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What are the key differences between primary and secondary data?
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Primary data is directly collected from the source, is more reliable and suitable, but requires more time and cost. Secondary data is collected from other sources, is less reliable, but more economical and less time-consuming.
How do published and unpublished sources of secondary data differ?
Published sources refer to data that has already been made publicly available by others, while unpublished sources are data collected by others but have not been published.
Why is accuracy and suitability important in data collection?
Accuracy ensures the validity of the data collected, while suitability makes sure the method chosen is appropriate for the specific field of study and economic considerations.
What is the role of surveys in data collection?
Surveys gather data from individuals by using structured methods like questionnaires, aiming to collect systematic and structured data.
What role do respondents play in data collection?
Respondents are the people from whom data is collected.
What are some common methods of collecting primary data?
Common methods include questionnaires, interviews, and observations.
What precautions should be taken during data collection?
Ensure the credibility of sources and strike a balance between cost and accuracy to select an optimal method.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of indirect methods of data collection?
Advantages are that they are economical and can cover large areas. Disadvantages include lesser accuracy and reliability.
What are statistical errors and how can they be minimized during data collection?
Statistical errors occur during data collection which need to be acknowledged and corrected to ensure data accuracy.
In what scenarios might government agencies use data collection methods?
Government agencies employ data collection methods for continuous and regular intervals such as surveys and census.
What are the primary methods of collecting data?
The primary methods of collecting data include direct method (collecting data yourself from the source) and indirect method (collecting data from someone else).
How do direct and indirect oral investigations differ?
Direct oral investigations involve directly obtaining information from the respondent, while indirect oral investigations gather information via third parties.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of direct methods of data collection?
Advantages include high accuracy and original data. Disadvantages are high cost and time consumption.
How do cost and time considerations affect the choice of data collection method?
Methods need to be chosen based on the economic viability and the time available, balancing between getting accurate data and managing resources efficiently.
Why is systematic data collection important?
Systematic data collection ensures that data gathered is accurate and relevant, supporting the validity of the research findings.