all right direct vasodilators this is our last class for this particular lecture they do exactly that so the mechanism of action so direct vasodilators are really not widely used just because we have so many better options out there um but it's possible so i'll i'm just gonna go through here and i'll let you know what you need to remember for this particular class okay so what happens what's the mechanism of action well we have let me flip to this hopefully um hopefully that's just pretty clear it causes dilation of those vessels right so we have direct arterial smooth muscle relaxation so when those smooth muscles of the arteries are relaxed we have a much better open house so we have better increased in transport of o2 nutrients glucose and then we have more regulated blood pressure so we have decreased blood pressure all right so direct arterial smooth relaxation therapeutic effects we're trying to decrease that blood pressure and then we'll have decreased constriction decreased peripheral vascular resistance decrease afterload so hopefully all these arrows moving in the same direction make sense to you now you've seen it a lot indications would be for somebody who has hypertension and then somebody who has malignant hypertension so this would be hypertension of the patient that came in that's uncontrollable right so normal bp we know it to be around 120 over 80 right or less than that so if someone had very rapid extreme increased blood pressure that would be malignant hypertension okay so somebody with that would probably get a direct vasodilator to help bring down that blood pressure we just have to be careful about not bringing down that blood pressure too fast so precautions concurrent use of multiple drugs affecting bp because we're going to have increased hypotensive effects this drug is given iv typically and then just be careful for renal disease and stroke just again because they have the potential for severe hypotension low blood pressure contraindications so the patient with cerebral edema because it can actually increase their intracranial pressure and then acute mi adverse effects or side effects would be headache and dizziness possibly tachycardia where the heart rate will speed up and then nursing implications we're going to assess the heart rate and blood pressure patient education is pretty much the same right drug side effects bp monitoring hypotension symptoms other drugs which can interact or affect this is a lot of this is repetitive that's why i'm going through it fast and then examples of drugs in class so the only um oops i didn't scroll on reading but not scrolling i apologize so the only drug in class that you'll have to remember for this particular um the only prototype you'll need to remember is the hydrolyzing okay so understand what a direct vasodilator does right it causes direct arterial smooth muscle relaxation so what do we have dilation of those vessels and then the drug you need to remember is hydraulizing okay uh