Animating React Websites with Framer Motion

Aug 8, 2024

Transforming Websites with Framer Motion


  • Framer Motion is a library for adding animations and interactions to React websites.
  • Capable of scroll-based animations, hover effects, drag controls, layout animations, etc.
  • The tutorial aims to help developers create clean, springy interactions using Framer Motion.


  • Basic React skills:
    • Creating components
    • Using props
  • Basic CSS understanding is helpful but not mandatory.

Overview of Framer Motion

  • Focus on the motion component as the core unit for animations.
  • Similar to JSX but prepends "motion." to standard HTML elements.
  • Alternative approaches exist (e.g., hooks) but will not be covered in this tutorial.
  • For advanced tutorials, refer to the presenter’s YouTube channel.


  • Set up a barebones React project (Next.js used in this case).
  • Install Framer Motion: yarn add framer-motion or npm install framer-motion.
  • Styles will primarily be inline.

Basic Animation Example

  1. Creating a Motion Component:
    • Import motion from Framer Motion.
    • Create a basic motion.div for animations.
  2. Initial and Animate Props:
    • Use initial and animate to define starting and ending states of animations.
    • Example: Rotate a box on mount.
  3. Transition Prop:
    • Adjust animation speed and easing with the transition prop.
    • Easing types include ease-in-out, spring, etc.
  4. Exit Animations:
    • Use the exit prop to define how components animate out when unmounted.
    • Wrap components with AnimatePresence for exit animations to work.

Gesture-Based Animations

  • Hover Effects:
    • Use whileHover to define animations on hover, e.g., scale up the button.
  • Click Effects:
    • Use whileTap to define animations on click, e.g., scale down and rotate the button.
  • Using Motion Config:
    • Use motion.config to define transitions for multiple components at once.

Animation Controls

  • Use animation controls to trigger animations on different components based on events.
  • Example: Clicking a button rotates another element.
  • Implement using useAnimation hook and passing controls to the animate prop.

View-Based Animations

  • Animate components based on their position in the viewport.
  • Use useInView for detecting if an element is in view.
  • Example: Fading in a box as it comes into view.
  • Options can limit the animation to trigger only once.

Scroll-Based Animations

  • Create a progress bar that fills as the user scrolls down the page.
  • Use useScroll to track scroll progress and animate elements based on scroll position.
  • Example: Scale a div's height to represent scroll progress.
  • Use useTransform for mapping scroll values to colors or other properties.


  • All code examples will be available on GitHub for reference.
  • The excellent documentation for Framer Motion is highly recommended for deeper understanding and advanced animations.
  • Encouragement for interaction (likes and subscriptions) to motivate further tutorials.