good morning Dwayne here Dry Creek Wrangler school it's a Sunday morning on the last day of September uh as you can see it's kind of Cloudy and overcast it's chilly and there's a bit of Breeze blowing and fall is fall is here the last student from the last class of the year I left yesterday so Dry Creek running to school is just put another year in the books and so we're done I just got back from the airport where I took mama and she's flying down to Texas to meet one of my daughters and the grandbaby and then they're flying to Kentucky to get ready to meet everybody else uh for the wedding and so we'll be heading out there for the wedding here soon I'll be leaving here I don't know three or four days I got stuff around here I got to get done and get the place in the horses and everything ready for winter and then I'll start heading out heading that way in the truck and meet out there and be there for the wedding and then I'm gonna head up I'm gonna head up to Idaho uh for a while for a long while probably a number of weeks and you know you ever get you let's see how do I you know there's times in life we get to the place where we're like I'm just not in a good place but we can't figure out why and sometimes we think you know I think I'm depressed and sometimes we feel hopeless sometimes we feel helpless and we don't know what to do you know I think a lot of times where we get to a a place that's not a good place it turns out it's it's exhaustion I mean think about it you know if you well they called me when I was in Papua New Guinea I got a call on the UHF radio for some folks said hey will you come up to this uh other Village for a week up there and I said sure so me and some of the guys from the village uh we I got my backpack and everything and we headed out I had never been over there before I did not know what the trip consisted of um and uh so I hiked and hiked and hiked and crossed a major Rushing River on bamboo poles and rocks and and when we got to the sad we had to start going up I don't know if you can hear these little calf over there bawling I think they're Gathering and he's trying to Mama up um so anyhow and you know you've got this long really steep hill and you climb it you climb and you climb it and you can see the top and you get to the top and when you get to the top what do you see you see another Hill keep going on up and all I got tired um and I didn't take into account like like I said I didn't know what I had ahead of me and I didn't eat right that morning I didn't have good breakfast and I just got exhausted and I knew I had a ways to go so I stopped and I rested for about five minutes I mean I really didn't have a whole lot of choice if I didn't stop and sit down I was going to stop and fall down uh I was exhausted and so I'd sit down and catch my breath and get up and and and go a little more and then stop and sit down and it you know it got to the point it's like I'm never going to reach the top it's too far away it's just too hopeless uh it's just but I kept going and and I'd stop for just a little bit and let the quivering in my leg muscles settle down and catch my breath and keep going and I made it all the way that evening into that Village like that and you know what I did when I got to the Village I took my shoes off took my socks off and I went in and I sat down uh and arrested for good but I didn't rest for good until I got to my destination but the point is I had to rest along the way or I wasn't going to get to my destination and you know there's physical exhaustion we you know we do things in life uh if you work out or you play ball or you run or you bicycle uh or you or you know work whatever you do I mean there's there's physical exhaustion but there's also mental exhaustion and emotional exhaustion and you know sometimes we need to figure out what is exhausting me what has made me feel completely drained I have I have nothing left to give well sometimes it's not physical sometimes it's just you're in a mental uh situation and you have been for a long time or in you're in a mental situation and you have been for a long time or you're in a spiritual situation and you have been for a long time and you haven't stopped to rest now if you're going to arrest from physical exhaustion you need to rest for a period from physical activity it's not rocket science makes sense right you have to stop doing what it is that is exhausting you uh so that you can come back to doing it again well if you are mentally exhausted then you need to put that down for a little bit um and until you can rest from it if you're emotionally exhausted then you need to step away from what has got you to that point long enough to rest to recover and then come back to it um and then come back to it all right I don't know if if you're familiar with a book written long time ago by a fella named John Bunyan called Pilgrim's Progress now there's a pilgrim in there and he's got a long journey ahead of me and he's just hadn't been on the journey very long and he's got one of these mountains to climb and he gets part way up this mountain and he's exhausted and there's a little Arbor there for Wayfarers to stop and rest so he stops and the rest is so good and the arbor is so pleasant and everything's so nice he lays down takes a nap uh when he wakes up it's way up late in the day um and and it causes him a whole lot of trouble and a whole lot of grief not because he rested but because he decided that resting was more long-term than it should order been all right so maybe you and your spouse are just exhausted maybe this marriage situation is wearing you out well instead of quitting and turning around and going back maybe you guys just need a rest maybe you just need a break a break from the marriage now I know people I know people all right and that doesn't mean breaking up I'm not talking about separating Quickly's up here fuzzling oh and I'm dang sure not talking about immorality okay I'm not talking about any of that but you know sometimes I'm just like honey why don't you just go visit your sister for about a week we won't text uh we won't horses are funny we we won't okay let's just take a break with the full-on understanding that we're resting in order to come back and to continue on this journey all right maybe fellas maybe you need to just go camping for a week all right maybe you need to go hunting quickly go on go on quit fuzzing with that gate probably just messed up my video pounding on this barn board um but some but you may just need a break uh mama you stay-at-home mom you got three kids you hadn't been a mom you know for the last 20 years and it's starting to get to you and it's going to exhaust you and we get exhausted We Fall Down maybe you need to find if you've got good parents or good in-laws maybe you need to set it up so you can take the children over to somebody that you love and Trust and then go take four or five days with your husband and just rest from what is exhausting you resting with the understanding that after I have rested for a little bit I will come back and pick up my burden and carry on um I'm not gonna lay down in this Arbor and then just quit going on but I'm going to rest that's why I'm going up to Idaho I'm tired I'm not physically tired man I have had the greatest bunch of kids this week around here helping me and taking care of the physical burden and everything um but I'm not a overly social fella in a natural state and it's just been folks coming through and they've been good folks I don't this is what we do and we love what we do and this is why we do it um but it has the truth is it's like pretty much seven days a week There's new Bunch rotating through here and then uh this channel has at this point I don't know well over 800 000 subscribers so there's all that to keep up with and all of the the emails and all the text and all all the content and I'm just tired uh and I and I don't wanna I don't wanna be wore out from people to the point that I quit this journey but I'm tired but I understand what it is that has made me exhausted where it has exhausted me and so I'm gonna rest and I and I want to encourage you if you feel hopeless and you feel helpless and you feel distressed and you feel exhausted and you feel wrung out and you feel like you keep stumbling and you keep falling down well we stumble and we fall down when we're too exhausted to go on and we get too exhausted to go on when we don't just stop and take little rests okay it's like vacation jobs I hope this wind isn't messing up the sound too much it's like vacation jobs you know vacation is the word vacate and to vacate is to leave um and not just leave your job for a period of time but leave that stress but we plan weeks in advance people will plan their vacation when they finally get time off to recharge and recoup and recover but they're doing plane tickets and they're doing tickets to go down to Disney World and they got to catch the flights and they got all these little kids and all the luggage and they got to catch the connecting flights and then they get there and they have to get the the uh the shuttle to the motel they've got to get checked into the motel and then they've got to about you know such and such time we got to be up we got to have the kids rounded up we got to go down to Disney World and we gotta walk through and we got to go through the rides and we got to do this and by the time you get back to work you're more exhausted than you were when you laughed because you didn't vacate you didn't vacate vacation does not mean entertainment resting does not mean entertainment it means resting Okay so anyhow I hope uh I hope that uh you uh you find the rest all right rest with the understanding that I'm catching my breath so I can come back and continue on my journey so I can continue doing what I'm doing all right but rest okay where there's mental emotional or physical don't wear yourself out to the point that you're no good to anybody including yourself all right so I always tell because I always get Ash Brick House Maduro um and uh the uh I don't think there's much else this morning so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna call this off here be logical all right be reasonable be safe and rest and we'll catch you guys next time