Transcript for:
Speed's Cultural Adventure in India

[Music] you're looking for me you're looking for me I was with your mom because I'm your dad bro I'm in India yo bro speed is in India come on I'm so excited to meet my fans they are downstairs come let's meet them let's be them come on come on come on my people screaming the love for me come on speed is here guys [Applause] speing of me get the [ __ ] out of here [Applause] yo Tade I'm in India and I love India I love Indian people I love Indian culture speed is not going back speed is in India spe is an what the f what the [ __ ] you're bleeding he's bleeding this old man is bleeding see see he's bleeding man see see what the [ __ ] someone call the ambulance please no speed he's fine it's not blood it's P what what's what's Pawn what's that man what's pa what's why are people calling me kalu man what's that I want this [ __ ] I want this I want P I want P speed is going having P let's come on come on come [Music] on yeah yeah so Chad speedy trying to P first time in in India yo wow my bro my brother bro I want a pond give me that fiery [ __ ] yeah you want fire Pond yeah fire Pond yeah open your mouth W okay what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you are doing fire what what the [ __ ] you are doing man what's that what's that brother W no open it open it open it open it [Applause] speed are you okay at least I'm white [Music] now come on Chad Speedy L India man Speedy L India hey why are so many people there is is is he some celebrity is he vat COI it's he vat Ki come on let's me him hey hey are you vat coli hey what the [ __ ] he's selling man what the [ __ ] are you selling water balls he's selling water balls let's try let's try man come on I want water balls I want balls balls balls yeah man you call a he's calling Aunt okay give me those arm please yeah yeah yeah fill my mouth with your armt come on come on give me those arm don't hit me don't hit me man I'll pay more I'll pay more I just want this B that's it let's try let's try oh my God this so spicy this very good flavors with some spices I really want to know what secret [ __ ] inside there I really want to know hey man what's the secret what's the secret this is secret secret I want I want more spices spices [ __ ] it's out hey shut the [ __ ] up you man why are you honking man what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what's your problem [Music] man who the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] [Music] youy you tun tuning bro Oh no you're not tuning tuning man not no no you don't look like T shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up you don't look like tun me [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] man I think I think he's an Indian blogger Jack prop J he's making fool of me he's imposter he's imposter man he's impos he's not turning tunic man he's not turning tunic toic toic man my do come let's go to your home let's go to your home I'm your [Music] biggest I still can't believe man I'm a tunic tunic house man my man tunic the back to back to back to back all such a nice house me what's Ka man what hey what we are having man this is dog oh B I love dog I love dog so Shey that we eat with dog meaning yeah what's mean by W dhne punching bag punch you punch me you punch uh when I three peg then I okay man got it can I punch her bro that's my personal that's my personal you you know you speedy come come I still can't believe I'm a tunic tunic house man you're my God man you're my God you have so much money man so all you un by the music and for also use B bomo what's bomo this is bomo India best trading platform wow bro but but bro I don't know how to trade how oh Kamali extra income man what the wow wow description link go bro I I still can't believe you are with me right now can I kiss you me please no he like [Music] you sing yes man I can sing come let's sing Turn Turn come let's sing with [Music] me wow wow man wow man bro you're so famous man when you go outside people must R gems for you sometimes yeah yeah okay so you must be loving traffic yeah 600 people you saying something no no no no no okay okay okay okay p y listen to me come on man listen to me your your song's playing in club too clubs party wedding wedding wedding hey hey hey wedding can I go to Indian Ving I want to see please please I want to see I want to show my fans get ready please please please ping please please okay okay okay okay and then Raj Vlogs the wedding Raj Vlog who's Raja Vlog and I give wedding clothes you you will mean he's my God I will rent rent 500 per day no no wor I have so much 500 okay man don't worry I can't give you come on I'm going toat Indian wedding man come let's join me let's join me Chas yo Chas I'm I'm so excited for this Indian wedding come look look at me H look yeah dude what's that sound what's that sound come on come on follow me come on what he want me to sit he want me to sit here sit can I sit can I sit here can I yeah stop it stop stop stop it let's come inside let's come inside yeah yo yo yo yo some music play inside come come let's see what is happening inside come [Music] on money broow what the [ __ ] yo CH now we're going to meet my boy MC's te yeah he's India's biggest rapper he's he's Indian Lil way man come on let's meet Lil way man come on SP get the [ __ ] out of him man who the [ __ ] are you where's MC's team you look like slave man where's your boss what the [ __ ] man I'm I'm staying look look I'm St what the [ __ ] he stand [ __ ] man no you don't look like you don't look like ill wi man he's ill wi man if a had a face it look like you it look like you come on come on come on man stop joking man stop joking come on hug me man smell like [ __ ] wow [ __ ] man I am at St Studios man come on I'm so excited to making music with my man music man you're P to let's come Baby W what the [ __ ] why you trying to talk like me man me [ __ ] it man [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] [ __ ] it hey can you just shut up can you just shut up and make some music man [ __ ] it yeah yeah yeah yeah let's make music my Bo MC 2 Jack bro one 2 three yes come on man come on come on [Music] come yeah yeah [Music] me mus the part time [Music] hey help me bro what the [ __ ] easy [Music] easy looking like criminals are they criminals man criminals what what the [ __ ] isi man what the [ __ ] is happening I'm scared I'm scared bro I'm scared ald boys W whoa whoa wo wo don't don't come don't come near me don't don't don't kill me guys don't K me now Look those [ __ ] stole everything from me those [ __ ] stole everything from me what to do now what to do now man I'm hungry man I'm hungry I just have 100 [ __ ] rupees what what can I eat in this man let's let's eat this come come go w w what hey hey you hungry man you need money take it take it take it take it help people help people yeah but that was the last money you had so what he need this man come on I'm just hungry he must be hungry for more days me yeah look at him look at him how happy he is look at him [Music] man the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] my money man what the [ __ ] you doing India is not for beginers India is not for thank you so much guys for watching my video yes pleas downlo love you guys video love you