Transcript for:
Overview of International Baccalaureate Education

for over 40 years an International Baccalaureate education has been helping people cross the boundaries that separate languages countries and cultures today the IB continues that tradition providing a continuum of international education that features four high quality programs for students from three to nineteen years old in a rapidly changing world IB programs aim to develop intercultural understanding and respect a mission reflected in ten core values the IB learner profile describes the attributes of people who are empowered to help create a better and more peaceful world as IB learners we strive to be Inquirer's curious enthusiastic lifelong learners who ask powerful questions knowledgeable exploring locally and globally significant ideas thinkers critical creative ethical decision-makers communicators good listeners confident in more than one language principled honest fair and responsible open-minded developing critical appreciation for our own cultures and the cultures of others caring committed to service with the community risk takers courageous resourceful and resilient balanced focused on well-being for ourselves and those around us reflective thoughtful realistic and hopeful for the future at the heart of an IB education are passionate lifelong learners who believe that how you learn and why your learning is as important as what you study in school students are at the center of IB programs internationally minded people who recognize their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet an IB education means opportunities to develop healthy relationships imagination and ethical reasoning it means building the confidence and persistence students need to achieve goals it means learning what it is to be human and how to thrive in a complex world I be learners work together to turn experience into understanding as they learn how to learn and how to manage their own learning IB students are supported by assessment a variety of strategies through which teachers help them understand how they're doing and how they can keep doing better an IB education helps students build understanding through inquiry action and reflection students learn by doing connecting the classroom with the world beyond IB programs culminate in exhibitions projects and independent research that demonstrate not only what students know but also what they can do an IB education creates learning communities in which students can increase their understanding of language and culture and which can help them to become more globally engaged through IB programs students explore how to face both local and global challenges that involve the environment development conflict rights cooperation and governance the I B's courses and curriculum frameworks are engaging relevant challenging and significant in IB programs students learn content that is worth knowing and that can help them make a difference an IB education spans traditional academic disciplines and pushes students to make connections across many fields of study IB programs are broad and balanced conceptual and connected their rigorous models of assessment have earned widespread respect including recognition of the IB Diploma as an international university entrance qualification the IB represents an independent worldwide community of educators who are committed to excellence thousands of creative IB world schools collaborate to connect high ideals with the day-to-day details of teaching and learning they hold each other mutually accountable to standards and practices that define high quality education programs what makes an ib education unique alumni educators supporters and more than a million students and their families every year working together to make a better world through education you