hey hey tribe welcome back in today's video we're going to be going over the memorization technique I came up with aota for Eric Ericson's 8 stages of psychosocial development so stay tuned okay so let's dive into it um as you can see listed below here on your screen we have stage number one trust versus mistrust stage number two autonomy versus shame and doubt stage number three initiative versus guilt stage number four industry versus anority stage number five identity versus roken confusion stage number six intimacy versus isolation stage number seven generativity versus stagnation and stage number eight ego integrity versus despair now I know in particular with stages three four five and six it could be uh challenging to remember the order because they all begin with I so I came up with something uh a memorization technique aota and to be fair you don't have to say the AO part I just like saying AOA because it just kind of flows better but uh T is for trust T and then uh autonomy T again I just like saying AA um and there's only one out of the eight stages there's only one stage that begins with a T and there's only one stage that begins with an a t uh and I like using my hand because it helps keep track of what stage we're at hand up T trust first stage uh autonomy so when we say t one finger up for the first stage uh Second Stage T trust autonomy and then we get to initiate and it helps because out of all the eyes in the eight stages initiate meaning to begin something right we're initiating something so uh focus on memorizing Tia initiate Tia initiate or if you're like myself aota initiate T initiate initiate is the third stage T trust a autonomy initiate right that's the third stage T initiate and from there we can really flow it all together T initiate the industry to identify intimacy G and I put I put G GE if we look at stage number seven generativity versus stagnation and then the eighth stage ego integrity versus despair I think the eighth stage is the easiest one to identify because it literally happens last later adulthood 65 plus so if we got a question on exam uh speaking to the client being 65 plus and then reflecting on life life and everything they're referring to the eighth stage but again we're going to go through this and really practice it and we got some practice questions as well so hands up t uh initiate the industry to identify intimacy G GE and again let's uh dive into the questions so so Eric Ericson's practice question number one what is Eric Ericson's fourth stage of psychosocial development a initiative versus guilt B identity versus Ro confusion C intimacy versus isolation or D industry versus inferiority you know how we do pause the video take a sec reread the question read the answer choices select your best answer unpause and we'll dive into it okay if you picked D industry versus infity you are correct this is the fourth stage and remember let's use the technique and we'll even scroll back up and again I like saying AO AO T first stage uh Second Stage initiate the industry uhoh four fingers are up t uh initiate the industry four fingers are up what did the question asks for the four stage so that's why this one is industry versus inferiority but how about this one practice question number two what is Eric Ericson's third stage of psychosocial development take a sec pause and then we'll break it down okay let's hands up t uh initiate oh stop right there three fingers are up it's asking for the third stage t uh initiate so the answer to this one is a initi initiative versus guilt and I say initiate because it just flows better but it still gets us to the right answer we not done we not done let's go to the third practice question what is Eric Ericson's six stage of psychosocial development take a sec pause and we'll break it down all right hands up and again I like saying AO AO T initiate the industry to identify intimacy six six fingers well this is a thumb but it's on the the sixth stage intimacy so the answer for this one would be C intimacy versus isolation and again we're not done we going through this how about question number four what is Eric Ericson's fifth stage of psychosocial development a initiative versus guilt B identity versus Ro confusion C intimacy versus isolation or D industry versus inferiority and let's go through this one together hands up a t uh initiate the industry to identify uhoh identify five fingers identify this one is B identity versus Ro confusion and again we not done we going through this we practicing question number five what is Eric Ericson's fourth stage of psychosocial development hands up aot t uh initiate the industry oh industry industry fourth stage this is D industry versus inferiority right we're going to keep going we going to keep going question number six what is Eric Ericson's seventh stage of psychosocial development a initiative versus guilt B ego integrity versus despair C intimacy versus isolation or D generativity versus stagnation hands up AO t uh initi iate the industry to identify intimacy g g g the seven stage is the G AO T initiate the industry to identify intimacy g g so this one is D generativity versus stagnation that is the seventh stage all right let's keep flowing question number seven what is Eric Ericson's six stage of psychosocial development a initiative versus guilt B identity versus Ro confusion C intimacy versus isolation or D industry versus infi hands up AO t uh initiate the industry to identify intimacy six this is C intimacy versus isolation this is the six stage all right how about question number eight what is Eric Ericson's eighth stage of psychosocial development a initiative versus guilt B ego integrity versus disp fa C intimacy versus isolation or D generativity versus stagnation hands up AO t uh initiate the industry to identify intimacy G GE e eth stage ego integrity versus despair is the ath stage so this answer is B all right let's keep going question number nine what is Eric Ericson's third stage of psychosocial development a initiative versus guilt B identity versus R confusion C intimacy versus isolation or D industry versus infity hands up AO t uh a initiate stop right there remember when we get to it we don't have to go any further AO T initiate third stage initiate so that would be a initi initiative versus guilt that is the third stage and when we go to question number 10 what is Eric Ericson's fifth stage of psychosocial development a initiative versus guilt B identity versus Ro confusion C intimacy versus isolation or D industry versus inferiority hands up aot t uh initiate the industry to identify pause right there identify five so this one is B identity versus Road confusion that is the fifth stage and now let's slow it all the way down hands up AO T first stage uh Second Stage initiate third stage the industry fourth stage to identify fifth stage intimacy sixth stage G the G and the E is the seventh and the eighth and the g g it begins G begins with the G and then it's the E so the G is generativity and the E is uh ego integrity versus Despair and it's like Ray how about we saw um instead of ego Integrity it just said Integrity well for the answer choices even if they just said let's say integrity versus despair um that happens later at life you know so when you see despair that's if they didn't aeve the healthy outcome cuz they're reflecting on life and that happens the last stage in life because they've been through all the stages because it happens uh when someone is 65 plus again let's go through it one more time hands up aot t uh initiate the industry to identify intimacy I have a bonus question more of a traditional uh Eric Ericson Theory style of question that may appear on the exam a social worker meets with a married couple for Education about parenting the mother says she is hesitant to allow their child to dress themselves in the morning the social worker explains the importance of supporting their child during this time according to Eric Ericson's psychosocial stages of development what stage of development is the social worker most likely referring to a intimacy versus isolation B initiative versus gift guilt C trust versus mistrust or D autonomy versus shame and doubt you know how we do pause the video take a second to reread the question reread the answer choices select your best answer unpause and we'll dive into the explanation okay if you picked D you are correct why so what is this question a reflection and example of a intimacy versus isolation this is incorrect why because this stage occurs in adulthood uh people begin to focus on intimacy and sharing themselves more intimately with others outside of our family members so the fact that this occurs in adulthood this is this one is just automatically out and then when we look at B initiative versus guilt this is incorrect why this stage is focused on the child taking the initiative to explore and develop their interpersonal skills primarily through playing with other children because that's how children socialize um that's not what this question is a reflection of so this one is incorrect and then we get to see trust versus mistrust this is incorrect why this stage focuses on basic needs and affection being provided by their parents and developing a healthy sense of trust in others or developing that mistrust again if that need isn't fulfilled and quick quick side note um hey Ray is the age a a straight up giveaway if we see it on the exam uh some not all what do I mean by that well if we get to Eric Ericson's question on the exam and they're speaking to the client being 65 plus and they're reflecting on life well 65 plus that's the eighth stage of ego integrity versus despair where they're reflecting on their life and you know how satisfied they are with it or not for trust versus mistrust because this is the AG is from birth to one and a half I have never seen or heard a question on the exam that said a social worker meets with a one yearold a 4month old or anything like that so the age itself isn't a a giveaway for all of these ones especially not for trust M uh mistrust I've never seen that but the answer to this question is D autonomy versus shame and doubt why uh autonomy means the right or condition of self-government referring to that Independence self-sufficiency parents help their toddler develop autonomy independence self-sufficiency by allowing them to care for themselves by picking out their own clothes to wear uh what they want to eat what toys they want to play with and supporting them during potty training when they accidentally pee indor soil themselves so they know that it's okay to make mistakes that's what this question is referring to to cuz when we scroll back up what did the question ask a social worker meets with a married couple for Education about parenting the mother says she is hesitant to allow their child to dress themselves in the morning the social worker explains the importance of supporting their child during this time according to Eric Ericson's psychosocial stages of development what stage of development is the social worker most likely referring to and as we covered this one is more so speaking to de autonomy versus shame and doubt and supporting their child and doing things for themselves having that autonomy I want to wear this I want to eat this Mommy Daddy I want to do this I want to do that so this the answer to this one is D autonomy versus shame and doubt okay tribe that's it for today's video that was uh my memorization technique aota for Eric Ericson's eight stages of psychosocial development uh as always don't forget to like comment and subscribe and tell a social work friend especially any social worker you know name Tia cuz we don't want to be licensed by ourselves and I'm actually upload this word document into our Facebook group so if you like to join uh the Facebook s of our tribe uh click the link below and yeah become a part of it you can download it in the file section and as always you got this you got this you got this you got this two practice questions a day and at least one practice exam a month that consistency we got this all right tribe I'll see you next video bye