Creating and Using a Self-Signed Certificate with OpenSSL and Apache

Jul 16, 2024

Creating and Using a Self-Signed Certificate with OpenSSL and Apache


  • Purpose: Self-signed certificates are used for development purposes.
  • Legitimate Certificates: For websites on the internet, use certificates from a Certificate Authority (CA).

What is a Self-Signed Certificate?

  • Usage: Suitable for development, not production.
  • Creation Tool: OpenSSL.

Steps to Create a Self-Signed Certificate

1. Become the Root User

  • Avoid using sudo for each command.
  • Access issues to private directories can occur with sudo.

2. Use OpenSSL to Create the Certificate

  • Syntax: openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/filename.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/filename.crt

  • Parameters:

    • -x509 : Output a self-signed certificate instead of a certificate request.
    • -nodes : No DES, do not encrypt the private key.
    • -days 365 : Certificate is valid for 365 days.
    • -newkey rsa:4096 : Generate an RSA key with 4096 bits.
    • -keyout : Specify the file to write the private key to.
    • -out : Specify the file to write the certificate to.
  • File Locations:

    • Key file: /etc/ssl/private/filename.key
    • Certificate file: /etc/ssl/certs/filename.crt

3. Configure Apache

  • Configuration File: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
  • Modifying Configurations:
    • Edit using any preferred text editor (e.g., Gedit).
    • Update the SSLCertificateFile directive to point to your certificate file.
    • Verify path accuracy (e.g., /etc/ssl/certs/filename.crt).

4. Change Ownership

  • Change ownership of the certificate and key files to Apache user (www-data).
    • chown www-data:www-data /etc/ssl/certs/filename.crt
    • chown www-data:www-data /etc/ssl/private/filename.key

5. Enable SSL and Required Modules in Apache

  • Commands:
    • a2enmod ssl : Enable SSL module.
    • a2enmod headers : Enable Headers module.
    • a2ensite default-ssl : Enable the default SSL site.
    • Restart Apache: systemctl restart apache2

Test Configuration

  • Open the browser and navigate to the site.
  • Self-signed certificate warning appears (expected).
  • Add an exception and proceed.


  • Self-signed certificates are useful for development but not trusted for production use.
  • Apache needs modification to recognize and use the new certificate files.