[Music] I got a black ski Mas but I don't but snowb an MC one of you okay been a long time coming bro how you all feeling boys I'm feeling I'm feeling nice bro I'm feeling nice so uh a little context Shimon and Kenneth the college is done now they're in the real world right now the leeches are off the leeches are off what's a leech what a Le chains the chains Lee is off CH so so this episode we wanted to keep it a little bit more uh serious more conversational flowy yeah right so the energy will be a little low uh we're going to cover a lot of topics from like relationships lives Etc you know what you're going to get a glimpse of what we talk about off camera yeah at like 1:00 a.m. actually this is like a small glimp this like a 2: a.m. talk of what started this podcast yeah I think I think we can all agree that in the beginning of the Pod uh the episodes we did we wiped with it a lot but then at that time we didn't really you know have this serious conversations that much but I feel like throughout these two years we we've matured a lot yeah and this episode was a long time coming this episode's been this episode's been through so many iterations bro like the type of serious conversations we wanted to have back then have changed yeah like we wanted to talk about something serious but now it's like serious serious that we don't even want to talk about like literally we were sitting here planning this EP like right like 5 minutes ago and we're like bro let's not talk about this I don't want to talk about this back then I think we we would have like spilled the beans on everything I mean I'm going to spill the beans on everything no no like please I mean we've had a serious episode before the one with John shine so so boys college is done right youall have been around a bunch of guys bunch of girls you know you you we've we've socialized so the first kind of topic I want to talk about is people who are kind of fake have you ever been around like people who are kind of fake and and you how did you realize it and what do you like what are the few things you know that these people show that makes you know that they're fake I want shimone to go first okay see it's it's a process you won't immediately find out mhm it comes with a lot of overthinking it comes with a lot of Doubt okay uh it comes with a lot of uh being around them like being in the fire to notice that you're burnt you hear what I'm saying okay bro hit up an Instagram quot so you will you'll notice it in time but for the timing you will never like you will never find out that you're you're being snaked do you think there's like uh an immediate sign like the one you can find it immediately I really don't think there is bro Noe for me I feel like immediate sign would be like not not fake there like there are there are some people who don't like you at all yeah that's not being fake though you can see it you can see it like they don't like you at all they don't want to have a conversation I don't think it's like you I think it's Vibe like I don't think you you'll ever talk to Vibe is a new word but then they just don't like you as they don't they like yeah I personally feel like there are like immediate you know tell you know that's those signs are so uh I so you know when someone's lying to you their body language really you know shows that they're lying like if you really learn those there's people on YouTube who teach you this okay yeah yeah Fair I've seen that so I feel like when a person's talking to you and they're fake and they want to talk to you because of something you have or some fame or whatever you can find and you can feel the you know fact that they're not genuine it like there are no specific things but your body can understand the other person's body yeah somehow very true like like the energy bro I still don't get it like when like they say the energy changes right yeah I don't get how that works it works but I don't get how you know I feel like it's our body bro like so you know when you're like when someone so I watched this Instagram read okay this guy is just doing this and he's flexing his biceps okay I it's like it's not really seen but your body knows that it's flexing cuz your body also flexes like it it has muscles right okay so it's these small things which we don't realize but your body subconsciously knows cuz it also does it okay so you're telling like you can tell he's flexing even though you can't see it yeah you can't see it but see tightness like subconsciously you can see the tight tightness in his body so you tell so you're equating that like meeting up with people and like talking to them that tightness in the tightness in the body okay which is not genuine that it's a fake tightness right to show to the camera is something that emotionally you know comes out as well in some people bro I feel like he told you can there are some people that you don't WIP with here's the thing about that tightness that that's there in the body that some people when they have that tightness it relates to them being even more free with you for example I just met a guy okay like I met a new guy and he's so so chill with me like he's over chill with me you can tell there's tightness in that too even when he's over chill he's not like like not like not wiing with me but also he's like wiping with me way too much for a guy I've just met you know I I know exactly what you're talking about they come hey what's up bro like I bro I was crazy yeah and it's like it's like bro you're like over you're over compensating and I can see it like immediately we go like f why no that that fake accent hey what's up yeah g like yeah bro crazy g i watch the episode the G has to be dropped bro at this point leave it alone who started g g what's up G what's up G G okay so the the next type of people I want to talk about is uh do you know people Pleasers I've been one bro I'm not going to lie you've been one I've been one bro how do you feel about it being a people pleaser it's not that okay certain people would say that you people please for validation I don't like my through my experience it's not like people pleasing for validation but it's people pleasing to to tell yourself that yeah you're you're a good person mhm mhm you get it like like constantly trying to reinforce the fact that you're a good person so you're like going over and beyond for like some people and then and but you don't do it out of bad intention bro like obviously if I knew I was being a people pleaser I wouldn't do it but like you just people pleased automatically you know I agree with what Ken says cuz I bro like for like quite some time in my life I was and to some to some extent I still I think if you're like a good boy or girl you just to some extent I still am cuz as Kenneth said your intentions to yourself is is the fact that you like you want to be a good person right you don't want to do anything any harm to anybody and the easiest way to do good is by making people just feel safe feel comfortable in everything you know what ideally this is what people Pleasers uh the base should come from but I was a people pleaser and I realized that most people Pleasers do it because of anxiety what how yeah inse insecurities and anxiety so uh people who who you know people please are someone who will always put you first right okay so they they're always trying to get your validation if you make a joke which is not funny you laugh people pleaser will laugh but the other guy who's secure in himself he just not yeah bro I still do that though bro I still laugh when it's not funny but like I'm just trying to be nice see that is there's a there's a limit to it but a real people pleaser who has anxiety and insecurity they will do things so that people don't think bad of them yeah like why like it's like why you not laughing at my joke like did you not understand like are you not trying to fit in and you're scared they think of bad you are scared of any negative emotion which someone else might have of you I think I feel like you know the who's the most immune to that Nal I don't think I don't think you give a [ __ ] bro I do I think it's Neil I think NE I do no I think I do you're pretty blunt bro I but still at the same time it affects me what people are talking about okay I think you can really find out if you're a people pleaser when you're talking to a girl you're like oh for her I'm giving everything yeah no I want to know more about I am a girl pleaser bro not bro see a people like a people pleasing person uh exactly as I told you right they they don't want any negative thing on like people who they talk to should always think that this this is a nice person okay and when you are talking to a girl you like this is the epitome of the other person who you know you want them to think nice of you so when they do things when they call you like like you know if at all she does you would you you lack the balls to say yeah don't don't ever call me no you kind of like laugh it off yeah you laugh it off you accept it you laugh at things that you shouldn't if you don't like her to drink and she told you bro I went for this party and it was nice and you're like bro why do you do that like in back of your head you're like [ __ ] this is not good but then you tell her oh nice nice nice That's I'm like oh yeah do you have fun like oh yeah do you have fun do you have fun yeah damn bro bro I are we people please us I I I I feel like we are yeah we are all of us not not not to the extent of I'm I'm doing it out of anxiety yeah I'm like especially with the girls bit M I'm doing it out of like like okay like can we continue this conversation cuz if I don't it's not the conversation bro it's the fact that bro am I like if I if I show myself here like if I if I'm being transparent with myself here and I might just lose the girl I might lose that potential future that I might have what if this is not that red of flag that I'm thinking about and maybe I'm just tweaking like you're you're scared to put the limit yeah like no imagine imagine I do be transparent with the girl and then she's like bro you're like way too uptight then then there's nobody else there it's just me so there's nobody else there to reinforce the fact that no you're not uptight you're being reasonable but like I can't tell myself that cuz then you feel crazy you're like bro you really a fumbled the back yeah I fumbled the back but think about it bro you you didn't fumble anything you saved both of your both of each other time but then still again things could be different is what he's saying maybe it could have been like much better maybe this was just like a small like you know rock PA not a big one you know what yeah that makes sense I think you take uh you put your limits and your decision when you're not emotional at that time you're like kind of off right okay let's let's let's let me run the scenario okay you're telling let's do this when we're not emotional so that means the girl girl she's come she's like bro I went to the party blah blah she didn't tell me anything energy around she she didn't tell me anything wait be clear first who's this girl to you is she your girlfriend or a girl you like she's a girl I like I'm seeing okay she comes and tells bro like you know she didn't tell me like it's understood between me and the girl that we're telling each other where we're going now this that okay she does not tell me and she goes to a party okay and then she's like bro we did like some crazy [ __ ] last night I'm like okay hope you had fun okay now let's say let's put your theory into practice say things when you're not emotional that means I come back 2 days later and then I tell her bro listen when you told me that kind of affected me I say okay yeah do that but if I do it two days later bro that's like so when she told you this I say don't even reply cuz he cuz it it sounds hypocritical because in the beginning you said yeah nice so if you didn't say anything M right that it's it's it's a close-ended like you know statement she didn't get a reply to that and you replied to it later how do you how do you say yeah I mean just make a face bro no I think okay okay you one second okay know what you go AB Hi how are you what do you do today can't okay okay let's not do this yeah yeah so I'm okay no let's let's genuinely say it like we're recording this episode see the thing is it is it is a very hard thing to do right you either sit there and accept the fact that uh this is she did something which you don't like but you accepted it because you're scared to lose her okay right or you don't accept and you tell her risking the fact that she thinks you're too crazy it's too much of a limit I think it's okay to take your time and reply to it you know like vice versa like take your time you stay silent bro oh bro like make a face very wa wait I I went I went partying I I I had a crazy time like okay so just and then change it bro maybe no maybe don't react to it in a harsh way like in a playful tone just be like bro like that's disgusting element don't reply to in a harsh way bro that's disgusting no like in in a fun tone where she knows you're playing around and also she also knows that you don't like it in two days she's she's going to know I'm not playing around but yeah like okay let me tell you the problem with that let's say I do play it off like play it off chill okay then I'm like oh yeah okay you know what fine so now the next time I try playing something cool she knows so now she's always on edge she's always on edge about my emotions okay let me tell you what I do in this situation okay first just play it off like we said okay yeah hope you had fun all that [ __ ] okay and then if it's still affecting you after that right you take some time and you think about it mhm you still talk her doesn't mean you just have to talk to her about that about the same topic right okay so you still talk to her and after that you just be like this thing affected me yeah but that sounds a little weird no like it it's like bro she knows you're insecure yeah yeah may not be a bad insecurity but you're insecure about something she knows your weak point now it's not insecure it's your principles yeah but I feel like the principles you laid done immediately like the principles the principles become a weapon to use against you against you when you don't en force it strong enough M so if you don't enforce it at the right moment those principles become a weapon against you they can use that to hurt you I feel we sound like okay so I mean but it's true it's true true see I I okay everyone has limits bro so Andro Tate might have like a crazier limit so I feel like and has such a limit he's not getting married he's not holding a girl so the limits we have I feel like if you really respect your own limits you will tell it immediately but if you're not sure about your own limits you'll wait yeah you know why I think Andrew has it so easy cuz he doesn't need anybody to reinforce that factor him he SEC like the like let's imagine that scenario happened in the time he took to break it off with the girl he just got like maybe 100K in his bank more than that yeah more he probably doesn't need anybody to reinforce that's why I think he has it easy which do you think like okay for example these these type of people right where they're like super confident with everything example andrate and most of the influences that you know the crowd were appealing to listens okay do you think that they're okay with the fact that they're not reasonable I think they go back they cry to sleep bro damn you think I think it's a Persona they put up person I agree with it's Persona you think a man as successful as Andrew Tate has a Persona put up I think it's 100% exaggerated but if you reduce it by 100% he's very he's he's he's a normal person he is you mean exact no no no I agree with thing cuz if you look at like his Vlogs and [ __ ] like his brother's videos like Andrew T is a very chill guy it's it's that Persona he puts on camera that's very like you know out there it's like you have to do this you have to do this think Christ to St but I just think that's not him whatever we see on okay now let's move on next topic okay yeah please so uh okay so Abel what like genuinely what are you doing in that situation where she's just not accepting what you're saying bro okay I see I'll be very honest okay so first of all telling your limits later on is kind of [ __ ] because I feel like like it's very you're very insecure and uh this kind of reminds me so how do you enforce it at the moment at the moment yeah at the moment I found this video was [Music] actually I don't want you to go clubbing this not getting I don't respect not babe I don't want you to go clubbing I feel like this is what you sound like when you do it later yeah like you're like ah fine you know like when you go back later no you're like you're like in the room alone you're looking in the mirror like this I have to tell her right now it's like I was such a [ __ ] yeah yeah next question I don't know what happened to Nal and Shimon they got too sad here okay next question so we've y all have been around like a bunch of friend groups now right okay yeah so what is like your ideal type of friend group like you know you have a bunch of friend groups there's side ones and there's your real friend group so what's your ideal type this this is like the best like I don't know about Kenne oh come on Ken you know come on come on K the second group is close no bro okay one second shimon's with me at the time he knows like come on you have to speak for yourself oh I know what I'm in front of the court now yeah no bro you know what let me let me they're watching they're watching give context no someone give context bro I I'll give you I'll give the audience context uh basically the eight of us have we have had arguments over if Kenneth a really close friend or not oh come on bro come on and Kenneth does not join I told it see Ken does not join call at all okay at allord call so we're just we the only time we meet Canen and talk to him is on set Bro I don't he's always out with like a bunch of friends bro you y yall y'all call me out I'll come like no no that's the thing he doesn't come okay one second one second see I first of all I don't join Discord calls cuz I sleep at 11:45 that's cap that's not cap no our Discord call starts at like8 7 7 past two days he slept at 11:45 W I sleep at 11: actually we've been sleeping at 11: only yeah okay what it thing am see the thing is the fact that you're fighting for it means yeah no no no I have to enforce my principles right now is a cloud chaser personally okay I feel like if Ken finds a cooler friend group I feel like if kenth finds a cooler friend group we just thing is you know you know what it is come on this I know exactly what it is let's end this you know like we all say girls why does why let's end this yeah no this conversation we we have a different topic so basically you know like the girl goes for the man with more money know that's the that's the thought process with K so tripping Ken with Kenneth okay Kenneth goes to a friend group who's more funnier consistently consistently bro bro that's cap that's for the past three years I he's you'll be with a friend group who make you laugh consistently correct y'all make me laugh consistently the only friend group I have is y what's your defense my defense bro I don't how do I how do I defend something that I don't even consider be to be accused of like I story but I can't say it cuz it involves oh okay that anyway anyway oh that guy yeah yeah okay okay yeah so what's your ideal friend group like in college in college in college this is different screw this this is a different inle this is work related no this is not work this is wow that's crazy this and I'm the one that's being put on bir BR bro I this is the boys bro 20 years later put him on the stand bro put me put him on the stand BR 20 years later when I talk to my kids about my boys it's this group I'm not talking about anyone else Joseph this group that's okay so in bro fact okay so what's your ideal friend group apart from this what's your IDE cuz you're like in one fop College bro like I want to know yours bro I'll be very honest I'm in a very bad situation right now oh yeah I sit yeah yeah so so in my college I only speak to John and Shazad and his friends I dropped out so I'm one year below them right I've only hung out with them and I don't have for the last two years I don't have any other friends in my gr I mean my year and Below damn all his friends going to look at this and be like damn no no we had these kind of people in schools no drop who used to no no not dropouts who used to hang out with seniors only yeah but I mess it up for myself bro because now we have one hour break right which is just for my class and I am just sitting alone okay everyone's there but I just can't talk to them now see that's when you should be like me what do you do bro just a lot of friend groups yeah I can't do that I mean coming back to the question my ideal friend group would be if it is not ideal I can't be there what really yeah I love chilling with everybody bro I'm going to be honest like not everybody I feel like for me it has to be like comfortable I feel like I've just been raised that way bro like just chill with everyone like yeah I've been raised like that that's good so so your ideal friend group is what like how do you want them to behave like I don't want my friend group in anyway yeah I feel like for I don't know why I'm speaking for Kenneth but uh yeah why you speaking for me bro for no like I feel it's for same for both of us like whichever like uh like a group of people that we feel comfortable hanging out with yeah so do you hang out with the same group every day more or less bro like cuz I meet them day-to-day basis no like I don't I don't like voluntarily go out of my way to hang out with other people see this is the thing can okay what about you do you hang out with many friend groups or one friend grou I do you know what you know what let let me explain my like like psyche behind what I do I don't give a [ __ ] about friend groups I love chilling with like one person now here's the thing like I chill I love chilling with person but I'm like highly functional with it so I'll be chilling with you and I I love you as a person but then he's also there as a person then I like like hanging out with him too coincidentally you all in the same friend group or you all are like different friend group so then automatically I get into this friend group and that friend group so you do so you go around talking to a lot of people yeah bro I I I like chilling like if when it's personal that's like my that's like my sh similar yeah I think yeah same for me but for me it is out of necessity bro I feel like that one hour no I just go around a ey bro what up uh okay uh they like or do you like hanging out with Posh friends okay uh Posh friend groups I actually it doesn't matter it just I feel like how they talk and how respectful they are is what matters how comfortable you with how comfortable no even with POS people bro like if they're down to earth humble and Stu exactly I would if if I don't notice a difference then arrogant people I can't hang out with same same same it doesn't matter if they por or not if if they if they as a person like damn I don't I don't understand the arrogance with them though bro cuz like I I can't even tell it's their fault people who are do you think it just happens I think just like they're not they're not brought up in an environment where they get to I don't think arrogance really you know correlates with money I feel like just people just I think the way become arrogant but then I truly believe this the way you're brought up everything like from the starting your foundation you know yeah it all matters so I was in this friend group okay and this dude was making fun of someone like while walking okay just like you know you look at at that and for some reason that ik me out right and they're all laughing okay it iked me out because they're making fun of him but then if you were there they would make fun of you too I feel like someone who's back who's backbiting who has the habit of backbiting and they're like bro big man I've seen that firsth hand bro yeah they will make fun of you too when you're not around them so many times you know what I we don't get affected by that like I don't I don't care why don't I don't know why I don't a [ __ ] no it's it's it's mainly cuz you're not friends with them bro if you did that to me I get but then it's the it's who says it no what I'm saying but okay imagine we don't know each other we're just High by friends but still you got you got to know from other sources that that the high by friend is is saying something bad about you because he's he will become your Eternal Enemy No cuz he only knows for me for real bro just imagine that scenario bro you're not there around them and they're just making fun of you that enrages me no because no AF he only knows you for that aspect he doesn't know you for who you are bro yeah then why do you want to talk about yeah why you talk why you taking my name in way cuz he just knows you as someone and he finds it as he like that's that's that's his friend group yeah gossiping gossiping friend exactly what I'm saying I think I think we can conclude gossiping backbending friend group is something that we will not talk to yeah is is you won entertain bro like I gossip like I gossip with my friend but we don't like it's not our nature you what I'm saying it's definitely there even with us it's there I'm sure but like we don't make it our firstand nature to we started going like bro you know I hate gossiping though I don't care if ha the guy I hate gossip even a bit I don't like yeah I don't bro like like I don't care if yall are gossiping I'll be Bren shut the like I can't be ask we've had this moment in Discord so many times but I love the fact that we're such boys bro because when we making fun of somebody it's like you find their you tell it yeah yeah no no we called you that day yeah you called we called you we were talking [ __ ] about Kenneth then we're like no no no let's call not right this is not right call me when like there's some like I'm busy at home bro like there's whole shifting thing going on I got to call from Abel they've all put me on roast bro they can it say that bro I'm eating dinner bro I'm out something bro I'm busy and they're like no no no you got to listen to this bro you got to listen to this and they just put me on road for half an hour and I couldn't do anything but the amount of times they've done that to him though yeah only but Kenneth something see I don't care though like I I swear it doesn't like I don't he enjoys it actually huh he likes it yeah okay so now let's move on to the next segment which will be mostly about I love how we keeping this nice concise precise bro we're hitting the spot today we're hitting the spot today okay so this is about life okay so now that you all have graduated and you're about to graduate so we're like no I've also graduated graduated okay hey you still have you're still bro trust me the feeling after you finish that last exam is different different you still have exams and [ __ ] yeah bro it's so we are in the world now so now Kenneth Roy Shimon all of us we have a name right we have uh people will link us to something so imagine you're in your deathbed right and you can rewind your whole life what do you want people to know you as or what do you want to achieve the best Gambler ever can't like the best Gambler ever yeah cuz cuz you would know what the odds will be so true bro I gamble on my death bed the house will never let you the house will never be the house I'm dying I'm put my entire will on you know what you know what you know what you know what if you're the best Gambler ever the reason why you are on your deathbed is probably because of that the house came to kill you bro if you the best gambl you die much earlier yeah you die Bro think about for a good time not a long time you no I I don't believe in that that's very irresponsible real please yeah no bro one second if anybody you know as a even if they're like above 18 if if they have like two brain cells and they're telling you bro YOLO or like you know we're here for a good time not a long time Party Girls yeah yeah party girls and boys yo is the most [ __ ] stat it's very very irresponsible you are putting a lot of [ __ ] at stake broism bro headism at its peak like you don't I'm against this okay okay you only live once you know what finish that finish that you are very irresponsible bro you have kids that are going to come that are going to take your place that there are people yet to love after once I have kids I'll be serious bro like like right now I want to have fun yeah you have fun bro you won't live to see the day you have kids let's say that I will I can have right now if I see that and and people who who gamble bro I want to just say this one thing because we have a special friend of our who kind of gambles kind of they're not here right now I'm not looking at him right now uh so gambling gambling is I'll tell you why if if there was genuinely a way to make money in gambling go for it if you can make money but this [ __ ] is rigged in such a way that The House Always Wins like 90% of the time why would you bro you have not played mind sweeper see I said what I have to say now you can listen to these jokes like bro see what I'm saying is you know what let me give you you want to make 3,000 bucks right now bro bro k k careful careful people are going to lose we don't we don't don't we don't please don't gamble this is not okay uh can if anyone has gambled here can youall tell me uh a losing streak that y have had losing streak oh I know friend who lost Pro oh my God I know friends lost bro tens of thousands bro 70,000 my friend for real 70k Nal you know uh in I blur the name out like your total wagered amount like like even if you put 10 Rupees the amount of times you've gambled no there's a guy in class he has a total wager amount of 8.6 lakhs see no that's messed up we all have no no we have principal okay in stock market we have a principal put he has a wager amount that's messed up that's messed how much has he lost he he's in a 16k loss right now fully 8 lakhs no he's put 8 lakhs worth of money into work into gambling work he has lost 16k okay he 16k he circulated 8 lakhs that's much less than 8 lakhs is a messed up amount like people oh yeah keep no no no we won get 8 lakhs perom when we go for jobs right now yeah bro it's crazy bro deposited that much bro in class there one one dude bro he bro he came and show a Ste bro whole class is on it bro like all our boys were on it bro bro bro my friend bro he was betting 10 rupes on mind sweeper 10 rupes 10 rupes 10 rupes 5 rupes 10 rupes no no it keeps going it's like add remember the amount of dopamine my friends got the devil the devil was feeding it to them you can see it bro see the dopamine you get from gambling okay is crazy cuz I used to play this game and there's no real money involved it was just the games gambling thing bro that [ __ ] would make me black nuts bro like talking about when we used to play Blackjack it would it's actually CS go and there was this okay okay CS go [ __ ] that's crazy I realized I I realized why a gambler gambl so much because they have hope bro this will hit so messed up BR this will and these uh these house the house yeah is pretty much you know using that vulnerability of yours of the human nature of Hope against you to take your money yeah ooh deep yeah bro when he said hope I was like oh [ __ ] yeah it's the hope that help you keep going capitalize Only Hope let's talk about our death bed what do you want to be yeah when I'm on my death bed yeah what do you want to be known for uh I really want to be known for like making like really cool art in the sense like creative Direction Des not design Direction creative Direction yeah music or yeah in the form of music and like movies visual movies not I'm not a director I'm not that type of I'm not a narrative director okay I can't Nar that's good that that's something really I'm very like in the moment like I want I I want you I want to catch your attention now and leave you so then next time you want more of that yeah so like I I want that want be known to be really good at that um it's more of a family thing bro like cuz I've seen my family like my grandparents and all they're very proud of like their grandchild that's me and my sister like even for the little things we do so I just want that like that feeling and seeing that Joy like I want to I want to feel it you know so so I want to see my grandkids flourish like oo spoken like a true see now if you were a YOLO type of dude that's not happening yeah I'm a YOLO type of dude and I'm going to do that okay Nal what's your that for me I feel like I just want to be known as a nice person which I don't think is possible no yeah I know it's not I mean yeah it's not bro there's a lot of people that's not going to like you yeah but then I try to be nice I like to give back as much as you guys think I don't I like to give back he gives back to the house to S no not not the house not the house let's let's stop with the gambling okay like I want to be known as a nice person give back where to me you are give back to the society yeah you believe in that [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah for real I mean no no in the sense I I I yeah at the end bro I do want to be a philanthropist like that that is like My ultimate like after I'm done with everything after I'm done with all like the whatever I want to do to please myself type it's like bro you have no other purpose like it has to be helping other people philanthropy it you have to live for others like at the end you have to live for others it's not about yourself so for me it's like when you're on your deathbed right I want to I want people I want a lot of people to be influenced by me right okay when Nal said I want people to like me that people I don't want it to be like 2030 I I I don't know I want it to be Millions like a lot of people I get it I get it I get it right and once that influence is done again as you said philanthropy give back whatever we have is given to us by God and God expects us to give back to the poor people give back and as Shimon said family family is very important I think if you have a really good family really good grandkids you've succeeded in life really good grandkids yeah yeah cuz on no cuz it mainly comes from the fact that you've raised your child and the fact your child becomes successful it's like bro mad bro that's a mad Outlook actually yeah like if your grandkids are successful that means you you made it uh I'm hungry bro I want to ask you something okay ask what what do you miss about your childhood about yourself what do you miss that you've lost about yourself from your childhood nothing really I don't think you don't see I okay I personally feel like my childhood everyone has their own like their childhood is theirs there is no point you know going back and saying oh this gu this is the ideal childhood and uh this is how all childhood should be right see what I'm saying is you matur you're matured past a point right in that maturity phase you've lost a lot of yourself cuz you're obviously shedding that skin what part of that skin do you miss nothing bro really okay it it's it's a little it's little I don't know how to say it but uh like family gatherings okay the way I used to look at it back then okay so back then it used to be very like oh [ __ ] everybody's together like everybody likes everybody yeah everybody but now it's like you know family family like background you know like the conflicts so when everybody together like how how are they going to react now it's like this yeah gen I think the auntie's looking unle you took my land remember back exact like you you'll know like why everybody sitting there why everybody sitting here some no and then that one Auntie one Auntie comes like come here engineering which year and and then one Auntie and Uncle will they like meet and shake hands and all but you know like they've screwed each other over yeah like yeah yeah I yeah I think you know what that makes sense I think when I was a child everything looked very colorful and nice yeah that's the thing we were all Carefree back then that'se like like right now if I was a child like my old know back in the day and I looked at this set I would be so happy I would think about this till I sleep you get it small things made you happy and now you got to do too much like gambling and all you got to do to make yourself happy what shim shim you know you know I want to talk a little bit about the fact that everything was so colorful like how you said like if you were a child you came here you saw this and You' go home and you just think of that there are some people that have been able to capture that magic for example Rob man like some people as adults like leave their you know their they might have a tragic life they might have like a really [ __ ] love story they might have a really like messed up you know like their children are doing well or something like that all of it for me oh my God okay but somehow them as mature adults are able to capture that magic like for example when they wrote Aladdin like have you you all have watched Aladdin like there's so much magic there's so much colorfulness but it's written by a bunch of people that have real life problems bro yeah I think they tap into that that's what how do you do that is what I'm asking that's what artists are yeah design thinking artists design thinking they're filled with pain they're filled with pain yeah but like they captured it so well that's what makes them different bro yeah like imagine writing naughty like sitting every Satur have you all heard the phrase like uh comedians are like the ones with the most pain yeah cuz how do how do they know what's funny and what's oh yeah not even what's funny but like there's some people that write certain things that capture so much innocence bro innocence You' assume that they've lost because of what happened like like there's probably someone who wrote naughty that like has a grandom dying of cancer M that they're very close to yeah so what you're saying is how are they uh you know muting all this noise and around noes bringing out naughty yeah exactly even um what the artist van go yeah I feel like because of the chaos around them they're tapping into the Innocence to escape it don't think the fact that he cut his whole year is crazy yeah what what who you don't know the story no tell the story tell about van he just cut his ear bro he was he was pretty depressed bro he was he was very like pain painful if you guys want to know watch the movie A lot of people bro if you listened to um I want to know van go about Wango he was just suicide there's a whole song about Wang go bro basically a lot of love failures and I don't know what made him cut him cut his ear off though I don't remember he just cut yeah he cut his ear off he the dude was like borderline insane and uh in the end I think few kids or some few kids killed him he didn't die like that he died he field I know that much oh [ __ ] some kids killed him cuz he was not like he was not in the right state of he asked to be killed if I'm not wrong that I'm not so scary so so does does being unusually creative supernaturally creative that's what it takes come with in Insanity like that's what I'm yeah that's what I don't get it you become but like you can't leave a mark I feel I feel like they say right like all Geniuses are ins crazy like yeah yeah so okay would you want to be one of those genius who creates such crazy things who influences stable as hell yeah or do you want to be stable you got to go there bro like that's like I feel like people this answer will tell you if they want to do like a job forever or they want to go for a business okay you know what I have two sides to this you told do you want to okay you told do you want to be a genius or do you want to be stable here's the thing about being a genius you're crazy to the average person that's the reality of being a genius to you you're not crazy no no no no no no no but if you're average you are crazy to the genius people y'all are crazy y'all are crazy yeah like to a genius y all are so crazy like what are you do how do you live your life day and day out is the question that's going through the genius's head I think we all think we're Geniuses no let's not I'm not I'm not how you live your life we're all average we're all like the genius just looking at us right now they don't have college no when I'm unemployed unemployed the fact that you're unemployed dude I'm unemployed I'm unemployed I'm genius these people got to employ me no but it's crazy bro a lot of them were insane bethoven yeah his music bro he did not make it until like it like what he wrote was he was famous but like nobody realized the genius behind it when he was writing his last Symphony which was the Ninth Symphony was he insane as well he he was very depressed bethin was a very depressed dude he drank all day he was in and out day drinking like that's all he did with his life after his eighth Symphony at least and then his ninth SYM Symphony came along so basically the the place there wanted a new symphony at the time that was the medium of entertainment so you'd write a whole like one hour musical piece the classical music you listen to is just a small part of like a whole one and a half hour musical performance I feel like these genius people think a lot right they overthink and they're crazy they have a a lot of VO in their head and I think they listen to it huh they listen to the voes and they reserve one hour to mute it all and just create and the fact that they the brain works so fast they create things mhm yeah okay theost I want to ask like this very deep so I was speaking to my friends about this in college okay he has friends in college guys again third years and I didn't really get an answer to this okay okay so in Islam it says everything is free written right Destiny Destiny God knows that uh God's written your whole life in a book it's already written so do you think your future is pre-written and you uh you know just live your life uh expecting things just just live your life or do you think you work hard for a future and you do you think you can change that Destiny that's also WR you working hard is also WR yeah no see see what I'm saying is think about it like this if if I were to make you and I'm a loving God first things first I have to give you free will otherwise there's no point Free Will I want to I want to talk about free will this is a really interesting I want to talk about fre as I have to give all of you all free will because then I don't love you it's like I've chained you to your ultimate Destin is to be with me so there's no point of free will that means I don't love you because I'm a God loving God i' have to give you free will now here's the thing I think he's pre-written he's pre-written your character he's pre when when when they say God knows you he knows you and you've been put into this world to decide a future so you're saying so he's pre-rt your character so again you're saying God doesn't know what oh he knows your end life every second of your life he knows cuz he's pre-written your character but he you said he's pre-written only a character yeah but he knows exactly what you'll do with your free will so he knows everything that you do so he everything but I don't think heol it okay okay see that's a dilemma right see no it is I see it's like okay okay everyone say is it written or not I think it's not written it's not written what about you K see okay see when I say it's think it's not written yeah actually when I say it's not written it comes from the simple fact that uh what is Free Will is Free Will god-given or given by Satan okay now okay think about this now when if you all know the Bible Adam and Eve okay God said y'all can do anything don't eat this okay that's not free will okay Satan said that is free will no no that's a a commandment no that was a commandment you can do everything but this okay okay Satan came and said you can do whatever you want once you eat this he's giving you free will okay so God gives you the will to do what's right Satan gives you free will to do whatever you want I I think God is just such a genius that he's played free will to his advantage and your disadvantage yeah I mean like he loves you so he's given you free will but also Free Will is a curse yeah Free Will is a cur it's like it's like you set a question paper see God wins out of this so like and if God wi Free Will free Will's a curse it's what you do with your will that that's what yeah but he also gives you free will cuz he loves you it's a curse but he loves you I like to take it to the you know example of writing an exam so if if you're God and you're setting a question paper right imagine there's only right answers that's the fun in that yeah there is you have free will to choose true or false that's right and wrong okay and that free will the fact that you can choose you can take the wrong as well M judges Judes everyone's character judges everyone equally if if it if the paper only had right answers and everyone just did good things and came back yeah like there's no point why do you even write the question paper why do you write the question paper why do you live yeah there's no point right yeah so free I think me and Ken we say God has decided okay what's your this one see it's not like bro if you wanted to go jump off this you could you could but God knows you won't that's also written yeah that is also yeah to say if you jump like I can jump right now and that that I'll take this as something I used to say years ago bro we are thinking let's say we're 3D right we're 3D people we have three dimensions in this world we if you try to communicate in 2D for example in the Bible there's a saying that don't never lean on your own understanding always trust in me why let's say I'm trying to talk to 2D characters and there's a maze I think I've told some of you this so character yeah a 2d character is one who can only see straight and there's only two planes and Y length and length and and you can't see the up and down so for example so like drawing bro sketching okay okay understood understood if I place the camera in front of you you wouldn't see the camera you just see a line the width of the camera oh [ __ ] that yeah you wouldn't see you wouldn't see the actual you just see the width of the camera now let's say I put a maze and that maze is life I'm trying to communicate to that 2D character bro take a right take a left and I'm giving him hints and he's taking it now let's see come AC comes across a turn where the right looks more favorable and in his 2D world it is so obvious that that right is is the it's it's more open that right is I can see more paths in it but in reality from my point of view I'm looking like this so I can see the entire may start to finish and I'm telling I'm giving him hints bro this is left like you have bro I'm telling you leave that girl like it's not right for you bro leave this job it's not right for you bro don't listen to this person it's not right for you but for you it's like bro I listen to that person because if I listen to that person I can see a future where I make money I can see a future where I have this network I can see a future for you that right looks so nice the left is the truth and I only know that I can't I can't even begin to describe why the left is right because I can't tell him how the maze looks to me I can't even begin to describe how what that maze is so I just tell him listen don't understand don't lean on your own understanding trust me so so when we're talking about the 2D and 3D mhm I it really hit me 2D is a sheet of paper and you draw a stick figure yeah now look at us with 3D look at how different it is and now imagine a world where there's more dimensions and that's where God is living I don't think so we have space space and time right I don't imagine there is like the God's perception doesn't even have that yeah it's like it's like just it's space and time just written into the fabric of what he's like he can control it like this you know like it's just something you can snap at it like it's like an element in a book trying to imagine this yeah we can't really imagine that you can't can't even begin to describe yeah and and when you spoke about the the the taking a left and a right mhm and God knows that the left is better right uh there's a story of Moses I think we all have that yeah we all have Moses so Moses was in front of pharaoh and he had a stick mhm okay the stick kind of gave him protection cuz there were people around him God said throw it God said throw the stick right but then Moses is like why this is the only protection I have there people around me God so but he trusted go he trust God and then he threw it down and it became a snake yeah right snake snake is dangerous now God says pick up that snake it's like bro why would what what's wrong with you there's enemies around me and there's a snake there and you want me to pick up the snake M he picked it up and uh in the end right I don't remember the whole thing he was saved from Pharaoh right the spit they split up all this all this so it's things that when you realize that okay it looks easy and this looks like the right answer just maybe that it might not be the right answer this the the left is the right answer because God knows a perception that you don't know yeah exactly and it's like because I love this I love this PE person this 2D person that I've made and I've made it out of love I obviously have a route through that right that only I know you don't know it may look like you've lost but I didn't create this maze for you to die in it ah so if you take the wrong turn God open that maze has an exit for a reason bro I put an exit to that maze I didn't I didn't if I wanted you to die in that maze I wouldn't have put an exit to it yeah so like I have a way out for you so you just got to trust no matter what happened what was the question bro okay okay atheist watching this video you know what you are an atheist for a bit no do you believe in God no like I do just not as hardcore as you guys okay it'll come makes sense no I don't think it'll come I think it'll come I think it'll come once I get married and I start going to church on Sundays that's not where it comes dude no uh I think it has to come before that trust make sure it it comes from God bro I feel like it's not from the church bro the church in [ __ ] yeah I feel like if God wants to guide you only then you'll get guided because kenet hasn't gone to church since new I go every Sunday okay boys boys New Year don't care so so the next question is uh we're what 2022 now 21 DN bro 22 years old bro 2022 8 more years will be 30 okay shut up bro shut up my God bro 830 8 years chill chill so listen listen listen so our parents have taken care of us for 22 years right 22 21 years and how do you all think we can repay them bro like don't I feel like every person who's born is born with this uh it's not a curse it's a lone pretty much you know when the parents take care of you or whoever takes care of you you are a child you are helpless and this person took care of you so now how do you repay them if you've had loving parents bro there is no way you can repay them that's a debt you cannot fulfill you will not be shedding The Blood Sweat and Tears they have for you the only thing you can do with that is pay it off with your child like you pass the love on you pass it on you can't repay it back to them for me I think uh most important thing would be respect yeah exactly yeah if you don't respect your parents you're not getting respect from anywhere else dead ass oh yeah no I'm telling you can't repay it no matter how hard you try I'm not say that's true can't but then respect you know there's there's like very messed up parents as well they think of children as Investments business Investments they'll they'll purposely make children so they'll be like tax this yeah this tax benefits you know this doctor footballer football and they so proud of it it's like oh my child's done this you see what he become I I I think they're not proud of their kids they're proud of themselves for for making these kids do this yeah fact yeah okay so I personally I think we can repay them by again as Nal said being respectful bro so you know when like your mom or your dad says something right again I feel like we don't know we don't realize but when they say it we at that point we don't realize but later on we do realize that that was the right thing that they said facts but I've always had this doubt you know when they say something that is clearly it's like are you tripping bro like come are they tricking me into doing it just for now you know no but I've also had so so you know when they say something and it's clearly wrong yeah I've so for me personally my parents like forced me to engineering right it was clearly not something that I was supposed to do okay at in this situation uh Nal said be respectful and respect is to you know take pretty much are taking orders from your parents what do you do here you know saying no to them isn't it a bad thing reason with them bro like what if how do you how do you reason with someone that's going to pay lcks for you okay okay okay so in af's case like you said like respectfully say I said respectfully say no right there's people who would just be like outright say no argue and [ __ ] like don't do that okay like respectfully reason with them tell them tell them your concerns if it's it's up to them if they want to listen to you or not if they have the bigger idea of bro you have to do this and this you won't understand right now just got to listen take it and then do it yeah that mean I didn't take it but like uh bro you could ruin your life yeah exactly yeah that's also cuz you because there's a point where you start taking control of your own life yeah I I think if it's very serious and it has to do a lot with you so like marriage and your career don't listen to you can take advice but don't take ORD yeah they're not living with it you are yeah you are even bro marriages bro I've seen Indian families it's I I so want to go to marriage it's so crazy bro it's so crazy these people just choose the wife married in the next two years this bro this people just choose the wife and it's done okay you marry this girl you've never seen this girl ever I just know her uh degree I know what she does and and I know how much her dad earns there's a time limit Bro 2 months or something time limit yeah there's a there's a free play area yeah so it's like it's like you went to her Instagram bio it's like you play FIFA no practice Lobby practice Lobby is done yeah so it's like it's like you know like the basic Instagram bio about her and God Instagram bio and then they just you know just just do it like okay so I wanted to ask where 2021 2021 by 25 how much do you want to do you want to just still keep focusing on money or do you want to like go somewhere else 25 I think when we reach 25 I I I I want to rephrase that how by by the time you're 25 what is your focus on when we're talking about self-improvement obviously till 30 for males it's like bro you got to keep building yourself your relationships your friendships your money this that so what are you going to keep be focusing on by by the time you're 25 what would you have wanted to accomplish by 25 and what are you looking forward to after 25 now Jamon 25 is still I'll be still focusing on yeah it's pretty young it's yeah 2 yeah K okay no I feel like when you're 24 25 we don't really know what we're going to do because think what about IM bro bro bro think about us boys think about us three years ago we didn't know what a podcast was I knew for a very long time no okay first I'm kidding okay for me I did I've never listened to podcast I could never listen to one and a half hours of that [ __ ] but now look at what I'm doing right I feel like your life just takes turns that you won't even expect so just be ready to accept anything anything yeah okay but you have to have a general blueprint obviously oh 24 money and power money and power money and power get influence I feel like influence is very important what type of influence bro like who like connection I no influence by influence I mean people listening and respecting your words okay okay and people I don't mean 1020 I mean a lot of people should know you and you should be a force of good9 okay not a politician pleas no bro that's basically yeah I find politicians no no I love politicians I love politici we we are totally not getting over by both parties all parties why you say both parties all parties all parties which birthday parties continue yeah he wants people to listen to oh no it's going to be a very money focused Journey for me bro for real for real just money okay I want to talk about money bro okay go on I don't want money to be everything same same I say still is I just want I just want okay how about how about I propose this to you money is everything okay and that's the challenge of life now I don't Ken k Ken The Ten Commandments don't make Idols right money is money is an idol yes so like when I say money is everything like no like I I don't want like I don't want to like only focus on money bro but I want to be financially secure for my family you get what I'm saying I agree I want I want to set myself up big that's what I want to do right now like love money love money to a point where you are not blinded by money no I feel like when you see all these people who are like billionaires and [ __ ] money don't it doesn't mean that much to them it still does I feel like it still does I don't think it if you give a billionaire bro bro if you give a human a a mountain of gold in in x amount of time he will want another one okay no no listen listen okay yeah okay I'll give you an example okay as a as a child we wanted some toy M we got that toy mhm how long will that this thing last for four days days not even these days I see kids I have a like little sister yeah one or two hours max one or two hours it goes off after that that's crazy is she on the okay no okay okay but like same thing with money imagine we get money okay fine we'll buy something this that all that but at one point it'll be like what's this eventually it ends so for me I want to have like the right amount of money which will you know help me sustain be happy yeah be happy I don't yeah I've read this Statistics where the lower the extremely poor and extremely wealthy are both equally unhappy equally unhappy yeah see damn no cuz when you're to to Rich you start worrying about your wealth that's what I'm saying yeah I want to have like adequate not too much not too less but if you have adequate you'll always want a lot that's the big challenge the challenge is being happy I think people confus be bro if you're if you're content with yourself you're happy yeah yeah honestly bro for example I don't think Bill Gates is happy because he made a lot of money I think he's happy that he materialized idea he influenced people he had an idea in his garage and he he materal iiz that to such a big scale I think the money is a byproduct yeah it's a means to something else like when you have something it's like oh now what where's the means like where do I go from here okay so what do you all think happy being happy is I'm I'm a Family Guy like for me for me for me bro bro that's like a thin line I'll tell you why because people people could like go away bro or like things could get tarnished for example bro during covid I was living in a different house and it was just two houses us on top and like the our neighbors below bro Co four people passed away in a week in a week D dad Granddad grandom bro they T like they went in a week can't expect you can't expect so so you're like it's a good thing to tie yourself no like I I what you're saying it's still good yeah it's just it's better than a lot for for me like it's more of like you know an accomplishment okay we've done this as a family you know like we we're going to do this like I I like I don't want to like put myself in a selfish position where like okay I'm going to conquer this I'm going to conquer this you know I want to do it with somebody else I I think for family it's like you can keep them as long as they're safe they're happy and they're well fed it's enough that's that's the Mach you can do I bro I keep having like these visions of it's just me like I'm alone and like I have to be able to strive through that like I'm like I'm not attached to a person or a purpose and I just have to go through be happy with that be happy with that if I can do that in my mind it's like if I can be happy with myself no matter the circumstance of the people around me then I can with my family being happy with my family and making my family happy is a bonus it's like yes good I can do that being happy with whatever you have yeah but it's like if I'm if I'm one day God forbid bro like nobody's by my side and I don't have anything I should still be able to conquer yeah it's what You' built for yourself your asses like bro like a lot of people build [ __ ] for other people like bro like it's like Building Wealth to show people that you you built wealth for validation that's when you won't be happy if you build wealth for yourself like even if that wealth goes you know how to get it back you know you know like okay fine you know what I have ways to get it see when when Shimon told like shimon's goal is amazing bro but like in my mind it's like if you're Building Wealth for your family which is technically like along the lines at least right if you're building well for your family what if your family is not there yeah I I think being happy has two two aspects bro I mean personally so first one is the fact that you're secure in yourself you're happy you're not looking at someone else how much they have you know Etc so be happy with yourself and the second one is I think as as guys we all have to constantly create and work on an idea yes yes all right we're we're makers we're makers we're constantly be in a state of creation so as long as you're happy with yourself and you're constantly creating something not just boys not just boys women also yeah yeah so so concluding that I think all of us should be in a constant state of creating something an idea something so you know back in the day when armies used to you know conquer that itself is an idea that is a creation right so if so yeah men men should be able to materialize once that thing is taken away from them they're broken yeah yeah materialize things yeah yeah why do you say no no I I just said no I wanted him to stop talking okay okay no fa I feel like I feel like all of us have one true calling what we good at so for me what I want to like what what will make me happy is you know that true calling I don't know what it what it is right now but I just want to be happy you have faith that you'll find it yeah I want I want to be happy with that like if I get that right I will be happy with it I think that faith comes from God yo yo D him up bro what's up what's up and at the end of the day careful I want to go home and share my meal with someone that's happen is like once a good man killer K said if you're if you're feeling blessed just remember there's someone blessing you o what age what age do you all want to get married what age do you see do you all see yourself being tied down 28 28 okay bro wait I it's not that see wait let's let's talk about I've heard these these married couples I don't know they say that everything becomes unromantic after marriage no that's the thing um I feel like at this generation there are so many failed marriages and it's scary it's it's very scary it's scary bro there are so many fa and the fact that Indians Indian marriages are so exclusive and so expensive after that if you get a divorce you to do all that [ __ ] all over again no bro like what what's the idea of romantic bro like what do you mean by like like no no one one what what is your idea of a romantic lifestyle Okay so uh what I understand is that people who say the romance dies out so you know when you you've been in in relationships and that honeymoon phase is there right where everything is butterflies and flowers and you you when you look at her you know it feels really good ET so what happens in marriage is after a point I feel like it becomes so you know uh there's no soul in it it becomes like your work it becomes like you finish your work I feel like that's one advantage of arranged marriage cuz every time you look at your wife it's like damn I didn't want to have arranged marriage has I didn't even want to have you I and and and that like brings up the mystery and it's like oh [ __ ] now it's like yeah arange has its pros broo arange love arranged or love arranged or love arrange arange I I think both I think both you know what you know what no bro I bro it's not it's not a bad thing bro just laughing I know yeah cuz my parents are arrange marriage I relate yeah right now wait wait arrange marriage is pretty much Indian Tinder think about it involv see Indian Tinder except once that tind once it matches you get like in Inova you get like so much Inova bro one house one house Inova some land somewhere bro like it's bro it's like see it's instead of you swiping it's your parents swiping and instead of they know me man bro the bio instead of the bio you know like what you like and all the bio is your material things what have you done MBA BBA ah I have to you know one that's the bio parents are like ah he's a rich guy bro thing is if you're uncle or something successful they let that also uncle is em bro let me explain to you how funny do is bro do is this funny my daughter is such a burden to me I will pay you to take that's exactly what it is bro but that's exctly I'm not saying this how funny leave that leave that yeah okay so wait I have a question okay okay can we end it off with this question no I also I want last question okay so you know when uh I said that it becomes unromantic you know the the fire dies away so what do you think that you look in a girl that you know that this Fire won't die what are the feelings that you have when you speak to a girl you know so that you know this is the right one she got to be able to fish with me bro fish hey Bro Fishing is crazy I was being so sarcastic for you're being sarcastic when you meet a girl and you talk to her yeah she should be able to fish with me yeah no you her up will you her up will you wife her up you know what know makes sense he's cooking her up imagine you have a fishing rod you're on the boat okay you you do it alone or you do it with your boy having yeah my boy she's my boy no imagine your girl's de and you're just fishing and you you catch a fish like think about that bro like you're having fun SM so like I get it I get it I get it I want a fish right now bro bro watch out bro this fishing [ __ ] is like years it's been going for Years bro not when I me something when I meeting food and all I just watch fishing videos catch and Cooks have you not seen have you not seen those he's so stupid bro Outdoor Chef life have you seen that no oh my God bro my uncle watches that I swear my uncle watches that bro bro I'll enter the house it's playing on the TV some dude's on bro he's cooking but it's amazing meal but it's on like a tree trunk or some [ __ ] it's amazing I I watched that bro I watched that for hours bro D okay yeah so so coming back what's the I love it bro I love it Nal what's your ideal girl should be female female no don't tell the second one I know I know what's coming what I know bro this Vibes Vibes should be female should be loyal yeah no no it's just should if we share the same principles principles yeah oh no okay so it's she should Vibe with your principles not Vibe share the same principles okay same thing see but what if she shares the same principle and has like 80 bodies like no hell no but then she won't share the same principl yeah exactly exactly okay CRA it we cracked it oh for for him it's fishing Shimon fishing God that's your principle no no no no no it's not it's not fishing what is it it's in my blood bro that fishing thing anyway uh okay fishing have you ever like spoken to those like a girl and like your body just feels calm I kind of like a shy girl bro like a shy girl yeah like a shy girl like so I was speaking to this girl and I don't know bro it's like your whole body feels like calm like you're at peace it's not one of those uh other girls that you talk to and I feel like when you get the that aura you can chill with them forever you you like girly girls you mean feminine girls yeah yeah they be I don't like like those more masculine yeah I don't like yeah it's not my type it's not my type I know some people sh I know that love the Mas he loves the masculine girls can't lie you love bro your whole fyp is mask girls what yeah he loves M where he's talking shim okay this is the ending ending scene okay Shimon what is your ideal girl ideal girl to the gym no no no no no she goes to the gym amount uh religious like headstrong focused I go to yeah headr strong focused um like she passionate about what she does like she should not be fickle about okay I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that like like like you know one yeah if you if you set your mind on something finish it don't don't leave it Midway indirectly you are the second on track so the fact that she left the other thing Midway can also indicate that yeah makes sense okay so Nal okay so I feel like it's going to be [ __ ] bro I I know all three of you arranged marriage no no no no okay okay fine fine fine fine imagine okay arrange marriage or not the girl's family and even the girl is willingly giving you D just like take it please okay how much is it what's the amount it's a good in NOA Christa and a flat in Hur Hur H is very specific no flat in Hur is expensive bro that's that's very expensive all the are is crazy be my area when I did my internship okay okay is 2bhk or 3bhk it's a 3bhk oh it's I'll give you the worth three kids 2.5 the flat and a nice 2.5 cres that's how much it is yeah and familyes like wholeheartedly take it they're not that rich but they are rich okay they also have a good house you mean they're so rich that after they give the L they broke no no they won't be broke they'll be fine there the so so pretty much do you want to take a [ __ ] ton of money testing your moral character see he wants the money in the apartment the girl is a side benefit okay are you guys taking it or not what a no I'm not taking you know what happily taking it maybe I'm telling my girl like babe I love you but like this is a huge bonus like thanks for that you know I'm going to say babe I love you more wait n why can't you get that [ __ ] by yourself there's the fun so I have two I have two houses first of all imagine imagine you'll have a divorce you have so much asset with you what are you going to do with that split it you're going to split it with half half yeah 1.5 bhk for her 1.5 B for me what the [ __ ] there two families in one house point no he just said 1.5 bhk what do you split BK the hall the hall you know what partition in in in Muslim families we actually give the we the we the guy actually has to give the girl uh money and it's called Mahar if I have to give the girl I'm giving the room or something Mah Mah yeah yeah Mah so you have oh Mahar Mahar yeah so you have to there's no D so we can't that's Haram like we can't even accept money from that you have to actually give it to her but it happens no no no yeah Indian like there is in carala all yeah what a beautiful tradition I love it I love it you okay so do give Nal a lot of do I think please I'm ready to take anything you know no I'm just kidding you had you wanted to say something no you wanted to say oh yeah the ideal girl yeah oh damn last question but if you want to say it go for it when wait what was my ideal girl fishing you no I was joking I don't give a Ken's done this so many times we give him chance to answer and he gives answer I don't get okay apparently my type is fishing girl take time to yourself and answer answer guys guys next next episode you'll find out K we finish it we'll finish it my ideal girl is bro like I Yap a lot so like someone that likes to listen listen is hat it bro what like you would only Yap and she'd only listen oh I love yapper girls yeah but you yeah yeah I mean you would want some like follow through the only one but no quality you know in them yeah like like they like listening see there's some yapper girls that only ypp no no no in the starting they're all shy yeah and then they start yeah that's amazing yeah I love that okay you know what you know what you know what you know what maybe there's someone okay BR you just thank you thank you for watching under City serious I got a black ski mask but I don't see but a snowboard Dash an MC of P if one of you try