Essential Insights for Learning to Code

Aug 5, 2024

Learning to Code: Key Points


  • Coding is often referred to as the new literacy.
  • Common myths:
    • Everyone can learn to code easily.
    • If you can't code, you'll become obsolete.

Personal Journey in Coding

  • Initial motivation: Wanted to escape a low-paying job and build an app.
  • First attempt: Bought a book on PHP and MySQL; struggled and gave up.
  • Success came later with a family project requiring a website, leading to the first successful site.

Hard Work vs. Talent

  • Hard work is more important than raw talent in coding.
  • Learning is a continuous cycle of success and failure.
  • Pain is part of the growth process (like learning an instrument).

Language Choice

  • The specific programming language matters less than becoming proficient in one.
  • Focus on understanding programming patterns and problem-solving.
  • Recommendations for beginners:
    • Python: Minimal syntax, very useful.
    • Other options: JavaScript, Go, Kotlin, Swift.

Problem-Solving Techniques

  • To improve problem-solving skills:
    • Actively write code, don’t just watch tutorials.
    • Engage in practical exercises like building projects, coding challenges, or hackathons.
  • Aim for consistency: Code a few hours daily.

Health and Well-being

  • Coding can be sedentary and unhealthy; maintain good physical and mental health.
  • Suggestions for health: Exercise, nutritious meals, and regular breaks.

Learning Techniques

  • Use Richard Feynman's technique:
    • Choose a concept, explain it simply, refine your understanding, and organize your knowledge.
  • Teaching others can reinforce your own understanding (e.g., mentoring, creating content).

Building and Feedback

  • Focus on building a full working demo quickly for motivation.
  • Seek feedback and be open to refining your work.

Positive Feedback Loop

  • Set achievable daily goals to create a rewarding experience.
  • Aim for a balance of hard work and regular breaks to avoid burnout.

Final Thoughts

  • Google is a key resource for learning.
  • Encourage continuous exploration and learning in coding.
  • Reminder to subscribe for more learning content.