hey there future nurse now I know I'm getting ahead of myself here but I bet you'll like this video and if you do be sure to head to simplenursing.com YouTube for way more content than you can get here and you can sign up for free hey there nursing students in the field of healthcare effective communication is Paramount and mastering medical terminology is a crucial step towards achieving that goal today we'll embark on a comprehensive journey through an intricate world of medical terms equipping you with the knowledge and skill to decipher and comprehend this complex language with ease now let's review the importance of medical terminology for nursing students as future Healthcare professionals you'll encounter a vast array of medical terms on a daily basis whether you're reading medical reports communicating with colleagues or providing patient education a solid grasp of medical terminology will enable you to convey information accurately and efficiently furthermore this knowledge will enhance your understanding of diag noes procedures and treatment plants ultimately allowing you to deliver better patient care so let's get into word roots at the core of medical terminology lie word root these form the foundation of many medical terms these roots often derived from Greek or Latin provide clues to the meanings of the term for example the root cardi or cardio or even cardi B oh no I'm just kidding but cardio relates to the heart while neuro pertains contain through the nervous system so by mastering these roots you'll be able to decipher unfamiliar terms a lot more easily so here are some examples of word roots in action Cardiology is simply the study of the heart neurology is the study of the nervous system and gastroenterology is the study of the digestive system now let's briefly discuss the prefixes and the suffixes so prefixes and suffixes are simply word parts that modify or supplement the meaning of the root word word prefixes are added at the beginning of a word while suffixes are added at the end for instance the prefix hyper simply means excessive or increased while suffix itis indicates inflammation some examples of prefix and suffixes in action hypertension is simply high blood pressure appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix and tacac cardia simply means increased heart rate in medical terminology there are all also combining forms which are word roots that can stand alone or be combined with prefixes suffixes or other roots to create new terms these forms often provide information about specific body parts conditions or even procedures so here are some examples gastro means stomach cyto means a cell and arthro means the joint now moving on to constructing medical terms now that you understand the building blocks of medical terminology let's explore how to construct terms by combining various word Parts this process involves following a specific order which is a prefix plus the root word plus the suffix for example hypo calmia the prefix hypo simply means low or meaning a deficiency the root hell means potassium and the suffix emia means a condition inside the blood so putting it all together hypokalemia refers to low potassium inside the blood mastering medical terminology requires consistent practice and exposure for more quick medical terminology lessons at simplenursing.com youout to reinforce your understanding additionally seek opportunities to engage with medical professionals and immerse yourself in the language of healthcare remember becoming proficient in medical terminology is not an overnight process but with dedication and persistence you'll soon find yourself navigating this language with confidence as well as with ease in conclusion medical terminology is a fundamental aspect of Nursing education and practice by understanding word roots prefixes suffixes and combining forms you'll be equipped to comprehend and communicate effectively in the healthcare setting so Embrace this journey of learning medical terminology as it will not only enhance your professional skills but will also contribute to providing EX exceptional patient care keep practicing stay curious and never stop expanding your knowledge in this fascinating fi and remember don't be scared be prepared thanks for watching and please be sure to head to the link in the description below for way more helpful content see you guys there