today we're going to be answering one of the questions that's been floating around the community since the very Inception of the game is it worth it to shoot down the enemy bot aircrafts as they bring in reinforcements on the surface this should be an easy yes because when you shoot it down all the enemies are supposed to die and it's supposed to make it much easier for you to fight however as we know with the game there's a lot of glitches and other things that happen which means some people debate this and say that it's not worth it because of the glitches and other things that happen so let's approach this with science I spent hours shooting down reinforcement aircraft so you wouldn't have to and I compiled the results together so let's talk about it when you shoot down the enemy aircraft there are four possible outcomes one nothing happens two it glitches out and the enemies get stuck midair or stuck on the ground and can't really do anything and become harmless three it glitches out and the enemies get stuck under the aircraft and they can shoot out at you but it is harder to shoot them because the aircraft deflects all the bullets and number four they all die and it is a successful outcome all the enemies get destroyed and you don't have to worry about them this is what you want so after shooting down hundreds of aircraft here's what I can say happens most of the time in my experience now of course these results are a small sample size a couple hundred is fairly notable but considering how many millions of these aircrafts have probably been destroyed over the course of weeks probably hundreds of millions is a relatively small sample size so we're going to use it to try and discuss this but no more work does need to be done in this area to get a definitive answer in my experience 50 to 60% of the time when you blow up the enemy aircraft you are going to experience a glitch and out of these glitches I would say seven or eight times out of 10 it's the good kind of glitch where the enemy gets stuck in the air and they're just free for you to take down without any threat or their weapons get stuck firing up in the air or they can't move that is a beneficial glitch however the other percentage of the time about 20% of the time or two out of 10 they get stuck under the enemy aircraft and they become really really really hard to take down but they can shoot out at you now this isn't a big deal if they're just non-threatening regular enemies but if you happen to get like rocket Devastator stuck under there they have a complete shield and can fire across the map at you with almost no repercussions and this creates a very bad scenario where they're very hard to take out unless you waste another strategy on them I would say another 15 to 20 maybe even 30% of the time we got outcome number four where the enemy is destroyed or an alternative number four where the enemy is damaged now this is unconfirmed but it is my theory right now based on my testing that even if they aren't completely destroyed when the ship crashes they still take damage I get this Theory because a few enemies were instantly taken down by a Gatling Sentry that I had out that should not have been taken down by the gatl sentury now this could be because they were walking on rocks and they just got knocked off balance which is an instant Koo for the Bots or because their damage had already been met they were taken down with just one more hit it is worth noting on the instant takedown I have never seen that work on the actual tank not the hulks but the actual physical tanks as far as I can tell they never get glitched and they never take damage from falling no matter how high up you blow them out of the air no matter what position no matter how they land I have not seen in all of my data a tank destroyed by being shot down that leaves the remaining 10 to 20% of the time nothing happens you fire down you take down the aircraft and enemies just get flung out of it they take no damage they just get up and start shooting at you this is the worst possible outcome not just because the enemies live and now you have to take them down not just because you fired off your strategy weapon or however you took it down and now you have to reload or you're down a little bit of ammo we've also littered the battlefield with obstacles that the enemies can seem to shoot through but you cannot so you've given the Bots an advantage and wasted your resources and gained nothing for it so now that we have this data what does it mean does that answer the question is it better to shoot them down or is it not so let's pick apart the data and see what it says based on the numbers I've given you here you have somewhere between a 60 and 80% chance of something happening when you shoot down the aircraft that is most likely beneficial to you except for that 20% of the time where there a bad glitch and it's a hindrance to you I think those odds are pretty darn good yes there's that 20% chance that they get stuck underneath the aircraft but outside of that a 60 to 80% chance for something good to happen whether it be them getting stuck in air whether it be getting instantly destroyed whether it be they're glitched on the ground and then now they're non-threat that is almost too good of an opportunity to pass up however it is also worth noting these numbers are slightly influenced by the enemies that are carrying on the aircraft carrier as I said previously the tanks are absolutely immune to being blown out of the air as far as I can tell what this means is it's never worth wasting the ammo on them and rather you should be hitting them while you can or taking them down the second they hit the ground unfortunately hulks also seem to be the most resilient to being glitched out more times than not the the ones who absolutely survived the fall which makes sense because they have more health so if it is a damage-based system well they have more health so the damage doesn't do as much to them most of the community also agrees that the hulks especially the flamethrower hulks are the biggest threats so having a chance to absolutely remove them from the fight before they can do any damage or cause any problems is a wonderful alternative to have to actually fighting them straight up like you should the enemies that seem to take the most damage damage or be most likely to be destroyed are the small chaff which again makes sense they have the least HP so if they're getting damaged as they fall the ones that have the least HP are the most likely to be destroyed in this process that makes sense so is it worth shooting down the enemy aircraft I believe there are four factors to determine to answer this question number one can you hit the shot it's not a particularly difficult shot but if you're being fired at if you're taking damage if you're under stress it can be easy to miss the shot if you're either inexperienced in a rush or you have an outstanding circumstance that you couldn't factor in like a straight bullet hitting you at just the moment you went to fire off the attack if you're using something like a quazar cannon usually missing isn't like a huge resource dampener as in like you don't lose ammo however you still now don't have access to that weapon until it's off cool down which can be a huge disadvantage especially if you're playing on Hell dive where multi Hulks and tanks are being dropped in at once if you're using a recoiless rifle yes you can reload but that's going to take time that's a waste of resources and that reload does take time that you may not have number two what are the enemies being called in if your team has no anti- chaff like if for some reason everyone went Commandos and Rockets then yeah it makes sense to shoot down the chaff aircraft because you don't have a way to deal with those as easily and they're more likely to be taken down by this process that makes total sense but if only one person brought a weapon that can shoot down the enemy aircraft and they happen to be someone who misses or it's a long reload and they're calling in multiple tanks and multiple problems to deal with it might not make sense to waste that one shot on an aircraft when it can be used to put down hulks or tanks that are already on the battlefield Factor 3 also has to deal with resources but do have the resources to take down the enemy aircraft efficiently for example if you're carrying a Equis rifle you got six shots and if you're halfway through the game supplies are on cool down you're nowhere near point of interest and you only have one shot left or two shots left it might not be worth the gamble of taking down the enemy aircraft when you could save that for actually taking down a Hulk or a tank as a threat especially again if your team did not bring any anti-tank themselves the final factor I admit sounds a little bit silly but I do believe that is a valid point because many people have brought this point up I want to Factor it in and that is it looks cool to blow them up and like there's no denying that right it does look cool to absolutely destroy them especially if like it's a night Mission or a snowy Mission they crash down you get that huge Fireball explosion it is super satisfying granted it's disappointing when that does absolutely nothing but it is still cool and that rule of cool is very important to Hell divers too in the same way a lot of community videos you see someone call in a 500 kg eagle and they jump into it or they salute before they die or a lot of different things the community does the rule of cool plays an important factor in the game and that is it's just more fun when you're doing cool things when you have cool Fireball explosions and when you feel like a super soldier so if you've watched this entire video and you say yeah the data may say this but uh I'm not going to do it because it looks cool that's a completely valid way to play that is a completely valid way to to look at this whole video and say nah I'm not going to use any of that math I'm not going to use any of that data I just want to look cool which means I'm going to make the big things go boom completely valid I respect that as for my personal opinion after doing this experiment after taking down a bunch of enemy aircraft after spending a few hours doing this I do think I will continue to blow up the enemy aircraft as well one because it's cool like we just discussed but also for me the probability of something good happening seems to outweigh the scenarios where something bad happens and take it from me I'm not the greatest shot in the world you've probably seen this video a few times where I've whiffed it and completely missed even if you miss to me it's still worth the gamble cuz you're going to have that backup in your team on level 9 hell dive should be confident enough to make up for it if you happen to embarrass yourself and Miss like I do if you've made it this far I want to thank you for watching my video there are plenty of other hell diver videos on my channel so if you're interested go check them out thank you thank you so much for watching and have a blessed day