the way I hold concept is different than the way most people hold concept but hey what else is new okay see so uh concept is is well concept is concept and it's a huge domain see so it's a little bit challenging I'm seeing a little bit challenging to tell you exactly what it is that I'm seeing as concept but I can start with I can start with this it it steps it down though see the moment I start with it's any activity that occurs in what you call mind see this distinction of Mind any activity occurs in mind so but that once again ciz activities so when concept when you're I I can't even because I'm looking at the nature of concept you see and so um it becomes difficult to speak about see but like if we get what is it if I say pain is a concept see obviously see that well that's different that's different saying I'm not saying no you're having a concept about pain no no I'm saying pain is a concept that really hurty stuff itself is a concept see that's a concept see that that stuff that hurts is a concept see now that's that's an unusual take on concept for most people say internal dialogue is an is a conceptual activity what's the activity reproduction of sounds see reprodu the sound of your own voice and you you notice the sound of your own voice sounds different than when you hear it on the outside that's because you're also hearing it inside through the bone you know vibrations and stuff like that so you're hearing your own voice from different perspective than when you hear it on a recorder that's why it sounds different but anyway I see but it's a reproduction sound of your own voice and images what is that that's the reproduction of perceptive faculty right perceive things and then see you get even more creative not so much internal dialogue because internal dialogue is always language but images you can create images that you've never seen before see this is conceptual in nature because concept concept is creative it's created is a creative in an unreal way or non-objective way it has no object to it whatsoever see but only manifests it we can only recognize it when it shows up up in some form see so we can recognize it is pain we can recognize internal we recognize images we can recognize it as what you would call having a thought which often is uh internal dialogue but not always so you can say I have a thought say or some such you know Insight see the conceptual Insight which says also then experiential see it's an experiential but it's occurring is conceptual activity you see so now the this the say the stuff the domain that allows all those things to occur or is all those things occurring see that's what I'm calling concept yeah anything and notice any time you have a concept that you call a concept it's taken some form you say oh I had a thought and it means something I formulated no no no no not formulated I talk to myself I have an image I have a fantasy there's an ideal there's an interpretation whatever see and there's some form Everyone is always specific yeah right and so what I'm talking about is the concept itself is what allows for that and I'm not I'm not talking context here you don't have to go there I'm saying concept itself is what allows for that form it's what's creating that form like a world I get it like a world yeah but that's a concept do you see I'm saying it's too far down it's too it's like um too late yeah yeah yeah see you already you already have a world see now you've got a world oh like the con and it's a concept the concept yeah so then what is concept pain you see see I like to there because nobody can hold pain as a concept see and so really it drives you back wow nonobjective wow yes not objective yes non objective see but everything objective is also conceptualized and interpreted yeah also but there is that ingredient with the the objective which may may not be true but in our reality it lives as exactly true is that no matter what concepts you have going on something is still there yeah you know on the other side of your Concepts kind of thing right see is a reality still there still here Beyond concept and yes you know that is a very powerful distinct very fundamental distinction whether it's an assumption or not that's another question see but the only way we' know that is to know what it is yeah so yeah then I don't think I know what concept is in this I get a sense it's not object it's not of the objective world even if it's unknown I keep wanting to make it something like I keep wanting to make a concept about it to hold it in some way well it's kind of like you know if we if you go down this road that you were just I guess I was um that that you you uh you experience an objective world yeah there's no question about that and as you study it as you investigate as you dwell on it you start noticing yes but there's lots of Concepts about this objective world and that can't be the objective World itself because that's something you're doing and you don't call yourself the objective world except your body say is part of it and but the you that we're speaking about right and so you say okay and then you're hard pressed to find anything in the objective world that's not conceptual in nature because it's all interpreted and because it's interpreted you see but still there is this very powerful distinction that on the other side even as you do that on the other side so to speak of the objective world is still something there you don't know what it is you know and of course you imagine it relates to your interpretation because that's what's useful but see you don't know what it is see so you start driving into this oh but something's there something's there it is reality whatever it is it is reality it is this reality right okay see but it's unknown so do the same thing with Concept the it's the other side of that the other end of that kind of yeah yeah yeah but a different in a different way right see it's like all the stuff in other words okay this is a this is a thought this is internal dialogue this is an image this is a fantasy this is an ideal this is an interpretation okay and kind of like what's on the other side of that so to speak see really well of course the nature is always that but still you know what I'm saying the we're still talking about something yes just like we're talking about something right right right right right right yeah one is to the real all the others to the not real as if kind of yes unless they're the same thing spoiler alert yeah but we don't want to go there thanks for watching if you like this video please consider joining a workshop they're more powerful than you think [Music]