Comprehensive Python Programming Guide

Aug 30, 2024

Python Tutorial by Mosh Hamadani


  • Python is a multi-purpose programming language.
  • Used for machine learning, AI, web development, and automation.
  • Popular frameworks: Django (web development).
  • Examples of websites using Python: YouTube, Instagram, Spotify, Dropbox, Pinterest.

Getting Started

  • Visit to download the latest version.
  • Installation: Remember to add Python to PATH (important for Windows users).
  • Install a code editor like PyCharm (community edition recommended).
    • For Windows: Follow the installation wizard.
    • For Mac: Drag PyCharm to the Applications folder.

Writing and Running Python Code

  • Create a new project in PyCharm.
  • Use the print function to display text: print("Hello, world!").
  • Strings: Sequence of characters, can use single or double quotes.
  • Terminal window displays code output.


  • Store data temporarily, e.g., age = 20.
  • Variable types: integer, float, string, boolean.
  • Boolean values: True or False (case-sensitive).
  • Python is case sensitive.

User Input

  • Use input() to receive input, e.g., name = input("What is your name?").
  • Convert input types with int(), float(), bool(), str().

String Methods

  • Strings are objects with methods like .upper(), .lower(), .find(), .replace().
  • Strings are immutable.
  • Use in operator to check for substrings.

Arithmetic Operations

  • Basic operations: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/).
  • Integer division (//), modulus (%), exponentiation (**).
  • Augmented assignment: x += 3 equivalent to x = x + 3.
  • Operator precedence and use of parentheses to control evaluation order.

Comparison Operators

  • Operators: >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=.
  • Produce boolean values.

Logical Operators

  • and, or, not for building complex conditions.

If Statements

  • Used for decision-making.
  • Indentation represents blocks of code (Python doesn't use braces).
  • if, elif, else used to evaluate conditions.


While Loops

  • Repeat a block of code while a condition is true.
  • Example: printing numbers 1 to 5.

For Loops

  • Iterate over sequences (like lists).
  • Example: printing items in a list.


  • Use square brackets [] to create lists.
  • Access and modify elements via indices.
  • Methods: .append(), .insert(), .remove(), .clear().
  • Use in to check for existence, len() for length.


  • Immutable sequence of objects.
  • Defined with parentheses ().
  • Limited methods compared to lists.

Range Function

  • Generates a sequence of numbers.
  • Used often with for loops.
  • Syntax: range(start, stop, step).


  • Create simple projects like weight converter, basic calculator.


  • Mosh Hamadani offers more advanced courses on his website.
  • Python is a versatile language for various applications.