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Navigating Life's Storms with Faith
Aug 1, 2024
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Lecture Notes: "Whatever You Do, Don't Drown"
Key Scripture: Mark 4:35
: "Let us cross over to the other side."
Main Idea
: God doesn't bring you this far to leave you. He will see His work to completion.
Main Message: "Whatever You Do, Don't Drown"
The message encourages lifting up one's head and being encouraged despite current circumstances.
God finishes what He starts.
Key Points from Mark 4:35-41
: Jesus and disciples encounter a storm while crossing the Sea of Galilee.
Jesus' Response
: He rebukes the wind and calms the sea, questioning the disciples' faith.
: Trust in God even when circumstances seem dire.
Acknowledgement of God's presence and power in the room.
Request for miracles, signs, wonders, and peace.
Personal Anecdote: "When it Rains, It Pours"
: Life's troubles often come in waves, leading to compounded drama and difficulties.
: Some people become paranoid, expecting bad things to happen, and stop taking risks.
Dealing with Storms
Types of Responses to Life's Challenges
: Avoid taking risks to control outcomes and avoid pain.
: Take risks regardless of pain, sometimes leading to reckless behavior.
: Give up control and let life dictate outcomes.
Biblical Perspective on Storms
: Life has ups and downs; storms are a part of life.
Disciples in Mark 4
: Anger and fear towards Jesus during the storm.
Key Insight
: The presence of storms is not God's fault; it's part of living in a broken world.
How to Survive a Storm
Key Thoughts
It is Going to Rain
: Expect storms in life.
: Golf game interrupted by rain; being prepared makes a difference.
Biblical Reference
: John 16:33 - In the world, you will have tribulation but take heart, Jesus has overcome the world.
Building Boats
: Use wisdom to prepare for and navigate storms.
Natural Wisdom
: Applying practical wisdom can mitigate drama (e.g., P90X analogy).
: Delaying action can worsen problems (e.g., roof leak illustration).
Speaking to the Waves
: Use authority in Christ to rebuke spiritual opposition.
Spiritual Authority
: Disciples had the power to calm the storm but didn't realize it.
: Jesus rebuking the wind and waves, indicating a spiritual battle.
Sub Points for Each Key Thought
When Realizing a Storm is Coming
Don't freak out and make impulsive decisions.
Don't turn your back on Jesus.
Don't become selfish; help others even in your storm.
Building a Boat
Do it today; don't procrastinate.
Apply wisdom in daily life.
Procrastination can multiply storms.
Speaking to the Waves
Recognize when a storm is spiritual.
Use the authority of Jesus to rebuke the storm.
Final Encouragement
Faith and Action
: Balance between spiritual authority and practical wisdom.
: Inviting Jesus into your life and boat, surrendering to His guidance.
Call to Action
: Openly declare the promises of God and use His authority to calm life's storms.
Prayer for Salvation
: Leading the audience in a prayer to invite Jesus into their lives.
: Encouraging the congregation to celebrate those making decisions for Christ.
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