The Importance of Sincerity and Avoiding Innovation in Religion

Sep 12, 2024

Lecture Entitled "Every Innovation Is a Bid'ah"


  • Praise be to Allah, blessings and peace upon the Messenger of Allah.
  • Prayers for the assembly and attendees.

Importance of Sincerity and Following Sunnah

  • The necessity that every deed is done sincerely for Allah and in line with the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
  • The need to perform righteous deeds so they become a measure of goodness on the Day of Judgment.

Hadith on Bid'ah

  • Emphasis by the Prophet SAW that every innovation in religion is bid'ah and every bid'ah is misguidance.
  • Warning to avoid following bid'ah and to distance oneself from it.
  • Bid'ah is of no benefit to a person when standing before Allah.

Bid'ah of the Prophet's Birthday

  • Warning against the bid'ah of celebrating the Prophet's Birthday.
  • The companions RA did not celebrate the Prophetโ€™s Birthday, and we should follow their sunnah.

True Following of the Prophet SAW

  • Warning against blindly following without considering the truth.
  • The need to perform deeds sincerely and in accordance with the sunnah for them to be accepted.

Dangers Associated with Bid'ah

  • Every bid'ah carries a burden for those who follow it.
  • Persisting in bid'ah harms its adherent in both this world and the hereafter.

Advice to Avoid Bid'ah

  • Emulating the Prophet and his companions in all matters.
  • Warning against false interpretations and additions to religion.


  • Praying to Allah for steadfastness in truth and sunnah.
  • Reminder of the importance of adhering to what has come in the Book and sunnah.