Ultimate HTML and CSS Series - Part 1
- Instructor: Ash Hamadani
- Objective: Learn HTML and CSS from scratch to build fast and beautiful websites.
- Course Structure:
- Fundamentals of HTML and CSS
- Advanced Concepts
- Building a responsive website for the fictional company Mashify.
- Tools Used: Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Prettier, Live Server, Google Chrome.
Tool Setup
- Code Editor:
- Suggestions: Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Sublime Text, Atom.
- Extensions for VS Code:
- Prettier Code Formatter: For code formatting, making code readable.
- Live Server: Launch a web server to view websites locally.
- Browser: Recommended to use Google Chrome for this course.
Web Development Fundamentals
- Languages:
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): Defines the structure of web pages.
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Styles and makes web pages visually appealing.
- JavaScript: Adds functionality and interactivity to web pages.
- Client-Server Model:
- Client: Browser sending requests.
- Server: Responsible for fulfilling requests.
- HTTP Protocol:
- HTTP Request: Browser requesting a resource.
- HTTP Response: Server providing the requested resource.
- Document Object Model (DOM): Represents HTML elements in a hierarchical structure allowing manipulation via JavaScript.
HTML Basics
- Creating an HTML Document:
- Use the
<!DOCTYPE html>
- Essential elements:
, <head>
, <body>
- Basic Elements:
- Paragraph:
- Emphasis:
(displays content in italic by default, used to emphasize text)
- Strong:
(displays content in bold by default, used for strong emphasis)
- Headings:
to <h6>
- Reserved Characters: Use HTML entities like
for <
, >
for >
, ©
for the copyright symbol.
- Links:
with the href
- Images:
with the src
and alt
- Formatting Code: Use Prettier to format code consistently.
Styling with CSS
- Inline CSS: Adding styles directly within HTML using the
- Common CSS Properties:
- Width and Height: Controls the size of elements.
- Border: Adds borders around elements.
- Margin and Padding: Controls spacing around and within elements.
- Display and Position: Controls the layout.
Tools and Workflow
- VS Code Extensions:
- Prettier: Formats HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.
- Live Server: Automatically updates the browser when code changes are saved.
- Chrome DevTools:
- Elements Tab: Inspect and modify HTML and CSS on the fly.
- Network Tab: Monitor network requests and performance.
- Console Tab: Debug JavaScript code.
Creating Your First Web Page
- Steps:
- Create an HTML document with appropriate tags.
- Style elements with inline CSS.
- Format the code using Prettier.
- Run and preview using Live Server.
Summary and Roadmap
- Focus Areas:
- Master HTML and CSS basics.
- Progress to advanced concepts and JavaScript.
- Explore front-end frameworks like React.
- Learn version control with Git.
- Practice building projects to solidify understanding.
- Final Project: Build a complete website for the fictional company Mashify.
Recommendation: Study and practice regularly to build a strong foundation in web development.
Next Steps
- Advanced HTML and CSS: More complex layouts, responsive design.
- JavaScript: Adding interactivity.
- Frameworks and Libraries: Learn React for faster development.
- Version Control Systems: Use Git to manage project history and collaboration.