Introduction to JavaScript Fundamentals

Sep 2, 2024

JavaScript 101 Notes


  • JavaScript is both a wonderful and horrible language for beginners.
    • Pros: Can build almost anything and has widespread job opportunities if mastered.
    • Cons: Can be seen as ugly and is surrounded by a confusing array of frameworks and libraries.


  • Created in 1993 by Brendan Eich at Netscape.
  • Initially designed to make static HTML websites interactive.
  • Now, it's arguably the most popular programming language in the world.
    • Standard implementation: ECMAScript
    • Only code that natively runs in browsers (besides WebAssembly).

Running JavaScript

  • Can run in both browsers and servers (using Node.js and Deno).
  • Scripting Language: Executes code on the fly via the console.
  • Interpreted line by line, but uses Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation for performance.

Basic Usage

  • Use an HTML document with a <script> tag to write JavaScript code.
  • Example: console.log('Hello World') to print to the standard output.


  • Common ways to define variables:
    • let: Most common; allows reassignment and is block-scoped.
    • const: For variables that cannot be reassigned; also block-scoped.
    • var: Old way; avoid using as it has function scope and can lead to confusion.
  • JavaScript is a dynamically typed language; no data type annotations are required.
  • Seven primitive data types: Number, String, Boolean, Null, Undefined, Symbol, BigInt.
  • Semicolons: Optional; JavaScript parser adds them automatically.


  • Functions are central to JavaScript; can take arguments and return values.
  • Functions are first-class objects; can be treated as variables.
  • Functions can create closures, allowing inner functions to access outer function variables even after execution.
  • this keyword: Context-dependent; refers to the object from which the function was called.
  • Arrow Functions: Do not have their own this, ideal for function expressions.


  • Created via object literal syntax or with constructors using new keyword.
  • Objects are collections of key-value pairs and can inherit properties (prototypal inheritance).
  • Class keyword: Provides syntactic sugar for prototypal inheritance and encapsulation.

Data Structures

  • Built-in data structures include:
    • Array: Dynamic collection of indexed items.
    • Set: Collection of unique items.
    • Map: Key-value pairs, easier to loop over than objects.
  • JavaScript is garbage collected to manage memory.

Event Loop and Asynchronous Code

  • JavaScript executes code synchronously, line by line, by default.
  • Event Loop: Allows for asynchronous code to run alongside synchronous code.
  • Callback Functions: Functions that are called at a later time; can lead to callback hell if nested too deeply.
  • Promises: Represent values that may be available later; allow chaining with .then() and .catch().
  • Async/Await: Syntax to handle asynchronous code; simplifies promise management.


  • Use modules to share code between files.
  • Code is private by default; use export to make it available elsewhere.
  • npm: Largest JavaScript package manager for downloading packages.

Document Object Model (DOM)

  • Represents the UI as a tree of HTML elements.
  • Use document.querySelector to select HTML elements.
  • Event Listeners: Attach functions to events (e.g., button clicks).

Frontend Frameworks

  • Many developers prefer frameworks that produce declarative code over imperative code.
  • Frameworks encapsulate JavaScript, HTML, and CSS into components.
    • Data-binding allows UI updates based on data changes.

Bundling and Performance

  • Use module bundlers (like Webpack) to combine JavaScript files into a single bundle for the browser.
  • Possible to split bundles to optimize loading performance.

Server-Side JavaScript

  • Node.js is the most popular runtime for running JavaScript server-side.
  • Frameworks like Electron allow for full-stack desktop apps.

Code Quality Tools

  • Use tools like TypeScript or ESLint to improve code quality.


  • Congratulations on completing JavaScript 101! For further learning, consider checking out the new JavaScript course on which includes hands-on projects and quizzes.