Transcript for:
Making Money on TikTok Shop Daily Routine

yo what is going on everyone today I'm going to show you a realistic day in the life of me making over $1,000 a day on Tik Tok shop without doing crazy amounts of work and just knowing how the algorithm works I'm going to show you guys kind of just what we do all day every day I know this is a different type of video I do a lot of car content but right now this has been like a really hot subject and I feel like I wanted to teach a lot more people on how you can actually do this and how to make more money how to become financially free so we're doing this right now I got my coffee I'm going to be drinking this up and then right now I'm actually working on a Discord server so that everyone can join in and then we can all work together and working on just creating content so right now it's 10:42 so far I made one video on my one page I'm going to show you guys how much I made already today on just my main page all right so Bitcoin should to click down here hold on I don't know why it's not focusing going to click on Tik Tok shop and then so this is for this week I made 4300 on this account but for today we made right now so far a and wait let me show you $143 I have not done anything today so far I've literally just woke up and we're already at 143 I made a new account as well let me show you guys that and on this account I already have two sales which is pretty cool I just made it yesterday so that's pretty cool just to see I don't know why but after having those two sales on that account I just kind of feel even better about it like how easy it is to just make money off a Tik Tok shop it's even more motivating and I can do it on multiple accounts so that I can just keep on scaling it up but I want to show you guys what we've been doing every day so so today I already made a video on Guru Nanda I just did a product video for that that's another video I got to make and you can see my room's kind of a mess because I have so many different products and you'll even see once you go out there don't mind the mess right there there's just too much going on right now so you guys can kind of see we have so many things from Tik Tock shop right now just a ton of boxes that we've been getting I'll show you guys that one second let me show you in the garage this right here is all the boxes that we've been getting for Tik Tok shop and this is just some of it there's some over there as well and a lot that we already threw out but this is goes to show you we did not pay for any of this Tik Tok shop send us every single one of these packages for free it's kind of wild they're just giving away free products but as long as you make a video on them you're good to go but yeah coming over to the setup so this is what we got going on right now so we sell a lot of the car air fresheners on Tik to shop and what we have is two studio lights I decided to buy some of these off of Amazon these little spinny things and I felt like that was a really good touch for the live stream so what we do is that we set up three different iPads and we have them all f facing towards this setup and then we have a full live stream going on play some music on the laptop right here and then we just sit right behind the three moderate everything talk to the people anyone that wants to buy we just kind of talk to them and help them out with their orders so then they can get their own air freshener I'm going to show you guys that later on once Eric is live cuz then I can kind of just show exactly how it goes about it is pretty cool not many people are doing it like how we are with that with having multiple accounts and all live streaming cuz it's just kind of like a certain way that we're doing it but I got to run out right now to Walmart because I got to get some lisine to put into this uh water flosser apparently it does really well if you put mouthwash in here like people click on it or watch the video way longer I don't know why and then you can see I got a bunch more Guru nandas right here they have not been popping off on my page I don't know why but pretty soon I'm going to find one video that's going to do really good see yeah I got to go get that done and then we'll go to whatever is next from here yes guys the BRZ is still a thing I still have it don't worry I did not get rid of it I'm trying to get a new color pretty soon on that I swear I always say that but I really just want to get a new color but I have not had the time I need to do it soon though I really know I have to I just don't know when might really have just someone paint it for me and do all the work but today we're taking the minivan right here so let's get going oh yeah listen to that purr sounding good like I said I got to run to Walmart let me grab that Listerine and then might go to Aldi's and then that's really it I think we'll be good to go and then we got to come home make a bunch of videos push push them out I got to make like five videos at least today this one as well so but anyways let's get going what's the best for men um you go with the black ice mahogany teak wood leather I mean there's a lot of good ones finally getting my tint done on my truck I got to appointment Monday to get my truck done oh sweet James and then what you going to go with the wheels next for that guys right now is 15% off if you buy four or more and free shipping if you click down below are you the one with a daughter with anxiety uh no I do not have any children okay there's the guy that doesn't with his daughter that's why I ask oh I got you Robin yeah no problem guys right now like I said before I end the live it is 15% off if you buy four or more and you get free shipping click down below these car air freshers last 3 plus months take advantage of the sale right now before I do get off the live you guys kind of just saw what we got going on at the moment and I really like how we have that full setup and we always just keep on rotating back and forth that was just me by myself for a little bit that's usually how we do these things right we're running our live streams every day we're running product videos every day we're constantly getting products in we keep on connecting with companies we just keep on working very hard every day and I'm telling you I am here to help you guys out if you have any questions feel free to drop that below down in the comment section and I'm also coming out with a Discord which will probably be in the description by the time this video is up so if you guys want to check that out click down below and you guys can join it but yeah if you guys need any help don't be afraid to reach out and just ask anything you guys want to because I'm here to help you out and honestly I just kind of like helping others and trying to teach people on how you can do better but yeah guys that's really been it today I really did not do much just because I've just been making videos all day and doing live streams I'm about to go live again I don't even think I'm heading the gym today I think today's a rest day so I'm pretty much just going to cap this video off right there and then hopefully I can make another video pretty soon let me know what you guys want to see on this channel and yeah anyways guys I'll see you all in the next video peace out