Procurement Standards and Guidelines for Illinois State Grantees

Jul 2, 2024

Procurement Standards for Illinois State Grant Recipients


  • Purpose: Training on procurement standards for grantees of Illinois state funds.

What is Procurement?

  • Definition: Obtaining equipment, materials, or supplies.
  • Requirements: Grantees must comply with state standards, usually involves competitive bidding.
  • Key Regulations: 2 CFR 200.317-327, policy must be documented and not verbal.

Importance of Procurement Policy

  • Efficiency: Ensures funds are used efficiently and transparently.
  • Compliance: Avoids non-compliance and potential penalties.
  • Documentation: Must be written and well-communicated within the organization.
  • Risk: Verbal policies can lead to bending rules and inconsistencies.

Bid Stringing

  • Definition: Deliberately breaking down purchases to evade formal bidding requirements.
  • Legal Implications: Class IV felony.
  • Example: Townville breaking a $150,000 purchase into three $50,000 parts.

Procurement Types

1. Micro Purchases

  • Threshold: Below $10,000; can be increased up to $50,000 with documentation.
  • Requirements: Must be reasonable; grantees encouraged to shop around.
  • Example: Buying batteries for $14.99, knowing the reasonable price is below $18.

2. Small Purchases

  • Threshold: More than micro purchases but below $250,000.
  • Requirements: Requires quotes from multiple vendors (at least three suggested).
  • Example: Comparing quotes from three dealerships for a specific car.

3. Sealed Bids

  • Threshold: Above $250,000 or lower if set by grantee.
  • Process: Public solicitation, bids opened at the same time, documented procedures.
  • Requirements: At least two bidders; full documentation required.

4. Proposals

  • When to Use: If exact needs can't be specified or other evaluation criteria are important.
  • Evaluation: Based on quality and capability, not just cost.
  • Requirements: Public solicitation, adequate time for submission, thorough review.

5. Non-Competitive Purchases

  • When to Use: Emergency, single-source availability, or single bidder.
  • Examples: Replacing a vital piece of equipment only available from one vendor.
  • Action: Contact Grant manager for guidance.

General Guidelines

  • Documentation: Keep all policies, solicitations, bids, receipts, invoices, etc.
  • Compliance: Follow state procurement standards as stated in the Notice of Funding Opportunity and grant agreement.
  • Transparency: Bigger the purchase, the more formal the policy.
  • Avoiding Issues: Do not string purchases to evade thresholds.
