Strategic Bot Lane Matchups Guide

Aug 29, 2024

Bot Lane Matchups in League of Legends


  • ADCs and Supports face unique challenges in bot lane matchups.
  • Mid lane players can easily find resources (e.g., YouTube replays) to learn matchups, but bot lane is more complicated due to varying support pairings.

Challenges in Bot Lane

  • Matchup complexity:
    • ADCs need to learn multiple variations of matchups due to different support champions.
    • Supports also face similar issues with varying matchups.
  • Lack of clear strategies leads to players winging their plays, causing inconsistencies.

Game Plan for Bot Lane

  • Importance of having a solid game plan for laning phase.
  • Best way to consistently win lanes is by entering with a strategy.

Two-Step Formula for Evaluating Matchups

  1. Identify Key Questions:
    • How long should my trade be?
    • Who wins the all-in?
  2. Understand ADC Damage Potential:
    • Recognize that ADCs typically bring consistent damage.
    • Supports need to set up winning trades based on ADC strengths.

Understanding Runes

  • Common ADC Runes:
    • One Tap Runes: (e.g., Arcane Comet) favor short trades.
    • Burst Runes: (e.g., Hail of Blades, Press the Attack) favor mid-length trades.
    • Ramp Up Runes: (e.g., Conqueror) favor longer trades.

Trade Dynamics

  • Use the health scale to determine trade lengths:
    • Short trades when the ADC has a One Tap Rune against an opponent with a ramp up Rune.
    • Longer trades when using Burst or Ramp Up runes.

Matchup Examples

  1. Jhin vs. Draven:

    • Jhin (Fleet Footwork) should engage with short trades while Draven (Press the Attack) should seek longer trades.
    • Successful execution of game plan leads to trade advantages.
  2. Kai'Sa vs. Aphelios:

    • Kai'Sa (Hail of Blades) should aim for short trades against Aphelios (Fleet Footwork).
    • Awareness of opponent’s rune allows for capitalizing on weaknesses.

Importance of Wave Control

  • Keep wave positioning in mind to maximize engagement opportunities.
  • Maintain higher HP and avoid pushing wave too aggressively to prevent unfavorable trades.


  • Understanding simple game plans will significantly improve laning consistency.
  • Following the two-step formula allows for better matchup evaluation and decision-making in-game.

Additional Resources

  • Skill cap offers courses on:
    • Carrying as ADC and Support
    • Macro Wave Control, Trading, CSing, and Vision Mechanics.
  • Risk-free trial available for players looking to improve.