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Meta and Facebook Ads: New Features and Best Practices for 2024

Meta and Facebook Ads have changed a lot over the  last year there's now plenty of new features that   help businesses create profitable ads including  new inbuilt AI tools but one thing has remained   the same Facebook and Instagram is still the best  social media platforms to advertise on and if your   business does not use Meta Ads correctly, then  the reality is you're missing out on a lot of   growth and sales so if we take a look here at  the key statistics Facebook and Instagram Ad   still has the best ROI or return on investment  for businesses it's still the most used social   media platform worldwide with 3 billion monthly  active users and it's used by 67% of marketers   and although creating winning ads has become more  and more challenging we're still spending hundreds   of thousands on meta ads that we run and for our  clients here so it's absolutely still possible to   create profitable ads that run automatically  to help bring in more sales leads and books   Bings so in this full video tutorial I'll guide  you through the best way as a beginner to run an   optimized Facebook ad and Instagram ad this year  by taking advantage of all the newly released   features if this sounds good to you drop a like  And subscribe it's always appreciated and let's   get right into creating effective ads together so  the very first step is to create an account and   make sure we correctly set up meta ads I mentioned  that there's quite a few new tools and changes to   the system so it's more important than ever that  we correctly set this all up if you already have   an ads account set up feel free to skip to  the next chapter in the playb bar down below   otherwise let's start here at business.  so from here you'll want access to both The Meta   business suite and also the business manager so  what you want to do then is actually use your   Facebook account to log in and create an account  not just an Instagram account then what you're   going to do is Click log in and then I've reached  the meta business Suite but what you're going to   do if you're creating a brand new account is just  simply follow the few steps and then you'll get   your account up and running so I'll be using  a dummy account here and as an example we'll   be selling a pet hair roller so I can guide  you guys through this tutorial for those of   you looking to use meta ads for lead generation  and getting more clients for example don't worry   this tutorial also works for you too with some  tweaks now the very next thing to do is to create   a meta pixel and generate a new data set so to  do this click the hamburger icon right here click   all tools and then scroll all the way down into  event manager once you're in event manager this   is where we're going to create a metap pixel and  a metap pixel for those of you who are wondering   what it is it's basically a data collecting tool  that sits on your website to help optimize our   ads it's a really important tool to have to be  able to build profitable ads I'll show you how   this pixel actually works later in this tutorial  but the first thing we need to do is to actually   create a pixel which is thankfully really easy to  do so you can do this by simply going into event   manager as we are on here and then clicking this  big green plus icon connect data sources click   that and then choose web and then click connect  if you have any other uh places you want to   track like an app or even messaging click those  and then click connect so from here we're then   going to create a new data set so just recently  meta introduced these data sets as the new way   to create track and manage events from your ads  so without getting too technical basically the   new data set feature helps reduce the need to  build and maintain multiple API Integrations so   instead you have everything in one place so go  ahead and name this data set so I'll just add   test data uh data set and then click create  then go ahead and enter the website that you   want connected to this data set uh in this case  I will just add in my own website and then click check and then click next from here make sure you  click metap pixel and conversions API you want   both and then click next and then depending on  what website you're using or what platform you're   using like Shopify or WordPress go in ahead and  click set up with partner integration or set it   up manually in this case let's check what partner  Integrations that they use so if you use any of   these platforms right here basically you're just  going to go ahead and click that platform and then   follow the simple steps to get it all set up and  click C instructions so once you have it all set   up this page here is where you're essentially  going to see all your Integrations all your   events uh in this single spot which is going  to be important when we're creating new ads   and optimizing those new ads so moving on now let  let's use the new useful meta tools that will help   us set up successful meta ads so a very common  question I got in previous uh annual tutorials   is how much money should I spend on ads and what  sort of campaigns should I set up well there are   two tools that will help answer this question  first let's use this Facebook ad cost calculator   here it's completely free to use and I'll leave  a link to it in the description box below so from   here what you're going to do is just input your  monthly Revenue goal let's say it's $5,000 a month   and then your average product price let's say  it's $60 and then your average cost per a th000   Impressions or basically how much you're willing  to pay for a th000 people to look at your ad let's   just say you know it's $10 and then your click  through rate so basically this is on average 3   to 4% so I would just simply plug in 4% to keep  it simple and then your cost per click is 25 and   your cost per acquisition will be $13 so in this  case you have a conversion rate of 1.92% if this   is too much to understand at the moment that's  totally okay you can just guesstimate and then   plug these numbers in because what it's going  to do is it's going to give you a rough idea of   how many sales you're going to get how many clicks  you'll need to gain those sales and then what sort   of total budget you need to work with so in this  case what I've come up with is roughly $11,000 so   let's just stick with that uh number right now uh  this is going to change a lot for different people   depending on the business that you run but let's  stick with $1,000 in this case my recommendation   with budget is to just use a small test budget to  see if your ad or offer is resonating with your   audience and if it is then we can scale up the  budget and I'll show you how to do this next the   other great tool to help you get started with  is meta campaign planner so this updated tool   as you can see here helps you predict ad results  create and compare different ads and even provides   AI suggestions so to use campaign planner just  head to ads manager and then go back down and   then click campaign planner in the list here and  then all you need to do is if you don't have a   page connected to your new ads manager you can  see here that you can just simply go to business   manager and then connect up your page with your  business manager and then once you're able to   do that you can then click create plan and then  it will guide you through a plan and essentially   give you a guide as to what sort of campaigns you  need to set up this is just a great beginers tool   to get you started and is a great Foundation to  start with next let's get an idea of what goes   into a good ad and the simplest way to do this is  by taking a look at your competitors and their ads   so meta's updated ad Library report page is an  amazing Tool uh for this purpose so head over   to ads SL Library slrep I'll also  leave a link down below for convenience and here   you'll get insight to all sorts of information  like the total number of ads in a region a total   amount of spend the top searches and even a spend  tracker as you can see here so what you're going   to do is just play around you know you can take  a look at the top searches from last week or the   past week and you can see how much advertisers  have essentially spent it's quite an interesting   page to use so what I would do if I were you is I  would run a simple keyword search and get an idea   of competitors in your space so let's say for  example you're a real estate agent or business   then what I'd do is come into the search bar and  type in real estate and then literally change   this to all ads in the United States and then  click search and here you'll get a complete list   of current ads running with the keywords real  estate and you can see a lot of different ads   all over the place and this is just a great place  to Benchmark and see what ads are working in this   space typically the older the ad then obviously  it's probably working for that business on that   individual because they've been running that ad  for a significant amount of time so what I would   do is filter and go by the date and just look  at older ads and see what's working for them   but yeah reverse engineer the conversion path and  what I mean by that is going into the ad clicking   the website and seeing what they're advertising  and what sort of like the workflow is like but   you don't need to reinvent the wheel at the same  time don't copy the ad because that's obviously   plagiarism now let's move on to my favorite part  of the process creating the ad creative itself   so an ad creative could be an image a video an  animation for example but it's going to represent   your ad and it's most likely what your viewers  will see first when they stumble upon your ad   so it's the most important part of an ad by far  particularly if you're running Instagram ads so   a great creative will be the difference between  an ad that does nothing but burn your money or an   ad that takes your business to the next level so  you could create any sort of AD creatives you'd   like but my personal recommendation as part of  this tutorial is to create a short form video   so video is still King and recent studies found  on Sprout social say that viewers find short form   content content more than 2 and 1 half times more  engaging but what's happened in 2024 and Beyond is   people are getting bored with ads and AD fatigue  is setting in it's actually quite challenging to   create fresh ads that work at scale so one of the  easiest ways to still create effective ad videos   as a beginner is by using a tool called invido  and they're currently sponsoring this segment of   today's video invido is a web-based video editor  with a really intuitive interface and ready-made   video ad templates so we can create effective  Facebook and Instagram video ads within minutes   it's a platform I've used for years now so let's  jump in and create an ad together so what we'll do   is we'll start in the templates Library here there  is over 6,000 customizable templates to choose   from and the great thing about it is they're all  based on recent Trends and follows social media   guidelines to achieve that high conversion rate  which is what we want it's just a great way to set   up ads and get them up and running really quickly  as a beginner so let's edit a video together   and for this example let's say we run that pet  e-commerce store selling a pet hair roller and   I've actually seen these go completely viral on  social I'll show you in a second so what I'll do   is basically stick with the portrait landscape and  then click ads and then click e-commerce because   that is the niche that we're in and then from  here you can look at specific templates search   for them uh if there's Black Friday templates  Christmas templates but I'll type in pets here   so you can already see there's quite a number  of pet templates here that can work really quite   well with what I am thinking um but in my case I  want to go make it completely customized so I'm   going to exit out of these templates actually so  after taking a look I'm going to settle on this   template here it's really simple but I think it's  going to work well with the content that I have   so I'm going to click use template so this is the  convenient online editor that we're going to use   and what you'll do is if you have any content  that you've already got of the product that   you want to sell that's perfect let's drag and  drop that in so I've got these two here and I'm   going to drag it in let it upload and then this  is where things are going to get really fun and   interesting so for those of you who don't have a  lot of video content content or don't even have   content yet at all there's also a convenient stock  video library footage with 8 million assets from   premium sources like shutter stock and I stock so  you don't actually need to spend lots of time and   money filming every single piece of content as a  beginner I do recommend using ugc 2 which means   user generated content or just filming your own  content of your product for a more effective ad   and then uploading it into nid so what we're  going to do is start pulling in these videos   and then we're going to select the part of the  video that we want to use so as you can see here   this is a really inconvenient way of cleaning  pet hair and we're going to show that up front   first so to speed things up and save you some time  basically I use the in video editor tools here to   add and change text add stock footage to support  the original videos I've uploaded I've included a   logo with a core to action and then automated The  Voice over narration which is actually relatively   simple to do in a few clicks here is what I've  created over the past 10 minutes I just to show   you real quick I probably changed the music  but as you can see I've added user generated   content in here and some quick captions to show  the benefits and usage of this tool in a real   quick sort of 15-second clip and you can even go  in and click voice over here and you can turn the   text to speech automatically with all sorts of  voices so let's generate a voiceover and that   way people also get a voice over generated on top  of the captions which is really useful again for   ads and this is all done automatically which is  great so I also want to quickly show you how we   can use stock footage so in this video clip you  can see that there isn't a dog in site so what   we could do is go in here and type in let's say  golden retriever and let's see what sort of stock   footage they have here of a golden retriever so  you can see there's plenty of golden retriever   footage here so let's go ahead and select this  one and drag it in and then what we're going to do   is just slim it down a little bit right there and  click add and then from here we're going to as you   can quickly see just enlarge the video clip so it  fits the aspect ratio and that way we can quickly   use stock footage to add to our ad so as you can  see here title of cleaning fur here's an easy way   to clean with a fur roller and it's as simple as  that really okay so I'm pretty happy with this   video so far so we're going to go ahead and Export  the video so click export on the top right hand   corner and ensure that video quality is at 1080p  then click export so it's going to export rather   quickly and then you're going to go ahead and  download that video invid is actually extending   a full 25% off all all the paid plans through the  link in the description box below so be sure to   sign up through that link to take advantage of  the discount and gain access to the full quality   exports now that you've created your first ad  if you have some spare time what I'd actually   recommend is creating a few more video ads for  your product or service you want to promote and   this way we can test different ad variations  and find the best winning ad much faster okay   so we're almost there let's finally set this all  up on the platform and tweak the right settings   so your ad has the best chance of success so  to start setting up the ad with the creative   that we just created go back into ads manager and  then under campaigns click the big create button   here leave the buying type to auction and under  campaign objective click sales in my case or if   you're hoping for leads then click leads then  let's make sure that we also name our campaign   with a nice naming convention this way we can  go back and find out campaigns really easily   particularly if you end up having like hundreds of  campaigns naming conventions are really important   so you can stick to any naming convention  that you'd like but a really simple way of   uh a naming convention for campaign is just having  you know the product name and then the goal of the campaign and then typically I'll like having the  date as well just this is just a quick example   for you but you can go with whatever naming  convention you want often mine changes quite a   lot and then ad set and AD we can leave that for  now then click continue so the next step you'll   see a new feature here which is the Advantage Plus  shopping campaign and this is essentially meta's   way to automate your entire campaign this could  be a good option for total beginners but because   you're watching this tutorial we'll want full  control to provide better and greater success   so we're going to go ahead and click manual  sales campaign so we can tweak and manage all   the settings ourselves so click continue then from  here we're at the campaign level let's go through   the options here so special ad categories there  is no special ad categories unless you're in one   of these buckets like credit employment housing  or social issues ETC click make sure that you   click these if you're actually going to be talking  about one of these topics uh it's a shire way to   run into issues if you don't actually click one  of these special ad categories but for everyone   else we can continue with no category and then  moving down here AB split test we'll talk about   this in a moment under optimization but leave this  off for now and then Advantage campaign budget so   this is a new Option and basically for the ogs out  there this was CBO so campaign budget optimization   what it does is it a automatically manages your  campaign budget across adets to try and get you   the overall best results it's the way to go for  beginners so I would actually switch this on and   then with the campaign budget typically I like  to have a lifetime budget if we're just testing   this new product or this new ad so let's go with  lifetime budget and then I will set in let's just   say $200 but let's refer back to the calculator  that I recommended because I know a lot of people   are going to be asking what sort of budget should  I set up so go back to that calculator that will   talking about here and just use that as a rough  guide and then from here budget scheduling uh   this is up to you if you're running a lifetime  budget you can't actually use the scheduling   feature but if you are running a daily budget and  it's an ongoing ad then you can actually schedule   your ad to appear at certain time periods but  that's more an advanced feature only for those   who might have already figured out when is the  best time for that ad to run but if we're testing   I recommend going with lifetime budget and don't  bother with scheduling your ad and have it run   the entire time basically so then finally click  next so now we're in the adset area and this is   also a very important area so be sure to follow  on carefully the first thing we're going to do   is name the adset so there is a new feature here  where you can create template and this is just a   really easy way to automatically name your adsets  without thinking about that name in convention   all the time so what you're going to do is just  click add component and the campaign fields and   go with uh objective and then after that click the  field separator I just like having the dash here   and the item separator it's totally up to you  so click plus again and then choose the adset   fields that you want in the title of the adset I  typically recommend having interest in there and   then also going back into adset field and again  going with any saved audience or the adset ID then   moving down this is where we're actually going  to use the power of the pixel that you've set   up under performance goal you can see here that  there is a number of goals that you can click and   select so this really does depend on what type  of business that you run but for the most part   you're probably wanting to stick with the maximum  number of conversions and then later on probably   maximizing the value of your conversions if you  run a lead business for example you want more   clients well then maximizing the number of landing  page views to your landing page or your website is   probably the way to go so this is really dependent  on the type of business that you run but take a   look through these and then select the one that's  appropriate to you and then make sure that you've   selected the new pixel that you've created and  the conversion event in this case uh would be   add to cards so basically the plan here with the  conversion event is you want as many conversion   events in the first 7 days as possible so the  chances of having a sale is probably lower than   having an add to cart so in this case I'm going  to have ad to cart to the conversion event again   if you run a different type of business and it's  just a book a call uh then you probably want Just   landing page views as a uh as a starting point  and then later on you know you can change that   conversion event as part of the optimization  which I'll talk about later in this tutorial   then scrolling down attribution I usually don't  mess with this if this is just a test campaign   particularly if you're a beginner just leave it  as is scrolling down now we have a feature called   Dynamic creative and this is where meta starts to  leverage AI to help you create automatic text and   potentially sometimes videos and multimedia to  help you add out with different variations so   again if you're a beginner I would typically  just leave this off but if you're testing new   adsets new ads that are already working for you  this is a worthwhile feature to turn on and see   how it performs for you as a beginner so in this  case I'll just leave it on and then under budget   scheduling and AD set spending limits this won't  matter particularly if you're running a lifetime   budget Campaign which we're doing in this case and  then under audience controls this is where you're   going to set the country or countries to Target  and serve your Adu so let's go ahead and change   that let's just say I am selling to the United  States and by the way you can go very specific   here you can literally type in the uh state within  a country you can even go into a city and be that   specific you can also add exclusions and let's  say I don't want to I don't know uh advertise to   Germany for whatever reason I can also add that  in and exclude Germany and then clicking show   more options here just to show you every single  tool and option that is at your disposal you can   set a minimum age and then you can also exclude  custom audiences custom audiences being audiences   that you've created yourself through that pixel  let's say you've got an email list and you want   to add that in as a custom audience and say look I  don't want who want to advertise to that audience   because let's say they've already bought something  from your business you can add it in here and then   down here Advantage Plus audience let's go ahead  and click audience suggestion and then what we're   going to do is go and change this so make sure  that you set the age bracket the gender totally   up to you and then the detail targeting so this is  the beauty of the power of Facebook and Instagram   so you can set the exact targeting details that  you want and then my suggestion particularly   if you're just starting out is to Niche down but  also keep it broad at the same time so the easiest   way to do this is just use the browse feature  click browse and then under here you can look   at demographics you can take a look at interests  and you can even take a look at behaviors and take   a look at what you think would resonate with your  business that you're running or the product that   you're trying to sell so in this case you know  if we take a look uh in under interests well   then likely under hobbies and pets this is what  we're wanting to go for so since we're selling a   fur remover we'll probably want to Target cats  dogs and that's probably about it I I mean we   can Target other animals but uh as a general test  that's already a huge audience group as you can   see under audience definition that is already an  audience group of about 100 million people uh so   that's already huge enough but this is a bit too  big so what you can do is Click Define further and   then under cats and dogs we can also match other  uh behaviors so let's say click browse again and   click behaviors down here and let's just take  a look at uh you know what they've been doing   recently so they could we could Target people that  are interested in C and dogs but they might also   be using their mobile devices only for example  or they're an Instagram business profile admin   or you can go down into their purchase behavior  and that they're engaged Shoppers so I typically   actually like having engaged Shoppers set as an  option uh this is based on their behavior online   if they've bought something from a store within  the past week they will be build as an Engaged   Shopper and you can see that this has already  brought down the estim estimated audience size   to about half so for testing I like having that  on in general so that's a great purchase Behavior   to have on but the goal here is to have it  broad but at the same time Niche it down a   little bit more so that way there's higher chance  of them converting and actually purchasing your   product at least in the get-go in the beginning  then under placements Advantage Plus placements   is basic basically automatic placements you're  giving control over to meta I recommend actually   having manual placements because there's a lot  of placements that I just don't want my ads to   be showing we want complete control over this  so I would remove personally Audience Network   and have it on Facebook and Instagram only and  then from here we can take a look if you see the   drop down there is a lot of areas where you can  place your ads or you don't want to place your   ads so if you're running an organic looking  ad where it's just a video clip it looks like   user generated content you want to place that  on Purely Instagram and Facebook feeds so you   know when you're scrolling it looks organic as  possible sometimes you can also get away with   Instagram stories Facebook Stories as an ad that  works pretty well too from what I've seen so I   would go through the feeds placements and just  tick essentially Instagram feed Facebook feed   and tick things uh that aren't relevant to that so  video feeds Facebook Marketplace let remove that   in Instagram explore typically works well from  what I've seen as well Facebook right column I'll   tick that off stories and reals will leave that on  making sure though that you have video placements   that work specifically for stories and reals cuz  you know that that format is different obviously   and then in stream ads for videos and reals I  will remove that and search results I will also   remove that so you can get really Advanced here  and create specific ads for specific placements   that gets a little bit more complicated it's what  you should be aiming for later down the track but   if you're a beginner these are great placements  to start off with anyway okay now we're finally   on the final page which is the ad page this is  where we're going to create the ad itself so the   first thing you going to do is again just add  name so just create an ad name here and use the   template function again and add those components  that you think is going to be relevant for you so   in this case let's go with again the adet name and  then use the separators and just have uh the ad   filled itself and let's just go with the headline  for example and let's just click save so that's   just a quick example for you and then scrolling  down here make sure that your Facebook page and   your Instagram account are connected particularly  if you're running on both Facebook and Instagram   under ad setup let's keep it simple stick with  manual upload format stick with single image or   video and then under here multi- advertising ads  if you're starting out this is actually a pretty   decent option to have on basically this means  that your ad will run alongside next to other   ads it's completely fine uh it seems to work fine  in terms of cost and also results and conversions   so let's leave that on and here is the ad creative  now select that video that we just created in in   video and so I'm going to upload that right now  so once your creative and video is uploaded you   can see here optimize creative for each person I  highly recommend turning this new feature on and   what this does is it leverages machine learning  and AI to create different uh variations of your   ad to speak specifically to an audience now we  had to do this manually in the past but now it is   semi-automated you can see the potential list of  automations right here so some of the things it'll   automatically do for you is apply some minor image  enhancements uh it will also even add related   emoji to your text if it finds that it's suitable  and it will help you add it's pretty amazing what   it can do but basically it's there to try and  help and improve your ad automatically because   at the end of the day Facebook and meta want you  to create successful ads so that way you continue   spending on their platform moving down now we have  the primary text the headline and the description   these are extremely important as well so in order  of how important they are the primary text is the   blur that is in the main box the headline is the  headliner text you'll see underneath the creative   and then the link or the display link is what  you see right here underneath the creative so   what I would do is start with the primary text  because that's the most important and just to   keep it simple the first sentence is always the  most important so this is what we call the hook   line you want something to capture the attention  of people when they read the first line of the   primary text and then you can have the benefits  as the second line and finally the offer as the   last line so this is extremely important because  as you can see underneath benefits already after   the second line break you you'll see a c more  button so people won't actually see that until   they click see more so the hook line is by far  the most important when it comes to the headline   i' suggest either calling out the offer that  you have or the benefit of the service or tool   that you're selling so let's just say 10% off  so and so and so pet roller and then you have   the description underneath that you can just  elaborate on the headline from that and then   your website URL so make sure that you've included  that in and when it comes to the website ensure   please ensure that your website is number one  built up to scratch and number two is optimized   for Speed and you checked out the actual flow of  your website so that way you don't have any issues   when you're funing funneling so many people over  to your website so you do want to make sure that   your website is optimized first before you start  running ads that is an extremely important point   so moving on you can click here and preview  your ad itself so I'll click play here and   you can see this is a Facebook feed example but  if you to click Instagram feed here you can see   that immediately there is no display link there  is no description or headline it is simply just   the primary text and you know that's how it works  on Instagram you just have the uh caption so you   got to make sure that the caption or the primary  text for Instagram is really hard-hitting and   Powerful because that's all they'll see outside  side of the creative but yeah at the end of the   day the creative the video itself is by far the  most important as you can see here just just make   sure you check all the other placements and that  they look right to you uh before you move on then   moving down you have the display link that's if  you want the link to display slightly differently   from the actual URL just for aesthetic purposes  and then you've got browser add-ons this is great   for those of you who want to generate more lead  more calls more bookings these are options for   you and then of course you finally have the court  action simply just select one that is appropriate   to your goal and in this case it would be shop  now so click shop now and then scrolling down   you finally have tracking just make sure that the  metap pixel is active and working as you can see   here this one's obviously not working because this  is a dummy account but once that's all done click   hit publish so now we're finally live with your  your first ad from this tutorial you want to now   keep an eye on it and optimize the ad during the  ad testing phase now this is a whole other video   in itself but what I'll do is I'll share three  important techniques to get you started so you   can optimize your ad correctly so the first thing  is split testing split testing also known as AB   testing is an optimization strategy that involves  testing two elements of an ad against each other   to basically deter which one delivers the best  results you've probably heard of ab split testing   I've mentioned it a lot in previous Facebook ad  tutorials uh it is very popular for a reason split   testing is super important in identifying the  most effective part of the ad from the creative   to the audience segments to the title or even the  offer so make sure you are setting up multiple ads   and split testing different elements of the ad  so you know what is working and what isn't met   ads is often a science not an art so the more you  test and optimize the better the second tip is to   utilize audience matching for each ad now audience  matching is basically making sure the ad is tailor   made for the audience that you are targeting so  a simple example is if I duplicate an ad and now   I'm targeting let's say France instead of the  US that ad now needs to speak to the new French   demographic it should be relevant and relatable  to the French and I don't mean just changing the   language I mean speaking culturally to that  audience because that way it speaks directly   to them and draws their attention often most  people get lazy and just duplicate the ad to   new audiences without making any sort of changes  or optimization which could result in a total   waste of money the third tip that many people  make mistakes with is the learning phase of an   ad The Meta learning phase is the starting period  when the platform collects data to understand how   to best deliver your ads to the audience that  you've chose to Target so during this phase   the learning phase meta shows your ads to a small  number of people and then tracks their responses   so this learning phase can last from a few hours  to a few weeks depending on a lot of factors but   the best result is to exit the learning phase as  soon as possible to do this my recommendation is   to allocate the budget to generate 50 result  actions within the first week of the campaign   and make sure you do not change the campaign  settings like targeting or placements during   this period and make sure that it has the time to  exit the learning phase as smoothly as possible   so if you're interested in going from beginner  to Advanced with meta ads I'll drop a link to   another mini course down below where you'll learn  Advanced optimization techniques to supercharge   your ad and if you found today's video tutorial  useful and you made it all the way to the end   drop a like and comment the code word marketing  and I'll give it a like for making it to the end   I hope you're able to take your business to the  next level by using meta ads and following on   this tutorial this year as always thanks for  watching and I'll see you in the next video