Transcript for:
Misconceptions about Food and Health

did you know that jaggery good is not healthier than sugar good is not good nor is brown sugar nor fruit juices nor honey or that detox treatments are nothing but a waste of time and money and like a whole bunch of misconceptions we have about food let's talk about that you are ending careers of people with that statement you ending businesses this whole channel is about that about ending careers and businesses yes of people who should not be running those careers and businesses in the first place yes thank you channel so see a lot of people are under the misconception that oh good I can eat good because it is healthier than sugar yes that's what we've been told all this wi and why is it supposed to be healthier because it is not sugar it's natural it is natural it is not processed right sugar is bleached yes right so reality yeah most of Jager is sugar okay it has the same molecules in it yes extra minerals that it has are so minor that they make no difference to your health okay and if you ever look at real raw unprocess jaggery it is ugly dark and sticky nobody would buy it okay so jaggery itself that you buy is also processed that is also bleached okay not just that but Jager has a high pH okay pH as an you know it is a slightly acidic and if you put it in milk it will curdle the milk so they cannot sell it directly okay so they add chemicals to jaggery to reduce the pH right so Jagger is not natural it is bleached it has chemicals and it is mostly sugar okay okay it is processed just like sugar except that it is processed in factories without any regulation and by people without degrees at least sugar has regulations and degrees okay so right so you are right not good for you well as a no it is equally as good or as bad as sugar one good thing though is that it has a better more interesting taste right so but you know just accept the fact that you're having something as bad as sugar but for the taste as long as you understand that that's fine just don't be under the misconception that is somehow good for you because you know you switch good with sugar okay yeah but then how about how about deara brown sugar brown sugar right about 100 years ago in the process for making sugar if you stopped a little early right you didn't do the full refinement yeah the bleaching and whatnot you know earlier stage used to be sold as brown sugar okay okay that was 100 years ago nobody sells that thing anymore today if you go and buy brown sugar what you get is people who make sugar and then add Brown to it wait what yes brown sugar today is sugar which has been processed so it is brown sugar which has been purposely made imp pure yes uh why would they do that and what's the I mean so again you know people are under the misconception that oh Brown Sugar means it is healthier than sugar oh and it has minerals okay it has iron or whatever right 100 G of brown sugar will give you 15% of your recommended daily allowance of iron okay if you eat 100 g of sugar you will probably die much before iron becomes an issue for you yeah there are no other useful vitamins or minerals in brown sugar okay and I was actually thinking H so I have to 600 g of sugar to get absolutely daily qu I didn't think about the fact that 600 g of sugar a bit much the good news is that brown sugar is more dense than sugar so am I clearly so one teaspoon of brown sugar actually contains more sugar than one teaspoon of sugar okay so do not have brown sugar unless you like the taste of brown sugar okay okay so then what I switch to honey instead of any of the sugars honey is 99% sugar okay 1 teaspoon of honey has more sugar than 1 teaspoon of sugar okay minerals honey has only Trace quantities of minerals okay most of the claimed health benefits of honey there is no research backing for that okay there are some minor benefits which is that if in small children they have a cough you give them honey and it suits the throat yes not very small children not don't give it to children be below one years of age and even that benefit doesn't exist for adults right so if you want to have honey do it for the flavor not because there are health benefits right but honey actually does coat your throat when you have a bad cough and reduces symptoms of the cough I'm not saying it reduces the cough itself the symptoms for children in adults it is a placebo effect okay fair yeah I do agree so what you're now going to switch to fruit juices yeah that's only other I'm trying to think of what other sugar substitutes I can think of other than the the chemically created ones which is your sugar freeze and natural and splendas and whatnot but yeah fruit juices seems to be the only other way to consume healthy sugar yeah it is sugar it's not healthy okay because it is still sugar okay it's not sucralose other sugars but they are also sugars okay having them is equally bad for your health right same effects they have in Fruit juices are healthy no fruits are healthy the reason fruits are healthy is twofold one is because there is fiber in them so along with the sugar you consume fiber and that fiber is really good for you and second is that that fiber also ensures that you can't eat too much of that you try to eat too much fruit and you will actually get tired so that is what ensures that you can't have too much of it and Juice keeps the bad parts of a fruit the sugar and throws out the good parts which is the fiber okay I've been doing this all wrong my entire life very clearly which explains a lot of things so all sugar is basically terrible you have to basically avoid sugar is what you're saying in general there are a lot of people who feel that sugar is much worse for the world than cigarettes and alcohol and a whole bunch of other things right sugar is one of the worst things that has happened to the modern world we have increased the consumption and by Sugar you mean the molecule not just the processed sugar bit of course yes right the good news is that more and more of the world is catching on to this fact lots of people are reducing sugar but there is a bit of a problem especially for diabetics right diabetics everyone knows that you're not supposed to have sugar what they don't realize is that you also have to cut down on carbohydrates because in in your body the carbohydrates gets processed and ultimately they become glucose so too much carbohydrate is also going to give you a sug sugar Spike just a little later right so in fact one of the most interesting new modern things that is going on is something called continuous glucose monitoring okay uh for about 5 to 10,000 rupees you can get a device and a patch right so you put a patch and the device and it checks your blood sugar automatically every 15 minutes oh and typically you do this for 2 weeks and you also keep track of what food you ate at what time and whether it caused a spike or not and one of the most fascinating things that happens is that you realize all kinds of surprising things about yourself the first thing is that every person has a different reaction to different foods okay so I will give you an example of one of my friends okay he ate strawberry ice cream okay obviously blood sugar shot up from 120 to 190 makes sense no surprise there on a different day he had Caesar salad followed by a meal consisting of shrimp and spinach okay after the meal he had strawberry ice cream again shoot up nope BSL went from 120 stayed at 135 never shot up to 190 so the Caesar salad and the shrimp spinach meal helped in some way to reduce the fiber in those slowed down the absorption of sugar right and a whole I know more of my friends who have found all kinds of interesting stories like this about what affects their blood sugar right so another friend who discovered that Rice by itself causes a spike curd by itself causes a spike but C rice doesn't cause a this friend was South Indian no yes all right uh a lot of interesting surprising things I'm learning today about food and sugar specifically misconception no let's move on from sugar and let's move on from diabetics right let's move on to misconceptions about just regular food right all kinds of old wives taals right cucumber Kaki have you ever taken a Kaki chopped off the Hedge and then this this this this this to it to reduce the bitterness to reduce the bitterness yes there is no such thing it does nothing to reduce the bitterness okay but they said it does reduce the bitterness they also said that if you eat carrots you will get like really good eyesight see I know that one was basically a spy off by Britain during the second world war exactly and these things just spread for no good reason who spread the Kaki thing I want to meet that person and ask him how many times did you do this this this this this this okay spicy foods cause stomach cers yes no bacteria cause stomach cers some painkillers cause stomach ulcers okay so chili actually reduces acid production in the stomach so it might help with that right the problem is that later on in your Elementary Canal if there are like you know problems that's where chili is a problem right but not in stomach alcer actually I need to go visit my gastroenterologist yes also nonv food makes you aggressive no it doesn't make you aggressive that's just made up by people who don't like nonv food okay I am the most docile person on Earth yeah it doesn't make me aggressive you know Hali has amazing medicinal properties no right HEI causes all kinds of problems because too many Indians overc consume HEI and they end up at a liver Doctor's Clinic then there are some people who say that you know you should have an alkaline diet and that reduces your acidity and they give you a list of foods which are alkaline you know if the pH of your body changes you will die okay the body does an excellent job of managing the pH on its own you don't need to have an alkaline diet okay I've heard about that there is this thing called alkaline water that is currently being sold by the bucket load truck load yeah but even simpler oh you must boil milk before drinking you mustn't if you are taking milk from a cow then yes boil it but I don't think you are taking milk from a cow I don't think you are taking milk from a cow and neither are you right you get milks in packets I don't think my milk seller will appreciate being called a cow exactly you get milk from a packet all modern milk that we get from packets is already pasturized and homogenized right there is no need to boil it unless you are doing it for the taste right or to separate the cream for whatever reason to separate the fat for whatever reason if you want to separate the cream that is fine but there is no Health reason for boiling the milk the bacteria are already dead yeah yeah the pasturization process makes sure that the bacteria are dead yeah so in general H there is one very interesting principle that comes up from this whole boiling milk thing right that a lot of modern technology has gone into increasing the convenience of food preparation like you know milk that is prep pasturized so that you don't have to waste time boiling it correct correct fridge so that you can make food once and then store it for a day 2 days or something like that but for some reason a lot of people get very worked up that oh this modern things they are making our food bad and you shouldn't do that like there's all kinds of people who will come with knives at you because you shouldn't keep food in the fridge it makes the food toxic wait what food how does fridge makes the food toxic it just chills the food down to a temperature where there is no further activity have you heard of people saying that fridge makes the food toxic yes lots of people say that in fact there are people who say that food should be prepared fresh and consumed within four hours that is ideal but no it is not ideal it makes no difference H food is nice to eat man reheat it microwaves were given by God for this purpose okay which God Phillips kstar Samsung LG the point is that a lot of people and many of these are men right who go around saying that we should stick to these traditional ways of preparing food it's because those men don't have to do the work of preparing the food right they want fresh food for every meal and then just walk off and sleep right whereas the women like work in the kitchen all day and they have nothing else to do with their lives because they have to prepare fresh food every few hours I am not that kind of guy I just like eating hot food prepared by anyone me my wife my mother my uncle whoever hot food is nice yes microwave gives hot food start using it make food put it in the fridge take it out microwave it it is equally good equally delicious okay fine all right all right fine but hold on uh you also said something very early in the beginning about uh detox being not not right or not there is like this entire cottage industry of people who sell you like these 15-day detox course right they will put you on some like spinach diet only spinach juices all day and uh they might even do colon cleansing for you and so on right okay our system does a very good job of detoxing okay job of detoxing is the job of our kidneys and our liver and they do it fine this detox stuff there is enough research showing that it does nothing for you okay some of it some people the biggest benefit they get is that they lose weight sure if I forced you to drink spinach juice every day you will stop eating and you will lose weight okay that nothing surprising about that not to myself drink spinach juice every day as long as you don't have access to any sure as in you know you go and live in some Forest somewhere and the nearest bag of potato chips is 100 km away yes you are going to lose weight right so yeah if you're doing it for that reason uh go ahead right but do not so it's not it's basically not the spinach juice it's the absence of the potato chips around the spinach juice there are whole bunch of these other uh diets right like I don't know Dixit diet and what is Dixit diet oh you just stop having all milk items and your diabetes comes under control the simple fact is that if you remove all milk items all the good stuff goes away no paneer no uh Mai nothing right you are going to lose weight yeah that's a good way to control your diabetes so yeah but uh detoxing in certain cases does help like for example if you're trying to do a drug detox that that's a different definition of detox okay so if you are addicted to alcohol then you go to a de Addiction Center and there that at alcohol detox the drug detox they are useful they work but that's not the detox I'm talking about I'm talking about the detox where they make you drink lots of green tea and lots of spinach and kale juice right no no drink 15 glasses of juice until you throw up and then you say well now my stomach is clean don't do that no of course I'm not doing that that just sound there are people doing that so you have to stop okay please stop doing that please don't fall prey to all of these nonsense detox ideas and nonsense detox diets unless they are scientifically proven and by scientifically we mean double blind randomized control trials that's the gold standard yes right so detoxing if it's not drug and alcohol detoxing waste of time uh sugar all kinds of sugar is bad for you anything if it tastes sweet it is bad for you anything that is good is bad for you is essentially the Crux of this episode a lot of misconceptions have been cleared unfortunately in this episode I apologize but that's what naen does clears out a lot of misconceptions especially the ones that are helpful so another misconception you probably have is that you are middle class you are not check out our episode on misconceptions about income distribution in India check that out naen shrikant future IQ