Quiz for:
Influential Achievements of Ancient Greece

Question 1

Which military threat to Ancient Greece led to city-states unifying for defense?

Question 2

Which city-state was renowned for its military prowess and valorized its soldiers as heroes?

Question 3

Ancient Greek anthropomorphic deities influenced religious beliefs in which other cultures?

Question 4

What political system first developed in Athens is considered one of Ancient Greece's major achievements?

Question 5

What aspect of Ancient Greek culture served as a foundation for many modern languages?

Question 6

Which type of Greek column is known for its simplicity and strength?

Question 7

What is one key feature of the Greek political entities often in conflict with each other?

Question 8

What notable achievement helped Ancient Greece protect its territories and expand its empire?

Question 9

Greece was initially organized into how many city-states with individual rulers?

Question 10

In what geographical area did Ancient Greece originate approximately 4,000 years ago?

Question 11

What common architectural feature, developed in Ancient Greece, is used in the Parthenon?

Question 12

In what literary work are the heroes of Sparta often celebrated?

Question 13

What area of study in Ancient Greece explored reason, ethics, and natural law?

Question 14

The Olympics were initially created to celebrate what two key elements of Greek society?

Question 15

Which region did Ancient Greece NOT expand to during its height?