Transcript for:
Blitz Match Tactics by Grandmaster Lenderman

okay welcome everybody this is Grandmaster Alexander Lenderman for chess lessons calm and in these videos I'm going to be covering the blitz match that I have played against max loogie at Columbia University and we'll start with Game one one where I was black and now before we go on sexual games I want to talk about the psychology of actually playing a match for you're playing 20 games against a specific opponent so I knew that max is always pretty much almost always exclusively a d4 player and he knows the openings pretty well so my first goal was to also know the one specific opening very well in blitz so that I can also comfortably blitz out moves and understand ideas and so on another thing I noticed was that max likes to outplay people he has a very good chess understanding he has a lot of experience I believe he once was a world blitz champion he was worked with Karpov so he actually he has a really good fundamental understanding of the game and base have a good basis so my goal was to first of all play something that I haven't played before because that would obviously surprise him that would throw away all his preparation out the window and second of all I wanted to play something a little bit more sharp a little bit more unusual so he would have to kind of think from move one so therefore I was thinking about what kind of opening might be good to fit this kind of requirement and like I said since the blitz match and I'm playing against only one person I was able to prepare specifically that line and even though I never played that before but for this match it was possible to be ready and especially that since max plays is a very predictable player he plays almost the same things all the time it was much easier to do preparation so he played d4 as expected and I played Knight of 6 c4 and c5 so the first surprise normally I just play something like e 6 and then NIMS or Queen's Indian or some kind of Queens gambit declined or a Gaussian but in this case I decided to go for sharper lines so I'm giving him a space advantage but my goal was here to play a banker gambit because I saw that against the bag gue gambit he plays this line with f3 and he is actually in really optimistic about this move because he was actually talking about how like 2025 years ago he played against Laval Burt and Laval Burt almost stopped letting the banker against him stuff like that so he's really he's really confident about this move so I I decided to look into it because I figured ok maybe I looked at it for a while back with white and I'd figured maybe if it really is that good maybe it'll be a good weapon with white and worse comes to worst I'll learn something anyway if not maybe I'll find a way to get a good position against this line because he played at 2025 years ago but now computers changed everything and I just decided to see what's going on and I was very fortunate that I found actually a really really nice improvement so I played e6 which is actually one of the critical lines of course black can play also moves like g6 typical lines or Queen a 5 or 8 6 B 5 but e 6 is the most principled line efore it takes d5 and now this is all pretty much theory if v is logical because if he takes it 65 then I think I can get a good position have many ways because f3 then kind of is a weakness on the dark squares and the King is a little bit weaker and and for example I can play a move like Queenie seven and already it's actually kind of awkward for for him because if he blocks 92 then this Bishop gets blocked for example Bishop III is impossible obviously Queen e2 hangs the d5 pawn so it's actually kind of a already a little bit awkward for him for example another move could be Bishop d6 I'm just developing and putting pressure on this diagonal so you know basically I have a pretty good compensation so therefore the main line is to play e5 and now of course I have to play Queen e7 because if I move my knight then the d5 pawn would hang so Queen e2 is a natural move because again he's renewing the threaten night now I plain i GH the main move Knight c3 attacking the d5 pawn Bishop e7 Knight h3 so that's the the night basically it's simple chess going on the other two squares f3 and it's worth takin so he goes through the logical square h3 trying to go to f4 and putting pressure on d5 but luckily this has all been played before and I kind of expected that she would go into it because you know it looks like a very attractive line for white but luckily there is an improvement from black so c4 so the idea of that move is to after Knight f4 to play Queen c5 and defending the d5 points so obviously I want to try to control the center and also I want to get the Queen out of e7 at some point because eventually I want to have to try to develop my pieces so Bishop Knight 65 now this is obviously a old preparation and I still knew about it because this has all been played before this is a nice computer of course simple Bishop III would run to d4 and forking to pieces so Knight 65 otherwise the whole plan does not make sense for white otherwise black just gets a good position Bishop takes d5 Bishop e3 so now Queen before is forced to pin the night because otherwise I just lose the Bishop a3 Queen a5 Bishop d2 it should be 695 and here's a really critical moment this is where this this move practically almost like possibly even one being a match because this move basically was a novelty that took away one of his big weapons in the Bangko gambit and basically after that he started he was already desperate to try to find some way to some way to play with white whenever you basically eliminate one of opponent's big weapons it's already a huge advantage in the match it's happened in all the matches before with Carlsen Anand and Ananta pallav and Kasparov against of course the really famous example Kasparov against kramnik or Kramnik played in Berlin and Kasparov just couldn't do anything about it same thing here and especially it's even work more desperate in the blitz match because in the blitz match you don't have a whole day next day to prepare in basically whatever you have you already have you can't exactly improvise so it's a really difficult situation before that most people have played them of Queen t8 to keep in touch with the c7 square and then I Queen takes e4 rooks rock a7 to again guard this and now strong of rock c1 remember this move Roxy one threatening Knight c7 and this was played in the game nakum Oregon's with Sheila Graf in 2008 and white got a good advantage in that game good initiative and Nakamura later on won the game with white so this was what max was counting on but unfortunate for him I already knew about this idea and computer found this really nice move see three after which unfortunately Bishop takes c3 Queen d8 the difference now is that if you were to play Queen c4 I will play rock a7 and suddenly the same of Roxy one does not threaten 97 anymore because the bishop here blocks the so I can just take a 2x b5 and I'm I'm up a piece and why does not really have enough compensation so therefore max tried to move Queen e4 which isn't that really a best move but okay it's blitz so maybe he's so here maybe he he already knew that I just tricked him so he tried to also trick me a little bit and it worked because actually here I made not the best move in this position I made the most obvious move rook a 7 because to defend the rook because Knight c7 was a threat before that but the best move was to play it takes b5 and give up the exchange simply take an important one and after Knight c7 Queen takes c7 Queen takes a 8 and simply Bishop c5 and ok I have a very good position I'm going to develop my night I'm going to castle I still have 2 pieces for Luka have material advantage and his King is a little bit weak and I have an advantage so that was the best but in blitz I wasn't able to figure out so I played the the tempting Luke a7 and here is the last chance for a Mexican of got a reasonable game because then if I play it will be 7 and you can take so that's what he should have tried but it was again it's quite a difficult move to found and he and he he played the more logical tempting Roxy won but now after this basically I am up a piece and I'm all waiting and basically his Max is running out of initiative castle's he played Knight g7 natural developing of challenging the knight on d5 93 so he does not really want to develop my own pieces so but unfortunately now my game just becomes very comfortable I played Queen b6 with the idea to attack the pressure on the night on e3 he played a for defending I played 95 pinning the knight and attacking it again Bishop d2 Bishop c5 rook fe1 castles King Ashwin and here a little bit more accurate was to take with the bishop but again it's really hard to find figure this out in blitz this would have been just a piece up instead I played Knight 63 he played rook takes c3 ah instead of that he still he had one more chance to kind of get back into the game which was really strong almost impossible to find in blitz rook takes e5 Queen takes e5 Bishop takes c3 attacking my rook and after Queen e7 a really strong move before not even taking the rook but just threatening to go Gobi before and then just to go Bishop c5 and surprisingly he has a little bit of compensation although I'm still better but not as much but okay this is almost impossible to figure out in the blitz so he tried root X III Bishop takes c3 Bishop takes c3 Queen visit 8 takes takes takes takes and here he made a decisive mistake he took on c6 all know this is actually fine still here he made the decisive mistake he played before he was probably not too happy with his position at this point I mean material is equal three pieces three pawns for the piece but the pawns are not going anywhere my bishop is really rock solid and his pawns are all very weak and here she made a decisive mistake and that rock said the game is lost I'm winning the Queen Farouk and and here he made uh of course a mistake and I did not take advantage what's the best way for black to win here give you like three seconds you can pause it if you want okay time is up Queeny Queeny one and then Queenie five so that was bad I did not find it in the Blitz game instead of just took this one this pawn now I know this is like Queen and three against rockin three which is an easy technical win but okay I'll show to anyway he played H for which kind of makes makes the win quicker let's say he just plays rookie for so how do I win this they so I can play Queen a1 like a decir play a five here somehow here say he plays here okay and eventually I have to try to get chief foreign or maybe a h4 and then g4 and and then eventually trade off the Poland's and get Queen again stroke or maybe even a better version like actually he already is having trouble finding a move because any porn will be a weakness and kingi three runs in so queen she won and the King gets trapped so he already kind is in a little bit of a sucks when let's say he plays some paestum of like hook up to and then I could try this move second try this maybe maybe just gonna make Dean bring the King up and then just play g4 so let's see everything gets traded and then and then okay actually g3 practically he's gonna the King's gonna run out of square basically the idea is the Queen has to be centralized it's important to try to keep the Queen in the center because it controls a lot of squares so anyway the position is going to be easy technically and they just have to be a little bit patient but no max of course knew that so he tried to but the problem is he cannot take on h4 because of Queenie one chef and after rookie four I spend a little bit of time and then I calculated that the ponen game is very easily winning I'm just gonna get him to Zook swag and I'm gonna win the opponent game because if he plays he five I can just play h6 cent he's gonna lose the pawn so he played king h1 I play King g3 I'm not even going after the spoon which I probably could but then he can take this pawn but first I'm taking care of business here and basically now that you moved here if you were to move if you were to move here I would have played h3 traded and then come back and grab this pawn and after this move king of for now he's not in time to go win this pawn and from here on ceniza when I'm going to trade of this pawn and win with these pawns so simple of course I did not have to do it and if you do you have to be four hundred percent sure but in this case I wasn't I was the win so this was actually a probably you know usually good games once or not turning points in the match but this was one of these which was probably the turning point of the match because not only was like a hidden hit a blow in his face because he did a lot of preparation he expected obviously to win the match been here in his own best line or in his own weapon I find an improvement and I beat him and basically ever since he didn't even look the same ever since in this match so that's why preparation and the blitz match is really really important actually even in a blitz match you know it doesn't even have to be a lot of concrete preparation but just has to be a couple of ideas here and there and you know when the main weapon it's important to have a strong improvement and after that you're already in pretty good position so I guess with that let's go on to the next game