ADCs and Supports face unique challenges in bot lane matchups.
Mid lane players can easily find resources (e.g., YouTube replays) to learn matchups, but bot lane is more complicated due to varying support pairings.
Challenges in Bot Lane
Matchup complexity:
ADCs need to learn multiple variations of matchups due to different support champions.
Supports also face similar issues with varying matchups.
Lack of clear strategies leads to players winging their plays, causing inconsistencies.
Game Plan for Bot Lane
Importance of having a solid game plan for laning phase.
Best way to consistently win lanes is by entering with a strategy.
Two-Step Formula for Evaluating Matchups
Identify Key Questions:
How long should my trade be?
Who wins the all-in?
Understand ADC Damage Potential:
Recognize that ADCs typically bring consistent damage.
Supports need to set up winning trades based on ADC strengths.
Understanding Runes
Common ADC Runes:
One Tap Runes: (e.g., Arcane Comet) favor short trades.
Burst Runes: (e.g., Hail of Blades, Press the Attack) favor mid-length trades.
Ramp Up Runes: (e.g., Conqueror) favor longer trades.
Trade Dynamics
Use the health scale to determine trade lengths:
Short trades when the ADC has a One Tap Rune against an opponent with a ramp up Rune.
Longer trades when using Burst or Ramp Up runes.
Matchup Examples
Jhin vs. Draven:
Jhin (Fleet Footwork) should engage with short trades while Draven (Press the Attack) should seek longer trades.
Successful execution of game plan leads to trade advantages.
Kai'Sa vs. Aphelios:
Kai'Sa (Hail of Blades) should aim for short trades against Aphelios (Fleet Footwork).
Awareness of opponent’s rune allows for capitalizing on weaknesses.
Importance of Wave Control
Keep wave positioning in mind to maximize engagement opportunities.
Maintain higher HP and avoid pushing wave too aggressively to prevent unfavorable trades.
Understanding simple game plans will significantly improve laning consistency.
Following the two-step formula allows for better matchup evaluation and decision-making in-game.
Additional Resources
Skill cap offers courses on:
Carrying as ADC and Support
Macro Wave Control, Trading, CSing, and Vision Mechanics.
Risk-free trial available for players looking to improve.