yo what's up everyone welcome to momentum number 283 it's your first time on the channel my name is matt beard today's video we're breaking down how your lead should be followed up with but more specifically is how your virtual assistant should be following up with them for you one of the biggest challenges and one of the most i guess the most asked questions that i get from uh you guys and other people like in the masterminds we start talking about lead flow in general like we can all agree that leads are a lifeblood of our business right yes they definitely are now to that end we got to be able to convert those leads into deals now i would probably say venture to say anywhere from 85 to 90 now that's me shooting from the hip i don't know uh specifically what the number may be but i can probably i can say confidently more often times than not our deals come from follow-up you've heard people give you metrics you heard people say the fortune's in the follow-up the fact of the matter is it's true but there's definitely a way to follow up with your lead so you can be the most efficient because i don't know about you guys but i hate following up i want to focus on the people that are ready to make a decision today but it's important that it gets done so let's structure this so you are not stuck in that perpetual follow-up game you have team members that are helping you do that so you can focus your time when they're ready to make a decision you're on the phone and you're going to be closing or you know someone will or do you know someone who will be doing that for you so without further ado guys again first time on the channel we talk about real estate investing we talk about you know traditional rei wholesaling subject to we've done deal breakdowns we do all kind of stuff here i guess the thing about this content is i'm always keeping on your toes you don't everyone know what you can expect on a day-to-day basis and i really love doing these lives so um yeah if you get any value from this stuff please like this video and if you do as always head over to youtube channel hey subscribe okay now let's rock and roll i got my ipad out i got my pen let's talk about this follow up and what it should look like so you can maximize your system okay so let's turn the camera on boom now let's start with lead flow so i'm gonna write this really big lead flow okay so in the traditional world you're going to have your lead generation coming in from the top of the funnel right and again guys thinking about this as a funnel right leads flow in right so i'm just going to write leads come in no matter where they come from right it can come from you know for example this could be ppc this could be you know cold calling this could be sms whatever that is leads come in from the top of the funnel and they flow down right and as leads that looks terrible but as the leads flow down this funnel here just draw an arrow as they flow down this funnel they should be getting called by what we consider in our business lead managers okay now when a lead manager gives um a lead a phone call this typically happens and i think you guys should note within so this is shorthand within one hour this phone call happens okay no matter where they come from we want to call them within the hour ppc like immediately right but they go straight into our lead manager so the cold calling from from vas or sms from vas or whoever's managing that it goes direct after we've vetted that lead we've got the four pillars it goes into the lead manager right the lead manager job and i'll just write it here what is their job is to further vet leads okay now where did this come from like why was this important i don't know if you guys ever experienced calling sellers or calling leads that you thought were leads but by the time you call them they're like yeah i never said i want to sell my house or i'm totally not interested we can all we can all relate to that right i never said i wanted to sell my house what are you talking about right so enough of that led me to being like okay i want someone to screen these leads but like another layer of screening and right and that's what the lead managers do typically in a lead manager job we've talked about this a couple times but i think it's important and we touch it on this video they're either going to get you know sellers who are ready to go right that's number one ready to go right number two outcome is it's gonna be a follow-up right and number three outcome it's dead it's a dead lead okay so if they're ready to go where does that leak go guys it goes to acquisition okay different set of people that is myself that is higher level sales people who can get this deal under contract who can negotiate and make it happen so now what happens this is how your leads should be followed up on because this is what i'm going to focus on in today's video is this guy the follow-up so as leads come in through your pipe they're going to figure this thing out now what's the likelihood of you know from the time we got the lead to come in to the time our lead manager calls what's the likelihood of something happening to that lead right what's that what's the likelihood of them just not answering that follow-up call so let's address both situations here okay so and there's a there here's how we do in this i'm just going to pretend this is a flow chart okay so it comes in right and i'm going to branch this thing off either number one over here or number two over here right they either answer right someone i'm gonna put they do not answer and i'm gonna put the answer okay now both scenarios leads to two different things right so if they do not answer on that phone call right within our crm i tell rva's right to mark the lead right so if if they call again guys this is within the hour within the hour what they call here right the lead came in the lead manager makes that phone call they call within the hour and that lead does not answer our lee our lead manager will mark the lead okay they will mark the lead based on the notes okay when what i mean by that is based on the notes i want our i want our va's to say okay what level of motivation is this do we get all four pillars again four pillars or what condition timeline motivation asking price in no particular order if they get all four things i have our va's mark the leads based on priority levels right and this is what that looks like right priority level number one and i'm just gonna put prio number one i'm gonna put prio number two and then over here i'm gonna do another arrow and i'm just gonna put prio number three okay now if a league comes in hope you guys can read my handwriting here but if a league comes in they do not answer i have our lead managers mark that lead in our system as priority level number one party level number two and party number number three right so prior to level number one these are our hottest leads right hottest leads these are the ones where if they come in and our notes say you know they're they're definitely ready to sell the motivation is there and the asking price is like oh my gosh that's almost a deal right the lay downs you look at those notes you're like holy crap i need to get this person on the phone those are priority level number ones right priority level number twos is just one degree a little bit cooler right based on the notes maybe i'm missing i'm gonna put here maybe missing you know one pillar maybe i don't have the timeline maybe i don't have the asking price maybe based on the notes i can't really tell if this is something they're ready to do they said their motivation is they're ready to downsize right is that that motivated i don't know right so i'm gonna probably put that as a priority level number three and probably priority level number two and then prior to level number three is you know i may be missing you know maybe two pillars or not a lot of not a lot of motivation not motivated again this is based solely on our va's notes and that's why and that's why it's so important that our va's take great notes because it tees up our lead managers right but a lot of times when we make this phone call for whatever reason we tell them keep your lines open they don't answer okay if they don't answer we mark the lead based on the notes is it prior to level number one is it prior to level number two is it prior to level number three for each one of these there is a separate power dialing campaign within our crm that our sales team can hop in they can hop in say you know what first thing this morning i'm calling all the priority level number ones that means they're in our database they're motivated but we can't get them to answer the phone i'm calling through those first i need to get them to answer because if they do answer it's a great chance i might be getting a deal today right so then it power dials all those in our system and then then after they work through priority level number ones they'll go to prior to level number twos right whatever you want to call these so i segmented into three different buckets right think about these as buckets three separate ones prior to level number one priority level number two part of the number three however you want to segment that that is exactly how we do it now on the flip side going back to our notes here okay going back to our notes here we're focusing on the follow-up number one they're ready to go number two follow-up number three dead so based on that they answer okay now one one outcome they answer is this lead is dead call i never said i wanted to sell my property whoever told you that you had the wrong information take me off your list blah blah blah blah blah we've all heard it okay the next outcome is the follow-up write this one in blue actually i'll keep it in black is follow up now what in the world does that mean follow-up means hey anything from you know i i definitely want to sell my house i'm definitely interested let's talk about numbers we're ready to go but my wife isn't with me right but my wife isn't with me so you know just let's go ahead and talk about it and i'll talk to her later that's a follow-up i don't know who told you differently but that's a follow-up if there's a decision maker not present when you start talking you know doing higher level sales are you trying to get doing negotiations trying to get the contract signed and the spouse isn't there it's not going to happen you're not going to get the deal okay so that's a follow-up all the way to yeah you know i was speaking with your with your colleague rob and i was telling him i was interested in selling the house and it's still the case but honestly there's just so much stuff i'm not even in the state i needed i need at least three or four months before i can really make a decision got it no worries right we're not going to convince anyone to sell their property we're just trying to figure out where they're at and we meet them wherever they're at right i hope that makes sense so based on that and based on the conversation our leads for follow up right and before i dive deeper into that the third outcome of course we have already talked about it is they're ready to go right and i'm just gonna put here they are ready and if they're ready there's a process they go to acquisition and i'll just kind of draw an arrow out okay acquisition now under the follow-up tree we've made the phone call how in the world do we how do we do do we know to follow up with them depending on their timeline right and it's always a case-by-case basis it's always a case-by-case we don't put anyone in autoresponders they don't get automatic emails from us unless they're in like a specific long-term follow-up sequence with us but what you'll find in your business is the best follow-ups or people who are ready to like people who like get physical phone calls and get real text messages that is specific to them the tough part about it is yes it's hard to scale that without having great people you need great people in your business and heck that's why we're here right so our va's are responsible for both sides of this right there they don't answer and if they do va's are responsible for it so if they do answer we talk to them on the phone and for whatever reason they're not ready to go today i put them in a daily okay i put them in a weekly and i put them in a monthly depending on the conversation i'll either need to follow up with them daily because such and such wasn't present right let me erase that because such and such like whoever the homeowner maybe they're missing someone or hey you know what let's talk tomorrow i'm in the middle of something great i'm gonna put them in my daily bucket okay again just like the priority levels are these daily weekly and monthlies have their own bucket so if our salespeople comes in they're gonna call all the priority level number ones because these people haven't even answered yet and then they can start calling all their daily follow-ups incentive power dialing campaign and i'm talking to the person like hey you know thanks for checking in honestly follow up with me you know next week perfect we'll put you in the weekly bucket or you know what call me back in three months i'm gonna divide that timeline in half and i'm gonna divide it in half again what does that mean if someone says call me in three months right i'm gonna divide that in half so that's going to be what a month and a half right so i'm going to draw an arrow 1.5 months and i'm going to divide that in half again so i'm probably going to call this person in about three weeks so when someone says a certain timeline typically this is arbitrary doesn't mean anything but if they are like very specific about their timeline i'm at least gonna check in i'm gonna divide their timeline in half and i'm gonna divide in half again that gives me three weeks okay so hope that makes sense there on the the monthly or the weekly stuff but these stuff goes they go into buckets and again i want you guys to think about these things as buckets and whatever system you guys are using sorry that's a terrible just drawing of a bucket but whatever system you guys are using think about each one of these sections as buckets and your va's are responsible for this so guys and this goes from from all offsets right so if we if we call a seller they answer the phone and they're like hey nope we're not ready to go right now call us back in a week right we'll put it in the weekly bucket right and then the major thing here i want you guys to know regardless whatever bucket they put it in they will also set a personal task to follow up okay this is like them setting an appointment for themselves i'm gonna put that in parentheses this is an appointment for themselves hope you guys can read this okay so regardless whatever bucket they put in they will put it in the you know the corresponding bucket and then they'll set their own personal follow-up tasks like with whatever crm you guys are using podio you know freedom solved you know all these uh you know left main rei whatever crm you guys are using you can set a task for yourself or some sort of event for your sales person where they're basically setting an appointment for themselves right so regardless of wherever they go here answer or don't answer if they follow up they'll put them in a daily weekly or monthly and then they'll set a task now what happens when it pushes the acquisition maybe it goes to me right it goes to me on acquisitions and i make that phone call and lo and behold they don't answer right lo and behold it goes to acquisition they don't answer what happens right that they're they're ready to go we had that phone call they stopped answering what in the world right well if if that happens and if any point in time you know i can't get a hold of this person or i know that i need to follow up with this person over a long period of time guess what i do so at whatever reason our lead manager called this person they said they're ready now they go to me and they say matt you know i look i did talk too mara and mara said you know i was really interested and i still am but i just need a little bit more time here um can you give me can you give me like a couple more weeks and i want you to like i'm definitely interested in working with you guys whatever right if like whatever is going on i know they're not ready regardless of whatever i say or do they're not ready to sign a piece of paper with me today so saying that they are going to sell their house to me i am not going to push them i'm going to push them back through right i am going to recycle that lead back over here so if it was ready and by the time i called and they're like you know what i actually you know we're not completely ready but you know i just need some more time or you know like definitely let's work together on something but give me like whatever that may be going back to the daily weekly monthly i'm totally cool with it because guess what i don't i'm not the daddy for every single file if they're not ready to sign something and they're not ready for an acquisition they're not ready to be closed i'm giving that back to my team i'm giving that back to my va's so they can follow up and say okay great mr seller no worries what i'm going to do is i'm just going to have mira check back in with you in about a week and you know we'll just go from there and if she says you know if you talk to mara and things change and you're ready to to make a decision or you're you know obviously we love to earn your business um mara would just pass it back on and then we'll go from there right so i'll let mara do the follow-up or whoever was that lead manager i'll let them do the follow-up and then when they're ready to go again they're like yeah let me talk to matt again perfect they'll push it to me but i want that off my calendar okay i want that off my calendar the follow-ups i don't want those there i want to talk to people every single day that are ready to go i want it off my calendar so any kind of follow-ups boom going back to the va's if i make this phone call and they don't answer which i mean which means i call them two or three times and they still don't answer boom perfect i'm pushing it back over okay i'm pushing it back over here and i'm gonna let the team take care of it put it back in priority level one two three call them call them call them call them got them back on the phone perfect they're ready to go push it back to me okay once they answer they're ready cool set you back up with matt okay they answered again i'm following up awesome you ready to go now perfect i'm going to push it back over to matt whoever the salesperson was but this is how your va works in your system they simply just work in buckets and they segment it based on did they answer or do they not answer right and you could do this for any lead generation doesn't matter if it's ppc cold calling sms now one thing caveat with ppc is typically it goes directly to a lead manager anyways right ppc isn't called on by our cold callers or not like our cold calling team or sms is not calling those people first they go straight to lead manager now again our lead manager has to find out their only job is to find out ready to go follow up or dead they can't do their job if they if the lead doesn't answer right so their job is to keep calling them based on priority level they're going to get called either way but we segment them in the buckets and then when they do answer is it dead is it follow up or are they ready right so guys that is how your va should be helping you in your business because look you're leaving deals on the table 1 000 like no doubt you're leaving deals on the table if you're not organized on your follow-up if you don't have someone helping you i guarantee you have deals falling through the cracks you know one of the worst feelings in the world is you know what one of the worst feelings in the world is is to call a lead bag that you kind of forgot about and they sold the house to someone else right if they sold the house to someone else so do not let that happen mark says matt sounds like your v your specific va's are very experienced just started one v8 star virtual two weeks ago my va sounds very interesting yeah mark love it great question man so what we did with our va's is um just continual training so my lead managers are not my cold callers so the cold callers are literally just like monkey c monkey do get on the phone find find motivation find leads that are ready to go find people that have raised their hand and they want to sell okay so if my internet connection cuts out hopefully the audio is still here but just find people that are ready to sell and then over time my lead managers i have are va's well i've probably spent over a year with them right at the time i felt good about them doing lead managing is probably about four months but that is the process it takes some time to upskill your people so hopefully you are watching like zero to hero and see how i manage that with the team but it can certainly be done and it certainly should be done uh but there's a process of getting them to that level okay so um with your cold callers you're probably wearing the lead manager hat and the acquisition hat so maybe maybe this helps you organize your follow-ups a little bit better but i promise you getting them to the point where they can manage your leads is going to make your system way more efficient way way more efficient and we're working on an academy at star virtual as well as lead manager specific training we're on wave number two so some of our clients are already getting lead managers at star virtual which is super cool but something that we definitely see the industry needs based on like even the cool thing about having business and real estate investing and being able to teach and coach other businesses and real estate investing other business owners is that we get to show you guys like hey this is what we found that works and we see a need for lead managers because so many people let leads fall through the cracks because we were in the same position so guys hopefully hopefully you got value from this video today i know it was a lot of information we almost went for doing 24 minutes typically these videos are what 10 minutes 11 minutes but i felt like it was necessary i felt like it was necessary to go through this game please come in to your lead manager segmenting on answering or not answering putting them in the correct buckets based on where they're at in the process until they're ready to sell their stinking house and that is exactly how you do it guys that simple keep it simple simple scales fancy fails right so guys hopefully got value from this video today if you did please as always like this video and if you haven't already head over to the youtube channel hit subscribe it helps more than you know i appreciate you guys so much thanks for coming hanging out with me on a thursday tomorrow is my birthday i'm turning 30. my gosh crazy times crazy times but guys i this past year has been insane being able to just do these youtube videos for you guys and and do a ton of fun like all these things like our super i really really enjoy so i don't take your attention for granted i don't take you guys for granted it's been an amazing year and you know cheers to more so guys i hope you have a wonderful night and we'll see you again tomorrow peace