks about what kind of referrals they want and it was like a big exchange um it's a it's a it's a good way to start off just to get your feet wet but I don't know that be my primary source no no well here's what I was going to say so what I did is I went to that local networking group and you're in front of like 30 businesses and I pretty much said hey I'm just launching my agency here in Boulder Colorado if anyone wants us to do free 30 days of marketing come talk to me at the end and let's chat about what that would look like trying to really build my network get my name out there I had that day I closed five people on doing a 30-day trial they're going to cover the ad spend it's very similar to the performance model right yeah and what that allowed me to do is get experience quickly which slowly but surely builds conviction over time so there there's no like if there is a secret hack it's too find the person that already has it and and and work with them whether it's a white label agency whether it's someone in the high level group whether it's someone that you know yeah we have certified Partners now so you can get somebody that's certified that'll pretty much do your fulfillment for you uh or if they're sales oriented and they're certified that means they probably know your product pretty well so they know what they're selling so definitely tap into our certified directory just brand new that we launched last like like literally last month go ahead uh Joel let's dive in sweet yeah and then um yeah I just wanted to give you guys a quick overview conviction we talked about practice we talked about and lastly it's going to be hard like you're learning a ve you're learning a people talk about high income skills right like coding High income skill uh copywriting High income skill sales High income skill why are these called high income skills it's because it directly affects the bottom line of a business it directly impacts revenue for example an account manager that's working with the clients it definitely helps the business but it's not D it's it's more indirectly if the client has a great experience through an account manager they stay longer they pay more but it's not directly getting money in the account sales is like the ultimate High income skill because you're directly impacting the bottom line which means it is going to be hard guys um I I'll share one last story I had a friend who he's a a truck driver and he hates it and I found an agency for him to go work at and I told him you're going to start off cold calling and then you can move on to closer and it's going to be the hardest thing you ever do he has two kids he works really hard and I told him it's going to be harder than you doing all that manual like lifting you know he does manual work as well I told him this is going to push you more than anything else but I also told them this if you push through and get really good you'll have the tool the key to change your life forever so it is worth it all right with that in mind let's dive in for those of you guys that have followed my content in the past this might be recap sales is not going to change that much unfor like sales is going to be the same as last year as three years ago as four years ago as 10 years ago it's it's it's very similar um it it doesn't change too much so the intro call this is part one there's four phases okay there's four phases to the call first I'm going to get them to commit to a conversation want get him to say yeah is this a good time to chat cool we're having a conversation do me a quick favor Joel um zo in yeah can you go to the top left corner yeah yeah there you go perfect and by the way if you are a high leler you'll get these assets for free if you don't have a high level account jump in so you can take advantage of all the resources we providing an example what Joel is showing just FYI as just one of many things uh but go ahead yep okay do you guys uh wait I stop sharing second and if you're watching in the YouTube channel and want to jump into the zoom I dropped a link of the zoom room you can come in if you want to and our administrators will let you in um and that's because we don't have our Facebook streaming that we normally have in the group due to zoom being down right now with Facebook um we usually don't stream into the YouTube channel and someone said um you cannot hear my audio can you give me a one in the chat in the YouTube channel if you can hear my audio uh okay Michael thank you so much cool um go ahead Joel all right all right so we're going to go through the entire script I'm gonna break it down for you guys and uh phase one I want to get them to commit to a conversation so hey Paulson yeah hey Paulson this is Joel with agency lab how's your weekend I literally thought you're you kind of cut out Zoom or something you're like wait is internet there no no no I'm just you're you're doing the sales call okay cool you're like hey paon I'm like oh dude yeah this is lose connection it's one of those days so I I I I you know I know we're set for chat right now I don't know what talk about with the internet but are we still good for about 10 to 15 minutes here yeah sounds good I got about nine minutes okay um so I just got him to say yes right that's that's the first part I just want him to say yes we're have we're good to have a conversation that's phase one Paulson's like no we're not good for a talk a chat right now that means that we didn't accomplish phase one so phase one is just getting them to agree to having this conversation today now there's two types of openers there's opener for inbound like the ads that we talked about and there's openers for outbound so for example remember yesterday Marcus talked about calling people that reply on Instagram or calling people that reply on called email that's going to be this script if you're if someone already scheduled with you on your calendar that's inbound so if someone if you already have the call literally scheduled on your calendar that's inbound if you're just calling them because they said they might be interested they reply to an email they reply to an Instagram DM said yeah call me that would be outbound so let's go through inbound one more time hey Paulson yeah hey Paulson this is Joel with agency lab how's your day going it's pretty good uh can you can you remind me what this call is about yeah I know we're set for a chat right now I see it on my calendar are we still good for about 10 to 15 minutes here yeah can you tell me what it's about sure um for context and Clarity my name is TR with agency lab what we do is we work with dentists helping them either with consistency or helping them scale their practice uh you had scheduled on one of our social media ads uh two days ago and you your time for right now is now good time for about a 10 to 15 minute chat yeah we can talk I remember seeing something about the ads you're already throwing the objections we'll get to the objections a little later I'm being the real hard that's fine I I we so I have all the responses as well um awesome at the bottom objection so like can we talk later yeah I'm I'm so desensitized I'm so desensi resist them saying them saying no to everything Paulson's like no we're not talking look Dr Paulson um just to be honest my intent is not to bash you or come off too strong I'm just trying to get a better understanding of your practice and see where you're at what you're looking for you know so anyways all these are all these objections are are down here we we can go over them later someone said this man is sugaring my PTSD from coold calling yeah all right Let's do let's do outbound let's do outbound so again let's say that let's say that I uh sent you an Instagram DM and you said yeah call me tomorrow or you said yeah I'm interested but you never gave me a time to call you hey Paulson yeah hey Paulson this is Joel with agency lab I just saw that youed to my Instagram message we were just having a conversation uh back and forth about getting you new patients how's your day going yeah it's good I wasn't expecting a phone call uh but can you can you tell me a little bit about what this is all about oh for sure yeah um for context and Clarity my name is Joel with agency lab and what we do is we work with dentists helping them either with consistency or helping them scale their practice is now time for about a 10 to 15 minute chat yeah sure I've got I've got a few minutes cool perfect now here's the thing if they start being like what is this about this or that I just want to reply a little bit and back to is now a good time to 15 10 to 15 minute chat it's like reply a little bit is now a good time for 10 to 15 minute chat I'm just gonna loop back to that if Paulson's like for example yeah also remember also remember guys and gals I'm seeing some comments this is not cold this is warm in a sense because they've had some kind of interaction with you if they message you on Instagram replying couple of different times then it's a little I wouldn't even call it warm it's lukewarm there's some kind of an interaction you can stand on yeah this is not cold call we didn't we're not going to teach cold call is total different Beast this is for what this is in relation to what we talked about yesterday paid ads hold the email hold the this one is for paid ads I'll even mark it down paid ads oops and this is going to be cold email reply man why is my keyboard not working or Instagram DM reply so this is if if someone booked on paid ads someone booked on paid ads this is how you open it if someone reply to your cold email or Instagram DM this is how you open it now if they're like uh can you just be like well you know I'm really busy right now um sure yeah I'm really busy right now can you call me later um yeah just really quick I have like two to three questions you guys are mainly focused on uh dental implants right yeah dental implants is kind of our main thing and then I just jump right in I was just like okay awesome and um why don't you give me like a 30,000 foot view are you guys uh also doing Invisalign are you guys doing General Dentistry or are you just looking to hone in on dental implants in 2024 um we like to get more implants uh more than anything else to be honest so now I'm just I'm just hooking you back in and I'm ignore I'm essentially ignoring I'm taking the lead and I'm essentially saying I'm GNA try to see if this is a BS objection or a real objection that's really what I'm trying to do so I'm like look I only have two to three questions you guys are mainly focused on this right um if they if they still say they're busy so yeah I mean so let's go through that so just really quick I have like two to three questions uh you guys are mainly focused on dental implants right that's right yeah dental implants is kind of our main thing and then tell me but I'm really busy I can't talk right now well I'm I'm really busy uh can you call me back later or just send me something so I can definitely call you back in like 10 to 15 minutes but I just want to make sure you guys actually want scale and add new dental implant patients you're not just telling me you know 10 to 15 minutes to get off of the phone it's at least worth a conversation right yeah I I think that's worth our time yeah I appreciate you clarifying what the call is about cool so at that point if if they're like no I really don't have time that's a real thing people that is possible like it's now it's a legistic objection I've got them I've tied them down to saying it is worth a conversation so I tied you down I said it is worth a conversation to you and now I'm going to get you rescheduled yeah um if they're like wait what who are you what is this from so be like what is this again well what is this again can you provide some clarity of what this even about yeah so again for context and Clarity my name is Joel with agency lab what we do is we work with dentists helping them either with consistency or helping them scale their practice it's now a good time for you know 10 to 15 minutes to get to know your practice a little bit better and see if we can help gotcha say say no say say say maybe not now no no say say no wait wait wait who are you again yeah wait wait who are you again can I don't remember this I didn't sign up for anything uh Dr Paulson right you're you're a dentist yes and and you guys do dental implants correct yes okay perfect so I mean you're definitely in the right place are you you guys in a position right now where you're looking for new patients we are um but can you can you help me understand what your company is about or what what is this call about because we get calls all the time and then I'll just loop back to this well yeah for context and Clarity again I'm just looping them back it's just an objection handle if they're literally like no F off at that point you're done you know you don't want to force it but but you want to like push back a little bit with like one or it's like one or two Jabs and then if they throw a right hook I guess that's it so um so here's the thing that everybody should remember like the things that we taught in day one and two creates systems for inbound right cold email IG walking into a BNI all those things running Facebook ads all that does is create inbound requests inbound interest you really haven't arrived as an agency until you could can sleep at night like War Buffett says and either revenue is coming in or inbound interest is coming in like you should be able to wake up in the morning you look at your slack Channel there should be leads in there that are qualified that's the world you have to get into before you can actually scale now when that happens the script that Joel is sharing are basically hooks to help them qualify re-qualify for a proper either one call close or a two call close whether it's on Zoom or over the phone or in person it is a matter of what medium you use the idea is to have a system in place that you handle the inbound flow a certain way you want all your sales guys and appointment Setters to literally and and sales gals there's some killer closers that are women too so no no no no need to you know assume but like honestly you need to figure out a way to flow the traffic the right way so you can then measure how you handle the traffic on sales keep going Joel yeah so again someone books a call with you your paid ads open it up like this someone replies your cold email Instagram DM open it up like this and I'm just going to get you to say yeah we're having a call so cool we're good for 10 to 15 minute chat awesome moving on to phase two get them to open up and admit they have a problem so I'm trying to reel you in slowly you got to got to get you to open up and admit that you have a problem now here's here's where this is going to get tricky for everyone you want to have a real conversation you can't be a robot you can't be a robot I'm not an AI all right paes I don't know about no I'm just kidding Paulson's not an AI you guys need to connect on a human level this is the hardest phase this is the least scripted version part of the process and the most important and it will require practice you're gonna I'm going to give you guys some tools but you're gonna have every single conversation is going to be different at this in this phase so so how do you get them to open up uh in uh and put their defensive walls down I want to get them to here's the goal guys if I can help them admit that they have a problem and realize [ __ ] I have a problem then I can all I have to do is position my solution or my product as the solution of that problem if I can get you open up and admit to yourself and realize oh man I really have a problem here then all I have to do is position my product my agency high level as the solution to that problem I can't tell you you have a problem you need to realize you have a problem now I want to give you guys one Golden Nugget here big Golden Nugget you you see how the whole time when I was doing the script I was a little like like sub I want to say let's say submissive I'm like oh yeah you know no worries uh and kind of stuttering a little bit I'm doing that on purpose I don't want to I I actually don't want to come off aggressive I want to disarm the prospect yeah so like sometimes people are taught to be in sales be like hey Daniel no you want to be like hey uh Daniel is this Daniel yeah it's it's because of saturation too like think about the experience in in the US for example 80% of the people don't talk on phones anymore like we don't do phone conversations like that that world is almost gone in in in in the US market at least most people text message so when you do finally answer a phone call if it's not friends or family it's a very highly trained professional that is cold calling behalf of like an insurance company some kind of rebate the government like it's it's literally very very skilled trained people so they literally go through a script so you kind of want to position yourself as someone who's not that skilled like a cold caller where you kind of give off that indication that it's a cold call you want to make it seem like you're you're personally just calling them without you know essentially giving away the clue that you are in a way professional as well go ahead Joel this some of the comments on the YouTube are so funny someone said pawson really sounds like he didn't sign up for role playing today he did it these are facts so I'm gonna just I'm just gonna be real so totally monotone uh who are you again yeah so so you guys someone asked can I just do this over a vssl or Ai No you guys need to we're you guys are you got to admit to yourself you're in a service-based business you're human to human you got to get on the phone and talk to people you got to talk to people yeah and if and look I'll give you guys one piece of advice if you're like Joel I will never be a salesperson and you know if that's you you're like I hate it for example Isaac yesterday ads he hated sales like he would have panic attacks hardcore not that will go away like that would remain he so so so for someone like him it's better to just partner with someone that's very good at sales yeah and also if you're extremely sales this is a huge golden notet if you're so good at sales and you are so bad at Tech and you know who you are you literally are like what's high level like me like find someone that could be your that is a great time to either strategically partner or fully partner with someone because this business like I said at the beginning requires both product and sales you need both product and sales so if you're like I can go both ways and I'm good at both but I'm not great where it's like you know I'm not I don't know high level in andout like crazy also with sales I'm not the rate of sales person of all time you know I'm I I'm good at it so so you guys need to I'm actually my best skill is marketing so I found people that were really good at the other things Sergio sales Isaac Tech right so in product so if you guys are so hardcore introverts hate sales don't want to talk to anyone find someone that would be happy to do that because those people exist so I did want to throw that uh Golden Nugget out there okay cool so I get them to open up slowly admit they have a problem so here's the overview 30,000 foot overview that's the first thing I'm going to cover I want to go over what they've already tried I want to go over what their numbers are I want to go over what services they have where do they get most of their sales from what's worked what hasn't and what I want to do is go deeper and deeper and deeper and throughout by going deeper they're going to realize they have a problem and we're GNA actually go through this uh so Dr Paulson these calls are typically short what I find works best if you're okay with it is if you can provide me some clarity and context on your business you know where you're at what you're looking for to get you you know from where you're at to where you want to go that'd be really great and if I believe that I can help you I'll walk you through everything in detail and answer all of your questions does that sound fair yeah that sounds good how long would it take you know like mostly these calls go about 10 to 15 minutes okay uh Paul just just for the role play if you can play easy mode and then we'll get into hard mode we can get into hard mode later all right if not we're not going to get to the script I got you all right if there's a pause like let's say that you're just like what uh just be like why don't we start with a 30,000 foot overview just share okay anything that comes to mind and you know get me up to speed and we'll go from there yep absolutely yeah so why don't we share a little bit more about your practice um where you guys are at where you're looking to go really anything yeah we started the practice maybe like two three years ago we got a couple of dental assistants I'm bringing on an associate partner um Right Now dental implants is the main thing uh but we're already doing a lot of marketing uh in general um but a lot of it is not working um lot of lot of promises uh that is you know overwhelming in a sense um but help me understand what exactly do you do that's different than all the other other people so you guys said dental implants are uh the main thing you guys are doing a lot of marketing General a lot of promises can you tell me more about that yeah I just feel like I wasted maybe I don't know a couple of thousand dollars on couple of these platforms and agencies and uh I've feel like I've gotten the same runaround um I leads but none of them actually show up um and kind of just feel like I don't want to waste any more time with marketing in general but I know a lot of my other colleagues do really well with marketing and I just I just feel like I haven't cracked the code okay what I'm trying to do here guys so pause role play I'm just trying to get Dr Paulson to dump as much as possible I just want him to dump dump dump dump like I already got some C crazy uh insights he's done marketing so he is doing marketing he's got money he also hates agencies that's very obvious a lot of promises you've gotten the same runaround you've wasted a couple thousands of dollars on platforms and agencies I get leads but none of them show up that was a huge Golden Nugget I'm writing all this down I'm this is my ammo this is my ammo for later okay and then now I'll probably I would have probably pushed to three like one or two more times so uh Dr pawson you said you're getting leads none of them show up did you break that down for me what what does that look like so they're they're sending you leads they're just not showing up yeah exactly um and I think it's because you know we don't have a lot of automations or the the like some of the Facebook ads don't work that well and you know my marketing guys are just I don't know and maybe they they don't do a good job with targeting or whatever maybe my offer is not good but either way I feel like we get people interested but we don't really push them to the final um Edge to being able to come into the practice for what we do got it got it awesome so I do that a few times where I'm like tell me more about this tell me more about that and now I have a really good starting point like I have a lot of ammo to play with that I could just these are all little like this is going to sound like messed up these are all little wounds that I can press down on later yeah to make him feel the pain so um you you do want him to realize I do have a problem so these are all good starting points where he's like okay stop touching it I have a problem yeah so um this is a really good starting point this is where we started a 30,000 footo overview now again I'm going to go off script here because it's a framework right so uh Dr Paulson you said that you wasted a couple of thousands of dollars on platforms and agencies but you are doing a lot of marketing like give me a breakdown what marketing are you doing and and and also what have you guys tried in the past sure yeah so marketing wise we do a lot of flyers in our communities um we have radio that is launched um we have radio yeah we do radio ads and it's been working pretty well for us um we also have uh well my nephew he does all the boosting um and he's he that you would literally hear that all the time my nephew does all the platform boosting which is basic they're just basically saying they're running uh Facebook ads engagement or whatever campaigns without a certain purpose um we have like PP or SEO or you know yeah we we want to do an SEO but we don't have a strong website um I don't think I want to redo that but either way um I think SEO is something we need to do uh in the future but right now I don't know if we have a big budget for that so what what's leading what what's helping you guys get the most amount of patience in the door referrals friends family community knowing us um um um reputation kind of thing got it but you said you are so you did say you're doing a lot of marketing so it sounds like it's mainly just on the radio yeah radio is kind of the big thing yeah radio is a good thing um the boosting and you know um that's that's really what we're doing right now I see I see and uh why don't we break down some of the numbers that uh you're bringing in so what percentage of your patients are coming through referrals what percentage of your patients are coming through radio what percentage of your patients are coming through the boosting yeah um so I think we don't really track all of it in my mind uh well but maybe like 20 30% comes from the radio uh and 70% comes from referrals of existing patients or friends or family uh um maybe another few percent here and there comes from all the Flyers we don't have a way to track the Flyers but we know people love them um these are like real objections I've gotten so it's probably not a fair uh reply but yeah all our marketing works that's what every dentist tells me in the past when I had my D wait you're not that's not part of the that's not part of the role play no no that's not part of the RO telling you I was like wait I'm confused like Dr talking sorry sorry but yeah yeah um yeah so guys all I'm trying to do here is you guys can all you guys all you guys what I'm trying to do here guys is go off of the initial things he told me to now dig deep on what they've tried what their numbers are which Services they prefer where do they get most of their sales from what's worked what hasn't and then over time I'll start going deeper so Dr Paul like you mentioned that you guys all you know used a bunch of other agencies uh tell me about that wh why do you think it didn't work um well I think we spent a lot of money um in general maybe about four or5 th000 every single month on marketing with a couple of these agencies um but there wasn't like a you know a good result that came out of it we got a few patients here and there from like Facebook ads and Google ads and but we haven't done those in a in a while because my nephew just keeps boosting uh Facebook and that seemed to create a lot of likes and comments in our Pages um so yeah in the past you guys spent four you guys spent you guys spent four to $5,000 and you you only got a few patients yeah and and that's I think that's because by the way guys pause I did that on purpose I'm trying to make him feel like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I spent four to $5,000 I didn't get patience let's dig deeper but now I'm starting to probe so again first I do a 30,000 foot overview then I start to go specifically what they've tried what their numbers are which Services uh they prefer where do they get most of their sales from what's worked what hasn't and then once I have a very clear understanding once you again it's almost like you're the doctor once you have a very good understanding of the patient you know everything that you need to know to diagnose them and to give them the right medication then we could start to dive deep so now what I do is I'm going to start to go deep on these specific issues so for example like I said you know Dr Paulson it sounds like you guys spent $ four to5 thousand a month which by the way that's kind of crazy um that you guys didn't really see much and uh you know if you were to put your finger on two things as to why it failed what would those two things be well I think um I don't think the marketing guys really understood what we stand for you know we're a luxury practice um and we want to go after you know the corporate clients and the community we don't want just any random person that wants to come in for a little cleaning uh we want to go after afluent patients and families and that's kind of our focus and I think they just had a hard time they didn't really understand you correct and I think they had a hard time targeting and finding those people through their marketing efforts that's really what it comes down to and it sounds like they weren't tracking anything right because you said you weren't even sure how many patients you got right well they told me you know they brought in like 60 70 leads every single month but in reality most of those people didn't walk in through my front door hm that's that that must be kind of frustrating um that's crazy so 60 you guys 60 to 7even leads and you don't even know exactly how many showed up yeah and uh and it's been a while it's been a couple of months since we kind of turned those off um so I can go back and kind of figure out those numbers exactly if you need those um but that's yeah I don't I I don't feel like full effort was harvested and they didn't even give you like a CRM or you know software to track all this they had something um but um it to me it was it was just a place to just find the contact information I don't think it was like a I don't know automation kind of software it was more like something that just houses information so we couldn't do anything with it except just log in and um find the information there um that's kind of what I wow so I mean you can't even you couldn't even track the ROI right no no I don't think there was a way to track any of that okay so pause you see how I'm making him realize like oh wow I did it wrong all these things are wrong no CRM no tracking no leads that show up bad targeting then all I have to do is say I'm the agency that can help you with these things especially with I only get paid when they show up I I am incentivized to make sure the targeting is on point I also make sure to go on Justice map like we talked about earlier on day one and only target the affluent areas now my pitch Dr Paulson is 100% aligned with the problems that he had that prevented him from getting the result he wanted guys is this clicking this is the hardest part phase two is the least scripted it's a conversation this is chess now not Checkers the big framework is again start off with a 30,000 foot overview then get clear on what they've tried what their numbers are through a conversation figure out their services where do they get the most of their sales from what's worked what has it and then I start to go deeper oh wow how do you you got 60 to 70 leads and you don't even know if you got an Roi that's crazy he's like oh [ __ ] yeah that's not good yeah this is not good and then so so I'm just digging deeper and they didn't even give you a CRM to track so how do you know if you even got the results I don't know it's like okay I clearly that wasn't working so whatever I present has the potential to work absolutely uh that makes sense so one of the things that I'll tell everybody here is you don't need sales scripts like you don't need scripting that you can just read off of like obviously like Joel said don't be robotic but what you do want to do is memorize couple of Milestones memorize maybe phases of a framework and actually matter of fact from Sergio and Joel back in the day I kind of developed my own bridge in my mind of four different phas just I push all my conversations through and I share that in our 5-day challenge I share that at our masterminds our conferences our courses everything which really is essentially the same thing in a in a macro way which is story numbers conditions and decisions that's the chronological order I go through story means I want to get a like a rapport created between me and that Prospect numbers means I want to figure out what kind of numbers they're dealing with so go from volume oriented questioning to transitioning them into Revenue oriented questioning the third thing is conditions I want to make sure there's a good Market product fit just because they say yes to the money and transaction doesn't mean your product and services are actually fit for them then the fourth thing is decisions you want to ask them how do you like to be closed and figure out what is the Comfort level for them to start the relationship what Joel is teaching you here is the details of what happens in those phases every one of us sales guys have those phases memorized in our mind we don't follow scripts just FYI he I would what the way that I would look at it guys is following Frameworks get them to commit to the conversation get them to be like yeah we can talk today then get them to open up and and and tell you about their practice their business their problems that's what we're doing it's like okay and then Dr PA's like oh [ __ ] I I just realized I didn't track anything the leads didn't show up they were they were just my nephew kept boosting ads whatever the heck that means yeah and then uh eventually what's gonna happen is you're gonna feel like ah I understand that's my problem so for example the lead quality sucks you could be like so Dr Paulson you know what offer were you guys running on the ad yeah so what we were doing was um uh if I can remember 20% off of teeth cleaning okay but then you guys want to focus on it on dental implants yeah so with dental implants we didn't really do any discounts because we wanted to attract like an affluent customer base we didn't really run a discount because of that and um you know know the marketing guys they told me they don't need to do a discount they'll they'll kind of handle it and um majority of the leads that came in were for the dental cleaning and whitening not the implants these are like real scenarios that I've I've seen keep going keep going the nephew thing is hilarious by the way I got that's that's so funny there's a lot of nephews out there killing agency game okay so mean that that's that's interesting so they're you're telling me that they did ads for teeth cleaning but you wanted dental implant patients yeah they promised me they'll bring in affluent dental implant patients they told me but then they did the teeth cleaning that's what majority of the leads became I don't think that was the intention but I think they had the easiest time marketing Dental imp you know cleaning and whitening where implants I think they had a hard time marketing for okay that's interesting yeah so again I'm making him realize like okay there's a problem here like okay yeah why the heck would they advertise teeth cleaning when I wanted dental implants which is what he told me at the beginning because I took the notes yeah where was it imp main thing and just pause for a second these are real scenarios that that you will come across business owners they want their highest ticket to be sold the most most whatever their biggest thing is that's what they want more eyes on they don't care about bringing in you know low tickets of any kind and just climbing them into um upselling like that's usually not their first instinct because they're not marketing people right they're not sales people they're they're about their service um keep going Joel what is yeah and I think that um I think that uh the other thing that this is a huge Golden Nugget as well that I forgot to share in my warnings before we dove in that's really important if you guys are brand new you should actually go and find some business in your Niche that you could take to launch take out to lunch and get to know everything about the business you guys should actually spend a day or two just doing market research understanding the lingo because if a dentist told me all on four or full Arch resta ation hson and I would know what that means but most of you guys would be like what is an Allon four so if you can actually use these words if I could be like what kind of dental implants you guys looking for single dental implants or you want to do full on Allon four procedures full arts Restorations they're going to be like okay this guy gets it he's in our space he knows the lingo immediate Authority bump like you're already going to be seen as someone that knows their [ __ ] so highly recommend that what I would what I did is I found a chiropractor in Boulder and I invited them out one night for pizza and we spent like three hours and I said tell me everything there is to know about Chiropractic everything the sales process the lingo the problems in the mark in the industry what do chiropractors hate what do chiropractors love what kind of patience do they want how do they make their money do they like Insurance when do they get paid by Insurance all that um cool then uh let's see where we at oh let's do a few more questions so okay so you're telling me that they ran teeth cleaning ads for dental implant patients and it sounds like they weren't even doing dental implant uh marketing um which is honestly frustrating like that that that's that's not good you know um for such a big investment um that being said when the leads came in what was that process like were they calling them were you guys calling them how what systems did you guys have in place to make sure that they would show up yeah they they basically set up um I guess like a portal or a log in where we had to log in and see the leads that came in and then um we couldn't we couldn't like dial from that portal so we basically took the numbers and dialed with our regular phones to to kind of call them in and schedule but most of the leads did not even know anything about our practice so it was kind of like they were throwing leads at us in a portal and didn't have like a way to track or communicate or anything like that it was just us having to manually dial with our regular phones back to the leads which I think also was kind of an issue uh because I couldn't tell whether my friend desk was actually calling or not because I'm busy in the back taking care of patients so I'm I'm just kind of hoping that they did got it got it cool so now Dr Paulson is started to open up his demeanor changed from I only have 10 nine minutes too you know it's a little more calm he's like yeah really didn't work so now phase three I want to get him to buy into me as the solution to other problem here's how this is going to work first I'm going to summarize everything because because I want them to feel like I really listened I want them to feel like I empathized with them and then we're going to drop our offer in our pitch and here's where you're going to have to modify on the fly a little bit and be a ninja and touch on their pain points this is where you're going to have to be like here's the ways that we can help you based on exactly what you told me so again first thing I'm going to repeat everything back to them from a high level so Dr Paulson I think I got enough here um just to summarize it sounds to me that you guys have worked with a bunch of other agencies but they really you know dropped the ball on some core things like they weren't even doing dental implant marketing which is crazy by the way they were doing teeth cleaning marketing and telling you guys they were getting dental implants and then when the leaks came in you guys had no way to see if you're getting an Roi if they're showing up and then even worse like they were making guys do all the work and it sounds like they weren't even supporting your front desk staff like you were back with patience how you should be as the doctor and you were paying this agency but they're kind of leaving you out in the desert on your own and it also sounds like you guys really want to hone in on dental implants going into 2024 that's where you want to maximize things but you are also worried about making sure that if you're going to invest in marketing that the actually show up and it also sounds like you guys really love referrals you want to grow that so if there's a way to even help grow that Avenue since that's where you guys mainly get your uh patience from like that would be a great add-on and is there anything else I'm missing or anything else you'd like to share and I do appreciate you sharing everything with me yeah so by the way this line is by the way this line is really important this is where they might tell you the one or two things that they didn't share yeah yeah so Joel everything you're telling me is what a lot of these agencies once told me as well you seem like a nice guy and I've heard something similar in the past so to be honest with you I'm kind of you know uh traumatized from things like this but what is what makes you different than the other agencies like is there a guarantee is there a risk that you will take on as well as me like what does that look like yeah um Paulson for the sake of script let's play easy mode and then we'll do objections at the end okay that's okay yeah yeah I gota remember yeah just so get through it just so we can get through it and then we'll we'll do objections I'll do easy mode tell me more Joel you know it's like yeah because we we have them all here okay and if they're like um right hold on one second I mean I also can go into it but you know at that point i' I'd probably play more like you know Dr Paulson I haven't shared much yet of you know how he can help how he can't help I'm first trying to just get a very clear understanding of sure where you're at and okay where you're looking to grow and and really understand your practice and uh I'm more than happy to show you everything in detail of how we're different the price all the information that you need to know okay to make an informed decision but first I really just wanted to get to know you just like you do with your patients before you start doing an entire dental procedure I just I just want to see if we might be able to help yeah and then I'd shut up okay and then you'd be like what would you say to that I mean this is if you want to get into objection now yeah probably like well how much is it yeah absolutely so so again I'm more than happy to go over all the pricing if that's something that you want to cover um but again first I'm just trying to get a clear sense of where you're at and what you're looking for and what you guys need right because there's a lot of things that we could do for you but I also don't want to promise something that doesn't align with what you guys ultimately need to grow your practice and again uh I'm more than happy to to show you everything but first just want to make sure that I get a full understanding of of where you guys are at so you know is there anything else that you'd like to share with me um anything missing from from what we went over um and again see now I'm just pushing it back on Paulson yeah so I answer it quickly I kind of address it and I'm just like okay so and is there anything else I'm missing or anything else you'd like to share and again I do appreciate you sharing it it really does help um I don't I don't really think there is much um I mean is there anything you're looking for Joel that I should say no no that could be fine I will say this though if at this point they're resistant to you you're not get it's very hard to get the sale at this point if they're playing hard ball at this stage of that this is actually a really good point if they're playing hard ball at this stage of the script like those questions that Paulson just threw would appear more up here in the beginning towards like phase two the start of phase two where you're like what's the price I've already been burned in the past by other agencies like but if you're already opening up to me and sharing and we're kind of laughing about your nephew boosting posts it's you're probably gonna follow my lead at that stage so so keep that in mind if if if you're getting those kinds of that kind of tension that deep you you lost the sale like the chance of you getting that sale is very hard also keep in mind the sale is one actually on this call it's not one on the second call most people think the 8020 is the demo presentation the 8020 is you connecting with them and them feeling like you are the solution to their problems to their pain if they feel like you are the solution to their pain and to their problems they will buy from you obviously as long as everything checks off obviously but that's that's a given that being said the the battle the 8020 is one here and that objection of like what's the price again I'd probably be like more than happy first I want to get a sense of where you guys are at what you're looking for because I don't want to give you guys a recommendation for all the things that we could do and then it doesn't really align with what you guys are looking for um with that in mind you know I'd love to get a little bit more detail on on where you guys are at so you mentioned that you're looking to focus on dental implants in 2024 is that where you guys are mainly focused in 2023 tell me about that so and then I just go back to the questions so I'd answer it go back to the questions and then if you're like I've already been burn in the past all that stuff I'm like I hear you that other agenc you were telling me about sounds crazy you know $4 to $5,000 and then running uh uh teeth cleaning ads I I'll tell you right now you know we're not going to do that but with that in mind um I'd love to just get to know a little bit more about your practice and where you guys are focusing so that I can confidently tell you if we can help because right now I don't even want to say that until I have a little bit more clarity uh with that in mind you know you mentioned that the leads you were getting weren't showing up what was that process like when you guys generated a lead so I'm just going back to the script but that's probably going to happen in phase two not in phase three yeah um cool all right phas three um so you're like nope there's nothing else for me to share No Worries cool so from the sounds of it Dr Paulson we can definitely help you uh what I'm going to do is walk you through everything feel free to interrupt me at any time and I do want to make sure I can answer every question so at this point guys this you're going to have to modify this is just a templated uh version this will be unique to you and your agency this is something that you're going to have to LIT rewrite unfortunate now you need to come up with three reasons why your offer is amazing and customize it to their answer so and by the way you can also modify this on the fly a little bit so everything we do is exclusive to you and customized and it actually starts off with a social media platform and we actually mainly focus on Tik Tok ads so I know you mentioned you've only tried Facebook and you wanted to try something new in 2024 and uh we're one of the first agencies to crack the code on Tik Tok ads uh for dentists and I just want to be clear you don't even need the app and I'll walk you through why we believe Tik Tok is one of the most powerful platforms to get affluent patients that are actually looking for dental implants in 2024 so you see how I threw in that word affluent I'm trying to plant seeds that what I got is what he wants so number one it was the most visited domain in 2021 there's actually more traffic on Tik Tok than Google which is crazy so if you're like Joel there's no uh people wanting implants on uh Tik Tok then you're also saying that they're not on Google and what makes a social media platform viable is access to the platform meaning we can Target income on Tik Tok whereas on Facebook you cannot and you can say whatever you want be like meaning we can actually find the specific ZIP codes in your area so that we're only placing the ad in front of people who have money now not saying that some people that don't have money won't opt in but we're targeting places where it's mainly people with wealth and number three there was a report that just came out recently that one out of four Millennial again I would have to tweak this because I'm if I'm doing dental implants Millennials it's probably the older demographic so um you know there was a report that just came out recently that one out of four Boomers and even older folks are using Tik Tok as a search engine not even Google does that make sense then you'll be like yeah it all makes sense cool and then I throw one final rock at their main problem even harder and again this is a this is a template you guys will have to modify this for your offer so you remember how you mentioned you guys were getting the leads and you got like 60 to 70 leads but none of them showed up and you were just dealing with Tire kickers and you were like I just want affluent leads that show up yes I remember that okay cool so what's really amazing about our model is that we only get paid when someone actually prepays for their appointment so we're actually going to get people that have money because they're prepaying for their appointment before they ever come in and we've also noticed that that increases the show up rate to 95% on average for our clients so I'm essentially this is I'm doing it on the Fly I'm throwing one final rock at their problem based on what they told me so uh here's how it works and we're just going to break down overview of how ads work you don't have to like over complicate this and again you could yeah so real quick let's pause for one second so couple of C couple of observations here right the and very similar to Sergio I've done probably over eight years of sales in my career building three agencies um and I can tell you sales more than the scripting the framework and anything and everything it's about transferring the energy that you have about your offer to the prospect so that's the first thing your ability as a Salesman to transfer the energy the right energy to the prospect the second skill that's going to really Elevate everyone here on sales is your ability to be discern full of the prospects energy okay if you have the right skill set and enough practice you'll be able to pick up small different things how they will tell you and show you and demonstrate their energy towards your industry your type of business your offer so over time Joel Joel says this uh in a lot of his old uh programs he'll tell you that there's a popcorn thing that happens and you know popcor doesn't pop early in the game eventually it'll all pop in like one Saturday and it's like three customers that you signed up in one week and you're like I don't know how that happened but it's because there's a sales cycle there's a trust that you're building with touch points all to tell you that that energy transfer is what matters more than anything else and that takes repetition that takes time that takes you know multiple things the part about phase three that Joel is sharing with you that's going to make this whole thing so much easier for you is the strength of the offer of this business model that Joel's sharing which is the paper show business model you as the provider is taking all the risk except for the ads spend right because that offer is so strong wrong your sales skills does not have to be elite your offer is so mind you know it's you know what's crazy though if you're very good at following phase two and digging deep and connecting with them and getting to know them they're not and they trust you then even if you're like they will for I promise you if if you won them over on phase two they will not care if it's retainer or papership which is interesting like people will stop asking about all that stuff they only ask about guarantees price what makes you guys different if they don't trust you the trust and and here's the the takeaway the trust comes from you knowing them better than they know themselves and you understanding their problems better than they do it's kind of like a I tore my my ACL last year or sorry in May and and I don't I'm not an orthopedic surgeon so when the I walk into the to the I get my the the x- raiser not the x-r the MRI the surgeon is looking at it with me I'm listening very carefully at everything he's saying and I trust every word that's coming out of his mouth why it's because he understands my problem my torn ACL better than I do so we're giving you guys a lot of golden nuggets today because I feel like uh I mean normally I just give you guys a script we don't go through it but we're really dissecting this which which I really like so phase three at this point again you should have won them over like if if at phase three they're resistant you you you kind of failed yeah and that also means you need to not present the offer like don't present this is not there's a timing to present the offer of what you do don't enter into phase three if you have not won the no like and Trust model of like creating that relationship yeah so if Paulson's like hey what's the what do you guys offer yeah so again we can do a lot of different things for you guys uh based on exactly what you need and everything we do is customized for the practice so a big part of why I'm wanting to get to know you guys and ask you guys all these questions is just so that I can come up with exactly the right system that would align with your goals and what you guys are looking for um that being said you guys mentioned that and I would just go back to asking a question so I address it I this is how I handle objections you address it you answer it and then you go back to a question yeah so with that being said you guys mentioned that you don't want to do invisible line um is it just because you're mainly focused on dental implants yeah blah blah blah now I'm now got him back in I don't want to let Paulson Take the Lead here yeah but I also don't want to be an [ __ ] so it's like I'm very submissive about it I'm like yeah no totally hear you on that uh you want to get the pricing makes sense you know I it's that's really important and I promise you we will go over that but first I need to get to know a little bit more about your practice where you're at what you're looking for so that I can give you a pricing based on exactly what you're looking for um that being said you mentioned you worked with another agency and they weren't getting leads to show up if I had to if I had the power to wave a magic wand and solve all that all those agencies problems what would you what would you want you know and now I'm back in him to now now I'm leading so I'm I'm still letting him push back a little bit but I'm leading the conversation um Okay so interestingly enough I don't even get into the offer the guarantee the paper show in this I'm really just trying to keep it very high level I'm trying to keep it very easy to consume I don't want to I don't want to confuse Paulson right now he's in an emotional state he knows he has a problem I don't want to confuse him with nitty-gritty and when do I get paid wait do I get paid app how does that work and then I don't want to confuse them I want to get to a point where I can show that on the demo but I I want to get I want to essentially get paulon to the point where he's like I want this so let's just go over the details but I'm in I want to get them to this sounds awesome but let's go over the details what's interesting is most people go over the details thinking that that's what's going to get people to buy in what's going to get people to buy in is that they feel like you know their problems better than they do and therefore can prescribe a Sol solution in a way that they feel confident yeah so and also don't be afraid to spend a lot of time on this call if you guys can crush a 50 an hour long call with a dentist for an intro call that's gold do like that's amazing if you guys can last an hour with a doctor or with anyone a roofer like you're going to get so all right phase three you guys can list in I pretty much just break down how the process looks like we create your campaigns and video ads or media buyer team takes care all that stuff this isn't stuff that worked well and we're putting in a new box it isn't something that worked two years ago and we're just putting a fresh face to it or we're trying to accomplish with our system is this is where you're verifying if there's a good product Market fit okay you're making sure the solution you provide meets the need that they have that you've articulated well with them and help them understand that you can actually solve the relevant problems at this time frame of their business okay keep going Joel yeah so I'm gonna just for the sake of time you guys will have access to this you will have to modify this for your um offer but like basically you go over ads targeting high level it's just like explaining that simply so they're not confused so for example um I guess I'll go through some of it uh the way that it looks is we create your campaigns and video ads our media buyer and our team will take care of all that stuff now I want to be clear this isn't stuff that worked well and we're putting it in a new box it isn't something that worked two years ago and we're just putting a fresh face to it it's working right now and what's really cool I'm going to go off script a little bit to align with what uh Paulson said earlier and what's really cool is we're actually make videos specifically targeted to that affluent demographic and we're going to set up all the ads in a way that really speak to people with money so what we're trying to accomplish with our system is build trust and get intent there's no branding in the video or mentioning anything else we're speaking directly to that person it's more of a compassionate and empathetic message which really aligns with people looking specifically for dental implants you again I want to make sure that we focus our marketing 100% on dental implants and I will not do any teeth cleaning for you Dr Paulson I promise uh does that make sense that does so I'm just hitting back everything he told me I don't want to do teeth cleaning I want dental implant I want to affluence people I want to get them to show up and you know what we're trying to do is build some trust and get some interest and once we have that we're Gathering data we're actually going to figure out what credit score they have how serious they are about dental implants what other Solutions they've considered how much money they are looking to invest what time frame and we can even customize this and add more questions so that you are only talking to the highest quality leads in your area and we're also going to obviously get their personal data like their phone number and email and I know you mentioned earlier this agency was just sending you the email and phone number but we're actually going to give you a whole breakdown on that patient profile so that you guys can even determine whether or not you can help them and get them financed for a $30,000 procedure before they even show up so we're not going to waste any time with bad leads any questions about that no that sounds great and you know that covers the first third marketing and Gathering the data the second third is we have to leverage that data into conversations and uh this is how it looks remember how you said you didn't have a CRM and any automations well all that data that we get is going to be perfectly placed into a CRM that we use called high LEL or whatever you want to Rebrand it as your white label yeah exactly that we set up for you and you're also going to have access to a mobile version of this so that you can take it with you and take it outside of your practice I know you're super busy that way you can literally log in and see your Roi at any time so remember you told me that your agency that you were working with you had no idea well we're going to actually be able to track not only how many leads you got but how many were qualified how many showed up how many prepaid for their appointment and the entire Roi throughout our whole journey together and again you could log in and check this at any time it's up toate live at all times any questions about that no that sounds fantastic and will my um team members be able to log in and see that as well yeah absolutely so we're going to work with your team directly and make sure that they have access to everything and one of the other things that you mentioned I'm glad you actually brought this up this is one of the really nice things about working with us it's not like the core thing but we actually train your entire staff as well so if you'd like we can even meet with your staff and train them on this entire process to make it as easy as humanly possible for you which uh leads us with the final part the booking of the appointment in the sale and at this point you have to change this so breaking script at this point you have to change this based on if you're calling them or if they're calling the leads so let's say that we're calling the leads like phasal showed on day one so which leavs us with the final part the booking of the appointment and the sale now our team is going to look at all the data from the leads and we're going to take anyone who's qualified for financing for dental implants who says they are serious about signing up a right now and they have the money to invest and we're actually going to call them on your behalf and get them to prepay for an appointment and what we've noticed is that this increases the sh rate to up to 95% whereas before we were doing this we were at about a 40 to 50% show up rate so I know you mentioned you've had bad experiences with leads that you generate but then never show up well this will solve that problem and we'll take that 100% off of your plate so all you have to do is really show up and give them an amazing experience so I know that was a lot if you have any questions uh you know I'm happy to answer them and at this point so pause script do you guys see how I've taken all the things that Paulson told me and kind of sprinkled them into my pitch and now Paulson's going to be like yeah this is what I'm looking for yeah and by the way this was all improvised we I this is all based on what you told me at the beginning I I I didn't plan for this this was all just what you told me affluent I said that word like five times I could have said luxury like that could have been cool yeah so just to add on to what Joel's saying here so you know I I've trained in some of the most um top Sales Systems and programs in my career and I can tell you the number one thing in being a really good closer or a salesperson is understanding your sales lead leadership skills right and the first pillar of good sales leadership skills is your listening skills your listening skills will allow you to transition the prospect in the right path so like for example um you need to understand how to listen properly and what's important to them in the right energy and how they're giving you objections um and the way you do that is by understanding how they consume information right so I'm going to go on a little soapbox here so bear with me so in the world of content Communication in sales in um how you listen to things coach all that there are three different types of you know mediums which is visual Learners auditory Learners and canese Learners right your visual Learners are people that wants to see the picture right so when you present your offer or when you present things about your business you want to articulate it in the macro world and show them hey you know what the best picture I can tell you in how you would work with me in 2024 is XYZ do you see what I'm telling you like does does this make sense you see how I'm using the word c look right when you think about auditory learning leers and you're talking to a prospect that has auditory skills or that's how they consume information you want to say things like hey here's what what I would like for you to listen to the most most importantly here's what I've heard right if there's anything here are my you know here here's the way um like you guys get it you get my point on how to be conscious of the mediums that you're using in how you're artic culating the third one is can athetic which is feel right here's how I feel about how we can work together here's what I want to touch on when it comes to this offer here and these are pretty advanced level sales skills that I'm telling you I don't want to overwhelm you but honestly if you can get to a point of emotional intelligence if you can get to and understand how to move towards that and if you can also understand the energy of the Prospect in your energy as well and then you really sprinkle in the v which is what I call it the visual auditory can athetic you can actually transition them through in a very clean way of truly truly understanding what they get out of working with you okay I hope that makes sense hopefully I didn't overwhelm too many people with that but these are skills that you develop over time this you're not going to practice any of this in uh January over the the next 90 days these are things you develop and how like just like how Joel said hey here's the affluent piece I would figure out whether they played basketball or not if they played basketball as one of their fun things to do there's a very good chance that they're a canese person right if you're talking to PT clinics 90% of people that own PT clinics are canese people if you're talking this is like this is really like next level it is if you're talking like metpa folks that are aesthetic they're brand oriented they're visual people they're a cosmetic dentist is more visual than an implant dentist who's more analytical so you need to really understand the environment of sales and who you're talking to but anyways let me get off my soap boox Joel back to you back to you back to you no that's really good I I I think like that's that's really good I think understanding the type of person you're dealing with if they're more logical more emotional you know but that's like that's definitely phase that's level two are things you graduate into these are not things that happen overnight like guys like me and Sergio develop these skills to have this conversation in three minutes over like eight years almost like a decade of business practice just FYI no need to exactly no need to get there tomorrow but these are things that you need to practice to get there empathy um you know there's so many things I can go into but anyways let's go through you guys practice this every day just like literally just like I did with Paulson where one of you guys pretends to be the dentist and I would again to get through it I would play easy mode first just get through it you know then start to be like what's the price I hear you Dr Paulson I I promise you we will go over all those details first I just want to get a really good sense of where you guys are at blah blah blah blah blah you know first practice easy mode get through the script and do that every day until you're like okay I get this I get the I don't have to think about what phase I'm in I just know what phase I'm in okay so all right let's see here Paul so at this point let's say you ask a lot of questions I'm going to start answering them so if you're you know well how does this work I'll answer them this is where you need to know your stuff a little bit well how does the CRM work you answer it you know how does this work you answer it um I wouldn't I wouldn't go into so much product keep it concise like one to two sentence answer not like or maybe even a few sentences it could you just don't want to go into a 15 minute rant about high level yeah how does the CRM work let me pause you for a quick second those of you that are give me a one in the chat if you're selling SAS give me a two in the chat if you're doing a hybrid like SAS agency kind of model okay this is definitely H this is definitely hybrid yeah now if you if you have any inclination to sell features just stop because you shouldn't be selling features you should be selling the result of what you can do for the customers don't talk about no automations don't talk about no funnels no none of that crap because it doesn't matter to them they just care about how people are going to walk in through the front door and do business with them so the result that you provide to them is what matters so do not sell features if you want more ideas on how to do that jump into our five-day challenge it's all free to you if you're a high leler and we talk about breaking down one offer which is the Miss call text back and walking people through that anyways sorry Joel I I just had to put that in because I know a ton of people are watching that are SAS agency and they lead with a lot of features it's a huge mistake no you're fine yeah I know I mean and this should get you out of that feature mentality because this is all about getting to know them and their problems and digging deep it's all about them don't talk about feature here's a good way to look at it don't talk about features talk about them don't talk about features talk about them so um all right phase four at this point we got them to say yes to having a conversation we went deep we got them to realize oh wow I have a problem and now we've hopefully positioned ourselves as the solution to that problem at this point they should be pretty bought in like at this point we've had people be like I'm ready how do I get started they're starting the show buying signals they're like cool what's the next step that being said this is where you wanna so so so the point is they should be sold 80% of the way at this point if they're like why should I trust you like someone in the YouTube comments mentioned you know handle that objection but if you're having to do that hardcore objection handling where it's like a trust objection as opposed to a logistical objection then it's very hard to win them back at this late in the game if you're having to do trust based objections this late in the game it's going to be hard like that that just means that you just forced yourself through the script it shouldn't feel forced it shouldn't feel forced that's probably the hardest part um is getting them chill out and go along for the ride um Okay cool so phase four so Dr Paulson out of curiosity does this check off some of the boxes do you see how working with someone like us would bring in dental implant patients that actually show up and pay to your luxury practice absolutely yeah it makes sense awesome awesome Dr bson so I'm a visual person uh The Next Step would be for us to have a demo scheduled where we will visually walk you through the system and everything included because you're probably thinking what does the ads look like what does the CRM look like what do the automation look like and like I said no problem I will walk you through all that but you let me know where you'd like to go from here um well I guess we can schedule where something where you can show me what how you would you know get get all this done for us okay awesome so are you in front of a computer and have an additional you know 20 minutes or so and we can cover that right now um yeah I could but I do have another patient to get to but um can we set it up maybe first thing tomorrow was that easy mode or hard mode I can't tell it's not it's more like it's not easier or hard for for me it's more so just making it easy for the for us to go through this got sorry sorry yeah yeah we can we can do a 20 minute demo right now no problem okay okay if they say yes you take them right then and there if they say no if you're like tomorrow let's do tomorrow be like um by any chance do you have any openings this afternoon that's probably what I would say so if you're like hey let's do it tomorrow yeah be like by any chance do you have any afternoon openings and if you say no I'd probably say okay let's go ahead and do tomorrow yeah I'm not gonna yeah again at this point they should be pretty bought in I'm not gonna fight them on this this is more a logistical situation trying to figure out logistics but I if I could take them right then and there that's option one option two is later that day option three is next day option four is pushing it out so that's the order of priority yeah okay so I've got you in let's say we decided on this afternoon you know so I've got you in for this afternoon at 3 pm eastern time you're going to get a confirmation email and text the zoom link will be included if you could just make sure you're in front of a computer to not cause you any eye strain because we're going to be going some over some nitty-gritty details and um I did have a question though is there anybody else that you look to for a second opinion I know you mentioned you had an associate um but I don't know if they own the practice with you do do you have any Partners no it's just it's just me um but but I I will have to talk to my wife before I make a decision fully but she's not part of the practice okay so at this point if they say no I would probably say something like well out of curiosity did anyone come to mind when I said that and you said your your your your wife you know I'd probably ask is there any way she could attend it sounds like you got it's important for you guys to make these financial decisions together um again at this point if you're GNA start pushing back she's not going to make it I'm still going to take the demo I'm going to not be that aggressive but I'm still going to try to go for it if you say yes I do have my business partner all I would ask is you know what's their name and is it possible that they can attend again I'm not going to fight you at this point yeah what is I'm not gonna die you know I'm not GNA die on the hill for this like I'd probably just be like if you said your wife I'd be like oh it seems like it is important for you guys to make these sorts of decisions together it it might be a good idea for for you to bring her on um what by by any chance is there any way that she'd be available at that time yeah I can I can have her come show up um to the call as well and if you're like no I'd just be like no worries that's okay is there anyone else that came to mind got it and then and then at the end we say great um sometimes it ends up in your spam folder so just be sure to check that and last thing your practice does come before the call I know you're super busy have a lot of patients coming in and out um so if you have a patient that needs to be attended to or something comes up all that I ask is that you text us back at this number that we're calling you on right now so you have my number and just let us know um that's not a problem if something comes up again all I ask is that you shoot me a quick text sure and uh we can always reschedule sounds like a plan awesome talk to you then byebye end call so that that's that's a successful intro call one now uh we went over some of these objections um if they're resistant so if they're really pushing back what's the let's say I you give me the price objection I say no worries uh we can definitely go over the price um it really mainly depends on what you're looking for and I don't want to tell you something unless I know for a fact that we can help you with that in mind what's the main service that you guys are looking to focus on in 2024 dental implants and I'm getting you right back if if if you start pushing back and you're just an [ __ ] let's say that you're mean Dr Paulson then I'm going to say this look Dr Paulson um to be honest you know my intent with this call is and actually pause what I'm trying to do here is disarm the situation I'm kind of being vulnerable and hopefully get them on my side and if it doesn't work it's going to be tough like you're not if if someone's an [ __ ] after this it's the likelihood of them buying is very low so you know look Dr Paulson my my intent here is is not to bash you or come off too strong um I'm just trying to get a better understanding of your practice and see where you're at and and what you're looking for maybe a better place to start is you walk me through everything you share what you feel like you want to share and we start with that why don't you just maybe start with uh what you feel like I should know to to see if I can help you does does that sound fair yeah that does and if you're like no [ __ ] F you then the chances of of I just the chances of of getting back the the leadership the the frame to to lead the conversation is very low and requires some Next Level mental ninja tactics that's Advanced like if the guy is still like no I maybe at that point throw in like a Dr like a very honest I'm willing like at that point I'm probably risking everything I'll probably say like look do Dr Paul it sounds like you don't want this it sounds like you don't even want to be on this call like I said I'm more than happy to help um first I want to see if we can help it we don't have to do this call though um if if you feel like you need to hop off here I I fully respect that and like I said I would be more than happy to also help and and and we can I would absolutely love to keep going and I'd shut up and I just let you then decide if we're moving forward because essentially at that point point if you say yeah let's keep going you're submitting to me and if you say no then I lose the sale but at least I I risked for I know I risked it I went for it that makes sense I think I think the key to key to good sales is making sure you're in control of the conversations and sometimes in the early beginning stages a lot of you that are starting out especially you might feel um a bit more pressured like you you might feel a little desperate that you're like you know what I got to get this client so I can make some money so I can move the business forward so like you know make sure you function from a place of abundance that you don't need to be working with every client you you're selecting which clients you want to work from in a market and that's the mentality you always have to have regardless whether you're starting out or not sometimes when you have brand new offers you're not going to have the confidence right so you know in a sense you you got to kind of play hard hard to get in a in in the world uh of prospecting and a lot of times that gives you that extra Edge to be authoritative otherwise you're going to let the prospect run you around in the framework where you're not going to get them over to phase four which is closing the deal you'll get stuck in phase two back to oneing the demo two right closing the demo whatever the next transition is you'll find yourself stuck in phase one and two over over like a little Rat Race because you're not controlling the agenda of the call okay so in the beginning remember to not not operate in desperation to get the sale it it's okay to lose a sale and you guys know probably noticed I sted a lot on purpose I even when I go into the script I change a little bit I'm more like submissive more like oh I don't want to step on your your toes but at the same time I'm leading everything so it's like you're actually it's a trick to disarm paulon so that he takes my lead and I'm not a threat because at first we go into it and he thinks this guy's trying to sell me big threat so I'm like oh is this a good time for about a 10 to 15 minute chat yes awesome why don't we start off with a 30,000 foot view tell me everything whatever you feel like I need to know I would love to hear about what you guys have tried what's wored what hasn't all that good stuff cool then we start to get to know each other more and more and more and more and more and if at some Point you're like well tell me the price I'll try to handle that objection and bring you right back to a question for the script and at that point if you're like no no I I'm not gonna get burned by you and then at that point i' be like look Dr Paulson again um my intent is not to bash you or come off too strong I'm just trying to get a better understanding of where you're at where you want to go and see if I can help and you get it's very submissive and maybe better place to start is you walk me through it you share what you want to share and uh maybe that's a better start does that sound fair but I'm actually leading it I'm saying hey are you willing to play ball are you willing to play by my rules and if he's still like no no no then at that point I'm like look Dr Paul like I'd probably just say some anything look Dr Paulson it sounds like you don't want to be here um we don't have to do this call again I'd be more than happy to help yeah it sounds like there's a lot of things that happened with other agencies that didn't go according to plan they were running your teeth cleaning ads for dental implants which is crazy and I promise you we won't do that um and I'm sure in your field there's amazing dentists and also some really bad ones and I'm going to do my absolute best to try to help you out and with that in mind first I need to understand your practice a little bit more and see if we can help help but if if you don't want to do this call that's also okay so why don't you tell me where you'd like to go from here and now if if he submits I win yeah so Joel can I add a few notes to this so like in the world of sales guys and gals they they they say the person that's in control is the person that's asking the questions right you always have to be the person that's asking the questions the next level of that is the person that gives the control right what that means is like when I talk to my prospects I'm going to let them feel like they're leading even though I'm the actual leader right I'm going to help them understand hey is there anything that you feel like we didn't cover that you would like to bring to the table that I might have missed so then all of a sudden you being the leader there and allowing them to dictate how we're going to finish up the call or move to the next phase of the call gives them the feel and control that they want at the same time the ultimate person that's in control is a person that's giving control I hope that makes sense to a lot of you but but the key is to let them feel like they're they're in charge while you're in charge I know it's a my it's a m it's a mind Bender I think that yeah it's it's a mind Bender you guys it'll click for you guys but the has always looped them back into asking questions and then if they get too aggressive respond to it try to get them to loop back and the questions if they get overly aggressive then just be honest with them be like look I'm not trying to come off too strong or Bass you and if they're still so aggressive then put them on like a ultimatum are we doing this call my way or are we not and I would do it in a very kind way a very submissive way like again like Dr Paulson I know there's a lot of bad dentists out there there's also some I'm amazing dentist I understand you've been burned I'll do everything in my power to make sure this is a great experience for you first I need to know if we can even help if you want to get off this call that's okay um and if you want to continue like I said I'm more than happy to help so you know you tell me where you'd like to go from here and at that point if you say I'm getting off this call then I lose it but if you say I'm staying on then you're going to be following my lead absolutely I love that it's kind of like rationalizing with like an angry person that's really what it is is or with a person that's uh that that that has tension okay so we get them scheduled for the demo let's go over the demo now here's where we get into paper show Joel real quick just FYI we got about 20 20 30 minutes left is that enough time yes demo is easy so guys 8020 of this is that intro call if you do an excellent intro call this should this part should be easy I hate using the word easy but I'm I'm going to say if if you do an excellent job on the hard thing which is the intro call this part should be the easy part so I'm going to go through it fast really all we're trying to do with the demo is get them to check off mental boxes here's how we're going to do that three there's really four phases what makes this different does this work for other people in my space and the more you are in business the easier it'll be to soci yeah answer frequently asked questions and show the actual product that's really the the main goal so let's go through it very quickly again this part should be the the by the way this should be the simple part by the way if you jump into the Joel Kaplan offer for the workshop you get all the stuff for free the demos the snapshots funnels like ads all his courses like you get a ton of things for free just FYI um go ahead Joel absolutely so so first first we start off so I I I put slides for you guys to explain all the other slides so that you could just fill it in so the first thing is we want to start with a quick recap and um wait what's going on oh yeah here we go uh so first things first we want to start with a quick recap and has anything changed this is if you're doing it later so hey quick recap of everything we talked about and has anything changed since since we talked if if the answer is uh well here just because we have 20 to 30 minutes I'm GNA just rush through this yeah that's where we're g to start first quick recap and has anything changed if you just had the initial call and you're doing it this back to back you don't have you can skip this slide next we're going to break down the process and plant the seed for the sale so I'll be like look you know this is where we're at we had our intro call and this is I literally want to tell them we had our intro call to see if it's a good fit now we're on the demo call The Next Step would be technical setup the next step after that we're going to build out your system the next step after that you're going to have your launch call with our account manager and then we go live and that whole process from today to when you go live we'll take you about 14 days I'm planning the seed for the sale real quick quick Joel so right here this slide is probably the most important slide because you're the person that is setting the agenda for the call that means you're assuming Authority you're assuming Authority for the call and you're setting the agenda if you don't have anything even if you're on a phone call even if you don't do like a zoom call set the agenda as you begin the conversation keep going Joel okay again these slides right here is just explaining the other slides so this slide this slide in this slide do not have them in your slides it's just me explaining what so you guys can fill it in next we're going to go over what this is not so before we go any further let me share with you what this is not we're not going to set up some simple Facebook ads we're not going to just send you some leads we're not going to charge you crazy high retainers and this is not you ending up hating us and Us ending up with a bad review like that other agency that just sent you teeth cleaning leads which I won't talk about anymore Dr pawson but um now this is where your big bold claim comes in so what this is it's a proven system to fill your practice with high quality patients that prepay actually show up and close literally zero risk to you now my goal is to show you how we're helping chiropractors just like you leverage the system to add 20K 30k even 50k a month in their practice in as little as 30 days and I had a huge case study right there if you have that if not you could literally take that out now um let's break down the at this point we're going to break down the system and throw in more so social proof so most importantly how we're we're going to break down how this is all done on a paper show basis like some of these stocks so these are some of the doctors that we work with and uh even more doctors if you don't have social proof I want you to do this delete them delete them delete them just skip it if you don't have the social proof you're just starting out we scaled Atlas Dental which was our Dental agency from zero to about $220,000 a month with zero social proof one of my students Amin Gotti and Alex ivanof incredible individuals they scaled a brand new agency they they knew how to run agencies they had a seven figure agency but they launched a new agency in the dental space and they scaled it from0 to $100,000 a month in 30 days with zero case studies so is it hard for sure but it is possible now what we want to do is if you have social proof you want to put it here if you literally only have one social proof you could be like like Dr John and put his social proof you could even just have there one testimonial video yeah by the way if any of you are brand new and you're trying to get to like the first customer I have a five-day challenge that's free where I show you how to build an agency right off the scratch without any social proof like so we basically put together like a beta angle of telling them hey you're part of our first five people in a beta uh we're trying to build social proof so we can get out to the market and we give them a discounted offer just FYI that is possible keep going Joel I don't mean to interrupt you yeah no worries um next I mean if you have a lot of social proof it it's a it's a really badass question to ask if you do have it like do you recognize anyone here like imagine if they do that's crazy they're like yeah that's my I went to college with that guy um then we're going to explain what makes us different from every other agency this is really important we're essentially addressing this objection before it happens later on we're almost cementing in their mind that we're different so let's address the elephant in the room what makes us different and now what you're going to do is you're literally just going to put a list of all the things that make you different you don't have to over complicate this for example and be truthful and honest yeah I know you you yeah don't lie that's a great Point everyone's like can we fake uh testimonials no I would rather you go out and get free trials or do a reactivation campaign or do a Google review campaign with high level in exchange for a testimonial video okay so this is these are some of the things that made us different we have a proprietary paye head system that gets rid of discount seeking Tire kickers and gives us the highest quality patience compared to every other agency blah blah blah blah blah blah plus we are the only system that leverages AI on a 100% performance basis so we partner with you on your practice pay Zer to get started you never pay a retainer unless you want to you cover the ad spend you only pay when you get a show we both incentivized to help you grow now before uh we show you the system you might be wondering how is paper show better than the normal retainer model so with us you only see prequalified prepaid patients no more dealing with lead an appointments just shows and we have aign interest you win we win whereas every other agency is going to sell you leads you pay them before you get results and there's really no incentive for them to get you patience to actually show so just to be clear there's going to be no hidden setup fee no retainers no more no- shows we're going to fill your calendar only pay for new patients and only see pre-qualified prepaid patients yeah pause for one yeah go to go to slide 2 22 real quick um one thing that you should all know is there is a common enemy in almost every industry so when you use the idea of Us Versus Them remember there like agencies in general could be a common enemy like Joel say agencies is a common enemy that is one common enemy the other ones are certain businesses certain brands for example like when I was doing Dental um all the Invisalign providers hated uh fake aligners companies right so like um right Club and there's like Choice clear or Clear Choice there's a bunch of these other brands that you can also leverage as a common enemy like by saying Hey listen other agencies would probably not focus on great Invisalign patients while you know you're trying to undercut or you're trying to just bring in folks that are not interested in like right club or Clear Choice and all these different things so remember there are multiple common enemies that you can kind of stand on to further the relationship bastard just FYI keep going I think you're on slide number 24 yeah and you know we leverage you can put your own white labeled version of high level here so we leverage high level and AI to have customized conversations with every patient and get them scheduled now before we go any further can you see why a true paper show model is the only real way to go I'm curious why though what about it catches your attention the most um and then now if you have more social proof you're going to show more social proof if you're not you're going to skip this entire section now here's some of our clients uh that are using this model so and we just go through it and by the way if I'm doing this I'm going through it very fast I'm like Dr PNA you know he collected over six figures in less than a year Dr kman Dr Eric I would just I would no longer than five seconds on a slide um and then now you're going to show and tell the system in a perfect world you actually take take them into your high level you take them into the ads you actually show them system a little bit in a perfect world now I gave you guys a placeholder here of like all the things that they're going to get you know with high level everything but in a perfect world they actually go through and show them here's the ads on Tik Tok here's the highle sequence yeah I would actually take them through it and show them here's the AI actually working within high level yeah by the way if you guys ever do a inapp demo don't go into all aspects of the app just focus on the pipelines and just focus on inbox conversations and nowhere else like don't go into building I would just show them I would just show them the AI honestly be like look it's literally texting people automated yeah isn't that crazy and then they're like oh my God and again all I'm trying to do is get them to know what they're signing up for so that in three months they're not like this is not what I paid for I want them to know exactly what they're paying for so that they retain so getting a new patients that prepay close is great but um what do we do to the patients that didn't schedule or scheduled but didn't close and again if you already went through this in the intro you could address it um uh step three is the patient Journey Automation and we talk about again high level so do you see how this could work do you think this three-step process is exactly what you need to you know get to whatever goal you have and by the way all these questions should be memorized all these little things all these slides transition questions right yeah they should be like written or you could write them down somewhere where as you're going through the ad system you could be like look Dr Paulson so I know getting new patients that prepaying clo is great but you know what about the patients that didn't schedule or scheduled but didn't close right so you want to have this written down somewhere so that you're saying these things without literally reading the slides I meant to say that earlier um what happened here uh oh 1600 that's why go down to fit the window okay y all right cool cool cool all right then you want to go over frequently ask questions I would literally just put your main frequently asked questions you know everything is month to month we have exclusivity policy add any more FAQs there and I would ask them what questions do you have that weren't on the FAQ cool um so we do have a get guarantee if you want by the way you don't need one for this offer but if you want you could throw it in like we get you again if you prepay we're going to get you 20 patience a show that's a guarantee if not we'll give you a refund for any people that didn't show it so you bought 20 prepaid patients and we only got you 10 we'll refund the the difference uh not including at spend though and then we're going to go over some bonuses Plus on top of that we have some free bonuses our Google review campaign patient reactivation Campaign which by the way we're giving you guys for free in the snapshots we went over it on day one plus we have our L us pay referral program so for every chiropractor partner that you refer to us that invests a minimum of $1,500 a month with us we send you $500 cash per month as long as they they stay by way remember I told you guys by the way Joel I want to give you credit where due you are one of the first people in the agency space that I've seen launch a affiliate program for the local businesses and I it's it was I mean you had a few chiropractors that like LED go to their clinic and like their practice and just went all in on your program right if I can remember like at least one which is crazy because they're making a handful yeah yeah which is nuts because they're like I don't want to deal with patients i' rather just go build businesses send youus yeah can you go over that program remember remember we yeah I mean remember we talked on day one we talked about how high level really grew through Affiliates and I told you guys I would show you a way that you could do that for your own agency essentially what I would do is I would raise prices by $500 a month and then use that as a budget to for your affiliate program where all of your clients that send you clients you pay them 500 you don't discount them 500 you actually pay them and this actually solves multiple problems or mult it it helps with multiple things number one it increases retention on both sides because now this person's making money from you you're not going to want to leave and if the other person wants to leave that they referred they lose money so they're going to try to convince this person to stay so it's like you're getting retention increase on both sides and on top of that it changes the relationship it goes from you're just my marketing agency to hey we actually can be partners on this and grow together yeah can you go to that and kind of uh map out the math real quick and guys like I did something very similar in the dental space and the key is to identify like like folks with authority in the industry not just anybody like so I went after the dental professors that every dentist listened to and thought is a thought leader essentially right so that having a relationship with somebody that has influence is key because I even brought some of those dentists to come into other practices and teach them sales they would do something called case presentations and that's like a skill in itself on how you present a diagnosis to a solution for patient care like so I leverage a lot of these relationships even more than from like a revenue affiliate standpoint but just so you know go after folks I look as Authority can you go break down the numbers here it was yeah so for example like I was paying I was paying Dr Jen and Dr bran 15,000 a month off of just people they refer to me you know this one only 500 from one of your retainers right so that means you probably got like over 100 Grand from just them on retainers yeah their entire uh our business a third a little more than a third of it was all referrals but we incentivize referrals crazy right that's just from and now here's here's a genius part I'm making it as part a part of the bonus so now I'm I'm actually planning this this is benefits me so they're like oh my God I get this bonus but it's really a bonus that helps me get clients and I'm I address this referral program throughout my whole relationship with the client on the sales call on the launch call on our first check-in during the first big win I I triy to push this referral program like hey if you're liking our service if you literally refer three people that sign up you get 1,500 a month if you refer five that's 2500 a month if you refer 10 that's 5,000 a month they're like oh my God yeah I got to get on this and you doctors you do that recurring uring is as long as they stay so it incentivizes retention on both sides and the moment you leave you stop getting paid by them so like Dr Jen and Dr Brian would never want to leave they're like if I leave I lose out on this money yeah okay so affiliate marketing oneon-one all right so let's talk about how to get started with our uh paper show system option one $0 setup fee $125 per prepaid patient minimum 20 patient credits so so it'll be $2500 to get started plus that spender option two it's $1 1997 a month and you get unlimited patience for $0 um so if you do want to go with a retainer we do give everyone that option it's up to you though no pressure either way would be 1997 to get started plus that spend which option sounds best to you at this point they should pick an option which tees you up for the sale awesome now I'm not taking their credit card just yet awesome you like option two great now let's go over to ad spense so we have three options good you skipped over you skipped over a really important thing when go back to I think you said we only had 20 minutes right I thank you bro go to go to 71 as soon for all of you that are new to sales as soon as you present an offer or Price close your mouth don't talk just let them React to what they just learned and observed right here it could be awkward for 30 seconds 1 minute it doesn't matter let them process the next investment to bring their business out of the trenches right so stay quiet as do you see how do you see how after we spent so much time together especially on that intro this doesn't feel like a lot whereas if we're just like hey we just met I'm getting through this fast this like a lot it's like yeah another thing is before the demo you're also sending them videos of the demo of previous interactions and kind of priming them to prep for the demo as well so by the time they get to the demo they're like oh I already know what you're going to tell me then it's a confirmation of what you thought and then we put guarantees and the relationship to be you know the expectations are set better but yeah one 1,00% Joel I see how if you're if you win win the heart at the intro um you can just close easy on the actual demo yeah so so I think that uh yeah so I think that uh after you say which option sounds best to you you shut up you let them decide make it awkward and then they should pick one right yeah now then we go over at spend cool so we have three options uh good $50 a day better $100 a day best $150 a day um most clients go with better option $100 a day and if you're really looking to scale fast or top client end up going with the best option uh so with that in mind which option sounds best for you and do you thing for retainer uh yeah spend okay okay cool yeah exactly um remember the more i' spend the easier it is to get results so I'm going for best most people pick better so at that point I'm actually sending them it depends if we're doing ad spend on their credit card or on mine if I'm running the ads on my ad account account then I have to send them two separate invoices one for ad spend one for the credit or the retainer the reason for this is because if I send them all in one bill and they for some reason decided they weren't happy with us I lose the money that I already gave to Facebook or Tik Tok so I build them twice once's for ad spend once's for my services now if we're using their credit card you only have to bill them for your services and get their credit card on file for the ads cool at this point they pick great then it's very simple you GNA have to ask for the credit card what I like to do is would it be easier if you get me your card numbers and I can take care of it for you or if I send you a link right now and we do it together that's how I like to do it it's very easy again low tension would you prefer if you share your card details with me and I get you all set up up or would it be easier if I send you a link and we could do it right here together cool send me a link you have two options you can either text them the link and be on the zoom as they're doing it and watching them or you could share your screen um and and pull up that link personally I'd rather just shoot them the link so again at this point very simple Dr Paulson sounds good you want to go with option number one um and you want this much in ad spend we'll put that on your credit card on your Tik Tok ad account so we don't have to worry about that that being said would it be easier if you share your card details with me over the zoom and I do it here on my end or would it be easier if I send you a link and you can take care of it on your end uh right now on the call yes absolutely and and for those of you that are watching inside high level there's invoicing there's subscriptions if you're doing SAS and there like all the invoicing the billing could all be automated inside high level or agency just FYI um Joel can you talk a little bit about what happens after the sale like how do you transition them into the next steps or is there anything else we need to know about the close of the sale okay so you take their payment um and then here's what happens next so you get their payment awesome great you're all set up then you go over next steps now if they're like no I want to think about it blah blah blah we could spend a whole two hours on objection hand Ling here we don't have the time I will give you guys my top secret strategy to get people over the edge this clo this helped us close hundreds of clients and I use it in every single one of my businesses if they're like let me think about it let me think about it let me think about it let's say I can't overcome it I can't overcome it here's what I do no worries um if you would like to think about it that's no problem at all we just ask for a 100% fully refundable deposit of $250 to hold your spot with option whatever that you picked for 72 hours in the meantime we're also going to be connecting you with some of our clients while you wait so the next step would be for you to take some time to think about it speak with our other clients that have gone through our program and we will be more than happy to schedule a follow-up call to decide on moving forward or give you the full refund which will show up in five to 10 business days yeah here's the here's the key every single one of my business has a strategic reference I have one of my best clients who I can call up at any time to hop on a call and help me get people over the edge this is one of my greatest hacks of all time in Atlas Dental Paulson we could not crack past 20K a month we were stuck it was very hard then we found a dentist who loved us who said I'll hop on every call with you guys we all we did was we split the commission between the closer and the Strategic reference yeah 5% and 5% and we we told him hey hop on the call and we scaled from 20K a month to 80k a month within those next like few months just from that one tweak so if they want to think about it the only and by the way if they actually want to think about it and they aren't willing to hop on with your client then it's a smoke screen they actually don't want to think about it they're not bought in but if they're actually like hey I just want to think about it which is fair they need some time the main thing to do here is you want to make it mandatory for them to speak with your strategic reference that's going to Hype you up so then you schedule the followup and you try to close them then assuming they're closed just for the sake of time cool we just finished demo call congratulations Dr Paulson welcome to the agency lab family we're so excited to have you we're going to crush it for you I'm not going to run teeth cleaning ads don't worry um so the next step would be for us to have a success Workshop where we actually meet with your team like I said I don't know if you remember earlier we talked about training your team so we're GNA actually meet with your entire team you as well breaking down what it takes to succeed with our system we could get that scheduled right now then we're GNA actually take the next week to build out your system then you're going to have your launch call and blah blah blah so we ended up even getting them a a a one-on-one with our best client to help out before they go live that really helped to again get them really excited get them really bought in at that point this is where I would have whenever they pay the invoice on High level it should kick off all of your onboarding processes I cannot teach that right now that is that that's a complex thing I there's a uh yeah you should have like automation firing on I want to show you guys this into your world um but there's a guy that I highly recommend High leveler let me pull him up one second one second one second hopefully this has been helping you guys uh I know there's a lot of different details and uh Joel threw this um uh last minute of um role playing on me but I think we did pretty good uh just just to shoot off the cuff from old experiences you know and these these scripts and these Frameworks is go ahead if you guys see this video right here how to onboard smma clients on my channel just look up Joel Kaplan or Joel Kaplan smma this video is with a high leveler and he gives away his entire onboarding sequence as soon as the invoice is paid so we do not have time to cover it right now but this video Yeah it shows you what to do after the invoice is paid it literally breaks down all the automations that fire in high level to get everything rolling yeah the excitement should stay like remember when you if you went to buy a fancy car you that excitement stays with you for several days so it's important for you to ride that wave of excitement that energy that they just invested into their own business by going with someone that knows marketing right so keep that energy going with automation say congratulations uh send them you know um a gift send them collaterals send them multiple things even if it's just like I don't know a cookies or bottle of wine or whatever there needs to be you need to think through on what kind of client onboarding experience you're going to want to provide and that's not something we're covering on this call I'm just highlighting again the importance of it yeah I think the the the biggest thing for you guys is that 8020 is that first call you that hopefully you guys can see how that second call is more just like checking off the boxes let me show you what you're getting so you know what you're signing up for let's go over some Logistics let's go over the pricing and let's get you to buy and at that point Dr Paulson should be pretty sold I'd say 80% of the way there not saying that you might not have resistance at the end but like you should at least be aligned with me you shouldn't be like on a different world where you're like sitting through this and you don't even want to be there let's say let's say they say no for whatever reason it's it's not a harsh no but not like it's like lukewarm no right you should have 8 to 12 touch points that brings them back into an active sales cycle so like even if you get a note today it doesn't matter the sales cycle of an agency is usually 45 to 60 days long it takes 8 to 12 touch points with different mediums so like don't give up on the prospect like the actual business for yourself is built on the followup yeah and and by the way there's also like I don't want to get into too crazy of a a tangent but like if someone is really like no I'm not ready you can also downsell other things you could be like why don't we start off with a reactivation campaign or a Google review campaign just so you could get a little taste of what we could do for you and just so you could see the power behind some of our marketing some of our Tech our CRM all that good stuff so you guys can always still get them to engage in a business relationship with you even if it's not a full sale just yet yeah so like what I told my sales team when we're especially when we're starting out you want to make it easier for yourself for the prospect to say yes the longer you're doing this the more you've earned the right to be picky so it's like you don't want to pay no worries but at the beginning you kind of want to squeeze the juice out of every opportunity you can get so if they say no I'm not ready to buy say and if they really are like not going to buy let's say that they're really not going to buy oh are you sharing your screen or am I no I'm not oh okay let's say that they're really not going to buy say no worries um another option is for us to just start with a Google review campaign where we will take a database of all your existing uh patients clients and we will leverage our software AKA high level to reach out to all of those people and get you filled up with five star reviews and it you saw it on the on the demo as one of the bonuses I'm happy just so you guys just so you can see the power of what we can do here yeah I'm more than happy to do that for you at no cost all I ask all I ask is that if you get over 30 festar reviews you leave up plus a five star review that's all I ask if if I get you 30 because there's no cost so Dr Paulson you if I get you 30 30 not 10 not 20 30 you get us uh a five star review now if I get you 50 you also make me a testimonial video so if if you get you 30 leave me a five star review on go on Google or wherever you know my Facebook page doesn't matter it's more so you have that written review and then if I get you 50 you leave a testimonial video and that way you can see the power of our system and what we could do and we could really start to work together and that way I can also earn your trust to show you hey this this ad system is really going to work and then if you say no then that person is not like they're out so you guys can also do that as a last case Resort which by the way if you do that enough times it'll help you get like imagine if you do that 10 times and you have 10 testimonial videos and 10 written uh five star reviews you'll have enough social proof I know I had like a hundred but with 10 you are farther ahead than most people in this industry so so Jo yeah let's close out for the day what are what are we going to learn tomorrow tomorrow by the way today is not the last day for the three-day Workshop I know we're on the third day but we uh basically put together a bonus day for all of you for tomorrow and Joel what are we going to cover tomorrow that they should get excited for yeah so tomorrow um we're going to have a really special guest who has built out all of my AI sequences in high levels so this is the person that I go to to help me so I literally have high level saying crazy stuff to my all my leads to get them booked like there's this automation think I told pawson it sends them a picture of a rock and it says thinking of you this is the AI it says thinking of you and people respond every time it's crazy so with that in mind tomorrow we're going to be teaching you guys how to leverage AI to make this process easier not only for yourself and your own agency leads but also for all of your clients leads like we talked about on day one so love it tomorrow's all about Ai and the last thing is if we have time tomorrow we're also going to do Q&A and next steps so actually mapping out yeah tomorrow we're going to do one more item that we didn't plan for initially but B just based on the feedback do y'all see my screen here oh let me just share my screen okay I know this Workshop so far has been extremely valuable at the same time it could be overwhelming with the amount of information because a lot of you are brand new um I know a lot of the Advanced agencies are like oh yeah these are things that we do I'm getting a lot of new new strategies out of it but tomorrow towards the end of the call I we're going to map out a 2024 annual action master plan that you're going to be able to decide on what you focus on in an isolated way so like January we'll figure out whether you're just going to do cold emailing so chronologically with everything we taught you we're going to put together an annual plan of what kind of action you should take that's going to really pull everything together on the things we taught for the first three I mean essentially four days you know in teaching you how to build you know a multi-million dollar business but anyways Joel any final words for today no guys that's it I'm I'm trying to teach you guys everything I know in four days so it's been a freaking awesome I'll see you guys on day four all right Paulson Dr Paulson I'll send I'll send you my high level invoice and you can take care of that bill love it love it I need to talk to my wife time but anyways take care I know you're at home I know you're at home call her over love it all right see you guys tomorrow same time 12:00 p.m EST today we did not stream into the Facebook group due to zoom having an outage um and we have the live stream in the YouTube channel uh if you get into a highle account you can get access to all the videos all the collaterals uh by the way that offer that I have I have yeah go ahead I have one last thing sorry sorry I forgot I also want to give a massive massive massive shout out to our cro my chief Revenue officer Joe potion because he is the one who actually modified this script and he's helped us Master it over time he's been known to close a sixf figure deal with a Fortune 500 company off of a cold call so this guy is insane I wanted I I did want to give a quick shout out like the demo presentation was me and Sergio's creation but Joe really mastered that um intro call so so I didn't want to give credit where credit is due he's our chief Revenue officer so just want to throw that out there I got to run to the airport Joel I'll see you tomorrow appreciate you guys take care bye bye peace out so quick recap and then let's talk about what we're gonna go over today uh it's been crazy value Jam packed last few days I bet it's been overwhelming in a good way because again that means that we're growing and uh I'm excited for you guys so the all the all of you guys that made it through the first three days and are still here for day four you guys are the real winners you guys are gonna uh be the ones really taking the lead with taking Massive Action I bet that's just my guess and uh I'm excited for uh day four so quick recap day one we went over the entire paper show model how to leverage AI high level and the agency model and combine it to create a model that I believe will win in 2024 that's winning right now in 2023 then we went over how to get results for clients we broke down the ads we we broke down the highle sequences we broke down how to call your clients leads and get them scheduled we gave gave everything away that you guys would need to go out and get your clients insane results we also gave away a reactivation campaign that you can plug in play that's already been battle tested hundreds of times and a uh Google review campaign that you guys can plug and play to get your clients amazing results that's also been battle tested and proven to work hundreds of times that was day one day two we went over how to fill up your calendar with qualified prospects that want to work with you and we broke down not one not two but three different prospecting channels and we showed you guys how to do it step by step so we broke down cold email step by step literally showing you how to send up to 10,000 cold emails a day we broke down Instagram DMS so how to literally start sending messages on Instagram to start getting positive replies and start getting booked appointments and we broke down a toz how to set up pay ads to get appointments for your agency the same way you're going to set up paid ads for your clients we showed you how to do that for yourself and then yesterday we broke down sales A to Z we broke down the entire int call script we broke down the entire demo presentation and uh I reeled Paulson into roleplay with me and uh he was a dentist so if you guys missed that definitely uh go check check it out and for that with that in mind for day four we got a very special guest or actually let me give you guys the agenda first and then I'll introduce them yeah and I have a as well Joel yeah okay okay let's do a few housekeeping things so uh agenda for day four today we're going to go over um really three things number one we're going to go over how to leverage AI with high level to make all of the lead scheduling nurturing that entire process for both yourself and your clients a heck of a lot easier and I believe we're actually going to be building out an AI sequence live in high level which is awesome and there's not a lot of content on the internet yet from really really amazing people that are crushing this right now give me a one in the chat if that excites you like I I I need a thousand comments on this thread right now because if we're if we're about to build bu out a live AI like you're you're not going to find that anywhere else I don't even think it's ever been done inside at least not at least not at least not a really really good one like this guy knows the stuff okay and uh I'm sure there's some people but uh and then uh let's see what else the next thing we're going to go over today is breaking down some next steps for you guys in terms of how to actually move forward take everything you learned and implement it and then last but not least if we have time I'm not going to do three hours of Q&A today Paulson but we could do like 30 minutes of Q&A something like that yeah 1,00 yeah so uh for me couple of housekeeping items um yesterday uh I just want to warn everybody yesterday right before we went live or tried to go live We There was a zoom outage and you know got I don't know how that happened but Zoom basically had all their um I guess apis or Integrations not working on the streaming side so when you actually try to stream into the Facebook group it didn't work so intent so we what we did was uh as a backup plan we streamed into the highlevel YouTube channel so if you are in the need to watch day three replay you will notice that it's not inside our Facebook group it was due to the zoom issues we had yesterday so catch the Replay for day three on in the YouTube channel a high Lev YouTube channel and you'll see it now today is Thursday give me till end of day tomorrow you'll start seeing the official replays from high Lobel inside the the same uh YouTube channel with day one day two day three as well as day four probably towards Monday or Tuesday um just also I'm visiting my in-law my internet is a little choppy so if I go get disconnected or whatever um just um just be aware of that I'll come back to you uh come back into the room Joel uh before we do our Q&A today I had asked Joel there's so you know one of the common things the themes that I heard from a lot of people is you know the content is so deep and there's so much to it that it could be overwhelming so I asked Joel yesterday hey can we map out a a action plan for one year for everybody that's on this call as if Joel me and you started a business from scratch and we're going to tell you what to do in January February March April May June June all the way through throughout the year tell literally telling you what should be your step one as much as information there is we need to break it back down into what's the action step that you need to take for next week if that's it's if that sounds good to you give me a one in the comments give me a one in the chat uh in the Facebook streaming if that makes sense for you and we're going to simplify this whole thing down to what matters to you in taking the right action okay is that fair all right I'm seeing a lot of positive comments here okay Joel go ahead um who should we bring on here in U absolutely well guys so uh this is someone I've had the pleasure of working with for my own businesses and uh I kept seeing this guy post content actually in my community he's he's one of our clients and I was like man this guy's really smart he's posting all these like crazy ninja hacks around AI increasing show up rates automating the entire scheduling process I'm like all let me let me send this guy a message and uh we end up chatting and he ended up coming on board to work with all of our companies and buildout and an AI sequence to get leads scheduled into actual appointments without us ever having to jump in so any lead that comes through our pipeline that doesn't automatically schedule get sent to a sequence that this person built for us and the sequence this AI is our salesperson following up not stop every single day and now here's the crazy part because AI sounds awesome right it sounds really cool but half the time it's like more hype than actual like value it can be very hypy you know it's like for example for example you can plug into Chad GPT to write you copy for an ad it's still not going to beat my copy at least not yet right not saying that later on it won't be possible but not right now my copy will outperform chat gpts right so it's like with that in mind I was like let me make sure this actually works and we have booked hundreds hundreds of appointments through this AI within high level wow so I asked this individual can you come on the workshop because you are the best person that I know for AI can you come on the workshop and share your sauce share your secrets on how to leverage AI with high level because there's just not a lot of people out there and I that that are doing this exceptionally well and I knew that if I brought this person on and he taught you guys how to leverage AI with high level it would not only help you with your own Agency for your own leads but also all of your clients because you could essentially build this out yeah for either yourself with your leads or your clients to automate a lot of the follow-up process now I know that Sean Robin highle team are trying to build out voice AI they're in process once that ready I'm sure this person's gonna be on top of it top but for now it's for now it's mainly texting so I wanted to clarify that for now it's mainly texting so with that in mind Ashton Wilson Ashton Wilson I don't know where you're at but let's bring him on yeah let me go ahead and host hey let me go ahead and pin you you may have to turn on your camera and U audio there you are Ashton awesome bro welcome what's going on guys how we doing welcome in Aston what's up what's going on Joel thanks for having me by the way this is this is awesome and Paulson I almost didn't recognize you with with a new background I feel like every time I see you my in-laws man this is I'm this is my day off by the way Joel I'm like okay you want to do a fourth day I'll cancel my plans on the vacation and make this happen so yeah my background is not there you may see a little pet running around bunch of kids behind me like I'm going to mute myself most of the way all good all good um first I want to start off by saying the amount of value that you guys are giving away throughout this three to four days is absolutely insane like I've personally paid for $10,000 programs that have less information than you guys are giving so as long as everybody actually takes advantage and takes action on everything that we've went over and I know it's a little overwhelming in the beginning but just pick one thing isolate it get really good at it you guys are going to make a lot of money it's going to be awesome um if quick question if I share my screen are people going to be able to write on it like they were on day one oh no no we we turned off all the security uh issues on yeah we we figured out how to we figured out how to be professional with this now okay all right before you get started tell us your quick story man give us a 30 30 second rundown of who you are um what exactly you do in the world of digital marketing or regular marketing what like give me your story how you got so good at AI yeah yeah what's your background man yes so uh great question so I uh actually about 18 months ago um I was working in a hospital right and then I started I founded a marketing agency with the help of Joel um so went through his program uh I was a client of his we ramped that up to a certain point and then there was this time when AI was really popping off and I was just really trying to figure everything out we developed these chat Bots and then it just multiplied our business almost overnight it was absolutely ridiculous it was uh the sophistication of the conversations that were happening was pretty amazing and we made a slight pivot where we started making that our main focus building these out for other people who have similar businesses to the ones that we had marketing agencies coaches Consultants Etc um and everybody just started seeing a lot of success very quickly so it was a no-brainer and we started going towards that and now the last like 6 months to a year year has been just isolating that specifically and trying to make it the best possible product on the market love it love it so yeah let's get started um so yeah yeah let me let me just you got the rains brother let me just go ahead and uh back up here you do your thing okay yeah perfect so uh first I want to go into some of the stuff that um what we do has actually done for us and all this is real data so this bot specifically is taking us from 20K per month to 50K per month everybody can see my screen correct you guys are good yep everybody can so it took us from 20K to 50K in less than 30 days whenever we made this pivot and keep in mind it took us like six months to go from Z to 20K and we made this pivot we made this change and within that next month we had 150% growth which is pretty insane um booking rates went from 16% to 48% show rates went from 42 to 80% and in the last 90 days our bot has booked over 700 appointments just in our business alone so we're comfortably able to book more than 200 points a month which um luckily you know Keeps Us above water most of the time which is good um but uh let's go into and what kind of industries were you attacking during this time good question so when we started off it was a lot of brick and mortar so it was Med Spas um gyms and some online fitness coaches because we had a gym marketing agency beforehand and now the majority of our client base is uh actually soci social media marketing agencies so that's yeah that's mostly who we work with now so who is this for if you're going to be building this out before before you dive in I I forgot to make a very important announcement guys real quick for day four at the end we're going to be raffling off the iPhone the one onone with me and giving everything away way so I don't I don't want people to feel like I just forgot about that I did not forget well I did forget to announce it but I won't forget to give it away so all right back to you Ashton yeah yeah awesome so um who this is mainly going to be for is smma owners aspiring SM owners sass agency owners and aspiring sass agency owners obviously your general business owner and Freelancers can use this as well but if you fall under these categories you can leverage it so much more cuz not only can you use it for yourself to book more appointments but you can also resell it to your clients and use it for them which makes you more valuable means you can charge more and if you're closing deals you're probably going to your profit margins are going to Skyrocket so um everybody likes higher profits so now uh if you don't know where to start using Ai and uh I'll get into uh building this out very shortly as well but if you don't know where to start a lot of people I see they're implementing it in their onboarding or their back office first and the problem with that is a lot of these people starting out haven't gotten their first client yet so their energy is all placed into solving problems that aren't there yet so if you are just starting and you're like I want to implement AI in my business it needs to be an acquisition so lead generation appointment setting appointment showing and follow-ups whatever is going to help you get clients and help you get them consistently is where you need to put all of your focus and then when you get to the point where you have too many clients you're like wow it would probably be really cool if I had an automated onboarding process make my life a lot easier that's when we can start moving our focus into different areas of the business but I see uh and I hear Joel talk about this a lot it's like a lot of people when they first start they put all their energy in the wrong places to avoid actually doing the work that's going to get them clients it's like we need to isolate the front end of the funnel all right and then uh another thing to touch on is voice AI is not there yet so we actually did a split test between voice AI appointment sets and um and vas voice AI book none in the vaas's uh booked significantly more I think it's just the tonality um there there's just some bugs to work out but I think it's going to be there very soon I just think we're not there yet to actually leverage this as much as we could in the future all right so where this is going to fit in whenever you start implementing it this is kind of the uh the entire sales funnel so we have at the top we have uh you know we're generating leads and it's basically we need to learn how to do each one of these things before we can have a repeatable process that we can put money into and make more money out so number one is generating leads number two is appointments shows and closes so you have to get good at each one of these things to make it to the next level so if you don't have leads you can't book appointments if you don't have appointments you can't get them to show up and if you don't have people showing up to appointments you can't close deals where we fall in is optimizing this stage right here we get more of our leads to book appointments and then we only have to worry about these last two stages so in order to make this work we need three things number one is a go high level account and we've tried this in multiple different crms implementing uh arbot it doesn't work in any other CRM there's no other CRM that has a sophistication of the workflows the automations the custom values custom Fields it does our bot literally is just too sophisticated to work in any other CRM high level is the only one that allows it so that's uh a slight pitch there that's a soft pitch get high level ASAP um let's go that's what he's trying to say exactly get high level off first three months get high level today you need 100% uh number two zapier so um you can get a free trial on zapier it's not you know all of this is really not going to cost any extra money out of your pocket and three a Chad GPT account so let's go into an example conversation of how this would work so Ashton just real quick just so you know yeah there's a lot of people on this call that's never seen high level before so when you go into level um it might be helpful if you can just kind of articulate some of the basics of how you look at high level maybe go over the tabs a little bit so a brand new stranger who who's never seen this before uh can kind of get some context okay okay yeah perfect um so I'll go into an example conversation first so basically we use high level for everything that we do in business right so it uh it houses all of our landing pages we book all of our appointments into high level um it's very easy to to organize you have all your tabs on the left side so you have your conversations your calendars your contacts where you can see just about anybody who has come into your pipeline via ads um whether it was cold email whatever it's h you have basically everything you need to run a business just in high level alone and it's it's one of the the most useful softwares especially if you're anything agency related whether it's ass sess agency or marketing agency but uh if we go into one of our conversations here so here's an example conversation of how our bot works okay so this is what we call mock GPT it's one of our test Bots that we use to give demos or we'll throw some of some prospects into these conversations um and this is a fitness bot just because everybody can relate to Fitness at least a little bit so we say hey Mike thanks for signing up for our new fitness challenge what's your main Fitness goal right now hey thank you what are your hours of operation and he's just testing it out so he the bot responds continues asking questions I don't have one he tries to go in and break the bot a little bit so he says do you sell screwdrivers and this is kind of where we've um where our Bots uh skill set come out so we're able to program it to understand nuances and sarcasm and say haha and LOL and common phrases that only a human would say so for example it said haha Mike we're all about tightening up those muscles not screws but seriously we focus on Fitness speaking of which do you prefer group workouts or more personalized experience if you find a bot on the market that can do something like this let me know because this is it's absolutely amazing it blows it still blows me away when I do demos I'm like I can't believe he just said that and the prospect is like yeah me either so we'll be on calls it's it's awesome um and then this guy actually we signed him up right after he said this so he saw this message and he was like yeah I'm sold and he messaged it he said hello I'm ready to move forward with your offer we signed him up like right after he sent that message um which is pretty solid so this is how it's going to work it's literally just jumps in and has conversations and generates responses in other in under five seconds unless you put a weight period to every prospect that comes into your pipeline so whether you have one lead a day five leads a day a thousand 5,000 it can communicate with an unlimited number of people at once with just one bot which is amazing its main priority is to book appointments so the first thing I will do is give an over by the way this is a master class in and of itself like this could be its own three-day Workshop you know like you guys are getting some insane you guys are G to be getting some insane value because like this isn't this is just ridiculous like it's it's crazy yeah I did I did um yeah I'm gonna do my best to try to make this as simple as possible and the amount of time that we have but um if especially if you watch the replay you should be able to go through this and set up your own bot like without fail um so let's get into I'm going to go over an overview first I think it'll be better if we see like a a high level overview of how everything is work picture and then let's go into the details yeah all right all right Perfect all right so in the automation section in high level and basically what this is is it's um a way to create workflows or automations and triggers for certain things to happen if you're if you're new to high level so for example if someone books an appointment uh onto the highle calendar we can trigger an action to happen for like it to be moved to a certain stage in our Pipeline and for appointment reminders to be sent so it's an easy way to create triggers and to create automations so we create a folder called chat GPT and basically what's happening is we're sending out a trigger message in the beginning and here's what our triggers are so trigger number one is customer replied okay so if we send out an initial message to a new lead that comes in and let's say that's a trigger we can set that up so a Facebook lead form is submitted someone signs up for your ad and we trigger a message to be sent out and we say hey what's your main Fitness goal when they reply to that message we have a series of conditions here so this is called an if else condition just to give you a breakdown you would type in if else and you can create conditions based on what's happening with that Prospect so customer replies to a text message we have a condition set up to where the contact replies so let me go into this workflow instead so we have a condition set up where the contact replies and it's going to send a web hook which is basically it's a link from zapier to trigger additional actions to happen if that makes sense so what we're doing and you don't need to completely understand the entire thing as you're going through this but when I walk through it and I set up as long as you have a a working bot that's really the important part because you're going to be able to replicate the process after you build it out once so we have a condition the contact replies it goes down this pipeline we send a web hook that goes to zapier which then goes to chat GPT generates a response based on their message we upload the contact field in high level so that the response is pasted it goes back into high level and it sends that message based on containing it in a custom field and Paulson I don't know if you can uh give a quick breakdown on custom fields and custom values if uh you could probably explain it better than I can yeah believe it or not I'm not a techy at all I'm kind of like Joel kind of the Visionary sales guy at the top of the company in the in like that's my Lane um oh I could give a breakdown then yeah but but the reality of this is um if you're brand new to the world of automations um don't let any of this overwhelm you you can get a certified admin that has high level certification or whatever and just hire somebody for a couple hundred bucks to just build it out one time like this is all possible or you could even hire an agency or a consulting firm like you can go as extensive as you want to build these things out but but custom fields are b or custom values in general are basically pre-built actions or pre-built um coding that you can build inside high level or assigned coding that tells the system hey if this happens then H then react this way right so these are if then conditions if then conditions and you can get very creative as a marketing agency SL consultant SL whatever in figuring out how your customers move through your pipelines and build if then conditions off of their experience right so he's showing you an example of triggers which are basically sources of actions right that we map or pay attention to and then the if then condition is like okay contact replied contact changed or nothing happened here's the way we want them actually respond to it so this allows a lot of manual labor to be eliminated of course it's not the same as a human but this you know this basically will um not have a leak or a gap in the process like it it kind of BU bullet prooves the experience of the customer so you can map and track what their journey is so you can get them to that finish line of closing the deals keep going ashon yeah thank you thank you so much for that um also keep in mind we have brand new business owners that have never used high level before and were able to teach them how to build these Bots you're going to be fine again work on one thing at a time once we have leads coming in this is something that you will be able to implement down the line if you already have a highle account you already already have leads coming in and this is something you want you're going to be able to plug this in as well all right so um another run through of the high level so customer replies we send a web hook that goes to zapier to chat GPT back into high level we generate the response in a text message and we basically create a loop and this all happens in under 5 seconds so a lot of times we actually put a wait period in here because the only reason why people are able to find out whether or not it's an AI is because it's generating a paragraph response in under 5 seconds and obviously a human isn't able to do that so sometimes we'll put in a short weight period um for like 15 to 20 seconds so that it's not yeah it's not as easy to tell and from a messaging standpoint guys and gals like if you are doing formal literature style copy it's probably going to fail you you need to be very conversational you need to be very casual you need to have spelling mistakes you need to have like slang you need to have emojis you need to have like just like how you would text a friend that's like really close to you um and you don't really care about the formality that's what I've seen work the best um Ashton I don't know if you kind of agree with that or not but like what are your thoughts on it yeah yeah I think um I was read I was actually reading one of the questions in the chat as well uh not to change the subject but someone asked if it worked in a Pro Plan this should work this setup should work in every single plan highle plan yeah you don't need to be on the highest point plan um these things this is workflows this is built inside every every it's available on every plan yep perfect okay um but do you believe the conversational style messaging works better in general 100% absolutely okay yeah yeah always from my experience I try to be as conversational as possible at all stages of the process um and I think one of the things as well is human interaction obviously enhances the um the outcome like when you have prospects coming in like human interaction is going to increase the number of people that book appointments human interaction is going to increase the number of people that show up to their appointments the thing with this is that it's so close to a human interaction if you set it up correctly you can't tell the difference so it's almost like you're having human interaction to increase everything in the pipeline so people that show up people who book appointments Etc um but yes I do think the conversationally is very important all right now I'm going to I'm going to get into the step-by-step breakdown from the jump of how to set it up and how to um walk through this process so let me go pull up these custom values so you went to settings for that right yes okay and you're looking at a sub account or an agency view we are looking at a sub account okay got it so so we're in a sub account level this will be like um the sub account that you will e either create for one of your clients or for your own business yeah so agencies this is something I learned from Joel back in the day as well like as an agency you need to have your own departmental location where you function for sales and marketing right so have your own sub account that's literally built for cold paid ads whatever just have your own sub account for yourself as an agency um keep going what are we looking at yeah um one more thing answering one of the questions in the chat so if you ask it directly the bot like if it's AI or if it's programmed by chat GPT we actually put in the prompt that when it's asked to not admit that is a or to not disclose its AI nature so it will say something like haha I get that a lot I'm just a super efficient assistant or something like that and then it'll continue asking questions so um we give it a goal and it will continue so you you can't really break the bot especially if you're using Chad gb4 it's really hard to break the bot these Bots are good um all right so we have the custom value page here now this is uh just to give another breakdown of what we're doing with the custom value so we're basically it's basically like giving it away to talk to other Platforms in our scenario specifically so we're taking these codes that high level gives us and it's able to and we're able to bring these codes into zapier and it can populate all of this information so if we put our appointment link for example we create a custom value so for example you would just create the name like appointment link and then you would paste the link in the value and now if we were to copy this and paste it in a text message for example it would populate the link so that's how this is working so we have a few custom values that we want to make to make this possible number one is going to be the appointment link number two is company name three is GPT message and this is going to be basically that initial trigger message that goes out and asks them a question and keep in mind whenever you're prospecting or if you're running paid ads and you have leads come into your pipeline you always want to try and ask a very easy question in the beginning like a question that's very simple to answer to trigger a response just in general even if you don't have a bot because we want to engage with our leads um as soon as possible especially right after they opt in so this is going to be our trigger message the name of the AI assistant can be whatever you want the name of the AI to be the web hook URL is something we can talk about in a bit um so this is the URL that that zapier is going to give us and then your website link and this is all basically just information that we want to provide to the bot so that if it ever needs to regurgitate this information it can so if we're talking to someone that says pillar information right like you know these are going to be part of common questions exactly exactly so you could um once you create this for yourself you could actually create as many of these as you want if you feel like you're receiving common questions that the bot doesn't know the answer to you can just make more custom values but these are the ones that we see the most so obviously if people want to book the appointment people want to know the company name um people want to know if there's a website that they can look at these are very common questions that we can or common things that we can regurgitate or ask the name of the bot that's talking to them so these this is uh some of the information we have here so that's number one custom values number two we need to create a custom field and it's going to be called GPT response and what what's the difference between a custom value and a custom field so from what I know um the they're they're pretty much doing the exact same thing so custom Fields uh are a little bit more sophisticated so for example you would make um a custom field here you would name it and you would be able to use this to hold information based on like a a contact that we have so for example if you had a form that had a question like what what is the name of your company that question would be housed as a custom field so that when someone answers the question on that form it attaches it to that contact so now when you look up the contact in your system it will say you know Dave Jones and then it'll say the name of their company because they answered that on the form and the custom field is what's making that possible got it it's basically tying tying it to the contact got it did I break that down well is that kind of make sense way yeah okay yeah so the way I look at custom field is like these are like response systems where custom values are aligned to like pillar information in my in my mind uh but then again I'm not the best at these Tech stuff you know yeah yeah I'll go close the what what what I think we should do is just go through it you know let's just and then if if people have more specific questions there's more than enough resources from high level and all the uh content creators that support a high level that can answer the nitty-gritty I think the real sauce is like your process how you you know just the step by step so I think that would be easier if you guys are okay with it Paulson what do you think yeah that's the nicest told me okay stop interrupting Ashton I got you no that's not what I'm saying I just I just you know you're with family man I don't want you're here for seven hours yeah no no that's a that's a great point though I think a lot of the things like custom Fields custom values you could do a quick YouTube search and you could find a a great amount of information just from that alone I'm just yeah I'm just thinking about all the people that are on this call that's never seen high level and I just don't want to overwhelm them that's my bigger concern but keep going keep going keep going all right all right perfect um so we'll need to create uh and again the other understanding can come later as long as you follow the processes you'll be fine we'll need to create a a GPT response um custom field so you'll just go down here click on custom field you'll click add field and again this is what's going to be housing the response that GPT generates so I like to use multi-line just in case it's a longer response and then you'll name that chat GPT response you'll click save and you're good to go here the last thing you'll need to do is create create two tags tag number one is going to be autopilot and tag number two is going to be stop bot and these will make sense um when I start actually walking through the process so to create a tag you'll go up in the top right corner new tag name the tag and then create and you'll be good to go so autopilot and stop op all right now let's go into the workflow so first workflow we're going to make you'll just go up here create workflow and we're going to start from scratch first one we're going to make is called start bot and it does exactly what it sounds like it does it starts the bot number one so trigger number one or action number one is going to be add tag or remove tag stop bot and again to do this you'll just click on this plus button you'll go through remove contact tag and then you select which tag you would like to remove that first one is going to be stop bot just in case and this is for any specific scenario so for example if you wanted to start the bot on someone who's already spoken to the bot um you would want to remove the tag stop bot if they had that on their name because stop bot is another workflow where we deactivate the bot so hopefully that makes sense so number one we're removing the tag number two we're adding a tag called autopilot and lastly we're going to update the contact field and we're going to add a custom value in here so to walk you through this specifically you'll click on the plus button you'll go to update contact field you're going to add field you will find the custom field if you scroll down you'll see the one that we made which is chat GPT response so we'll click this and then here we need to put the custom value of the GPT response so what I walked through in the beginning in the custom values we created one for that initial trigger message so we're going to click on this little tag here you'll scroll down go to custom values and then GPT message is what's going to go in there and when you save this action what's going to happen is we add someone to this workflow the tag autopilot gets added we're updating the contact field to that message and then it's going to instantly move into this workflow in here here's why and I'll break this down so we have a a contact changed trigger so we' create a trigger called Contact changed how's how how are we doing so far everybody with me give me a one if you're with me give me a two if you're not going all right cool it's making sense all right so we can we can always slow this because guys you're going to have access to all these replays uploaded on both my channel and high level's Channel you guys can always go back and watch this in slow mode and as long as you're following the steps yeah you know and then if you have more questions you could just search for those specific things literally on the highle YouTube channel or the Facebook group um so on and so forth beautiful all right we have uh so we're going to go trigger contact change you'll add the filter and then that's exactly how we're going to come up with this so the filter will be chat GPT response has changed and those will pop popul so you'll find that chat GPT response and then you're going to move to has changed so now that we've updated the contact field in the start bot workflow what's happening is it's automatically triggering this so the contact changed and now it's going to go through this condition this if else condition here and here to create a condition you'll go if else and then we have two conditions that we can create and you add branches based off what you want the conditions to be so in our case we have workflow trigger is customer replied workflow trigger is contact changed so it's going to go through the contact change pipeline because we just updated that contact field and now in here we need contact chat GPT response custom value which is found right in here so uh you'll go to actually you'll go to contact scroll the way down to custom fields and we'll find it this way chat GPT response and that's how you populate a custom field in the text message so now it's going to go through that pipeline it's going to deliver that trigger message that we created and it's going to wait for a reply so first I'm going to focus on this top half so what just happened was step one in start bot workflow we updated the contact field because of that the contact was change specifically it was the GPT response so it moved down the conditions went to contact change it updated the um custom field into the text message so that the text message would send to the prospect so that's what just happened the next step is that we're wait we put a wait so this will just be a wait action we'll click wait here but specifically we're going to wait for the contact to reply so that's going to be the subcondition we're going to wait for it to reply to this message specifically and we're going to time it out after one day so we're waiting one day for a reply and when they reply we have another condition down here so this is just another if else you're going to have one condition and it's going to be contact replied is true so if the contact replies we're going to have a go-to action and this is just a way to take one one place that someone is in the workflow and Trigger it to another area of the workflow whenever you want so in order to get here you're going to click go to you're going to save the action and then it's going to ask you where you want it to go so I can click pretty much anywhere and it's going to route that person uh to anywhere I want in the workflow it allows you to like Loop the experience in multip and again high level is the only thing that like high levels workflows and automations are absolutely amazing if you really sit down for a couple hours and just try them to to master the workflows you can do so much it's absolutely insane yeah I think there's like over 200 actions or something crazy yeah it's it's crazy it's awesome area yeah yeah so we're if they reply we're routing it back to the web hook now in the web hook here's what we want to have set up so we have another action here and it's going to be yeah so let me go to the other trigger first so we just went through one trigger route so we went contact change because of the start bot condition it went down this sequence we sent the text message now we're waiting for a response and we're routing the go-to to a web hook we have another trigger which is customer replied and the filters are going to be reply channel is SMS it has the tag autopilot so remember in the previous workflow in start bot we added the tag autopilot so now only anyone who has the tag autopilot is going to be able to engage in conversation with the bot the bot will be deactivated if it does not have this tag this um makes it easy to create like certain conditions so for example if someone books an appointment we don't want to continue bothering them with the bot because it's already met the goal so we can create an action where we remove the tag which is where the stop bot comes in and the bot will stop talking to them and it will trigger the you know the text message reminders or something like that if that makes sense so it has tag autopilot and it doesn't have tag stop bot so customer replied reply channel has tag doesn't have tag now what this is going to do is when the customer replies we're going to hit this condition and it's going to be in the contact replied stage so again we have contact replied workflow trigger is customer replied we're going to add a web hook here you find the web hook just by typing in web hook and what it's going to look like is is the method is going to be post the URL we don't have yet because we haven't even went into zapier so don't worry about this yet all we need to make sure of is that the custom value is made uh in the beginning whenever we start this entire process so we're just going to put the custom value for the URL and then we're going to have some custom data here and you add these items like this so this is the the the custom values that we want to be sent to zapier and you just add just real quick why why go to zapier in general versus using systems inside high level like what are the benefits that you see so far oh great question so um one of the benefit one of the main benefits is the ability to use J gp4 so Chad gp4 it it's you can only use the API in specific conditions um zapier is one of the ones that the API for Chad gb4 integrates with also the sophistication of the so you can include as many characters as you want so for example we have a a this bot that does estimates for electrical for an electrical company and the prompt for that is like it's like a 10-page essay it's literally you know it's it's thousands and thousands of words and it's hard to find somewhere where you can actually have that sophisticated of a prompt and use it anywhere else besides zapier chbt thank you let's get back to custom data key and value so what are these keys that you're throwing in there what are the benefits does this match the original custom um yes okay so these are all the custom values that I went over in the beginning it's the exact same data now what we're doing since this web Hook is what's being sent to zapier to make this all possible we're taking that custom data so for example you would just put let's name it a AI assistant and then you would find that custom value from the beginning so you scroll down to custom values and you'll see all the custom values that you have made and we'll click on name of AI assistant so now what we're doing did he pause for you Joel did Ashton go yeah okay it knows our website as wait asht we lost you we lost you you came back are you are you a i bro can you hear me now just kidding we hear you now am I back on everything's good yeah everything's good back to yes the Ashton a is the Ashton AI working we're all set I am AI by the way yeah can you can you say one more time because we had lost shoot so AI system that you assigned uh yes show how you pulled up the key and the value yes yes yes absolutely so AI assistant you're going to go to this tag here we're going to scroll down custom values and we're going to select name of AI assistant which was in the custom values that we made from the beginning and you'll do this with all of them so what we're doing is we're attaching this information to the web hook URL so that whenever it's triggered it's going to take this information and pull it into zappy a so that we can use it for the prompt so now whenever we create the prompt the bot will know its own name it'll know the company that it works for it'll know it it's um the website Etc does that make sense that makes sense thank you okay all right perfect so this is what the web Hook is going to look like so web hook post um we'll put the custom value for the web hook URL and then you're going to add all this custom data in individually so whatever information to be built chronologically if you skip that initial step you're not going to be able to pull that data here right exactly yes cool so ex the exact order that I'm going in so first first thing you want to do is create the custom values create the custom field and then create the two tags so that should be done before any of this is started any of the workflows got it okay so now I'll briefly go over this one's not as important the uh stop bot very easy workflow and again once you have this set up once you never have to touch it again you don't have to worry about it breaking like it's unless you run out of zaps in zappy air or something but you walk through the process you don't even have to understand why it works just go through the steps you'll have a bot everything's good so for here we have a trigger of a booked appointment and if the customer booked their own appointment so here you would just go to appointment status and then save that trigger so anytime an appointment is booked in the system it triggers the stop about workflow number one is we're removing it from GPT Master which is the workflow we just came from so we're removing it from there we're removing the tag autopilot so that the bot can't engage anymore and then we're adding the tag stop bot now you can act you can manually do this as well so you can if you have a contact and you see the bot it's like following up too much or someone said like leave me alone you can stop the bot and we're good all right now let's go into the zapier side of things so we have this workflow let's say we just started out it went through the stop or start start bot I'll go through all this over again so a lead came in from Facebook we threw it into start bot we remove the stop bot tag we add autopilot we update the contact field the field is going to be GPT response and we're pasting the custom value for that initial trigger message and that is going to cause action number two to happen which is in the GPT Master workflow so the contact was changed it's going to go through this condition contact change we're going to update that text message to the trigger message we wait for them to reply they do reply we send the web hook and now we're going to go into the zappi a stage anything uh that you want me to address before I move out of high level I think we're good so far keep going okay cool all right so Let's uh start from the top so all of that just happened yeah first of all before you get started those of you that don't know what zapier is it's basically a communication systems that a lot of softwares a lot of systems a lot of marketing people use to transfer data from one place to another right so it's basically like a bridge system and it's been around for a long time very dependable um and some of the functions that zapier has is already inside of high level so we're always constantly looking at ways to replace zapier inside of high level it's impossible because they out develop us often as well um very cool tool to use to transfer data from one place to another in addition to that the type of data that you can transfer is based on Behavior so like if then conditions or if this happens do that or like there's a lot of cool n-e details around it I mean you can even do there's a 10-hour master class that can be done on zapier alone but either way I just wanted to give you guys an overarching idea of what zapier is so that way if you're brand new to it never heard of it you understand what it is go ahead Ashton yeah so the another cool thing about zapier is that it's actually um it's you pay you pay more it costs more as your business grows so for example if you're just starting out you can use a free version like if you're you don't have a lot of lead volume you're not using a lot of zaps it's completely free so implementing this body in your system is not going to cost you any additional money which is awesome um so we are sending so let's just say the scenario is lead came in we went through all those processes the customer replied to our initial message now what happens so we go into zapier and the first trigger that you set up here and you can add the trigger whenever you open a new screen it's going to ask you to add a trigger and you're just going to type in web Hook by zapier now to um program this here's what we're going to do so we type in web Hook by zapier this is going to come up you're going to see this screen here and you're going to tell it to catch the hook so catch Hook is going to be the setting we go for catch hook just basically means it's receiving information so for example we have the if we have the web hook Link in our workflow when someone replies that's when the web hook fires so that's when we catch the hook for example so we're going to use catch hook for that we are and then we get to this stage and it gives us our link now what we're going to do with this is we copy this link let's go back to high level we go to our settings to the from the very beginning custom values and now we can go to our web hook URL and we can paste our web hook Link in here so that's this is when we get our web hook link is when we start making this app so once we paste that in there to generate a record we need to catch a hook which means we need a prospect to respond so what I would do is go in here we're going to go to contacts we're going to create a new contact call it test throw in a phone number that you have access to you're going to scroll all the way down on the left side wait for this to populate cool campaigns we're going to throw it in the campaign of start bot so now what this is going to do is generate that response um or it's going to generate that initial trigger message that will go in there you're going to receive the message to your phone and what you will do afterwards is respond and you can respond anything so in this case that initial message would be um and let's just see if it populated by the way high level will be slower when you're on a zoom especially live streaming versus not not on a zoom just just got it from a browser standpoint yeah okay got it but it's pretty fast today I mean it's I'm seeing the way moving through it's pretty cool yeah yeah it's not it's not bad um okay perfect yeah so we got the we got the message to go through we get that message reply something generic right so you can reply anything you'll see the message pop in here I just replied uh so it says it's asking what the main Fitness goal is right now and I said to lose weight now once I respond to that message that's when the web Hook is caught because that's how we've set it up so now you can go here and you can find a new record and in your case you will see a new record populate with your name or your test name and that's the record you're going to select and then we can move forward so hopefully that makes sense so we web hook yeah okay Z also allows you to pick like different formatting and all kinds of different details around record bridging just in general just so you guys know uh but okay cool and uh just to give you an example too I just typed this in lose weight we got our response already from the bot asking us what our exercise routine is like so where are those messages housed uh what do you mean like like go back to go back to high level real quick where is that message coming from like where where did you put those copy down like that's the great goal like like where is the actual responses so that's that's the great thing about this and how sophisticated it is is that none of it is generated by an FAQ you can ask it any it's it's a it's an intelligence that has a mind of its own so you basically give it a direction on how to act and you can ask it whatever you want it's literally going to act like it's an employee of your business so that's where the chat GPT part comes in exactly exactly so it it could could be a different response every single time there's we have no way of telling what it will be it's it's actually yeah it's a mind of its own yeah that's cool that's good and bad at the same time it's better than nothing kind yeah well it's actually um but cool yeah yeah yeah it's uh scary how powerful it's becoming oh my gosh yeah it's it's it is very cool though so um once you respond you're going to find a new record you'll grab the record that that you see so you'll see the information here you'll see the name of the person Etc you're going to click the one that will be the contact you created and then we're going to go into the next stage now this is where the Chad GPT Park comes in so you're going to need a Chad GPT account and it's going to ask you to sign in so the first actually let me move back yeah so first thing it's going to show you is jbt once you select it so basically you'll add a step you'll type Tye in chat GPT and you'll be able to select it from the dropdown and that's going to take you immediately to here so you'll see Chad GPT and it's going to ask for an event the event is going to be conversation because that's what we wanted to do we're going to continue and this is where it's going to ask you connect your personal account where you're going to need to grab your API key which is pretty easy to find on the if you have an open AI account once you make it it literally says API in the top left corner click on that you'll be able to find it then we continue and you're going to see the actions so step number one you're going to have our actually once you click on these spots you'll see the data that we pulled in from high level so this is where the the dots are kind of going to connect so all the data that we wanted to pull in uh from the contact including the custom fields and the custom values so so we'll go um let's see if we can find a response so for example together what's that I so now it's starting to come together yeah yeah okay so um you'll find the response so if like for example in my message I said I wanted to lose weight and if you selected the correct key you'll scroll down until you see and you'll see last response or you'll see lead response and that's going to be it'll say lose weight so you're going to select that option and you'll see that right in here and then you're going to select the model of GPT GPT 4 is going to be the most sophisticated version that you can possibly have it can generate images um it to this day when it's having conversations for our business it still blows me away because that's this is the one that's able to recognize sarcasm use sarcasm say LOL haha and use like phrases that you know people would normally use this is what uh Chad gpt3 is a is is good it's a little less sophisticated and it's just not able to recognize or acknowledge the responses as well if that makes sense very cool so we're going to go with chat gbt 4 we're going to add the memory key which is the contact ID that is held in high level um you don't need to know too much about that you just need to know that you need to scroll down and find the contact ID you should just be able to type it in and find it I already have it pulled up in here at the moment though so you'll scroll down look for contact ID the memory key is basically um this is how we remember the history of the conversation so the bot is going to be able to refer back to five to six messages prior to when it's having a conversation and bring up you know past things that they've said to overcome objections or anything like that um this is how it's able to do that so it can remember the entire conversation regardless of how long it is because of the memory key wow okay that's insane so we have the uh first name of the user that we want to add in here which again that's just data we pulled in okay we have the custom this is where the custom values come in that we linked to the web hook the name of the AI assistant yeah I remember setting that up okay which in our case is Angela yeah and then we have the most important part of the entire thing which is the prompt so this is where pull in more data so we want to tell our bot how it's supposed to behave so that it doesn't deviate so for example we say you are Angela and assistant for custom data company name remember we set that up in the beginning which is going to be Mach GPT and the reason why we don't just type it in in the prompt and we use custom data is because if you're going to resell this to your clients you're going to have all of your templates made so you don't have to go through through all these steps again so you can literally have you can create the bot with the personality and if you have a client that wants a bot as well it's automatically going to import the data once you make their a highle account and you create the custom values so everything's going to be set and you won't have to manually change anything you just have to go through and Link everything together got it so it's important to isolate each company's data So then whenever you do resell it back to them or whatever or go to a franchise and sell a bunch of gym stuff you want relevant data that's relevant to that type of business instead of just all your stuff mixed with theirs exactly yes got it okay I'm following keep going okay perfect so um in this case it was Mach GPT which is a gym that specializes in Transformations uh we have our address in there Your Role is to engage potential customers in conversation and find their goals uh eventually get them to book their consultation through this link and then we have that custom value that we have put in there MH we can also add any additional the more descriptive you are the better so we can add any additional information that's going to make it behave accordingly so you're intelligent educated witty individual you communicate thoroughly but are encouraged encouraging and pushy when need be you also bring out your psychic side when needed I always find this to be fun insane those are things you're telling the bot to be like correct yes so if I say hey be mean it'll be mean exactly yeah so it'll be slightly rude in its responses that's hilarious you probably don't want to do that though yeah yeah I get it I get it just I was being a little witty right now but go ahead yeah so we like to um use this prompt specifically regardless unless you're like we we've worked with mental health clinics and stuff in the past where we don't use as much sarcastic but any other business um sarcasm is always good because if you have a lead that comes in and like they throw like lol in their messages or whatever it's able to actually like make jokes and come up with responses that you know someone would actually come up with which is cool yeah this makes sense cuz Joel said his bot send out like stuck under a rock or Ying faces or whatever yeah yeah a ton of stuff cool didn't say fa that maybe not you I know you did the right you have weird images that the AI sends so the um the the one thing to note about that too is that you can only send images with Chad gb4 so Chad gpt3 won't allow you to do it so all the followups that like we're sending with the Rock and stuff um for Joel that's going to be only because we have GPT for connected got it okay make sure make sure you got the API for four yeah let's talk about the qualifying questions right okay yeah so this is kind of how we give the bot a direction to move into so um if you kind of just like give it a direction and you don't give it qualifying questions it's just going to like it will be like an assistant and they'll just respond back and forth continuously so here's where we give it an end goal so that it makes it even more humanlike so we give it qualifying questions to ask and it's not necessarily to qualify them sometimes we just add it as a layer of friction to make it more conversational so what are you currently doing for exercise and do you typically prefer a group setting or more personal experience when working out so when the person responds it's going to address what they say maybe make a little joke and then it'll continue asking the questions and the ultimate goal is to book an appointment which we put up here and it will not book the appointment or send the appointment link until these question are asked beautiful so you're giving it a nordstar a goal essentially to move the conversations towards a direction otherwise it'll be just generic exactly exactly okay got it so we give it a personality we let them know who it is we give them qualifying questions so that they have the end goal of booking an appointment so they'll ask question number one the person will respond they'll address their response ask question number two once both questions are answered um that's probably a more highquality Prospect is as Joel can attest to sometimes leads come in and they just don't answer or you know they'll ghost you so if you can get if you can text someone back and forth and get two positive responses out of them they're probably pretty warmed up and you can start booking got it makes sense okay so that's the prompt area Okay this down here you don't need to know much about um 250 tokens is just what we put as a placeholder in here and then the temperature is actually something we can go into so uh the temperature in chat GPT is basically the range that you're giving the bot to behave so if you have this as a higher number so let's say you right now we have it at 0.1 which means it's going to be really focused on its goal of booking an appointment in Behaving how we tell it to behave if we increase this the two we're giving it free range to kind of behave how it wants and maybe listen to our prompt a little bit if that makes sense oh okay okay so the focus number exactly exactly that's a really good way to put it I'm going to start using that whenever I explain it to people okay hopefully you're okay with me stealing that yes but yes this is the focus number so if you're if you're giving it a direction and you have it at 0.1 which is the lowest that you can have it at it is going to focus on the priority which is uh you know being conversational asking the questions and booking the appointment got it okay so as a business owner for what we do I would always keep this at uh 0.1 then we're GNA go to the next step wait what was the last one the top P or whatever is that something important oh no this isn't important okay cool I'm not even sure what this is to be honest we just kept that as how it is every time we build it cool cool so 250.1 and then 1.0 okay and then we'll go ahead and move forward and now we have it so what happened here was it went through our workflows right the person responded we sent the web hook we're sending the information through uh so the web hook can be caught it's taking those responses it's sending them to chat GPT it's saying hey this is what the prospect responded give me a response to type back chat GPT generates a response and it's plugging it and now we have to plug it back into high level so that we can connect the dots on the last stage and actually um take that response and paste it into a text message so the event is going to be lead connector so it's not called high LEL this uh might trip a couple people up um because I remember real quick so high level is obviously white labelable platform we white lab our white labeled ourselves with a brand called lead connector just for integration purposes and you can basically move data back and forth under the gray label name lead connector which is our white label for you guys as agency so you don't have to disclose that you're using high level TI End customer and it's free keep going all right perfect um so you would pull this up and the reason why I think it was necessary to bring that up is because I when I was creating one of my first zaps I looked for high level in here for like an hour not knowing that it was called lead connector so facts pull it up you'll see lead connector right here and that is high level so let's delete this yeah so we're sending it here we do to protect the white labeling for you as an agency just anyways keep going yep um so we're going from chat GPT and now we're getting into our account so we have lead connector you're going to see this the event is going to be we're updating the contact so remember the contact fields that we created so we're going to update those contact Fields the next step is going to be connecting your account what you're going to do to connect your account is it's going to ask you to connect an account go to your high level once you have it created you're going to go to the sub account level that you're building this bot into into scroll down click settings you're going to see business profile you're going to copy the location ID because that's what it's going to ask for and then you're going to paste that click continue and you're connected voila then we'll click continue and we're going to focus on the action so I didn't put a last name on mine whenever I submitted it so you can click on this go to catch hook and it's going to show you all the information that was imported you'll see full name and you're going to click on that but you won't put it under first name you'll put it under full name right here okay so full name under there now we're we're mapping all the data that was caught uh from that was caught in the web hook and that was caught in chat GPD and now we're connecting all the dots so that high level knows oh this is all for the same person and it sends a message to that person so we're going to scroll down you can IGN IGN all of this information you're going to scroll down until you see GPT response and you're going to go to the conversation that it had in GPT you will see the reply and you're going to plug that reply into here and we're going to populate that and this is the custom field so the chat GPT response is the custom field that we made so what we're doing is we're taking the GPT response and we're plugging it into the custom field that we made and it's going to apply it to that contact and then that is pretty much it so went from the workflow to catch the web hook whenever the person replied we went through all that went through the conversation part so we're event conversation chat gbt account we have all of this filled out or take some time on your prompt too you want want it to be really good you want to make sure that it's um it understands what your business model is and you don't have to put a lot of information about your business as long as it knows what you do it's uh chat GPT is going to be able to work as magic and it will know everything about your industry so for example we built a bot for a lawyer and it knew answers within 5 Seconds that the lawyer actually had to look up in an encyclopedia so it just knows because it has access to all the information uh we continue and now we're going to import all that information into high level and the only things that we're updating is full name phone number and respon GPT response and we're going to plug in the reply cool we're going to continue we publish this and then when you go into that same conversation that you having you should be able to continue talking back and forth with the bot so this asked what my exercise routine was was like the only time you're going to have issues with this too is whenever there's like a whenever the server is down for chat gbt so sometimes there's a server overload cuz too many people are using it at once usually that's on Fridays we've seen um and you might have a a delay in the messages or the responses well they just need they just need to Pedal faster we're busy you know yeah exactly right I'll send them an email I'll see I'll see if they I'll see what happens cool so what's next so now um we're able to the bot will be conversational once we have all of this set up and you're going to plug this into all of your workflows so for example once you have this set up in the B is conversational so for example let lose weight that's a great goal what's your current exercise routine like and now it's asking the qualifying questions we're going to go into automations and we're going to make one last workflow so this is called New optin AI chatbot and if you're running inbound um if you're running ad campaigns for example this is how you would set this up so we have Facebook lead form is submitted trigger and what we do is we create a opportunity which we just call this a new lead an opportunity is basically like a stage that they're in in your own sales pipeline okay um this is a whole different thing but you have different opportunity stages so you can have new leads consultation uh people who you know had a conversation with someone on your team for example so that you can view them and know exactly where someone is uh in your business and I assume Ashton you for each source that we build out for cold emailing Instagram DMS or Facebook ads you know conversions you probably will have separate sources that you're pulling right or is it all going under the same workflow uh so we create them in different ways okay got it so we'll create an entirely um so like for example if we have someone who's doing cold Outreach and they have a large list hold email or something yeah we make it specific to cold email got it yeah and then we'll just manually enroll them in the workflow as opposed to anything else got it okay so let's go forward with the lead forms okay so Facebook lead form is submitted and the important part here is that we create a trigger where we're adding them to a workflow so this is as easy as clicking this and then just finding that uh action to add to a workflow and the workflow we're adding them to is start bot so that first one that sends out the trigger message so now every lead that comes in from Facebook is automatically enrolled in a conversation to the bot interesting got it okay and then that is how we complete the circle and now let's go back and check in on our bot so uh don't work out no worries we all start somewhere do you prefer a group setting or more personalized experience so now that's it our Bata is finished with the qualifying question I see I see yeah yeah so uh I know that was a lot but if going through the replay and just going step by step through the process you're going to be able to set up everything whether or not you understand the science behind why it works doesn't matter as long as you have a bot that is able to communicate with your leads you're going to be good to go that's pretty cool this was insane man you crushed it I appreciate it man I know I know it was a lot I I tried to simplify it as much as I possibly could no you did okay all right perfect perfect this is what this is also why I just hire you to do it it's also easier I'm pretty Elementary with this kind of stuff you walk me through it in a pretty comfortable way I feel like I understood it pretty well so great job okay yeah perfect yeah absolutely man can we give Ashton some crazy amounts of ones on the Facebook live yeah give him his flowers please can we please show him some love he took time out of his day to show us the entire sequence step by step go behind the scenes Ashton is there anything else that people need to know um this everything that you guys just in the workshop in general that I'm telling you this is uh I've paid for a lot of courses just getting the ball rolling and getting to this point the amount of information you guys have gotten in this Workshop has the potential to make you so much money it's not even funny like the cold emailing cold DMS the Facebook ads um Isaac the person who's going over the Facebook ads he's a guru literally if you have a small you have a small budget like even if it's just $100 a month that you can allocate to ads $300 a month whatever it might be put it into ads and let it drip slowly you're going to be able ble to generate leads using the information that you get from him um just make sure you pick one platform a lot of times when people receive a lot of information and they're overwhelmed with like I can do all of this at once they end up doing nothing at all because it's too much information so pick one get good at it and that is the platform that each one of these can make you a lot of money cold email cold dming or Facebook ads just focus on one get really good at it and only do that yeah thank you Ashton I appreciate you jumping in um absolutely just real quick where can people find you is there a website um Instagram handle whatever like by the way before everybody gets off before you get off up if everybody can just uh grab their phones and kind of record over the zoom and just tag pel um on Instagram Joel as well as Ashton whatever your handle is please do that our teams are prepped to uh repost those stories and things like that uh but either way um what's what's what's your your um handle okay Ashton 11 Wilson and that's not a AI either right no this is not if if you DM Ashton you're gonna get his chat GPT bot with high level I'll turn it off I'll turn it off for the next few days I'll be manually answering questions love it love it thanks for being here Ashton I appreciate it as a very important question someone asked how much can you bench I'm just kidding you someone said you're the jacked version of 95 lbs someone no no he said what what's the guy's name Stark from uh Iron Man what's the guy's name why am I blanking out I don't know I saw the comment I was dying laughing but let's move forward we got like a couple of more hours to go stick Tony Stark they said you're the Tony Stark of AI That's what I'm talking about I love that I'm gonna put that in my bio Tony well someone actually said Jack Tony Stark of AI okay funny but that's awesome all right thank you Ashton you're the man appreciate you uh Paulson before we do the uh giveaways and tell people where they can get everything um you wanted to come up with game plan month-to month now I will be honest I'm more of a fan of like 30-day game plan 60-day game plan but if you want to do a full year C we can collaborate on it live whatever you feel like is best for for people yeah let's ask the people what do you guys want us to do do you like I propose the idea because there's such there's so much content from this Workshop alone one talking point that we've had could be a workshop in itself or a master class would you guys like us to and gals do you want us to do like a 30-day type in let me just feel the crowd a little bit quick we could also do like 90day kind of do a 90day of like what I learned all these things paulon like what what should I take action on should I start with cold email or should I start with Instagram should I go straight to pay ads should I you know get on a stage and sell from stage like whatever it is like what do you guys want us to do okay 90 days I'm hearing 90 days as kind of like a common ground here q1 90 day Okay cool so let's let's do this um Joel so here I I I have here check this out Paulson okay I have this resource that I give to all of our clients okay it's it's it's a 10 steps to 10K a month maybe we can map this out because it'll it'll really just take everything we learned and kind of just like condense it and I could even make a copy I'll even add this to the resources by the way okay but I can make a copy and I can also um whoops I can make a copy and what I can also do is uh uh what's it called uh add specific timelines if that makes sense yeah so let's do this Joel Here's the final answer let's do 90 days nobody needs anything beyond that unless they're a fortune you know 100 company just yet um let's just focus on 90 days and two avatars that we can talk to Joel is the guys and gals that are starting out and they're under $10,000 a month in Revenue let's create a plan for that and then the folks agencies Consultants that are above $10,000 month let's do a second 90day plan if you don't mind so three months yeah I think like I can answer the latter pretty quickly if you're over 10K a month then you're you're well what I was gonna say is like what you should have done through this whole Workshop is gotten like three or four things you want to implement because you already have a foundation you know your Niche you know your strategy what you should really do is ask yourself what are the three or four things that I need to implement over the next 90 days that can drive my business forward and really move the needle it really doesn't have to be more complicated than that it's almost like what I tell people when we go when they come to our events is say your goal here is not to implement everything your goal is to take three or four big things three or four big projects from everything you learned and got overwhelmed by and implemented over their course 90 days now where this gets challenging is for someone brand new where they have to implement everything right that's where that's why we come up with a 90-day plan so I think like my my honest genuine answer if you're over 10K a month over 100k a month even over a million a month if you're doing some big big numbers the the the key is always less is more so it's like okay there's a lot of stuff right so maybe one of the three projects is I'm going to implement an an AI uh bought inside of high level for all of our uh Legion nurturing yeah I'm going to start doing paid ads and Joel talked about getting a strategic or building a referral program an affiliate referral program those are the three things that's it and and that's how that's the mindset you have to take as opposed to I'm G to implement this this this because you already have so much in place that you're you're gonna you're going to over complicate the process um and then also I know the workshop is about getting from zero to 100K a month and I know Joel has plenty of agencies that do that in 30 days so even in the 90day plan I mean a few of you mean like zero to 30 days or like you're saying like you've had agencies that go from zero to 100K a month oh yeah we 109 agency owners so far that we track and know can you can you tell us a 90day plan that aligns to that goal oh sure yeah we can go over that too that's yeah okay cool okay I thought you meant more so like takeways from the uh no no no yeah I see I see well let me see if I have something um somebody pointed out my microphone is low it should be better now thank you give us a one in the chat if so far this whole workshop's been like a mind Bender as Joel calls it now we're going back a step and saying okay here's what you need to implement based on hours of things we've put on put on your plate I mean normally I say mind FK and I'm trying to be more thank you Joe yeah I'm proud of you I'm proud of you because I can get into it so I was like maybe call it a mind Bender passion it yeah just call it a mind Bender all right let's see here okay so if I were uh we can put a a timeline on this if I were at zero trying to get the 10K month you know first step I talk about is always mindset you can actually go and watch day one of the 10day course that I already did with high level many many years ago either on my Channel or high level's channel and day one was all focused on mindset so I guess the first thing is I'm going to put watch you know next steps so maybe you could do this this weekend it's really just like over do do do January week one two three and four give us a week by week for 90 days okay January week one yeah watch this video and can you change the title of that doc to 90-day plan action plan sure I mean the heading of the page uh yeah that tooth yeah cool because that way PE because we're giving we have so many collateral so we're giving you way people going to be confused on which document is which okay um and again I can actually uh so you can find these let me show you one second if you look up high level Joel Kaplan let me just pull up my computer here are you trying to find the 10K and 10 days videos uh yeah I'm gonna find them okay so I found them those are like five years old just by the way that was a very first Workshop we ever did in high level the mindset doesn't change right it's not like the mindset needs to be updated for 2024 um okay so watch this video that's the mindset one oh my God I'm G to copy that link that way you you know I'm gonna add it here um I'm looking at that video that you just flashed just reminded myself I lost weight since then intentionally but yeah crazy I got a fine day too oh my goodness what a memory lane it's still one of the strongest work shops ever watched the old ones yeah I mean this is yeah just don't don't worry about it Joel It's Gonna it's gonna literally okay fine you're doing it go ahead I got it I would say the uh I would say January week one watch this video but honestly January week one you should also watch this video yeah I I think that's the truth I think that's yeah let's create a game plan for January week one through four then let's do February yeah maybe we'll do it like this let's maybe we could do it like this where it's like here's the thing though guys I'm a huge believer in taking fast action so if it really takes you 90 like two weeks to watch two videos you do not want this bad enough yeah no I need you to stack it up I need you to stack it up Joel like function it like the way me and you function and I know like you know we we go I'll just say I'll just say I'll just say this janer should be watching this video picking your Niche creating your offer which we already created for you so this one should be already crossed off we literally created your offer so yeah if you go back to day uh day one of this three-day Workshop we already created your uh your offer for you so that's done I would set up up one free prospecting Channel I would all do this all in these first four weeks okay so matter matter of fact matter of fact when I remember being inside Joel's like Inner Circle courses like the guys that jump into those programs that Joel had they Implement within the first like three days there's a lot of high performers there and the standard was like first two three days get one channel up what get whatever the channel is it didn't matter just get one channel I'm making it I'm making it easy mode for you guys no be be want hard mode tough yeah be tough be tough then it really needs to be a you guys want the honest truth this needs to be a 30-day game plan that like go for it's like it's it's like at the end of the day it's like week one mindset picking an creating an offer that's already done and setting up one free prospecting channel so we talked about cold email or Instagram DMS and not only setting up a free Ting Channel but actually executing on it like you're actually starting to send cold emails yeah correct you're are not flying in it's not checked off correct so so set up free prospecting Channel and start prospecting this should also this should all happen within the first week most people delay and delay and delay and they want to wait and wait and wait for the perfect moment the perfect time and then what happens is they never take the first step one of my favorite sayings is I wonder if I have it here um yeah take the first step most people focus on steps eight nine and 10 and they never end up taking the first step yeah it's kind of following the philosophy of fire Ready Aim instead of Ready Aim Fire most people are like let me make sure I have everything ready then I'll aim then I'll fire but what you should actually do is fire Ready Aim Fire take action then get data be like okay I need to tweak this to get ready again you aim and then you fire so um one week you guys should have get a little watch this video on mindset it will help you guys pick your Niche watch this video it breaks it all down create your offer that's already done so you have it ready to go and set up one free prospecting Channel whether it's Instagram DMS or cold email pick one instagram DMS or cold email pick one start it and not only set it up but also actually start prospecting that should be week one yeah and that and it leads you to setting appointments and closing appointments that's that's the golden word for Joel Kaplan in my mind for the last like five years setting appointments and closing appointments that's what people don't do yeah I think you guys are going to watch watch this training and be like oh my God like the AI is awesome and then spend weeks tinkering with the AI and you don't even you don't even have a client and it's like what am I and when I teach this people think that I don't care about client results guys client results matter so much if you have bad client results you're not going to have a successful business remember what I said day one if you can get your client's clients then you can always get yourself client so it starts with that and the reason we started on day one with client results is because that's the foundation but here's the truth most people will spend months tinkering learning messing with what is going to happen if I land a client and they never actually focus on Landing the client and I follow the analogy of the airplane when you're on the airplane and there's a a warning for oxygen or lack of oxygen what do they tell you to do put the mask on yourself first then help the person next to you you have to be able to find the client AKA put the mask if you want to even support the person next to you and what ends up happening is most people never have clients I would say 90% of agency owners this is going to sound crazy Paulson 90% of agency owners are aspiring agency owners or SAS owners or aspiring SAS owners they either never get their first client or they say they're going to get this is more this is the so they either never get their first client or more likely they say yeah I'm going to get started my agency I'm going to start trying to get clients once I get this done once I finish tinkering with this AI thing once I finish this workshop with high level that's going to teach me even more things and you never take action on growing your business and remember what I said on day one it's both product and sales product and sales Apple understands this very well they are Sales Machine they're sell they make billions of dollars and they're always focusing on the product how do we make it better how do we make it better but it's both and uh with that in mind most people never focus on sales and they only focus on product so the reason I push this so hard of focus on sales focus on sales focus on sales is to bring you to the middle because it's both so I would actually say for week and week two don't worry about don't worry about client results at all make sure you even get to the point where you're talking to prospects talking to people so week two go down to the next page on that one so there's a second page oh yeah this this should actually be up here hold on okay uh let's see I'm gonna make this number four four so number four should be uh scraping list and I'm actually going to scrap all this because Christian showed you how to do it you had to do this on day two two so you guys need to scrape a list of yeah we basically to get to 10,000 cold emails a day yeah so scrape list of prospects in your Niche Christian showed you how to do this on day two this is step four and then step five is setting up free Prospect Ting Channel and start prospecting that's week one this should honestly all take you one week and that's it do not spend more time on this yeah keep in mind I'm not telling you to build a website I'm not telling you to come up with your name build a logo any of that that doesn't matter um all right let's see week two I'm actually going to put paid ads uh a little bit further down and this is for someone who's just starting out just correct yeah we're we're talking about launching okay week two let me just like put this down here for now okay week two I don't want you to move on to step six until you have started prospecting and have replies you mean don't worry about a script intros script until nothing I don't want you guys to worry about anything else I'm trying to dumb this down I do not care about anything else until you guys are like oh my God someone replied to me on Instagram then I want you to worry yeah again don't yeah fire Ready Aim yeah oh my God they replied what do we do next that's the right mindset when you're a beginner because if not if you over prepare you're going to burn out you're going to be extremely over overwhelmed to the point of burnout not in a healthy way and also what's going to happen is as a beginner you have so much to learn deal with improve you have fears to overcome that you've never faced you have skills to learn that you've never had to you have limited time and limited resources you have your back up against the wall in every way humanly possible so we have to be as a efficient we have to be as efficient as Ashton's AI bot right we need to be so efficient and the only way to do that is by only focusing on the next step and the next step and the next step not eight nine and 10 so some people might be like well Joel I need to build my sales presentation before I even Prospect no Prospect first one step at a time and when you have to when it becomes the time to deal with the demo presentation you will actually know your business will speak to you guys I've helped 109 agency owners skilled 100K a month I've helped teenagers teenagers skilled 100K a month I've helped over 10 teenagers hit 10K a month I've also helped agency owners go from zero to 100K a month in 30 days and I'm telling you I've seen this happen over and over and over again and I told I also said I train the entrepreneur I don't train the model the system I I'm the hardest part is getting you guys to think the right way and take action the right way I always say this it's not about taking action it's about taking action on the right things and that is what I'm trying to do here so week one to recap watch the mindset video which will go into all these Concepts further then pick your Niche then you don't have to create your offer that's already been done scrape a list of prospects and set up one free prospecting Channel and start prospecting do not move on to week two until you have started prospecting and have replies coming in so once you're like Joel I got someone to reply to my cold email great then I want you to go and look at the intros script that we wrote or that we went over yesterday and I want you to rewrite it for your Niche yeah for yourself so I want I want you to then take it and rewrite you're like okay now I got I'm getting replies now now it's time to work on it yeah then I want you to build your yeah real quick on some of these things like niching down and all of that with SAS you don't need to Niche down you do need to have a focus on local businesses eventually you will have to Niche down in the beginning just go after anybody and everybody in a local area just to get the ball rolling when it comes to SAS if you're doing the agency stuff and have an agency offer you 1,000% have to Niche down because it's usually saturated so if you want Clarity on things like that go to our 5day challenge I've made it very clear on how to launch SAS versus an agency okay keep going Joel yeah so I think uh I was just looking at the the comments to see if there's what people are saying um I would also say that uh as far as like the local business thing like yeah well I don't want to into that that's going to be like a whole another SP got two hours yeah yeah two week two moving by the way if you're like Joel I only have one client this still applies to you this all applies to you unless you're already at six figures if you're at 10K a month fine this doesn't apply but if you're under 10k a month this absolutely all applies to you if you're like Joel I only have one client that doesn't this still applies then you're going to build your demo presentation that's going to take you [Music] about two hours max honest honestly this I'm gonna do this the Joel way Paulson I'm sorry week one they should take you they should take you one day I'll give you two days yeah give them two days but but I like the urgency because that's the way I think most people have to function to compete you're competing you're in sports as business owners and and the best the best Kobes win not just cuz you're playing you will win you have to be cutthoat at this and be Cutthroat to yourself have standards of getting these St things done okay I'm gonna get off my soap box I'm finding myself going down that lane okay no no you're good you're good you're good so look once once you're getting positive replies to your Outreach people started saying yeah yeah I'm interested sounds awesome you have 48 hours to write your intro call script or build your demo presentation or sorry and build your demo presentation I give you two days you got two but we've already built it out they just need to change the names they need to change a few things yeah yeah they need to change so so it should only take I'm gonna give you two days because you're gonna want to like design it I already know you guys you're gonna make it look pretty all that stuff fine go for it but you got two days after two days you're still tinkering the presentation you're not focusing on the right things once you land a few clients from free prospecting I want you to set up paid ads now paid ads is a little bit more complex so I'll give you 72 hours yeah so you can do it yourself in the beginning yeah and we showed you guys exactly how it should be set up um cool at that point at this point at this point you you should have have everything you need to start to get clients yeah the first thing is quantity just FYI you're you're just trying to tap into quantity whatever it is let me just rise up the number of people that are inbounding into my business don't focus on quality of those leads until you have confirmation of quantity so if you're not at like 10 15 leads coming in every single day you don't need to be tinkering on like conversion ads and all these other things and funnels and landing pages and trying to figure out all kinds of stuff in the beginning is just getting the lead ads going getting the cold email going worry about the quantity stuff later maybe in the second month okay what are we looking at here getting a power partner and what we're on we so so well once you once you no we're on we're on you guys need to take some some action Big Time fast I'll give you guys one week to to get your free prospecting Channel up and running then I'm going to give you guys once you start getting positive replies they'll give you two days to get your sales materials your int call script and your demo presentation and then once you land a few clients from free prospecting I give you 72 hours to launch paid ads and I want you guys to take the money that you get from those clients dump it into paid ads so you get three days to set it up at this point you should have everything that you to get clients at that point this is where it gets a little tricky okay there's two things that I want you to do and the timeline is not so black or white unfortunately you have to get a power part I want you guys to get a power partner and we talked about this where you find someone in your Niche that could be a big resource to you someone that could be your reference case study they could be your guinea pick to try new things out on and I want you guys to find someone that can essentially help you in exchange of for you to do all their marketing for free so you're going to do all their marketing for free in exchange for them being your reference your case study testing things out using them on videos using them on ads and just learning about the industry as a whole so again this can take a while it might not happen overnight but I'll would try to find someone in your industry that could be your strategic partner to help you because you don't know about the industry and then at that point I want you guys to switch all of your entire Focus to client results like your life depends on it and I don't want you to then go out and get a crap ton of clients until you feel really confident about your ability to deliver yeah and if you're like Joel I have no idea I don't want to do any of the client results three options for you okay you can either work with a white label agency there's plenty of people in high level that are amazing number two you can find a business partner that's really good at the tech really good at the Fulfillment hates doing the sales or number three you can also just suck it up and understand that if you're going to take someone's money you better do whatever it takes to get them the best results possible and you guys have a lot of the resources to help the clients we literally give you the like fasil system is getting chiropractors insane results and we gave it all to you and we gave it all to you so it's like you guys have all the res be able to also go out and get the client results so now the the the main thing holding you back is actually your ability to get yourself clients again I'll say that one more time we gave you guys everything to be able to get your clients great results we even showed you how you can set up really incredible AI bots in high level to offer to your clients so we have no excuse given you guys all the resources to get your clients great results you just now need to go out and get clients that's the truth so at this point you should be getting some clients and you should and and what you need to focus on is getting a power partner to work with you more closely on hey how do we really make this system the best system ever for chiropractors for dentist for gyms for roofers and then focus on all of your attention on hey how do I now create the best product ever yeah because again it's real quick real quick Joel so if any of you watch go up to the power partner thing real quick so if any of you went through either Chase Buckner's course or my course on SAS we teach you how to build a small group of beta of like five customers those right away become your power Partners they become your Affiliates and inside high level you could even build an affiliate system that handles affiliate commissions and all of that so your you're even the billing for power Partners is is literally automated we teach that in the 5-day challenge as well as our Mastermind everywhere else so like even if you're doing SAS the first round of beta that you bring in that becomes your power Partners right out of the gate um keep going and and like this this Workshop Joel I'm gonna be honest with you it's turning into what I call the no excuses Workshop right that's literally what it's turning into and I love it but that should be every Workshop it is it is worksh but like the game of business paon is a mental game it's like it's like for example here's what happens with 99% of entrepreneurs imagine we're trying to get really good at basketball Paulson imagine you and I are trying to get in the NBA even though we're never going to but let's say that you and I are we both like basketball we're trying to get in the NBA right and then we go off and watch all the YouTube videos ever on basketball and that's what we do we're like we're going to watch YouTube video after YouTube video after after YouTube video after YouTube video after YouTube video after YouTube video but we're never going to show up and practice and we're never going to show up and actually play with pressure on the line we're just going to watch YouTube videos do you think that we're going to get really good no now let me ask you let me ask you the the the opposite of that imagine if we decided hey every single day we're gonna practice for three hours and at the end we're gonna do a real game with real people and we're never going to watch YouTube videos who do you think is going to get better faster at the actual skill of going out in the court and playing basketball the guy that's actually hooping all day long exactly so I think that's a mental decision it's a mental choice and the reason we end up or most entrepreneurs end up watching YouTube video after YouTube video after YouTube video after YouTube video after YouTube video is because it feels like you're making progress but you're actually lying to yourself and you're just making progress in your knowledge not in your action and what I say to people I have a rule it's called a three to one rule for every one hour of learning you should be taking three hours of action so for example you guys have spent now man 15 hours with us this week maybe a little less a little bit more that means that you owe me and you owe Paulson 45 hours of action before you even learn anything else and then what what most what tends to happen though is people will hop on the next highle workshop and be like okay what's this next cool thing and then they never take action this is I promise you it's a mental game that holds you back it's not yeah the skills can be learned the action can be taken so what is the thing holding you back most of the time it's just our our fear of putting ourselves out there getting told no getting rejected and then we never end up making progress so you know you know another thing I notic on that note Joel especially with the highlevel crowd the high level family and you all know I love you and we're Joel and I are speaking with like a lot of passion and that's built from a lot of pain of unsuccessful launches a lot of pain of like seeing people struggle in space and I'll tell you the one thing I see with high levelers in general is what I call the knowledge trap the knowledge trap of oh I need to like learn everything about high level before I can go out there and do business and I'm like dude like you've came to three of our masterminds now our conference sat in you know every Workshop you probably know more about high level than I do genuinely actually I will I will make a bold bet 9 90% of you guys watching this know more about high level than I do me too I don't know enough about high level myself and it's the same thing but if you put us out there on a sales competition I I can make my run for my money because I will go but here's the thing Paulson I will actually be able to get people better results even if I know less about high level and here's why because I'll actually it's almost like the the analog of being out in the court and practicing if I'm talking to my clients every day and practicing and working on getting them great results over time I will even if I know less about the specifics of the custom field and the custom tag and this and that you need the client in order to get the client results there's you can't change that reality that like you need one for the other and people say like you know you know the the theory of like what comes first the chicken or the egg yeah or the the the analogy in in the world of business I'm going to just pick one that comes first then the chicken the egg is the client the chicken is the client results and that's just the way it is so let's go back to week week three or week two where we at sorry guys we get on week and I would say honestly guys I'm going to go back on the rant a little bit because this is the most important thing I've Ted taugh you in the four days this what we're talking about right now I will put my millions of dollars I will bet that this what we're teaching you right now what's coming out of my mouth is the most important lesson for most of you guys if you're like Joel I take more action than I even know what to do with then this is not for you but I know most of you guys are hesitant and scared to put yourselves out there and I get it I've been there I wanted to I I showed this on day one I started applying for jobs while I was trying to be an entrepreneur I almost gave up three times I have a lot of fear I have a lot of doubt I have a lot of insecurity and I still showed up right that's that's the name of the game I still took the very first step like I teach and the reason I can share this is because I've been in your shoes I know the feeling and I know that most of you guys will learn learn learn your way to nothing and and and it should really how do I learn get enough knowledge for me to take the next step okay cool I know what to do now I'm going to ignore the knowledge now it's time for me to take more action and if you guys follow that mentality over and over and over again I promise you that you will make progress I'm not saying that you're going to make millions I'm not saying you're going to be this Ultra successful but you will absolutely make progress and I will guarantee that so can I get one in the chat if you will make that promise to yourself that you're going to take enough action to get on the goals that you want to hit give me a one in the chat just in the comments if you're going to be an action taker on this because this is a lot of information that's worth a lot that you will not find in most programs out there and I'm not disqualifying disqualifying anybody else I'm just telling you this is from a lot of building agencies and this is I mean I anyways let's get back to week three week two that I want to I want to say one more thing you know why so for example this year I helped um I helped a few teenagers hit 100K a month I helped one 15 year old hit 10K month 15 yeah like the Jared Curry St insane I mean no now these are different guys this is like Conor trong 15 years 15 years old in high school and he working with HVAC companies hits 10K month now here's why they're able to do it more easily and it's because L they're not over complicating it they're they're just they're just like okay Joel says not to over complicate it I'm gonna trust that I shouldn't over complicated you know someone said in the comments it feels like it's so simple it is it's just you have to the hard part is you showing up to the basketball court and taking the shots and practicing that's the hard part you know it's like that in following the analogy of basketball the hard part is you showing up and doing the work on the right things it's not the high level the high all the all everything else can be taught we literally gave it to you we gave you an entire business model over the course of four days with new innovations that haven't been shared with the world like the AI from Ashton today so we gave you everything we even gave you Innovative Cutting Edge strategies but that's not that's the easy part all of you guys can that information access to access to that information is the easy part the hard part is the taking action and also doing it taking action on the right things so I know I'm ranting Paulson but I promise you this is the most important takeaway from all the four days if not no one is going to get results I promise you if everyone just watches this and they're like oh my God this was amazing Joel's awesome Paulson's awesome all the guest speakers were awesome but you don't do anything with it you'll still be stuck exactly where you're at and it's useless the value of it is just perceived value it's not real value at that point right yeah the worst thing you could do is make us feel good and give us flowers which we don't really need we don't need any more flowers than what we have because we are action takers and we want you to follow that same energy the same type of mentality and do this for your own self and your families and loved ones and yourself as a person like the journey that you took off was yeah know it's not what it all you thought it was going to be like I did the same thing jumped into my first 997 course two years I had like almost no clients almost no clients because I was just taking a lot of different action it wasn't efficient until I realized okay I got to take the right action anyways let's get off our soap box here first we know it's out of love no I no I I I think like honestly that's the whole I'm G that's all I want to tell you guys to do if you guys want a specific plan I would say spend one week diving into some more mindset stuff picking your which you actually don't even need to that's more if you want actually no I'm gonna get rid of it you guys don't even need this boom pick your Dr Minds said just in the last 10 10 minutes yeah you got it you got it this was the mindset you just needed a little push this is it let's not waste any more time on that so in the next week in the next week pick your Niche you don't need to create an offer that's already done scrape a list of prospects in your Niche set up a free prospecting Channel and start prospecting once you start getting replies write your intros script build out your demo presentation over two days once you start Landing a few clients from prospecting set up paid ads within three days at this point you should have everything that you need to start getting clients which means that now I want you to focus your attention on hey now that we have some clients to work with let's make the best product in the whole wide world for them and the way that you're going to do that number one get a strategic partner and then number two take everything that we taught you today or or on day one implement it for your clients and slowly tweak it that's that's really the answer take everything we taught you on day one implement it for your clients and start to slowly tweak it so that's it I'm going to give you guys that game plan it's it it and by the way that's how much I know you guys I know 12 months sounds awesome but right now if you guys are below 10K months you should be thinking in day to day week to week like what do I have to do next what do I have to do next what do I have to do next not yeah you know six seven eight months from now so guys hopefully that was helpful as far as 10K to 100K a month I'm gonna just break this down super fast um where is it okay by the way to get to 10K is a lot harder from than going from 10K to 25 or 10K to 50 10K to 100 cuz by then a lot of the fundamental pillars of the business is is kind of finished because you have a offer you have a market you have pricing you have inbound leads you can you might probably even have paid ads at that point at that point you're trying to figure out how to duplicate yourself as an entrepreneur keep going Joel yeah I think that's a great that's such a good Golden Nugget zero zero to 10K is the hardest because you have your back against the wall you have everything is limited time limited resources a lot of skills to learn a lot of fears to overcome and a lot to do while you're at your day job doing nine to five and trying to figure out it's really hard I mean 10K to 100K a month is a lot simpler you need to have a I'm GNA just go through this very fast it's really just more things you have to have in place you need to have a productized offer you need to have paid ads you need to build out uh you need to start to build out your brand yeah you need to start hiring um what's it called Setters appointment Setters building out emails and text sequences in high level you need to build out a sales team hire Setter and closer you need to hire an operations um fulfillment partner yeah build out your team automate Service delivery and learn how to sell High ticket like that's just really fast yeah can you go back to that I want to just highlight one thing that you just glanced over super clast that is really important can you go back to that I want to I want to just make a point here because it's important so go number two product IED offer okay agencies out there Implement and build some kind of a software offer into your agency that is going to be the fastest way you can productize your offer and what Joel's talking about is creating an assembly lines so it's repeatable you're kind of creating the same type of fulfillment okay and Joel and I come from the world of absolutely not wanting to do custom projects we don't do custom projects in our world of agency delivery everything is predictable offers and SAS allows you to go down the route of productizing the fastest way possible okay whether it's down sell Gateway offers whatever SAS allows you to productize the fastest as an agency more than anything else I just want to just let you know that cuz regular agency Services is High churn regardless SAS services that are baked in with an agency service has less churn if it's SAS only even better churn right so like pay attention to that component and that's when you need to go into figuring out okay my offer needs to be better how do I productize this to make it easier for my team and then launch to bigger markets keep going Joel yeah I think like also guys I have a lot of content on on YouTube as far as like how to scale to 100K a month if you guys get to 10K a month the chances of you being able to scale to 100K a month significantly go up it's it's it's it's yeah because at that point you know how to get clients and get clients results yeah and that's kind of the the foundation to this business model yeah that's it you know so um yeah if you're 10K a month you're trying to get to 100K a month the big things to look for you have to build a sales team to free up your time you have to build an assembly line for fulfillment so that you're not stuck doing all the work you need to hire build out your team you need to um build out all of your systems onboarding systems automations with high level all that stuff and then you also need to start building your brand right you need to start to be a million dooll brand and the way that you do this is I mean this is this could be a huge M this could be more content more content more content but um I don't want to over I don't want to over complicate the process for you guys so for now I'm just gonna leave it at that cool I think I think you guys get it they get it you PA I when you said let's make a 12- Monon plan I was like man should we just Hammer them with the with the truth of what they need to hear because well I think important to have a structure of some kind that you're going to follow like have a game plan like you guys don't need us to create a plan for you but have a structure of action plans like matter of fact in the comments can you type in what is the source what is the cold source of inbound leads that you're going to go after is it cold email is it Instagram DMS is it paid ads type in in the comments of what you're going to launch first I kind of want to get an idea ballpark idea of what kind of an action you guys are going to all take uh I would love to just see that let's see Nico says email let's see Michael Scott says he's going to launch paid ads CI says Instagram DMS let's see um let's see okay yeah perfect cold emails ads like take just own that whatever you're just saying right now own that and launch it by next week you don't even need to wait till January we're still in December we got like a whole two weeks left in my mind for 20 23 so by the time January comes you have pillars built out for your business Joel what else do we need to cover today we I know we have more things to do no so so so guys we made it till the end it's time for the raffle and it's also time for the uh giveaways now before we talk about that but this is gonna be my Spiel on High level you guys need high level to make this business work out of all the 109 agencies that we helped scale 100 came on they all used high level it's like you need this software to make it work so part of why we also wanted to create this three or sorry four- day workshop to give you guys everything and use it through high levels because you need it right Carl Orton is asking with the paper show model um and chiropractors how do you handle prepay and health insurance I don't touch health insurance we just take prepay and then let the Cairo deal with that okay Justin Jacobs asking when taking the initial deposit to say CYO when booking the appointment do we send them the initial payment to the doctor or how does that work if that makes sense so I guess uh you're saying if we get if we get the payment in yeah yeah so like appoint like 25 bucks to confirm the appointment does that Revenue go to the doctor or or do you use it for marketing on behalf of the doctor so we took the ad spend inhouse so we were just credited towards their ad spend got it so if their budget that they paid us for ad spend was 2,000 and we collected $500 in prepays we would credit them $500 in ad spend got it Xavier Caldera hey Xavier good to see you man um he's asking for the AI chatbot why don't you use mate have you tried pine cone to feed the AI at scale well we use chat gp4 right that was kind of the main thing or are there any other tools that you use I don't even know what those names are I have no idea okay cool uh Lewis is asking I just started my agency I have one client on board I've been running the system for four days should I wait to find T and everything with her parentheses power partner or should I get more clients on boarded now so he's got one client he's asking whether he should just go get more clients or perfect the Fulfillment without well I I I I like I like to have about five clients before you slow down to perfect the system and here's why let's say that you're playing with a basketball team you go to the gym there's you're there's pickup game going on and you get four people to join your team what if they all suck at basketball you probably won't like like there's good like any industry there's good great business owners there's good business owners there's average business owners and then there's bad business owners so so you I like to have like a little bit more data to determine hey because because what if the system works incredibly well for client number three and it's the same system as client number one but client number one is failing um so it's not that that proves to you that it's not really the system it's the person so sure I would say try to get a a handful Lori Lori wisdom is asking how about just running Facebook ads for SAS without having to do the free prospecting for smma what would be a great off wa wait wait so she's basically asking yeah she's basically asking what would be a great offer for SL SL smma we talked about that in day1 um so if you go back and rewatch that we talk about the paper show model performance model essentially that puts the risk divided between the agency as well as the client so I would say Lori watch that but when it comes to offers your industry is going to determine what offer makes sense to them the most based on how they perceive your type of business but Joel any thoughts on offers how do you how do you create an offer typically um let's see but what what is the she the person was trying to offer a sass is that is that what she's asking how about just running Facebook ads for SAS without having to do the free Prospect expecting for smma what would be a great offer if you're like hey sign up for my SAS I haven't seen that work as well because it's like we talked about earlier people don't want features they want results people don't want they don't even want AI they just want to know that AI can help them get more patience more jobs more estimates more money so so it's like the problem is that if you're all of your ads should be guided toward W the desire or the pain and then you and and then your solution just happens to be sass to solve that uh pain or to help them get that desire now as far as offers if I was trying to get a lot of sass people what I would actually do is reach out to local businesses um here let me see if I can find this video one second also I think we might have misunderstood her question a little bit I think she's asking also should I just run Facebook ads versus doing the cold approaches if I had the money oh okay okay if you have the money here's what's going to happen if you run ads you're going to be able to practice sales and practice your whole process faster and you're going to get better a lot more quickly but there is risk involved because it is pay to play so what I like to tell beginners is get your first few clients organically so that there's less risk yeah and then once you have a few clients you can ramp up with so if you're like Joel I don't care to invest and risk it then go with ads and if you're like Joel I already have a few clients I'm ready to scale this up that's when you want to light the fire fuel the fire with ads I love that I think the second question after that was similar I lost my spot so I'm going back up here let's see put all your questions down guys and GS we're doing a like a power through of um these questions here let's see um um is it okay to run you know what let me go back to I'm sorry you guys let me get off my phone and go to the actual Facebook [Music] streaming and pull up the questions there um I see ton of questions coming so let me see if I could go to all questions okay here we go um what do you recommend uh an international Agency on launching uh in the US like how do they launch in the US and if they want to go after okay here here's the honest truth you you're trying to make American dollars and you're in a different country then you're going to have like there's going to be it's going to be harder like there's there's no denying that people are like well I'm in blank country can I just get us clients that's like if I try to go get clients in Germany it's I don't speak German you know it's gonna be hard for me is it possible yes but it's going to require me to level up right so so I I would say that if you're trying to get us clients launch everything that we taught you but you have two options you can either what I would do just to give you an answer is I would find build my team in the US or find a business partner who's in the US because it get it's like if I was trying to get clients in Germany I could go find someone in Germany who speaks English who can be my business partner for that country right so so so yeah or or like or you can also just play on hard mode like it will be harder right yeah but then you also get the benefits that if it works the return on the currency is way higher for most countries not you know or for some countries so what I would do is I would probably find someone who's in the US or build my team in the US so that I can leverage them to overcome some of the challenges when it comes to the language when it comes to the time zone difference when it comes to the cultural differences in terms of how businesses done like if I was trying to go and build a business in Japan they approach business differently they might not be as so so so I'm gonna I'm gonna find someone in Japan who can partner with me that's probably my easiest way if I want to leverage that country so yep Andrew Phillips hey Andrew um he's asking if I have a client that is kind of on the fence about paying and I don't have a client who I can provide social proof with to help close a deal what do you suggest that I do to get that client over the fence without social proof as you start out the the the a better question to ask yourself is how do I get Social proof as fast as possible so that this never becomes an issue again so the the the reality is closing clients without social proof is very hard so it's like the better problem to solve is how do I get Social proof so that this isn't a thing that keeps happening yeah what what I would do is I would offer either a reactivation campaign or a Google review campaign that we taught you how to do on day one in exchange for testimonial and we even gave you the script to downsell it on day three yesterday gave you the script to downsell um Google review campaign or reactivation campaign so what I would probably do if you can't get them over the edge is say hey why don't we just start with a Google riew campaign or um the activation campaign and and and I'll do that for you at no cost in exchange for teson monal video and now way you're not pitching him and you're also solving the problem of social proof got it um Dino is asking with how many clients is the right time to transition to done with you I have worked with eight clients so far and I have three testimonials I'm currently doing all done for you working with medp doing Facebook ads so I guess the question is when do you get to that transition of models it's not a it's not of when do you get to that if you want to start a done with you business you're starting another business like an agency and a Consulting business are totally completely different businesses so it's not a oh when do I unlock the ability to do so it's more like okay well if you want to start a Consulting business that's fine but that's not an agency and vice versa what I would say is be very careful to start Consulting businesses where you teach them how to do Market marketing where they don't want to do their marketing so for example Realtors they like to do their marketing they like to post on social media entrepreneurs like to do their marketing a dentist would rather much rather pay someone to do it than ever have to go into the ads manager ever so if you're like I'm going to teach dentist how to do it you're you're going up it's going to be an uphill battle here's the other thing I would say personally Consulting businesses unless you have a Big Brand where people with here's the thing I'm going to just go into a quick Spiel with Consulting you are the product they are buying you so if you don't have a big brand if you don't have a super successful met Spa if you don't have a huge influence already it's going to be an uphill battle because you are the product it's not ads you they're buying you just like you guys are like oh how do I work if you're like how do I work with Joel you're buying me right right so so the thing to keep in mind is when you're doing an ads agency or SAS agency whatever you're doing they're buying the product the service not you they just know that you they just trust you to be able to deliver on that that is much harder guys getting someone to buy you for who you are and not what you offer is much harder on the sale much easier to fulfill much harder on the sale much easier to fulfill so just know that you're going to probably struggle to get clients and yeah it'll be easier to fulfill but now it's harder to get client so personally I would build your agency unless you're if you're like a huge influence in the metpa space or you have a huge following I would just keep building your agency personally yeah yep and I don't recommend people selling their time because it's not scalable either even if you got a yes you could only do that for a limited amount of time so it's not worth your time typically Alexander is asking Joel what is a SAS agency as opposed to a traditional marketing agency um I mean that's a better question for for you Paulson I don't know how you guys position it but I it's just selling higher level without the service I think the key is productizing your fulfillment where it doesn't involve humans to create that fulfillment deliver to your clients so then you're dependent on Systems and Technology versus talent and skills of like an ad buyer why do people jump into the world of SAS agency because no matter what you do even if you have white glove service amazing fulfillment we know for a fact within the first 90 days based on the data that we have in set high level today we know the first 90 days of most agencies they will get a cancelled client Within first 90 days 76 or 74% of agencies traditional agencies lose their client because of churn so you have to implement things like what Joel's teaching you because you have to stay on top of prospecting and sales as the agency model traditional agency model has a big leaky bucket now if you add a software to the mix you lower that turn from 76% down to under 67% or even 5% so what happens is this let's say you go sell Facebook ads but you want you know they cancel the Facebook ads for whatever reason what what you're what as an assass agency what you can do is tell them hey you want to keep your CRM you want to keep the system for reviews you want to keep the system to engage with your customers we'll charge you $200 a month or $500 a month therefore allowing you to stay on as a vendor for a long time usually two to three 3 years versus you just walking out the back door because Facebook ads didn't work so a lot of high level agencies today are transitioning into the SAS agency model where they're kind of creating the hybrid of providing you know skill and talent oriented services on top of product and technology that is like an operating system now this is not for everybody it's a complicated system for you to now figure out what kind of Technology matters to the business so for that for that we have things like the five-day challenge that you can learn how to sell SAS you can come to our Mastermind we have a SAS preneur course uh but either way that's why that's the difference between the SAS agency and the traditional agency model Alex let's see um let's see last question okay last [Music] question let me just pick a gray question for you okay here's a good one um how do I level myself up as an entrepreneur over time I think that's a great okay great question and on I'll tell you guys a story I'll tell you guys a story so I graduated college and I applied for this I wanted to be an entrepreneur in college I had two failed businesses I had a DJing company for weddings and parties and then I had a software actually called maou which completely Tink and I was trying to build interest based social media which essentially were like Facebook groups but you could essentially create a Facebook group within a certain mile radius didn't work both failed businesses then I wanted to go and start a a beverage company and and like a healthy drinks company and my dad actually said hey Joel why don't you go and work for two years get your take a step back then three steps forward which was great advice so then I applied for this program called Venture for America and it's very competitive most of the people that got in were like Harvard Yale Princeton upen even the entire training was at Brown University and it was a very intimidating interview so for for example they had us so I got into the interview and they had us go to New York go to this uh this huge sky scraper at the very top and it was a group interview all day long and even uh Damon John from Shark Tank was there so like you had some big time people as the judges interviewing you I was scared out of my mind I did not sleep the night before I was on like one hour of sleep I was intimidated I had never done anything this intense I was like I didn't go to these schools these people are probably smarter than me which by the way funny enough side tangent most of those people didn't end up being entrepreneurs after the program which is very interesting uh whereas the non IB League school people most of them ended up becoming entrepreneurs which is interesting but side note anyways I get up as part of you have to do a pitch that was part of the interview and I get up I'm in front of like uh I'm interviewing with like six or seven other people and I have all the judges big skyscraper really intense I'm on very little sleep and I have a panic attack I have a panic attack I'm I feel like I'm gonna die no it's it's really it's it's I don't know if you've ever had one but it's it's extremely uncomfortable you feel like you're going to die someone take me to the hospital and and you start to like get depersonalized you start to feel like you're you're on drugs you start to feel but not in a good way like you feel uncomfortable and panic starts to sink in I start to get really anxious my heart's beating really fast and I literally don't say a word and I sit down I skip my turn that day I grew a massive fear because before that I didn't have it but that day I think it was the lack of sleep all these things I grew a massive fear of public speaking that day okay after that I was afraid afraid deeply afraid to public speak like my body would just have terrible reactions to it and so long story short I end up getting weight listed into the program because of that moment I end up writing to the CE hey give me another shot he ends up letting me off the way weightless into the program and guess what I got placed in a company in Colorado where my job for the next two years was going to be to do public speaking oh my so I'm like freaking out I don't to have to do public speaking for two years and face my fear and I remember telling myself Joel as long as you continue to lean in and face your fear over time you will get better does you don't have to be the best public speaker in the world you don't have to be this so super comfortable just show up just keep showing up first time I did public speaking as part of that job I was shaky I didn't have a panic attack but I was severely uncomfortable second time same thing third time maybe a little bit better that year I went on to do over 500 hours of public speaking I spoke in front of crowds of anywhere between 10 people all the way to over 500 people that's a lot of people in a room and now today fast forward today I am so comfortable public speaking that even if I completely lose my train of thought I feel no pressure If I literally you put me on a stage or the microphone I forget what I'm going to say I'm like sorry guys or if I need a break I need to go to I'm getting off stage I do I lost all I became so comfortable that I don't even care anymore if things don't go well to the point where I started doing improvised comedy classes to get better to show up every single day and improve every single day and improve every single day improve now you can put me on a stage in front of strangers with no preparation I feel totally comfortable there's I have no shame but here's the thing I had to lean into the challenge every single time and I had to grind through some very scary periods over those two years and even like a year later after I had gotten more comfortable every once in a while I would have a random anxiety attack on stage or a random kind of flashback and I just told myself keep showing up and the reason I'm sharing this story is because most entrepreneurs as soon as something gets hard or scary they they they kind of resist they push back they delay and really the only way for you guys to become better entrepreneurs is to keep leaning in do you have do your CL are your clients getting bad results lean into that problem lean call them try to figure it out don't get scared and like oh I don't want to call the clients and face the reality no face it head on did your team member just quit on you because you weren't a good leader lean into that why did that happen call them hey can I get I know you're leaving I just want to get feedback so that I can be better you're afraid to cold call you're afraid to talk to clients talk to clients and get rejected you guys have to get comfortable with the uncomfortable that's how I believe and and it happens it doesn't go away it just changes at every level for example you guys probably had to get comfortable with managing a huge company like it's very different than being like a 10 you know five to 10 person team now you guys have hundreds of team members it it could be scary now you have hundreds of people relying on you not only that high level has tens of thousands of individuals and all their clients relying on them that's pressure that most people will never have to deal with and that could be extremely uncomfortable but the entrepreneurs that win are the ones that continue to lean in so that's a good place to end if you guys want to get better on at entrepreneurship and and you asked me how do I become the best entrepreneur I would just say there there's no magic formula besides continuing to lean in lean into learning new skills lean into facing challenges lean into Innovation lean into the uncomfortable so hopefully that helps absolutely let me let me go ahead and just um say something to everyone here Joel Joel and I have a friendship over the you know many years and and um he's always extremely generous in providing information to the high level of family and you know I'm very appreciative of you Joel you don't have to do what you're doing the folks that you brought on the experts that you brought on they as well we just want to give you all your flowers that you're do um obviously you know you have a great relationship with high level will continue doing great great things give give Joel as an appreciation type in a one in the chat if you got at least one thing out of the last four days give me a one in the chat and I'm talking about in the Facebook streaming chat as a thank you to Joel Kaplan as a thank you to Isaac Rubble Sergio who couldn't be here that we Ted from as well um Ashton fasel Aaron uh Marcus Christian Christian yeah yeah who else did I miss any Isaac Isaac yeah and there's also like 30 40 people on the high level Team Jordan Jordan's been the MVP that huge yeah huge shout out um and we have a lot more things huge shout out to you man of course I literally you guys all these workshops that high level does all the education all the free value is because of it started with Paulson it really did yeah he he put himself on the line and said we're doing this many years ago go yeah now we have departments built around just these workshops which is insane um but anyways this is all man you you should be proud of yourself man like that's that's really cool we have a big helping a lot of people you know we have a big task at hand we have 70,000 agencies today in this group it's my personal goal for myself to level up 70,000 agencies and that number keeps going up every week because next week it'll be 75,000 agencies and my goal is to level and scale all every single agency no agencies Left Behind or marketers or Consultants or course creators or branders or coaches like everyone now we're we've kind of went past the agency Avatar now there's a lot of different people even business owners are in here every single one of you business owners and entrepreneurs I want to level up that's my goal and we're going to continue doing this more often more rapid more F more depth but anyways thanks for watching the three can I one yeah for just for you man I uh you know before we did that 10day Workshop in 2019 I used to be very secretive about my intellectual property about what I know about my strategies my tactics and that Workshop was the workshop that made me want to give everything away for free that was like the turning point where I saw oh my God if you really give like not only do you help a lot of people but you actually grow so much so I want to thank you man what I wanted to do with this three-day Workshop was to destroy the 10-day workshop and overd deliver even more and we gave you there was nothing else to show you guys honestly you know yeah that's the business model so you did it I appreciate you Joel um anyways replays will be in the YouTube channel in case if you don't have a highle account anyways have a good rest of your afternoon morning um Joel happy holidays to you my guy I probably won't see you probably next event that we will be at um but anyways I'll go ahead on that not my knee my knee will be healed by then that was one of the cool things about your coaching programs and once in a while in the masterminds uh everybody got to hoop never seen the only the only downside is people had a were on a mission to beat me so like there's one of my very good friends Neville he's a big dude okay he should not I should not I should not be guarding him and and he should not be guarding me okay he's a center I'm a small forward okay oh my gosh he's strong and he was literally like Jo I'm going to eat you alive and I got a little freaked out oh man and you're like 6'2 or 6'3 you're pretty tall guy one yeah yeah but anyways any we'll get off we'll get off have a good rest of day um we we do have another Workshop in the in the ramp up uh and so just stay on the lookout for that but anyways