my favorite's probably the fresh cut grass they're called man cans our original scents were fresh cut grass new mitt and campfire and then we've added on bacon buttered popcorn bubblegum hot cocoa coffee all from the mind of 13-year-old Hart M my sister was selling candles for school and I was kind of making fun of her because they're were really girly sense and the idea came to me to make man Cent candles cuz nobody was doing that it all starts with recycled soup hands with an eye to the environment the paper around it too is recycled so about 50% of our product is recycled and with a warning on every label for those using the man can for the first time in case you are stupid this candle will get very very hot heart does have a few limitations my mom helps make the candles because she doesn't trust me with the wax but but he does just about everything else I label the candles I decide what we're going to use for scents what we're going to call it and most importantly I do the accounting he's got plenty of man cans and business cards ready to go hoping other Marysville stores will push his product they sold well before Christmas and he's seeing a bit of an uptick in time for the next big holiday our Valentine's Day package is breakfast and bed it includes bacon coffee and Flapjacks I was going to say giving up sleep for school